Summary of a lesson observing dandelions in the senior group. Material (junior group) on the topic: notes on observing a dandelion

Anna Nshanovna Uzunyan

Clarify and expand ideas about the first flowers of spring;

To form in children an idea of ​​the connection between plants and various environmental factors. Give an idea of ​​the different parts (structure) of the plant;

Develop observation, thinking, enrich and activate children's vocabulary;

Foster love and respect for nature.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about spring, looking at pictures, reading and memorizing poems, solving riddles, daily observations in nature.

Preparation for observation:

The teacher’s guidance in choosing an object of observation to solve the assigned tasks with the greatest completeness.

Methodical techniques:

artistic word,



Progress of the lesson.

(Observation is carried out on the street)

Educator: (asks a question) What flowers bloom makes the carpet in the clearings and meadows seem golden? To name it correctly, guess the riddle:

On the lawn, near the forest,

Flowers bloomed.

Yellow like the sun.

On a green leg.

And as soon as they grow up

Hats will be put on -

Soft, airy -

Obedient to the wind!

Children: (in unison) dandelions.

Educator: Guys. today, we will talk about dandelions that appear as soon as spring comes into its own. Here in the south they bloom earlier than in other places.

(The teacher sets a cognitive task for the children. He offers to go around the kindergarten area and identify where dandelions grow, whether they exist at all.

Children are divided into small subgroups and begin to explore and identify.

Together with the teacher, they approach the observed object. Children are given time to explore independently)

Educator: (reads)

Sun drops early in the morning

They appeared in the clearing.

This is in a yellow sundress

Dressed up.

Children: dandelion.

The teacher asks questions:

What does a flower have?

What color is the stem and leaves?

What color is the lush head?

When will he have a white dress

What is dandelion compared to?

What do you know about him?

These flowers are very loved by insects: bees, bumblebees. butterflies, for their nectar and pollen;

It is eaten. Salads are prepared from young leaves, and jam is made from flowers;

Dandelions are a medicinal plant;

Dandelion seeds can fly hundreds of kilometers through the air;

Getting rid of dandelions is not easy. In most countries it is considered a weed. And in China they call it a vegetable;

You can set your watch by dandelions. They open at 6 o'clock in the morning and close at 3 o'clock in the afternoon;

For us, dandelion is a flower that we have loved since early childhood.

(The lesson ends with a generalization about the patterns and relationships in nature. Lead to independent conclusions about the benefits, about the dazzling beauty, which does not leave indifferent not only children, but also adults.)

The sun dropped

Golden ray.

The dandelion has grown

First, young.

He has a wonderful

Golden color.

He's a big sun

Small portrait.

Publications on the topic:

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Summary of Dandelion Observations junior group

CHCH kindergarten No. 93 JSC Russian Railways

Educator: Chimizhova O.A.

Tikhoretsk 2016

Target: develop in children basic ideas about flowering plants; encourage children to recognize dandelions, daisies, marigolds and name them; develop a vocabulary of adjectives (white, yellow, fluffy, golden, like the sun); cultivate a feeling of sympathy and respect for plants.



Clarify children's knowledge that there are different flowers. Give a complete picture of the dandelion flower, how it differs from other flowers.


Develop fine motor skills fingers, tactile sensations, speech breathing.


To foster love and respect for nature, to evoke an emotional response from the actions taken.

Progress of observation:

Dandelion observation.

Girls and boys!

Don't pick dandelions!

Among the houses, among the cars -

Cheerful, meadow

Don’t rush to grab it in your palm -

A flower like you is alive!

Guys, I suggest you admire the flower meadow. Dandelions grow in this clearing. Dandelion is a very interesting flower. Waking up in the spring, he saw the sun, turned yellow and became very friendly with the sun. As soon as the sky becomes cloudy, the dandelion will close its flower.

I'm a little yellow flower

With green stem

I'll open up early in the morning

I'll close in the evening.

