How to plant potatoes - the main nuances of growing. The best time to plant potatoes

Potatoes are an integral ingredient in many dishes, so doing without them in the kitchen is quite difficult. It is also called “second bread” and this is no coincidence. The diet of many inhabitants of our planet consists mainly of this food product. Of course, in order to always have this product on the table, you need to get it in abundance. And for this you need to know the exact time of its planting, because a lot depends on it. In this article we will look at the most favorable time for planting this crop.

What you need to know about potato planting time

One of the factors that directly affects future harvest, is the time of its landing. If this parameter is taken into account correctly, then the likelihood of receiving abundant potatoes increases significantly. If you neglect the timing of planting potatoes, its future yield is significantly reduced due to unfavorable conditions environment, which negatively affect the germination of this plant.

For a large harvest, taking into account the timing of planting potatoes is very important.

Many people time planting potatoes directly for the upcoming May holidays. The reason for this is a large number of free time, so necessary during the working week. And if the weather doesn’t let you down, then landing in most cases takes place at this time. Actually rely on the weekend in May in this case not always correct. Since by this time the soil may not have ripened or there will be morning frosts, which may negatively affect the germination of potatoes.

Selection of planting dates:

  • Early planting in soil that has not yet warmed up will slow down the emergence of seedlings in plants.
  • If planting is delayed, all the soil moisture that enriched the soil during snow melt may evaporate.

These factors will also affect the future harvest, so it is necessary to comply with them. In addition to these, there are various fungal diseases, which affect potatoes if the exact timing of planting is not observed. This is also worth remembering and taking into account this parameter.

Therefore, you should not neglect the established planting dates, otherwise many of your efforts will go down the drain.

And those amateur gardeners who don’t know when they should plant should read this article more carefully. It is the exact planting dates that we will now talk about.

According to many years of observations of professional gardeners and gardeners, optimal timing Potato planting is a period of time when the soil layer warms up to a depth of ten centimeters. It is this depth that corresponds to the depth of planting potato tubers. In this case, the temperature of these soils should reach about eight degrees, above zero. Due to this, the first shoots can appear.

Usually by this time the most severe morning frosts, which have such a negative effect on potato germination, have already ended.

Warming of the soil to the indicated positive temperatures occurs in different time spring period. The determining factors in this case are the climate and the period of the onset of real spring. In early spring The timing of planting potatoes is carried out in most cases in the month of April, and if snow melts for a long time or low temperatures prevail, the process shifts to mid-May or even its last ten days. Therefore, it is worth monitoring the weather and trying to get acquainted with the preliminary forecast for several days in advance. It is by the current weather forecast that we can judge the planting dates.

People also have their own weather calendar, which directly affects the timing of planting potatoes. This calendar is called “folk” and has been tested over many years of weather observations. It is also worth relying on when determining the timing of planting potatoes.

According to the folk calendar, the start period for planting potatoes is the following:

  • Cutting leaves from a birch tree
  • Dandelions blooming
  • Blooming bird cherry
  • Active birdsong
  • Warming up reservoirs

All these signs indicate the beginning of the potato flowering period and the soil layer warming up to required temperatures. By the way, warming up the soil layer is a rather unpredictable process, since this parameter often depends on the geographical location of the area where it is planned to plant such a crop. Typically, the further south a settlement is located on the map, the earlier potato planting begins.

If gardeners and gardeners adhere to the parameters given in the text and plant potatoes at the right time, then they have the best chance of getting the largest harvest at the lowest cost. This parameter promotes the appearance of early shoots on potatoes (after a month) and minimal involvement of human labor. And frosts, according to signs, are almost completely weakened by this time.

Secrets to getting a good potato harvest:

  • To begin with, it is worth planting those potato tubers that have already sprouted and produced significant sprouts.
  • Then the prepared early potatoes are planted, followed by the late ones. At the same time, gardeners harvest the harvest in the same way: first early potatoes, and then late ones.
  • Sprouted potatoes sprout faster, especially if they are planted in the established sowing juices.
  • Typically, planting dates are determined folk signs, fall precisely at the beginning of May. Therefore, the most optimal period for planting potatoes is the first ten days of May.
  • Sometimes this date shifts to earlier or later, but it must be taken into account before planting. This is the only way you can get a potato harvest that will be enough not only for food, but also for sale.

