Kalambaka and meteors. What is worth seeing in Kalambaka? Brief chronology of historical events

Kalambaka is a small town located in the very center of Greece, in the northwestern part of the Thessalian Plain. It is the capital of the Kalambaka district, which is part of the Trikala region. The second largest and first most important river in Greek history, Pineos, flows near the city.

The official population of the city, according to the latest census in 2011, is about 8,500 people. Despite such a small number of inhabitants, the city annually receives more than 2 million tourists who come here to visit a unique geological and cultural monument of world significance - the Meteora rocks with their monasteries.

The city has been known since ancient times under the name Eginio. It was first mentioned in the 2nd century. BC e. Then the city was captured and destroyed by the Romans. In the 11th century, Kalambaka received a new name - Stagi and became the center of the diocese of the same name. The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (10th – 11th centuries) with its carved iconostasis and well-preserved beautiful frescoes reminds us of this period in the complex and interesting history of the city.

The city received its current name during Turkish rule. "Kalambaka" means "strong fortress" in Turkish. During this period it became an important trading center in Greece. The city was under the yoke of the Turks until 1881.

Kalambaka, although not a very large town, has an excellent tourist infrastructure: there are many comfortable hotels and shops. It has its own historical and architectural monuments.

On the outskirts of Kalambaka, on the road to Meteora, there is a city museum. Its exhibition tells about the life of the city. On the second floor of the museum there are photographs on display on the same topic.

The city has several small beautiful squares with fountains. This is a favorite vacation spot for locals. Kalambaka attracts travelers with its comfort and warmth, unique flavor and exceptional Greek cuisine.

Not far from the city, near the village of Kastraki, huge rocks rise: Agion Pneuma and Dupiani. At their peaks, from where a beautiful view opens over the entire plain, the remains of ancient monasteries have been preserved. Monks once lived in caves hidden in the body of the rocks, and in one of them, located at an altitude of 630 m, they even built a church - Agia Apostoli.

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Meteora: between heaven and earth

Above Kalambaka, just 3 km from it and 20 km from Trikala, rise the proud and majestic rocks of Meteora - a unique geological phenomenon, with monasteries built on their tops - the main attraction of Thessaly and one of the most striking attractions of Greece. The monastery complex of Meteora is the second most important center of Orthodoxy in the world, after St. Athos.

Pilgrims from all over the world flock here. Only here, being between heaven and earth, can you feel alone with God and get closer to him. The fantastic landscape of steep cliffs rising in the middle of a huge plain makes an extraordinary impression. Looking at this creation of nature and human hands, you never cease to be amazed at the strength of spirit of those who created these masterpieces and the capabilities of man.

It is impossible to imagine the unusually solemn and unearthly beauty of this place without visiting here. The sheer cliffs of Meteora, whose height reaches 600 m, seem to hang between heaven and earth, and the monasteries seem to float in the air in the middle of a flat valley. That is why they are called “Meteors” - “hanging in the air”.

In 1988, the monasteries of Saint Meteora were included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

The question of the origin of this geological phenomenon constantly occupies both Greek and foreign geologists, who have not come to one final conclusion. An interesting fact is that neither Greek mythology, nor ancient Greek sources, nor foreign historians report anything about this place.

It is believed that on the site of today's Thessaly there once existed a sea. During one of the earthquakes, the mountains surrounding it were divided in two, a passage was formed between Olympus and Kissavos - the Tempi Gorge, through which the water went into the sea and Thessaly turned into a plain.

According to the theory of the German geologist A. Philipson, the Meteora rocks arose from a huge mass of river stone, sand and mud, brought here by Pineos and forming a huge cone. When, during the Tertiary period, the waters of the Thessalian Sea left, this massif, as a result of the action of water, winds, rains and earthquakes, was divided into rocks of various shapes and sizes. The hardening of the stone and sand into hard rock was the result of the dissolution of the limestone and the pressure that the upper layers exerted on the lower layers over many thousands of years.

Philipson's theory is considered the most correct, since it explains the pebbly nature of the rocks and does not contradict the traditional theory about the existence of the sea in Thessaly.

