He created unbearable conditions of service: the commander of the dead Russian Guardsmen was detained in Chechnya. The commander of the Russian Guardsman who shot his colleagues was detained in Chechnya. The battalion commander in Shelkovskaya


The commander of the unit of the Vostok battalion has been brought to criminal responsibility, but his name has not yet been disclosed, military prosecutor of the United Group of Forces in the North Caucasus Maxim Toporikov said on Thursday

At the same time, Toporikov noted that there is currently no direct evidence confirming the involvement of servicemen from the Vostok battalion in the abductions or murders of residents of the Chechen village of Borozdinovskaya on June 4 of this year

To date, Toporikov said, a total of more than 1,500 people have been interrogated - almost all residents of the village who were participants in the famous events, as well as employees of the Shelkovsky District Department of Internal Affairs and military personnel of the Vostok battalion.

The commander of one of the units of the Vostok battalion has been brought to criminal responsibility in the case of events in the Chechen village of Borozdinovskaya, but his name has not yet been disclosed in the interests of the investigation, the military prosecutor of the United Group of Forces in the North Caucasus, Maxim Toporikov, said on Thursday.

At the same time, Toporikov noted that there is currently no direct evidence confirming the involvement of servicemen from the Vostok battalion in the abductions or murders of residents of the Chechen village of Borozdinovskaya on June 4 of this year.

“To date, there is no direct evidence confirming the abduction or murder of the missing residents of the village by military personnel. At the same time, these versions require additional verification, which is carried out through investigative means,” Toporikov said.

To date, Toporikov said, a total of more than 1,500 people have been interrogated - almost all residents of the village who were participants in the famous events, as well as employees of the Shelkovsky District Department of Internal Affairs and military personnel of the Vostok battalion.

“The collected testimony allows us to speak quite objectively about what happened in the village of Borozdinovskaya in early June,” he said. “It has been established that on the night of June 2-3, a group of militants from an illegal armed formation committed a number of serious crimes in this village, including murder of citizen Akhmadov, the father of one of the servicemen of the Vostok battalion.

“At the same time, one of the units of this military unit was carrying out a combat mission, carrying out search and ambush activities in the Shelkovsky forest. The servicemen of this unit became aware of the murder of Akhmadov. They, without informing their command, arbitrarily stopped fulfilling the task assigned to them and arrived to the village to search for and detain the killers of his colleague’s father,” the military prosecutor noted.

For his part, the commander of this military unit, according to Toporikov, illegally gave orders to conduct searches in private households and to detain relatives and acquaintances of the wanted bandits.

“In the evening of the same day, there was shooting from firearms and grenade launchers in the village, several households were set on fire, and a local resident, citizen Magomazov, was killed. The investigation is checking the possible involvement of both military personnel and members of illegal armed groups in these actions,” he said. In this regard, according to the military prosecutor, forensic studies of the shell casings seized from the scene of the incident, as well as fire-explosive and other examinations, have been ordered. In total, more than 50 expert studies are being conducted in various cities of Russia.

In turn, the commander of the Vostok battalion, Sulim Yamadayev, admitted on Thursday that his fighters entered the village of Borozdinovskaya, but could not confirm that they were involved in the murders, arson and abduction of 11 local residents. “I was not reported in a timely manner about the unauthorized actions of my soldiers. My subordinates claim that they did not kidnap or kill anyone, but fires, murder, and other violence are on the conscience of the bandits. I trust my soldiers,” Yamadayev’s statement says.

According to him, the materials of the official investigation conducted in the battalion were transferred to the military prosecutor's office, which is investigating the events in the Chechen village of Borozdinovskaya. “I hope the investigators will objectively understand what happened,” said the battalion commander.

As previously reported, the military action in Borozdinovskaya on June 4 was carried out by military personnel Chechen battalion "Vostok", part of the 42nd division of the Russian Ministry of Defense and headed by Lieutenant Colonel Sulim Yamadayev. As previously reported, according to one version, the “cleansing” was caused by the fact that the father of one of the fighters of the Vostok battalion was killed in Borozdinovskaya. The Vostok fighters themselves say that they actually came to the village, but not for a clean-up operation, but for the funeral of the father of one of the servicemen killed by militants.

