Irreconcilable conflict. Irreconcilable conflicts between scientists. Interpersonal and group

In the practice of domestic and foreign conflictology, there are several classifications of conflicts. Let's look at the main ones.

Conflicts are classified according to the degree of normative regulation: at one end - institutionalized (such as a duel), at the other - absolute conflicts (struggle until the opponent is completely destroyed). Between these extreme points there are conflicts of varying degrees of institutionalization.

Social conflict is a collective concept that covers many forms of manifestation of group clashes. Such conflicts differ in scale, type, composition of participants, causes and consequences. Moreover, according to the form of manifestation, these conflicts can be divided into two types:

    antagonistic (irreconcilable);

    agonistic (reconcilable).

The second type is characterized by confrontation, rivalry, and competition.

Confrontation is often a passive confrontation between social groups with opposing political, environmental, and social interests. As a rule, confrontation does not take the form of an open clash, but involves the application of pressure and the presence of disagreements. Confrontation can develop into rivalry.

Competition is a struggle for recognition of the achievements and abilities of an individual or a community. The goal of competition is to acquire better social positions and achieve prestigious goals. Rivalry, in turn, can develop into competition.

Competition is a special type of conflict, the purpose of which is to obtain benefits, profits or access to scarce goods.

Antagonistic (irreconcilable) conflicts are divided into turmoil. Rebellion, riot, revolution, i.e., conflicts that have acute forms.

Troubles are vaguely expressed dissatisfaction with the existing situation. First, irritation appears, it turns into indignation, and then into indignation. Vague goals are formalized into more or less clearly expressed demands, although it is not always clear what the organizers of the unrest want, i.e. their will is not clearly expressed. Troubles can develop into a riot or rebellion, then into an uprising.

Riot and rebellion are the purposeful expression of personal or collective activity in aggressive forms.

An uprising is a purposeful expression of personal or collective aggression with a high degree of organization of collective protest. Highest form conflict can become a revolution.

Revolution is an extreme form of disagreement, a political way of overthrowing the existing system, meaning qualitative changes in the existing socio-economic order. As a rule, a revolution involves a violent military method of action and the involvement of the broad masses in its orbit.

Sociologists also describe conflict using variables such as disagreement and dominance.

Disagreement is a fundamental variable that indicates the state and orientation of participants' views, interests, and goals as expressed in demands or declarations of intent. Disagreement generates adversarial behavior, described by the process model of conflict. Models (programs) of behavior can be of three types:

    achieving a goal at the expense of another participant in the conflict;

    partial or complete concession of one’s positions to another party to the conflict;

    mutual, equal satisfaction of the interests of both parties.

Dominance presupposes social hierarchy in human communities, the struggle for priority positions. This is a system of human actions based on the desire to use force.

If we take the object of the conflict as a criterion, we can distinguish the following types of conflicts.

    Economic. They are based on a clash of economic interests, when the needs of one side are satisfied at the expense of the needs of the other. The deeper these contradictions, the more difficult it is to resolve them. It is economic reasons that most often underlie global crises between society and government.

    Socio-political. They are based on contradictions concerning state policy in the sphere of power and social relations, parties and political associations. They are closely related to interstate and international clashes.

    Ideological. They are based on contradictions in the views and attitudes of people on a variety of problems in the life of society and the state. They can arise both at the macrosphere level and in the smallest associations at the personal level.

    Socio-psychological. They can manifest themselves both between individuals and between social groups. They are based on disturbances in the area of ​​relationships. The reason may be psychological incompatibility, unmotivated rejection of a person by a person, a struggle for leadership, prestige, influence, etc.

    Social and household. They are associated with different ideas of groups and individuals and life, everyday life, etc. The main one is disharmony in family relationships. Its reasons: everyday troubles, moral and everyday laxity, as well as serious ideological differences.

If we take the duration and degree of tension as the criterion, then conflicts can be divided into the following types:

    Stormy and fast flowing. They are distinguished by great emotionality and extreme manifestations of the negative attitude of the conflicting parties. They can end in dire outcomes and have tragic consequences: they are based on psychological condition of people.

    Acute and long lasting. They arise mainly in cases where contradictions are quite deep, stable, irreconcilable or difficult to reconcile. The conflicting parties control their reactions and actions. The forecast for the decision is mostly uncertain.

