Crosswords with numerals in the Russian language. Crossword puzzle on the topic of numeral name. Declension rule for complex numerals

Integrated lesson (Russian language and mathematics) (Slide 1)

Topic: “Number. Numeral"

For the lesson, the class is divided into several groups, which are given an advanced task.

1 group. Write a fairy tale that contains numbers.

For example, fairy tale by F. Krivin “The Multiplication Table”.

On the last page of the notebook there is a multiplication table. Strict columns of numbers stand in close ranks, ready to demonstrate their strength and power to any student from the first to the tenth grade at the first sign. From the first sign it is clear. After all, the parade is commanded by the Sign of Equality.

- Be equal! – commands the Sign of Equality. And the numbers are equal. Two times two equals four. Three times five equals fifteen. Seven eight equals fifty six. That's how precise everything is here! The multiplication table is a harsh discipline, but numbers obey it easily and willingly.

Is it possible not to obey the discipline that exists under the sign of equality?

2nd group. Compose crossword puzzles on the topic “Numerals”. The crossword puzzle contains numerals that need to be guessed according to this type of definition:

    “A number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the answer 121”;

    “The number that all students love”;

    “A number that cannot be divided by,” etc.

3rd group. Prepare short reports in written form: “Ancient measures of length and weight.”

For example, talk about the following units of measurement:

Some units of measurement

Numeral of Ancient Rus'

Modern unit of measurement




4th group. Record the speech of the weather forecaster on a tape recorder.

Whole class selects works, proverbs, sayings, riddles containing numerals.

During the classes

1. introduction teachers. The peculiarity of this lesson is that it combines two subjects (Russian language and mathematics). It will be taught by two teachers. Conducting such a lesson is advisable, since the topics “Numeral” (Russian language) and “Number” (mathematics) give the best idea of ​​the integrity of the world around us.

2. (Slide 2).

Topic: “Number. Numeral".

Goals: - repeat spelling features
- develop the ability to use
reference materials;
- develop interest in two sciences
(Russian language and mathematics) based
obtain additional information;
- improve thinking
(generalization, classification,
establishing analogies) and general educational
skills and abilities;
- showing the relationship between different sciences, give holistic
idea of ​​the surrounding world

3. Math teacher.

With the help of language, people convey various information to each other, express their thoughts and feelings, or, as they say, exchange information.

There are about 2000 different languages ​​in the world that are spoken, written, read different peoples. These are natural languages. They arose and developed together with the peoples.

As you study mathematics, you gradually become familiar with mathematical language. It belongs to artificial languages, but is inextricably linked with the Russian language. Let's read the assignments and translate from Russian into mathematical language and back.


1) Two cubed 2 3 =8

2) The product of all divisors of the number eight 1*2*4*8=64

3) The sum of the digits of the number three hundred fifty nine is 3+5+9=17

4) The quotient of the sum of the numbers forty-three and three and the difference of the numbers one hundred and forty and one hundred and seventeen (43+3): (140-117)=2

5) The difference between the number one hundred thirty-five and the quotient of one hundred five and seven 135-105: 7 = 120

And now we translate from the mathematical language into Russian (at the same time we exchange notebooks and check what happened to our neighbor on the desk).

We solve No. 1080.

A) The product of 25 and the sum of numbers (12 and 8).

B) The sum of 5 and the product of numbers 6 and 8.

4. Let's try to figure out how a number differs from a numeral. Read text excerpts from funny poems by Wanda Khotomskaya (Slide 3):

We have 3 sisters

Don't you know them?

How can I laugh

Tell me about three?

One, that S3zhova

S3zh lived above the window.

Why is she a craftswoman -

Come to her, baby.

Pro100th has erysipelas -

Not a 100% house,

Cha100 in it 100leg

It wanders around under 100 crowbar.

Treasured by 100 legs

Chi100 feet

and 100 personal wax.

Cleans 100 boots.

Between 100 two not about 100

Clear all 100

100 shoes at once

Nobody wore it!

(Translation by L. Kondratenko.)

When is it convenient to use numbers and letters to write numbers?

What is the accepted notation for the number?

Explain the difference between the concepts of “number” and “numeral”. (A number is a mathematical quantity, a numeral is a part of speech that denotes a number.)

