Poses of sitting people holding children. Gestures and postures. Joint postures while sleeping together

Knowledge of body language (the meaning of various gestures, facial expressions, etc.) is mandatory in the West for managers, starting from middle management. This article gives the meaning of only a very few gestures out of all their diversity.

Gestures of openness. Among them are the following: Open hands palms up /gesture associated with sincerity and openness/, shrug accompanied by a gesture open hands/denotes openness of nature/, unbuttoning a jacket /people who are open and friendly towards you often unbutton their jacket during a conversation and even take it off in your presence/. For example, when children are proud of their achievements, they openly show their hands, and when they feel guilty or wary, they hide their hands either in their pockets or behind their backs. Experts also noticed that during successful negotiations, their participants unbutton their jackets, straighten their legs, and move to the edge of the chair close to the table, which separates them from the interlocutor.

Gestures of protection /defensive/. They respond to possible threats and conflict situations. When we see that the interlocutor has his arms crossed on his chest, we should reconsider what we are doing or saying, because he begins to move away from the discussion. Hands clenched into fists also mean a defensive reaction from the speaker.

Gestures of appreciation . They express thoughtfulness and dreaminess. For example, the “hand on cheek” gesture - people resting their cheek on their hand are usually immersed in deep thought. A gesture of critical assessment - the chin rests on the palm. the index finger is extended along the cheek, the remaining fingers are below the mouth / “wait and see” position/. A person sits on the edge of a chair, elbows on hips, arms hanging freely / “this is wonderful!” position. A bowed head is a gesture of attentive listening. So, if the majority of listeners in the audience do not have their heads bowed, it means that the group as a whole is not interested in the material that the teacher is presenting. Scratching the chin / "okay, let's think about it" gesture / is used when a person is busy making a decision. Gestures about glasses / wipes glasses, puts the frame of glasses in the mouth, etc./ - this is a pause for reflection. reflecting on one's situation before more vigorously resisting, asking for clarification or raising a question.

pacing . - a gesture indicating an attempt to solve a complex problem or make a difficult decision. Pinching the bridge of the nose is a gesture, usually combined with closed eyes, and indicates deep concentration of intense thought.

Gestures of boredom . They are expressed by tapping your foot on the floor or clicking the cap of a pen. Head in the palm of your hand. Automatic drawing on paper. Empty look / “I look at you, but I don’t listen” /.

Gestures of courtship, "preening" . For women, they look like smoothing their hair, straightening their hair, clothes, looking at themselves in the mirror and turning in front of it; swaying your hips, slowly crossing and spreading your legs in front of a man, stroking yourself on your calves, knees, thighs; balancing shoes on the tips of the fingers / “in your presence I feel comfortable” /, for men - adjusting a tie, cufflinks, jacket, straightening the whole body, moving the chin up and down, etc.

Gestures of suspicion and secrecy . The hand covers the mouth - the interlocutor carefully hides his position on the issue under discussion. Looking to the side is an indicator of secrecy. The legs or the whole body are facing the exit - a sure sign that the person wants to end the conversation or meeting. Touching or rubbing the nose with the index finger is a sign of doubt / other varieties of this gesture are rubbing the index finger behind the ear or in front of the ear, rubbing the eyes /

Gestures of dominance and submission. Superiority can be expressed in a welcoming handshake. When a person shakes your hand firmly and turns it so that his palm rests on top of yours, he is trying to express something like physical superiority. And, conversely, when he extends his hand with his palm up, it means he is ready to accept a subordinate role. When the interlocutor’s hand is casually tucked into his jacket pocket during a conversation, and his thumb is outside, this expresses the person’s confidence in his superiority.

Gestures of readiness . Hands on hips are the first sign of readiness (this can often be observed in athletes waiting for their turn to perform). A variation of this pose in a sitting position - a person sits on the edge of a chair, the elbow of one hand and the palm of the other resting on the knees / this is how they sit immediately before concluding an agreement or. on the contrary, before getting up and leaving/.