    Weak and sluggish. Characteristic of contradictions that are not acute in nature, or for clashes where only one side is active; the second does not seek to clearly reveal its position or avoids confrontation.

    Weakly expressed and fast-flowing. We can talk about a favorable prognosis only if such a conflict takes place in a certain episode. If it is followed by a new chain of similar conflicts, then the prognosis can be not only difficult, but also unfavorable.

If we take the level of organization of social life as a criterion, then conflicts can be:

    Global (world goal);

    Regional (Afghanistan);

    Interstate (Armenia - Azerbaijan);

    Interethnic (Ossetian-Ingush, 1991);

    Interclass or between different layers of society (Kuzbass: teachers, miners and officials);

    Intergroup (team of the President and the Supreme Council in 1993);

    Inter-party (Communist Party of the Russian Federation - Liberal Democratic Party);

    Interpersonal political (pre-election struggle of candidates for power structures).

If we take the number of participating parties as a criterion, i.e. circle of participants, then conflicts occur:




If we take the degree of force pressure as a criterion, then conflicts can be:

    unarmed (customs wars);

    armed, representing different scale actual conduct of military operations.

If we take the degree of contradictions as a criterion, then there are conflicts:



There may be conflicts:

    on basic issues;

    not on the main issues.

Of course, it is impossible to summarize all conflicts into a single universal scheme. There are conflicts such as “fights”, where resolution can only be achieved if one of the parties wins, and “debates”, where a compromise is possible. In addition, there are other views on the typology of conflicts. American sociologist M. Roich, for example, identifies the following types of conflicts (taking into account the motivation of the conflict and subjective perceptions of the situation):

    False conflict - the subject perceives the situation as a conflict, although there are no real reasons for this. It has no objective basis and arises as a result of false ideas or misunderstandings.

    Potential conflict - there are real grounds for a conflict to arise, but so far one of the parties or both, for one reason or another (for example, due to lack of information), has not yet recognized the situation as a conflict. It may take place due to objective reasons, but it will not be updated until a certain time.

    A true conflict is a real clash between parties. This clash of interests exists objectively, is recognized by the participants and does not depend on an easily changeable factor. In its turn. True conflict can be divided into the following subtypes:

a) constructive - arising on the basis of real contradictions between subjects;

b) accidental or conditional - arising from a misunderstanding or a coincidence of circumstances that is not realized by its participants; it stops when real alternatives are realized;

c) displaced - arising on a false basis, when the true reason is hidden. Here the perceived cause of the conflict is only indirectly related to the objective reasons underlying it, when the effect is presented as a cause;

d) an incorrectly attributed conflict is a conflict in which the true culprit, the subject of the conflict, is behind the scenes of the confrontation, and the conflict involves participants who are not related to it. This is done either deliberately or deliberately, with the aim of provoking a clash in the enemy group.

If the basis of the conflict is the mental state of the parties and the behavior of people in conflict situations corresponding to this state, then conflicts are divided into:



Depending on the goals of the conflict and its consequences, conflicts are divided into:





Social psychologist V.I. Kurbatov (Rostov-on-Don) offers other approaches to classifying conflicts:

    external - confrontation between subjects;

    internal - confrontation of motives, intentions, goals of the subject;

    choice conflict - difficulty choosing one of two equal goals;

    conflict of choice of the least evil - the difficulty of choosing between options, each of which is equally undesirable;

    group - between groups of people;

    communicative - the result of speech confrontation, which is a consequence of barriers to understanding the attitude of the first impression;

    motivational - between needs and intentions;

    open - fighting with the aim of causing damage to the enemy;

    hidden - implicit confrontation, tense relationships;

    conflict of needs - a type of motivational one associated with the fact that a person wants to achieve conflicting goals;

    conflict between needs and social norms - between motivating personal motives and prohibitive general imperatives;

    status - confrontation determined by the status, position and role of the participants;

    goal - confrontation regarding achieving a certain goal;



IRRECONCILABLE, irreconcilable, irreconcilable; irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable (book).

1. Not allowing any agreements, no reconciliation. “The task is to continue the irreconcilable struggle on two fronts, both with the “left”, representing petty-bourgeois radicalism, and with the right, representing petty-bourgeois liberalism.” Stalin(political report of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks to the XVI Congress, 1930). Irreconcilable enmity.