What numbers represent the numeral name (3 sisters, 100 legs, 100 boots, all 100).

5. There is a reference table on the board. Let's check how you can identify parts of speech.

Table. "Parts of speech".(Slide 4).

Parts of speech:





Which? Whose?

Which? How many?

What to do? What to do?

What does each part of speech mean?

Is a grammatical question enough to determine the part of speech?

Read the phrases:

Three (for the answer), (three) comrades, three-seater (boat), triple (effort),

Tenth (on the list), a hundred (trees), a hundred-year-old (friend), (became) a fifth-grader, five (seconds), second (day).

- Identify the parts of speech using the reference diagram.

Answer the questions:

1) What do the words have in common?

2) How do they differ from each other?

(Students determine the grammatical differences between words. Be sure to emphasize the relationship based on general semantics - the meaning of a number.)

6. Open the brackets and find the “fourth extra”:

1) Thirty second, (three) millionth, (two) thousandth, (ten) millionth;

2) Numeral, simple, complete, quantitative,

3) Gram, kilogram, million, quintal,

4) Numeral, adjective, adverb, definition.

(This entry can be made on the board or on cards.)

7. What is rhyme?

Mathematic teacher. Arrange the answers to the examples in ascending order and you will find out how rhyme was called in Russia in the old days.


8. Text on screen (Slide 5).

In the mid-seventeenth century, the world population was only 545 million people. Exactly one hundred years later it increased to 725 million. Another century later, the Earth's population exceeded a billion and became equal to 1 billion 171 million people.

Very often, a person’s speech culture is tested by the ability to correctly pronounce numerals. Read the text to yourself, copy it down, replacing all numerals with words. Checking – reading the text aloud (Slide 6).

9. Take a break from writing. Let's solve the proportion. It's not mathematical. Be careful and smart!

(the proportion is written on the board.)

A) adjective = numeral

wonderful (seven, seven, seven-story)

b) noun = numeral

subject (thirty, table, number, part of speech)

10. Let's repeat how you learned the spelling of numerals. First write the sequence in numbers and then in words.

100, 11, 71, 60, 19, 16, 300 000, 988, 1993.

Screen recording self-test (Slide 7).

Can you say whether you use the first (a number in mathematics) or the second notation in life more often?

11. IN process In preparation for the lesson, some of our children chose a task that allowed them to “rack their brains.” A whole book of crossword puzzles on the topic “Numeral” was created. Now the editor will present it to us, and we will try to solve one crossword puzzle.

12. Mathematics.

Solve an oral problem.

It is known that the growth of A.S. Pushkin is 5 feet 3 inches. Express it in centimeters, if 1 foot = 30.488 cm, 1 inch = 2.54 cm. Round the result to units.

Solution: 5*30, 488 + 3*2, 54 = 152, 44 + 7, 62 = 160, 06 = 160 cm = 1 m 60 cm

13. Game continues. Guess in which TV show the report “Ancient Measures of Length and Weight” should be made (Slide 8):

6 00; 12 00; 15 00 – “News”.

9 20 – “Idols”

12 20 – “Morning concert”

14 10 – “Sport, sport, sport”

15 20 – “Historical almanac”

16 40 – “Territory of Health”

18 45 – “Press review”.

In what lessons do you encounter the concepts of weights and lengths?

What about in life?

14. A speaker competition is announced. Not only speech is assessed, but also the content of reports. Topic of the reports: “Ancient measures of length and weight.”

15. Reading the resulting With kazok, in which there are numerals (D.Z.). The class determines the ranks of numerals by writing them down.

16. Are there fractional numbers? What types of fractions do you know? (Right and wrong.)

Leo Tolstoy once remarked that a person is like a fraction, the numerator of which is what a person is, and the denominator is what he thinks about himself.

Which fraction do you think is better - regular or improper? What fraction are you?

17. Writing from memory followed by self-test (Slide 9).

I bought it for a giraffe

Thirty-three huge scarves,

So that he tied his throat,

So that you don't freeze in the cold;

And the giraffe said: “Look!

I also need thirty-three.”

