Bell pepper cultivation and care: from sowing seeds to harvesting. Video - Pepper: growing and care in open ground. Growing from seeds

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Caring for peppers in open ground: growing secrets, videos and photos

Caring for peppers in open ground: growing secrets, videos and photos

To collect good harvest sweet pepper in Russian conditions, you need to know the features of its growth and development. It became possible to grow peppers in open ground only after breeding resistant varieties and hybrids that tolerate low temperatures, temperature fluctuations and insufficient heat without loss of yield.

Such varieties appeared in Russia in the early 70s. There were few of them, but they were universal, growing well in all climatic regions: from Moldova to Siberia.

Important! Active promotion pepper to the north and east contributes to the emergence of new covering materials, the availability of a variety of greenhouses and greenhouses, and the breeding of resistant varieties and hybrids.

Pepper is perennial shrub with spicy or sweet fruits. In the harsh conditions of our climate, this crop is grown as an annual. According to the timing of fruit ripening, there are early, middle and late varieties.

You can learn how to properly care for pepper plantings by studying biological features and developed agricultural technology.

The plant is heat-loving; good yields are obtained if peppers are grown in a greenhouse or in a bed with temporary film cover. During the entire growth period, pepper requires a temperature of +20 °C to +30 °C.

This is culture short day. With ten hours of daylight, fruits ripen two weeks earlier than with 14 hours of light.

The development of flowers and ovaries is affected by dry air; in the heat they fall off. At high humidity peppers begin to develop quickly fungal diseases. The optimal air humidity for plant development is 50%.

The popularity of pepper can be determined by looking at the list of varieties in the state register of plants of the Russian Federation. There are already more than 700 of them there and about half are hybrids.

Important! All F1 hybrids differ from varieties in a shorter period before fruit harvest, accelerated maturation harvest, high adaptability to unfavorable climate.

Agricultural technology for growing seedlings

Before you start planting seeds, you need to decide on the variety. In addition to ripening time, they are characterized by many parameters:

    height and branching of the bush; resistance to diseases and weather changes; productivity; fruit color and weight; wall thickness and juiciness.

When choosing peppers, growing and caring for them in open ground, you should give preference to zoned varieties of early and medium ripening.

Pepper agricultural technology consists of the usual steps:

    preparing and planting seeds for seedlings; seedling care; planting in open ground; watering, fertilizing and loosening; pest protection; harvesting and processing.

In the store you need to choose suitable soil for planting seeds. You can also prepare it yourself. A prerequisite is a loose, breathable and moisture-permeable structure.

There must be a baking powder present in the soil:

    sand; peat; sawdust

A mixture of turf soil, peat and sand is prepared in a ratio of 1:2:1.


To obtain strong and stable seedlings, seeds must be prepared before planting. Viable seeds are selected from heavily salted water and sink to the bottom. They are then soaked for an hour in a raspberry solution of potassium permanganate, killing the fungal infection that affects adult plants.

Before planting in the soil, the seeds are dipped for 12 hours in a solution of microelements and growth stimulants, for example, Epin Extra. The germination rate of pepper seeds is 60-70%.

Seeds should be planted in individual cups or in cassette cells. Pepper roots do not recover well from damage and do not like transplanting. Seeds are planted at a depth of 1 cm, between plants - 2 cm, between rows - 3 cm.

Growing peppers in open ground

Hello, dear readers! So, the pepper seedlings have been grown, planted in the ground and have even grown. What's next? I suggest you learn more about the features of growing peppers in open ground, as well as what kind of care peppers need to provide to obtain a rich harvest.

Let's start with the specific requirements. Pepper (both sweet and hot) is extremely light-loving and heat-loving crop, very demanding on soil moisture. Pepper does not tolerate either drying out or waterlogging of the soil.

The following types of soil are most suitable for growing peppers in open ground: sandy loam, medium loam, floodplain and chernozem, having a light mechanical composition and a slightly acidic or neutral environment. Acidic soils doesn't like pepper.

Pepper formation
As soon as the planted pepper seedlings take root at the main stem, it is recommended to remove the top (pinch). This technique causes the growth of side shoots, and the plants eventually acquire a compact shape.

The next technique is stepsoning. No more than 5 upper shoots are left on the plant, on which the harvest is subsequently formed. The remaining stepsons are removed.

You can do without pinching the main shoot, but pinching is a must, especially in a hot, rainy summer.

Pepper needs care

Growing peppers outdoors requires some care. Pepper care involves creating the following conditions:

The optimal temperature for growing pepper is +20…+25°C.

At +13°C and below, the pepper is covered with film or special material. Appearance lilac shades on fruits indicates a violation of the temperature regime.