2. One that cannot be agreed upon or united. Irreconcilable contradictions.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what “IRRECONCILIBLE” is in other dictionaries:

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    irreconcilable- irreconcilable enemy irreconcilable conflict irreconcilable enemy irreconcilable dispute ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    Irreconcilable, forever hostile, quarreling forever, unwilling to peace. most women condition as attached Uncompromising disposition, unpeaceful. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Irreconcilable, oh, oh; them. 1. Not allowing any reconciliation or compromise. N. character. An irreconcilable struggle. 2. One that cannot be agreed upon or reconciled. Irreconcilable contradictions. | noun intransigence, and, female Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    irreconcilable- oh, oh. == An implacable fighter. == Irreconcilable struggle. ◘ Lenin acted as an irreconcilable fighter against trends hostile to scientific socialism. HO, 373. In the decisive and irreconcilable struggle against opportunism, Leninism took shape and grew... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

    Auto. brochure "Tactics of international social democracy in the fight against anarchists" (Moscow, 1906). (Vengerov) ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Adj. 1. Not willing to agree or reconcile; not allowing compromise (about a person). 2. One that is difficult or impossible to come to terms with (about circumstances). Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable, irreconcilable,... ... Forms of words

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A feature of a moral conflict is its high emotional stress, possible aggravating external factors, complex resolution of contradictions and partly hopelessness.

Moral conflict is an acute struggle of motives. IN in this case a person finds himself in a contradictory situation: moral choice does not bring relief and in any case leads to moral losses.

The individual is required to make an impossible decision: to make a choice between two equal or incomparable moral values ​​in favor of one of them with the obligatory sacrifice of another, no less important.

Such a choice always contradicts the inner world of a person, who instinctively strives to live in harmony with himself.

A striking example of such doubts is the moral torment of a lonely young mother, who understands that she is not able to feed her newly born child, but also cannot give her beloved child to an orphanage.

It is always difficult for a person with certain moral values ​​and subject to social principles and rules to get out of such a conflict with himself without loss: the established spiritual world of the individual collapses.

Types of moral conflict

The structure of the classification of moral conflicts depending on the number of parties:

  • open- contradictions that arise outside internal system one person (interpersonal and international);
  • closed- internal struggle of motives and feelings, a person’s discord with himself (intrapersonal).


Depending on the motives, one’s own beliefs and perception of the world, the social environment and its principles, the following types of intrapersonal moral conflicts are most often encountered:

  • between moral feelings and intellectual foundations (reason) - “I understand with my mind, but I can’t do anything”;
  • between duty (personal, social, parental) and emerging desires and drives of various natures;
  • between aspirations and available opportunities for their implementation.

A moral conflict of this type is a significant psychological internal problem for a person, perceived and experienced by him extremely emotionally.

Interpersonal and group

This is a social conflict. A person develops his moral qualities and beliefs, relying on public moral consciousness and traditions, while their interaction is organized in a very complex manner.

This moral conflict arises on the basis of insufficiently specific, vague descriptions of public morality and their own interpretation, which is convenient for each individual.

Moral opposition can also be classified according to the manifestation of specific contradictions between what should be and what takes place in the moral behavior of an individual:

  • contradictions between theoretical knowledge of social moral principles and real behavior;
  • between motives and the specific result of activity, this also includes contradictions between the goal and the means of achieving them;
  • between social foundations and requirements for the moral character and qualities of a person and what he is in reality.

There are no rational arguments in this type of conflict; the solution occurs on an intuitive level.


It is already difficult to imagine modern society without it: constant military skirmishes and confrontations are a vivid example of this.

Moral positions taken by an individual or group are based on the traditions of different countries, associations, religious groups and can vary significantly between communities different culture, level of education and other social aspects.

Depending on the severity of the contradictions that arise, an international conflict can vary:

  1. Irreconcilable or antagonistic- this is a type of conflict between various human values ​​that are a priori opposed to each other due to their social, religious, political, group or other types of opposites: for example, democracy and fascism, religious cells and atheistic ones. Conflicts of this kind are usually uncompromising, since they are caused by the fundamental incompatibility of interests in ideas about morality, good and evil.
  2. Non-antagonistic conflict arises within the framework of one system of moral values, with which it is quite possible to live without compromising the foundations of ethics. The content of the conflict is determined by the moral antipathies of the opposing parties, the contradiction between the interest that has arisen and the impossibility of satisfying it, the individual value orientation of the individual, his understanding of duty and social responsibility. In this case, a peaceful and reasonable settlement is possible.