Those who have the patience to count all the rocks of Meteora say that there are more than 1000 of them. Their steep peaks, where no human has gone before, and the wild and inaccessible landscape were a suitable place for Christian hermits. The time when the first monks settled here is not known exactly. According to different opinions of Byzantologists, it is believed that the first of them came here before the beginning of the 11th century. They climbed onto them and, like birds, “made” their nests in caves and cavities of rocks, withdrawing from the world, seeking spiritual fullness and peace in prayer and fasting. Other historical information mentions the ascetic Barnabas as the first settler, who founded in 950-970. the oldest monastery - the Holy Spirit. This was followed by the creation of the monastery of the Transfiguration (1020) by the Cretan monk Andronikos and in 1160 - the creation of the monastery of Stagon or Dupiani. After 200 years, the hermit Varlaam founded the monastery of Varlaam or All Saints. In the XIV century. St. Athanasius of Meteor from the monastery of Greater Meteor creates here the first organized monastic community with its own laws, following the model and laws of the monasteries of St. Athos. Later, on the largest rock, whose height is 613 m and the area is 6 hectares, he founded the Great Meteor monastery, calling the wide stone rock, which he first climbed in 1344, “Meteora”. Later, unknown monks created the monasteries of the Holy Trinity, St. Stephen, Presentation, Arsana, St. George Mandilas, St. Nicholas Anapavsas, Our Lady of Mikan, St. Theodore, St. Nicholas Bantov, Holy Apostles, St. Gregory, St. Anthony, Pantocrator, St. monastery (Theotokos), John the Baptist, Preobrazhensky, the monastery of the Calligraphers, St. Modest, the monastery of Verig the Apostle Peter, St. Demetrius, Kalistrat, the monastery of the Archangels and John of Bunil. This is how this unique monastery complex, consisting of 24 monasteries, appeared.

The skill of their builders was so high, and their architecture was so carefully thought out that they seemed to merge with the rocks into a single whole, becoming their natural continuation and completion. Looking at them, it seems that nature created these rocks along with the monasteries.

During the years of decline and then the fall of the Byzantine Empire and the subsequent conquest of Thessaly by the Ottomans in 1393, monastic life in the monasteries of Meteora died down. By the end of the 15th century. and, especially, in the 16th century. Meteors are experiencing their highest peak: new monasteries and monastery buildings are being created, which are decorated with icons unique in their execution technique. The peak of its prosperity was in the 17th century. However, after it the decline begins again. Nowadays, out of the once existing 24 monasteries, only 6 operate: the male monasteries of the Transfiguration, St. Varlaam, St. Nicholas Anapavsas and the Holy Trinity, and two women’s monasteries - Rusan (or Arsan) and St. Stephen, as well as the monasteries of several more monasteries.

Until the last century, it was possible to get into the monasteries only with the help of lifts - special baskets or nets that were pulled up by the monks themselves. In the same way, everything necessary for the life and existence of monasteries was delivered there: building materials, fabrics, food and everything else. Later, hanging wooden stairs appeared. Thanks to this isolation, the monasteries could live and develop peacefully. During the Turkish rule, Meteora, due to its morphology, became an exceptional refuge for monasticism. Many monuments and works of post-Byzantine culture were preserved and saved here. However, at the beginning of the 19th century. many monasteries were plundered by Ali Pasha's army. At the beginning of the 20th century, steps were carved into the rocks of Meteora and tunnels were punched, making the monasteries easily accessible to visitors. The traditional ways of communication between monks and the rest of the world: ladders, ropes, pulleys and baskets, are a thing of the past. Today, steep steps lead to the monasteries and paved asphalt paths.

Since 1960, restoration work began in the monasteries, which continues to this day. At their own expense, monks and nuns support and preserve artistic manuscripts, icons and paintings, various objects embroidered in gold and carved in wood, holy relics and church utensils of great historical and national significance.

Monks, priests, great artists and painters such as Theophanes and Franco Catelano participated in the painting of the Meteora monasteries. The birth, life and crucifixion of Christ, the martyrdom of saints and many other scenes from their lives are the themes of magnificent iconographic frescoes decorating the interior halls of churches. They are characterized by rich colors, sometimes lively and bright, sometimes delicate, expressiveness of faces and movements.

