Kirkazon Manchurian is a medicinal plant. Potassium permanganate for plant health - reliable and irreplaceable

Kirkazon Manchurian

Kirkazon is a fairly new and rare ornamental plant that is ideal for vertical options decorating the space. It is worth knowing that the Manchurian kirkazon is listed in the Red Book of Russia, so it cannot be touched in nature, but it is not only possible, but also necessary to propagate and grow on your own plot.

As for other countries, for example, in Korea and China, Manchurian kirkazon is not assigned to rare species, there it is quite widespread and is a very strong, actively growing liana, which sometimes occupies large areas of mixed mountainous forests, as well as the banks of rivers and streams. On loose, nutritious and moisture-rich soil, the vine can reach gigantic sizes, stretching 12-14 meters. In nature, any trees located nearby act as a support. However, you should not think that kirkazon grows only near trees, this is not at all the case. He can live quite open area, and instead of trees use fences, gazebos, poles, etc.

In general, you need to plant Manchurian kirkazon on your site; its leaf blades seem to be painted a rich green color, they have a pleasant-looking rounded heart-shaped shape and a size that sometimes reaches three tens of centimeters. The leaves bloom towards the end of April, and active leaf fall is observed in early or mid-October. But I would like to talk separately about the flowers of this plant; they definitely will not leave indifferent glances. The flowers have a tubular shape, but not straight, but curved like a saxophone. The perianth most often has a yellowish-greenish color, less often pale brown. If you look inside the flower, you will see burgundy or dark brown dots and stripes. Kirkazon usually blooms in the middle of the last month of spring and until the beginning of summer you can see its fancy flowers. In the first month of autumn, fruits of interesting appearance and shape ripen, similar to a small cucumber without pimples, about 11 centimeters long.

In addition to the flowers, the stems of the vines can also attract attention; their bark has a relief pattern with rather deeply recessed grooves. If you decide to try the bark to the touch, it will resemble that of the famous cork tree. The stems, even in an adult vine, are not very thick, reaching about four centimeters in diameter, sometimes a couple of centimeters more. The stems sometimes wrap around themselves several times, eventually resembling twine, but this is exactly how they rise upward along any support. If you plant several plants on a site, they may grow and resemble an impenetrable jungle. southern regions planets. Kirkazon is not at all afraid of the cold, he spends the winter in the center of Russia with virtually no shelter and does not get sick in any way, and the only maintenance work he requires is the presence of moisture in the soil.

To plant a kirkazon, you need to choose the most well-lit places on the site, however, it will heroically withstand light shade. If the shadow is dense, the shoots will stretch out greatly, the distance between the nodes will become larger and the stem will be exposed, this can spoil the overall decorative look. In an open area, pretty soon the vine will form a dense wall of bright foliage. It is noteworthy that you can build a gazebo exclusively from Kirkazon. To do this, you need to drive in four pillars, creating a square, plant a brick wall on one side (preferably the south) and fasten the pillars on the planting side with wire in several rows; you need to make the roof of the gazebo from several rows of wire. As the Kirkazon grows, it will braid the wire and spread to the roof; the dense foliage will not allow light to pass through, creating a shadow, and will protect even from moderate rain.

It is better to plant two or three year old seedlings, leaving about a meter between them. bury root system It is recommended no more than half a meter, and the roots, if they are very long, should be shortened by a third before planting. When planting, the root collar should be placed flush with the soil. Speaking of soil, if it is heavy in the area, then drainage is needed (brick, crushed stone with sand in a layer of 14-18 cm). When planting in a hole, you can add 5-6 kg of organic matter, 45-55 g mineral fertilizers, and install a pole or other high support next to the hole.

Further care consists of annual feeding with mullein diluted ten times with water. A bush needs at least five liters of this solution. Kirkazon also needs regular watering, at least a bucket of water for each plant, and if the summer is very dry and hot, then also sprinkling in the morning and evening.

Kirkazon does not like dense soil and crusts on its surface, so you need to constantly loosen the soil, and to prevent it from compacting, lay a layer of mulch on its surface, about 4-6 cm thick. Do not forget about removing weeds, especially when the vines are young, in later, as it grows, the weeds will disappear on their own.

Inspect the vine periodically; if you notice that some shoots have dried out, cut them off, and if the tips of the vine begin to exceed the height of the support, then they can also be cut off.

Around mid-to-late October, the plants need to be prepared for wintering - remove the shoots from the support, lay them on the ground and cover them with a layer of dry leaves of 5-7 cm.