Psychological consequences

Moral conflicts are characterized by:

  1. Moderate and high emotional stress: resentment and anger, indignation and contempt, fear and anger lead to mental agitation and long-term emotional intensity.
  2. During a conflict period, the subject experiences a bad mood, a completely understandable feeling of personal dissatisfaction, and a decrease in personal self-esteem occurs. Resolving the conflict, in turn, means stabilizing the psychological atmosphere.
  3. Office moral disputes can lead to the emergence of an unhealthy emotional atmosphere in professional activities, disruption of interaction and the normal course of life of the team and, as a result, have a negative impact on the activities of the organization and create staff turnover.
  4. Uncontrollable, dynamically developing conflicts lead to sharp and brutal quarrels, showdowns, armed clashes and murders, and in the case of a personal conflict that has gotten out of control, when it is impossible to resolve it or there is seeming hopelessness, to suicide.

Ways to resolve moral disputes

There are two methods for resolving moral conflict:

  • straight;
  • indirect.

The direct method of resolution involves turning off all the emotional components of the contradiction that has arisen and soberly considering and assessing the situation, taking into account specific facts and arguments.

A businesslike and constructive approach, stemming from ethical standards and requirements, can help move the situation to another level.

According to psychologists, indirect methods of resolving conflict are more effective:

  1. Unleash your feelings: A person should have the opportunity to speak out. The interlocutor can be a psychologist, psychotherapist, a loved one, or, conversely, a complete stranger. The verbal release of negative emotions makes room for positive ones.
  2. Method of physical reset of emotions: These are exercises in the gym or hard physical work that allows you to relieve emotional stress through strength training. Tearing paper into small pieces, hitting a punching bag or pillow, long-distance running, yoga and other sports - all this very effectively helps to distract yourself and look at the current situation more calmly.
  3. The "third authority" method: in the event of a moral conflict between two or more parties, a third party is invited, authoritative for both, capable of listening to the arguments of both sides and removing mutual bitterness.
  4. View from the outside: It is recommended to look at the conflict that has arisen through the eyes of the opponent, taking into account social norms in ethics.
  5. It is recommended to carefully analyze, and perhaps revise or set new goals and aspirations, the implementation of which will help reduce emotional stress at the moment.

In any case, the specifics of resolving a moral conflict and the path to resolution (solution) lie in strict adherence to ethical standards without infringing on human dignity, restoration of psychological balance and further spiritual growth of the individual.

A correct solution to the dilemma of moral choice is possible only if a person has truly moral beliefs and knowledge, a strong will, the ability to control his emotions and follow moral standards in any circumstances.

Video: Conflict Resolution

Andrey Lubensky, RIA Novosti Ukraine

There is a faint hope that the Ukrainian media community is gradually beginning to understand: the conflict in the east of the country must somehow end, after this happens, perhaps it will be necessary to somehow learn to live together with those who have been in the Ukrainian media for two years affectionately called “vatniks”, “terrorists”, “terrorist accomplices”, “bandits” and so on.

In any case, the topic of possible future reconciliation is beginning to be discussed. But the impression from such discussions still remains painful: the search for peace often ends in actual calls for war.

Russians, Ethiopians, Martians...

Thus, at the international conference “Media Participation in Reconciliation: Lessons for Ukraine” held in Kyiv, journalists and representatives of various media organizations twice interrupted with applause the very militant speech of the sociologist, director of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation. Irina Bekeshkina, who stated that Ukrainians have not yet reached a “post-conflict” situation, Ukraine is in a state of war, there is an enemy on the other side, and one cannot give words to the enemy, the enemy, in fact, must be destroyed.

Bekeshkina, by the way, also asked the following question: what to do with the people who “still live in the Soviet Union,” with those who took to the streets of Ukrainian cities with Soviet symbols on May 9—will there be reconciliation here? There are people who strive to join the EU, but there are also those who are for the Customs Union.

The sociologist noted that she can draw “many such dividing lines, and sometimes this leads to such direct clashes as was the case on May 9.”

It seems that many are ready, instead of looking for ways of reconciliation in Donbass, to look for reasons within Ukrainian society...

