They are dropped into mailboxes. “Poisoned verses of the Koran,” “chewing gum with heroin” and other folklore horror stories

Packages with poison in mailboxes: harsh realities or fiction?

A horror story is being spread in several groups on social networks about how ill-wishers are putting disks with the Koran in bags, as well as some kind of poisonous substance. All this is left in residents' mailboxes. Moreover, the reports invariably emphasize that there are victims. And in order for the user to completely believe it, a corresponding photo is placed in viral posts.

Moreover, such things scare people not only in a particular region, but throughout the entire world. Russian Federation. The republic's Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Bashkiria said that no such facts were recorded.

Clipping from the Koran and a poisonous substance

Residents of Khabarovsk received warning messages in the WhatsApp and Odnoklassniki applications. According to the AmurMedia portal, one of the Khabarovsk residents received a mysterious message, which was accompanied by a photo of CDs with instructions inside. The photo was accompanied by a disturbing audio: “Dear parents! If you find similar packages in your mailboxes - transparent, with pieces of paper enclosed in them, it seems, in Turkish, perhaps with excerpts from the Koran. Do not open the packages, call the police.”

However, the information about packets of poison placed in the mailbox appears to be a myth designed to sow panic among residents. As the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Khabarovsk said, they have not received any statements about finds of this kind.

FAKE STATUS: active, is developing
(in Europe it has been actively spreading since the beginning of November 2016, it arrived in Russia on November 10, and arrived in St. Petersburg on November 13, 2016)

IN BRIEF: another transfer fake

November 13, 2016, when we were just finishing the description of the fake about "a maniac who kills mothers with strollers", vigilant fighters sent us another “brain download”:

It turned out that this was quite a “new thing from the last few days” and, according to some tradition of spreading fakes, at the beginning it “flew” to the Far East:

"...Residents of Blagoveshchensk inform each other about the danger that may await them in their mailboxes. The threat, according to information distributed via WhatsApp, comes from packages with a “filling” - they contain a toxic substance. “Dear parents, if you find in your mailboxes there are similar packages - transparent with pieces of paper enclosed, it seems Turkish, perhaps excerpts from the Koran - do not open the packages, call the police. There is a poisonous substance inside, there are victims. Warn your loved ones," says the voice in an audio message sent among messenger users. It is not reported what exactly the substance is in the packages..."

Oops... again through whatsapp and again a voice message in a female voice? I remember that in past years, the story about “bananas with the blood of HIV-infected people” and about “18 terrorists” began with the same thing, and then the distribution began throughout the CIS from the territory of Kazakhstan and Tatarstan.

Yeah, we weren’t mistaken - judging by the dating, it appeared there at the beginning and - let’s pay attention - the text has already changed, in the version Far East“my friend Zhanna, whose husband was poisoned and is in the hospital,” disappeared:

This information was not confirmed by the press services of the departments of internal affairs of Astana and Almaty. “Such cases were not reported to the police,” noted the Almaty Department of Internal Affairs. “Criminal liability is provided for the dissemination of knowingly false information, including using the media or information and communication networks. In this regard, every citizen must carefully express their thoughts, judgments, arguments, both out loud and on all kinds of platforms social networks", the department recalled. Dissemination of knowingly false information entails criminal liability up to imprisonment from 2 to 5 years.

but in Russia the sound file, it seems, was different, there’s not a word about “the friend of Zhanna’s husband,” someone happily re-recorded it “for the good.” By the way, don’t you have the feeling that the “announcer” is reading the text in front of him, artificially highlighting pauses with his voice?:

So we have:

  • some packages
  • some text
  • some CDs

Our fighter-consultants of the Islamic faith, looking at the text, immediately gave the result. It turned out that these are Surahs from the Koran in Turkish:

10:64. For believers, there is joyful news about a good destiny in this life: Allah promised them victory and dignity. And in the future life, Allah's promise to them will be fulfilled. After all, Allah’s promise will definitely come true! And this for them is great success in this life and in the life to come!

2:136. Tell them: “We believe in Allah and in what was revealed to us in the Quran, and in what was revealed to Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaq, Yaqub and his tribes, and in what was given to Musa and Isa without distortion, and in what was given to all the other prophets from their Lord. We do not discriminate between them, believing in some and rejecting others, and we surrender to Allah."

3:3. Allah has sent down to you (O Muhammad!) the Koran - a truthful Book that confirms the truth of the heavenly laws of the previous Scriptures. And He sent down the Torah to Musa and the Gospel to Isa.