18. Mathematics. Oral task.

19. Find the "fourth wheel".

A) Twenty one, eight, seventh, five;

B) Ninth, first, seven, eleventh;

B) Thirtieth, eighth, five-story, third;

D) Five sixteen, two, seven.

What did we repeat?

What are the morphological features of numerals?

20. As a reference correct use numerals in speech, listen to the speech of the announcer reporting the weather forecast.

21. Game "Who is bigger?" will reveal the most erudite, curious, hardworking.

Remember and name works, proverbs, sayings, riddles containing numerals.

22. Summarizing. Ratings. Conclusions from the lesson.

What is the difference between writing a number and a numeral?

When and why are numerals used in speech?

Why (according to the students) was the Russian language lesson held together with the mathematics lesson?

Are such lessons necessary when studying other topics of the Russian language?


1). Crosswords.

Crossword 1

    How many days are there in a week?(7)

    How many days are there in a decade? (10)

    How many seconds are in a minute? (60)

    How much is it if one thousand is divided by twenty-five? (40)

    What date was the famous linguist and methodologist Alexander Matveevich Peshkovsky born? (August 11, 1878)

    How old was the city of Chelyabinsk in 1786? (50)

    How many lessons does 6-2 grade have on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday? (18)

    How old will the city of Chelyabinsk be in 230 years? (500)

    The tale of “…the bear” (3).

    The proverb “... there is no warrior in the field” (1).

    The sum of all answers in this crossword puzzle is (700).

Crossword 2

    If this number is multiplied by 7, the result is 42 (6).

    Salt costs 7 rubles, and sugar costs 13 rubles more. How much does sugar cost? (20)

    What grade do students dislike the most? (2)

    If you divide 32 by 4, how much do you get? (8)

    Which assessment do students like the most? (5)

    The girl has 21 rubles. You need 4 rubles for travel. How much money will the girl have left? (17 rubles)

    Masha went to the market. She had 230 rubles. She bought fruits for 50 rubles, vegetables for 25 rubles, household goods for 65 rubles and dairy products for 75 rubles. How much money does Masha have left? (14 rubles).

Crossword 3

    The number after ten (11).

    Magic number in fairy tales (3).

    The first prime number is (2).

    A number with one hundred zeros (googol).

    The first three-digit digit (one hundred).

    What do you get if you multiply 3 by 5? (15.)

    The root of complex numerals, meaning “ten” (-twenty-).

    Half a thousand (500).

    Sometimes they say not “one”, but “…” (one).

    Genitive case of the numeral “five” (five).

    A bird with forty “a” (magpie).

    In English, this is a numeral that sounds like “zero” or “zero” (zero).

    Age of majority (18).

    If “six conditions have a price of three kopecks,” then “each condition has a … price” (a penny).

    In ancient times - three kopecks (altyn).

    An inch is two and ... centimeters (and a half).

    We have... excellent students (5).

    Four tenths is equal to... hundredths (hundredth).

    Three crows were sitting on a tree. One of them could not fly. Two magpies and one pigeon flew up to each of them. Two cats climbed up a tree, running away from dogs. Everyone who could flew away from the barking dogs. How many animals are left on the tree if one cat runs away? (Two.)

    In Rus' - a thousand (darkness).

Crossword 4

    How many days are there in a week? (7)

    How many days is King Dadon from “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” by A.S. Pushkin led his army before he met the Shamakhan queen? (8)

    The most unlucky number (13).

    How many times does the old man from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”) went to the goldfish so that it would fulfill the wishes of his old woman? (5)

    What number is between the numbers 8 and 10? (9)

    How much will it be if you subtract 21 from 30? (9)

    How many will it be if the number of days in a decade is multiplied by 30? (Three hundred.)

    How many months is half a year? (6)

    How much will it be if the number 500 is divided by the number of days in a decade? (50)

    How many persons are there in Russian? (3)

    How many years did the Holy Prophet Moses lead the Jews through the desert? (40)

Crossword 5

    How much will it be if you subtract 98 from 100? (2)

    How much will it be if you add 6 to 5? (eleven)

    What is the value if 2 is multiplied by 2? (4)

    How much is it if 12 is divided by 2? (6)

    What is the value if 90 is divided by 30? (eleven)

    Least favorite number of students? (2)

    What is the value if 4 is multiplied by 2? (8)

    Favorite number of students? (5)

    How much will it be if you add 10, 50 and two fives to 20? (90)

    What is the value if 100 is multiplied by 3? (300)

2). Fairy tale.