It is advisable to water with rain or settled water. warm water sprinkling method. The temperature of the water used for irrigation should be +24…+26°C.

The watering scheme depends on the stage of plant development:

    before flowering - 1 time per week, in hot weather - 2 times. The irrigation rate is up to 12 liters per 1 m2. during the flowering and fruiting period - 2-3 times a week. Irrigation rate is up to 14 liters per 1 m2.

During the flowering period, the following solution is used as a top dressing. For a 100 liter barrel take:

    5-6 kg of chopped leaves of nettle, coltsfoot, woodlice, dandelion, plantain; 10 liters rotted cow dung; 10 tbsp. spoons of ash.

The barrel is filled with water. The contents of the barrel are mixed, infused for a week and used for watering (1 liter per 1 plant). The remaining solution can be fed to other crops.

During the fruiting period, a different solution is used. For a 100 liter barrel take:

    5 liters of bird droppings; 10 liters of rotted cow manure.

The barrel is also filled with water, the contents are mixed and infused for 4-5 days. The resulting solution is fed to the pepper (5-6 liters per 1 m2).

During the season, 4-5 root dressings are carried out, which are carried out on moist soil. The interval between them must be at least 10 days.

In addition, dry fertilizing is carried out during the flowering and fruiting period. wood ash using 1-2 cups of ash per 1 m2 of soil.

Loosening the soil
The roots of pepper are located in the surface layer, so loosening is carried out to a shallow depth (up to 5 cm) simultaneously with hilling the plants and weeding.

And remember about mulching, which will provide additional protection against drying out of the soil and inhibit the growth of weeds. Only mulching of peppers is recommended after the soil has warmed up, since this crop is heat-loving.

Additional pollination of flowers
Carry out in dry, windless weather by lightly shaking the trellis with flowering plants.

Tying up
bell pepper has fragile shoots that break easily, so they are tied to pegs. And tall crops are planted around the beds, which create scenes and protect the plantings from the wind.

Problems when growing peppers
The main problems that gardeners face when growing peppers are:

Lignification of stems, falling of leaves, flowers and ovaries.
Possible reasons: elevated temperature air (above +32°C), lack of moisture in the soil, and lack of light. Stopping growth and flowering, lack of ovary.
Possible reasons: low air temperature (below +13°C), watering cold water, lack of light. Formation of crooked fruits.
Reason: incomplete pollination of flowers.

Sweet and bitter peppers are grown on separate beds (or better yet, 1-2 beds apart). When grown together, they cross-pollinate, resulting in Bell pepper acquires the bitterness characteristic of hot peppers.

Manure activates the growth of stems and leaves, which occurs to the detriment of fruiting, so it is applied under the previous crop.

Good neighbors of pepper include basil, okra, coriander, onions, and marigolds. The last three plants are good as protection against aphids. But nasturtium can serve as a trap for aphids. Okra helps protect against wind.

Pepper's bad neighbor is beans. It is advisable to avoid their proximity, since they have a common disease - anthracnose (this disease causes soft black spots to form on the fruits).

Pepper diseases and pests

Pepper can be affected by the same diseases as other vegetable crops of the Solanaceae family: tobacco mosaic, late blight, powdery mildew, various rots, etc. The causative agents of diseases are bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

The most common diseases of pepper are: damping off (“black leg”) and wilting disease.

Blackleg mainly affects pepper seedlings. To combat it, it is usually enough to adjust the temperature and humidity.

Wilting disease is observed in mature plants. It comes in three types: bacterial wilt, verticillium wilt and fusarium wilt. The disease manifests itself in changes in the color of leaf blades, shedding of leaves and browning of stem vessels, which ultimately leads to the death of the plant.

Measures for the prevention and control of diseases consist primarily of purchasing high-quality seeds and seedlings, controlling pests and weeds, maintaining crop rotation, and removing diseased plants.

Aphids, mites and slugs are Main pests of pepper.

To prevent and control pests, you can use proven folk remedies.

How to care for peppers in open ground. our favorite dacha

In order for the crop grown on summer cottage pepper has always pleased me with its excellent quality and quantity, a gardener needs to know not only what type of plant to choose for planting, but also what How to care for peppers after landing him “in the open air.”

The attention that needs to be paid to vegetable plants “relocated” to open ground during the further process of their growth will be discussed below.

Caring for peppers planted in the garden

As a rule, peppers should not be left unattended “not for a minute” - experienced gardeners, after planting peppers in open ground, systematically loosen the soil between the rows and rows of plantings, destroy weeds and, of course, water them. They also protect plants from both pests and diseases. As you can see, the process of caring for pepper is quite extensive. Therefore, let's try to break it down into pieces.