What flower did I read the poem about? (About dandelion)

What does a dandelion look like? (To the sun)

The sun warmed the earth, awakened the green grass, and together with the green grass came into the light and yellow flowers- dandelions. They opened their eyes, raised their heads, looked at the sun, and smiled.Consider with children the structure of a dandelion (root, stem, leaves, flower)

What color are the leaves?

What color is the flower?

Why do dandelions wear white fluffy hats? (Seeds are ripening)

That's right, guys, a week ago we were just yellow flowers, and now the seeds are already ripe, and they are waiting for the wind to blow and carry them across the fields and meadows.

2. Didactic game “Collect a flower”

Target: consolidate ideas about the structure of a flower: stem, leaves, flowers,


Equipment: cards for each child.

Guys, look, a butterfly flew to us and brought a game, but on the way the game got mixed up and she asks for help. You need to assemble a plant from parts. (Work with cards).

Word game “Name the flower”

Target: enrich children's vocabulary. Develop memory. Children name the flowers that they meet along the way.

Labor actions.

Target: learn to work collectively. Form a desire to come to the aid of those who need it.

Methodical techniques:explanation, demonstration, evaluation of practical actions.

Equipment: blue boxes for boys, red for girls.

Guys, there was a strong wind tonight and it threw a lot of branches over the area. Let's help the janitor clean up the mess. Boys will collect branches and put them in a blue box, and girls will put them in a red box.

Outdoor game: “Sun and Rain.”Can we go for a walk?

Run, have fun,

Jump and gallop. (Children walk and jump around the area).

If the cloud frowns

And it threatens to rain,

We'll hide under an umbrella and wait out the rain.

(Children run under the roof or under an umbrella).

Analysis: Guys, what flower did we meet today, what did we learn about it, now I hope you won’t confuse it with any other flower. We cleaned the area well, the janitor will be happy. And now I invite you to play:

Lyudmila Ivanova

Subject: watching dandelions bloom


Consider blooming dandelions;

Introduce children to the name flower - dandelion, their structure, features, size, color;

Draw children's attention to the smell colors, maintain a joyful mood in children from observations while walking.

Spring, the most amazing time of the year when they bloom flowers and green foliage. Each of us, regardless of age, loves observe for the awakening of nature from sleep and its transformation. I suggest children go to walk and observe behind an ordinary plantdandelion. Dandelions They grow up in a big and cheerful family, on sunny lawns and from a distance they look like a yellow carpet. I draw the children's attention to the fact that dandelion loves open and sunny places.

I ask questions to children:

Which flowers grow on our site?

What are their names? (This dandelions)

What does it look like dandelion flower? (To the sun)

What dandelion colors? (yellow)

The children's answers are heard.

The teacher reads a literary word.

What kind of sun is there on a leg?

Did it shine near the path?

What turns yellow here and there?

What's his name?

It's yellow dandelion

Wears a bright sundress!

I suggest the children pick some flowers and leaves, in order to put them in a small vase in a corner of nature. Children are very pleased to collect small bouquets; it is very interesting and curious for them. But there must be moderation in everything. No need to tear up large bouquets. It's enough to pick a few colors to make a bouquet this is necessary for observations for children. At all times (from the history of our ancestors) the girls were collecting flowers and wove wreaths from them. At the end - mid-May, with massive flowering you can weave several small wreaths, and now the girls can make a ring (trunk) flower separate into two parts and tie a stem around your finger).

I draw the children's attention to the leg flower. I propose to look at long and short legs, I ask the children to show which long stem flower, which one is short? If necessary, I help children, rings from dandelions only succeed flowers with long stems.

I invite the children to smell flower.

What smells flower? (They smell delicious)

What does this smell like? (Smells like honey)

Therefore, you can see a lot of bugs and butterflies on them; they love to collect sweet pollen.

Labor activity:

Collect a bouquet dandelions in a corner of nature.


Develop interest in the world around you, observation, curiosity;

Cultivate interest in the natural environment.