Vera Odnokozova, 6-2 grades


In parallel with our world, there are two more: the world of letters and the world of numbers. We will talk about the world of numbers. This world is very close to us: we just have to open a textbook of mathematics, algebra, geometry...

In Chislania (the name of the largest country in the world of numbers) there is different numbers: ordinary and decimal fractions, natural numbers, positive and negative numbers and many, many others. And then one day in the cold winter, when the books were lying on the shelves, positive and negative numbers began to argue among themselves. And they argued about which of them was more important and more necessary in life. The number 156 argues with the number 156: “I’m better than you, because I don’t have a minus sign.” I’m a profitable number, that’s why I’m more needed!” “No, I’m better than you, you’re greedy, selfish, you’d like to add and add everything to yourself. But I know my limits, and I’m much more interesting than you: you don’t have any signs at all! “You’re just jealous of me,” he answers his interlocutor – 156. And all the other numbers argue with each other: 58 and -58, 72 and -72, 5 and -5, 18 and – 18, 1243 and – 1243, and all- everyone, even a few, argue among themselves. And they argued so much, they quarreled so much that they declared war on each other.

This is where it started! Ones on sticks fight, eights twist each other into knots, twos hiss at each other like snakes, nines and sixes are thrown over each other’s backs, so quickly that you can’t understand where the sixes are and where the nines are. In general, the battle was life and death until they got tired. No one could win, no matter how hard they tried. And then they turned to the number that was the wisest and most correct - to Zero. And Null said: “Listen, friends, I am standing on the border, I know you all. And I will tell you that you are all wonderful: both negative and positive ones are needed in life exactly the same! But first of all, you need each other: if there weren’t five, there wouldn’t be its opposite number -5, there wouldn’t be seventeen, there wouldn’t be its opposite number - 17, and so on...”

And then the numbers understood that it doesn’t matter who is more important and needed in life, but what matters is that they are all together, and friendship is a huge power! And the numbers began to live, live and make good. And now they live, they don’t quarrel anymore.

3) Message “Ancient measures of length and weight”

Many words and concepts in our native language have changed over time. Numerals too.

If in Ancient Rus' we encountered the use of such names for measures of weight, count and length as arshin, bucket, verst, vershok, tithe, share, zolotnik, lot, fathom, mile, pud, pound, foot, quadruple, now we use global terms: hectare, kilometer, ton and others.


Arshin- a measure of length from the end of the 15th century. The term “arshin” was applied for some time to fabrics imported from Turkey, borrowed from Turkish - long cubit, used to measure silk fabrics and was equal to 71.1 cm.

Verst– a linear measure equal to the length of the furrow. The origin of the term is related to the verbal root, originally meaning “turn of the plow” and then “furrow from turn to turn.” Versta – 1.67 km.

Vershok– linear measure equal to the length of the phalanx of the index finger, 4.445 cm.

Mile – linear measure, borrowed from Western European travel measures. Equal to 1480 m.

Foot – borrowed from in English metrological unit associated with foot measurements. 12 inches, or 30, 48 cm.


Hryvnia – monetary and weight unit in Ancient Rus', a silver ingot weighing about half a pound. In ancient times: silver or gold neck decoration.

Grosh – an old copper coin of two kopecks, later - half a kopeck.

Money - old Russian half-kopeck coin.

Polushka – in the old days, a small coin of a quarter of a penny.


Lot – Russian unit of weight equal to 12.8 g.

Pud – old Russian unit of weight equal to 16.38 kg.

Pound – a measure of weight equal to 409.5 g. The English measure is equal to 453.6 g. Came to us from the Middle Ages.


Bucket - old Russian measure of liquids, equal to 1/40 of a barrel (12 liters).

Quarter - an old Russian measure equal to the fourth part of some unit of measurement (1/4 part of 1 bucket, ¼ part of a cadi).

In ancient times in Rus' there were the numerals “darkness” and “legion”.