The first loosening begins immediately after planting the seedlings. During the growing season, the soil is loosened several times: with an interval of 5-20 days and always after each rain or watering. Loosening destroys the crust, helps maintain the presence of moisture in the soil, opens up oxygen access to the roots and the release of carbon dioxide from the soil. As a rule, during the entire growing season, the area on which the pepper is planted is loosened at least 5-6 times, but sometimes the number of treatments can be more.

Once or twice during the growing season, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the plant. Such treatment significantly improves the conditions for biological processes occurring in the soil, including the vital activity of microorganisms in the root system zone, and helps to increase productivity. In addition, regular loosening eliminates weeds.

The second cultivation, like all subsequent ones, is carried out two or three days after the next watering or heavy rain. It is impossible to loosen excessively moist soil - it becomes compacted. However, the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

During the growing season, the depth of inter-row cultivation changes: in the first 2-3 treatments, they are loosened to a depth of about 12-14 cm, then - 5-8 cm. When the rows of plants close together, inter-row cultivation is stopped so as not to damage the peppers.

It is necessary to water peppers: they are moisture-loving and also do not tolerate high concentrations. minerals in the soil. However, irrigation should be moderate, since pepper plants react negatively not only to lack of moisture, but also to excessive waterlogging. Depending on the growing zone, peppers are watered from 2 to 20 times during the growing season. Water first with a small amount (1-1.5 liters per plant), and then increase to 1.5-2 liters.

Watering begins a short period of time after the soil has been abundantly moistened when planting seedlings. The second watering is carried out one and a half to two weeks after the first. As plants age, especially when fruiting begins, the intervals between waterings are reduced to 5-8 days. The vegetable grower should take note that precipitation within 20-30 mm replaces the next watering, and at 10-15 mm the timing of the planned watering is slightly delayed.

It is better to water with warm water (25 degrees), since the use cold water(10-12 degrees) can cause flowers and ovaries to fall off. It is also not recommended to water during the hottest part of the day.

In fact, even knowing how to care for peppers and implementing necessary procedures on care of plantings does not guarantee the absence of damage to plants by polyphagous pests or the presence of pepper diseases of various origins. Therefore, when growing peppers, we must not forget about preventive measures– removing weeds from the site and strictly following agrotechnical practices that allow you to grow strong, healthy plants.

Every gardener strives to get a good harvest fresh vegetables in their beds. And the main place in this list is occupied by southern plants: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants. Caring for pepper in open ground, just like caring for other heat-loving crops, involves creating a certain microclimate in which it will be comfortable to grow.

The secrets of growing pepper in open ground lie in following proven technology and monitoring the development of plants. Cover the bed with peppers additionally or ventilate the greenhouse, feed it with fertilizer or hill up the plantings - the appearance of the plant will unmistakably tell you what it is missing.

    Biological features

    Agricultural technology for growing seedlings




    Outdoor care


    Fertilizer application


Biological features

To harvest a good harvest of sweet peppers in Russian conditions, you need to know the characteristics of its growth and development. It became possible to grow peppers in open ground only after the development of resistant varieties and hybrids that can tolerate low temperatures, temperature fluctuations and insufficient heat without loss of yield.

Such varieties appeared in Russia in the early 70s. There were few of them, but they were universal, growing well in all climatic regions: from Moldova to Siberia.

Important! The active promotion of pepper to the north and east is facilitated by the emergence of new covering materials, the availability of a variety of greenhouses and greenhouses, and the development of resistant varieties and hybrids.

Pepper is a perennial shrub with spicy or sweet fruits. In the harsh conditions of our climate, this crop is grown as an annual. According to the timing of fruit ripening, there are early, middle and late varieties.

You can learn how to properly care for pepper plantings by studying the biological characteristics and developed agricultural technology.

The plant is heat-loving; good yields are obtained if peppers are grown in a greenhouse or in a bed with temporary film cover. During the entire growth period, pepper requires a temperature of +20 °C to +30 °C.

This is a short day culture. With ten hours of daylight, fruits ripen two weeks earlier than with 14 hours of light.

The development of flowers and ovaries is affected by dry air; in the heat they fall off. With high humidity, fungal diseases quickly begin to develop on peppers. The optimal air humidity for plant development is 50%.

The popularity of pepper can be determined by looking at the list of varieties in the state register of plants of the Russian Federation. There are already more than 700 of them there and about half are hybrids.

Important! All F1 hybrids differ from varieties in a shorter period before fruit harvest, accelerated harvest ripening, and high adaptability to unfavorable climates.