N. V. Khromov , Candidate of Biological Sciences

(Newspaper "Gardener")

Kirkazon - Manchurian and large-leaved

beautiful and decorative varieties there are quite a lot of herbaceous annuals, biennials and even perennials. There are a lot of decorative ones, beautiful flowering bushes and trees. But there are very few similar vines, just a few species. Therefore, every new vine included in ornamental gardening is a great achievement. These are precisely the Kirkazons that have just begun to be widely introduced into landscape design. There are about 180 species, most of which are tropical plants. However, several species are also found in the temperate zone and can therefore be grown as decorative vines and with us. Some are even considered cultivated, although they are still undeservedly rarely grown. Their appearance is very unusual. Flowers are distinguished not so much by their beauty as by their whimsicality and originality. But their very large leaves are especially decorative. Of the kirkazons, two types are most suitable for cultivation in the Middle Zone and the North-West of our country - Manchurian and large-leaved.

Kirkazon Manchurian or Aristolochia Manchurian (Aristolochia manshuriensis Kom.) is a rare liana listed in the Red Book of our country, growing in the south of the Primorsky Territory of Russia; and abroad - in China and Korea. It grows along rivers and streams, entwining tree trunks, rising into the crown and oppressing them. Poisonous, but at the same time healing, used, due to the rarity of the species, so far only in folk medicine. Its trunk is woody, ribbed, reaching 15 m in length and 5 cm in diameter in adult plants. The bark is soft, corky, gray. Young shoots are green, woody shoots turn brown. The leaves are large, up to 30 cm in diameter, light green, turn yellow in autumn, and have a specific camphor odor. The flowers are peculiarly pitcher-shaped, curved-tube-shaped, up to 6 cm long, with a ribbed perianth tube sharply curved upward; greenish outside, purple-mottled inside. The bend of the tube is three-lobed, brown-yellow in color. The fruit is a hexagonal elongated cylindrical capsule, up to 10 cm long. The seeds are flat, triangular in shape, 7 mm in diameter. Manchurian kirkazon is propagated by stem layering, green and semi-lignified cuttings, in greenhouses; as well as sowing stratified seeds. It is demanding on soil fertility and moisture, resistant to smoke and gas, and can be cultivated in cities.

Moderately shade-tolerant, tolerates partial shade. Quite winter-hardy in the Middle Zone and in the North-West of our country, it grows and bears fruit successfully, but young lower leaves suffer from spring ground frosts. And the ends of the shoots that do not have time to become woody in the fall may freeze slightly in winter. However, this does not affect the growth and development of plants; they should simply be lightly pruned in the spring. The view is very decorative, therefore it is very valuable for vertical gardening. Unfortunately, it is undeservedly rarely grown.

Large-leaved Kirkazon (Aristolochia macrophylla Lam.) - tree vine up to 10 m long. Homeland - North America. In the culture of our country, it is cultivated somewhat more widely than Manchurian kirkazon, from the Leningrad region and to the south. The leaves are large, heart-shaped, up to 25 cm in diameter. It blooms in June and bears fruit well. It is quite difficult to accurately determine the true size of the flowers, they are so intricately curved. The perianth limb is 2.5 cm, located at the end of a long curved floral tube; it is elaborately decorative, yellow-green in color, with brown veins. The fruit is a long cylindrical capsule. Reproduces this type similar to Kirkazon Manchurian, but takes cuttings somewhat worse. Moderately shade-tolerant, but more light-loving than Manchurian. It likes nutritious, loose, deeply cultivated, moist soil. At a young age, 2-3 years, after leaf fall, the stem must be removed from its supports for the winter, bent to the ground and covered with a dry leaf and spruce branches. In mature plants it becomes quite winter-hardy. Large-leaved Kirkazon, like Manchurian, is poisonous and medicinal. All parts of the plant, especially the bark and roots, contain alkaloids that lower blood pressure.

Very decorative, can be used to decorate walls, balconies; perfectly camouflages fences, outbuildings, gazebos and other small architectural forms. Easily and quickly climbs the supports, beautifully braiding them and creating a green wall. It can, with appropriate care, form an umbrella-shaped crown.

The described types of kirkazons grow quickly, prefer fertile soil and light partial shade, although they can also grow in the sun. No special pruning is required; only dead, as well as unnecessary, improperly growing shoots should be removed. Abundant large leaves and original shaped flowers of kirkazons can decorate or, if necessary, hide any vertical surfaces. Their widespread introduction into floriculture will further expand the use of vines in landscape design.

Vladimir Starostin , candidate of agriculture. Science, dendrologist



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Class: Dicotyledons Order: Pepperaceae Family: Kirkazonaceae Genus: Kirkazon Species: Kirkazon manchurian

Kirkazon Manchurian- Aristolochia manshuriensis Kom., 1904

Category and status: 1 - endangered species. A relict of the tertiary flora, located on the northern border of the range. The only food plant for the relict species of butterfly Atrophaneura alcinous.