Treasures, relics and many unique miniature works have been preserved in the Meteora monasteries. The most characteristic is the wonderful carved wooden iconostasis in the cathedral of the monastery of St. Stephen. The miraculous Cara of St. Charalampia and the Holy Chalice are kept here.

The museum of the monastery of St. Varlaam contains a rich collection of small old portable icons, crosses with pieces of the Holy Cross, bishop's staffs, brocade robes of priests, manuscripts, gospels, ritual utensils, lead seals, and silver shrines for storing relics are exhibited. Of particular interest is the Gospel belonging to the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus, and a large collection of rare manuscripts, gold-embroidered shrouds, and carved wooden crosses of unusually fine workmanship.

From a historical point of view, more than a thousand manuscripts and a number of Byzantine and post-Byzantine documents of invaluable importance, which are stored in the archives of the monasteries, are of great interest.

All operating monasteries of the complex are open to visits by both believers and tourists. True, strict rules have been established: the clothing of all visitors must comply with church codes - arms and legs must be covered, and women must also cover their heads.

Imagine rocks “floating in the air” that are more than 60 million years old, and stone steps leading to the very tops, where there are active monasteries that are more than a thousand years old... and a city that appeared in the second century BC. Touch ancient history.

Kalambaka is a city in Greece, located on the western edge of the Thessalian Plain. It is the center of the district of the same name, which is part of the nome (prefecture) of Trikala. It is located 21 km northwest of Trikala itself. The city of Kalambaka has ancient origins, mentioned by historians Strabo and Livy under the name Aeginion.

The first mentions of Kalambaka date back to the second century BC. Kalambaka has had to endure many ups and downs, prosperity and destruction over its long history. Therefore, the city of Kalambaka has brought many interesting historical facts and wonderful ancient legends to the present day. In 167 BC. e. the city was destroyed by the Roman conquerors, but continued to exist until the 11th century. At this time, it received a new name - Stagi and became the center of the diocese of the same name. Here is the cathedral of the diocese of Stagi, dedicated to the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (X-XI centuries) with well-preserved frescoes and a carved wooden iconostasis.

The first hermit to settle on the site of the future Meteora monastery was Barnabas, who in 950-970 built the oldest monastery of the Holy Spirit.

The city received its modern name during Turkish rule, when Kalambaka became an important trading center. On May 1-10, 1854, a Greek uprising broke out in these places and the city was captured by the Greeks under the leadership of General Christodoul Hadzipetros. The city was finally liberated from the Turks on August 27, 1881.

The main reason why tourists visit Kalambaka is the monastery and rock complex of Meteora, which lies three kilometers north of the city. In 1988, the monasteries were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. They are located on the tops of grandiose cliffs, reaching a height of 600 meters above sea level and are a rare geological phenomenon.

The rocks were formed more than 60 million years ago. They were once the rocky bottom of a prehistoric sea. Water, wind and temperature changes turned them into massive stone pillars, as if hanging in the air. The unusual shape of the rocks is reflected in their name: “Meteora” translated from Greek means “floating in the air.” At night, the rocks are illuminated by spotlights, giving them an even more mysterious and majestic look. By the way, some hotels in Kalambaka have rooms with views of Meteora.

It is believed that the first hermits climbed these rocky and inaccessible cliff tops, cut off from the world, long before the 10th century. They lived in caves and rock cavities, establishing small areas nearby - the so-called “prayer places”. But to participate in divine services and sacraments, hermits had to go down to the old Church of the Archangels in Kalambaka (then Stagi). Therefore, the decision to build their own temples on the tops of the rocks was logical.

The construction of the Transfiguration Skete (1020) by the Cretan monk Andronikos marked the beginning of the organized monastic monastery of Meteora. Around 1340, the monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord (“Great Meteor”) was founded here. It is located on the highest and largest rock - 613 meters and 6 hectares.

The Monastery of the Holy Trinity became the location for the filming of the film “For Your Eyes Only” from the James Bond film series.