On January 11, 1703, the book “Arithmetic, that is, the science of numbers,” was published. Translated from different dialects into the Slovenian language, and collected together, and divided into two books." This was essentially the first domestic work on mathematics, which introduced million, billion (nowadays “billion” is more often used), trillion, and others into the Russian language. international designations, as well as terms such as multiplier, divisor, product, root extraction. The author of the book was a peasant son from the Ostashkovskaya settlement, Leonty Telyashin, nicknamed Peter the Great “magnet” for his ability to literally attract knowledge to himself. This is how the new surname of the nugget from the Tver province appeared - Magnitsky.

Nagornaya Alexandra

Proverbs and sayings with numerals

      It's a small town, yeah seven voivode

      One sheep has yes seven shepherds

      Don't have one hundred rubles, but have one hundred friends.

      U seven nannies and a child without an eye.

      One an eye for us, another for Arzamas.

      One the eye can see far.

      One head is good as well two - better.

      One a stupid person will throw a stone into the sea, but one hundred The smart ones won't be taken out.

      Seven try it on once - one cut it once.

      One head on shoulders.

      One He sleeps with one eye and sees with another.

      One one leg here, the other there.

      One Beating a hundred souls at a stroke, and not counting the rest.

      One sings - the other plays along.

      One I lied, the other one didn’t understand, Integrated lesson on topic « Number. Namenumeral“//RYASh.-1993.- No. 3. c) Gosteva Yu.N., Shibaeva L.A. Integratedlesson in VI grade topic « Number. Namenumeral, words...

    1. New forms of Russian language and literature lessons content


      Page 46 Integratedlesson on topic « Number, Namenumeral". Ryash No. 3, 1993, p. 61 Integratedlesson on topic"Spring" (V grade...

Presentation for Russian language lesson on the topic “Numerals”

Russian language teacher of KSU "Secondary school-gymnasium of the village of Almalybak with DMC"

Karasai district

Almaty region of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Independent part of speech
  • Indicates the number of objects and order when counting
  • Answers the questions: How much? Which?

Numeral names: quantitative and ordinal, integer and fractional, collective, simple and complex, compound...

Numerals classification by meaning



How many?

Which one? (Which one?)





Fifty seven


Twenty two

Twenty second

One hundred thirty-four

One hundred thirty four


two fifths

Distinguish numerals from other parts of speech with the same root!

Cardinal numbers indicate the number of objects when counting and answer the question HOW MANY?

Cardinal numbers






One thirteenth


six hundredths

Thirty two

Three hundred forty five

Eight seventeenths

seven tenths



Eighty four

Four sevenths

Seven hundred nine


One twentieth


Numeral names denoting whole numbers, change

by case (all)

by birth (not all)

I.p. Five hundred fifty five

One - one, one

R.p. five hundred fifty five

D.p. . five hundred fifty five

V.p. Five hundred fifty five

etc. five hundred fifty five

P.p. about five hundred fifty five

Use collective numerals

Collective nouns and numerals are used only with three groups of nouns:

  • Males
  • Baby animals
  • Plural nouns that do not have singular parts.

(three men, four kittens, two trousers)

Declension of collective numerals






For two












About two



About four


About both

About both

Declension of fractional numbers

Two ninths


Declension rule for fractional numbers:

Two ninth

Numerals denoting the numerator are declined like integers,

Two ninths

and the numerals denoting the denominator change like ordinal numbers.

Two ninths

About two ninths

Classification of numerals by composition



1 word = 1 root


1 word = 2 roots

5 = five

15 = fifteen

2 or more words

555 = Five hundred fifty five


Sixty six

Seven hundred seventeen


one hundred eighty eight


One thousand nine hundred ninety nine

Nine hundred

two thousand seven hundred three

Five hundred forty four

Four hundred

four hundred ninety three

Declension complex numerals


six hundred



Six hundred

Six hundred


Six hundred


Six hundred

About fifty

Declension rule for complex numerals:

About six hundred

In complex numerals, both parts (both roots) of one word change

Numerals 40, 90, 100 have only two case forms:





Ordinal numbers indicate the order of counting and answer the questions: which? which one? which? which ones?



vary according to

  • childbirth
  • cases
  • numbers

just like adjectives change










About the first





Declension of ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers are declined in the same way as adjectives.

