Vertical layout plan of the site. Vertical layout project. Atmospheric precipitation removal

It is so conceived by nature that the surface of our planet has different relief throughout its entire area. A person, in pursuit of comfort in inhabited areas, tries to create conditions for maximum convenience of his stay. It is necessary to properly plan your site.

Geodetic survey

The vertical layout plan of the area includes the actual geodetic survey itself, clearing for construction and the start of the work itself.

If you intend to handle this on your own, there are several factors to consider:

  • soil type and condition;
  • degree of groundwater occurrence;
  • the possibility of earth heaving at low temperatures.

You need to know this data for further construction of the foundation, as well as when planning wells and basements. To carry out this work, you must have special equipment (for example, a hydraulic level).

Construction of a building

When constructing an object, it is necessary to choose its location, accurately determine the height of the floor covering of the lower floor, and determine the degree of soil subsidence. With the help of planning, a number of issues are resolved. For example, the foundation must be above the groundwater level. Buildings above the foundation should be located slightly above the snow level (in accordance with climatic conditions). When building a home, it is better to choose a site located at a higher level (out of the entire available area). The construction of the facility begins after a carefully selected site for construction. Often the starting point for work is a nearby house or road.

After determining the desired point, they begin to calculate the depth of the object. There are several types of building a house on an angled plot. Usually there is a change in the landscape, in which all the irregularities on the surface are smoothed out. This project implies that construction will be carried out on a flat site. A house built on an area with a normal slope needs to rework the basement side. In this case, the home will have some features and blend smoothly into the landscape.

The landscape is divided according to the following characteristics:

  • flat slope - no more than 3%;
  • small slope – up to 8%;
  • average slope – up to 20%;
  • steep slope - over 20%.

Change in terrain

With a vertical layout of the area, a number of advantages arise (for example, the creation of a drainage system, a series of walking paths that are located at an angle). It becomes possible to create a system for draining rain flows at a certain slope to the lower part of the site. It is almost always quite difficult for owners of uneven plots of land to carry out planning. To solve such problems, there are specialists who are engaged in planning and changing the landscape of land with a vertical slope.

Slope with an angle of one meter

In such a situation, it is necessary to draw up a basement project. On the ground floor (in the walls of the lower floor) you need to install drainage. There are many examples of redevelopment of such an area, but not every owner, due to his strengths and capabilities, can with great confidence undertake the construction of housing in such non-standard conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to contact specialists for an accurate diagnosis of the area, the composition of its soil, the depth of groundwater and soil structure. Professionals in their field will help you make a map of the land plot.

Vertical planning model

When considering a building with a south-facing slope, it is recommended to locate the house as close to the east side as possible. The lower part is used for the construction of outbuildings (due to its low suitability for arrangement as a comfortable recreation area). It is advisable to improve the area in the upper part of the square by planting several strips of flower beds and planting several ornamental trees around the perimeter of the entire recreation area, moving them to the south side.

The planning of the drainage network must be reasonably consistent with the terrain of the area and have a drain to the lower part of the site. If you are a follower of the Eastern philosophy of Feng Shui, you need to make sure that the doors are located to the north or face east.

House layout

The main building should be located approximately 10 meters from the border of your site. You must be separated from your neighbors' house by at least 3 meters. The buildings must be at right angles to each other. All measurements can be done independently (without having any construction skills or design experience). A tape measure is sufficient to measure distances.


Outbuildings are erected simultaneously with the dwelling, although it is best to do this after the completion of the main building. Outbuildings should be erected at a certain distance from the buildings of neighbors. Experts recommend that it is best to build barns, sheds and latrines 3 meters away from neighbors’ buildings.

During construction, the same rules must be followed as during the construction of a house. By following the recommendations of experts and observing the rules for constructing objects on land with a large slope, the strength and durability of housing and other buildings (gazebos, greenhouses, barns, cellars, homemade ponds for decorating the site, baths, saunas) is achieved.

It is impossible to implement grandiose projects on an area of ​​up to 5 acres. On such a site it is possible to build a house, a restroom and a bathhouse. On an area of ​​10-11 acres, you can add a gazebo, a pond and several flower beds. On an area of ​​15 acres and above, everything will be limited only by your imagination.

The huge space will provide great motivation for the developer. It is important to remember that all plans for the construction of grandiose buildings must fit into GOST.

Everything must be planned in advance, documents drawn up, materials purchased, specialists must be hired. Only then, with peace of mind, can you get down to business and arrange your favorite area according to your tastes and views.


The correct layout will provide you with good, warm and reliable housing. During construction, it is advisable to contact specialists. Consult with them, clarify all the details of construction: this will ensure the durability of your home and also save you from hassle in the future. When changing difficult terrain, it is worth remembering that sometimes this state of affairs can play into your hands.

Each situation must have an individual approach to solving the problem, because any surface is made up of different planes. This affects the different composition of the soil in fairly small areas; the overlapping of different layers of earth causes a curvilinearity of the perimeter. All this makes it quite difficult to improve this area. When constructing facilities in such areas, specialists thoroughly study the surface topography, meteorological data of the region, find out the depth of groundwater deposits, the likelihood of soil subsidence under the weight of the building and many other key factors.

More often, construction on such a surface occurs in recreation areas or resorts. The view from the window of a building at a height will not leave anyone indifferent, but the main factor remains the improvement of the area, equipping it with all the benefits of civilization, without which it is difficult to imagine our daily life. The disadvantage of such an area is that the budget expenditures for landscaping will be significantly higher than for an area with flat terrain. Therefore, to implement your ideas you will have to fork out a lot of money. The positive side follows from its disadvantage - the uneven surface creates a feeling of exoticism, which cannot but attract attention. With the right approach to planning a non-standard surface, a small area can be turned into a piece of paradise.

For more information on the intricacies of the vertical layout of the site, see the following video.

Vertical planning of the land plot is necessary for proper alignment of buildings, taking into account the geodetic features of the site, to form the desired topography of the territory.

Geodetic survey

The vertical layout project is prepared after a geodetic survey of the development area. It is recommended to order geodetic surveys from professionals.

If you decide to cope on your own, you should determine what the height difference is on the site in general and on the site allocated for construction in particular. In the second case, the height of the ground surface at the corners of the future foundation is compared. For work, a hydraulic or laser level, geodetic level is used.

Also at the construction site it is necessary to determine:

  • soil type;
  • groundwater level;
  • the tendency of soil to heave when freezing.

These characteristics influence the design of the foundation, the possibility of arranging a basement or ground floor, etc.

Planting buildings

Before constructing a house, it is necessary to choose the right vertical positioning - to design at what height the floor of the first floor will be located (designing the height of the basement), how the ground layout at the construction site will be changed.

With the help of vertical site planning, a complex of problems is solved:

  • trenches, pits, foundations should be located above the maximum point of groundwater rise;
  • water from floods and precipitation must be drained away from buildings, including outside the site;
  • above-foundation structures should be located above the level of snow cover characteristic of a given climate in order to avoid moisture.

Based on geodetic survey data, the design of the foundation and the degree of its depth are selected, and the height of the base is determined. In addition, you must:

  • by adding soil, increase the level of the construction site;
  • arrange deep drainage to protect the foundation from groundwater;
  • plan the terrain and arrange a system for draining storm and melt water from the house;
  • Properly perform a blind area along the foundation.

It is advisable to allocate the highest located section of the allocated territory for the construction of a house. The landing of the house is determined after choosing a conditional zero - it can be the level of the neighboring plot or the main road. Then the planting depth of the building is calculated and its zero mark is the level at which the blind area adjoins the base of the building. Relative to the zero mark, the height of the plinth, the level of the finished floor and the top step of the porch are selected.

Vertical layout of the construction site

Based on how much the surface of the building site deviates from the horizontal level, construction sites are identified:

  • almost perfectly flat and horizontal;
  • with a slight slope (along the foundation the height difference is up to 0.5 m);
  • with a significant slope (0.5-1 m);
  • on a steep slope (difference over 1 m).