Until the 20s of the 20th century, monks and visitors could only enter the monasteries by hanging stairs, or with the help of monks who lifted them in special nets. In the same way, all building materials for the construction of monastic buildings, food and other things necessary for monastic life were raised to the top of the rocks. Thanks to this, the monastery was perfectly protected from enemies, which allowed it to grow stronger and develop.. At the beginning of the 20th century, in a relatively calm time, roads were built to the monasteries and stone steps were made for the ascent. Now, out of the previous 20 monasteries, only 6 are active: 4 male and 2 female. There is a museum in the Varlaam Monastery that houses a large collection of rare manuscripts, gold-embroidered shrouds, and carved wooden crosses of exceptionally fine workmanship.

“Kalambaka” is translated from Turkish as “strong fortress”.

Kalambaka itself also has something to see, although the modern city was practically rebuilt after the Second World War. The Kalambaki Museum is located on the outskirts of the city, on the road to Kastraki and the monasteries. The exhibition focuses on everyday life in rural Greece; it is complemented by a collection of photographs exhibited on the second floor of the museum.

In the monastery of St. Nicholas Anapavsas there is a crypt where many skulls of deceased monks are kept.

The main street, which is adjoined by several cozy squares decorated with fountains, runs right through the town. Local residents gather there to socialize and relax. According to reviews from travelers, Kalambaka enchants with its provincial homeliness, unique flavor and original Greek cuisine. On Friday mornings, the central square hosts a lively market. You can buy anything here: from olives and nuts to silk scarves and warm gloves. In the city center there is a pastry shop that sells halva, for which Kalambaka is famous, and home-made kurabiye macaroons. The city has a good selection of traditional restaurants and cafes at different price points, most of them located on the main street.

In addition, Kalambaka is one of the cities in Greece that offers tourists a large selection of fur coats at affordable prices. The only pitfall is the presence of non-original (Chinese) fur coats, which has become typical for Greece in recent years. But you can still buy real Greek furs in the country: the main thing is not to forget about it while visiting the store. The surroundings of the city are picturesque. And to the south, in a cave formed in the Teopetra rock, traces of settlements from the Stone Age period were found, which are of great archaeological value. Tourists are also allowed here.

The Monastery of St. Nicholas Anapavsas is a functioning monastery located on a high cliff. To get to it, you need to go through a difficult path - first climb 143 steps to the foot of the rock, and then another 85 steps carved into the rock itself.

It is believed that the monastery was founded in the 13th century by Nikanor, whose last name was Anapavsas. Since the rock has a very small area, the monastery buildings are located at different heights, like a labyrinth. On the first level is built the Chapel of St. Anthony, so small that it can only accommodate one clergyman. On the second level there is the Church of St. Nicholas, built in the 16th century and decorated with frescoes by the outstanding icon painter Theophanes Strelidzas. On the third level there are cells, an old refectory and a small church of St. John the Baptist.

Rusanu Monastery

The Rusanu Nunnery, also named after Saint Barbara, was founded as a monastery for men in 1388. There are several versions of the origin of its name. After some time, the monastery was practically destroyed, and on its ruins in 1527, the brothers Maxim and Joasaph from Ioannina built a new monastery, which has survived to this day.

The monastery is located on a high cliff, on a very limited building area, and is a small four-story complex. The main church in the monastery is the Church of the Transfiguration. It is rich in paintings of the post-Byzantine era, made by masters of the Cretan school. The frescoes “The Suffering of the Saints” and “The Accession to the Throne” are of particular value.

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Monastery of St. Stephen

The Monastery of St. Stephen is an Orthodox monastery for women and is located on the rock of Thessaly, in Greece. Founded in the 14th century, the monastery belongs to the famous Meteora monasteries. In the mid-16th century, the ancient cathedral was restored and declared independent and patriarchal. And at the end of the 18th century, a new cathedral was erected in honor of Saint Charalampios, the second patron of the monastery. In the 20th century, the monastery was subject to destruction and desecration and was abandoned until 1961. Currently, 20 nuns live here.

Today, the iconography of the old cathedral has been restored and is an interesting picturesque complex. The new cathedral is the main church of the monastery and is closed to visitors. In addition to these cathedrals, the monastery has preserved cells, a hearth, stables, as well as an ancient altar, which now houses the sacristy museum. The exhibition contains manuscripts, ritual utensils, ancient icons of Emmanuel Tsane, and magnificent examples of wood carving.