Applause in the hall was caused by Bekeshkina’s question regarding the need to listen and give the position of the other side (i.e., representatives of the unrecognized republics of Donbass): “during the Second World War, did the journalists who covered the events include the second side or not?”

The sociologist noted that it is possible to restore trust in the territories controlled by Ukraine, “the situation is different - where they are fighting, where they are shooting at us.” According to Bekeshkina, she is a “peaceful person”, but believes that in war conditions “we have two problems - to kill as many enemies as possible and to stay alive.”

“And I don’t care what nationality the people who came to our land with weapons are - they are Russians, they are Ethiopians, they are Martians or someone else.”“, said the sociologist, and these words were again met with applause.

No one remembered that in the DPR and LPR it is not Ethiopians or Martians who live, but the same Ukrainians...

The media inflame conflicts, but cannot extinguish them

Judging by the experience of post-Soviet states that have gone through conflicts, the process of reconciliation is not simple. Representatives of Georgia and Moldova spoke about the problems that their countries faced after the end of the hot phase of the conflicts - alas, even after years “trust has not been restored.”

Moreover, as noted Petru Macovei(Association of Independent Press, Chisinau), in Transnistria already, which does not associate itself with Moldova. Conclusion: we can negotiate endlessly, but “we need more effective measures, the new generation will grow up in the DPR.” The speaker did not specify which measures are more “effective” than negotiations.

A British journalist added some optimism Den Keenan, he spoke about the positive experience of resolving the conflict in Northern Ireland and the role of the media in this process. However, the Ukrainian participants in the meeting later said: there is civilization there (in Britain), and the media there is civilized, democratic, but here... “who is there to negotiate with?”

In general, there is no feeling that journalists realize the extent of their responsibility for the disaster that occurred in Ukraine. It’s easier to blame everything on “Russian propaganda” (which is what many participants in the discussion did) and the “aggressor” - Russia, with which official Kyiv for some reason still conducts trade and is in no hurry to break off (after all, it’s a war?). But this contradiction, inexplicable from the point of view of common sense, is simply ignored.

Alas, there is no hope for a significant contribution from the media to the cause of reconciliation. A sound reminder was sounded at the conference: there are many examples when the media acted as instigators of conflicts, pitting one part of the population against another; just remember Rwanda. But how many examples are there when, with the help of the media, it was possible to extinguish these conflicts?

"Heroes", "bandits" and "terrorists"

The depth of the problem was assessed by a team of experts from the public organization "Detector Media", who presented at the conference the results of monitoring news and talk shows of Ukrainian TV channels (20 regional, 7 central) carried out from November 6 to December 6, 2015.

The organizers explained that “the monitoring was supposed to reveal whether media discourse promotes social dialogue, whether it can destroy conflict attitudes in the minds of citizens, or, on the contrary, it builds new barriers in society and deepens internal contradictions generated by the conflict.”

Well, the monitoring revealed the following trends: TV channels actively talk about ATO fighters, they are mentioned in 12% of stories on central channels and in 10% of stories on regional channels. Moreover, in 27% of cases (13% in regional ones) these mentions are not neutral.

"Journalists tend to glorify (glorify - English) fighters ("heroes", "best sons of Ukraine", identify them with "Ukrainians" (as opposed to the other side), put themselves on the same side with them ("our lads") "The theme of fighters is actively used by talk shows on central television channels, arousing pride, respect or sympathy in the viewer.", note the authors of the study.

The other side of the conflict is mentioned in 11% of reports from central television channels and 3% from regional ones. This side is presented as “bandits”, “terrorists” - and “this creates a situation of a clear division between friends and foes, good and bad.”

Moreover, “cases of cultivation of hatred and other negative emotions towards the other side have been identified in talk shows on central channels.”

"Zombified population"

But IDPs - “forcibly displaced persons” - are ignored by central television channels (they are mentioned in 1% of news reports). There are more mentions on regional TV (3% of messages), but here “cases of the spread of negative stereotypes have been identified - immigrants are an isolated and passive group that has chronic problems with integration into the new society”...

As for , they are almost not mentioned either by central (4%) or regional (1%) television channels - “the needs of these citizens do not enter the media discourse.”