Reinsurance gestures . Different finger movements reflect different sensations: uncertainty, internal conflict, fears. In this case, the child sucks his finger, the teenager bites his nails, and the adult often replaces his finger with a fountain pen or pencil and bites them. Other gestures of this group are interlocking fingers, with the thumbs rubbing each other; pinching of the skin; touching the back of a chair before sitting down in a gathering of other people.

For women, a typical gesture of instilling inner confidence is a slow and graceful raising of the hand to the neck.

Gestures of frustration. They are characterized by short, intermittent breathing, often accompanied by unclear sounds such as moaning, mooing, etc. someone who does not notice the moment when his opponent begins to breathe rapidly and continues to prove his point may run into trouble/; tightly entwined, tense hands - a gesture of distrust and suspicion / one who tries, by clasping his hands, to assure others of his sincerity, usually fails /, hands tightly clasping one another - this means the person is in a “trouble”, for example, must answer a question . containing a serious accusation against him/; stroking the neck with the palm /in many cases when a person is defending himself/ - women usually adjust their hair in these situations.

Gestures of trust . The fingers are connected like the dome of a temple / "dome" gesture/, which means trust and some self-satisfaction, selfishness or pride / a very common gesture in boss-subordinate relationships/.

Gestures of authoritarianism. The hands are connected behind the back, the chin is raised (this is how army commanders, police officers, and senior leaders often stand). In general, if you want to make your superiority clear, you just need to physically rise above your opponent - sit above him if you are talking while sitting, or maybe stand in front of him.

Gestures of nervousness . Coughing, clearing the throat /those who often do this feel insecure, anxious/, elbows are placed on the table, forming a pyramid, the top of which is the hands located directly in front of the mouth / such people play “cat and mouse” with partners while they do not give them the opportunity to “reveal their cards,” which is indicated by moving their hands away from their mouths onto the table, jingling coins in their pockets, indicating concern about the availability or lack of money; tugging at one's ear is a sign that the interlocutor wants to interrupt the conversation, but is restraining himself.

Gestures of self-control. Hands placed behind the back and tightly clenched. Another pose - sitting in a chair, a person crossed his ankles and grabbed the armrests with his hands / typical for waiting for an appointment with the dentist /. The gestures of this group signal a desire to deal with strong feelings and emotions.

Body language expressed in gait.

The most important are speed, size of steps, degree of tension, body movements associated with walking, and placement of toes. Don't forget about the influence of shoes (especially for women)!

Fast or slow gait depends on temperament and strength of impulses: restless-nervous – lively and active – calm and relaxed – sluggish-lazy (for example, with a relaxed, saggy posture, etc.)

Wide steps(more often in men than in women): often extroversion, determination, zeal, enterprise, efficiency. Most likely aimed at distant goals.

Short, small steps(more often in women than in men): rather introversion, caution, calculation, adaptability, quick thinking and reactions, restraint.

Emphatically wide and slow gait– desire to show off, actions with pathos. Strong and heavy movements should always demonstrate to others the strength and importance of the individual. Question: really?

Pronounced relaxed gait- lack of interest, indifference, aversion to coercion and responsibility, or in many young people - immaturity, lack of self-discipline, or snobbery.

Noticeably small and at the same time fast steps, rhythmically disturbed: anxiety, timidity of various shades. (Unconscious goal: to evade, give way to any danger).

Rhythmically strong gait, swaying slightly back and forth(with increased movements of the hips), claiming some space: naive-instinctive and self-confident natures.

Shuffling, sagging gait refusal of volitional efforts and aspirations, lethargy, slowness, laziness.

Heavy "proud" gait, in which there is something theatrical, not entirely appropriate, when when walking slowly the steps are relatively small (a contradiction), when the upper part of the body is held emphatically and too straight, perhaps with a disturbed rhythm: overestimation of oneself, arrogance, narcissism.

Firm, angular, stilted, wooden gait(unnatural tension in the legs, the body cannot sway naturally): tightness, lack of contact, timidity - hence, as compensation, excessive hardness, overexertion.