Before you start planting potatoes, you should carefully study the upcoming weather forecast, which will tell you not only when to plant, but will also strictly limit your time to various weather conditions.

More information on how to plant potatoes can be found in the video.

It is clear that quality seed material will certainly affect the abundance and quality of the harvest itself. This axiom is also true in the case of planting potatoes, which for some time now in Rus' have been equated to second bread. At first glance it may seem unpretentious plant, like potatoes, they do not require a special approach to growing, but that was not the case.

Prepare seeds in the fall

First of all, you need to make it a rule to plant in the spring not the potatoes that were left after winter, but those specially selected for this purpose in the fall. It is necessary to pay attention already while digging potatoes to good bushes with the largest number of even tubers. Surely even small potatoes from this family will be fertile. Landscaping will ensure their preservation throughout the winter, which should be achieved not in direct sunlight, but in partial shade.

The corned beef poison produced during this process will allow the tubers to survive longer. If there are few such productive bushes, then select the rest of the whole ones based on such a feature as a large number of eyes. It is important that they are located over the entire surface of the tuber.

You can grow potatoes from whole tubers, from cut ones, and even from potato peelings if they still have eyes. As a rule, medium-sized or even smaller tubers are selected for planting. But if you plant small potatoes year after year, they will gradually degenerate. Experts advise not to get hung up on the size of potatoes, but at the same time admit that large tubers can produce much more bigger harvest. But then seed potatoes more will be needed. This is the case when you should seriously think about cutting the tuber.

How to properly cut potato tubers

Scientists and practitioners are convinced that a full-fledged potato harvest grows from tuber shares, exceeding that obtained by planting medium-sized whole potatoes. The opinion that cut tubers cannot provide the required amount of nutrients for the future harvest has no scientific basis. Any part of the tuber, and very large potatoes can be divided into 3-4 parts, “feels” whole if there are buds on it. It's better if there are 2-3 of them.

Although the buds located in the apical (apical) part of the tuber germinate first, and the rest do not show activity, it is not at all necessary to cut the potato lengthwise into 2 parts, dividing the top in half. The physiological characteristics of potatoes are such that the remaining eyes sleep as long as the top dominates. If the apical eyes are cut off, others will begin to grow.

The only drawback to the technology of planting cut potatoes is that in wet weather they can rot faster than whole ones. But for safety, the cut surface can be treated with ash. It is advisable to cut the potatoes in advance, 5 days before planting, and keep them all this time with the cuts facing up, in boxes, in a warm, ventilated area. You can even spread it in two layers. During this time, the cut area will become weathered and rough, and the sprouts will hatch. For large farms, this method is quite labor-intensive, but personal plot cutting several buckets will not be a big deal.

The May holidays are perhaps the best time to plant potatoes. However, how to get big harvest and save it taste qualities so that the neighbors in the area will be jealous? Here are three important rules. When is the best time to plant?

1) Optimal time for planting potatoes - late April and early May. Previously, there is simply no point: all the forces of the culture will be spent on germinating in the cold soil.

In some northern regions, it is advisable to wait until mid-May - when the ground dries out and warms up to 10–12 C. What kind of potatoes should I plant? 2) Potatoes for planting should be firm, medium in size and with small eyes.

You need to take care of the selection of seeds in the fall: pay attention to what kind of potatoes grow on your land good harvest. For example, if it’s pink, then plant the same one now...

And if the pink one gets worse every year, then this year replace it with another one - white, for example. A good result is obtained by exchanging planting material with neighbors or buying potatoes from other regions. Remember that planting only one variety is short-sighted. You need to choose several, with different ripening periods.

