Zoning options for a children's room. Children's room for children of different sexes - unusual practical design ideas (75 photos) Interior of a nursery for two children of different sexes

Decorating a child's room has always been a difficult task. Here it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances concerning not only the tastes of the child, but also his psychology. In this light, the desire to make a small nursery for children of different sexes become a real paradise in the house sometimes seems like an impossible task, and parents try to get out of the situation by initially placing their son and daughter in different rooms. This is fundamentally wrong. After all, being in a common area will oblige children to share space and toys, which will allow them to learn to get along and in the future they will most likely develop strong family relationships.

Where to begin

It is not at all necessary to involve a professional designer in decorating a nursery, because what is important for kids is not a super fashionable style, but comfort and simplicity. The room must certainly have a place for joint activities or games and individual areas. If possible, most of the space should remain free, and the furniture used in the setting should not have angular or rough shapes.

If you have an irresistible desire to create a themed design for a small nursery for children of different sexes, then use neutral options such as the jungle, zoo, circus, music, playground. These are just the suggestions that come to mind first. Agree that kids simply adore animals, so the presence of cats, dogs, and horses will definitely appeal to them. Both children will also like the fairytale castle. What future man has not dreamed of becoming a knight and fighting a dragon? Well, every young lady feels great in the role of a princess.

"Divide-divide in half"

Whether you like it or not, you will definitely have to share space in the nursery. This can be done in different ways. When creating a room for children, you can use an interesting technique. Make the walls in a single fairy-tale pattern, and highlight the sleeping areas of your son and daughter with accessories that emphasize the gender of the child sleeping here.

A more radical solution for dividing the nursery interior into parts would be to paint opposite walls with different colors. The technique is quite effective, and also allows you to fill the space with any children's paraphernalia without restrictions. The only thing you shouldn’t do in this case is play with the sharpness of the contrasts. This approach can alienate brother from sister, and when you are arranging the room, you are pursuing a diametrically opposite goal. It is in your interests not to highlight disagreements, but to give children the opportunity to learn to coexist peacefully in the comfortable and bonding atmosphere of a small nursery for children of different sexes.

Your son can’t imagine a room without trucks, but your daughter definitely needs to put dolls in it? Great! Give each little one a personal area and let them decorate it themselves. The beds, in this case, would be correctly placed in opposite parts of the room. The easiest way is to decorate the room in neutral colors, and place a wide free board near the children's beds, on which your favorite toys could “live.”

Color palette for a small nursery

When choosing colors for the general nursery, try not to get hung up on purely feminine or strictly masculine palettes

It just so happens that pink is recognized as a girl’s color, and blue as a boy’s color, but demarcating space using this pair is absolutely not a suitable option for a small nursery intended for children of different sexes. In addition to the fact that blue is a cold color, it also suppresses children, making them apathetic. Pink, despite all its colorfulness, is very irritating to teenage boys and can complicate the transition period. The solution may be to use halftones and color combinations. For example, the coldness of blue can be complemented by the richness and vitality of yellow.

When choosing colors for a common nursery, try not to get hung up on purely feminine or strictly masculine palettes. The presence of dark blue, gray or black colors will be perceived as difficult in such a room. The space in the nursery must certainly be cheerful, light and warm, so feel free to introduce bright, cheerful accents into the main colors. Don't be afraid to experiment with red, yellow, lilac, and blue colors. For hyperactive children, green and brown tones should be introduced into the interior. Combine them as you please. With their help, you can decorate a stunning nursery in a plant theme.

Bright interiors are also well received by the developing psyche, so there is no need to abandon them either.

Children's zoning rules

To make the room comfortable for both son and daughter, four zones must be organized in it:

  1. Play space;
  2. Work corner;
  3. Sleeping places;
  4. Area for storing personal belongings.

Naturally, we strive to give our growing children the most spacious room in the house, but this does not always satisfy their needs. If the room is spacious enough and has a large window, then there will be no problems with organizing the work area. Here you can put tables for both kids. But in a small nursery for children of different sexes with a tiny window, it will be possible to equip a workplace for only one child. And this place should be given to the “leader”. In a situation where children have a large age difference, the workspace is given to the younger one. This is motivated by the fact that the baby goes to bed earlier, and the older one will not bother him with his walking.

Individual territories for children of different sexes are always visually demarcated. This is easy to do using “girl” and “boy” styles. You can do zoning using colors, but a more effective way to visually divide a room into personal zones is with partitions. They are strongly recommended for use if children have a large age difference. Separated from the baby, the teenager’s recreation area should, if possible, also accommodate a personal table for studying. A cabinet, rack, high cabinet, or maybe a light screen or thick curtain can act as a monumental partition. Experts recommend making a border in the nursery along a long side wall and be sure to ensure that enough light gets into the separated area.

This method of dividing the territory is simply ideal for narrow, elongated rooms. In a square nursery, parallel zoning will look more relevant. The beds are placed against opposite walls, and between them, directly in front of the window, a desk is placed.

According to psychologists and designers, bunk beds do not violate the rules for organizing individual spaces, so if you are ready for radical decisions, then you can safely build hanging structures and create second floors. By the way, this will probably be the best way to zone a small room.

Subtleties of arranging beds in a small nursery for children of different sexes

Beds installed on podiums will help save the already scarce space in a small nursery.

Arranging sleeping areas for children of different sexes is the most pressing issue in the interior of a nursery. In a small room, even one bed can absorb the lion's share of the space, let alone a couple of beds.

This problem will have to be solved with the help of cabinet furniture of a special layout, namely:

  1. bunk beds;
  2. loft beds;
  3. chair-beds;
  4. transformable sofas.

