Recipe for Napoleon cake from Grandma Emma. Napoleon cake recipe with custard the most delicious from grandmother Emma Napoleon cake recipe from grandmother Emma cooking method

Napoleon is one of the most popular cake recipes. This dessert is known for its unforgettable taste of cream filling and puff pastry.

Preparing a delicious dessert is quite simple - you just need to purchase all the ingredients and spend a little time.



  • 750 g flour;
  • 600 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%;
  • 220 ml water.


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 320 g butter;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. In a deep container, use a whisk to mix salt, eggs, and vinegar.
  2. Without stopping stirring, pour in water. Place in the refrigerator.
  3. Sift the flour. Grind the butter on a grater, constantly dipping it into the flour. Mix with flour.
  4. Combine flour with previously prepared liquid. Knead the puff pastry.
  5. Shape the dough into a rectangle, wrap in film, and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  6. Pour milk and sugar into a saucepan and place over high heat. Once the sugar has dissolved, reduce the heat.
  7. In a separate container, mix eggs with flour. Add 4 ladles of milk (2 portions) and stir. Pour the mixture into a saucepan with milk, stirring continuously.
  8. Stirring constantly with a whisk, cook the cream until a thick mass forms. Without removing from heat, add a small piece of butter and stir.
  9. Transfer the cream to a plate and cool to room temperature in a container covered with film.
  10. Divide the dough into 3 parts (2 large, 1 smaller). Roll out the cakes to a thickness of 4 mm. Wipe the baking sheet with a damp towel or napkin and lay out the dough. Make small cuts on the surface of the crust using a knife.
  11. Place the cakes in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.
  12. Remove the cakes from the oven and cool.
  13. In a separate container, beat the butter with a mixer. Add the previously prepared cream to the whipped butter in small portions. Beat until smooth and fluffy, adding vanilla sugar.
  14. Cut 2 cake layers in half, trimming the edges.
  15. Place the cake on a board and spread cream on top. Place the second cake layer, lightly pressing it against the first one, brush with cream. Place all the cakes with cream. Cover the cake completely with cream.
  16. Grind the third cake layer to fine crumbs and mix with powdered sugar. Cover the cake with crumbs and powdered sugar.

The dessert is ready and can be served with your favorite drinks.

Napoleon cake is made from puff pastry with a cream layer. The Napoleon cake recipe has been known since 1850. And since then it has been one of the most favorite delicacies on earth! Every housewife, every family has its own signature Napoleon cake recipe. Grandma Emma is happy to share her favorite Napoleon cake recipe.


Napoleon cake dough

Flour - 750 grams

Butter or margarine - 600 grams

Salt - 1 teaspoon

Vinegar 5-7% - 1.5 tablespoons

Water - approximately 220 milliliters

Cream for Napoleon cake

Sugar - 300 grams

Flour - 120 grams

Butter - 320 grams

Vanilla sugar - 10-15 grams

Powdered sugar for sprinkling - 3 tablespoons

Step-by-step recipe: Napoleon Cake

Let's prepare puff pastry for Napoleon cake. We will prepare instant puff pastry. First of all, let's prepare the liquid. Break 2 eggs into a measuring mug, add one teaspoon of salt, 1.5 tablespoons of 5-7% vinegar, mix. Add approximately 220 milliliters of ice water and mix everything well. In total we should have 375 milliliters of liquid. Place the liquid in the refrigerator.

Pour 750 grams of sifted flour onto the table. All the while dipping the frozen butter or margarine into the flour and grating it on a coarse grater. Lightly mix grated margarine with flour. In total we need to grate 600 grams of frozen butter or margarine.

Collect the grated margarine and flour into a mound and make a depression. Remove the prepared liquid from the refrigerator and pour it into the well. Quickly knead the puff pastry. The dough cannot be kneaded. Carefully lift the dough from different sides to the middle, fold in layers and press. We put the dough ball aside and collect the remains, adding them to the main piece of dough.