Regardless of the presence and degree of slope, it is important to artificially increase the ground level at a construction site, for which an embankment is formed. This allows:

  • increase the bearing capacity of the soil under the foundation;
  • reduce the degree of heaving of natural soil by reducing the thickness of the freezing layer and protect the foundation from deforming influences;
  • create optimal conditions for organizing a drainage system that protects the foundation of the house;
  • carry out all work on the arrangement of the underground part of the structure in an area inaccessible to groundwater penetration;
  • eliminate the need to organize the removal of soil taken from the foundation pit in trenches, since it is placed under the house.

Raising the level of the construction site above the road level by adding soil makes it possible to avoid the “house in a hole” effect, which is inevitable if the surrounding areas are improved by importing fertile soil for planting.

The embankment near the foundation part of the house can be formed from any type of soil, if it does not contain peat, vegetation and other organic inclusions. The recommended thickness of the embankment on a horizontal section is 0.2-0.5 m.

Changing the terrain of the territory

The vertical layout of the site makes it possible to transform the natural topography of the territory in accordance with the horizontal layout project. The layout can be utilitarian - it is necessary to lay paths convenient for movement, create a drainage system and arrange all paths and sites with a slope that ensures free drainage, as well as aesthetic - the landscape of the site must be expressive.

The vertical layout design must take into account the volume of earth masses that need to be moved. Maintaining a balance of excavation work will make it possible to use for embankments the soil removed when the relief changed, taken out when creating platforms and paths, and laying the drainage system.

Playgrounds (sports courts, recreation areas, etc.) are raised above the existing surface, while the slopes are made as flat as possible by pouring soil, or a retaining wall is constructed. If the site is located below the level of the natural surface, the formation of slopes is carried out by cutting the soil at a designed angle.

Example of vertical layout

Let's consider a plot with a slope to the south. It is recommended to build the house at the highest point of the site, as close as possible to the eastern side. It is advisable to allocate space for outbuildings in the lower part of the territory. The remaining space is allocated for arranging a recreation area, planting ornamental shrubs and trees, laying out flower beds - plants do well on the south side.

If the slope is large, terraces with retaining walls are formed, paths with stairs and ramps are built. designed taking into account the features of the relief, the drain is located in the lower corner of the site.

A competent vertical layout ensures the durability of buildings and allows you to change the topography of the landscape, making it aesthetic and functional.

Vertical planning is one of the main elements of the engineering preparation of populated areas and is a process of artificially changing the natural topography to adapt it to the requirements of urban planning.

The task of vertical planning is to impart slopes to the designed surface, ensuring: drainage of rain and melt water through open trays into the drainage network and further into natural reservoirs; favorable and safe conditions for traffic and pedestrians; preparing the developed territory for development, laying underground networks and landscaping; organization of relief in the presence of unfavorable physical and geological processes in the area (flooding of the territory, flooding with groundwater, gully formation, etc.); giving the relief the greatest architectural and compositional expressiveness.

An important condition for designing a vertical layout is to achieve the least amount of excavation work and a possible balance of moving soil masses, i.e. equality of volumes of embankments and excavations in order to reduce transport costs for delivery or removal of soil.

When developing vertical planning projects, one must strive to preserve the existing natural terrain, existing green spaces and vegetation soil cover to the maximum possible extent. In this regard, vertical planning should be provided, as a rule, on land plots occupied by buildings, structures, streets, roads and squares. A continuous vertical layout can be used in the territories of public centers with a building density of more than 25%, as well as when they are highly saturated with roads and utility networks.

The naturally formed vegetation layer of the earth is a golden fund for its further use in landscaping the area. Therefore, SNiPs oblige vertical planning projects to include places for the removal and temporary storage of fertile soil and measures to protect it from contamination during construction work for its subsequent use in landscaping the territory.

In difficult conditions of territory preparation, it may be necessary to radically change the existing topography by completely filling up areas prone to flooding, filling in ravines or cutting off hills that impede the placement of buildings, streets, driveways, etc. In this case, it is necessary to provide for such placement of earth masses that could not cause landslides and subsidence phenomena, disruption of surface runoff, groundwater regime and swamping of territories. These circumstances become especially important when filling ravines and excessive moisture in areas.

The development of vertical layout design solutions is preceded by a thorough study of the terrain and other previously listed natural factors. It is advisable to carry out work on vertical planning before the construction of buildings and structures.

Study of relief, its use and modification

When developing master plans for populated areas, detailed planning projects and development of their territories, the nature of the terrain becomes important. Underestimation or incorrect use of relief features leads to the complication of design solutions, increased costs of construction work and the creation, in some cases, of unfavorable conditions for the placement of buildings and structures, the organization of traffic and pedestrian traffic, sanitary and hygienic living conditions and landscaping. The terrain often determines the appearance of a city and the conditions for its territorial development.

According to accepted planning practice terminology, the terrain of a city (settlement) is divided into the following types:

1) flat - a slightly flat surface of the earth without hills and ravines (for example, St. Petersburg);
2) medium - with hills, small valleys and pits (for example, Moscow);
3) complex - with pronounced steep slopes and hills (for example, Kiev).

The terrain is determined by geodetic survey and depicted on the plan in horizontal lines, which are conventional projection lines of the intersection of the surface with horizontal planes located in height at equal distances from one another. Since each horizontal line individually is a line connecting points with the same elevations, horizontal lines of different heights cannot intersect each other in plan.

On the horizontal lines their altitudes are inscribed - absolute marks, measured from absolute zero (the Baltic Sea). In the absence of such data, the surface is leveled from the conventionally accepted level and the marks are called relative. The difference between adjacent horizontal lines in height is called the height of the relief section, or the pitch of the horizontal lines, and the distance between them in plan is called the laying. On a surface with the same angle of incidence of the terrain, the distances between the horizontal lines will be equal. With gentle terrain, the distances between horizontal lines will be large, and as the slope increases in steepness, they will decrease.

Depending on the stages of design and the corresponding increase in the scale of the plan, the detail of the relief image changes. When developing detailed projects for the planning and development of cities, it is more advisable to use topographic plans with a scale of 1:2000 and a horizontal pitch of 0.5 or 1 m, etc. (M 1:500) (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 shows a terrain plan showing various terrain conditions in horizontal lines. It is clear from the plan that the horizontal marks are laid with a drop in height, or step, of 1 m. The arrows show the directions of the surface slopes, the largest of which are determined by the shortest distance between the horizontals (along the normal to them). Consequently, terrain conditions are characterized mainly by slopes and their directions.

Fig.1. Site plan showing terrain conditions

B - top; C - saddle; P - peak; B - bergstroke indicating the direction of the slope; R - flat area; K - excavation area (pit); T - thalweg; L - hollow; G - ridge (arrows show the direction of surface runoff)

Slope is the ratio of the difference in height between two individual points to the distance between them (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Slope Slope is expressed in decimal fractions as a percentage and in ppm (%o) (thousandths). For example: i = 0.01 corresponds to i = 1% or i = 10%o. Most often in practice - %o.

In nature, level ground surfaces are rarely found, with the exception of wetlands. In Fig. 1, the terrain plan is characterized by the presence of hollows, hills, ravines, and flat areas.

The highest ridge lines are watersheds, and the lowest areas of ravines and hollows, called thalwegs, concentrate surface water runoff. Ridges, or watersheds, are characterized on the plan by the convexity of successive horizontal lines (in the direction of the slope), and valleys, or thalwegs, by their concavity. The nature of watersheds and thalwegs is determined by the difference between the highest and lowest elevations, the frequency of contours in individual areas and the degree of their convexity or concavity, which characterize the longitudinal slope and steepness of slopes and slopes. Increase in frequency of horizontal lines, i.e. a decrease in the distances between them in plan indicates an increase in slopes in these areas, and a thinning of horizontal lines indicates their decrease. To facilitate the study of the relief, berg strokes are applied to them along the perpendicular horizontal lines - small lines indicating the direction of the slope towards a decrease in the relief.

