Calculation of the width of the foundation strip. Foundation price calculator. Total ground load

The construction of any building begins with developing a project, determining the need for materials, and calculating the estimated cost. Before starting work, it is important to choose the right type and design of the foundation, which will ensure the stability and durability of the structure. Knowing the parameters of the designed foundation, the calculator will allow you to quickly calculate the amount of concrete, as well as determine the need for steel reinforcement and other necessary materials. For calculations, you can use an online concrete foundation calculator or do the calculations yourself.

How to calculate the foundation for a house

How to correctly determine the consumption of materials for the foundation - getting ready to perform calculations

Before starting construction activities, it is important to correctly determine the need for building materials. This will allow you to plan the amount of costs and rationally use available financial resources. Since the construction of houses is preceded by the construction of the foundation, it is necessary at the initial stage to calculate the volume of concrete mixture required for pouring the foundation. In order to perform foundation calculations, a calculator is required.

You can perform calculations in different ways:

  • using a ready-made program. A foundation calculator posted on professional websites will help speed up calculations;
  • performing the calculation manually. It is easy, using a regular calculator, to calculate the amount of concrete for the foundation with a high degree of accuracy.

When performing calculations, it is necessary to take into account that the amount of concrete solution is measured in cubic meters, and not in liters or tons. Taking this into account, in the process of calculations we will obtain the volume of the concrete composition, and not the weight. Before starting calculations, you should decide on the type and design of the foundation.

To do this, you need to perform a number of activities:

  • carry out geodetic surveys. They help determine the level of groundwater, soil characteristics and freezing depth;
  • determine the loads acting on the base. The calculator posted on the website will help you correctly and quickly calculate the foundation for a house.

Calculation of the foundation using the example of a 6x4 meter bathhouse

Having calculated the amount of concrete for the foundation, the calculator will take into account the following data:

  • type of foundation being constructed. The professional program allows you to calculate the strip base, slab base and columnar structure;
  • foundation design and dimensions. The configuration and dimensions depend on the characteristics of the building, the operating loads and soil characteristics;
  • the brand of concrete mortar used for pouring. It is selected depending on the level of mechanical loads;
  • soil freezing level. It is determined taking into account the territorial location of the construction site.

The correctness of the calculation of the solution, as well as the consumption of materials, depends on the completeness of the entered data.

What initial data are included in the calculator for calculating the foundation for a house?

Wanting to determine the total cost and calculate the need for materials, it is important to understand how to calculate the foundation for a house.

The calculator with which the calculation is performed processes a large amount of information for each type of basis:

  • for a strip-type foundation base, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the strip, as well as its configuration;
  • for a columnar base, information is processed on the number of supporting elements, their length, cross-sectional dimensions and immersion depth;
  • for a structure in the form of a monolithic slab, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the base, the area of ​​the structure being built, as well as the design features of the frame.

Configuration and calculation results of a solid foundation

After the calculation of materials for the foundation is completed, the calculator will be able to provide the following information:

  • volume of required concrete solution;
  • footage of rods (m) and total weight of reinforcement (kg);
  • range of reinforcement for the frame;
  • the magnitude of the load on the ground;
  • the need for wood for the manufacture of formwork.

Based on the results of online calculations, you can also obtain information about the dimensions of the spatial reinforcement frame.

Calculation of a strip foundation for a house - calculator

To determine the volume of concrete composition and calculate the need for materials, it is important to consider the following points:

  • the length of the base, which must correspond to the perimeter of the building;
  • the width of the tape, which should exceed the thickness of the walls by 10–15 cm;
  • level of penetration into the soil corresponding to the characteristics of the soil.

Calculation of strip foundation

By multiplying the indicated values, we obtain the volume of the foundation tape corresponding to the cubic capacity of concrete. Knowing the mass of a cubic meter of reinforced concrete, equal to 2.4–2.5 tons, it is not difficult to obtain the weight of the base. To do this, you need to multiply the total cubic capacity by the weight of one cubic meter of base. When performing calculations manually, there is a small error of 6–8%. It is important to accurately calculate the solution for the foundation. The calculator, which can be used online, provides this opportunity.

How to calculate materials for a columnar foundation

When building a columnar foundation, it is necessary to correctly calculate the foundation for the house.