One year is the most productive early ripening variety, and in the other – late-ripening... Usually, early potatoes are planted “for food”, and late varieties are left for the winter - they are better stored. How to plant correctly?

3) Two weeks before planting, keep the tubers warm (in the light), and then cover the boxes with glass and move them to a cool, well-lit room. By the time they are planted, they should have small, stocky green sprouts. Before planting, disinfect them - place the potatoes in a one percent solution for half an hour boric acid.

Or, if you want to increase the yield, soak it for a couple of days in a manure solution. You can use the excellent technique of Bryansk vegetable growers, who make double beds of potatoes by burying rotted manure between them. The scheme is as follows: 40 cm between rows and 100 cm between adjacent ribbons.

In a row, tubers are placed in a checkerboard pattern every 30–40 cm, and seedlings are placed one sprout every 20 cm. Little trick!

IN middle lane In Russia, the time for planting potatoes is determined by birch leaves: as soon as they become the size of a five-kopeck coin, then you can get down to business. Take note: Early varieties ripen in 56 days (Udacha, Poljot, Vesna, Vineta, Ukama, Fresco).

Mid-early - after 70 days (Sineglazka, Svitanok, Lakomka, Alice, Aspia, Rusalka, Riddle). Mid-season - within 80 days (Prince, Ogonyok, Agria, Belousovsky, Hermes, Nikulinsky). Medium late ones - they will please you in 110 days (Eaglet, Sotka, Symbol).

Planting potatoes.

All gardeners and summer residents are waiting for spring to begin planting the second bread - potatoes - on their plot of land. This is the most popular vegetable that will feed us all winter.

I want to harvest a good harvest so that I can calmly face the winter without worrying about what to serve dining table, what to feed the family and it is desirable that it be grown with my own hands on your own land, and not from the market. But here you need to know how to properly grow this simple vegetable. After all, many people think what’s so complicated about it?

That planting potatoes is a mere trifle. I marked out the beds, made holes, threw in the potatoes, buried them, watered them, and wait for them to sprout, and then dug them up and that’s it. But it’s not so easy to get a good potato harvest, with little labor, and even from a small plot of land.

Time to plant potatoes.

In the spring, after the earth has dried and warmed up, when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm is +8°C, you can begin planting. You can, as a guide, determine the planting date by looking at the birch leaves. If the leaf is already the size of a penny, it’s time to plant potatoes.

If you want to get an early harvest, the tubers must first be sprouted by this time. But here you need to pay attention to the features local climate. It is impossible to give one template for all regions, since the cold may return, and night frosts will damage the seedlings and cause damage to the harvest.

How to plant potatoes.

When planting, you can use a thread to delimit the locations of future potato bushes. Depending on how far the groundwater is, the planting method is chosen. When the groundwater is far from the surface, then it is necessary to plant in holes:

  1. The rows should be 60 - 80 cm apart; There should be a distance of 30 cm between the tubers; Plant to a depth of 6 - 10 cm; After planting, level the soil with a rake to avoid moisture evaporation.

If groundwater is close, it is better to plant potatoes in ridges about 15 cm high. This planting method allows the soil to warm up and ventilate much faster. The ridges are located at a distance of approximately 60–70 cm from each other.

Place the tubers at a depth of 6 - 8 cm. If the groundwater level on the site is very close to the surface and the soils are wet, then for planting it is necessary to make wide beds up to 30 cm high. Plant potato tubers in the bed in two rows with a distance between rows of 70 centimeters and between tubers from 25 to 40 cm (depending on the size of the tubers). The distance from the edge of the bed to the row should be at least 20 cm. This article discussed the question of how to plant potatoes and when they can be planted. After all, if you plant potatoes incorrectly, you can get a bad harvest, or you can even be left without potatoes. A video on planting potatoes has been compiled

How should you plant potatoes? Secrets of a good harvest.

Unpretentious potatoes can be grown in almost all climatic zones. But a good harvest does not always depend on natural conditions - growing potatoes has its own characteristics and secrets that will be useful to both experienced and novice gardeners.