Quickly knead the puff pastry. The dough cannot be kneaded. Carefully lift the dough from different sides to the middle, fold in layers and press. We put the dough ball aside and collect the remains, adding them to the main piece of dough.

We give the dough a rectangular shape, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, it is better to keep the dough in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. Puff pastry for Napoleon cake is ready. Instant puff pastry can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and in the freezer for several months. It is better to defrost puff pastry in the refrigerator.

Let's prepare custard for Napoleon cake. Rinse the pan with cold water, pour one liter of milk into it, add 320 grams of sugar. Place the pan on high heat, stir all the time until the sugar is completely dissolved, reduce the heat to medium and leave the milk to heat up. Break 4 eggs into a bowl, add 120 grams of flour, mix with a mixer (do not beat, just mix) until a homogeneous mixture is formed.

Pour two ladles of hot milk and sugar into the mixture, stir, add 2 more ladles of milk, mix and return the resulting mixture to the pan. Place the pan on the fire and, stirring all the time with a whisk, cook the cream until thickened.

Remove from heat. Add 20 grams of butter to the cream, mix, pour the cream into a bowl, cover with cling film and leave to cool to room temperature.

Let's start baking the Napoleon cake layers. Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Divide the prepared dough into 3 unequal parts: two identical larger ones and one smaller one. We will bake two cakes measuring 40X60 centimeters, and after baking we will divide them in half, and another smaller cake for topping. If the size of your baking sheet is 30X40 centimeters, then, accordingly, you need to bake 4 layers for the Napoleon cake and a layer for sprinkling.

Place one piece of dough on a table sprinkled with flour. We also sprinkle the dough and rolling pin with flour. Roll out the dough into a layer approximately 3-4 millimeters thick, according to the size of the baking sheet. Wipe the perimeter of the baking sheet with a damp cloth and, using a rolling pin, place the rolled out dough on it, pressing the edges lightly. We cut off the excess dough and add it to the part of the dough from which we will bake the crust for topping the Napoleon cake.

We make small cuts on the cake with a knife. Bake the cakes for Napoleon in a preheated oven at a temperature of 200-220 degrees Celsius for approximately 20 minutes. In order to check the readiness of the cake, lift the edge of the cake - if the cake does not bend, it is ready. Remove the finished cakes from the oven and place them on a wooden board, let them cool. We also bake the remaining cakes. Bake the topping crust a few minutes longer.

The custard has cooled to room temperature. Let's prepare the butter custard for the Napoleon cake. Place 300 grams of soft butter in a mixer bowl and beat until white. You can add a little less or more oil according to your taste. Add the custard to the whipped butter little by little, beating each time until it forms a thick mass. While whipping, add 10-15 grams of vanilla sugar and skim the cream from the sides of the mixer once. Beat until you get a fluffy cream. The butter custard and Napoleon cake layers are ready.

Assembling the Napoleon cake. We cut the Napoleon cake layers in half, so we get 4 cake layers measuring approximately 30X40 centimeters. Place one cake layer on the board, spread a fourth of the prepared cream on it, and level it. Place the second cake with the smooth side up, grease it with the fourth part of the cream, and so on. Place the last, fourth cake layer with the smooth side up and grease the sides and top of the cake with the remaining cream.

Let's prepare the topping for the Napoleon cake. Grind the cake that we baked for topping into crumbs. Add a tablespoon of vanilla powdered sugar, mix and sprinkle the sides and top of the cake with the prepared crumbs. Powdered sugar can be purchased at the store or made at home. The recipe for making powdered sugar is on our website in the Culinary Tricks section.

Sprinkle the top of the cake with an additional tablespoon or two of powdered sugar. This Napoleon cake decoration is classic. You can also decorate the Napoleon cake with berries: raspberries, strawberries, grapes, you can make roses from cream. You will find various ways to decorate cakes on our website in the Cake Decorating section.