The online calculator processes the following data::

  • number of support columns;
  • diameter and height of piles;
  • dimensions of the expanded part of the support located in the ground;
  • grillage dimensions;
  • grillage structure configuration;
  • brand of concrete mixture used.

Using available information about the design features and dimensions of the pile foundation, calculations can be made manually. To do this, you need to determine the volume of one support and multiply the resulting value by the total number of piles. The volume of the grillage is calculated similarly to the tape base. By adding the volume of the supports with the volume of the grillage, we obtain the total volume of the pile structure. Now calculating the amount of concrete is not difficult.

Concrete calculator for a foundation in the form of a monolithic slab

Calculation of materials for slab foundations

When planning to concrete a monolithic slab, developers are faced with the problem of how to calculate the amount of concrete for the foundation.

The calculator allows you to quickly determine the consumption of concrete mixture after entering the following parameters into the appropriate columns of the program:

  • length of the slab base;
  • width of the foundation slab;
  • height of the reinforced concrete base.

By performing calculations manually, you can neglect the volume occupied by the reinforcement cage. You just need to multiply the dimensions of the structure and get its volume, which approximately corresponds to the need for concrete composition. To obtain accurate values, it is necessary to use software methods.

Calculation of materials for the foundation (calculator) - determine the need for cement

When preparing concrete mortar, various grades of cement are used as a binder. The strength, reliability and service life of building structures depend on the characteristics and quantity of Portland cement introduced into the concrete mixture. When calculating the material for the foundation, the calculator, which is a special program, processes a set of initial data and provides information about the need for cement for the foundation.

Material calculator for a monolithic foundation slab

Using reference data, you can independently determine the amount of cement for preparing concrete mortar. It is important to consider the proportion according to which sand, cement and crushed stone are mixed. This ratio is 3:1:5. The concrete solution is formed from 9 parts, one of which is Portland cement.

Based on this ratio, the number of different grades of cement per cubic meter of concrete is determined.:

  • M100 is used in quantities of 160–200 kg;
  • M150 requires 200–220 kg;
  • M200 is added at 240–280 kg;
  • M250 is introduced at 300–330 kg.

As the grade of Portland cement increases, its quantity per cubic meter of concrete composition increases and is:

  • M300 – 320–380 kg;
  • M400 – 400–420 kg;
  • M500 – 510–530 kg.

This information allows you to independently determine the need for cement with a high degree of accuracy. There is also a special online program that will quickly perform calculations after entering the required volume of the finished concrete mixture, the grade of concrete and the type of cement used.

Calculation of the foundation for a house - cost calculator

How to calculate the foundation of a house yourself

Having decided on the methodology for calculating the amount of concrete solution and the Portland cement used for its production, you can begin to determine the overall level of costs for constructing the foundation.

Total costs include the costs of purchasing the following materials:

  • medium-sized river or quarry sand;
  • Portland cement of the required grade;
  • medium-fraction crushed stone.

It is also necessary to take into account the purchase costs:

  • steel reinforcement intended for the manufacture of the frame;
  • boards, plywood panels or metal for assembling formwork;
  • tying wire used to join steel rods;
  • hardware used to assemble the formwork structure.

An important element of the calculation is the transportation costs associated with the delivery of the necessary materials to the construction site.


Calculating cost items during the construction of the foundation allows you to accurately determine the total cost. You can use ready-made software products or perform calculations on your own. It is important to master a technique that ensures the right result. Timely budget planning will allow you to distribute funds evenly and ensure their rational use.

A strip foundation is a prefabricated or monolithic foundation made of high-strength reinforced concrete blocks, which are laid along the perimeter of the future structure, as well as in areas of load-bearing structures. The formation of a strip foundation does not involve the use of heavy construction equipment, but at the same time it requires absolute accuracy of calculation and measurement operations. The interactive strip foundation calculator will allow you to quickly and accurately calculate the proportion of sand, cement and crushed stone when making concrete manually, the dimensions of the strip, as well as the parameters of the formwork and foundation reinforcement for a house made of foam concrete or aerated concrete.