5:46. Following in the footsteps of the prophets, We sent Isa, the son of Maryam, who followed in their footsteps and confirmed the truth of the Torah. We sent down to him the Gospel, in which there is guidance and Light to the straight path of truth. It explains the commandments and confirms the truth of what was revealed before him in the Torah. It contains guidance to the truth and admonition for the God-fearing.

5:47. We have commanded the followers of Isa and the owners of the Gospel to judge by what Allah has revealed. And the one who does not judge by what Allah has revealed is an apostate, a violator of Allah’s Sharia.

Nothing criminal - about Islam, the Prophet, Jesus, Mary and the Gospel. In short, “peace to the world, all people are brothers.” Strange... Has this happened somewhere before? Let's get a look...

And oh... Hello, Europe...

What a familiar text! Well, is it a fake translation again?

Well, Europe arrived a little earlier and fellow investigators did the “European” part of the work for us:

"...Already a few days ago we reported about CDs that were allegedly poisoned. They are being distributed through various messages on Facebook status, allegedly being handed to someone on the street or delivered directly by mail.

We have collected all the post options in one place for you, and also conducted consultations with the police:

Lyubov Kerpen, Cologne Area,
Be careful! Those CDs in your mailbox are poison! They are saturated with poison, and now they have appeared in Kerpen; yesterday they were already in houses in Cologne. Please, please, do not touch with bare hands, only with gloves or newspaper. Our friend has already been poisoned and is now in the hospital with breathing problems. Tell everyone, warn your loved ones and friends.

And what does this have to do with the disc with sermons, which was apparently distributed on the street to everyone?

What do we have here? The above picture contained a link to a story about "white powder". Well, what did they find there?

Hmmm... Fake consolidators of scattered information seem to be the same in all countries - here they talk about a certain found ANTHRAX powder, but this has nothing to do with the above CDs. We are talking about a type of white powder that was checked by the police FOR A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT REASON. Result: The powder was not dangerous |

Well, what was it anyway? It happened back in 2015, and it was distributed from a Turkish account as an appeal to “unbelievers in Germany.” Well, like “brothers, you are not professing something as you should”:

And what? and NOTHING - in real life, no one, according to the German police, particularly saw such disks, neither among Muslims, nor among Europeans, neither in 2015 nor in 2016, just as there is no such thing as “the person who pricked himself with a needle in the subway yesterday, and today was taken to the hospital with AIDS.” my neighbor's brother's sister's friend's hospital." Well, in the end, no one forbids spreading one’s creed in this way. It just has nothing to do with terrorism.

  • no disks, especially those with powders, were found
  • If you ever find something strange in your mailbox, you won’t open it and happily smell it, will you? That's right, you just call the police or contact us if you don't want to bother the police right away in vain. Just don't open what you found :-)
  • Now some idiots can joke like that :-(

DO NOT immediately write about this on VKontakte - TELL US by mail or In contact with


let's try to slow it down in RUNet?



in the afternoon of November 14, on the Internet, on one Moscow resource VKontakte with an audience of 300-000 people, a certain “hybrid” was discovered, which was perceived extremely negatively by us and the employees of the Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (FALSE information is underlined in red):

It was difficult to imagine such a “gluing together” of information flows except as a variant of the thoughtless excessive fun of the administrators. A representative of the “public press service” responded to the request in the evening and during the conversation it became clear that... the information in this form was provided to them... by an acquaintance of a law enforcement officer... correspondence, which we do not present here, confirms this, i.e. . in this case, we are not dealing with “the information was given by a friend of a neighbor’s sister’s brother, whose cousin works in the Ministry of Internal Affairs\FSB\Presidential Administration,” but with the strange action of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who, apparently, is time to re-pass psychological testing for suitability for the position he holds ...

We must pay tribute - after 15 minutes of negotiations, this post was deleted, and the admins were left under the impression that they could have been set up by an employee they knew...

But some citizens are still eager to become a source of “particularly significant information” with a traditional presentation a la “I have relatives in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.” Well, our condolences to such “relatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs”, if they existed in reality. After all, for such “informing citizens” you can get at least a reprimand:

By the way, note: the phrase “okay, I deleted it” refers to the previous fake, which the troubled lady posted there and which she was asked to delete.

Indeed, bad news... in the sense of the responsibility that her “mother-in-law” would bear if she actually worked for the “authorities” and disseminated such information.

It is also useful to remember:

  • story

A new horror story is circulating on the Internet: supposedly some attackers are stuffing poisoned packages “with suras of the Koran” into the mailboxes of Russians. Compassionate alarmists are sending warnings about the danger on the social networks VKontakte, Facebook, and also through the WhatsApp messenger.