Residents of Borozdinovskaya immediately announced that it was “Yamadaevites” who were in the village. However, not a single government structure, including the head of the Vostok battalion, Sulim Yamadayev, confirmed this information.

The Vostok commander previously swore that his fighters did not clear Borozdinovskaya. He claims that they are trying to frame him. “I swear by Allah, I have never been to Borozdinovskaya. My brothers were not there either. Terrible things happened there that are difficult for me to imagine. I myself have never killed a single innocent person in my life, much less a Muslim. In addition, for murder "Theoretically, we could theoretically kill the old man who did it. And the whole village suffered," Yamadayev said in an interview with the Chernovik newspaper.

The head of the Regional Operational Headquarters for managing the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus, Colonel General Arkady Edelev, said in June that federal forces did not conduct any operation at all in the village of Borozdinovskaya. The prosecutor's office did not find an order for such a special operation among the documents of the Vostok battalion.

However, the fact that it was the Vostok unit of the Russian Ministry of Defense that carried out the “cleansing” in Borozdinovskaya is proven by the report of the operational duty officer dated June 5, 2005. In the document, the duty officer reports to the Ministry of Internal Affairs that on June 4, from 15:00 to 20:30, about 80 servicemen of the special purpose battalion "Vostok" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation arrived in the village of Borozdinovskaya in two armored personnel carriers and several cars and trucks (three armored Urals, six -eight UAZs and passenger cars).

From half past four to eight in the evening, the military detained eleven people “suspected of committing crimes.” The protocol gives their full names and surnames: Aliev Abakar, Isaev Magomed, Kurbanaliev Akhmed, Kurbanaliev Magomed, Lachkov Eduard(Russian, who came to visit a friend), Magomedov Akhmed, Magomedov Akhmed, Magomedov Kamil, Magomedov Said, Magomedov Shakhban, Umarov Martukh.

Here, the operational duty officer of the Shelkovsky district made a note that all the listed detainees “are not listed in the database of the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic.” In other words, the fact of their involvement in gangs at the time of arrest was not proven in any way.

The Chechen authorities were not ready for the document to appear. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya “does not know anything,” Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Chechnya Akhmed Dakaev repeated several times.

The commander of the Vostok battalion section became the second person brought to justice for the events in Borozdinovskaya. Earlier, the Shelkovsky district prosecutor's office opened a criminal case against district inspector Borozdinovskaya senior police lieutenant Khasan Vizhaev .

He is accused of abuse of official position (Article 285 Part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which, according to investigators, was expressed in a “form of inaction.” He is accused of the fact that, having learned about the events taking place on June 4 in Borozdinovskaya, he did not go to the scene of the incident and did not promptly report the incident to higher management. In this regard, according to the investigation, a violation of the rights of Borozdinovskaya residents became possible. The district police officer is also accused of assaulting two local residents when they began to insult and scold him.

11 residents of Borozdinovskaya disappeared after a special operation was carried out in the village on June 4 and several houses were burned down. After the special operation, about a thousand residents of Borozdinovskaya left the village and went to Dagestan, where they set up the Nadezhda camp near the regional center of Kizlyar. By July 1, almost all residents returned to Borozdinovskaya under guarantees from the Chechen authorities to ensure the safety and investigation of the disappearance of 11 fellow villagers.

Meanwhile, on the night from Wednesday to Thursday in the village of Borozdinovskaya (Shelkovsky district of Chechnya), a police station was fired upon. As a result of the shelling, a policeman from a separate battalion of the police department was wounded and hospitalized, but, according to doctors, there is no immediate threat to his life.

“At 0:30 in the village of Borozdinovskaya, Shelkovsky district of Chechnya, unknown persons fired at the police station from the direction of destroyed houses. Unknown persons fired from the direction of destroyed houses,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic told RIA Novosti.

“When examining the place from which the fire was fired, no one was found there. A search for criminals is underway,” law enforcement agencies told Interfax and added that a cache of ammunition was found in the area of ​​the refugee camp from the village of Borozdinovskaya, located on the outskirts of Kizlyar.

The cache was located 500 meters from the camp; it contained an anti-tank mine, five grenade launcher rounds, nine hand grenades, seven TNT blocks with a total weight of 1.6 kg, as well as 50 meters of fire cord. The ammunition was taken to the test site and destroyed by explosion.