***For compound ordinal numbers, only the last word changes when declension




seven hundred and seventy seven





seven hundred and seventy seven

seven hundred seventy seventh



seven hundred and seventy seven


About the seventh

Seven hundred and seventy seventh

About the seventieth

About seven hundred and seventy seven

Check yourself:

  • What do the numbers mean?
  • What questions do numbers answer?
  • What digits of numbers do you know?
  • With which groups of nouns are collective numerals used?
  • Which numerals have only two case forms?
  • How are complex numbers declined?
  • What parts of a sentence can numerals be?
  • What numerals change according to gender?
  • What numerals change as adjectives?
  • How to distinguish a numeral from another part of speech (two-two-second-twice-two)?
  • How are fractional numbers declined?
  • What category do the numerals BOTH, BOTH belong to?
  • How do the numerals ONE AND A AND A HALF, ONE AND A HALF be declined?
  • Which numerals are declined as 3rd declension nouns?
  • How are compound ordinal numbers declined?


Crossword questions:


1.Digit of numerals BOTH, BOTH

2. Not a numeral: five, two, one, number, one and a half

3. Which noun is not used with collective numerals: foals, cats, shorts ?

4.This numeral has only two case forms: one, two hundred, one hundred, six

5.Not a numeral: three fifths, three, three, threesome, third

6. This numeral is declined as a noun of 3 declension: one, five hundred, six, sixth

7. Not a numeral: tenth, ten, ten, ten point five, twenty

8. In which numeral is b written in the middle of a word: 15, 90, 16, 600, 12, 5 ?

9. This numeral has only two case forms.

10. This numeral has a gender form.

11. Not a numeral: one hundred, two, both, one hundred and fifth, hundredth, hundredth.

12. Not a numeral: two, second, two, twice, two, two hundredth


1. These numerals are modified like adjectives.

2. Find the odd one out: three, three, three times, two

3. The numeral is inflected like a 3rd declension noun.

4. In these numerals, one part is declined as an ordinal number, and the other as a cardinal number.

5. Find the odd one out: one, first, eleven, once, hundredth.

6. Collective number.

7. Feminine numeral.

8. These numerals answer the question HOW MANY ?

9. Numeral in the instrumental case: three hundredth, three hundred, three hundred, three .

10. The main word in the phrase: one thought .

11. Which part of the sentence is the numeral: Four apple trees were planted in the garden .

Check the correct answers in the crossword puzzle

Sections: Russian language

Lesson objectives:

  • create conditions for generalizing and systematizing knowledge on the topic “Numeral”;
  • consolidate and test the ability to correctly write and pronounce numerals, i.e. observe spelling and orthoepic norms of the Russian language;
  • develop the creative abilities of students: speed of reaction, associative thinking, speech, visual memory, ingenuity;
  • cultivate respect and love for the native language.


Please indicate the correct answers

Task 1. Find the “third wheel”:

1. Seventy.
2. Fifty three.
3. Sixteen.

1. Six o'clock.
2. Twelfth.
3. One hundred and fifty-first.

Task 2. Which numeral b is written at the end of the word?

1. People at 70 don’t boast about their health.
2. Where are my 17 years old!?
3. When the trouble passes and everything calms down, 500 advisers will immediately be found
4. It’s not too late to study even at 60 years old

Task 3. Which work has a collective numeral in its title?

1. “A Thousand and One Nights”
2. “Three in the boat, not counting the dog”
3. “The Three Musketeers”
4. “Twelve Chairs”

Task 4. Cross out the words with which the collective numeral “to be friends” forbidden.

1. Two (singers, kittens, jeans, guys).
2. Four (cats, sleighs, seventh-graders, watches).
3. Seven (days, kids, girlfriends, children).
4. Both (girls, boys, hands, walls).

Task 5. In which proverb is the highlighted word a numeral?

1. Bears the owner’s name, and family cannot feed her own (Mordovian).
2. For family seals (Russian).
3. Gossip and family will destroy (Armenian).