At the same time, two versions of the same horror story are circulating on the Internet. This is most often a photo of a “poisonous” package and an audio recording in which an excited woman says: “It contains a clipping from the Koran and a poisonous substance. Accidents have already been registered across Russia.” The second version says that the package contains “evil” CDs and some kind of poisonous powder.

On the social network VKontakte the horror story looks like this. "Attention! These things are thrown into mailboxes! Please do not open it, but dispose of it immediately, and throw it away from people! Inside are poisoned suras from the Koran. Be carefull! Maximum repost! In Moscow, they said, there were cases of fatal poisoning! It is not known exactly who the information came from, but we wish our subscribers to be vigilant and careful. Anything can happen,” they fear in the group “Overheard Vlasikha.”

Social networks are excited

Who else was sent the recording of an anxious girl - simply in shock - about a poisoned page from the Koran in her mailbox?

Yes. Sent. Everyone seems to.

For me - a new genre.

I don't know at all.

And they sent it more than once.

My friends received it and they said I should throw it away without opening it!

They sent it to me. Is this not true?

They sent it to me. My daughter-in-law googled it - it was fake.

To me! And from Thailand!

Kindergarten! Let's remember the horror stories about the queen of spades, the black hand and ball lightning! Who remembers, like it!

This is from a series of deadly flu epidemics, and if you don’t forward it, WhatsApp will become paid.

I'm tired of trying to calm people down! They keep sending and sending! And the most interesting thing is that it’s the same photo everywhere.

It should be noted that the massive dissemination of the fake news about the “poisoned suras of the Koran” was preceded by a report from the FSB about the detention of a group of alleged terrorists, according to the agency, who were preparing terrorist attacks in crowded places in Moscow and St. Petersburg and associated with the Islamic State banned in the Russian Federation.

Our people love...

Let's put it this way: our people love to scare themselves and others. There have already been epidemics of fakes on social networks about insidious deadly viruses, monstrous radiation, chewing gum with heroin, 18 suicide bombers and other horror stories that incited panic and were never confirmed.

At the end of September, a fake story about terrorist attacks being prepared throughout Russia was also circulating on social networks and instant messengers, with the authors referring to information allegedly received from a “primary source in the FSB.” Citizens were advised not to go to supermarkets and entertainment centers, as “18 suicide bombers” sent to Russia could allegedly operate there.

Scolded with vulgar words

However, as folklore experts note, these kinds of horror rumors have been known for a long time, and they appeared long before the advent of social networks. For example, rumors that doctors allegedly deliberately poison the people, leading to lynchings of doctors, are known from the stories of almost all the plague and cholera riots in Russia.

There is a St. Petersburg legend that Emperor Nicholas I pacified the crowd during the cholera riot with the words: “It is a shame for the Russian people, having forgotten the faith of their fathers, to imitate the riot of the French and Poles” (the episode is reflected on one of the bas-reliefs of the monument to Nicholas I on St. Isaac’s Square).

However, according to another testimony, Nikolai Pavlovich pacified the crowd “with just vulgar curses.” “The Emperor arrived at Sennaya in the midst of popular unrest, stood up to his full height in the carriage and began to scold the people right and left, and when he got tired, pointing to the Sennaya Church, he menacingly exclaimed: “On your knees!” And all the people fell to their knees and began to be baptized into the church,” the 19th century writer Nikolai Leikin recalled this episode from his father’s story.

Urban folklore

From nowhere, seemingly plausible rumors that arise from nowhere are called urban folklore and vary depending on what worries the population at that moment (diseases, terrorist attacks, frightening information about radioactive contamination, etc.), he said Federal News Agency specialist in small literary forms, folklorist Evgeniy Petrov.

“In its relatively plausible connections, urban folklore differs from children’s folklore, which features very fairy-tale elements - all these “black hands”, “white sheets”, “coffins on wheels” and other nonsense with which children frightened each other in pioneer camps,” - noted the expert.

According to St. Petersburg residents, they receive messages about unknown persons planting poisoned objects in boxes in popular instant messengers. In addition, warnings about such danger can be found on social networks.

Notify all your family and friends. They throw bags, gift-type bags, into mailboxes; under no circumstances should they be opened. Inside there is a clipping from the Koran, a disk and a rag/napkin soaked in a toxic substance, the text of the message says.

It also states that because of what happened, accidents have allegedly already been recorded in Russia. At the end of the message, its author calls for distributing this text among acquaintances, friends and loved ones.

