Plastic bottles are an environmental hazard. Recycling - packaging disposal Harm of plastic bottles to the environment

Our planet is literally choking on garbage; each of us takes out garbage from our apartments almost every day; for example, in St. Petersburg, about 8 million cubic meters of household garbage are generated per year.

In nature, nothing disappears without a trace; everything disintegrates and returns to the natural cycle. The activities of modern consumer society are linear, that is, we first take, consume, and then throw away. Modern product manufacturers make packaging colorful and attractive; food products in such packaging do not spoil for a long time. Polymer materials are mainly used for packaging production. Plastic is used everywhere today and not only for packaging. We began to use plastic tableware very often; today, for every inhabitant of the planet there is up to 88.5 kg of disposable plastic tableware per year. Used packaging and other waste end up in landfills, littering the earth. Under natural conditions, paper decomposes within 2-5 months, cigarette butts from 1 to 12 years, plastic bags decompose within 10-20 years, plastic packaging practically does not decompose. Plastic is a real disaster for nature! The world's oceans are literally overflowing with plastic waste, mostly packaging material? bottles and bags, around 95% of seabirds found in the North Sea have plastic waste in their stomachs. For example, in Belgium, researchers found 1,600 pieces of plastic in the stomach of a dead bird! According to the UN, plastic waste causes the death of 1 million seabirds per year. For example, in the stomach of a dead albatross chick, 272 pieces of various small debris were found; it got there with food; the fact is that the stomachs of the fish that fed it were full of debris. All this accumulated in the chick's stomach until it was full. Due to plastic waste, not only seabirds are dying, but also a large number of marine mammals: dolphins, seals, whales and other animals. A plastic bag in the ocean can resemble a jellyfish, if swallowed by a turtle, it can block its digestive tract or make it feel full, causing the animal to stop eating and die.

In 2006, volunteer cleaners found 1,074 animals entangled in various debris and old fishing gear. About 80% of plastic enters the seas and oceans from land. A huge amount of garbage is growing in the Pacific Ocean. The currents formed two huge garbage patches: the eastern and western Pacific garbage patches. The eastern section is located between the Hawaiian Islands and the California coast. The area of ​​this huge garbage island is twice the size of the state of Texas, and the mass of household waste concentrated there, by the way, 90% consisting of plastic, exceeds 3.5 million tons. The western garbage area is located east of Japan.

If we do not limit the consumption of non-recyclable plastic now, then in the next decade the area of ​​ocean waste, already huge, could double. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that it is almost impossible to completely clean the ocean of household and other garbage.

Burning plastic waste also causes enormous damage to the environment; when it is burned, very toxic substances are released into the atmosphere, which are harmful not only to the environment, but also to human health. Reducing the use of plastic packaging or recycling it can change the situation. The best way to reduce the amount of plastic waste is to refuse plastic packaging and those products that contain plastic.

The problem will be solved by the separate collection of waste, its further processing and the production of polymer materials from recycled materials, as well as the development and production of packaging from bio- and water-degradable materials, the cessation and complete prohibition of the free distribution of plastic packaging and bags in retail outlets. The introduction of fees for plastic packaging will significantly reduce its popularity among the population. The widespread use of paper packaging will make a great contribution to reducing the amount of waste, since paper is an environmentally friendly material; only paint applied to it can harm the environment.

Each person can make a small contribution to reducing waste. First of all, you need to leave as little garbage as possible in recreational areas, be it a forest, a park or a beach, and household waste must be placed only in containers specially designed for this, that is, do not arrange unauthorized dumps. When purchasing goods and products in stores, you should pay attention to their packaging, giving preference to environmentally friendly packaging; if you have a choice, refuse to purchase products in plastic packaging. When you go shopping, take a bag with you so you don't have to buy a plastic bag, and finally, try to buy products whose packaging can be recycled or reused.

Remember that each of us is responsible for the fate of our common home - planet Earth, and everyone is able to make a feasible contribution to its cleansing.


branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education

"St. Petersburg State Economic University"

in Syktyvkar, Komi Republic

Department: "Economics and Management"

On the topic: "The impact of plastics on human health and the environment"

Syktyvkar, 2014


Health effects of plastics

Plastic windows and doors




Plastic releases toxic compounds that, when entering the human body, undermine his health.

US scientists claim that up to 80% of “plastic” substances found in the human body come from construction and finishing materials (plastic windows, furniture), but most of all - from dishes. From food-grade plastic, various compounds end up in food products.