We transfer the finished Napoleon cake to the dish on which we will serve it, or cut it into pieces and serve as separate cakes. It is best to cut Napoleon cake with a sharp saw blade, which is used for slicing bread. In this case, you do not need to put pressure on the knife, you need to cut the cake.

Place the finished Napoleon cake in the refrigerator and remove it one hour before serving. We serve a truly festive, always desired, beloved Napoleon cake to the sweet table with tea or coffee.

Napoleon is a cake that can be cooked and eaten endlessly. I came across your website and immediately decided to make a classic Napoleon cake. All my guests were very pleased with the result. Thank you for the recipe!

Good afternoon, Leonid and Grandma Emma! My name is Svetlana, I am from Minsk. I always really loved the classic Napoleon recipe and bought it at a pastry shop near my house. But soon the store closed and no matter where I bought Napoleon, it tasted significantly different and, frankly speaking, I didn’t like it. It was difficult for me to cook it myself, since sweet pastries, to be honest, are difficult for me. But when I came across your wonderful site, and I saw the recipe for Napoleon cake with a video, I immediately began to prepare it, strictly observing all the steps and proportions. At the finish line, I got that Napoleon taste that I liked so much earlier when I went to my favorite pastry shop. Thank you very much for the recipe and good luck to you!

Dear Emma Isaakovna, Leonid! I want to thank you for the Napoleon recipe. My grandchildren often come to visit me and really love the sweet pastries I make. I often bake pies with different fillings, but this time I wanted to somehow please the kids and bake them a delicious Napoleon cake. The recipe from your site helped me a lot, and I quickly completed this task. My grandchildren ate everything with pleasure and now ask me to constantly prepare such a “shaggy” cake. Health and good luck to you all!

I watched a video from your website on how to make a Napoleon cake. How much you love your job, those sweet smiles on your faces, directly charged you with positivity and good mood while cooking. Well, the cooking itself was excellent. Thank you! Your fan, Galina Viktorovna.

I am so glad that my mother uses your site! A few days ago she made a Napoleon cake and it tasted like something from my childhood. I loved this dessert so much as a child. Such pleasant memories and it’s all thanks to you! Be healthy and happy!

Hello, dear videoculinary team! I was always afraid of puff pastry and did not undertake to prepare it, because something always went wrong with me. But I wanted to overcome my fears and still make a successful attempt at making a dessert from puff pastry. On your website, I was the first to see a page with a description of how to make Napoleon and I realized that this particular dessert would be my first successful debut from puff pastry. After following all the steps of preparation, I managed to cope with my weakness, and I think now I can handle any recipe) Thank you so much!

Classic recipe! Napoleon cake will always decorate the holiday table, as it pleases almost everyone. Thank you.

Dear Grandmother Emma! It’s probably time for you to open a chain of pastry shops and sell your desserts and pastries there. I would be your regular customer and would take my whole family to you. In the meantime, I will explore with you this mysterious world of confectionery products.

Despite the fact that today Napoleon can be bought in almost any chain of markets, home-made Napoleon cake is a real culinary masterpiece. Its delicate taste is so different from the store-bought one that it seems as if you are eating a completely different cake. Don’t be lazy and prepare these desserts yourself, it’s worth it.

Good afternoon Napoleon is a cake whose recipe has been passed down from generation to generation for many years. My grandmother always spoiled us with the exquisite taste of Napoleon when we were children. And now it's time to pamper her on her birthday and prepare her a delicious Napoleon under your guidance. I hope that she will be satisfied, and our Napoleon will turn out no worse than the one she cooks!)

Grandma Emma, ​​Daniella and Leonid are my favorite cooks! I really enjoy watching all their video recipes and cooking with them. Everything is always very tasty and satisfying. I look forward to new recipes and cooking tricks. Keep it up!