Advantages of the online strip foundation calculator

  • Saves time, nerves, effort and money when drawing up cost estimates for the purchase of building materials.
  • Allows you to estimate the volume of creative actions, as well as predict the timing of the formation of a strip-type foundation.
  • Proper calculation of the parameters of reinforcement and concrete guarantees high strength and reliability of the internal frame of the structure.
  • The ability to instantly calculate parameters for a monolithic or prefabricated, shallow or deeply laid strip foundation.
  • 2D and 3D visualization options allow you to clearly assess the adequacy of calculation manipulations and make the necessary corrections in a timely manner.

Problems that the calculator solves

Calculation of reinforcement for a strip foundation helps determine the total length and weight of the reinforcement cage, as well as the minimum diameter of the transverse and longitudinal bars, the number of rows in the reinforcement chords, the spacing of the clamps and the amount of overlap. Calculations are made in accordance with the rules of SP 52-101-2003.

Calculation of concrete for a strip foundation provides information on the proportions of sand, crushed stone and cement, as well as the weight of the main building material for pouring the strip foundation. The calculation results make it possible to correctly and competently distribute the load across the structure segments.

The calculation of the formwork specifies the total length of the perimeter, as well as the area of ​​the base and the outer side edge of the reinforced concrete strip.

An online calculator for calculating strip foundations works for you completely free of charge. If you have any questions, write below in the comments - we will definitely help you.

Please indicate the required dimensions in millimeters

X- foundation width
Y- foundation length
A- foundation thickness
H- foundation height
C- distance to the axis of the jumper

A- foundation thickness
H- foundation height
S- step between connections
G- horizontal rows
V- vertical rods
Z- connecting rods

The required amount of cement to produce one cubic meter of concrete is different in each specific case.

This depends on the brand of cement, the desired brand of concrete produced, the size and proportions of fillers.
Indicated in bags.

There is no need to repeat how important it is when designing a house to calculate the amount of building materials for the foundation of the house.
After all, the cost of a monolithic foundation reaches a third of the cost of the house.

This service will make it easier to plan and calculate the foundation of a house. It will help you calculate the amount of concrete, reinforcement, and formwork boards for installing a strip foundation.

What you can find out:

Footing area (for example, to determine the amount of waterproofing to cover a finished foundation)
The amount of concrete for the foundation and floor slabs or pouring the basement floor (it will be fun when, due to a simple error in multiplication, there is not enough concrete)
Reinforcement - quantity of reinforcement, automatic calculation of its weight based on its length and diameter
Formwork area and quantity of lumber in cubic meters and pieces
Area of ​​all surfaces (for calculating foundation waterproofing) and side surfaces and base
Added calculation of the cost of foundation building materials.

The program will also draw a drawing of the foundation.
I hope that the service will be useful to those who build the foundation with their own hands and construction specialists.

concrete composition

The proportions and quantities of cement, sand and crushed stone for preparing concrete are given by default as a guide, as recommended by cement manufacturers.
The same goes for the price of cement, sand, and crushed stone.

However, the composition of the finished concrete greatly depends on the size of the crushed stone or gravel fractions, the brand of cement, its freshness and storage conditions. It is known that during long-term storage, cement loses its properties, and with high humidity, the quality of cement deteriorates faster.

Please note that the cost of sand and crushed stone is indicated in the program for 1 ton. Suppliers announce the price per cubic meter of sand, crushed stone or gravel.

The specific gravity of sand depends on its origin. For example, river sand is heavier than quarry sand.
1 cubic meter of sand weighs 1200-1700 kg, on average - 1500 kg.

With gravel and crushed stone it is more difficult. According to various sources, the weight of 1 cubic meter is from 1200 to 2500 kg, depending on the size. Heavier - smaller.

So you will have to recalculate the price per ton of sand and crushed stone yourself or check with sellers.

However, the calculation will still help you find out the approximate costs of building materials for pouring the foundation. Don’t forget the wire for tying reinforcement, nails or screws for formwork, delivery of building materials, costs for excavation and construction work.

Before the construction of any project, professionals are involved in drawing up a project, which includes detailed calculations of structures from the foundation to the roof with all plans and specifications. These documents and diagrams help determine the scope of work and the required amount of materials that need to be purchased.

Before the first stage of building a house, it is necessary to find out in particular how much concrete is needed for the foundation, because... Filling according to the technology must be done continuously, without allowing individual layers to set. This publication discusses detailed algorithms for calculating the main types of foundations.