Technical and food plastics are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene and polycarbonate.

Polymers themselves are inert and non-toxic, but technological additives, solvents, and chemical decomposition products, when they get into food, have a toxic effect. This can happen when food is stored or heated. In addition, these materials, when subjected to change (aging), release destruction products.

Polyvinyl chloride is a chlorine-based polymer. It is distributed all over the world because... extremely cheap. It is used to make drink bottles, cosmetics boxes, containers for household chemicals, and disposable tableware. Over time, PVC begins to release a harmful carcinogenic substance - vinyl chloride. From a bottle it gets into a drink, from a plate into food, and with food into our body. Harmful substances from PVC begin to be released a week after the contents are poured into it. After a month, several milligrams of vinyl chloride accumulate in mineral water (oncologists believe that this is a lot). Often, plastic bottles are reused: tea or other drinks, even alcoholic ones, are poured into them. Milk and sunflower oil are sold in these markets. Large bottles are used as buckets and even “living” and holy water are stored in it (the healing properties of water can only be preserved in glass containers)

Water bottles should not be refilled with anything other than water. Only PET bottles can be reused. Toxic vinyl chloride is released from PVC bottles. Experts believe that bottle plastic only remains neutral in the absence of oxygen, as long as the water retains its original chemical composition. As soon as the bottle is opened, the water and plastic quickly change their properties.

Conscientious manufacturers put a symbol on the bottom of dangerous bottles - a three in a triangle, or PVC, i.e. PVC. A harmful container can also be recognized by the influx on the bottom. It comes in the form of a line or a spear at two ends. If you press the bottle with your fingernail, a whitish scar will form on the dangerous one. The "correct" bottle remains smooth.

Disposable cups can only be used for water. It is better not to drink acidic juices, sodas, hot and strong drinks from them!

Don't stock up on plastic utensils.

Plastic is a delicate material (it cracks in the light and melts in the heat). For strength, stabilizers are added to it. Plastic becomes stronger and...more toxic.

Polystyrene (designated with the letters PS) is indifferent to cold liquids. But when the liquid is hot, the glass begins to release a toxic compound (styrene).

1. The health effects of plastics

The problems of nicotine addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, the spread of HIV infection and a sharp increase in mortality from cardiovascular diseases do exist, and a lot is said and written about them. At the same time, two other major problems remain almost unnoticed: the poisoning of us and our children with plastics and drugs.

Disposable tableware, plastic containers for food, bottles, toys, a plastic kettle, plastic bags - we and our children regularly come into contact with all these and many other plastic products. Plastic has become a part of our lives, and every year we think less and less about its harmful effects on health. Well, unless you bought a new kettle, and the water from it smells of something chemical - this is a reason for thought, if it doesn’t smell, then we won’t even think about anything.

How long have you done renovations in your apartment, at least small? Surely many of you are happy with brand new plastic windows, new laminate, linoleum, vinyl wallpaper or stretch ceilings. Congratulations, it is quite possible that in the near future your apartment will be uninhabitable and more like a gas chamber.

Salespeople at grocery stores, hardware stores, or hardware stores will assure you that the products they sell are absolutely safe. The vast majority of them have no idea what they are talking about, and those who know calmly lie to their faces, realizing that the consequences of their lies will appear years later.

Plastic is a collective term for a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic materials used in the manufacture of industrial products. The production of plastic products is simple and low cost, while the properties of this material allow it to be widely used.

How to find out how dangerous plastic is

On each plastic product, the manufacturer is required to indicate the material from which it is made. The overwhelming majority of manufacturers label their products honestly. If there is no marking, then the plastic is clearly hazardous to health. There are 7 types of markings:

As you can see, they differ only in numbers, each of which corresponds to a specific polymer from which this plastic is made. These triangles may contain additional letter designations.

This marking means that the plastic is safe for food use. However, it is not necessary and you can completely do without it. The most important thing is to remember what the numbers mean, but first a little background on some dangerous substances:

Phthalates are salts and esters of phthalic (orthophthalic) acid. Toxic, capable of causing serious diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. There is reason to believe that phthalates are carcinogenic and can cause cancer. Banned in Europe and the USA for the manufacture of children's toys.

Formaldehyde - methanal or formic aldehyde. It is toxic, affects the nervous and respiratory systems, has a negative effect on the reproductive system and can cause genetic disorders in offspring. Carcinogen.