Unnaturally jerky gait pointedly large and fast steps, noticeable waving of the arms back and forth: the existing and demonstrated activity is often just meaningless busyness and efforts regarding some of one’s own desires.

Constant lifting up(on tense toes): upward striving, driven by an ideal, a strong need, a sense of intellectual superiority.


Good relaxed posture– it is based on high receptivity and openness to the environment, the ability to immediately use internal strengths, natural self-confidence and a sense of security.

Body stiffness or tension: a self-defensive reaction when they feel out of place and want to pull away. Greater or lesser constraint, avoidance of contacts, closedness, self-focused state of mind. Often sensitivity (impressionability with the need to evaluate oneself).

Constant tension and external rigidity with a certain coldness of manifestations: sensitive natures who try to hide behind the appearance of firmness and confidence (often quite successfully).

Poor, sluggish posture: outside and inside "hang your nose"

Slouched back: humility, submission, sometimes servility. This is a spiritual state that is confirmed by a facial expression known to everyone.

Commonly adopted conventional poses(for example, one or two hands in pockets, hands behind the back or crossed on the chest, etc.) - if not associated with states of tension: lack of independence, the need to quietly include oneself in the general order. It is often observed when several people gather in a group.

Body Language - Shoulder Girdle and Upper Body

Combination: high shoulders with a slightly hunched back and a more or less retracted chin(more or less bowed head, pulled into the shoulders): a feeling of threat and the resulting defensive behavior: helplessness, a feeling of “stubble,” fear, nervousness, timidity. If it persists constantly, it is an established trait that has developed from a prolonged stay in a state of intimidation, for example, with constant fear of parents or a spouse (domestic tyrant).

Shoulders falling forward– a feeling of weakness and depression, humility, a feeling or inferiority complex.

Squeezing the shoulders forward and outward- with strong fear, horror.

Free shoulder drop– a feeling of confidence, inner freedom, mastery of the situation.

Shoulder push back– a feeling of strength, one’s own capabilities, activity, enterprise, determination to act, often overestimating oneself.

Alternating raising and lowering of shoulders– inability to establish something accurately, doubts, thoughts, skepticism.

Protruding chest(intensive inhalations and exhalations, a constant large amount of air remaining in the lungs):

“+”: consciousness of strength, strong sense of one’s personality, activity, enterprise, need for social contacts.

“-” (especially if emphasized): arrogance, “inflated” person, “inflated” intentions, overestimation of oneself.

Sunken chest(exhalation is more intense than inhalation, there is a minimal amount of air in the lungs) – often the shoulders fall forward:

“+”: inner peace, a certain indifference, isolation, but all this is within the boundaries of the positive, as it stems from weakness of motives.

“-”: poor health, lack of drive and vitality, passivity, humility, depression (especially with a general loss of strength).

Hands rest on hips: the need for strengthening, strengthening. Demonstration to others of your firmness, confidence, stability and superiority: hands are not used at all in an argument, claims to large space. Challenge, bravado. Often compensation for hidden feelings of weakness or embarrassment. The action is enhanced when the legs are spread wide and the head is pulled back.

The arms support the upper body by leaning on something, for example, against a table, the back of a chair, a low platform, etc.: this is an upper body supporting movement for someone who is weak on their feet; V psychological sense– the desire for spiritual support in the face of internal uncertainty.

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The psychological meaning of gestures is necessarily studied within the framework of the subject "Practical psychology and hypnosis"

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Many of us spend our workday sitting at a desk. And we sit a lot at home: on the sofa, at the kitchen table, in a cozy chair... Leading a sedentary lifestyle is harmful (you definitely need to stand or walk for 10-20 minutes every hour!), but there is something else that few people talk about I think: by the way a person sits, you can judge what kind of person he is. Do you often sit cross-legged? Or leg by leg? Or maybe you like to sit on the floor? Although you may not realize it, your sitting posture says everything about your mood and personality. Some poses convey aggression, others show that a person is shy or feels uncomfortable. Find out what your posture says about you!