Outdoor games:

P/n "On a smooth path"

Target: practice jumping on two legs while moving forward (guide by ropes).

P/n "Don't get caught"


Practice running in different directions;

Develop slow and fast running;

Orientation in space.

Ball games.


Learn to catch the ball with both hands (individual work with a subgroup of children).

Games in the sand with sand sets.


Strengthening the properties of sand.

Drawing crayons.


Consolidation spectrum colors(blue, red, yellow, green).

Remote material: rope, sand sets (buckets, shovels, rakes, strainers, balls, colored crayons;

Toys – cars, various rubber toys.

Observation structure

Subject: Observing dandelions in the middle group

Target: Expand and clarify knowledge about dandelion.


Educational:Learn to describe the plant, consolidate knowledge about the structure of the dandelion;

teach to distinguish plants by characteristic features (yellow fluffy flower, long stem, give an idea of ​​the different stages of plant life: yellow during flowering and white during seed ripening;

Educational: Continue to develop the ability to establish connections between living and inanimate nature.

Educational: Cultivate a love for nature.

Preliminary work:watching a presentation with dandelions, talking about the benefits of this medicinal plant, reading poems and riddles.

Material: Dandelion.

Progress of observation

1. Organization. Motivation.

- Guys, do you like solving riddles? I’ll tell you a riddle now, and you need to guess the riddle! Listen carefully.

On the lawn, near the forest,

Flowers bloomed.

Yellow like the sun.

On a green leg.

And as soon as they grow up

Hats will be put on -


Obedient to the wind!(Dandelion ) .

Children guess the riddle

2. Main part.

Looking at a flower.

- Children, look what beautiful flower in my hand, who knows what it's called?- - What size is this flower?

What colour?

What shape?

What does it feel like?

The dandelion flower is called an inflorescence that resembles a yellow basket, it is called a basket. Then the dandelion becomes white and airy, and the seeds - “parachutes” - ripen and the wind carries them in different directions.

Smell the dandelion and bring it closer to your nose. Now look at each other. The dandelions on your noses have left their bright yellow pollen.

- Children, look how beautiful our lawn is.

(Children bend down and touch the flowers).

Dandelions wake up very early; in clear weather early in the morning you can admire this wonderful sunny flower. While the sun is shining brightly in the sky, the golden dandelions seem to copy it, but as soon as the sun goes behind the clouds, the dandelions will also hide and cover their heads with green leaves.

Introducing children to signs:

On a sunny day, the dandelion flowers are closed - it means rain; if it is cloudy, but the dandelion flowers are open, there will be no rain.

Now let's play a little

Physical education lesson “Dandelion”

Dandelion, dandelion!
(They squat, then slowly rise)

The stem is as thin as a finger.
If the wind is fast, fast
(They scatter in different directions)

It will fly into the clearing,
Everything around will rustle.
(They say “sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”)

Dandelion stamens
They'll scatter in a round dance
(Hold hands and walk in a circle)

And they will merge with the sky.

Guys, it turns out that dandelion can be found everywhere: in fields, meadows, slopes of ravines, along roads. Dandelion has a long, thick root. A rosette of bright green leaves emerges from the ground. The more moisture the plant receives, the larger and more beautiful its leaves. Each leaf has a groove in which dew and raindrops accumulate. From the grooves, water is directed to the root and nourishes the entire plant. A thick tube without leaves emerges from the leaves - this is the stem.

Dandelions are flowers in which all stages of development can be found at the same time (some are growing, others are blooming, others are already ripening seeds).

Guys, do you know that jam is made from dandelion flowers, and girls love to weave wreaths from these flowers. You need to pick them very carefully because the plant secretes juice that stains your palms and clothes; these stains are difficult to wash off.

3. Final part

Did you guys like our observation?

What interesting things do you remember?

What new things have you learned?

Questions for children:

What is the name of the flower we met today?

At what time of day does a dandelion open its flower basket?

How should we relate to the plant world?