Styrene - phenylethylene, vinylbenzene. Slightly toxic, affects mucous membranes. It has carcinogenic properties and can act as a chemical estrogen, which will negatively affect reproductive functions.

Vinyl chloride is an organic substance that is the simplest chlorinated derivative of ethylene. Toxic, affects the central nervous system, skeletal system, brain, heart, liver, causes systemic damage to connective tissue, destroys the immune system. It has carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic (causes developmental defects in embryos) effects.

Bisphenol A - diphenylpropane. It is similar to estrogens, causes brain diseases, disrupts the reproductive system, causes cancer, leads to male and female infertility, inhibits the functions of the endocrine system, leads to impaired brain development in children, and the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

All these substances are auxiliary; they are contained in one or another type of plastic and thanks to them the necessary consumer properties are achieved (elasticity, hardness, heat resistance, etc.). The plastic itself will easily pass through the gastrointestinal tract without causing harm (except by exerting a mechanical effect), but the excipients are dangerous. You also need to understand that the final product may not be toxic, but it may contain remnants of the toxic raw materials from which it was made.

Types of plastics and their markings

Number 1 - polyethylene terephthalate. Letter marking PETE or PET. plastic chemical contamination marking

Cheap, which is why it is found almost everywhere. It contains most drinks, vegetable oils, ketchups, spices, and cosmetics.

Safety. Suitable for single use only. Repeated use may release phthalates.

Number 2 - high density polyethylene. Letter marking HDPE or PE HD.

Cheap, lightweight, resistant to temperature influences (range from -80 to +110 degrees C). It is used to make disposable tableware, food containers, bottles for cosmetics, packaging bags, bags, and toys.

Safety. It is considered relatively safe, although it may release formaldehyde.

Number 3 - polyvinyl chloride. Letter marking PVC or V.

This is the same PVC from which window profiles, furniture elements, films for suspended ceilings, pipes, tablecloths, curtains, floor coverings, containers for technical liquids are made.

Safety. Prohibited for food use. It contains bisphenol A, vinyl chloride, phthalates, and may also contain mercury and/or cadmium. We would like to say that you need to buy expensive window profiles, expensive suspended ceilings, expensive laminate flooring and this will make your life safe, but this will not be true. The high cost of products does not provide any guarantees.

Number 4 - low density polyethylene. Letter marking LDPE or PEBD.

A cheap and common material from which most bags, garbage bags, CDs, and linoleums are made.

Safety. Relatively safe for food use; in rare cases, it may release formaldehyde. Plastic bags are not as dangerous to human health as they are dangerous to the ecology of the planet.

Plastic windows and doors

Nowadays it is very popular to install polyvinyl chloride windows in apartments. In addition to standard pollutants, dioxins are often found in 25% of cases. These are very strong toxic substances, one of the most powerful carcinogens that disrupt the growth of body cells and cause mutation reactions in them, including cell death. These toxic substances have a negative effect on many tissues of the body, especially the circulatory and reproductive systems. Exposure to dioxins disrupts the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development.

Stabilizers, such as lead, give plastic properties that are important for windows. It is needed so that the plastic does not scratch, does not turn yellow, does not release anything into the air, and does not deteriorate from spilled drinks or window cleaning liquid. But lead is harmful to health. This is heavy metal. Accumulates in the body, bones, causing diseases of the kidneys, liver, and nervous system. Elderly people and children are sensitive to even low doses of lead. "Windowmakers" say that without strong heating, lead will not be released from the plastic. But the most advanced of them themselves replaced lead with other stabilizers, almost harmless to health. They are chemically active only during the production process, and in the finished window they are practically non-toxic.

Chemical contamination of the contents of plastic packaging

People are exposed to these chemicals not only at work, but also when using plastic packaging because some chemicals from plastic food packaging contaminate food. Examples of plastic contamination in food products have been reported using most plastics, including styrene from polystyrene, plasticizers from PVC, antioxidants from polyethylene, and acetaldehyde from polyethylene terephthalate.

Factors influencing contamination include the chemical composition of the contaminant and the properties of the packaged food.

Look for alternatives to plastic products whenever possible. Some specific suggestions:

buy food in glass or metal containers;

Avoid heating food in plastic containers, storing fatty foods in plastic containers or cling film;

do not give small children plastic teethers and toys;

use clothing, bedding and furniture made from natural materials;

Avoid all PVC and styrene (ethylene benzene) products.


Humanity has become so dependent on plastics that it is impossible to abandon their use, at least in the food industry.