Categories of unfavorable and especially unfavorable relief conditions require special measures for vertical planning with a significant change in the relief, installation of retaining walls, slopes, stairs, etc.

The relief of the territory largely determines the planning composition of the street network, and, consequently, the city plan. For laying a network of streets, the most favorable terrain is with slopes of 5-60%o, for main streets - 5-80%o, for residential streets and driveways - depending on their classification.

In conditions of complex terrain, the routing of streets and roads can be designed according to three schemes.

Along the greatest slope - across the horizontal lines, which is sometimes necessary to create the shortest distances between individual points of a populated area. According to this scheme, longitudinal slopes become greatest and can only be used on residential streets and local driveways of short length. In this case, the slope should not exceed 80%o, and in mountainous conditions -100%o.

At the smallest slope - along the horizontal lines. This scheme is most suitable for main streets and roads with heavy traffic. This requires excavation work to level the transverse profile so that buildings laid on opposite sides of the street are not located at different heights. Sometimes it becomes necessary to install retaining walls or slopes.

Diagonally to the horizontal, i.e. a combination of the first and second schemes. In this case, by increasing the distance between the difference in relief marks, the creation of the necessary slope is ensured.

With significant slopes of the terrain (in mountainous conditions), it is necessary to place buildings on terraces, and route the road and street network along serpentines (Fig. 3). Vertical layout has a noticeable impact on the improvement of the territory, while one of the most important measures is to ensure the flow of surface water and the convenience of laying drainage and sewer pipelines.

It should be borne in mind that a closed (underground) network of drains and sewerage belongs to the category of non-pressure, gravity-flow structures that require appropriate slopes for normal operation. Underestimation of these obligations leads to the need to install additional complex and expensive artificial structures (drains, aqueducts, pumping stations). Since underground pipelines in populated areas are usually laid along streets and roads, the design of the vertical layout of the road and street network must, along with transport requirements, provide the necessary conditions for their complex construction.

The conditions for ensuring surface water flow predetermine the need to create a minimum longitudinal slope of streets of 5%o and, in exceptional cases, with a monolithic road surface (asphalt concrete, cement concrete) - at least 4%o. The maximum longitudinal slope is set taking into account the categories of streets and roads, in order to ensure the convenience and safety of transport along them at design speeds.

Fig.3. Serpentine road section

L - overhead line; L 1 -L 4 - sections of the developed road route; O - apex of the rotation angle; K - the main curve on the serpentine section; K - reverse curves; r-curve radius; C - inserts between curves

As a rule, the development of a vertical layout of the territory of cities, individual districts and sections is preceded by a vertical layout of a network of streets and roads, in which design (red) marks are set on lines limiting the area occupied by a street or road on both sides in plan, called “red lines” . The vertical layout of the territory adjacent to the “red lines” for its development and improvement is developed with mandatory reference to the design (red) marks, which are the guidelines.

Design stages and methods

Vertical planning projects are developed in accordance with the architectural and planning assignment, which is drawn up by the architectural and planning department or the department of the chief architect of the city.

Depending on the stage of design, the development of a vertical layout is carried out using three methods:

1) the method of design (“red”) marks;
2) method of longitudinal and transverse profiles;
3) the method of design (red) contour lines.

The method of design (“red”) marks is used when developing a vertical planning scheme, which is the first stage of a high-rise solution for the territory of a populated area or a separate area of ​​it. Its essence lies in the fact that on the general plan diagram, made on a geodetic basis, displaying the existing relief of the territory in marks or horizontal lines, design (“red”) marks are applied at characteristic points.

Design elevations and planned slopes in the areas between them characterize the planned relief and determine the organization of surface runoff of rain and melt water.

In a vertical planning scheme, design marks are applied along the axes of streets and roads at the points of their mutual intersections, as well as in places of planned fractures (slope changes) of longitudinal profiles. Design marks are determined at intersections of streets and roads, at artificial structures, in places of planned significant fills or cuts, and at other characteristic points. The difference between the design and existing elevations is called working elevations (+ or -), which characterize the size of fills or cuts, as well as the altitude position of the surface of the designed artificial structures. In the areas between the points of the specified design elevations, the surfaces in the profile are given rectilinear outlines. In this case, the average design slopes of the surfaces are determined by the ratio of the difference in the design elevations of the boundary points of the sections under consideration to the distance between these points.

Fig.4. Scheme for determining intermediate marks between horizontal lines (interpolation method)

The method of design (red) marks is used at the first stages of urban planning - when developing a feasibility study and master plan.

The method of longitudinal and transverse profiles is used mainly in the design of linear structures of roads and railways, tram tracks, underground utilities, etc. A system of design profiles (usually longitudinal) gives a fairly complete picture of the planned design solutions and the possibility of accurately implementing them in situ.

Profiles are conditional sections of the existing and designed surfaces in the sections under consideration. The convention is as follows:

a) it is provided that between points with known marks the relief is expressed by straight sections;
b) for a more visual representation of the relief, the scales of the sections are distorted. For longitudinal profiles, the distortion is usually taken to be 1:10, i.e. the vertical scale is 10 times larger than the horizontal; for cross profiles of streets and roads, the scale ratio is 1:2.

The method of design (“red”) contours compares favorably with the method of profiles in its greater clarity, clarity of combination of the designed relief with the placement of structures, and the ability to cover the entire designed territory. Thanks to this, the method of design horizontals has become predominantly widespread in the development of vertical planning projects for areas, microdistricts, and green areas. The essence of this method is that horizontal lines are drawn onto the plan with a geodetic base, displaying the designed terrain. Figure 5 shows comparable examples of vertical layout design using the methods listed above.

Fig.5. Fragments of vertical planning projects made using various methods

a - design (“red”) marks; b - profiles, c - design (“red”) contours. The arrow shows the direction of the slope; above the arrow is the slope, %o, below it is the distance between the marks, m. The existing surface on the profile and in horizontal lines is shown as a thin line, and the projected surface as a thick line

The basis for the vertical layout of the territory of the designed objects is the general diagram of the vertical layout of populated areas or individual areas, drawn up during the development of master plans. When designing these schemes, they solve the issues of the high-altitude orientation of the territory, and also adjust the routes of streets and roads according to the relief conditions, taking into account the provision of surface drainage, convenience and safety of traffic, economical conditions for sewerage of the territory and the minimum volume of earthworks associated with the redevelopment of the relief

Vertical planning of territories of populated areas and their areas

Based on the general design of the layout of the populated area as a whole (general plan), developed on a geodetic basis (M 1:5000), a vertical layout scheme is drawn up to determine the most appropriate and economically justified solution for adapting the relief to the building conditions. Depending on the size of the designed territory (city, region) and the complexity of the relief, the scale and degree of detail may be different. The basis for their solution is the road and street network plans.

The vertical planning scheme should determine changes in the terrain of the territory, the conditions for organizing surface runoff and sewerage. To do this, discharge points for storm and fecal waters are established and a network of main drainage collectors is outlined. Based on the predominant location of water intake structures and drainage networks of storm and fecal sewerage along the streets, the latter are usually routed to low places in relation to the adjacent territory, which ensures the drainage of surface water from the adjacent territory and the convenience of sewerage of individual sections.

Depending on the terrain, the planned territories are given a single-slope, double-slope or four-slope surface (Fig. 6). The best are two- and four-slope surfaces, as they provide rapid drainage of surface water in the direction of drains running along the streets and help reduce the network of drains in intra-block areas.

The least convenient areas of the territory are those with a closed contour, i.e. with their lower location in relation to the adjacent streets. In such areas, it is necessary to build a developed drainage network with the placement of water intake wells in all low areas. However, this does not eliminate the possibility of flooding of the area, especially during periods of heavy rainfall, as well as in the event of clogged storm drains. Therefore, the road and street network, as well as adjacent areas, should be planned, if possible, in such a way that surface flow is ensured in the direction of drainage networks laid along the streets.