A brief description of. Woody climbing vine, rising through trees up to 15-20 m high. The leaves are rounded - heart-shaped, up to 30 cm in diameter. Blooms in late May - early June, ripe fruits in September - mid-October. Propagated by seeds; when the vine is damaged, it sprouts.

Spreading. In Russia it is found only in the southwestern part of the Primorsky Territory, in the bass. pp. Barabashevka, Amba, Gryaznaya, Ananyevka, Nezhinka, Borisovka. The main range is located outside of Russia: Northeast China and the Korean Peninsula (1-3).

Features of ecology and phytocenology. Grows in polydominant broad-leaved and mixed (with whole-leaved fir) forests on fertile well-drained soils in river floodplains and at the foot of gentle slopes, more often northern expositions, under rocks and in valleys (1-3).

Number. The number of adult individuals in Primorye is less than 500 (1-3). State of local populations. Natural populations are small and rare. The most significant population with a predominance of large (up to 15 m high) fruiting vines, with self-seeding and individuals of different ages, was previously noted in the area of ​​the village. Gornoe (north of Khasansky district, lower reaches of the Ananyevka river). In other places it grows in small groups of individuals 6-8 m tall, with rare oppressed undergrowth (2). The population's interest in this plant as medicine with angina pectoris, led to predatory destruction of the vine. Currently, large fruiting specimens are rare.

Limiting factors. Extreme conditions at the limit of its range. Strict adaptation to certain environmental conditions. Small number of individuals in the population. Weak seed productivity. Forest degradation under the influence of anthropogenic impact and fires. Ornamental plant, used in folk medicine. It suffers from the harvesting of vines by the population for medicinal and commercial use.

Security measures taken. It was included in the Red Books of the USSR (1978, 1984) and the RSFSR (1988). The species is included in the List of flora and fauna objects listed in the Red Book of the Primorsky Territory (2002). Not found on the territory of nature reserves.

Necessary security measures. Conduct a search for areas of natural complexes with kirkazon to organize a reserve. Monitor the status of populations. Create mother plantations. Introduce into culture for vertical gardening.

Cultivation capabilities. Successfully grown in 22 botanical gardens in Russia (4). Introduction experiments in the Botanical Garden (Vladivostok) showed the possibility of growing Aristolochia from seeds, without stratification. Seeds germinate well (germination rate up to 95%) when sown in autumn (5) and in spring; accelerated methods of growing from cuttings have been developed (6, 7).

Information sources. 1. Vorobyov, 1968; 2. Kurentsova, 1968; 3. Kurentsova, Valova, 1969; 4. Plants of the Red Book...., 2005; 5. Nesterova et al., 1996; 6. Slizik, 1978; 7. Slizik, Chashchukhina, 1979. Compiled by: N.S. Pavlova. Red Book Russian Federation(and mushrooms)

is one of the plants of the family called Kirkazonaceae; in Latin the name of this plant will be as follows: Aristolochia manshuriensis Kom. As for the name of the Kirkazon family itself, in Latin it will be like this: Aristolochiaceae Juss.

Description of Manchurian Kirkazon

Kirkazon Manchurian is a fairly large vine, the length of which can reach about ten to fifteen meters. Such a vine will climb up tree trunks. The bark of this plant is soft and endowed with a significant corky layer, and the color of such bark will be dark gray.
The bark of young shoots of Manchurian kirkazon will be colored in brown tones, while the young shoots themselves will be bright green and slightly pubescent. The fresh wood of this plant is endowed with a very strong and pungent camphor odor. The leaves of the Manchurian kirkazon are very large, their length will be about ten to thirty centimeters. The shape of such leaves will be rounded-heart-shaped and they are also endowed with a sharp and very characteristic odor. Young leaves of this plant will be slightly pubescent below, and on top they will have short, sparse hairs; adult leaves will also have single short hairs. It is noteworthy that the leaf petiole turns out to be much shorter than the blade. Flowers are present one at a time, rarely two. The flowers are colored yellow, they are on stalks, and their length will be about one and a half to three centimeters. The perianth tube will be very large, its length is five to six centimeters, such a tube will be sharply curved upward from the middle, it will be bare, painted greenish on top, and endowed with purple rings and specks inside. The diameter of the perianth limb will be about two centimeters, and this limb will also be endowed with three shallow lobes. Most often, the perianth is colored brownish-yellow, and less often, greenish-yellow.
The fruit of the Manchurian Kirkazon is a hexagonal cylindrical box of green color, and when ripe, such a box will be slightly brown. The seeds can be either gray or slightly brownish, their length in diameter will be about six to seven millimeters, and their shape will be almost triangular.
Under natural conditions, Manchurian kirkazon is found in the south and Primorye Far East. As for the general distribution, this plant can be found in China and North Korea. For growth, the plant prefers places along the edges and streams, in mountain forests and near rocks in small dense thickets.