Read the characteristics of Bisphenol A again, and then think about it: almost 100% of all bottles with nipples for artificial feeding of children are made of plastics containing Bisphenol A. Literally in November 2010, the European Commission banned the sale of feeding bottles in the manufacture of which Bisphenol A was used, which means you can We can confidently expect a flood of our market with them and a drop in prices for them. So this will be another compelling argument in favor of breastfeeding.

Do your best to minimize contact with plastics.

This does not mean that you should now shy away from plastic, you just need to approach its use now that you know much more about it, you need to be smart. Conduct an audit of plastic containers and get rid of everything except products made of polypropylene (number 5 or PP marking), or even better - give preference to products made of glass, wood, and metal.

It is quite possible that thrifty housewives saved plastic containers for ice cream or jam; what plastic are they made of?

Be careful with plastic toys, especially for young children. Make sure that the products have certificates of compliance with hygiene standards.

If you have made repairs using plastic products, then it is better not to live in this apartment for several weeks and come only to thoroughly ventilate the room.

When buying another plastic product, make it a rule to smell it. It's simple and only takes a second, which will be enough to catch the unpleasant odor. Its absence does not mean safety, but if it is present, then you should refuse to buy even a simple hair comb.


1.Yu. V. Novikov. Ecology, environment and people: Proc. manual for universities, secondary schools and colleges. - M.; FAIR PRESS, 2000

.Assessing the quality of building materials: Textbook. allowance / K. N. Popov, M. B. Kaddo, O. V. Kulikov; Under general ed. K. N. Popova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Higher. school, 2004.

.Materials science for finishing construction work: a textbook for beginners. prof. education: textbook. allowance for the environment. prof. education / V. A. Smirnov, B. A. Efimov, O. V. Kulikov and others - 3rd ed., erased. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006.

.Internet resources.


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What's happened plastic and plastic, what types exist, what are their dangers and how can you avoid them.

Plastic and plastic are all around us in our daily lives. Starting from disposable tableware and ending with diapers. But have you ever wondered what they are made of? done and how can they affect our body and health in general?

While still in school, I knew that plastic and plastic have a destructive effect on the environment.

A simple plastic water bottle will cost about 600!!! years to only partially decompose! How many of these bottles do people buy every day around the world?

Unfortunately, Russia has not yet begun to recycle plastic. And if only because of this, its use can and should be limited.

No one has mentioned before what impact plastic and plastic can have directly on our body.

You will probably ask how it can influence us at all, we don’t eat it?!?

I want to disappoint you, but the chemicals present in plastic dishes and other plastic things enter our body not only through the food and drinks in which they were stored, but can also enter the lungs or penetrate through the skin, and then into the circulatory system and spread throughout the body.

Plastic and its dangers

The danger is that along with unnatural chemicals, plastics and plastics also contain toxins. And these toxins end up in the food that is stored in them and which we then consume.

Even more frightening, research suggests that these substances can penetrate the skin barrier and the respiratory system. Even a tiny amount of these substances is enough to upset the delicate balance of our body.

The most common plastic toxins are Bisphenol-A and Phthalate. These substances give plastic elasticity and strength.

Unfortunately, they affect our body in a completely different way. They completely disrupt our hormonal balance, as they are pseudohormones, which leads to serious consequences.

Bisphenol-A (Bispehol-A)- a synthetic substance used for the production of plastic and rubber. According to the latest data, more than 95% of people will have Bisphenol-A detected when submitting their urine for analysis. Once in the body, BPA behaves like the female hormone estrogen. You can read more .

Phthalate is an industrial chemical added to plastic to give it flexibility and strength. In our body it imitates the male hormone testosterone, with all the ensuing consequences.

The effect of pseudotoxins on our body:

  • Reduce the protective function of the immune system.
  • Lead to irreversible changes in brain cells.
  • Damage liver cells.
  • Contribute to the development of heart and circulatory system diseases.
  • Increases the risk of developing diabetes.
  • Accelerate puberty.
  • They have carcinogenic activity, that is, they provoke the development of cancer cells.

Even if plastics and plastics are labeled “BPA free”, “Does not contain Bisphenol-A”, this does not mean that they are safe. Often, manufacturers simply start using Bisphenol-C, which can be even more toxic.

Types of plastic and plastic

Take any plastic or plastic item and look at the back of it. It is there that the numbers are usually stamped, allowing us, consumers, to know approximately what we are purchasing.