Types of foundations

Engineers accept the foundation structurally using detailed calculation formulas. What is taken into account when choosing:

  • House weight;
  • Temporary loads;
  • Soil type;
  • Ground water level.

Having compared a number of factors and calculation results, experts accept one of the types of foundations:

  • Tape;
  • Pile;
  • Slab;
  • Columnar (only for light houses);
  • Combined (complex design, which can only be accepted as a result of professional calculations).

The most common type of base is tape. This design can be adopted for a house with any parameters for all types of soils, except for floating ones. To calculate such a foundation, you need to know the height and width of its wall to the base (it is part of the foundation), as well as the perimeter of the house and the length of all internal walls.

It is advisable to choose bored piles for private housing construction - they are practically not inferior to ready-made factory products, but installing them is much easier and cheaper. The design of the pile foundation also includes a strapping grillage, which must be taken into account when calculating the concrete.

The slab is a solution for construction on floating soils. This is a kind of cushion that is able to maneuver on the base during seasonal liquefaction of the soil and during periods of its instability.

Concrete: buy or make it yourself?

The composition of concrete includes:

  • Portland cement or slag binder;
  • Sand;
  • Crushed stone, better enriched;
  • Plasticizers;
  • Water.

You can prepare the solution yourself, but first you need to calculate the total volume - still, pouring must be done continuously and evenly. One of the options for replacing factory supplies is renting or purchasing a concrete mixer.

How to calculate the amount of cement for the foundation

The amount of cement depends on the type of concrete used. In private housing construction, concrete M300 or M400 is mainly used for the foundation. This strength is sufficient to ensure reliable and durable service of the structure.

Calculation of cement for the foundation can be done using the table of proportions:

How much cement is needed for the foundation will be known after determining the entire volume of the supporting structure. It is worth remembering that there are 1000 liters in 1 cubic meter. Accordingly, if the calculation of the amount of M300 concrete showed 7 m3, and we had M400 cement at our disposal, we make a translation:

Proportionality line – 1: 1.9: 3.7 (C:P:SH). The figures are given in units of your choice (kilogram, liter). The bulk density of cement is 1100 kg/m3, the density of concrete is 1800-2100 kg/m3.

From 10 liters of cement we get 41 liters of concrete, approximately 24 such units are needed (1000/41). Accordingly, we multiply all proportion values ​​by 24. (2: 45.6: 88.8).

A simpler, but average calculation of the amount of cement per foundation is given in the table:

Accordingly, you can not only calculate the cement consumption, but also determine the amount of other components by multiplying the value of the mass of cement by a proportional number. The amount of cement for the foundation according to the table is calculated approximately - the final value will be influenced by:

  • Mass and fraction of sand and crushed stone;
  • Exact mass of cement;
  • Volume of water used.
Concrete grade Cement Sand Crushed stone Water
M300 425 735 1080 140
M400 483 695 1080 140

The cement consumption for the foundation and the amount of other components should be determined using the exact formulas from the very first method, where the proportions of the components are calculated. You should also take into account the margin for error and unforeseen situations - about 10-15%. It is better if the material remains than there is not enough of it to create the main structure of the house. In addition, concrete and its components will be useful in subsequent processes of constructing walls, paths, etc.

Now you can proceed to calculating the volume of concrete for the foundation. Let us consider the main types of structures separately for ease of understanding.

Strip foundation

The tape is a closed perimeter, which is located under all load-bearing and self-supporting walls of the house. In order to calculate the volume of concrete for the foundation, you need to know the following design parameters:

  • Wall height. It includes underground and above-ground basement parts. The height can be classic (below the soil freezing level) or reduced.
  • The width of the walls should be 100 mm greater than the thickness of the walls;
  • Total length of foundation walls.

It must be taken into account that internal and external walls have different thicknesses.

Let's calculate the volume for the external walls:

  • Total length: 8 + 8 + 6 + 6 = 28 meters.
  • Concrete consumption is equal to the volume of the structure: 28 ∙ 1.1 ∙ 0.5 = 15.4 cubic meters.
  • Volume of the inner wall: 6 ∙ 1.1 ∙ 0.38 = 2.508 m3.
  • We calculate the total volume as the sum: 15.4 + 2.508 = 17.908 m3.
  • Remember about the reserve of 10-15%: 17.908 + 10% = 19.69 m 3 or exactly 20 cubic meters of concrete.