1. In Turkish

The Turkish pose signals that you feel free. If your knees point out to the sides, it means that you are physically open to new ideas. People who often sit cross-legged are characterized by emotional flexibility.

2. With a straight back

Confident people sit with their backs straight. They are strong and reliable, and people often turn to them for help or comfort. They keep everything under control, but do not forget to enjoy the little things.

3. Reclining

If a person leans back and leans on his hands, this means that he is analyzing the situation. Thus, he seems to be looking at her from the outside. He wants to take part in what is happening, but he is careful. This is how sensitive people sit, attentive to other people’s emotions and experiences.

4. Crossed Ankles

This is how sophisticated, elegant, but at the same time open people sit. This is a relaxed posture, indicating that the person feels comfortable. This pose instills confidence in those around you.

5. With your hands on the armrests

If a person sits motionless with his hands on the armrests, this means that he is sensitive and always monitors what is happening around him. This pose calms you physically and emotionally and gives you a feeling of security. This is how reliable people sit, on whom friends and relatives rely.

6. With crossed arms

This pose signals strength and self-confidence. It gives a feeling of security: arms crossed on the chest act as a shield. This is how thoughtful and serious people sit.

7. Sideways

Attentive, naturally affectionate people often sit with their knees pointing to the side. This is also a pose for light flirting! If a person's knees and chest are directed towards the interlocutor, this indicates interest.

8. With your hands between your legs

Hands squeezed between the legs signal embarrassment, as well as attempts to remain calm and collected. This is how insecure people sit, sensitive to other people’s emotions. These people are gentle and responsive.

9. On my knees

This is a very difficult pose that shows self-confidence. This is how parents usually sit when playing with their children. This position is loved by born leaders who can easily solve any problems.

10. Right in the middle

A person who sits exactly in the middle of a bench or sofa is very confident. Such people take their place immediately, without hesitation. They are sociable and make friends easily.

11. Swinging Crossed Legs

A person sitting cross-legged and swinging his leg is organized and punctual. He always keeps his promises and remains calm. Such people are pedantic, so you can always rely on them.

12. With hands on knees

People who sit with their hands on their knees are calm, peaceful and kind. They are hardly very popular, but they always give good advice and can support. They are reliable, polite and always ready to listen.

13. With hands clasped on knees

Emotional people often sit with their fingers tightly clasped in their laps. They love life passionately, and therefore others are always drawn to them. Most of all, they love to inspire and make others laugh.

Based on materials Illustrations by Laura Caseley

Many of us spend most of the day sitting. Most modern jobs require you to sit at a desk all day.

But even if you don't work at a desk, you still likely spend a lot of time sitting on the couch, dining table or in a comfortable chair.

Although sitting in one place for too long can be bad for your health and well-being (be sure to get up and walk for 10-20 minutes every hour!), few people know one interesting fact...

The position you sit in can say a lot about your character!

Your posture is the key to your personality.

Although you probably don't think about it, the position in which you are currently sitting says a lot about your mood and character.

Some poses are aggressive, while others express uncertainty and timidity.

Do you know what you can tell about you by your posture? Read on and find out!

Pose #1: Crossed legs.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor is a sign of being open and carefree.

This pose, in which your knees are apart, says that you are physically open to new things.

The flexibility required for this pose means that you are emotionally flexible too.

Pose No. 2: With a straight back.

As you might have guessed, a perfectly straight back is a sign of confidence.

If you usually sit in this position, then you are a strong and reliable person who is often turned to for help and comfort.

But despite your organization, you still know how to have fun and enjoy life.

Pose No. 3: With emphasis on the hands.

If you lean on your hands resting behind your back, this is a sign of an analytical mind.

This position allows you to observe circumstances without interfering with them. This means that you like to be aware of what is happening, but at the same time you are careful.

Moreover, it characterizes you as attentive person always noticing the feelings and emotions of others.

Pose #4: Crossed ankles.

Crossed ankles mean that you are a person who is sophisticated and elegant, but also open-minded and pragmatic.