This is my recent discovery. I think many people still have no idea. Let me enlighten you:

  • #1 PET(Polyethylene Terephtalate) is recognized as safe, but the possibility of migration of metal elements has been proven.
  • #2 HDPE(High Density Polyethylene/High Density Polyethylene) is considered a low-hazard plastic, but scientists do not deny the possibility of leaching of hormone-altering substances contained in it.
  • #3 PVC(Polyvinyl Chloride) is considered hazardous to health and contains a type of Phthalate that is highly toxic.
  • #4 LDPE(Low Density Polyethylene/Low Density Polyethylene) is equivalent to low-hazard plastic.
  • #5 PP(Polypropylene/Polypropylene) of all plastics is considered the safest.
  • #6 PS(Polystyrene/Polystyrene or polystyrene foam) is very toxic, since the sterol it contains provokes the development of cancer cells.
  • #7 (All others or<кот в мешке>) is the most dangerous and unpredictable, as it may contain a mixture of 6 of the above or other chemicals. According to the latest data, this type contains the largest amount of Bisphenol-A.

I would like to note that even plastic and , those listed as safe are not. Bisphenol-A and Phthalates can migrate from #5 Polypropylene.

So the safest option would be to avoid all plastics and materials and stick to glass, wood, metal and paper.

How to Avoid Using Plastic and Resin

  • Don't buy water in plastic bottles. Buy yourself a stainless steel bottle.
  • Don't buy or use plastic bags. Invest in a couple of reusable bags made from more natural materials.
  • Replace plastic utensils and food storage containers with glass ones. And if you still use a microwave (you can read Why is a microwave oven dangerous? Never use plastic containers, even those specially designed for it.
  • Do not heat plastic utensils. As temperatures rise, the rate at which chemicals flow into food increases. When drinking hot tea or coffee from a plastic mug, up to 50% more Bisphenol-A enters your body.
  • If you can't give up plastic utensils, then at least get rid of scratched and damaged ones, as this increases the risk of toxins leaking out.
  • Avoid iron cans. Bisphenol-A and Phthalate are frequent guests there.
  • These hormonal destroyers are especially dangerous for children’s still undeveloped bodies. Avoid children's rubber toys, especially those of poor quality. Most baby plastic bottles contain BPA and Phthalates. Please buy glass or metal utensils for your baby. Try to avoid using diapers, as they also contain these chemicals.

I won't lie, but I've been a fan of plastic and plastic products for years. They won me over with their durability, convenience and, of course, price.

Growing consumption increases the volume of plastic waste, and as a result, toxic pollution of the rivers, seas and oceans of the earth occurs. All this, together with other sources of pollution, leads to global environmental collapse. And if urgent measures are not taken, then in the near future a large number of the planet’s mammals (fish, birds) may be on the verge of death.

How to delay and possibly stop a global catastrophe in the planet’s ecology. One of the points of almost all programs to combat environmental pollution is the requirement for a significant reduction in the level of plastic waste. This requires significantly reducing the use of plastic products in the form of containers and various packaging, as well as significantly reducing waste disposal to landfills (often the coastal waters of the planet serve as waste dumps).

As a fact, plastic trash is the main factor polluting the seas and oceans; such waste, entering the sea, ends up in the stomachs of turtles, fish and whales, and ultimately ends up on the human table.

Mammals, various fish, turtles, whales, mistaking plastic bags and packaging for food, swallow them, which often leads to poisoning and even death. In addition, when plastic moves and comes into contact, as a result of friction it breaks down into smaller elements and poisons the living environment of microorganisms. As a result, fragments of plastic waste end up in the food of all creatures living on the planet. It is a fact that plastic dust can be found in every coastal area around the world.

The real threats to the ecology of the planet (especially the world's oceans) are discharges of domestic and industrial wastewater, development, gas and oil production, radioactive pollution, medical and chemical, agricultural waste, pesticides, heavy metals, and all this pollutes the world's oceans.

As an example of global pollution, this is the fact that in Australia, since the year two thousand, almost fourteen million tons of plastic have gone into waste, while Australia is completely surrounded by water, and it can be assumed that a considerable share of this waste could end up in the aquatic environment of rivers, lakes and ocean washing this territory.

According to scientists, about one million seabirds and more than one hundred thousand marine and freshwater mammals per year die from environmental pollution with plastic waste in the world, and according to statistics, there are twenty-five pieces of plastic trash for every square kilometer of the world's oceans. When plastic bottles, packaging, bags, and caps fall into the water, they are constantly in motion, moving through the water over fairly long distances.