Fig.6. Schemes for organizing surface runoff in microdistrict territories

a, b - with a single-pitched surface; c - with a gable surface; g - with a hipped surface; d - in a low area

As already noted, when designing a vertical layout, one should strive to achieve a zero balance of earthworks, i.e. to equal volumes of embankments and excavations in neighboring areas of the planned territories. Sometimes the need to fill up areas may be caused by the presence of low-lying areas with difficult drainage, wetlands, flooded areas, etc., however, large volumes of excavation work are associated with significant costs due to changes in natural conditions, and in some cases with the need to rebuild existing above-ground or underground structures . Therefore, the planned work to raise the surface level of the territories should be compared with other possible engineering solutions: lowering the groundwater level, installing a network of drains, water protection structures (from flooding) in the planned territories, etc.

When designing soil cutting, one should take into account the presence of areas with high groundwater levels, difficult-to-develop rocks, the possibility of damage or the need to reconstruct underground structures and road surfaces. Sometimes a change in relief may be associated with the implementation of a unique architectural and compositional plan.

The conditions for changing the relief are characterized by the volume of bedding and cuttings in individual areas of the surface. Fillings or cuts are determined by working elevations, which are the difference between the designed and existing elevations at individual points (Fig. 7).

The arrows indicated on the vertical planning diagrams along the axes of streets and roads characterize the directions of longitudinal slopes in the areas between the reference points. The numbers above the arrows show the design longitudinal slopes of streets and roads (%o - ppm), and below the arrows - the distances between adjacent reference points (in m). The lower numbers at the reference points show the existing surface marks at these points, the upper ones - the design marks and the middle ones - the working marks. Positive working marks (+) characterize the planned volume of bedding, and negative marks (-) characterize the cutting.

Design slopes are determined by the formula

i = (H 1 - H 2) / l

H 1 and H 2, - design marks at the points under consideration; l is the distance between them.

Fig.7. Fragment of the vertical layout diagram of a section of an urban area

The value of i is usually rounded to thousandths with corresponding adjustments to the elevations of the points in question.

City streets and roads

Longitudinal and transverse slopes of streets, roads and their individual elements must be within the limits allowed by SNiPs. Permissible longitudinal slopes depend on the design speeds. They are installed in accordance with the categories of streets or roads being designed (Table 2).

Values ​​of maximum permissible slopes

Category of streets and roads Design speeds, km/h Most permissible longitudinal slopes, %o
Expressways 120 40
Main streets and city roads
continuous movement 100 50
controlled movement 80 50
regional significance 80 60
freight roads 80 40
Local streets and roads
residential streets 60 80
roads of industrial and warehouse areas 60 60
Pedestrian streets and roads - 40
Directions 30 80

In places where streets and roads cross each other at the same level, it is recommended that their longitudinal slopes do not exceed 20-30%. For bridges, a slope of 30% is the maximum permissible. Places where highway sections intersect with railways should be laid out smooth for at least 10 m in each direction from the railway tracks (and for crossings in excavations - at least 20 m).

Sections of carriageways of streets and roads with different longitudinal slopes are interconnected with the help of curved inserts. The radii of vertical curves are set taking into account the smoothness of movement and its safety (Table 3).

Smallest radii of vertical curves, m

Category of streets and roads convex concave
Expressways 10000 2000
Main streets and roads 6000 1500
citywide significance
regional significance 4000 1000
freight roads 6000 1500
Local streets 2000 500

The radii of convex curves are larger than concave ones, taking into account the visibility of the road, as well as of vehicles in front at distances required for traffic safety at design speeds.

The transverse slopes of the surfaces of roadways and roads are set depending on the types of road surfaces and are taken on average for asphalt and cement concrete pavements made of slabs 20%; for pavements, as well as pavements made of crushed stone and gravel treated with binders - 25%; for crushed stone and gravel surfaces - 30%o.

Longitudinal profiles are designed mainly along the axes of roadways and streets (Fig. 8).

Fig.8. Longitudinal profile of a city street (road), combined with a geological section

Most often, for detailed planning, they use M 1:1000 for longitudinal profiles and M 1:100 for vertical ones. For the convenience of taking into account hydrogeological conditions and reducing the number of drawings, longitudinal profiles of streets and roads are usually combined with geological profiles (sections). When constructing a design longitudinal profile (drawing a design line), the following conditions are followed:

1. The longitudinal slopes required by the standards should be created with the minimum possible volume of excavation work along the entire width of the street within the “red lines”. To do this, when designing a longitudinal profile along the axis of the street (road), one should simultaneously take into account the impact that longitudinal slopes will have on the volume of excavation work to create the designed transverse profile of the street.

Fig.9. Examples of cross-sections of streets in different terrain conditions

a - on a flat area; b, c - on sloped areas, N p - guide mark

The turning marks of the longitudinal profile are installed in such a way that, while maintaining the standard elements of the transverse profile and their standard transverse slopes, it is possible to preserve the existing marks of the ground surface along the “red lines”, which eliminates the need to redevelop the topography of adjacent territories (Fig. 8, 9). With limited transverse slopes of the terrain, the specified conditions can be achieved by changing the transverse slopes of lawns (decreasing them on the downhill side and increasing them on the uphill side). With significant transverse slopes (streets on slopes), there is often a need to design individual street elements at different levels with the connection of terraced areas using slopes or retaining walls.

2. In case of local unevenness of the relief, the longitudinal profiles of streets and roads should be designed using the method of secant lines with cutting off individual protruding sections and filling low areas with cut soil (relief microplanning).

3. If it is necessary to change the longitudinal slopes of streets and roads, the design lines of the longitudinal profiles should also be drawn in the form of secant lines in relation to the existing surface, providing for the smallest additions and cuttings of soil and possible equality of volumes of embankments and excavations in neighboring areas.

4. The number of turning points of the longitudinal profile should be limited, trying to increase the distance between them, especially on streets and roads intended for the movement of cars at high speeds.

5. The lowest areas of streets should be located, as a rule, at intersections with other streets, in the direction of which surface water can be drained, or in other places of possible spillway. If such a solution cannot be achieved, it is necessary to equip the streets with underground storm sewers along their entire length, placing water intake wells in all low places to ensure the drainage of surface water.

6. When reconstructing existing streets and roads, it is necessary to preserve, whenever possible, capital structures, road surfaces and other street elements. If the road surfaces are in good condition, then the working marks in some sections may be zero or with a slight elevation of the design lines. In this case, the profile is corrected by building up the coatings by laying a layer of asphalt concrete over their surface.

7. The end points of the designed longitudinal profiles must have zero working marks, i.e. the design line must match the marks of the existing surface. As a result, in some cases, the boundaries of the design profiles must be moved beyond the boundaries of the designed areas to a sufficient distance required to interface with the existing surface.

The position of the design line of the longitudinal profile is characterized by design elevations, slopes and the length of the sections between the fracture points of the longitudinal profile. At points of change in slopes, angles arise that form convex and concave fractures of the longitudinal profile. Convex profile fractures impair road visibility and cause vehicle impacts when crossing a ridge. At concave fractures, under the influence of centrifugal force, a push and overload of the springs occur. To ensure smooth traffic movement and visibility of the roadway surface at a sufficient distance in places where the longitudinal profile breaks, straight sections in the profile must be mated with curved radial inserts (convex and concave vertical curves).

The radius of vertical curves depends on the design speed. The higher the accepted speed of movement, the larger the radius of the vertical curves should be (see Table 3).

The transverse profiles of streets and roads are designed in accordance with the established elements included in the structure, including the roadway, the central dividing strip, landscaping strips (lawns), sidewalks, bicycle paths, as well as shoulders and ditches for roads with an open system water supply A transverse profile that reflects all its constituent elements is called a standard structural profile, and profiles that establish the elevations of all its turning points are called working profiles.