Keeping your legs slightly apart with your ankles crossed is a relatively relaxed posture that indicates you are comfortable.

This is a regal, royal pose that makes everyone around you feel confident.

Pose #5: Squeezing the armrests.

If you are sitting tensely and squeezing your armrests, it means that you are very sensitive to your environment.

Armrests provide stability, both physically and emotionally. They also provide comfort and safety.

If you use armrests, it may mean that you are a stable, balanced person and that your friends and family often rely on you.

Pose #6: Arms crossed.

Crossed arms are a sign of strength, confidence and defensiveness.

This may be a manifestation of defense mechanisms, because you are literally protecting your body from the world with the help of a barrier of your hands.

People who frequently cross their arms tend to be thoughtful, serious, and analytical.

Pose No. 7: Knees to the side.

If you sit with your knees on one side, it means that you are a sensitive, caring and kind person.

In addition, this position may indicate a desire to flirt!

If the knees and chest are turned towards a potential partner, this is a signal of openness and availability.

Pose No. 8: Hands between knees.

If you keep your hands between your knees, it can indicate shyness and thoughtfulness.

In addition, motionless hands are a sign of calm and collectedness.

You are modest and unpretentious, and you also have a great sense of other people. You are an incredible, sympathetic and gentle person.

Pose No. 9: On your knees.

Since sitting on your knees is not easy, it usually indicates persistence and a desire to help.

Parents (or grandparents) often sit on their laps when playing with their children.

This is a sign of a born leader, easy-going and able to effectively solve problems.

Pose No. 10: Exactly in the center.

If you sit exactly in the center of a bench, sofa or table, this indicates complete self-confidence.

Insecure people worry about where to sit, but confident people sit wherever they want without thinking about it.

You are a brave and friendly person who makes friends easily.

Pose No. 11: Crossing your legs.

If you cross your legs and then swing your top leg, it means that you are an organized and punctual person.

You always keep your promises and never lose your head - even in moments of chaos.

You are also very attentive to detail. Thanks to this, you understand people well, and your friends can always count on you.

Pose No. 12: Hands folded on knees.

People who sit with folded hands are often calm, quiet and kind.

Most likely, you cannot be called a socialite, but you are an excellent conversationalist and a loyal friend.

You tend to be contemplative and rarely raise your voice. When you speak, you are listened to with respect.

Pose No. 13: Hands clasped on knees.

If you sit with your hands clasped on your knees, most likely you are an enthusiastic and emotional person.

You do not know how to hide your thirst for life, which attracts other people to you.

You have a warm and kind character, you love to amuse and delight others.

How are you sitting?

How are you sitting at the moment? What does this say about your mood? Tell us in the comments!

Everything we do is not accidental. Our gestures, slips of the tongue, facial expressions - all this can say a lot about a person’s character, his mood and outlook on life. What do the positions we sit in say about us?

Leg to leg
No matter which leg you prefer to put on top, this position shows your confidence in own strength and competencies. You know what you want from life and what ways to achieve it. You know your worth and will not waste your time on trifles.

Leg on hip
Women rarely sit like this - this is a predominantly male position. A person who often sits in this position has an authoritative character, is energetic, and likes to argue. If at the same time he also clasps the knee of the raised leg with his hands, in front of you is a rather stubborn comrade who is not used to retreating, even if he is wrong. If a woman likes to sit in this position, we can say about her that she is a girl without complexes, very sociable and somewhat selfish.

Foot for foot
And this position is exclusively for women; for a man, due to his anatomy, it is simply uncomfortable to sit like this. If you are a fan of twisting your legs in such intricate ways, this speaks of your modesty and some lack of self-confidence. Most likely, you are used to holding back your emotions. People around you consider you a closed and complex person.

Leg over leg with a slope
This pose is also predominantly female. If you prefer to sit like this, you can apply all the characteristics of the cross-legged position, but add a few words about your exceptional femininity. You don’t care how you look in the eyes of men, you always want to arouse their admiration - and, as a rule, you succeed!