There is a modern access road to the monastery of St. Stephen, as well as a stone bridge.

The monastic center of Meteora was formed around the 10th century, and since that time its existence has not been interrupted. This center includes six active monasteries belonging to the Orthodox Church.

They are located on the tops of truly amazing rocks, the height of which reaches 600 meters above sea level. These rocks, formed more than 60 million years ago, are a truly unique geological phenomenon.

The architectural complex now includes a chapel, a balcony castle, an altar, and monks’ cells. The central cathedral, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, is the pearl of the complex. The open balcony offers stunning views of the neighboring rocks and those located on them.

Monasteries in Meteora

The monasteries of Meteora are one of the largest monastic complexes in Greece, famous primarily for their unique location on the tops of rocks. The monastic center was founded in the 10th century. In 1988, the monasteries were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Meteora is located in the mountains of Thessaly in northern Greece, in the north of the Trikala region. They are located in the Khasia Mountains, near the Pinios River, 1-2 kilometers north of the city of Kalambaka (formerly Stagi) and 21 kilometers northwest of the city of Trikala. Nowadays only 6 monasteries operate.

To visit all 6 monasteries in one day and have time to see their attractions, it is recommended to start with the monasteries of St. Nicholas (Ayiou Nikolaou Anapavsa), Varlaam and Great Meteoron, before lunch break (from 13:00), when the monasteries are closed to visitors. And then, after lunch, go to St. Roussanou, the Holy Trinity Monastery (Ayias Triadhos) and St. Stefanou (Ayiou Stefanou).

All monasteries adhere to a strict dress code: shoulders must be covered, men must wear long trousers, and women must wear long skirts. The monasteries in Meteora are a wonderful place with a rich history that you should definitely pay attention to.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery - Great Meteor

The Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, also known as the “Great Meteor,” is one of the meteor monasteries located on high cliffs. It is the largest in area and is located on the highest cliff.

The monastery was founded around 1340 by the Athonite monk, Saint Athanasius of Meteora. He climbed the highest rock, where he built a modest church and dwellings for the monks. The main cathedral - the Transfiguration - was built in 1388, then restored and painted at the end of the 15th century. Its length is 32 meters - and the height of the dome is 24 meters.

The monastery reached the peak of its development in the 16th century, when new premises, a nursing home, a tower and several chapels were built with donations from imperial persons.

Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord - Great Meteor

The Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord, also called the "Great Meteor", is located on the highest rock Meteor, at an altitude of 613 meters above sea level. The monastery was founded around 1340 by Athanasius of Meteora.

The main cathedral of the monastery - Preobrazhensky, was built in 1388 and has a height of 24 meters, it contains the crypts of the founders of the monastery. In the former refectory room there is currently a museum, the most valuable exhibits of which are icons of the 14th - 16th centuries, the oldest Greek manuscript from 861, and an embroidered shroud of the 14th century.

In the XV-XVI centuries the monastery was painted and decorated with frescoes. At the end of 1791, a new wooden iconostasis with gilding was made. In 1922, steps were cut into the rock for a safer climb to the monastery.

Varlaam Monastery - Monastery of All Saints

The history of the founding of the monastery began around 1350, when a monk named Varlaam climbed the rock and began to explore it. He built three churches, a cell, a water tank, and lived his whole life alone on this rock. After his death, no one lived on the rock for about two centuries.

In 1518, the monk brothers Theophanes and Nektary first climbed the rock to restore the Church of the Three Saints, built by Varlaam. Later, the brothers decided to stay on the rock and gradually other monks began to come to them, and by the middle of the 16th century there were already 30 of them.

In 1542, the brothers built the main church of the monastery - All Saints. From the 17th century, the monastery began to gradually decline and remained in this state until 1961, when a new brotherhood, headed by the famous figure of the Greek Church Callinicus, settled on its territory.

Mavrovouni beach

Mavrovouni beach is the largest beach and the most popular holiday destination in the Gythio area. It is located about 2 kilometers south of the city, next to the village of Mavrovouni.

This sandy beach with a fine pebble seabed extends over a distance of 6 kilometers. It is busiest during the summer, but it is never crowded. This is a great place for lovers of active water recreation.