“Reports about them are in most cases neutral, isolated violations (“zombified population”, 1+1) are not systemic (although, given the tiny number of messages about the group, they make up a significant percentage of them - 15% on central and 27% on regional channels ". They are actively used for "PR" of Rinat Akhmetov - in the news of the TV channel "Ukraine" and Channel 34 (Dnepropetrovsk). Aggressive hate speech against this group is practiced in talk shows of central channels...", experts say.

According to the monitoring results, the media pay “meager attention” to military families and children.

And here is an indicative fact: “in 69%, the source of conflict in news stories is the journalists themselves, while in 31% it is the people in the frame.”

1544 Cozy Holland, the birthplace of skates, tulips and windmills, is plunged into darkness - Catholics and Protestants live here side by side, building invisible but very strong walls day by day. Today you meet your neighbor with a glass in your hand, and tomorrow you meet with a sword.

The country, like all of Europe, was gripped by the Reformation. The Spanish Inquisition, which opposes it, skillfully adds fuel to the fire of its fires, encouraging local informers and spies with ringing florins or swimming in an ice hole. Depending on the circumstances. In the hour before sunset, on Christmas Eve, the heiress of the wealthy shipbuilder Van Hout becomes a stumbling block, an involuntary cause of two irreconcilable conflicts that will turn her whole life upside down.

The next volume in the “Masters of Adventure” series includes Haggard’s historical adventure novel “The Beauty of Leiden,” which takes place during the turbulent era of the religious wars.


Andrey Konstantinov Police detectives Friend or foe No data

Criminal investigation officers Valery Shtukin and Yegor Yakushev become not just strangers to each other. They become enemies. Despite the fact that they have a lot in common - acquaintances, friends, and their views on life do not differ much. It’s just that a former crime boss sends one to serve in the police, and the other is introduced by the leadership of the criminal investigation department into Yungerov’s empire.

And for Valera Shtukin, the Yunger system is gradually becoming more her own than her own police system... And Yegor Yakushev successfully serves in the criminal investigation department. The death of an employee of the prosecutor's office, with whom both had more than just official relations, leads to an irreconcilable conflict between them...

Madame Bovary

Gustave Flaubert Foreign classics Absent

At the heart of the entire work of the French writer Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880) lies an irreconcilable conflict and discrepancy between the inner spiritual world of man and the surrounding reality. In his famous novel Madame Bovary, translated by Nikolai Lyubimov, Gustave Flaubert gives a tough psychological analysis of the main character Emma Bovary, who lives in the hope of filling an inner emptiness and is unable to resist the vulgarity and cruelty of the world.

Eclipse time. Novel

Vladimir Yansyukevich Missing No data

Hereditary brick master Danila Goncharov in the 90s, like the whole country, was experiencing better times. The ruin of the enterprise and an irreconcilable conflict with his brother forces him to go to work in the city...

On emotions: How to resolve the most painful conflicts in the family and at work

Daniel Shapiro Foreign psychology Absent

Emotional conflicts flare up quickly, and it can be very difficult to extinguish them. This applies to family disputes, acute work issues, and bloody clashes on national or religious grounds. Professional psychologist and negotiator Daniel Shapiro, using the latest data from conflictology, sociology and psychology, based on his own experience of participating in the resolution of conflicts on an international scale, in the book “On Emotions” talks about the mechanisms of the emergence, development and resolution of such conflicts.

The author is convinced that even the most irreconcilable differences can be overcome. He introduces readers to the system of techniques he has developed that allow this to be done.

Dr. Walter's Team

Bronislava Brodskaya Contemporary Russian literature Absent

A novel about scientific achievements that are so complex and contradictory that the question arises as to whether their benefits for humanity are clear. However, progress cannot be stopped, and a team of the best scientists on the planet is working on a project unprecedented in history, which occupies all their thoughts.

The team is a cast of a society that is torn apart by the terrible contradictions of the mid-21st century: irreconcilable conflicts between age groups, when one lives 3 times longer than the other, and the other, without aging at all, dies before his time. The decision is painful because it is irrevocable.

Choose when you die! Contains obscene language.

City on a Hill

Eden Lerner Contemporary Russian literature Absent

The city on a hill, after which Eden Lerner's novel is named and in which its main events take place, is Hebron. One of the oldest cities on earth. The city in which the graves of the forefathers of the Jewish people are located. And the shrines of a people who trace their origins to Abraham’s firstborn, Ishmael.