Agricultural technology for growing seedlings

Before you start planting seeds, you need to decide on the variety. In addition to ripening time, they are characterized by many parameters:

  • height and branching of the bush;
  • resistance to diseases and weather changes;
  • productivity;
  • fruit color and weight;
  • wall thickness and juiciness.

When choosing peppers, growing and caring for them in open ground, you should give preference to zoned varieties of early and medium ripening.

Pepper agricultural technology consists of the usual steps:

  • preparing and planting seeds for seedlings;
  • seedling care;
  • planting in open ground;
  • watering, fertilizing and loosening;
  • pest protection;
  • harvesting and processing.


In the store you need to choose suitable soil for planting seeds. You can also prepare it yourself. A prerequisite is a loose, breathable and moisture-permeable structure.

There must be a baking powder present in the soil:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • sawdust

A mixture of turf soil, peat and sand is prepared in a ratio of 1:2:1.


To obtain strong and stable seedlings, seeds must be prepared before planting. Viable seeds are selected from heavily salted water and sink to the bottom. They are then soaked for an hour in a raspberry solution of potassium permanganate, killing the fungal infection that affects adult plants.

Before planting in the soil, the seeds are dipped for 12 hours in a solution of microelements and growth stimulants, for example, Epin Extra. The germination rate of pepper seeds is 60-70%.

Seeds should be planted in individual cups or in cassette cells. Pepper roots do not recover well from damage and do not like transplanting. Seeds are planted at a depth of 1 cm, between plants - 2 cm, between rows - 3 cm.

They are planted in necessarily moist soil in mid-February for greenhouses and in mid-March for greenhouses. The ground is covered with film and after 3 days shoots appear. The temperature for seed germination should be +25-28 °C.


IN middle lane In Russia, pepper is grown only through seedlings. This is due to the long growing season. Even early varieties It takes at least 90 days to set fruit. In addition, the sooner the peppers begin to bear fruit, the more fruits can be harvested. How perennial crop, pepper bears fruit without stopping until frost.

Basic requirements of seedlings:

  • high temperature +20-25 °C;
  • sufficient illumination during short days. Seedlings are covered with a lid from 19 pm to 7 am, creating the desired length daylight hours artificially;
  • timely watering when the soil dries out, which should always be moist. Pepper recovers very poorly after drying out the soil and is delayed in development and fruiting;
  • sufficient feeding with a weak solution complex fertilizer with microelements;
  • hardening before planting in the ground.

Without picking, seedlings are ready for transfer to the ground in 45-50 days, with picking - after 60 days.

They begin to harden the seedlings 10-14 days before planting in the ground, gradually accustoming them to the temperature outside the window. Seedlings that are grown in optimal conditions and has undergone hardening and is settling in perfectly in the new place. The day before transplanting, seedlings are sprayed with Epin Extra or Zircon to relieve stress from transplantation, enhance protective properties and increase productivity.

How to grow viable, healthy and strong seedlings pepper, today, is no secret. We grow it mainly at home, on window sills and loggias. The main thing is attention to the plant, its appearance and speed of development.

Outdoor care

Peppers are transplanted into beds in a greenhouse in mid-April, under film covers in mid-May.

How to care for peppers in open ground is described in detail in many manuals, magazines and websites. Except standard care, there is care, which consists of the following procedures:

  • glaze;
  • feeding;
  • weeding and loosening;
  • protection from diseases and pests;
  • planting taking into account crop rotation;
  • Caring for peppers in open ground has several features.

With a large green mass of the bush, pepper has weak fibrous roots. Therefore, planting peppers should be located in a place protected from strong winds, otherwise the plants will die.

Be sure to tie up the pepper high grades, plant it tall plants: corn, sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke. Tie each shoot with a fan to a trellis or peg.

Pepper is a self-pollinating plant; it does not need insects to form ovaries. However, during mass flowering in dry weather, it is worth shaking the bushes for better pollination.

Pepper bushes form 1-3 stems. By pinching side shoots, you can form a spreading bush. Be sure to remove the crown flower, which forms first in the center of the plant. Formation of a pepper bush - not required condition, but it gives an increase in yield by 30%, and the number of fruits doubles. The spreading bush shades the soil and protects it from overheating.

The most best seeds collected from the crown flower, left if they want to grow their own seeds. The largest and juiciest peppers grow on the four lower tiers of the bush.


Main condition bountiful harvestsufficient watering. The soil under the pepper should be constantly moist and loose. The roots are located superficially, so you need to loosen shallowly. Pepper responds well to hilling with damp soil. Additional roots grow from the stem, which not only increase the feeding area, but also strengthen the bush in the ground.