Hello, Grandma Emma! My name is Victoria. To be honest, I don't really know how to cook. But when I first came across your site, I became very curious and decided to learn. After all, few people need a wife who doesn’t know how to cook. But I really want to build a family and I know the popular wisdom that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I’ve been experimenting in the kitchen for over a month now and making progress. Last week I cooked beef fillet with champignons and apricots, and yesterday I decided to try my hand at making Napoleon. Fortunately, everything worked out and I am incredibly happy. Compliments to you and the whole team, and thanks for giving us the opportunity to learn how to cook deliciously in your favorite kitchen! In addition, self-cooking helps to save a lot of money, since food in restaurants and canteens is noticeably more affordable.

Well, here are my dear girls, as I promised to share with you the recipe for “Napoleon”, which I prepared for my husband’s 30th birthday. Let's goeeeeee!!!

Cake "Napoleon" from Grandma Emma

Napoleon cake is made from puff pastry with a cream layer. The recipe for Napoleon cake has been known since 1850 and since then has been one of the most beloved delicacies in the world.


For the test:

flour - 1 kg

butter or margarine - 4 packs of 200 g each

eggs - 2 pcs.

salt -1 tsp

vinegar - 2 tbsp.

water - approximately 400 ml

For cream:

milk - 4 cups

sugar - 1.3 cups

eggs - 4 pcs.

flour - 4 tbsp.

butter - 300 g

vanilla sugar - 1 sachet

powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons

Let's start by preparing the dough.

Important!!!All products for making puff pastry must be very cold. Eggs, flour, water from the refrigerator. Keep the butter or margarine in the freezer for several hours.

Mix part of the flour with 800g of grated frozen butter or margarine. While grating the margarine, you should constantly sprinkle it with flour (not kneading it). After all the margarine has been grated, add the rest of the flour and lightly mix (do not overmix) it with the flour.

In a measuring cup, mix: 2 eggs, 2 tsp salt, 2 tbsp. vinegar 5%. Add cold water to the 500 ml mark. Combine the mixture prepared in this way with the butter-flour mass, gradually pouring in the liquid in small portions. Knead the dough very quickly (the ingredients should remain cold) (I kneaded the dough right on the table). We collect the dough into a large briquette and divide it into several parts.

We put each part in a separate plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours (the dough can be prepared the day before).

Let's make custard. To do this, bring 4 cups of milk with 1.3 cups of sugar to a boil. In a separate bowl, mix 4 eggs with 4 tablespoons of flour with a mixer and gradually add half the hot milk and sugar. Then, in one motion, pour the mixture into the remaining milk. Stirring, bring to the first buns and immediately turn off.DO NOT BOIL!Let the cream cool in cold water with ice.

Roll out the puff pastry to a thickness of 3-4 mm to fit the baking tray. Lightly moisten the edges of the baking sheet with water so that the cake does not shrink during baking. Using a rolling pin, place the rolled out dough on a baking sheet and trim off any excess dough. Lightly press the edges and make small cuts with a knife or prick the cake with a fork so that it does not swell during baking.

Bake in a preheated oven at a temperature of 200-220 degrees Celsius until the cake is well browned. Take out the cake and place it on a wooden board. We also bake the second cake layer. (If the baking sheet is not large enough, then bake 4 cakes)

In a mixer, beat 300 g of soft butter at high speed, gradually adding custard and one packet of vanilla sugar. It should be homogeneous lushcream.

Let's start building the cake. We level the cakes and divide them in half, so we have 4 cakes. (My baking sheet is not very large, about 30x30, and the cakes turned out thin, next time I will roll them out thicker. So I cut my 4 cakes, and I got 8 pieces.)

We place one cake layer on a wooden board (I put it on a baking plate), cover it evenly with a middle layer of cream, cover it with the second cake layer, press lightly and so on for all 4 cake layers (in my case 8). Grease the surface and sides of the cake with cream and sprinkle with crumbs from the leftover cakes.

Sprinkle the finished cake with powdered sugar and serve.

Bon appetit!!!

This is exactly what happened to me. The cake is simply delicious. They ate it and before I could blink an eye.