To determine the amount of working solution, there are computer programs - calculators. They automatically determine the volume of the strip structure based on the entered parameters of width, height and wall thickness. However, most of them work without taking into account the heterogeneity of the walls; calculating the length of the walls is left to the specialist. Professional programs that are inaccessible to ordinary people show good results. They take into account the exact thickness of the walls down to the millimeter and all overlapping lengths.

Pile foundation

The second most popular type of foundation is bored pile foundation. The essence of the installation technology is to create a circular shaft, fill it with a steel frame and working concrete mortar M300-M400.

The foundation design includes piles and a grillage, which is used to tie around the made pillars, and the walls of the house rest on it. The dimensions of the grillage and piles are taken structurally.

First, let's calculate the volume of the piles. Let's assume their total number is 12 (accepted constructively). All pillars will be the same, so let’s determine the volume of one. Correctly calculate it using one of the formulas:

  • V = π ∙ R 2 ∙ h or ¼ π ∙ D 2 ∙ h.

We calculate in cubic meters for both options:

  • V = 3.14 ∙ 0.1 2 ∙ 2.0 = 0.06 m 3 or
  • V = ¼ ∙ 3.14 ∙ 0.2 2 ∙ 2.0 = 0.06 m 3.

As you can see, the result of calculation by both formulas gives one result. The amount of concrete on the foundation for pouring piles: 0.0638 ∙ 12 = 0.75 m 3. As you can see, it turned out quite a bit.

Now let’s determine the volume of the grillage for a 6x6 meter house:

  • Length – 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24 meters.
  • Volume = 24 ∙ 0.4 ∙ 0.3 = 2.88 cubic meters.
  • Total amount of concrete to be poured: 2.88 + 0.75 = 3.63 m3.
  • Let's add a reserve of 10%, we get 3.99 and 4.0 m 3.

A similar calculation is made for columnar bases.

The adopted foundation made of bored piles is strong, durable and economical - the cost of its installation is up to 8 times less than with tape! This is not counting the lack of expensive earthworks. However, the design has several disadvantages: the impossibility of arranging a basement and the need for more thorough compaction of the floor of the first floor.


A slab foundation is a simple structure. The difficulty lies only in choosing its optimal thickness and calculating the reinforcement frame. From the point of view of determining how many cubes of concrete are needed for the foundation, the design is calculated quite simply. Let’s take, for example, a house of 11x11 meters, the foundation for which is taken with dimensions of exactly 12 by 12 meters. The thickness of the structure is 300 mm.

The volume of the slab is 12 ∙ 12 ∙ 0.3 = 43 cubic meters.

It is not often that the slab shape is square, then the area is divided into square segments and calculated separately.

An obvious disadvantage of a slab foundation is the high consumption of concrete and cement, respectively.


We looked at how to calculate how much concrete is needed for a foundation. Note that the article provides the basic principles for determining the volume of structures without taking into account their features. But knowing them, you can easily calculate the required amount of consumables yourself.

How much cement is needed for a foundation is the most pressing question, because the quality and durability of structures depends on the decision. We do not recommend relying on summarized tables with average values ​​- they do not take into account all the subtleties of calculation, selection of components and their characteristics. The tables are for informational purposes only and are not references. It is worth relying on the proportions of the components - they are compiled according to SNiPs.

By following the given algorithms, you can find out how much concrete/cement is needed to pour the foundation of a particular structure, if it is not possible to do this using a professional calculator.

Building a house is a very important moment in every person's life, and a good foundation is the key to creating a reliable structure that will last for many decades. At first, foundations were calculated manually, later using a slide rule, adding machine, and calculator. With the advent of modern computers and the Internet, they began to be paid online, on special websites. This is why the strip foundation calculator was developed.

Types of foundations for a house

The base of the house is a continuous concrete strip. Its size must be sufficient to distribute the load on the plot of land.

A proper foundation is of great importance for a home. It retains moisture, insulates from the cold and resists the movement of the earth around it, and in order to correctly make all the calculations, you need a strip foundation calculator.