Previously, a wave of panic had already reached the Far East; recently, corresponding messages were spreading in Central Russia.

Dear parents, if you find similar packages in your mailboxes - transparent with inserted pieces of paper, it seems Turkish, perhaps excerpts from the Koran - do not open the packages, call the police. There is a toxic substance inside, there are victims. Warn your loved ones - according to Amur media, this is exactly the message sent by residents of the Far East last weekend, attaching the same photo of supposed dangerous packages. However, the text does not specify in detail what kind of poison is contained in the parcels.

In Bashkiria, the messages acquired an even more threatening scale. In addition to the standard information about “packages with a poisonous substance” distributed in local groups on social networks, the text says that “dangerous packages” have already led to sad consequences: supposedly a certain “husband of one girl” has already been admitted to the hospital. To make it more convincing, the authors attach the same photo with the disks. Messages written as carbon copies can also be found on the social network Twitter. Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region are also distributing warnings.

However, law enforcement agencies have already rushed to refute the information about the alleged victims (for example, in the same Bashkiria, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the republic stated that not a single such case had been registered on the territory of the subject). Many social network users are skeptical about “another horror story from the Internet” and recall another story that circulated on the Internet just recently.

Let us recall that in 2015, users were excited by the story about “narcotic chewing gum,” with the help of which drug dealers allegedly hooked children on drugs. Similar messages were distributed in instant messengers and social networks for several years, and from there they occasionally migrated to the media and were later refuted by law enforcement officials.


Novosibirsk residents were frightened by poisonous pages from the Koran in their mailboxes - information is spreading on WhatsApp like an epidemic

A new horror story is spreading across Novosibirsk WhatsApp users - envelopes with verses from the Koran and dangerous poison have allegedly begun to be placed in their mailboxes. The recipients of the messages have not yet contacted the police - the same “canard” is being spread in other regions of the country. NGS.NOVOSTI found out whether these rumors should be believed, and recalled other striking cases when frightening gossip from the Internet spread throughout the city. They also asked the scientist why Novosibirsk residents so often fall for anonymous rumors.

Messages about threats began to spread among Novosibirsk WhatsApp users earlier this week. One of these messages was received twice by one of the NGS.NOVOSTI editorial staff. The messages include a photograph of CDs in envelopes lying on paper napkins. The CD pockets contain folded sheets of paper with text in a foreign language. Also attached to the messages is a 23-second audio in which a female voice with a calm intonation talks about the threat of such a find.

“Dear parents, if you find similar packages in your mailboxes, transparent, with pieces of paper enclosed - it seems Turkish, perhaps excerpts from the Koran,” the entry says, “do not open the packages, call the police. There is a poisonous substance inside. There are people injured. Warn your loved ones."

An Internet search confirms the speculation from the anonymous letter - the text is indeed written in Turkish and is a translation of the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 10th suras holy book Muslims The translation of the Koran from Arabic into Turkish given in the message, according to the website, was carried out by Yashar Nuri Ozturk, a famous Turkish theologian, a former member of the country's Majlis, who died in June 2016.

Suicide bombers. In November 2015, messages were distributed on the WhatsApp messenger warning of terrorist attacks that were allegedly being prepared by 18 suicide bombers. Then the Ministry of Internal Affairs was able to find it.

Deadly flu. In January 2016, an audio recording about 39 people killed as a result of the "" epidemic was distributed among Novosibirsk WhatsApp users. As it turned out, this message came to Siberia from Dagestan, where at that time the situation with influenza was indeed quite difficult - 69 cases of illness and 5 deaths from complications, and in the NSO the situation with the virus remained satisfactory.

The Internet is a “terrible force” and an ideal means for launching and spreading rumors, says Dr. philosophical sciences Hakob Nazaretyan, who studies spontaneous mass behavior, including panics and rumors.

If earlier carriers in Russia were old women at the entrances, now every Internet user has become such an old woman - this channel for obtaining information has become the main one and in 2011 ahead of television, says Nazaretyan.

Those who spread rumors most often pursue the goal of increasing their own status - if you have valuable data, then you try to tell them in order to gain universal respect, the scientist continues. The basis for the emergence of rumors is public interest and lack of reliable information, says Hakob Nazaretyan: “The overwhelming number of people do not have the skills to confirm or refute, to assess the degree of reliability.” “Aren’t the dead walking the streets yet? It will come to this if this is the trend. The oldest irrational fear is the fear of the risen dead,” jokes Hakob Nazaretyan.