Sidewalks and lawns are given a single-pitched surface with a transverse slope towards the roadway. Roadways are given a single-slope or double-slope surface, while a single-slope surface is given to one-way roadways with a width of up to 10.5 m. Two-way roadways are given a gable profile, and with a significant width - a polygonal one. Pedestrian paths usually have parabolic shapes.

Design using the design (red) contours method gives a visual representation of the designed terrain and the ability to accurately implement the project in situ, especially in areas with small slopes and complex terrain.

In the direction of the resulting slope i, surface water flow occurs (perpendicular to the horizontal lines). All horizontal lines along sections of streets or roads with the same longitudinal and transverse slopes are parallel to each other. With changes in longitudinal or transverse slopes, the angles of deviation of horizontal lines from the direction of the road axis also change. Since sidewalks and lawns usually rise above the roadway, the horizontal lines on them are shifted relative to the same horizontal lines on the roadway. In most cases, they also have a different direction, since the surfaces of the roadway and sidewalk are given opposite transverse slopes - towards the trays. An example of the vertical layout of a street section, made using the design contours method.

Intersections of streets and roads at the same level

Solutions for the vertical layout of intersections of streets and roads can be very different depending on the configuration of the intersection, the conditions for organizing traffic on them, the topography, and in some cases, on the presence of any structures at the intersections, the location and elevation of which may affect design decisions. Examples of vertical layout of simple intersections are shown in Fig. 10

Fig. 10. Examples of vertical layout of simple intersections

The best conditions for drainage are achieved when intersections are located on watershed areas (Fig. 17, 1, 2), however, in cities such cases are relatively rare, since streets are usually designed along low-lying areas of territories. Often intersections are located in thalwegs (Fig. 17, 3) or on single-slope areas of territories (Fig. 17, 4). When street intersections are located in the thalweg, water from the upper part of the site to the lower part is usually transferred through small trays to the surface of the roadway. These intersections are designed in such a way that the least interference is created for traffic and pedestrian crossings are not flooded. To intercept water from the upper sections of streets in front of pedestrian crossings, water intake wells of the underground drainage network are installed. When drains are open, overflow pipes are laid under the roads, connecting the hatches located on the upstream and downstream sections of the territory. Cross profile of the roadway of the street and road running in the transverse tal

vego direction, in the presence of underground drains, may not change, and the coupling of roadways of intersecting streets on the upstream section of the intersection is carried out as shown in Fig. 17, 5.

When the intersection is located on a slope (Fig. 17, 4), the roadway is usually left single-slope, etc., solutions can be very diverse.

The least desirable location of intersections is in hollows (Fig. 17, 5). In this case, a closed loop is formed, from which drainage can only be carried out using a closed drainage network. However, even if there is a drain, the possibility of flooding of intersections cannot be completely ruled out. It is advisable to avoid such a situation.

Intersections of streets and roads at different levels

On streets with heavy traffic, where intersections do not provide the passage of all traffic flow, intersections are built at different levels.

Transport intersections at different levels are designed primarily on highways of continuous traffic and expressways; at intersections with a traffic intensity of more than 4000-6000 vehicles during peak traffic hours in all directions; in the case when all possible other measures to increase capacity do not ensure the passage of traffic during the construction of bridges across rivers and overpasses over railway tracks with the installation of additional space under them for the passage of traffic.

Transport intersections at different levels are an engineering structure that ensures the laying of roadways in different planes at street intersections and at junction points. The diversity of local conditions in cities determines a wide variety of transport intersections at different levels. In design and construction practice, intersections at two, three and four levels are used. At the same time, based on topographic conditions, the designs of engineering structures at transport intersections are divided into the following types: tunnel-type overpasses with retaining walls or earthen slopes on the approaches to them (ramps) (Fig. 20); overpasses of the overpass type with ramps located on reinforced concrete supports or on a soil bed (embankment) with slopes; half-tunnels and half-overpasses (half-cuts, half-embankments); combination of tunnels and overpasses. The latter are used when designing transport intersections at three or more levels.

Half-tunnels and half-overpasses are designed in order to reduce the depth of the tunnel and the height of the embankment, as well as the length of the ramps, which in some cases, due to the insufficient width of the street, can only be placed within the area of ​​the transport hub. This type of crossing often has to be used to avoid relocation of a large underground pipeline.

In the practice of design and road construction in cities, transport intersections at two and three levels of different outlines in plan are most widespread. The types of transport intersections at different levels are established when developing a detailed planning and development project for a city or a separate area. According to the designed transport and planning solution for the intersection node in the “red lines” project, completed in M ​​1:2000, a territory is reserved for its location.

When choosing the type of intersection, you must have the following materials: classification of the streets included in the node by category, a cartogram of the intensity and nature of traffic in the square or intersection, a plan of the adjacent territory on a geodetic basis, hydrogeological conditions of the territory adjacent to the node, the location and depth of underground utilities, drawings of longitudinal and typical transverse profiles included in a street node, the type of road surface. When designing intersections at different levels, it is necessary to take into account the geological composition of the soil and the level of groundwater, which determine the conditions for the construction of artificial structures, the depth of the foundations of supports and retaining walls, and the design of the overpass.

Longitudinal profiles of streets determine the choice of the type of overpass and, taking into account all other factors, its placement in the plan. Depending on the nature of the longitudinal profiles included in the street node, the direction of the slopes and their values, the vertical layout of the node with intersection at different levels is also decided. The longitudinal slopes of the streets along which the overpass is placed determine the length of its ramps, and therefore the total length of the artificial structure (tunnel, overpass).

City squares

City squares can be divided into public and transport squares. Public squares are the center of public life of the city's population, where the main administrative centers, entertainment enterprises, shopping and other public buildings are concentrated. Transport areas are designed to decouple complex traffic flows. The combination of public and transport functions in one area is undesirable, which sometimes occurs (station areas). The main space of the public square should, if possible, be freed from transit traffic flows.

The vertical layout of areas is carried out in accordance with their purpose in the city system. The shapes and sizes of squares are determined by transport and pedestrian flows, their direction, throughput and the number of streets flowing into the square. The shape of the surface of the square is influenced by the relief and altitude of the streets included in it, the drainage system, as well as the architecture of the square as a whole. It is especially important for the surface of squares that one sidewalk can be seen from the other on the opposite side. This allows for a visual perception of the area as a single whole. To comply with this condition, the surface of the area is designed along a complex curve with the following alternating transverse slopes: from the tray - 30%o, then - 20, closer to the axis - 15 and directly at the axis 10-5%o. Longitudinal slopes of the surface of city squares should not exceed 30%o, and parking lots - 20%o. The longitudinal slope of the rectangular area should be no more than 15%.

The conditions for organizing the relief on the territory of the areas should be determined in each specific case, taking into account local natural factors, architectural and planning solutions, ensuring unhindered and rapid drainage and removal of surface water (Fig. 11)

Fig. 11. Examples of organizing the surface of urban squares

Microdistrict territories

The principle of planning the territory of residential areas in the form of enlarged blocks and microdistricts makes it possible to reliably isolate residential buildings from street noise, satisfy the population's need for recreation and abandon continuous perimeter development and the construction of corner houses, applying the principle of free development. With such a layout, the costs of constructing streets, driveways and vertical layout are reduced, and issues of engineering equipment, improvement of neighborhoods and operation of the territory and buildings are resolved more economically than in the construction of small-sized neighborhoods.

The main tasks of the vertical planning of city microdistricts are the high-altitude placement of paths for intra-microdistrict transport and pedestrian traffic, as well as the correct and economical placement of excess soil masses obtained from pits for buildings and from the laying of underground networks. The vertical layout of a microdistrict has a noticeable impact on the architectural and planning solution, on the appropriate high-rise placement of buildings within the district.