What do you need to know about planting potatoes in the spring? The soil for spring planting of potatoes is prepared in late autumn. It is dug up to a depth of 20-30 centimeters, and the layers of earth are turned over.

This is done so that in the spring there is less grass - the roots remaining at the top freeze and the weeds die. It is also necessary to add manure or humus, add ash at the rate of 1 kilogram per hundred square meters of land.

To avoid the appearance various diseases, fresh manure at spring planting It is not recommended to introduce potatoes. Starting from the end of April, you can begin planting work. By this time, the first leaves appear on the birch tree, the soil dries out and the air warms up to 10?15?C. Approximately two weeks before planting, potatoes selected for this purpose are germinated at a temperature of at least 15?C.

After the appearance of sprouts 1 cm long, the seed tubers are kept in the light for one day. From such seeds, 10% more stems develop than from planting material without sprouts. After what crops should potatoes be planted?

Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology is the key to a good potato harvest. Experts advise planting it on lands that were previously used for planting other root crops, cabbage, and mustard.

You should not cultivate potatoes after tomatoes: both belong to the nightshade family, which is fraught with the same diseases. How deep should potatoes be planted?

There are many ways to plant potatoes, their choice depends on the terrain land plot, climate, personal preferences. - In small gardens they still plant potatoes the old fashioned way - under a shovel. This method is quite acceptable on light soils where groundwater never rises to the surface.

It is recommended to plant potatoes manually to the depth of a scoop of a regular bayonet shovel. - On wet soils, the method of planting potatoes in ridges 15–20 cm high has proven itself well; they are cut using a tractor or garden equipment. - When planting potatoes in trenches, shallow furrows (about 10 cm) are first prepared, which are lined with a layer of humus. Tubers are hilled on both sides until a ridge 10 cm high and 20 cm wide is formed. - A popular method of planting potatoes “under straw” is practiced on virgin lands.

In this case, there is no need to dig up anything - the potatoes are covered with a thick layer of straw, constantly adding the amount depending on the intensity of shoot growth. How to choose the right variety of planting potatoes?

A rich potato harvest can only be obtained by using high-quality planting material. In addition, it is necessary to periodically change varieties; many of them become unproductive after two or three years.

It is better to cultivate several varieties of potatoes at once different terms ripeness. The preparation of potatoes for planting begins in the fall - only those unaffected by diseases and typical for of this variety tubers. It is advisable to wash them and treat them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Then the planting potatoes are air dried until they acquire a greenish tint. Store in the basement until spring. Choosing the best varieties potatoes for planting, you should decide for what purpose you plan to grow this crop: for quick consumption or for storage.

Also, be sure to pay attention to zoned varieties that are suitable for the soil of your particular site. All potato varieties are classified according to ripening time. - Early ripening - the crop is harvested no later than 80 days after planting.

Popular varieties: “Zhukovsky”, “Udacha”, “Fresco”. They have excellent taste, but are unsuitable for long-term storage. - Mid-season varieties usually ripen within three or three and a half months, they are well stored until spring.

Popular varieties: “Sineglazka”, “Zhuravinka”.- Late ripening varieties Harvested in the fall, they last perfectly until the new harvest. These are varieties such as “Temp”, “Belorussky-3”, “Chugunka”, “Alpinist”. If you dare to plant potatoes before winter, you will get a unique opportunity to please yourself with an extra-early harvest of this popularly loved crop.

So: - choose a well-lit place near buildings; - carefully remove weeds and fertilize the soil; - in the middle of summer, plant one potato in each hole, water it; - periodically we weed and loosen the soil; - before frost, we cut off the tops, cover the plants with leaves, straw, spruce branches; winter time We make sure that the plantings are reliably covered with snow. It is believed that the probability of obtaining a harvest from potatoes planted before winter is 50%. Good luck!

Secrets of successful gardeners

How to grow a good potato cropComments: 7

About what depth to plant potatoes, how to get the earliest harvest, as well as how to deal with the Colorado potato beetle and late blight.

