A simple way to protect your respiratory system when painting. Purpose of personal protection. Special Purpose Respirators

Choose a respirator- a seemingly trivial task! In any construction supermarket or military store you will be offered a whole pack of different “muzzles”, from the simplest to the most sophisticated, with protection from poisonous gases and radioactive particles. But are they all equally useful? How to choose a respirator for construction and finishing works? Let's talk about it!

Dust in construction - why are they harmful? Exceeding standards and exposure to dust emitted during the above-mentioned work leads to a number of diseases, primarily respiratory ones. - IN construction industry danger of dust emission when working on stone, concrete or some wooden surfaces underestimated. However, according to research results, these impurities turn out to be just as dangerous as asbestos dust. Additionally, the construction industry creates workplace hazards due to very fine dust.

Its particles enter the bubbles of the lungs, and they are there. As a result, the ability of the lungs decreases, and their efficiency and even the onset of cancer, says Krzysztof Ambroszkiewicz. In a study summarizing research work Institute of Professional Medicine, prof. The Łódź Nofer on dust exposure among workers in Poland states that pneumoconiosis is currently the most common disease in the construction industry.

The truth about "Petals"

In fact, most people are not even aware of what they are purchasing as a dust respirator. It’s easy to deceive consumers, especially inexperienced ones. Let’s say, many stores sell respirators of the “Petal” type, familiar from the times of the USSR, 3 to 10 pieces in a soft cellophane package (sometimes more). Produced by companies such as FIT, Matrix and the like in China. Such “respirators” are very cheap - from 25 rubles per pack, and usually many workers and foremen buy them.

Meanwhile, the place for this “equipment” is not in a dusty facility, but in a radio factory or in a high-precision electronics laboratory, where people work in starchy white coats with doctor’s caps on their heads. Because such a respirator will not protect you from dust, because it is intended for isolating ultra-sensitive equipment and radioelements from the breath of a person working with them(pictured below)! Surprised? Nothing, everything is still ahead.

A real Lepestok respirator provides excellent protection against dust. Its analogues are produced by many companies, for example, Yulia (RF), 3M (USA), FIT (Canada) and others. The production is carried out mainly in China, but the quality of the products is at the same level.

According to my own tests, the company's respirator was most effective FIT: three-layer, with inclusions from activated carbon. Similar 3M Equal in efficiency, but costs much more. Domestic manufacturer company Julia It is somewhat inferior to its competitors, since it does not have such a respirator in its product range. However, the regular version with a valve is very good, at the level of the above manufacturers, and is affordable. There is a model with an additional seal made of soft foam plastic gray(pictured left), very worthy.

How to distinguish a “Petal” from dust from a “petal” intended for laboratory work? And it’s very simple - a petal-type dust respirator and all similar ones are dense, two- or three-layer, and also have two “straps”. A “laboratory” respirator is always single-layer and has one “strap”. You can carefully look at all this in the photographs.

Well, another indicator is the price. For a respirator designed to protect you from dust, the price tag starts at 40 rubles apiece and extends to about 300. You should choose a respirator from this class.

Of course, you can buy something purely military, stalker-style, for example, a mask with insulating filters or even a suit with a closed breathing system (for those who are particularly paranoid). However, you should understand that consumables (filters, cassettes, etc.) are very expensive, and they fly very quickly in conditions of heavy dust.

U-2K and its family

The well-known U-2K is a simple household respirator, very inexpensive. Plus there is only one of it - it is a reusable respirator, because if you wash it, you can use it again, and so on until it is completely worn out (until it becomes clogged with dust). Meanwhile, it does not cope with dust protection very effectively (worse than the “petal”).

If you have no choice, it’s better to at least buy one - this is far from the worst option, and it won’t let you swallow any dust. It makes sense to periodically remove it and wipe off the dust from the inside with a damp cloth.


The gas respirator (aka RPG-67) has many options for protection against various gases and dust, depending on the cassettes with which it is equipped. Reusable, quite heavy, it costs from 150 to 300 rubles, and is sold mainly in military stores. Protects well, but necessary condition- it should be the right size for you (look at your military ID and check the size of the gas mask - this is what it is). Otherwise, it’s inconvenient to work in it, and the dust/smell of solvent, etc. permeates quite a bit.

During active and very mobile work (dismantling, for example), it is better not to use RPGs - coal spills out of the cassettes. Be careful not to spill water or other liquid on the cassettes - the product will not be used for a long time, since the carbon absorbs the liquid, and you will have to dry the respirator for up to several days to restore it, or change the cassettes (and they are expensive). Also, do not knock the cassettes out on your knee or the floor - the membrane will tear and the coal will begin to spill out again.