The initial data for the vertical planning of microdistricts are the design elevations of the surrounding streets and their intersections, as well as (in the case of reconstruction) the elevations of the existing supporting buildings, the depth of underground networks and equipment. A network of pedestrian paths with access to parking areas should be developed inside the microdistrict.

The vertical layout of microdistrict territories should be carried out in relation to reference marks along the “red lines” obtained when designing streets in accordance with the general layout and vertical layout schemes of individual sections of urban areas. Markings at intermediate points, including at the entrances to microdistrict territories, must be determined by specified reference marks and design slopes along the streets. In accordance with these marks, the topography of the territory, planned architectural and spatial solutions, types of buildings and building conditions, the vertical layout of the territory is designed.

When designing the vertical layout of microdistrict territories, rainwater flow is provided in the direction of adjacent streets with the placement of water intake wells of the drainage network in front of them. When microdistrict territories are located in low-lying areas in relation to the roadways of adjacent streets, in particular on sloped areas, decisions should be made to exclude the possibility of surface water from entering the microdistrict territories from the streets. To do this, the neighborhood driveways adjacent to the streets are raised in relation to the street trays, installing entrance sides, and the driveways are sloped over a distance of 20-25 m (10-20% towards the streets).

Sidewalks are also raised above the roadways of the streets (by 15 cm) and give them a transverse slope towards the roadway. In places where neighborhood driveways adjoin streets, the longitudinal slopes of driveways should not exceed 20-30%.

When designing microdistrict territories, optimal solutions can only be achieved as a result of a compromise solution of horizontal and vertical planning, as well as the improvement of these territories.

Areas of the territory that are unsuitable for development can be allocated for landscaping. On large areas of plots, intra-microdistrict gardens or public gardens and parks are arranged.

With rugged terrain and large green areas, great attention should be paid to architectural and spatial solutions and preserving or giving the designed areas a picturesque appearance. In areas with complex terrain, terracing of the surface is sometimes designed with the connection of individual terraced areas using slopes or retaining walls and the installation of stairs for pedestrians.

Considerable attention should be paid to the location of buildings on the terrain. In addition to solving architectural planning problems and compositional problems, it is necessary to ensure ease of approach and access to buildings, as well as drainage from them. Surface slopes from buildings are designed towards passages, especially from buildings with basement floors. When the driveway is 3 m away from the building, the elevation of the building's blind area must be at least 18 cm higher than the elevation of the driveway tray, based on the height of the driveway side of 15 cm and the transverse slope of the sidewalk of at least 10%. When buildings with basement floors are located with the long side across the horizontal lines, the vertical planning conditions usually become significantly more complicated (Fig. 12). From which it is clear that such an arrangement of the building leads to the need for terracing of the relief, to complicating the approach to it and giving individual driveways and sidewalks increased slopes, which creates a noticeable inconvenience and danger for traffic.

Fig. 12. Vertical layout of a section of a microdistrict territory

The slopes of neighborhood driveways and sidewalks must be within acceptable limits. With large terrain slopes, a reduction in the longitudinal slopes of intra-block driveways is created by appropriate terracing or the installation of excavations and embankments. When designing playgrounds, lawns and other landscaped areas in microdistrict territories, they are given slopes that ensure unimpeded flow of rain and melt water into drainage devices on the territory of microdistricts or adjacent streets.

Sites for various purposes in the territories of the microdistrict are designed with different surface shapes. Utility or children's playgrounds are generally constructed with single- or double-slope surfaces with a slope of 5-30%o, sports grounds - usually with a gable-slope surface (less often - with a four-slope surface) with longitudinal and transverse slopes of 4-5%o. Taking into account small slopes, the surface of sports fields is planned especially carefully and they are raised above the adjacent territory by 0.5 m or more to ensure surface water drainage and rapid drying of the surface after rain.

Special conditions for vertical planning. Calculation of excavation volumes

Difficult terrain. A territory with complex terrain can be developed with minor changes or radical redevelopment of the surface. The latter decision is associated with high costs, especially in the presence of rocky or other difficult-to-develop soils, so it must be justified by technical and economic calculations.

Fundamental changes in relief in most cases are not necessary. Sometimes it is advisable to cut off only individual hills or fill in ravines and basins. Practice shows that with the correct planning of territories, the location of buildings, the laying of intra-block roads and sidewalks, and the placement of green spaces, the most difficult territories can be developed without significant changes to the topography. Whenever possible, the planning should completely preserve natural conditions and reduce to a minimum the costs associated with reconstruction measures.

The conditions for the placement of buildings depend on their type, the layout of passages, pedestrian paths or sidewalks, the placement of sports, utility and other areas, the orientation of buildings according to cardinal directions and other factors. The lowest costs associated with terrain planning are achieved when most buildings are located with their long sides at a slight angle relative to the horizontal lines. Since such a solution cannot always be implemented, it is advisable to build up areas with complex terrain with buildings of short length, with free orientation in relation to the cardinal points, which makes it possible to place them in plan in relation to different terrain.

It is advisable to place buildings with basement floors and especially significant length at such an angle to the horizontal so that the difference in relief along sections of the building with the same ground floor floor elevations does not exceed 1-1.5 m, and the longitudinal slope of the sidewalks located along the building does not exceed 10-10 m. 15%o. Standard buildings, intended mainly for flat terrain, can be used with slopes of no more than 100-120%. For large slopes, buildings are designed for difficult terrain conditions, or buildings that can be adapted to these conditions.

On rugged terrain, it is recommended to build single-section tower-type buildings, as well as buildings on poles. By placing buildings on poles along areas with a significant longitudinal slope, it is possible to maintain the same ground floor floor elevations, as well as provide passage or passage under these buildings. Placing such buildings in the horizontal direction makes it possible to use the space underneath them for parking or other purposes.

On steep slopes, buildings can be placed with or without terracing (Fig. 13). Terracing of territories is associated with large volumes of excavation work and significant costs, especially in the presence of rocky soils, but this option allows you to place various types of standard buildings on terraces and creates favorable conditions for driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, etc. Single-section tower-type houses can be placed in difficult terrain conditions, both with terraced and non-terraced buildings.

Fig. 13. Examples of placing buildings on steep slopes

When constructing multi-sectional buildings on steep slopes, it is advisable to shift individual sections vertically or use stepped houses.

The layout of intra-microdistrict driveways should ensure easy access to all buildings, as well as traffic safety. Pedestrian paths and sidewalks are designed taking into account the convenience and safety of pedestrian traffic within the microdistrict, as well as access to nearby streets and public transport stops. If the slopes of paths and sidewalks exceed the permissible ones (60-80%o), then staircases must be installed.

Separate terraced areas are connected by installing slopes or retaining walls. The slopes are sown with grass or turfed, which ensures their strengthening and creates a decorative design. To prevent erosion along the slopes on the upland side, trays are installed to receive surface water and drain it into the drainage network.

Areas with low slopes. To ensure unhindered water flow, the surface is given a slope (at least 4%) towards the drainage structures. The exception is green areas in hot climates, as well as areas with waterproof (hydrophilic) soils that can absorb water. If the slope is insufficient, it is necessary to level the area with backfilling and cutting of soil.

When laying streets and roads along ungraded sections of the territory, they have to be given a sawtooth profile with storm sewer water intakes placed in low places. At large distances between profile turning points, there is a need for significant embankments and excavations, which necessitate a large volume of excavation work. Partial changes in slope directions create unfavorable conditions for traffic. Therefore, in areas with slight slopes or on horizontal sections (embankments), a sawtooth profile is designed only along the drainage trays, and the profile slope along the axis of the roadway is kept equal to the existing slope of the terrain or even horizontal. In this case, the surface of the roadway is given variable transverse slopes in an area up to 1.5 m wide, close to the trays of the roadway, where vehicles move at low speeds when stopping.