Here you can windsurf, sail or water ski. It is worth noting that the water here is especially clean, for which the beach was awarded the Blue Flag. Thanks to good environmental conditions, a rare endangered species of sea turtles, the Caretta Caretta, can be found here.

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At the very foot of the magnificent rocks called Meteora lies the equally attractive city of Kalambaka. Every year, many tourists from all over the world flock here to see with their own eyes an undeniable miracle - the unique monasteries that tower over this settlement and are monuments of the Middle Ages.

In the article we will tell you in more detail about the small but picturesque town of Greece - Kalambaka, which has an interesting history and rich architecture.

Monuments that tell a story

Near this city, its quiet waters flow, known from history under the name Pinhos. And the town itself is mentioned in the oldest manuscripts dating back to the second century BC. Almost completely destroyed by the Romans, it was reborn from ruins and became the central place of the local diocese.

Numerous unique monuments that have survived to this day are witnesses to those historical vicissitudes. A stunning sight - ancient monasteries located on the peaks of Meteora, forming a single composition.

The amazing frescoes that adorn the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (a 10th-century building) provide an opportunity not only to receive aesthetic pleasure, but also to touch history. By the way, the name of Kalambak itself means “powerful fortress” (translated from Turkish). The power established here by the Turks lasted until the second half of the 19th century.

Both Meteora and the Thessalian Valley have always been quite a tasty morsel for many conquerors and at the same time a bone in the throat. All the warriors who came here did not stay here for long. Although, according to rumors, the Greeks are not a particularly hardworking people, practice (ancient wars and World War II) shows that these people are stubborn, freedom-loving and persistent. They are true patriots of their homeland.

Brief chronology of historical events

Such a seemingly calm and cozy place as Kalambaka has a rather difficult and long history, covering the following stages:

  • The name of this city since the 10th century has been Stagi, and since 1204 its ownership has passed to Epirus.
  • At the end of the 13th century, the city of Stagi was ruled by the Dukes of New Patras.
  • In 1304 it was taken by the Franks Varons.
  • In 1334 it was again conquered by the ruler of Epirus, John II.
  • A little later, Andronikos Palaiologos took over the lands of Stagi, and the city became a part of the Byzantine Empire.
  • In 1349, the city and the surrounding lands were captured by the kings of Serbia.
  • When Stagi was captured by the Turks (mid-15th century), the name of the city changed to Kalambaka.
  • It is important to note that in the 18th century. in Kalambaka (Greece) its own school appeared (for comparison: in Bulgaria there were no official schools until the beginning of the 20th century, since the Turks forbade opening them).
  • Kalambaka took part in the revolt against the Turks in 1854. And in the battles in the Thessalian valley they suffered heavy losses.


At the foot of Meteora there are two settlements. From the heights of the cliffs, small white houses with orange roofs are clearly visible. They are scattered throughout the Thessalian valley. These houses belong to the village of Kastraki and the city of Kalambaka.

From the small town of Kalambaki, located at the very foot of Meteora and on the left bank of Pignos, the larger Trikala is only 20 kilometers away. The height of the settlement above sea level is 240 meters.

Sights of Kalambaka

Greece can rightfully be proud of its beautiful cities and the wonderful nature that surrounds them.

Thus, in the local history museum, located on one of the outskirts of Kalambaka, you can learn everything about the past life and eventful fate of the city. You can admire its landscapes at special scenic areas equipped with magnificent fountains. Locals love to spend their holidays in these places.

Undoubtedly, the main attraction of Kalambaka is the “floating” mountains. This is exactly what the name Meteora sounds like translated from Greek. You can verify the veracity of such an epithet by climbing a mountain peak on a cloudy day. Thanks to the fog, which completely hides the foot of the mountain, you create an indescribable feeling that you are soaring high above the ground.

The city of Kalambaka in Greece is very ancient. While walking along it, you can see traces of the great Roman Empire everywhere - architectural details of those times, pillars, inscriptions, etc. One gets the feeling that the size of that greatest power is amazing: wherever you go, traces of the Romans are everywhere.