A city that has become a symbol of confrontation, a city of blood and hatred. But also a city of eternal beauty, in which Jews and Arabs, Jews and Muslims have lived and lived together for hundreds of years. Peacefully, until, by someone’s evil will, supported by political, economic and other motives, blood flows again... But irreconcilable conflicts arise among fellow tribesmen.

Religious and secular, Hasidim and reformists, right and left... As they say, two Jews are three parties. But these “parties” separate families, the closest people become enemies... In this city, the heroes of the book, our contemporaries, live, love, fight. The novel is written brightly, its plot moves are fascinating.

His heroes are recognizable.

Russian eclipse. From Eclipse to RA-Light

Boris Participant Documental literature Missing No data

The book can confidently be called historical, religious, Vedic and even scientific... but with the same certainty it is anti-historical, anti-religious and anti-scientific. This desire to say a lot and as briefly as possible. Cover the multi-thousand-year period from the appearance of man on Earth to the formation and inevitable destruction of modern civilization, which has now finally entered into an irreconcilable conflict with our planet.

Terek Front (collection)

Boris Gromov Combat fantasy Tersk Front

Near future. Even a global nuclear conflict that practically incinerated the planet could not destroy everything. The earth remained untouched by radiation and the shock wave, and people survived. And even the monstrous war, which almost destroyed all life on the planet, could not correct human nature.

The survivors continued to kill each other. In the foothills and mountains of the North Caucasus, bullets whistle and explosions thunder again. The saboteurs set up ambushes on the roads and reconnaissance groups go in search. Terek Cossacks and the soldiers of the Yugorossian army fight to the death with the mountaineers from the irreconcilable teips and the Turkish askers.

Caucasus. Chechnya. Terek Front. And in the midst of all this is our contemporary, thrown three decades into the future by an unknown whim of Fate. He was a riot policeman who spent almost his entire adult life in the war. Perhaps not the best, but far from the worst.

Ordinary. A soldier of his country, a man faithful to duty and oath. His knowledge and skills are in great demand in the harsh and cruel world of the future. But which side will he take? What will be the fate of an ordinary person in an unusual time?

Semyon Solomonovich Yushkevich Dramaturgy Absent

S. Yushkevich in “The King,” having painted a socially generalized portrait of the working collective, truthfully reflected the mass uprisings of the revolutionary proletariat against the capitalists. It was no coincidence that “The King” was published under the same cover as Gorky’s “Enemies” in the 14th collection.

“Knowledge” for 1906 - both plays had an undoubted ideological, genre and thematic similarity. In the image of the “king” - manufacturer Grosman, Yushkevich very sharply exposed the cynicism, internal emptiness, immorality of the capitalist world, and the reigning power of gold in it.

The figure of Grosman is opposed by the camp of workers who are entering into an irreconcilable class conflict with a powerful owner. However, in his interpretation of the revolutionary possibilities of the proletariat, Yushkevich proceeded from Menshevik positions, which was reflected in the ending of the drama, devoid of historical perspective, imbued with pessimistic sentiments.

Fidelity to realistic artistic principles was manifested in “The King” not only in the socially precise “arrangement” of the opposing forces of the era, but also in the fact that it was the conflict between these forces that formed the plot core of the play and determined the growth of dramatic action.

In this respect, “The King” adjoined the genre of journalistically focused socio-political drama, an example of which was Gorky’s “Enemies”. Banned from stage production immediately after publication, Yushkevich's drama was banned until 1908.

Before the court

Kosta Khetagurov Poetry Missing No data

Costa's romantic poem "Before the Trial" is written in the form of a monologue. The basis of the poem is an acute social conflict between a freedom-loving mountaineer and the powers that be. The hero of the poem, poor man Eski, rebelled against the existing adats. Having fallen in love with the prince's daughter Zalina, he entered into an irreconcilable battle with the rich and, as a result, became a robber.

Eski was made such by society, immoral and vindictive. Esky is the most romantic image in Costa's works.

Broken Islands

Mark Charan Newton Horror and Mystery Legends of the Red Sun

A great conclusion to the Legends of the Red Sun series. For the first time in Russian! War has flooded the Boreal Archipelago - two irreconcilable cultures have taken their eternal battle to this borderland. Inspired by military victory, Commander Brind Latreya plans to rebuild the city of Villarin, but faces difficult choices.