Smooth legs
If you like to sit straight with your legs together, slightly forward and resting on your entire foot, we can say the following about you: you are a sincere and honest person, even somewhat straightforward. You are characterized by punctuality, a desire for order, and sometimes even pedantry. From the outside it may seem that you are also characterized by a cold character, but this is not so - your soul is full of warmth!

Crossed ankles
This pose has two options: male and female. Men stretch their legs and cross their ankles, but at the same time spread their hips, showing the groin area. Women keep their legs closed. However, we can say about both of them that these are powerful people who are used to keeping everything under control and love to be first in all areas of life. And those who like to sit with their ankles crossed are outright jealous!

Knees together, heels apart
If this pose is the most characteristic for you, you can safely be called a thing in itself. You love to be alone, it does not bother you; you will always prefer the company of strangers to communicate with loved ones. You are characterized by indecision; you hesitate for a long time before agreeing to something. At the same time, you have a good understanding of people and know how to see their essence.

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Many of us spend our workday sitting at a desk. And we sit a lot at home: on the sofa, at the kitchen table, in a cozy chair... Your favorite pose gives you away with your head (with your arms and legs).

Leading a sedentary lifestyle is harmful (you definitely need to stand or walk for 10-20 minutes every hour!), but there is something else that few people think about: by the way a person sits, you can judge what kind of person he is.

Do you often sit cross-legged? Or leg by leg? Or maybe you like to sit on the floor?

Although you may not realize it, your sitting posture says everything about your mood and personality. Some poses convey aggression, others show that a person is shy or feels uncomfortable.
Find out what your posture says about you!

1. In Turkish

The Turkish pose signals that you feel free.
If your knees point out to the sides, it means that you are physically open to new ideas.
People who often sit cross-legged are characterized by emotional flexibility.

2. With a straight back

Confident people sit with their backs straight.
They are strong and reliable, and people often turn to them for help or comfort.
They keep everything under control, but do not forget to enjoy the little things.

3. Reclining

If a person leans back and leans on his hands, this means that he is analyzing the situation.
Thus, he seems to be looking at her from the outside. He wants to take part in what is happening, but he is careful.
This is how sensitive people sit, attentive to other people’s emotions and experiences.

4. Crossed Ankles

This is how sophisticated, elegant, but at the same time open people sit.
This is a relaxed posture, indicating that the person feels comfortable.
This pose instills confidence in those around you.

5. With your hands on the armrests

If a person sits motionless with his hands on the armrests, this means that he is sensitive and always monitors what is happening around him.
This pose calms you physically and emotionally and gives you a feeling of security.
This is how reliable people sit, on whom friends and relatives rely.

6. With crossed arms

This pose signals strength and self-confidence.
It gives a feeling of security: arms crossed on the chest act as a shield.
This is how thoughtful and serious people sit.

7. Sideways

Attentive, naturally affectionate people often sit with their knees pointing to the side. This is also a pose for light flirting! If a person's knees and chest are directed towards the interlocutor, this indicates interest.

8. With your hands between your legs

Hands squeezed between the legs signal embarrassment, as well as attempts to remain calm and collected. This is how insecure people sit, sensitive to other people’s emotions. Such people are gentle and responsive.

9. On my knees

This is a very difficult pose that shows self-confidence.
This is how parents usually sit when playing with their children.
This position is loved by born leaders who can easily solve any problems.

10. Right in the middle

A person who sits exactly in the middle of a bench or sofa is very confident. Such people take their place immediately, without hesitation. They are sociable and make friends easily.

11. Swinging Crossed Legs

A person sitting cross-legged and swinging his leg is organized and punctual. He always keeps his promises and remains calm. Such people are pedantic, so you can always rely on them.

12. With hands on knees

People who sit with their hands on their knees are calm, peaceful and kind. They are unlikely to be very popular, but they always give good advice and can be supportive. They are reliable, polite and always ready to listen.

13. With hands clasped on knees

Emotional people often sit with their fingers tightly clasped in their laps. They love life passionately, and therefore others are always drawn to them. Most of all, they love to inspire and make others laugh.