Who knows anything else interesting about this flower?

Cognitive and research activities

“Observing a dandelion on the site” middle group

Form of conduct: group.

Educational areas: “Cognition”, “Health”, “Safety”, “Communications”, “Socialization”.

Goals and objectives:


To develop interest in educational and research activities on the topic “Flowers”;

Develop observation skills, develop the ability to examine the object of observation;

Expand your horizons, form ideas about the dandelion as a flower.


Develop the ability to maintain health with the help of medicinal flowers.


Foster a desire to preserve and protect nature.


To develop the ability to comply with norms and rules of conduct during the observation process;

Enrich and activate vocabulary: flower, seed, dandelion, parachute, stem, sun.

Develop the ability to answer questions in complete sentences.


Develop communication skills with adults and peers during the observation process.

Tips for a teacher. This lesson is carried out in the first half of the day. Choose a time when there are many dandelions with golden and fluffy heads on the lawns at the same time. You can invite children to blow on a fluffy ball in a place where there are few dandelions, so that next year they can check whether flowers will appear there.

Observation is carried out at the site.

Educator: Today, guys, we will admire a beautiful clearing where very beautiful flowers grow.

Which? Listen to the poem here:

Wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress.

When he grows up, he will dress up

In a little white dress:

Light, airy,


They said dandelion, but they say either yellow or white. So you can see this and that. Let us check with you...

Notice how many dandelions there are around us.

The children look at the clearing and see many dandelions around them.

They come closer to the yellow dandelions and examine them.

Guys, please tell me what the dandelion we are looking at looks like? …. (Yellow, fluffy flower, thin stem, green leaves)

Indeed, this beautiful flower stands on a thin leg - this is a stem, and the leg, in turn, holds a large head - this is the dandelion flower itself.

Tell me, what does the flower look like? (Sun)

He is like the sun because he loves the sun's rays.

Reads a poem.

The sun dropped a golden ray,

The first dandelion grew, it was young.

It has a wonderful golden color.

From the big sun, a small portrait.

Here, guys, we can say that a dandelion can only appear when the sun directs its bright, yellow rays at it.

Let's now come to the fluffy dandelion.

They come up and look at him.

How do you think dandelions spread and why are there so many of them? … .(They are spread by the wind… .)

The teacher listens to the children’s answers and adds:

They are unpretentious. Each golden-yellow basket produces several hundred seeds. As soon as the wind blows or touches a fluffy flower, the ball breaks up into hundreds of parachutes that carry seeds. The seeds germinate easily, so there are a lot of them around. Dandelion- amazing flower, which opens at 5-6 o’clock in the morning, and by 2-3 o’clock in the afternoon the yellow lights go out. They predict the weather and close before the rain.

Guys, please tell me which of the forest inhabitants often comes to visit the dandelion? (Butterflies, beetles, bees....)

Frequent guests of the dandelion are insects that love it and fly in to feast on the sweet nectar.

Dandelion should also be loved not only by insects, but also by people who should take care of it.

Do you think dandelion is good for humans? And why should a person take care of this flower? (Grandmothers make jam, honey....)

The teacher listens to the children’s answers and adds.

Dandelion is a medicinal plant, an infusion is made from it, dandelion honey is made, it increases appetite and improves performance. And we can say about the dandelion that it is an invaluable friend and helper.

From medicinal plants You can only collect those that are in abundance. If you rip rare flower, then there will be no seeds from it and such flowers will be found less and less often in nature. Therefore, it is impossible to pick rare flowers in nature. They need to be admired. A plucked flower quickly fades. Let's make sure of this:

Now we will pick three yellow dandelions, put them in water in a group, and in the afternoon we will see what happens to our dandelions.

Children go into a group and put them in the water. At the end of the day, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the heads are drooping and the bouquet has withered. And on the green grass the dandelions were beautiful. Although there were a lot of them, it was not worth tearing them up. Moreover, you should not pick those flowers that are few.