Moreover, I would like to note that Australia itself consumes (produces for the domestic market) about one and a half million tons of plastic per year, but this figure is not correct, since these figures do not include plastic that is imported and brought by tourists. And of this one and a half million pieces of plastic trash, only thirty-five percent is recycled into secondary raw materials for reuse.

Scientific research shows that the harm caused by such pollution to the planet's ecosystem is significant, it is comparable to oil spills and industrial waste dumps, and leads to the accumulation of various toxins in the body of marine mammals on the planet.

Planetary data: small turtles were found dead, after opening the stomach, about forty plastic fragments were discovered, consisting of plastic bags, candy wrappers, balls, and cling film.

Plastic Oceans is one of the UK's charitable foundations. He is involved in environmental issues. Carrying out various types of charitable activities, the foundation implements educational programs, provides a material basis for scientific research, organizes campaigns to support the optimization of legislation and environmental policy, raises funds to solve its problems and develops a worldwide social network to fulfill its mission.

Plastic waste: a blatant waste

Over the past 70 years, plastic products have become unusually widespread; we simply cannot live without them anymore. As a result of this “plastic epidemic,” plastic production increased from 50 million tons in 1950 to 245 million tons in 2008, according to Plastics Europe. Plastic is an inexpensive and incredibly versatile material, with properties that make it ideal for a variety of applications.

However, these qualities also led to the emergence of an environmental problem. We have become a throwaway lifestyle, and it is estimated that 50% of all plastic products we use are used once and then thrown away. Plastic is a valuable material, and plastic waste is the result of its excessive and wasteful use.

  • According to water filter company Brita, Americans throw away 35 billion plastic bottles a year.
  • Packaging production is the largest segment of the plastic market. More than 40% of produced plastics are used for packaging.
  • Approximately 500 billion plastic bags are consumed worldwide each year, and more than 1 million every minute.
  • On average, the “service life” of a plastic bag is 15 minutes.
  • More plastic has been produced in the last 10 years than in the entire previous century.
  • About 10% of all the garbage we produce is plastic waste.

Impact of plastic on the environment

Plastic waste has a significant impact on the environment, especially coastlines and marine life. There are three main types of negative impacts of plastic on marine ecosystems:

Obstacles for marine life

  • More than 250 species of marine animals are known to have ingested or become entangled in plastic debris.
  • It has been established that up to 7.9% of some species of seals and sea lions are caught in plastic traps.
  • According to a report by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), approximately 130,000 whales become entangled in fishing nets each year.

Ingestion of plastic by marine animals

  • More than 100 species of seabirds are known to have ingested plastic objects.
  • According to research by Dr. Jan Andries van Franeker, approximately 95% of fulmars (a genus of birds) have plastic in their stomachs, which has harmful mechanical and chemical effects on them.
  • Thirty-one species of marine mammals have been identified as having ingested plastic.

Distribution of invasive species

  • The increase in the amount of garbage in the world's oceans, in particular plastic waste, has led to a corresponding increase in the rate of penetration of alien species into those regions where their presence was not previously noted.
  • As a result of environmental pollution by artificial waste, the potential for the spread of alien species has significantly increased.
  • The problem of “biotic mixing” caused by human activity is becoming widespread.
  • The hard surface of plastic waste provides an attractive alternative environment for the development of many organisms. Invasions by alien species can have catastrophic consequences for native species and biodiversity, and increased pollution from synthetic and non-biodegradable materials will accelerate this process.

Impact of plastic on human health

Recently, studies have been conducted on the chemical additives contained in plastics with implications for human health. And it is precisely in this aspect that there is a problem associated with microplastic particles. The plastic breaks down into smaller and smaller particles, becoming part of the food chain, and gets into the fish that eat it. Fish ingest these particles, which are retained in their digestive system, slowly releasing chemicals into their bodies.

Further research showed that the plastic surface of these particles adsorbs chemicals from the water. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are found on plastic items in seawater at concentrations several orders of magnitude higher than normal levels in water. These same POPs are associated with numerous deviations in human health:

  • diabetes;
  • decreased sperm concentration;
  • changes in the immune system;
  • genital defects;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • endometriosis;
  • underweight in newborns.
  • Problems in child development:
    • reduced IQ;
    • mental retardation;
    • impaired development of communication skills;
    • behavioral deviations;
    • problems associated with memory impairment and concentration.

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