To satisfy your hunger after interesting city walks, you can stay in any of the many cozy and hospitable taverns offering a variety of excellent Greek cuisine. Each of these establishments has an unforgettable atmosphere that is greatly appreciated by travelers.

Also on the streets of the city there are many souvenir shops with memorable intricate things. The locals are very friendly and welcoming. Their warmth, like the city’s flavor, leaves an unforgettable impression of them and wins hearts forever.

Kalambaki Hotels

Greece is loved by many tourists. And there are 33 hotels at the service of those who come to Kalambaka.

The most popular among them are Pyrgos Adrachti, Iridanos and Dellas Boutique Hotel. The average cost of service per person here is approximately 2,280 rubles per day. However, it is possible to find rooms in other large and small hotels in the city at lower prices.

It should be noted that from almost any hotel in the city you can quickly get to Meteor. Kalambaka (Greece), like Kastraki, is very convenient in this regard.


Meteora is a place of pilgrimage for believers in Greece. Kalambaka welcomes Christians from all over the world all year round. Here, from time immemorial, giant pillar rocks rise from the ground to the very sky. Holy monasteries are securely located on their tops, which are visited annually by thousands of pilgrims and tourists. Silence and amazing calm reign here.

In such an extraordinary place, amidst peace and beauty, you can have a wonderful time of relaxation, combining it with getting to know the rich history of this area.


Kalambaka is a town 21 km from Trikala. The town is small, about 12 thousand people live here. From Athens to the town it is about 4 hours drive, and from Thessaloniki 2 hours. If you decide to go there, be sure to visit monasteries in Meteora.

This is one of the largest monastery complexes in the country and an absolute miracle. The ancient buildings are located on the tops of rocks in the Khasia Mountains (about 600 meters above sea level), next to the Pinios River, a couple of kilometers from Kalambaka. There are six active monasteries in the complex. Monasteries of St. Nicholas (Ayiou Nikolaou Anapavsa), Varlaam and Great Meteoron It is worth visiting before one o'clock in the afternoon, when the monasteries close to visitors. After lunch, go to the monastery Saint Roussanou, Holy Trinity (Ayias Triadhos) and Saint Stephen (Ayiou Stefanou).

Church of the Holy Trinity - the pearl of the complex, which consists of a chapel, a balcony castle, an altar and a monks’ cell.

Rusanu Nunnery (built in honor of St. Barbara), in general, was originally built as a men's house in 1388.
Soon the monastery became completely dilapidated, and in the mid-16th century a new monastery building was built on the ruins of the temple, which can be seen today. The four-story building is located on a large platform, and inside you can admire paintings from the post-Byzantine era created by artists of the Cretan school. The most luxurious frescoes are “The Suffering of the Saints” and “The Accession to the Throne”.

Varlaam Monastery was built in 1350 through the efforts of the monk Varlaam, who lived in this complex until the end of his life, and after his death the rock was uninhabited for another couple of centuries.
The complex contains three churches and a cell. The monk had a container for water, and lived his whole life alone on this rock. And so in 1518, the monk brothers Theophanes and Nektary began to restore the Church of the Three Saints in this complex. Having coped with the difficult task perfectly, the brothers remained to live there, and gradually other monks began to come to the temple. Thus, by the middle of the 16th century, 30 people already lived in the complex. The main church of the complex, the Church of All Saints, was built in 1542, but in the 17th century the building began to deteriorate, and no one occupied the building until 1961, when a new brotherhood settled on its territory.

To get to Monastery of St. Nicholas Anapavsas , you need to climb 143 steps of the mountain, and then another 85 steps into the rock itself.
Scientists suggest that the temple was built in the 13th century by the monk Nikanor. The monastery complex is not very large, and all the buildings are located at different heights, and it turns out something like a labyrinth. On the first level is the Chapel of St. Anthony - absolutely tiny - only one person can fit inside. On the second level you can see the 16th century Church of St. Nicholas with rich frescoes. On the third level there are cells, an old refectory and a small church of St. John the Baptist.