Summing up the lesson (slide 9)

- Having done long haul, we have reached the goal of our journey. Here is your treasure! (children find the treasure in the indicated place) Excellent marks for your knowledge and skills!

Grading for the lesson.

Homework (slide 10)

Select proverbs, sayings, phraseological units that include numerals.

Sections: Russian language

Lesson objectives:

  • create conditions for generalizing and systematizing knowledge on the topic “Numeral”;
  • consolidate and test the ability to correctly write and pronounce numerals, i.e. observe spelling and orthoepic norms of the Russian language;
  • develop the creative abilities of students: speed of reaction, associative thinking, speech, visual memory, ingenuity;
  • cultivate respect and love for the native language.


Please indicate the correct answers

Task 1. Find the “third wheel”:

1. Seventy.
2. Fifty three.
3. Sixteen.

1. Six o'clock.
2. Twelfth.
3. One hundred and fifty-first.

Task 2. Which numeral b is written at the end of the word?

1. People at 70 don’t boast about their health.
2. Where are my 17 years old!?
3. When the trouble passes and everything calms down, 500 advisers will immediately be found
4. It’s not too late to study even at 60 years old

Task 3. Which work has a collective numeral in its title?

1. “A Thousand and One Nights”
2. “Three in the boat, not counting the dog”
3. “The Three Musketeers”
4. “Twelve Chairs”

Task 4. Cross out the words with which the collective numeral “to be friends” forbidden.

1. Two (singers, kittens, jeans, guys).
2. Four (cats, sleighs, seventh-graders, watches).
3. Seven (days, kids, girlfriends, children).
4. Both (girls, boys, hands, walls).

Task 5. In which proverb is the highlighted word a numeral?

1. Bears the owner’s name, and family cannot feed her own (Mordovian).
2. For family seals (Russian).
3. Gossip and family will destroy (Armenian).

Summing up the lesson (slide 9)

– Having traveled a long way, we have reached the goal of our journey. Here is your treasure! (children find the treasure in the indicated place) Excellent marks for your knowledge and skills!

Grading for the lesson.

Homework (slide 10)

Select proverbs, sayings, phraseological units that include numerals.

0 Numeral name. Simple and compound numbers

Kazakhstan, Aktobe region, Mugolzhar district

Saginskaya Basic School

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Rakhmatullina Dametken Balgalievna

Methodical description of the lesson: This lesson was conducted in the form of a reinforcement lesson on the topic “Numerals”. Methods and techniques used in the lesson new technology, which allow you to recognize numerals and develop cognitive activity.

The lesson is conducted in the form of an “Open Journal”. Each page of the journal has its own title and provides students with tasks in an entertaining way.

The purpose of the lesson:

give the concept of a numeral, enrich students’ vocabulary, teach them to recognize a numeral among other parts of speech.

develop knowledge about simple and compound numerals

develop observation skills, activate cognitive activity, correct pronunciation skills in speech, know the spelling of numerals.

instill a love for the Russian language.

Met. techniques: crossword solution, question-answer, multi-level tasks, group task

Lesson visibility: posters, slides, cards.

During the classes: 1. Organizational moment.

2. Psychological attitude.

3.Introduction to the purpose and stages of the lesson.

Psychological mood of the lesson:

Hold hands quickly

Let's spin around more fun

And they clapped their hands

Let's have a good lesson.

The lesson will be held in the form of an “Open Journal”. Each page of the magazine has its own name.

1. Repetition is the mother of learning.

2. Knowledge is power. (introduction to a new topic)

3. The book is your friend and helper.

4. Know seven languages.

5. He who knows will always find.

6. Test yourself.

As we open each page, we complete tasks. I seat the students in three rows according to their levels of knowledge. 3rd row Smarties and Smarties. 2 - row - Activists 1 - Experts

1. Open the first page of the magazine “ Repetition is the mother of learning" Each group has a separate task.

3rd group: according to the reference scheme, talks about the numeral, house. ex. 17


How many? Which? What's the count?

Quantitative Ordinal?

Three students, five books, second grade, fourth floor

One handle, first hour

House control 15

Pro100th has erysipelas

Impenetrable house.

Cha100 in it 100leg

It wanders around under 100 crowbar.

