Leaf celery for weight loss. Celery for weight loss. Celery-kefir fasting days

Celery dishes are very diverse: salads, hot dishes and cold soups are prepared from the root, the petioles are indispensable for healthy crispy salads, and the leaves (fresh or dry) are added as a seasoning.

The unique composition of the plant contributes to:

  • increasing and strengthening immunity;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • removing toxins from the body;
  • purification;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • restoration of nervous system functions during stress or depression.

Celery is a negative calorie product, so the body will need much more energy to digest the plant and dishes made from it than it initially receives from food. You can prepare a fragrant soup, eat a salad, drink a glass of juice from this healthy product - and lose weight, lose weight, lose weight.

Diet celery soup

The main dish of the diet is dietary celery soup, which is prepared in several ways:

  1. In a small saucepan, boil a medium-sized onion and 4 potatoes. While the vegetables are cooking, chop a couple of celery stalks and 1 bunch each of dill and parsley in a blender. Add to potatoes and onions, cool slightly and puree in a blender. If the soup turns out thick, you can add boiled water or vegetable broth, then simmer for another 5 minutes over low heat.
  2. Grind 300 g of celery root, 4 large tomatoes, 0.5 kg of cabbage and a couple of bell peppers. Place vegetables in boiling water and cook until tender. Remove from heat, add chopped fresh herbs. Fresh cabbage can be replaced with sauerkraut.

To start the metabolic process, you need to drink celery juice 20 minutes before meals. To prepare it you will need:

  • several stalks of petiole celery;
  • juicer.

The resulting nectar for weight loss is drunk in its pure form. Can be mixed with carrot, apple or orange juice. A spoonful of liquid honey or chopped watermelon pulp will add a pleasant taste to the drink. The only restriction: no more than 100 ml of celery juice per day is allowed.

Fragrant dietary salad

  1. Grind fresh carrots, small turnips and celery root on a coarse grater.
  2. Mix the ingredients, add salt, season with a few drops of lemon juice and any vegetable oil.

The salad will work like a soft brush, ridding the intestinal walls of accumulated mucus and improving peristalsis.

Celery salad with fruit

  1. 2-3 meaty bell peppers cut into thin strips, chop the celery root using a grater.
  2. Cut several sweet apples into strips, mix with the rest of the ingredients, add salt, season with unsweetened yogurt and chopped parsley.

Be sure to take low-fat yogurt without additives.

Beet and celery salad

This salad works wonders for constipation and is very easy to prepare.

  1. Grate 3 small boiled beets on a coarse grater, cut the celery stalks into thin strips, mix.
  2. Season with chopped garlic, salt and olive oil. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

Delicious and healthy dish It is advisable to eat it for breakfast in order to start all the important processes in the body in the morning.

Recipes made from celery root contain a little secret for those who don’t really like the spicy taste of the product. It must be cut as thin as possible (or use a Korean carrot grater) and pre-soaked in lemon juice. Such a menu is a matter of habit, and if you remember everything beneficial features plants, then dishes from it will become frequent guests on the table.

Celery is an almost magical plant. It is good for health, for your figure, as it promotes weight loss, and is simply delicious. Of course, if you cook it correctly.

There are a lot of recipes with celery: it can be stewed, fried, baked and eaten raw - it goes well with vegetables, meat and fish.

Celery can be found in stores at any time of the year. But it is especially popular in the spring, when you really want to lose weight! After all, celery is a unique dietary product; it’s not without reason that they even came up with a separate diet based on it.

You will find the most delicious celery recipes in our selection today!

Cream soup with celery and croutons

Soup recipe with celery, potatoes and crispy croutons.

What do you need:

  • 5 stalks of celery
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 egg
  • 250 ml cream
  • 1 tbsp. spoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • 2–3 slices of white bread
  • Salt, black pepper to taste

How to prepare cream soup with celery and croutons:

  1. Cut the celery into cubes and sauté in butter. Also cut the potatoes and boil them. Mix vegetables in a blender. Add cream, salt, pepper and boil.
  2. Beat the egg, coat each piece of bread, dry in the oven and cut into cubes. Add croutons and lemon juice to the finished soup.

Greetings, my dear friends. Usually we eat a certain part of the plant. Well, for example, tomatoes have fruits, beets have roots, etc. But there is one unique vegetable in which all its parts are edible. This is celery. The root, leaves and stems of this plant are not only tasty, but also very useful. In addition, it turns out that celery is very good for weight loss. Recently I wrote about delicious and dietary food. Today we’ll talk more about this vegetable.

It turns out that celery was consumed as food back in Ancient Greece. The Greeks also considered this plant a strong aphrodisiac. By the way, around the same time, celery was noticed in Rome. But in this state it was used as ornamental plant. Celery leaves were used to decorate the heads of winners of sports competitions.