Green manure. Potatoes on poor land

The readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda were told about this by Denis ILYASHENKO, senior researcher at the potato protection department of the Scientific and Practical Center for Potato and Horticulture, and Vadim MAKHANKO, head of the selection department.

Potatoes should not be planted deep- Tell me, at what depth should I plant potatoes?- If the soil is dense, then to a depth of about 5 centimeters, if it is light, then to 6 - 8 cm. In no case should you lower the tuber deeply, this is a very big mistake.

Firstly, tubers need a lot of air, but there may not be enough of it. Secondly, in this case the tuber takes a long time to germinate, and a lot of energy is spent on this. The faster the potatoes sprout, the larger the harvest will be.

- What is the best time to plant?- For the Minsk region, the optimal period is from April 25 to May 9. In the southern regions of Belarus you need to plant a little earlier, in the northern regions a little later.

The general rule is this: the soil is ready for planting potatoes when it has warmed up to at least +8 degrees.

- How should seed potatoes be treated before planting?- Can be treated with growth stimulants - drugs “Ekosil”, “Ekolist”, “Epin”. - Should I cut the tubers into pieces or is it better not to do this?- Of course, it is undesirable to cut.

If you plant potatoes in soil that is not warm enough, they may get sick. In addition, varieties react differently to cutting. Sometimes even a completely healthy tuber can rot. True, in the USA, Canada and Japan, potatoes are cut into pieces.

But their conditions are different, it’s very dry there. But in Europe they don’t cut potatoes. The first harvest can be obtained by mid-June - How to get the earliest harvest?

There is a good proven method. It is necessary to germinate potatoes longer than usual: so that the sprouts reach 5 - 7 centimeters and leaves appear on them. But such potatoes need to be planted in well-warmed soil.

Make a greenhouse out of film: first cover the plantings with black film, and when shoots appear, replace it with transparent film. In this case, you can get the harvest three weeks earlier than usual (if, as a rule, the first potato harvest is harvested in late June-early July , then you will have potatoes on the table by June 12!).

Potatoes need a lot of air- Hello, I want to grow good potatoes! - What do you recommend?- To get a good harvest, you need to fulfill only three conditions.

First: choose a variety that grows well in your area in your soil and that you personally like. The second is to follow the growing technology, that is, give the potatoes everything they require. Third, plant good quality seeds.

And you won't know where to put your potatoes! - What should be the growing technology?- One of the main conditions is that the soil must be loose. Potatoes need a lot of air!

Hilling should be done at least once a week and a half. If the soil is heavy, it must be plowed in the fall, and in the spring it must be cleared and cultivated.

It is necessary to apply fertilizers: if you do not have the opportunity to apply organic matter, we recommend using green manure - oilseed radish, mustard. They are sown in the fall and plowed in the spring. Potatoes will also receive additional nutrients, and the soil structure will be better.

Another important condition- Potatoes need to be watered often, they love water. But you need to pour not on the plant, but in the furrow. And, of course, you need a full dose of mineral fertilizers - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.

Please note that if you use the chlorine-free form potash fertilizers, then the taste will be better. If you use potassium chloride, it is better to add it in the fall so that the chlorine is washed out. Late blight cannot be cured, but it can be prevented

Potatoes need to be planted in warm soil.

- Is it necessary to treat potatoes with chemicals to protect them from diseases and pests?- Very large harvest without use chemicals you won't be able to get it.

When to plant potatoes in 2011?

Still, there is such a terrible disease for potatoes as late blight, and on industrial plantings we recommend up to five treatments per season to protect against this disease. - How do you recommend treating plants against late blight?

Preparations "Pencozeb", "Ditan", Bordeaux mixture. The first treatment can be done when the plant grows to 10 - 15 cm, then after a week the treatment is repeated. Please note that these drugs do not cure, but prevent diseases.

Unfortunately, it is still impossible to cure late blight. - I have a small plot near Begoml. Potatoes have been affected by cancer for many years now. I can’t do anything about it, I change varieties, but the disease still appears.