In general, this topic can be closed. For ordinary painting or other work involving dust, cement or stone powder, a three-layer petal-type respirator is best suited. It is enough for 1 – 5 shifts, depending on how dusty it is to work. Well, if your work involves constant exposure to dust and toxic aerosols (dismantling the old foundation, painting with chalk and acrylic using a spray), then you should choose something specific - for example, a full protective mask with high-quality replaceable filters. Such a product costs from 1 to 5 thousand rubles. And a matching suit, of course!

As a result of many industrial processes, pollutants harmful to human health are released into the air. Their chemical composition and concentrations can be extremely dangerous, especially for paint products. To protect the respiratory system from negative impact and to prevent poisoning by harmful substances, the industry produces respirators.

Types of respirators

Respiratory protection means when carrying out production processes associated with the release of toxic substances into the air are different:

  • Against dust, steam and gas.
  • Anti-aerosol respirator for painting. Used in work involving spraying paint.
  • Combined. They have universal properties. Cleans air from pollution of various origins. These are the most reliable masks, but their cost is high.

Depending on the scope of application, respirators are produced for different needs: military, industrial, medical, household. For production painting works using a spray gun, a respirator is used for painting. The filter must match its type. Respirator powder painting- anti-aerosol. When working with a water-based substance, use the same type of mask, but with additional protection from organic vapor.


The combination of respirators into groups depends on:

  • From their purpose, that is, from what harmful substances the respiratory organs need to be protected: dust, gas, or both. Respirators of this category are used during painting work, including painting cars.
  • From the design. Depending on the specifics of the work, choose a respirator with or without a breathing valve.
  • Depending on the period of use, masks are distinguished between disposable and reusable. In respirators of the first type, the filter is not removed; it is firmly fixed. Once clogged, discard the entire mask. Reusable models are better, since the filter must be replaced when dirty.
  • Depending on the type of protection mechanism.

You need to purchase it in person to avoid mistakes. A preliminary measurement of the face is taken from the largest depression on the bridge of the nose to the lowest point on the chin. After choosing a model, the mask is inspected for defects. If everything is in order and there are no faults, fitting is done.

The edges should fit tightly to the face without causing discomfort. Buckles that secure the position of the respirator on the face must have normal tension. It is better to choose a model where they will be adjustable. It is important that moisture does not accumulate inside the mask, since there is no way for it to erode. If this happens during the production process, you need to leave the danger area, remove the respirator from your face, remove all moisture with a soft cloth, put it on again and only then return to your workplace.

Painting a car using a respirator

Any type of it is designed to protect the respiratory system. Protective equipment is used in various industries, including those associated with painting work. IN Everyday life Almost all men face this. In most cases, a 3M brand respirator is chosen for painting a car. The principle of operation is simple - inhaled contaminated air is first cleaned in a filter and then enters the lungs. The protective equipment is a lightweight version of a gas mask.

A respirator for car painting can be:

  • Half mask. The filter elements (cartridges) of this option are attached to the device.
  • The respirator and filter form a single unit. There is no need to attach anything.

Filter main types

Protective equipment varies depending on the scope of application, type of filter, absence or presence of a breathing valve, level of protection, frequency of use and much more. This is a complex classification; some types of respirators included in it are most popular for working in conditions characterized by very polluted air.

  • The respirator for painting is standard. The degree of protection varies. High-quality polymer fibers are used to make the filter layer. In such a mask, neither organic vapors nor aerosol sprays are dangerous.
  • Specialized respirator. The degree of protection is high. Welding smoke, organic steam, industrial dust, and ozone do not enter the respiratory tract.

  • A painting respirator with two or three panels is called a volumetric one. The degree of protection is high. The 3M series exhalation valve has many varieties. The protective equipment is intended for use in mines, chemical and metalworking production, and mechanical engineering.
  • Respirator of the folding series 3M of the Aura 9300 variety. It reliably protects the lungs from harmful impurities in the air. Very compact, so easy to store.

3M respirators: advantages

These respiratory protection products do not allow substances harmful to them to enter the human lungs. This is achieved through filtration, which is carried out in a special way: Mechanical and electronic technology is used. A 3M painting respirator, some of its models, can protect the face from overheating and moisture accumulation.

  • These masks are very comfortable and their design is ergonomic. They are comfortable to wear, as they fit tightly to the mouth and nose and do not create obstacles when breathing and talking.
  • Some models have several sizes.
  • If the filter becomes dirty, you can always change it, which significantly extends its service life.
  • Respirators are convenient to transport and store, as folding masks are available.
  • 3M models produce different types, necessary for various industries.

Use of 3M respirators

Their use is mandatory in hazardous production processes that poison the air. Respirators High Quality under the 3M brand the following are used:

  • In mechanical engineering, when metal is painted by spraying.

  • In the chemical industry, where work processes involve resins, adhesives, and paints and varnishes.
  • IN agriculture when plants are treated with various fertilizers.
  • In the metallurgical industry when processing metal with chemicals.