Treasured by 100 legs

clean feet and 100 personal polish

Cleans 100 boots

Between 100 two not about 100

“100 shoes at once”

Clear all 100

100 shoes at once

Nobody wore it.

1- group: works using a card.

One, two, three, four, five, do it once!

The bunny went out for a walk. Shi-re step, don't stop!

The bunny came out for a walk, De-barked two!

How can we catch the mother rabbit? Don't hold your breath!

De-lay three!

Lived with grandma

Two cheerful geese

One is gray, the second is white

Two cheerful geese.

2. Explanation new topic. 2-page “Knowledge is power”

Teacher: I every day and every hour

I’m ready to tell you how many there are.

And I can, keep in mind

Say which one you are in the row.

Today we will continue our study of numerals.

According to their composition, numerals are simple and compound.

simple and compound

consist of one word of 2 or more words



Thirty four


Five hundred seventy two


two thousand five hundred


Five sixths

Exercise: Define a simple number.

Three pencils, eighty-five tables, six books, fifteen children, twenty-seven years


Spelling -ь- in numerals.

3. To complete the exercises, go to the next page

"The book is your friend and assistant".

Group 3 performs exercise 8, write numerals in words. 11, 25,5,60,90,500,

2nd group performs exercise. 7, make up sentences with numerals.

Group 1 performs exercise. 15.

4. To warm up, open the “Know seven languages” page

3rd group solve the crossword puzzle “Numeral”

1. How many weeks are there in one month?

2. How many years do they wait for the promised?

3.How many days are there in a week?

4.What citrus fruit is the number one million?

5.How many days are there in April?

6. How many percent say when they are completely sure?

7.How many months are there in a year?

8.Is the number three times more than a million?

9. How many minutes does a typical break last?

10. The number that comes after fourteen.

11.When is Women's Day celebrated?

12. How many days are there in a decade?

Group 2 Complete the proverbs, choosing the appropriate ones, pronounce the numerals in three languages.

1. Everything...... . .. not a warrior in the field.

2.One for all... one sitting.

3.Cut.... ...... all for one.

4. One tree.... .... one size fits all.

5. Eat.... .... not the forest.

6. One... one.

7. Measure seven times... .... cut once.

1st group: Determine the numeral A) forty, forty, shirt B) table, stand, hundred

B) tights, triumph, thirty D) family, seven, seven

5. He who knows will always find. Group 3 How many years do these animals live?

Write your answer in complete sentences.

Turtle 200 years old elephant 80 years old crocodile 60 years old

Raven 70 years old tiger 50 years old cat 20 years old

Distribute the numerals according to the composition of the words: 6,7,11,25,8,10,500,85,73,101,200

simple compounds

Group 2 solves riddles.

All mothers have five sons. (five fingers)

Two rings, two ends, and in the middle there are nails. (scissors)

You enter through one door and exit through three. (shirt)

I have a toy

Steam locomotive and 3 horses

Silver plane

Five missiles and an all-terrain vehicle.

How many are together? How to find out?

Who lives in my yard?

Do the math at dawn:

One rooster, a brawler and a rogue.

Two little pigs, each a pound.

Three thin-legged foals.

Four hornless goats. (ten)

One fire warms everyone. (Sun)

Four brothers are belted with one sash, standing under one hat. (table)

Seven clothes and all without fasteners. (cabbage)

There is an oak tree, on the oak tree there are twelve nests, in each nest there are four tits. (year, months, seasons)

Group 1 Find the numeral.

Make up a phrase.

two pencils one house a hundred years four pears

three pens five fingers three years two pencil cases

6. Lesson summary. To do this, open the “Test yourself” page.

A) Digital dictation. The answers are posted on the board and students check and evaluate themselves.

1. Is the numeral an independent part of speech? (Yes)

2. The numeral answers the questions how? Why not)

3. Is the number one ordinal? (No)

4. In the numeral five, is -ь- written in the middle? (No)

5. Are there compound numbers? (Yes)

6. Is the numeral 25 simple? (No)

7. Is the number 7 ordinal? (No)

8. In the numeral 500, is -ь- written in the middle? (Yes)

B) Guess the holiday numbers from the pictures.