The commander of military unit No. 6791 located in Chechnya, Roman Kurdyukov, was detained, where on Monday, senior lieutenant Marat Gadzhiev, four colleagues. RBC sources claim that Kurdyukov violated the rights of his subordinates

The commander of military unit No. 6791 of the North Caucasus Military District, Roman Kurdyukov, was detained on Wednesday evening, October 25, by employees of the military investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the Southern Military District, a source in the FSB told RBC. According to him, the officer was taken from the unit in handcuffs. This information to RBC was confirmed by a source close to the FSB and a source close to the Russian Guard. RBC's interlocutors did not say what Kurdyukov is suspected of.

According to SPARK-Interfax, the commander of military unit 6791 is Roman Nikolaevich Kurdyukov. The unit is located in the village of Shelkovskaya Chechen Republic. The main activity of the unit is “ensuring military security.” At the time of publication of the material, the telephone numbers listed in the database were not answered.

“Kurdyukov created unbearable conditions of service. It even got to the point of threatening to be fired for lying on a bed,” said a source close to the Russian Guard. According to him, about three weeks before the incident, in military unit No. 6791 “there was a riot against lawlessness.”

One of the detainee’s former colleagues, in a conversation with RBC, noted that Kurdyukov violated the rights of his subordinates back in 2012, when he was the commander of the first battalion special purpose in military unit No. 6779. According to RBC's interlocutor, Kurdyukov could have prohibited sleeping on beds at lunchtime, which is why the fighters were forced to lie down on the floor.

The administrator of the portal for security forces Operline.ru provided RBC with a photo, which, according to him, is dated 2012. He clarified that the photograph shows soldiers of the first operational company of the first special purpose battalion of military unit 6779, which was led by Kurdyukov at that time, lying on the floor during a lunch break. A former colleague of Kurdyukov confirmed to RBC the authenticity of the photograph.

On Monday, October 23, a senior lieutenant opened fire in the barracks and four servicemen were killed. Among those killed was 29-year-old captain Ilya Banykin, who was appointed to the post of commander of the engineering company of military unit No. 6791 15 days before the incident. Gadzhiev himself was shot as a result of return fire, which was opened by servicemen of the duty unit.

In connection with the murder of four servicemen, a criminal case was opened under paragraph “a” of Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code (murder of two or more persons), the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia reported on Tuesday, October 24.

On Wednesday, October 25, at a meeting of the Federation Council, the director of the Russian Guard, Viktor Zolotov, said that senior lieutenant Gadzhiev shot his colleagues because of his problems with his wife. “This comrade went into domestic life, the housing issue was not resolved, there were problems with his wife. His wife was simply removed from the unit. This caused an emotional outburst, he was already irritated,” Zolotov said. He added that the tragedy occurred due to the shortcomings of the district commander, assuring that the Russian Guard is monitoring the investigation of this case.

The commander of the Russian Guard soldiers killed in Chechnya was detained

The commander of the Russian Guard unit, where on October 23 the officer shot four of his colleagues, was detained in Chechnya, sources in law enforcement agencies said.

As the "Caucasian Knot" wrote, on October 23, in the Chechen village of Shelkovskaya, senior lieutenant of the Russian Guard Marat Gadzhiev opened fire in the barracks and mortally wounded four colleagues. He himself was killed. The tragedy in Shelkovskaya was led to by the emotional reaction of a serviceman whose wife was evicted from the unit, the head of the Russian Guard, Zolotov, said on October 25.

Gadzhiev’s colleagues believe that difficult relations with the command could have provoked him.

A source in the "Caucasian Knot" told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent today about the detention of the commander of the Russian Guard unit stationed in Shelkovskaya. security forces Chechnya.

“The commander of the unit in which Marat Gadzhiev served, who shot his colleagues, has been detained. Military investigators are working with him,” the source said, adding that the officer was detained this morning.

The military commandant's office of Chechnya neither confirmed nor denied this information.

The detention of the commander of the Russian Guard battalion in Chechnya, where a fighter shot his fellow soldiers, was reported today by RenTV, citing unnamed sources, noting that the commander was taken out in handcuffs.