After planting the seedlings, they are watered daily with warm water. After rooting the plant three times a week, 2 liters per bush.

The ovary on the pepper grows first in length, then in width, and finally the walls of the fruit thicken. With insufficient watering, the peppers remain thin.

If the roots are overwatered, they will not have enough oxygen. The pepper may develop a fungal infection or rot. Loose soil, which allows oxygen to pass through to the roots, is very important condition normal growth for the plant. Mulching, loosening and hilling with wet soil are mandatory techniques in vegetable farming.

Fertilizer application

Watering is followed by fertilizing. Three main feedings are carried out after the seedlings take root: during flowering and at the beginning of fruiting. If this is enough, the plant develops normally; there is no need to pour excess fertilizer under the plants. For fertilizer will do and infusion of droppings, manure, ash and solution mineral fertilizers.

If the summer is cold and cloudy, the roots of the pepper cannot provide it with sufficient nutrition. Weak, yellow, spotted leaves will indicate that the plant does not have enough nutrition. In such cases it is necessary to apply foliar feeding according to the sheet.

Important! Foliar feeding can very quickly deliver nutrition for plant development in unfavorable climates.

Spray the leaves on a warm but cloudy day with a solution of microelements, boric acid, ash, superphosphate, urea.

Caring for peppers in open ground conditions is not difficult. The harvest continues until the frost, until the plant dies from low temperatures.


Growing peppers in open ground brings not only benefits in obtaining a long-awaited harvest, but also the pleasure of growing amazing plant, which accompanies a person on all continents. This treasure trove of vitamins, thanks to the efforts of breeders, has greatly changed its appearance.

Instead of red 50 gram fruits, we can collect purple, orange, yellow and chocolate giants weighing up to 400 grams. However, no one tries to change the taste and smell of the vegetable. The bright sweet-spicy taste and harmonious aroma have suited pepper lovers for more than 500 years.

After planting the pepper seedlings in the ground, the next step begins. important stage on growing this vegetable crop. Caring for peppers when grown in a greenhouse and in open ground differs in some respects. Many people think that a good harvest of pepper, since it is a heat-loving crop, can only be grown in a greenhouse or in southern regions, where the summer is long, but many years of experience have shown that high pepper yields can also be obtained in open ground. It is important to know all the pros and cons different ways growing peppers in open ground and in a greenhouse, as well as differences in care.

Planting peppers in open ground.

For growing peppers in open ground buy pepper seeds early ripening varieties, in which the period from germination to harvest of the first harvest is no more than 120 days. The time for planting peppers in open ground without shelter is in the first days of June; usually by this time stable warm weather has already established itself with an average daily temperature of about +18 degrees. To plant in open ground, pepper seedlings must reach the age of 55-60 days by the beginning of May; the plants have 8-12 leaves, first buds and flowers.

When growing seedlings in open ground, it is important to select the most favorable place for this garden crops. Pepper loves warmth and sun, so best site for the garden beds will be on the south side of the buildings. If the bed is located in an open place, then on the north side it is advisable to create protection from cold winds; for this you need to plant a number of tall vegetables on the windward side - corn, beans, peas.

You cannot grow peppers in a garden where related vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes grew last season. Peppers are good to grow after root vegetables - carrots, beets or cabbage, pumpkins, beans.

Planting peppers should be done carefully so that the seedlings do not experience stress; they should be planted in cloudy weather or in the evening, when sun activity is reduced. When planting peppers on a sunny day, the plants need to be shaded and the holes should be watered generously so that the seedlings do not wither.

Pepper seedlings quickly adapt and grow when transplanted by transferring them from pots, when the soil is not destroyed and the roots are not damaged.

Caring for peppers in open ground.

Pepper grows well if, after planting, the surface of the soil in the garden bed is mulched with peat, humus, or if the soil is covered with dark plastic film. To do this, before planting the seedlings, the bed is covered with a dark film, slits are made in the holes, and then the seedlings are planted in these holes and the plants are watered. With this method of covering the ground with a film when caring for pepper, there is no need to weed and loosen the ridges, since weeds do not grow through the film, moisture is retained in the soil longer, a crust does not form on the surface, and the temperature in the soil will be a couple of degrees higher, which is very beneficial pepper.

Without mulching, the soil must be regularly weeded and loosened so that the roots vegetable plants got enough air. Loosening the pepper ridges is done superficially, about 5 cm, using a tool similar to a fork, since the numerous roots of the pepper are shallow.