Used to level an inclined plane, eliminate holes and hills, create artificial slopes for proper drainage, and raise a construction site. The equipment of the ProgressAvtoStroy company will help to perform all types of soil leveling:

  • Preparing the area. We create access roads for delivery and parking of equipment.
  • Delivery, unloading and distribution of imported soil (see also section).
  • Loading and removal of excess material.
  • Cutting off the fertile layer for subsequent restoration.
  • - from planning simple sites to and.

Price for land leveling

Plot area, acres

Lawn leveling price
(plow + level - without collecting weeds)

Cost of leveling with a tractor

Leveling with backfill (raise by 20cm)*, rub.

Before carrying out the work, we assess the scale, develop a project, an action plan, organize the interaction of teams, and provide a minimum set of equipment without downtime and additional costs.

Vertical layout: methodsand purposes of earthworks

Changing the landscape may be required both when planning relatively flat horizontal areas. Vertical soil leveling is performed in several ways:

  1. Alignment. , filling up holes and trenches, cutting off hills. To level the slope, leveling is carried out at the top point (machines add the required amount of soil), at the lower level of the territory (excess material is removed) or along the middle line (the soil is moved within the site and leveled).
  2. Vertical layout of the site with a rise in the overall level. Required when developing an area with high groundwater, when the ground is below the surface of the road or neighboring areas. Sometimes only the vertical leveling of the construction site is carried out to improve the quality of the foundation pouring and obtain a stronger foundation (we also carry out dismantling and demolition of foundations of all types).
  3. Work in coastal areas. In this case, soil leveling helps to increase the total area, raise the soil by one level, and strengthen the vertical part of the coastline. To organize the planning of the coastal zone, bulldozers and gabions are used.
  4. Formation of steps-terraces (terracing) on ​​the site. Transforming an inclined plane into several large terraces and using steps instead of a slope in the layout reduces the cost of vertical processing and leveling of areas, making the site more attractive, unusual and at the same time convenient for use.
  5. Fulfillment of the requirements of the landscape designer's plan with complete or partial modification of the territory. Proper use helps to properly organize areas for growing plants, dig a pit for a pond, make slides, dry streams, prepare areas for greenhouses, garden and ornamental trees, and flower beds.

Simultaneously with all methods of vertical planning of territories, a plan for the proper drainage of storm and flood waters is being thought out. To do this, when planning on flat areas, make slight slopes so that water does not accumulate on a horizontal plane and flows freely into the drainage system.

Mechanized soil leveling equipment

The ProgressAvtoStroy company offers rental of any machines for excavation work, vertical processing and implementation of landscape change plans. To yours, experienced specialists and engineers for competent management of the work process. Moscow and the Moscow region rarely cause problems in terms of land cultivation; standard soil can be processed with any special equipment. The kit may include equipment of all types:

  • Bulldozer, front loader, tractor with attachments for moving, distributing, leveling areas. Vertical soil leveling with a bulldozer or loader is used to remove uneven surfaces, backfill pits, trenches, and when processing a small summer cottage, machines usually work as the only equipment and perform the entire list of work.
  • Excavators, draglines, grabs. Vertical soil leveling with an excavator is used for digging pits, trenches for cables and drainage, leveling coastal areas, creating embankments and other large-scale work that involves changing the landscape of the area.
  • Scrapers and graders for work on the surface of a large area, when laying roads, developing parking lots, and large construction.
  • Equipment and tools for loosening hard rocks, preparing soil for moving, compacting finished sites. Vertical planning of territories, depending on the composition of the soil and the work plan, can be carried out using drilling tools, laying explosive charges, and destroying underground communications and structures.
  • Dump trucks and trucks for delivery and removal of leveling soil, gravel, and sand from territories.

When you contact us, you will receive the necessary set of equipment for vertical planning and engineering preparation of the territory, and additional work.

Together with the equipment for vertical processing, qualified personnel arrive at the site; before adjusting the landscape, we develop a diagram, an action plan, and organize changes in the vertical shape in such a way as to reduce costs and complete the work as quickly as possible.

Stages of vertical planning of territories

Work on vertical modernization of the territory begins with an analysis of the task and external conditions. If necessary, a ProgressAvtoStroy engineer comes to the site, helps to take into account all the details in the site plan, determines what exactly needs to be done to complete the vertical layout: raise the level of the territory (or part of it), deliver leveling soil, remove excess material, create artificial slopes , lay a drainage system.

The second stage is the selection of equipment and the preparation of technical processes for specific territories. The scheme takes into account the features of vertical processing, the joint operation of machines, the delivery and removal of soil, and the movement of equipment in such a way as to avoid downtime and unnecessary costs.

The third stage is the delivery of equipment to the territory. The duration of vertical site planning, depending on the complexity of the object, can range from 2-3 hours to several weeks. If necessary, we will organize a temporary parking area for equipment and a camp for construction workers.

In practice, the assessment of vertical processing occurs much faster: an experienced engineer assesses the situation on the territory in a few minutes and proposes solutions to the problem. To process a small area, it is possible to send equipment without an engineer - workers can cope with simple tasks without any technical process or preparatory work.

How to order a ground surface layout

Contact a ProgressAvtoStroy consultant and provide details of the upcoming vertical layout: location of the territory, condition, features of the site, list of tasks, possible difficulties.

If necessary, an engineer visits the site and independently compiles a list of works for a certain area. Call and find out how much vertical site planning costs, how long earthworks take, and which equipment will best cope with a specific task.

When starting the construction of a private house on a site, it is necessary to choose the right vertical placement of the house - determine at what height to place the floor level of the first floor (basement height) and how to change the vertical layout of the soil at the construction site.

Correct planting of the house and vertical layout of the site are necessary to solve the following problems:

  • Ensure that pits, trenches, cushions and foundations are located above the groundwater level.
  • Drainage of storm and flood waters from the house and further outside the site.
  • Placement of above-foundation structures (walls, basement floors) above the level of snow cover at the construction site to protect them from moisture.

To solve these problems it is necessary:

  • Carry out a geodetic survey of the site or, at a minimum, determine the difference in elevation of the site within the construction boundaries, as well as conduct surveys to assess the groundwater level and the degree of frost heaving of the soil.
  • Raise the general level of the construction site by creating a bedding (embankment) of soil.
  • Choose a foundation design that allows you to place them above the groundwater level - non-buried, shallow foundations for a house without a basement.
  • Determine the height of the base - the height of the above-ground part of the foundation.
  • Correctly make a blind area, near-surface drainage trays, and also perform terrain planning to drain rain and melt water from the house and the site.
  • Arrange deep drainage to drain groundwater from the house.

Geodetic survey of the construction site of a private house

It is better to order a geodetic survey of the construction site from specialists. It is necessary to at least determine the difference in height of the soil surface in the corners of the foundation and at the construction site. The height difference is determined using a geodetic level, laser or hydraulic level.

In addition, surveys are carried out within the construction boundaries and the following is determined:

  • Groundwater level.

Vertical layout of the construction site of a private house

By analyzing the results of geodetic surveys and surveys, the degree of deviation of the construction site surface from the horizontal level is determined and assessed.

The construction site can be:

  • Almost perfectly flat and horizontal.
  • Have a slight slope with a height difference within the foundation boundaries of no more than 0.4 m.
  • Have a significant slope with a height difference within the boundaries of the foundation within 0.4-1 m.
  • On a steep slope with a level difference within the foundation boundaries of more than 1 meter.

On construction sites, both with and without slope, it is always necessary to provide and carry out an artificial increase in the ground level, by adding (filling) third-party soil.

Installing an embankment under the house has the following advantages:

  • The bearing capacity of the soil under the base of the foundation increases.
  • The thickness of the freezing layer of natural heaving soil decreases, which will lead to a decrease in the forces of frost heaving of the soil under the base of the foundation.
  • Conditions are created or improved for drainage of rain and melt water from the construction site.
  • Foundation work is always carried out in a dry area, above the groundwater level.
  • It becomes possible to increase the general surface level of the area around the house during landscaping and the delivery of fertile soil to the area. The soil level on the site, as a result of various economic activities, increases over the years. A house without an embankment will eventually end up in a hole.
  • There is no need to transport soil removed from pits and trenches outside the site. All soil is placed in an embankment under the house.