The benefits and harms of celery

It is simply impossible to exaggerate the beneficial properties of celery. Well, first of all, this product has a very low calorie content - only 12 kcal per 100 g. Moreover, there are 2.1 g of carbohydrates, 0.9 g of proteins and 0.1 g of fat. As for the glycemic index of celery, it is only 15, which is very good.

By the way, this vegetable is the leader among products with the now fashionable name “”

In addition, celery stores a huge variety of valuable substances. He is rich:

  • vitamins of groups, B, and others;
  • potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc, sodium and other minerals;
  • organic acids;
  • fiber, etc.

Thanks to such “many faces” chemical composition Celery can be used in the fight against various diseases. It treats diseases of the genitourinary system, stomach diseases and rheumatism. It is also recommended to be consumed for problems in the cardiovascular system.

This plant also has wound-healing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties. In addition, it can improve tone and increase mental and physical performance.

Hello! Let's talk today about how to use celery root for weight loss, what dishes using celery root and how to cook it in order to eat healthy for your figure and health, and what kind of heat treatment preserves the maximum beneficial substances of root vegetables.

I have a special surprise for those who can’t resist fried and smoked foods or won’t quit smoking: I’ll tell you how to significantly reduce the negative impact of the first and second.

Read and - health and beauty to you!

From this article you will learn:

Celery root for weight loss and health improvement

But first - briefly about the benefits and - attention! - Very important information for those taking medications.

There is one very, very important warning about the benefits of celery!

Juicy and aromatic celery root is included in recipes for weight loss very often - almost more often than other vegetables and fruits, especially in European and American diets.

This is natural:

  • celery contains vitamins
  • it contains a lot of potassium - for the functioning of blood vessels and the heart
  • sodium - it easily and usefully replaces salt
  • furanocoumarins are powerful antioxidants
  • phthalides - they relieve vascular hypertonicity and thereby reduce blood pressure
  • lutein - it preserves our health, and according to the latest data, it also fights cancer cells.

Another extremely important property of the plant is a slight diuretic effect, which is relevant for those losing weight: excess fluid is removed from the body, kilograms and volumes are reduced.

In the complex of its beneficial properties, celery root clearly “accelerates” the body’s metabolic processes, and the acceleration of metabolism leads to the removal of decay products, tissue regeneration, restoration of organ functionality, and ultimately to overall health and even.

Attention - furanocoumarins!

The celery root vegetable is especially rich in these compounds:

  • Furanocoumarins, or coumaron-α-pyrones, stimulate the formation of melanin, thereby restoring pigmentation of hair and skin;
  • have a powerful natural antifungal and bacteriostatic effect;
  • exhibit the ability to delay and even stop the growth of tumor cells;
  • lower blood sugar levels; stimulate hair growth.

What are the health risks of celery root?

Furanocoumarins are incompatible with a large number of medications and can cause extremely serious consequences!

If you are planning to significantly increase the proportion of celery root vegetables in your diet, while taking any medications, consult your doctor!

Calorie content of celery

The energy value, or calorie content, of celery root is 13 kcal, while a significant part of the root crop consists of plant fibers.

By eating dishes with, we perfectly satisfy our hunger without risking our figure and maintaining our health.

Celery root for smokers

And now - a pleasant message for those who love fried and smoked food! And also smokers!!

In 2002, research scientists at Stockholm University made a terrible discovery: the vast majority of fried foods, breakfast cereals, fast foods and coffee contain acrylamide (until then, its presence was only known to be in tobacco smoke).

This is a monomer with pronounced carcinogenic and toxic properties (actively affects the nervous system, kidneys and liver), and it appears in products when heated above 125 ° C due to the reaction between the amino acid asparagine and sugars.

Celery significantly softens the effects of acrylamide on our body and minimizes its harm - combine junk food and habits (if there is no way to give them up at all) with the use of celery in all forms!

Just keep in mind that the plant retains its beneficial properties fresh or with minimal processing, so fried or long-stewed celery is not suitable for you. Steam treatment for no more than 10 minutes preserves its benefits as much as possible.

So, put on aprons and head to the kitchen! Here's some inspiration for you...

Celery root for weight loss - delicious recipes

  • The main dish of celery for weight loss is juice “Instead of water and food”


½ small celery root, 3 carrots, 1 apple, ½ cucumber.


Using a juicer, squeeze the apple and vegetables, mix and drink immediately.

This juice is perhaps the best in dietary dishes. It has an ideal balance of sodium and potassium, which leads to effective removal excess fluid from the body without negative consequences.

Carrots contain vitamins A, B, C, calcium, iron; apple is a source of antioxidants and pectin; celery combines their properties and stimulates metabolism; cucumber is a source of pure structured water.