This dangerous disease, you need to report this to the State Inspectorate for Seed Production, Quarantine and Plant Protection by calling 288-88-10, 288-18-94. Experts are keeping track of outbreaks of this disease.

To protect such areas, special measures must be taken: crop rotation must be observed, varieties resistant to cancer must be used, and in no case should garbage be removed from such an area... - Thank you, I'll call you.

How to defeat the Colorado potato beetle- How to fight the Colorado potato beetle? Maybe new ones have appeared effective means? - You can use the drugs “Aktara”, “Mospilan”.

The beetle is already accustomed to the old drugs, but these drugs contain new active ingredients that act quite effectively. But it is still very difficult to fight the Colorado potato beetle; it quickly colonizes new spaces.

For example, if previously the northern border of its distribution was the Pskov region, Velikiye Luki, now it has already advanced to St. Petersburg. And literally 10 - 15 years have passed!

By the way, the beetle is not a problem for America; it has its own natural enemies there - microorganisms, some birds. But for most birds this beetle is not tasty. In Belarus, not a single bird touches it.

- How to deal with wireworm?- It is necessary to use bait crops (corn or grains are planted about a month before planting potatoes, and after 2 - 3 weeks the seedlings are dug up on which the wireworms gather).

For etching, you can use the drug “Prestige”. Be sure to frequently cultivate the soil; there should be no weeds on it. In addition, the wireworm does not like oil radish.

Plant it, observe crop rotation. - Is it possible to do without organic fertilizers? - Can. In our center, we have been growing potatoes without organic fertilizers for about ten years.

But we use green fertilizers - oilseed radish, mustard, rapeseed. In principle, you can grow potatoes on mineral fertilizers provided the soil is fertile. The classic ratio of nitrogen - phosphorus - potassium is 1:0.8:1.2.

- What should I spray the potatoes with before storing them?- Warehouse potatoes should not be treated with anything. And it is enough to turn the seeds green in the dim sun and put them in storage. It is important that the potatoes are well ventilated during storage.

- Which potatoes are best for frying?- There are culinary types of potatoes: A, B, C, D. Potatoes of type A do not boil, B - crack slightly, C - boil, D - boil very much.

The best varieties for frying are considered to be type A potato varieties - these are “Dolphin”, “Neptune”, “Skarb”. Moreover, “Scarb” and “Neptune” have one more great feature: they can lie cleaned for a day and do not darken in the air.

What new potato varieties have appeared in Belarus? Each year, from one to five new varieties are submitted for testing. "Uladar" - early variety. When cooked, it cracks slightly (type B). Resistant to potato nematode and potato cancer.

Grows well in light to medium soils. "Vesnyanka" - late variety. Boiled (type B, C). Resistant to potato nematode and potato cancer.

Average resistance to late blight and scab. Suitable for growing on all types of soil. "Lileya"- early variety. It is uniquely resistant to late blight of tubers. Does not boil over (type A, B), can be fried in strips.

"Magician" - mid-late variety, boils well. Resistance to late blight of leaves and tubers is average. Grows well in light to medium soils.

"Ragneda"- one of the most productive varieties. White pulp. Good resistance to late blight. "Accent"- late variety. Large tubers.

Good presentation. Resistant to late blight, potato blight, and tuber blackleg, stores well. Suitable for growing on all types of soil. "Yanka" - mid-season variety. Tubers have a beautiful oval shape.

White pulp, boiled. High resistance to viral diseases, medium - to scab, black leg, late blight of leaves and tubers. No need to pick flowers on potatoes!

Experts comment on readers' advice Komsomolskaya Pravda readers told us what they do to get a good potato harvest. We asked experts to comment on these tips.

“Before germinating, I pour water into the boiling water, add two caps of peat oxidate, potassium permanganate and ash and soak for 1 - 2 hours. Then I dry the potatoes.

I cut each potato in the middle so that there are eyes on each half of the potato, then I put it in fruit boxes and cover it with earth... When shoots appear, I hill them up, when flowers appear, I pick them off.”