The same was reported by a source close to the FSB and a source close to the Russian Guard, cited by RBC. At the same time, according to the publication, the commander of the military unit where the serviceman shot his colleagues was detained by employees of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Southern Military District on the evening of October 25.

According to a source close to the Russian Guard, the commander “created unbearable conditions of service.” “It came down to threats of dismissal for lying on the bed,” the source said. According to him, the commander could have prohibited sleeping on the beds at lunchtime, which is why the soldiers were forced to lie down on the floor, and about three weeks before the incident with Gadzhiev, “there was a riot against lawlessness” in the unit.

Earlier, a source in the Shelkovsky district administration told the Caucasian Knot correspondent that the Russian Guard unit stationed in the Shelkovskaya regional center in Chechnya is commanded by Major Roman Nikolaevich Kurdyukov. The same information is confirmed by data from the SPARK-Interfax system.

As of 15.46 Moscow time on October 26, there was no information about the arrest of an officer in Chechnya on the websites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Russian National Guard.

The commander of military unit No. 6791 of the North Caucasus Military District, Roman Kurdyukov, was detained by FSB officers. It is still unknown what the serviceman was suspected of, sources in the department told RBC and was confirmed by an interlocutor close to the Russian Guard.

According to RBC, on the evening of October 25, Kurdyukov was taken out of the unit in handcuffs. According to a source close to the Russian Guard, about three weeks ago there was a “revolt against lawlessness” in the unit. “Kurdyukov created unbearable conditions of service. It even got to the point of being threatened with dismissal for lying on a bed,” the interlocutor said.

One of the commander’s former subordinates added that back in 2012, Kurdyukov, while holding the post of commander of the first special-purpose battalion in unit No. 6779, violated the rights of his subordinates. For example, he could prohibit military personnel from sleeping in beds during lunch breaks, which forced them to lie on the floor.

The administrator of the website for security forces, Operline.ru, provided RBC with a photograph from 2012, which, according to him, shows soldiers of the first operational company of the first special-purpose battalion of unit No. 6779. It shows that the servicemen are sleeping on the floor and on bedside benches. A former colleague of Kurdyukov confirmed the authenticity of the photo.

On October 23, senior lieutenant Marat Gadzhiev, who served in unit No. 6791, four colleagues. According to the head of the Russian Guard, Viktor Zolotov, the reason was “ordinary everyday issues”: Gazhdiev, according to him, had problems with housing, which was not provided to him on time; In addition, he was in conflict with his wife living with him.

As Zolotov said, when the senior lieutenant went on vacation, the battalion commander “simply tried to fire him due to the fact that their relationship did not work out, and he simply removed his wife from the unit, from this unit.” Upon returning from vacation, Gadzhiev discovered that instead of his wife, a colleague had been moved in with him. This situation, according to the director of the Russian Guard, “caused an emotional outburst” in the senior lieutenant, which is why he went to the weapons room and took a machine gun and cartridges from there.

First, Gadzhiev opened fire on his visiting colleagues. Having killed two, he shot another Russian Guard at the exit from the building. Next, the senior lieutenant went to the parade ground, where he killed a military man passing by. A team from the central office arrived at the scene and killed the attacker.

At the same time, Kommersant, citing sources, said that shortly before the incident, Gadzhiev learned that they wanted to fire him from service. He decided to sort things out with the officer who filed the corresponding petition. Having previously drunk, he went to this officer. On the way, he met a platoon commander who tried to convince Ganzhiev not to shoot at the officer. As a result, the senior lieutenant shot the commander and three other colleagues who ran to the shots.

One of the detainee’s former colleagues, in a conversation with RBC, noted that Kurdyukov violated the rights of his subordinates back in 2012, when he was the commander of the first special-purpose battalion in military unit No. 6779. According to RBC’s interlocutor, Kurdyukov could have prohibited sleeping on beds at lunchtime , because of which the fighters were forced to lie down on the floor. The administrator of the portal for security forces Operline.ru provided RBC with a photo, which, according to him, is dated 2012. He clarified that the photograph shows soldiers of the first operational company of the first special-purpose battalion of military unit No. 6779, which was led by Kurdyukov at that time, lying on the floor during a lunch break. A former colleague of Kurdyukov confirmed to RBC the authenticity of the photograph.