In open ground, they mainly grow short varieties of peppers that do not require staking, and the crown of the plants is formed according to the rules of forking. The top of the peppers is pinched when the plants reach a height of 20-25 cm, when it produces side shoots, only the two strongest ones are left, they, in turn, are also left with two shoots each, in the end you should get 8-10 branches. It is recommended to remove pepper shoots growing inside the bush.

When forming peppers, they are planted according to a 45 x 50 cm pattern, i.e. rows are made every 50 cm, and holes in the row for planting seedlings are dug every 45 cm.

How to water peppers correctly:

The quantity and quality of the harvest depends on watering the pepper. If the plants do not have enough moisture, their stems become woody, buds and leaves fall off, and the set fruits become thin-walled and hard. Before flowering, peppers need to be watered generously once a week so that the soil in the beds is wet to a depth of at least 20 cm. After flowering, during the growth period of pepper fruits in dry weather, abundant watering is required every 3-4 days.

Do not water peppers cold tap water from a hose by sprinkling over the leaves, in which case you make two mistakes at once. You only need to water the pepper with warm water that has settled in a tank at the root.

Additional fertilizing of peppers when grown in open ground and in a greenhouse is done in the same way. Peppers are fertilized for the first time 2 weeks after planting. When the plants are still actively growing green mass, it is good to feed them with organic fertilizer - infusion of mullein or chicken manure, diluted in a ratio of 1:10 and 1:15. The following fertilizing is carried out every 2-3 weeks, using complex mineral fertilizer. It is better to exclude organic matter so that the plant’s energies are directed towards flowering and fruit formation.

Caring for peppers in a greenhouse.

In greenhouses, you can grow all varieties of pepper from early to late ripening, in which the first harvest of fruit ripens 135 days after germination.

Pepper seedlings can be planted in a greenhouse in the first ten days of May, as the plants are protected from short-term frosts and cold nights. By this time, pepper seedlings should reach the age of 60 days, so pepper seeds for greenhouses are sown almost a month earlier than those intended for open ground.

The soil in the greenhouse must be renewed or fertilized annually, for this purpose per 1 sq.m. Apply up to two buckets of humus and about 50 grams of complex mineral fertilizer. Pepper does not like acidic soil, so it is limed in advance or, when planting, 1-2 tablespoons of wood ash are poured into each hole.

Peppers are usually planted in a greenhouse more closely, trying to fit as much as possible more plants, for this they use a 30x40 cm scheme. With this planting, the plants are formed into one stem and used tall varieties that need to be tied up like tomatoes.

Temperature conditions when growing peppers in a greenhouse.

Peppers can be planted in a greenhouse when it is average daily temperature will be 20 degrees, and at night it will not fall below +12 degrees. It is imperative to hang a thermometer in the greenhouse, since temperature control is needed not only in the spring, but also in the summer, in order to prevent overheating.

In a greenhouse there is a danger of an excessive increase in temperature and humidity; in such an atmosphere as in a bathhouse, pepper will grow and bloom, but will not set fruit, since high humidity causes pollen to stick together, and air temperatures above +28 degrees make pollen sterile.

Peppers are well pollinated in the open ground with the help of wind and insects, but bees rarely fly into the greenhouse and the plants are reliably protected from the wind, so they need to be helped to pollinate by shaking the flowering bushes every 3-4 days or brushing them over the flowers.

Pepper does not like sudden temperature changes in the greenhouse, so it must be regulated by ventilation on hot days and closing on cool nights.

In a greenhouse, the first pepper crop ripens a month earlier than in the open ground, and thanks to a longer period of warm growth, more crops will grow.

Watering peppers in a greenhouse

Peppers in the greenhouse are watered regularly 1-2 times a week, since precipitation is not available to the plants; the time between waterings can only change due to changes in temperature in the greenhouse. On hot days, the soil dries out faster and plants need to be watered more often. Violation of watering rules - prolonged drying out, followed by abundant watering of the soil, leads to cracking of the fruits.

In order for the peppers to ripen sweet and high in vitamins, the plants need to be fed phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, but not more than once every two weeks.

Errors in pepper care lead to decreased harvest quality. If pepper plants grow small and ugly, the soil is too acidic or the plants are overfed with nitrogen, not enough sunlight, also causing overwatering and fruit set in high humidity conditions.

Modern varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers are successfully grown by summer residents in central Russia, the Urals and Siberia. Good results obtained in open ground and in polycarbonate greenhouses. Pepper is not a crop that can be stuck into the soil and forgotten.

With the harvest, only those summer residents who begin caring for the pepper after planting it in the ground and finish it after the harvest is completely harvested. It is impossible to say where it is better and easier to grow sweet peppers (soil, greenhouse). Some have higher yields in open ground, while others have higher yields in greenhouses.