Vertical layout on a site without a slope

Most often, construction sites located in lowlands and swampy are perfectly flat with a high groundwater level. The topography of the site and the surrounding area is not conducive to the rapid drainage of storm and flood waters.

A necessary condition for building a house on such sites is the construction of a shallow or non-buried foundation and an earth embankment.

It is recommended to make the thickness of the soil embankment within 0.2-0.5 m. To fill the embankment, you can use any soil that does not contain organic inclusions - peat, vegetation, etc. The foundation soil cushion and the embankment within the boundaries of the trenches are filled with a sand-gravel mixture with layer-by-layer compaction.

The construction of an embankment creates advantages for building a house not only on a swamp, but also in other cases of flat horizontal sites. under any other soil conditions.

Building a house on a slope - on a plot with a slope

On a site with a slope, with a height difference within the foundation boundaries of up to 1 m., it is beneficial to do leveling soil filling at the construction site.

The base of all parts of the foundation on a slope is placed at the same horizontal level.

When the difference in the height of the natural soil within the boundaries of the foundation is up to 0.3-0.4 m., The construction site is leveled by backfilling to a horizontal level. The height of the above-ground part of the foundation-base on such a platform leveled to the horizon is the same over the entire area of ​​the house.

The construction of a foundation on a slope is the most economical, if the base of the foundation in the lower part of the slope is placed on the surface, at the level of natural soil, and the foundation is deepened only in the upland part of the site.

Filling of soil into the embankment to level the site is carried out after all work on the foundation has been completed.

If the height difference of the natural soil on the site is more than 0.4 m., up to 1 m., then it is advantageous to dump soil not into the horizon, but only for the purpose of slightly reducing the magnitude of the height difference at the construction site.

In this option, it may be advantageous to do it at the bottom of the slope, to raise the base of the entire foundation above the level of the natural soil (higher than shown in the figure). This will lead to a decrease in the height of the entire foundation-base strip, but will require an increase in the volume of soil fill.

In the lower part of the slope, the plant layer of soil is cut off and a cushion of sand and gravel mixture is poured under the foundation strip. In the upland part of the slope, a trench is dug and the foundation cushion is poured in one horizontal level. The thickness and width of the sand cushion are determined as a result.

It is more convenient to carry out leveling soil dumping at the construction site after all work on the foundation has been completed.

Under the base of the foundation, the height of the pillow is not recommended to be more than 0.6 m. The bulk soil is compacted layer by layer, but still, it cannot be compacted to its natural state. The soil becomes more compacted over time. A thick layer of fill soil under the foundation can lead to unacceptable deformations.

Building a house on a steep slope

If the height difference of the natural soil on the site within the boundaries of the foundation is more than 1 m., then in the design of the house it is advantageous to provide a basement room, which is placed in the lower level of the foundation. In this case, the foundation of the house is made in steps, which reduces the volume of excavation work and reduces the cost of constructing the foundation.

To protect the basement from moisture, wall drainage must be installed around the foundation.

Wall of reinforced concrete monolithic stepped foundation, located along the axis along the slope: 1 - longitudinal reinforcement rods; 2 - height of the foundation step; 3 - transverse reinforcement bars; 4 - foundation strip

The height of the steps, item 2 in the figure, and their number are selected taking into account the angle of inclination of the natural soil on the site, as well as the construction properties of the soil at the base of the foundation.

On a slope there is a danger of natural soil sliding along the sliding surface. Such sliding occurs when the forces acting on the soil along the slope exceed the bearing capacity of the soil.

Building a house on a slope increases the load on the ground from the weight of the building. In addition, a house can cause a decrease in the bearing capacity of the soil as a result of disruption of water flow and soil moisture on the slope.

When designing a house on a steep slope, you should especially carefully carry out surveys, determine the construction properties of the soil and assess the stability of the soil on the slope. A drainage system must be provided to drain surface and groundwater.

The foundation of a house on the uphill side of the slope is subject to forces of lateral soil pressure. There is a risk of the house sliding down the slope if the foundation is weakly pinched in the ground. Therefore, you should be careful when reducing the depth of the foundation on a slope. It is necessary to take into account the construction properties of the soil on the site, the type of foundation, the weight of the house, and the magnitude of the slope.

Removal of rain and melt water from the site

To drain water from the house and the site, it is necessary to properly perform the blind area, as well as organize the collection and removal of water through a surface drainage system.

How to properly make a blind area for a private house

The purpose of the blind area is to protect the foundation and the soil at the base of the foundation from moisture from surface water.

Before installing the blind area, the ground level around the base of the house must be raised above the surrounding area. To do this, add soil to a height of at least 100 mm., pos. 3 in the pictures above.

When choosing the thickness of the bedding for the blind area, it should be taken into account that, as a result of human economic and agrotechnical activities, the ground level in the area around the house will rise over the years. The blind area must remain above the level of the surrounding area throughout the entire life of the building.

The blind area is arranged to a width of at least 800 mm. from the base of the house, pos. 4 in the pictures above. The blind area must cover the filling of the pit sinuses and foundation trenches. The sinuses are filled with permeable sandy soil. A wide blind area should prevent surface water from entering this soil and further to the foundation.

To ensure water resistance, the blind area is made of monolithic concrete, ensuring that when laying concrete slope away from the base of at least 5%(level difference 5 cm. by 1 m. width of the blind area).

On heaving soils, the blind area should be fill not with a continuous tape, but in sections 1.5-2.5 long m. The blind area, divided into such blocks, easily withstands possible uneven movements of the soil.

If the blind area is not constructed correctly (see figure), water from the surface will easily penetrate to the foundation.

Drainage on the site for a private house

To collect and organize the removal of rain and melt water from the site, it is necessary to make surface drainage - drainage trays along the surface of the site.

On a site with a slope, before the house was built, surface water could flow freely down the slope. The house will become an obstacle to drainage, and water will collect against the walls from the upland part of the house.

To collect and drain water flowing down the slope, A tray is laid along the blind area from the upland part of the house, pos. 5 in the pictures above.

These same trays can receive water from. To do this, trays are arranged along the blind area and on other sides of the house.

Drainage trays are also installed on the site to collect and drain water from hard-surfaced areas. Surface drainage trays are placed in a convenient location for discharging water onto the terrain outside the site.

In some areas in the spring, water appears in the top layer of soil. Verkhovodka appears in areas where the top layer of soil is permeable - sandy, and below there is a layer of waterproof clay.

The water flowing down the slope is retained by the foundation, accumulates, soaks and erodes the soil near the foundation.

To protect the foundation from high water, deep drainage is performed in the form of a curtain:

Basement height of a private house

In most climatic zones of Russia, the thickness of stable snow cover in winter is 0.5-0.7 in the middle zone m., and in the north more than 1 m.

In the spring, when the snow melts, the above-foundation structures (walls, basement floors) located below the snow cover will be moistened. Moisture can be transferred into the premises of the house, and the structures themselves will gradually collapse. The exterior finish of the lower part of the walls will suffer especially quickly from moisture.

In summer, moisture in the lower parts of the walls can occur as a result of splashing raindrops falling on the blind area.

To protect the external walls of the house from surface moisture, building regulations establish a minimum plinth height of at least 0.2 m. from the level of the blind area.

As stated above, the thickness of the blind area must be at least 100 mm. plus, the height of the soil fill under the blind area is also 100 mm. Thus, the height of the plinth from the ground level at the highest point of the construction site should be at least 0.4 m.

For a house with wooden walls that are not protected from the outside by any waterproof cladding, the height of the base should be no less than the height of the snow cover at the construction site.

Vertical planting of the basement of a private house

Taking into account all of the above, the figure below shows an example of deepening the basement of a private house vertically into the ground. Windows are provided in the basement.