A high proportion of dietary fiber will help you not feel hungry long time, and the body will receive everything it needs.

  • Cream soup for weight loss from celery with smoked salmon “For the festive dietary table” (4 servings)


  • 30 g unsalted butter,
  • 1 onion - peeled and chopped
  • 3 leeks - chopped
  • 1 celery root - chopped (leaves protected)
  • sea ​​or celery salt and black pepper,
  • 1 liter of vegetable broth,
  • 1 teaspoon corn flour,
  • 100 ml cream,
  • 100 g smoked salmon tenderloin - cut into strips
  • celery leaves - cut for sprinkling.

Preparation e:

  • Melt the butter in a large saucepan over medium heat and cook the onion for a few minutes until translucent, stirring occasionally.
  • Add the leeks and celery and stir, then add a little salt, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Add broth, bring to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes.
  • Blend the soup with the black pepper in a blender and strain through a sieve into a clean saucepan.
  • Add cornmeal to the soup and bring to a boil, then add cream and heat until almost boiling, add seasonings to taste.
  • Serve with a few strips of smoked salmon in the center and chopped celery leaves.
  • Chilled soup is just as tasty as warm, and raw celery will make it not only beautiful, but also especially healthy.
  • Celery cocktail “Morning dew”

This cocktail is very refreshing, cleanses the intestines and internal organs.

To prepare it, you will need a large green apple, 2 stalks of celery and small cubes of celery root, the juice of half a lime, 100 ml of water.

Mix all this gradually in a blender, then drink.

  • Energy cocktail from celery “Bodrost”

Take celery juice - 50 ml, milk - 100 ml, egg yolk - 1 pc.

Beat all products with a mixer or blender and consume the cocktail immediately.

  • Celery root puree “For losing weight gourmets”


  • About 1.5 kg celery root (2 large roots),
  • 2 tablespoons butter,
  • 1.5 cups chicken broth, preferably from home-grown chicken,
  • 1.5 cups heavy cream,
  • 3-4 teaspoons celery salt,
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper.


  • Peel the celery roots with a knife and cut each one in half.
  • Then chop into small cubes, carefully removing (if any) any brown spots.
  • Melt the butter in a large heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat.
  • Add celery root and sauté for 3 minutes, stirring.
  • Reduce heat to low, cover pan and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Add chicken broth, cream, salt, and pepper and bring to a boil, then simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring, until the celery is very tender.
  • Beat everything in a blender, then reheat thoroughly. Serve hot, sprinkled with celery and dill, and garnished with celery stalks - the stalks can be used as chopsticks.B

Waldorf Salad (1983, from the Waldorf Astoria, New York)

The first Waldorf salad consisted only of celery with apple and homemade mayonnaise.

Today it has become more complex, and you have the opportunity to choose between simple and slightly more complex options.

This dish is quite filling and well-balanced in composition, so it can become an independent meal during a diet.


  • ½ cup chopped, lightly toasted walnuts
  • ½ cup celery, thinly sliced
  • ½ cup seedless red grapes, chopped (or ¼ cup raisins)
  • 1 sweet apple, grated or cut into strips
  • 3 tablespoons of homemade mayonnaise (optional - yogurt),
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste, lettuce leaves.


  • In a medium bowl, whisk together mayonnaise (or yogurt) and lemon juice.
  • Add ½ teaspoon salt, ¼ teaspoon fresh ground pepper - or as much as you see fit.
  • Mix apple, celery, grapes with nuts, season.
  • Serve on a bed of fresh lettuce leaves.

“Morning” salad of celery with pineapple, spinach and low-fat cottage cheese


  • 2.5 serving cups unpeeled cucumber cubes
  • 1 cup chopped pineapple
  • 1 cup chopped spinach
  • ½ cup low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1 tablespoon celery, chopped into strips
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice, salt to taste,
  • 1 teaspoon sugar (optional).


Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl and serve immediately.

As you have seen, in today’s selection for those losing weight there are many dishes that are quite high in calories, while the nutritional value very large.

This is done so that you do not make the main mistake of losing weight - “cabbage with a leaf and water in a glass for a week.” This way you will simply undermine your health, but you will never gain beauty.

Good video about celery for weight loss

Eat nutritious and healthy food, but in small portions.

You can also afford pancakes if you place a cleansing salad with celery on top of them or wash them down with juice with celery and apple.

You will lose weight slowly but surely - while maintaining your health and without the risk of gaining back the pounds in the next month after the diet.

You may also be interested in these posts about celery:

  • How celery lowers blood pressure

And be sure to check me out, including at social media! I

I will be waiting for you with new beauty recipes that will not turn your life into complete self-denial, but into complete pleasure.

Alena Yasneva was with you, see you again!