Caring for peppers in open ground

Take the choice of variety seriously if you plan to grow the crop in open ground. Not all late-ripening varieties(hybrids) will have time to ripen before the onset of frost, the harvest in this case will not reach the norm. Sow seeds for seedlings in late February. By the end of May, healthy seedlings will grow from the seeds.

Comment! Characteristics of seedlings ready for planting permanent place: age 55 days, bush has at least 8 leaves, flowers and buds, plant height 20-25 cm.

The productivity of pepper depends on the microclimate that forms around the bush after planting, and the fertilizers placed in the hole. If the soil is normal, not depleted after previous seasons, then add the following to the planting hole:

  • a large handful of humus;
  • a handful of sifted ash;
  • a pinch of superphosphate.

All fertilizers are thoroughly mixed with the soil from the hole, the seedlings are carefully taken out of the cups, placed in the center of the planting hole, sprinkled with soil, and watered. Plants are not buried. Water consumption when planting peppers in the ground is 1 liter per bush.

The first ten days of care for peppers after planting in the ground is minimal. If necessary, cover from the bright sun during the day; at night, if there is a threat of frost, cover with spunbond or other covering material.

Planting schemes

Usually in brief description The manufacturer indicates the recommended planting scheme for the variety. It makes sense to stick to it, it will make care easier and provide adequate nutrition and lighting for each bush. The distances between bushes depend on the height of adult peppers:

  • low peppers with a bush height not exceeding 60 cm are planted with 4 roots per 1 m2;
  • tall varieties are planted rarely - 2 roots per 1 m2;
  • Many gardeners plant 2 pepper bushes in one hole at once.

When planting peppers in multiple rows, they do not skimp on row spacing; their width varies from 60 cm to 80 cm.


The plant belongs to the group of vegetables that are very light-demanding, but at the same time, it is a short-day crop. When growing it in open ground, it is difficult to regulate the length of daylight hours; for this, the following techniques are used:

  • count on optimal timing sowing;
  • reduce or increase illumination due to planting density;
  • achieve better illumination by laying out ridges in the southern and southwestern parts of the garden.

Plants always need light. Peppers growing in the shade develop worse. To ensure that seedlings make maximum use of the sun's energy, greenhouses are placed in the southern parts of the garden. Create a bed where root vegetables, any type of cabbage or legumes grew last season.


With insufficient watering, the stem becomes lignified, the ovaries and buds fall off, and the fruits are formed with thin, hard walls. Until the plant has gained color, it is watered every week. After watering, the soil at a depth of 20 cm should be moist. Faded peppers need more frequent watering. In the absence of rain, they are watered once every 3 days.

Important! Do not water the peppers with water from a well or tap. Peppers need warm, settled water and watering strictly at the root.

Mulching the ridge reduces water consumption. The following is used as mulch:

  • sawdust;
  • straw;
  • humus.

The optimal thickness of the mulch layer is determined in practice; it is usually 7 cm.

Top dressing after planting in the ground

Organic matter is used to feed peppers in spring and early summer. Later nitrogen fertilizers can cause harm to pepper: cause increased growth of green mass to the detriment of fruiting. Information on recommended fertilizing can be found in the table.

Care in the greenhouse after planting seedlings

You can grow any variety of pepper in a polycarbonate structure; the choice is huge. Colorfully designed packets of seeds attract with convincing descriptions of varieties and hybrids for greenhouses of any color, size and ripening period. Usually early ripening and mid-season varieties peppers

The timing of planting and subsequent care of peppers depends on the weather. A stormy and warm spring allows you to transplant peppers into a greenhouse in the last ten days of April. If the spring is cool, then the peppers are transplanted in mid (late) May.

Caring for peppers in protected ground differs from work in open ground; their range is wider:

  • design processing;
  • tillage;
  • control of temperature and soil moisture in the greenhouse;
  • formation of bushes;
  • feeding.

Greenhouse treatment

Fungal spores and other types of infection can accumulate on greenhouse structures. In the fall, at the end of the season, the frame and polycarbonate should be washed with copper sulfate. Hard-to-reach structural elements can be sprayed with a disinfectant solution.

In the spring, smoke bombs are used for disinfection after an outbreak of late blight or another serious disease last season. To restore dead beneficial bacteria in the soil after a checker, Em-preparations are used:

  • Baikal EM-1;
  • BakSib;
  • Radiance-2;
  • Radiance-3.

You can renew the top layer of soil (5 cm). Take the old soil to the compost heap, and bring in new soil, take it from the beds where legumes, green manure or root crops grew.