Description of the medicinal properties of Manchurian kirkazon

Kirkazon Manchurian is endowed with very valuable healing properties, while therapeutic purpose It is recommended to use the roots and wood of this plant. The presence of such valuable healing properties should be explained by the content of aristocholic acids and polynuclear aromatic compounds in this plant.
This plant is endowed with antipyretic and diuretic effects, and will also help increase lactation.
A decoction prepared from the stems of Kirkazon Manchurian is recommended for use for stomatitis, cystitis, lack of milk in nursing mothers, as well as for difficult and painful urination. A decoction prepared from the roots of Kirkazon Manchurian should be used as an external remedy for snake bites, and also as a pain reliever.
It should be noted that due to insufficient knowledge of the composition of this plant, it is possible that new ways of using the healing properties of Manchurian kirkazona may emerge.

Botanical characteristics

Kirkazon Manchurian, translated as Aristolochia manshuriensis, another name is Aristolochia Manchurian, this plant is a liana, it grows up to 15 meters, and freely climbs up the trunks. The bark has a corky layer of dark gray color. The leaves are large, their length reaches 30 centimeters, and their shape is heart-shaped and round.

The flowers are yellow in color, they are on peduncles, the perianth has a large and greenish tube, a limb with three lobes, it is brownish-yellowish. The fruit is represented by a hexagonal capsule, its shape is cylindrical. The seeds are almost triangular and gray in color.

Plant distribution

This representative of the flora is distributed over a large area of ​​the Far East. It can be seen on the edges, Manchurian kirkazon grows in mountain forests, next to streams, near rocky areas, and it does not grow in single specimens, but in small thickets.

Part used

This plant is mainly used for its roots, but also for young branches and wood. These parts contain a number of substances, for example, there are aromatic compounds and aristocholic acids. Thanks to them, Kirkazon has a healing effect on the body.

Collection and preparation

To begin with, it is worth saying that the Manchurian kirkazon plant is a poisonous representative of the flora, therefore, it is better to prepare it with rubber gloves, after which you should not forget to wash your hands.

It is recommended to harvest young branches during the flowering period of kirkazona. They are cut in the required quantity, after which they are cut into small pieces and placed to dry in an automated chamber; it is recommended to set the temperature in it to 50 degrees.

After the raw materials are ready, you need to take them out and place them in prepared cloth bags, or you can also use cardboard boxes. The dried branches are taken to a dry room and stored there for three years, and medicinal decoctions and infusions are prepared from them.

The roots are also harvested in the same way, using an automated chamber; their shelf life in a dry room can reach three years, after which the roots will be lost medicinal properties and will not be suitable for use.

Growing and Reproduction

This representative of the plant kingdom prefers to grow in nutritious and fairly moist soil. It is better to plant it in a semi-shaded place, protected from gusts of wind in depressions of the terrain, closer to streams. At the same time, Aristolochia Manchurian requires a mandatory garter or supports.

It is propagated by layering, as well as by seed, sowing seeds before winter. It is worth saying that this vine is relatively winter-hardy and tolerates slight cold snaps well.

Application of Kirkazon Manchurian

Drugs made from Manchu kirkazon, have a diuretic as well as antipyretic effect; in addition, they help to enhance the lactation period in nursing mothers.

A decoction prepared from the plant is used in the presence of cystitis, and this drug is also effective for difficulty urinating, in addition, it is also used for stomatitis, this drug is used externally for snake bites as a painkiller.

Infusion recipe

To prepare an infusion from Aristolochia Manchuria, you will need ten grams of pre-ground branches of this representative of the flora. Then it is poured into a container and 200 milliliters of boiling water is poured into it, then everything is mixed and the container is immediately covered with a lid so that the drug infuses better for one hour.

After 60 minutes, the infusion can be filtered. To do this, it is recommended to use gauze, only it should first be folded in two layers, in this form there is a greater chance that the raw materials will not penetrate into the filtered liquid. Take a ready-made potion of Aristolochia Manchuria, approximately 50 milliliters.

It is advisable to use the infusion up to four times during the day, this drug is especially recommended for use in the presence of edema, both cardiac and renal origin, and also to use it effectively in the presence of high temperature, in order to reduce it.

The infusion must be stored in a cool place, and after use it must be immediately put in the refrigerator so that the drug does not have time to deteriorate. It is recommended to sell it within three days from the moment of preparation.

Decoction recipe

To prepare the decoction you will need five grams of chopped branches; they should be filled with boiling water, at least 200 milliliters. After which the container is placed in a water bath for about fifteen minutes, stirring the drug if necessary.

After which the decoction is ready for use, it is used for medicinal purposes, not forgetting to first consult with a doctor. The drug must be stored in a refrigerator, and the sales period should not exceed five days.


You can prepare medicinal potions from Manchurian kirkazon, but before using them you should first consult a doctor.