Today, concrete is mainly used to build foundations. It is easy to pour, spread and level in the prepared trench. Because of its ability to harden quickly, concrete provides compressive strength to support loads. Previously, the foundations of houses were made of brick or installed directly on solid ground, and were also built from natural stone.

The most common building base for a house is a wall made of poured concrete or concrete blocks with a support system. The vast majority of houses are built using the foundation calculation method (a calculator can be found on the Internet). Structural parts of the base:

  • Continuous concrete formwork.
  • A foundation wall made of poured concrete or reinforced concrete blocks.
  • Concrete floor slab.

These three elements are the structural components of the foundation system that serves to transfer the gravity of the load (the weight of the house) down to the ground. Concrete itself is not an ideal material for resisting the weight of a house as it is not very flexible, so steel reinforcing bars are inserted into it to resist any bending caused by the movement of the earth.

Foundation elements:

Sizing and pouring of the new foundation

The size of foundations built on soils that have low bearing capacity (such as clay soils) should be significantly wider than usual to provide greater stability. An excessive increase in the width and depth of the structure is not economically justified, so a reasonable option is to create foundations using reinforced concrete.

Reinforcing bars add tensile properties to the foundation, making the entire structure able to withstand tension and compression. The amount of reinforcement is set after the foundation has been calculated, for which purpose you can use an online calculator.

The size of the bases is influenced by several factors:

Selecting base width

It depends on the bearing capacity of the soil and the expected load of the structure. The higher the soil resistance, the smaller the width of the base for the same structure. If the base is mounted on an inclined surface, a stepped structure is used. Strip foundation is the most common type of foundation and the cheapest in cost. A strip of reinforced concrete supports the walls. An example is the online foundation calculator, taken from the site

The depth of the trench may vary. The width of the base depends on the safe bearing capacity of the soil, and the thickness depends on the strength of the foundation material. According to the online calculator for a house of standard calculation No. 7 with a length of 14 meters and a width of 9 meters, the foundation must be at least 70 cm deep and 40 cm wide.

We receive a full payment.

Concrete foundations are made up of strips of reinforcement that provide a strong and level foundation. The load on the building is evenly distributed along the length of the foundation. Reinforcement has greater tensile strength than concrete - therefore, it can withstand significant loads.

The reinforcement structure is always made in advance and then installed in the formwork. The design of the reinforcing belt is simple, but before its manufacture it is necessary to make complex calculations that will ensure the reliability of the structure.

Stages of manufacturing a structure

It does not require special skills for construction, as well as special equipment, and the work on its construction can be completed independently. Main stages:

  • Digging a trench.
  • Installation of formwork.
  • Installation of reinforced belt.
  • Preparing and pouring concrete.

The benefits of an online calculator

The strip foundation (reinforcement and formwork) calculator will help you estimate the amount of building materials required for construction. As practice shows, the cost of building a foundation can reach one third of the total costs budgeted for the construction of a house or other building. The online application can simplify all assessments and plan the future monolithic structure. The developer will know the size of the foundation, the amount of concrete and other materials needed.

As a result of the calculations, the developer will receive the following data:

Since the app can be used as a concrete calculator, the quantity and cost of materials needed for the foundation can be easily determined. When planning, it should be taken into account that the composition of the mixture will depend on the brand of cement and the size of the gravel. The price for gravel and sand must be indicated per 1 ton, and the purchase is made for 1 m³. The online reinforcement calculator for strip foundations will help you perform all the calculations.

Before you start pouring the concrete mixture, you need to have the necessary supply of materials, such as reinforcement and building materials for formwork. It is better if you have the opportunity to purchase a ready-made concrete mixture: then you can pour the entire foundation at once. In any case, its filling must be completed in one day, otherwise phenomena may occur that lead to cracking of its structure.

Pros and cons of strip foundations

They have both positive and negative qualities.


  • Simplicity of design, the ability to build a foundation without expensive tools.
  • Ability to withstand heavy loads.
  • Easy to assemble, no special training requirements.
  • Long service life.


  • Not suitable for all soil types.
  • One-time pouring, the entire volume at a time, and preparing such an amount of concrete are quite problematic.

Reliable and durable strip foundations are suitable for many buildings and are the best option for building a house.