Female Orthodox St. Stephen's Monastery was built in the 14th century, and in the 16th century the temple was restored and declared independent. Two centuries later, a new cathedral was erected in the complex in honor of Saint Charalampios, another patron of the monastery.
At the beginning of the last century, the church was in a dilapidated state, and was even subject to desecration and was abandoned until 1961. Today 20 nuns live in this temple. The interior of the old cathedral is impressive with its frescoes and paintings. But it is unlikely that you will be able to get into the new temple - it is closed to tourists. In addition to these two temples of the complex, on the territory you can see cells, a hearth, stables and an ancient altar and a sacristy museum, where you can see beautiful manuscripts, ritual utensils, ancient icons of Emmanuel Tsane, and examples of wood carvings. St. Stephen is easy to get to - a modern access road leads to the temple, and there is also a stone bridge.

Male Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord or Great Meteor - the largest monastery complex (territory of about 6 hectares), the name of which translates as “Great place hanging in the air.”
Meteor was erected in 1340. The main cathedral of the monastery (katholikon), the Transfiguration Cathedral, was built in 1388. This is a cruciform temple with a twelve-sided dome, 24 meters high and 32 meters long. The chapel (temple extension) rests on four columns, which are covered with frescoes on religious themes (scenes with scenes of the torment of saints). The ceiling of this building is also covered with frescoes, and there are also burial places of the founders of the monastery - the Venerable Athanasius and Joasaph. Next to the burials you can see their images (they are holding a monastery in their hands). Joasaph, by the way, was a Serbian king before his tonsure and his contribution to the construction and prosperity of the temple is invaluable. The Great Meteor performs the function of governing all the monasteries in this territory.

From the cliffs there is a wonderful view of the surrounding area and rocks. By the way, the rocks were formed more than 60 million years ago, and this is also amazing. Keep in mind that you need to dress appropriately for monasteries - covered shoulders, long trousers or skirts.

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Tourists from all over the world come to Kalambaka, first of all, to get acquainted with the unique archaeological complex, which has no analogues anywhere in the world. We are talking about the majestic natural monument - Meteora. On the majestic steep cliffs rising outside the town of Kalambaka there are several monasteries that survived in Meteora. At one time their number exceeded 30, and they were built starting in the 14th century by monks who first settled in the Meteora area much earlier, back in the 11th century. The monastery ensemble, protected by UNESCO as part of the world cultural heritage, annually attracts tens of thousands of pilgrims from all over the world.

What are the main objects and attractions of Meteor worth seeing while vacationing in Kalambaka?

1. The Great Meteor Monastery, which was founded in the mid-14th century by the blessed Athanasius of Meteora on the rock Platis Litos (Wide Stone). This is the oldest and largest Meteor monastery, which also has the richest monastic theological pinakothek.

2. Holy Presentation Monastery (Ipapantis), currently empty, although it has recently been restored. In the monastery you can admire frescoes dating from 1334-1347.

3. The Monastery of St. Nicholas Anapavsas (the Tranquilizer) is the first on the way of pilgrims climbing Meteora. The monastery was founded in the mid-14th century and is decorated with wonderful frescoes by the great icon painter Theophan.

4. Monastery of St. Varlaam, founded by the ascetic Varlaam in the mid-14th century and located opposite the Great Meteor. Among its buildings, the old refectory, kitchen and almshouse stand out. The monastery houses a valuable collection of manuscripts, icons and holy relics.

5. Monastery of Rusanu, or Arsanu - the first monastery, which currently functions as a nunnery. It was painted by an unknown artist. From the monastery courtyard there is a breathtaking view of the Great Meteor, the monasteries of St. Varlaam, St. Stephen and the Holy Trinity.

6. Monastery of the Holy Trinity, founded in 1362 and located on one of the majestic Meteor rocks. Here you can also see a small temple of John the Baptist carved into the rock, painted with frescoes in 1682.

7. The Monastery of St. Stephen is the most easily accessible of all the Meteor monasteries, since you do not have to climb steep steps to get to it, like most other objects in the complex.

8. The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is the only temple in Greece with a marble pulpit in the center. It was built between the 10th and 12th centuries. According to legend, a tunnel was dug underneath it, connecting the temple altar with the Trikala fort.

9. Ascitarium of the Holy Spirit, located at an altitude of 300 meters, reaching which takes about an hour on foot from Kastraki.