There are friendly forces who, having no other choice, will side with his people in the brewing conflict, help build bridges and provide mysterious technologies that can satisfy the ambitions of the warlord. But the residents of Villaren are suspicious of the foreigners flocking to their city, tensions are rising, and even the dream of a peaceful future cannot smooth over the difference in worldviews.

Meanwhile, Villjamur lies in ruins, and its sky is obscured by monstrous flying islands from another world. Inquisitor Fulkrom turns out to be the one who fell to lead the evacuation of the population to the coast. The threat of mass death makes this outcome a race against time.

Finally, ancient civilizations take to the battlefield. Grotesque creatures from another world and a potential god, not summoned by prayers, walk among people, and the hour approaches when the final battle will decide the fate of the world illuminated by the red sun.

Lawyer's bag

Konstantin Shtepenko Police detectives Missing No data

Having stood up for a woman in a restaurant, Denis Krasnov suddenly makes mortal enemies for himself in the leaders of the most rabid and militant gangster group. Denis can either flee the city, leaving his security company to the mercy of fate, or take extreme measures and eliminate the Cherepkov brothers.

Supporters of stability, led by a local observer, are in every possible way pushing Denis towards a forceful solution, promising hidden support with weapons and money. As a result, the ladies' man's extravagant escapade gives rise to a new war for the redistribution of spheres of influence. The irreconcilables, who were late to plunder the city, prefer chaos and try to forcefully push their more successful colleagues away from their favorite feeding grounds.

Denis, who unwittingly finds himself in the very center of this conflict, becomes a target for bandits and prey for law enforcement agencies. The same women help you get out of a hopeless situation...

Fall of the Ottoman Empire: First World War in the Middle East, 1914–1920

Eugene Rogan Foreign educational literature Absent

In 1914, the European powers were inexorably sliding towards war, dragging the entire Middle East into the vortex of this destructive conflict. In his book, Eugene Rogan presents the history of the First World War, revealing the consequences it led to in the Middle East and the decisive - but little known to us - role that the region played in it.

The famous British historian vividly and fascinatingly talks about the political intrigues and military battles that unfolded in the Ottoman lands from the Gallipoli Peninsula to Arabia. Unlike trench warfare on the Western Front, fighting in the Middle East was dynamic and unpredictable.

Before military fortunes turned to the Entente powers, the Turks inflicted crushing defeats on them on the Gallipoli Peninsula, Mesopotamia and Palestine. The post-war settlement led to the division of the Ottoman Empire and laid the foundation for those irreconcilable contradictions that to this day tear the Arab world apart.

Intimate bullets

Alexey Makeev Police detectives Colonel Gurov

Two prostitutes are killed in a hotel room. They were killed professionally, with knowledge of the matter. The investigation was entrusted to experienced MVD colonels Gurov and Kryachko. They understand that this murder is the work of a killer, and it did not happen by accident. But who needed the death of harmless prostitutes? Detectives find out that the victims were in close contact with a local crime boss.

Perhaps this is where the solution to the incident lies... Seizing on this version, Gurov and Kryachko did not notice how they found themselves in the center of a conflict between two powerful irreconcilable organizations waging a long-term war among themselves...

There is no doubt that this wind can only come from the East - it has nowhere else to come from. Moreover, we already have a historical example of such a cleansing hurricane: the work is published in the centenary year of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which changed the world of the early 20th century beyond recognition and divided it into two camps that entered into an irreconcilable struggle.

The civil war and intervention of Western countries, continuous border conflicts, the attack of Nazi Germany, the Cold War accompanied the entire history of the USSR... After the counter-revolution of 1991-1993. Russia, it would seem, has “returned to the ranks of civilized countries.”

But this impression was deceptive: as soon as we declared our sovereignty, the West turned to the usual methods of pressure on the Russian world, which it had already tried in the 20th century: economic blockade, political isolation, defamation in the media, conflicts along the borders of our country.

The world was once again on the brink of a big war. Before World War II, Stalin managed to outplay his Western “partners” and break through the international isolation into which the Anglo-Saxons actively drove us in 1938-1939. Will we be able to do this? Can we find a way out of our crisis into a “brave new world”? This world will clearly not be similar to the world depicted by I.

A. Efremov in “The Andromeda Nebula”, nor on the world of “Afternoon of the XXII Century” by the early Strugatskys. In addition, you will have to fight for it, cultivating a taste for struggle and riding the cold east wind.