In the photo: the first operational company of the first special purpose battalion of military unit 6779. 2012 (provided by operline.ru)

The housing problem ruined them

It was in the barracks of unit No. 6791 that on Monday, October 23, senior lieutenant Marat Gadzhiev, as a result of which four servicemen, who, like Gadzhiev, served under contract, were killed. Among the dead is Ilya Banykin, who was appointed to the post of commander of the engineering and sapper company of military unit No. 6791 15 days before the incident. Gadzhiev himself was shot as a result of return fire, which was opened by servicemen of the duty unit.

In connection with the murder of four servicemen, a criminal case was opened under paragraph “a” of Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code (murder of two or more persons), on Tuesday, October 24, the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

On Wednesday, October 25, at a meeting of the Federation Council, the director of the Russian Guard, Viktor Zolotov, said that senior lieutenant Gadzhiev shot his colleagues. “This comrade went into domestic life, the housing issue was not resolved, there were problems with his wife. His wife was simply removed from the unit. This caused an emotional outburst, he was already irritated,” Zolotov said. He added that the tragedy occurred due to the shortcomings of the district commander, assuring that the Russian Guard is monitoring the investigation of this case.

Created in April 2016, the Russian Guard was formed mainly on the basis internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs, distinguished high level hazing and excessive drilling, reserve colonel Andrei Payusov tells RBC. Most commanders in parts of the Russian Guard manage units in the same way as they did in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and have difficulty adapting themselves to the new realities, the military expert added.

“Situations like this where soldiers sleep on the floor during a lunch break, as a rule, no longer exist, but it all depends on the commander. In relation to the contract soldier, the commander is the highest military commander, and the farther from the center, the more opportunities the commander has to build service in the unit the way he wants,” Payusov said.

Payusov, who in the past headed one of the military units, says that if an ordinary soldier did not have enough housing, he was registered in the unit. The officer, receiving the compensation required by law for renting housing, could rent an apartment of his choice, Payusov explained. But in the village of Shelkovskaya, where four soldiers of the Russian Guard were shot, there are not many apartments for rent, Payusov knows, who, according to him, is familiar with employees of the local military unit. “And living on the territory of a military unit means being under the supervision of the commander and those replacing him around the clock,” summed up the military expert.

How military personnel attacked fellow soldiers

The last high-profile incident of shooting at fellow soldiers occurred at the end of September 2017, when during scheduled night shooting in the Amur Region, conscript soldier Gasan Abdulakhadov opened fire on fellow soldiers, killing three people and wounding two more. The shooter was fatally wounded during arrest. All versions were considered as the cause of the tragedy, including a nervous breakdown of the serviceman, the Ministry of Defense reported.

In August 2015, conscript soldier Pavel Bakhtin opened fire on his fellow soldiers at a military unit in the Kostroma region. Four people died then; another of the two wounded died later in the hospital. Life.ru reported that the reason for the murder could have been a conflict with the company commander, who beat Bakhtin shortly before the murder.

In March 2014, contract soldier Maxim Prokopenko killed three colleagues in the Nizhny Novgorod region, after which he went to a village in the Vladimir region, where he killed his wife’s parents and kidnapped her. He brought his wife to the Nizhny Novgorod region, where he inflicted several gunshot wounds on her and committed suicide. Shortly before this, the wife filed for divorce and moved with her daughter to her parents.

One of the most notorious incidents of shooting in military units in recent years occurred in August 2012 in the Derbent region of Dagestan. Then contract soldier of the FSB border department Ramzan Aliyev, after six hours of standing in a daily outfit, fired at his colleagues. Before return fire was opened on him, Aliyev managed to shoot five SOBR officers and wound four. Investigators assumed that Aliyev was recruited by militants.

In April 2009, a contract soldier at an outpost in Chechnya near the village of Borzoi in the Shatoi region shot a platoon commander and two colleagues with a machine gun. It was reported that the soldier attempted suicide, but survived and was hospitalized. The media did not report the reasons for the incident, as well as the further fate of the attacker.

A year earlier, in July 2008, a contract serviceman of the Airborne Forces, Vladimir Deines, left his guard without permission and fled with a machine gun. When he was found, he opened fire on his colleagues. As a result of the incident, four people died, and the deserter himself committed suicide. Possible reasons what happened could have been hazing, low level military discipline and weak control of the unit command over subordinates.