Fertilize the soil

The soil is intensively exploited, so before planting seedlings it needs to be revived - to fill in the missing soil. nutrients. First of all, this concerns nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. When digging, add humus, ash, peat and a standard set of mineral fertilizers:

  • superphosphate;
  • potassium nitrate;
  • urea

Take the dose of each fertilizer from the instructions for the drug; do not violate the recommended norms. An overdose of mineral fertilizers during care after transplantation will affect the quality of the fruit.

Planting seedlings

Pepper does not tolerate hypothermia of the root system. It is necessary to control the soil temperature and not rush into planting seedlings. The soil should warm up to 15°C. Depending on weather conditions, the soil in the greenhouse is ready for planting peppers in late April or early May.

Planting peppers in the ground and in a greenhouse are similar, as is the care that seedlings need in the first 2 weeks. Choose a planting scheme depending on the variety. Tall specimens should be planted at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other. At the time of planting, install supports (stakes) in the holes. If there is a heavy load of fruit, the stem may break, so staking the shoots is necessary throughout the season.

Watering in a greenhouse

The main requirement for watering is warm water. If you want to grow big harvest, then refuse to water when leaving running water from the water supply.

Peppers love warm, settled water, the temperature of which differs little from the air temperature in the greenhouse (25-28°C). The soil under the bushes should be constantly moist; drying out can lead to loss of color and buds.

Advice! Organize in a greenhouse drip irrigation, then you will have less time for care, and the peppers will feel comfortable.

Mulch is a good solution for organizing competent care and maintaining optimal humidity soil in the greenhouse.

You can mulch the soil with straw, sawdust, dried grass, chopped branches or bark. The minimum thickness of the mulch layer is 7 cm.

Air temperature and humidity

If the greenhouse is not equipped with a system automatic ventilation, then it is quite difficult to control the air temperature in it. In sunny weather, the thermometer may show temperatures above 35°C.

Peppers are heat-loving plants, but such temperature fluctuations can cause flowers, buds and ovaries to fall off. You can regulate the air temperature in the greenhouse by forced ventilation.

Plantings can be covered from the scorching rays of the sun with white covering material. Some gardeners whiten the top of the greenhouse during maintenance to reduce heat buildup. Container(s) of water installed in the greenhouse help maintain air humidity within 70%.


The first feeding with slurry or herbal infusion with the addition of urea is carried out during flowering. The second time the plants need similar feeding is during fruit formation. Once every two weeks, feed the plants with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers during care.

Potassium affects the quality of fruits. Its imbalance in the soil slows down growth and reduces the quality of fruits. Ash is a natural supplier of potassium after planting seedlings in the ground. During maintenance, it is useful to apply 100 g per square meter between rows.

Bush formation

The formation of a bush is an essential part of pepper care after planting in a permanent place. The plant is formed throughout the entire growing season. The purpose of formation is to increase productivity. Rules for forming bushes after planting in the ground:

  • remove flowers at the point of branching;
  • leave 3 fruiting shoots on the bushes;
  • cut out (pluck out) non-fruiting shoots;
  • in the second half of summer, pinch fruiting shoots to speed up the ripening of the remaining fruits.

Pepper diseases

Healthy seedlings and quality care after planting in the ground reduce the likelihood of diseases. The goal of every summer resident is to grow organic vegetables without the use of chemicals. You need to know the diseases that affect vegetables after planting in the ground, and methods to combat them. The most common diseases:

  1. Fungal disease verticillosis.
  2. Phytoplasmosis – root rot, fruit shrinkage, leaf drying.
  3. Stolbur is a disease that cannot be cured; infected plants must be urgently destroyed.

Selection of varieties domestic selection reduces the likelihood of diseases; Russian peppers, after planting in the ground, are resistant to major diseases.


Care after planting in a greenhouse or open ground includes pest control: aphids, spider mites. Aphids weaken young plants and transmit infection. The cause of aphids may be organic fertilizers. Destroy aphids and spider mite in the early stages of infection you can use traditional methods:

  • soap-ash infusion;
  • ammonia;
  • mustard;
  • soda.

Important! Chemical preparations are not recommended for use after planting in the ground during the fruiting period.

Advanced cases are eliminated with the help of chemicals:

  • Karbofos;
  • Fufanon;
  • Aktars;
  • Intavira.


You can get high yields with good care after the plant after planting both in the greenhouse and in open ground. The main thing is to provide proper care and good conditions for fruit growth and formation. Prevention of diseases, fertilizing and timely watering - the main points proper care for peppers after planting them in their permanent place.

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