In the case where children are constantly fighting for leadership, before buying a bunk bed, you should find out which of the children prefers to sleep where. If it was not possible to reach an agreement, then it is necessary to use chair-beds or transformable furniture in the interior. In addition to the fact that all disputes will be resolved with its help, when assembled it will also leave enough space for games.

Bunk beds are also not suitable in rooms with low ceilings. It will be stuffy for children to sleep on them.

Beds installed on podiums will help save the already scarce space in a small nursery. The podiums will be equipped with drawers, in the depths of which things and toys can be stored. You can place the cribs along one wall, but in this case they will have to be separated by a bedside table, a curtain or a portable screen, otherwise it will not be possible to create a private environment.

Textiles for children's

In a nursery for children of different sexes there should be no fabrics or bedding with feminine or masculine designs and prints. Floral patterns will tell about the privileges of a girl, and robots and cars will emphasize that the boy is in the lead in the room. To prevent this from happening, you need to use fabrics with geometric patterns, checks, stripes, and the like. You can stop at the series with animals. You can give the children the right to choose bedding themselves, but in this case you need to make sure that the selected sets look harmonious in the interior of a small nursery for children of different sexes. Perhaps the best solution would be to use plain fabrics. Here the choice is up to the parents.

How to furnish a nursery

When choosing children's furniture, you need to be guided not by personal tastes, but by the age of the children. If your kids have not exceeded the age of four, then the nursery should be furnished with light, safe furniture that will not limit the space for movement. Children under ten years old need practical and comfortable furniture without sharp corners. If we talk about tables, then they should be chosen with a coating that would not be difficult to wipe off paints, markers, glue and other products that children like to use in their creativity. After ten years, a child begins to develop his own taste, so when buying furniture you definitely need to take into account the wishes of your son and daughter. Buy pieces of furniture that are not heavy, so that teenagers can move it themselves if desired and update the interior of their room. Any piece of furniture that you plan to install in a small nursery for mixed-sex children must be made exclusively from natural materials, be durable and reliable, so do not buy uncertified products to save money. This can be very costly for you and your children.

Accessories for children's interiors

The correct design of space for children of different sexes is the key to the desired development of children. Living in a well-made and carefully thought-out room, children will be able to find inspiration and will certainly reveal their talents. Elements that emphasize their hobbies and age differences should be introduced into the difficult interiors of small nurseries for children of different sexes. Multifunctional and ergonomic furniture copes with this task perfectly.

In addition to cabinet furniture, be sure to find a place for a small Swedish wall. With its help, you can easily direct your children's energy in a useful direction. In addition, a sports wall can very clearly define zones in a room. Since boys are more prone to physical activities, a sports corner is usually installed on their territory. In the girl's part of the room, bright sofa cushions, a canopy over the bed, a small mirror and the presence of other accessories dear to a little woman's heart are always appropriate. Keeping smooth forms in the interior, the presence of light colors and contrasting attributes will help recreate the illusion of space.

Lighting in the nursery

The presence of excellent natural light does not eliminate the need to use artificial light. The ideal solution in a small nursery for children of different sexes would be to create light levels. Overhead light should be distributed over the playing area. Medium light pouring from the sconces is used in the recreation area. The third level is designed to illuminate the work area. Table lamps of various designs can be used there.

In the room of small children there must certainly be a night light so that the kids, if necessary, can see the object they are following. Most often, night lights are installed at the head of the bed, so it is advisable to use devices that have a brightness control.


Even a small nursery for children of different sexes should simultaneously play the role of a playroom, bedroom, creative workshop and study. And only on the pragmatic organization of this modest space depends how harmoniously your son and daughter will develop, their well-being and psychological attitude. No, of course, even the most modernly designed environment cannot completely rid children of conflicts, but it can still contribute to the development of an easy-going character. This means that by listening to the advice of experts and creating the interior from the right perspective, you will really make it easier for yourself to raise such different but beloved children.

Photo gallery - a small nursery for children of different sexes:

Do you have two children? Lucky. Twice as much happiness and...responsibility. To parents whose treasures live in separate children's rooms, you can sincerely envy, and those who do not have such an opportunity can use our advice and get a lot of ideas for arranging and renovating a children's room for two.

Design of a children's room for children of different sexes

The main criteria that you should focus on when decorating a nursery are the age, gender and individual preferences of the children. To please two children at the same time, so that in the end there is no fight for favorite shelves or a children's bed, is an extremely difficult task. Therefore, be sure to consult with your children when choosing colors, furniture and other interior elements. Let them know that their opinion is important and necessary for you, even if it concerns a miniature version of a gingerbread house(if desired and possible, modern finishing materials will make it possible to bring this idea to life).

Don't forget about their habits and hobbies; it is important to try to transfer their inner world into the interior of the room. Favorite toys, books, cartoons and games - all this will tell you what your dream room should be like. If you want to turn your child's life into a daily fairy tale, do not try to camouflage pastel, faceless walls with bright posters with pop stars.

The design in the nursery should be unique, bright and radiate positivity. When choosing a color palette, focus on bright, cheerful colors (yellow, orange, green, pink) and their harmonious combinations.

Children's zoning

In fact, you have uncrowned representatives of two kingdoms. For comfortable coexistence, the room is divided into functional areas: work, play and relaxation areas. Are children active and prefer active, interactive or sports games? Allocate a little more of the planned space for the play area with the installation of a dense carpet, wall bars or folding ping pong table and other board games. If children are of different ages, then the older child will spend more time in the work area.

For the younger one, being with his favorite toys will be a pleasure. When children are approximately the same age, it is worth considering the option of separate desktops. God forbid you leave your children alone with one computer. For peace and family tranquility, allocate additional funds to purchase a second device.

Portable ultrabooks and tablets will help save work space. A nursery for children of different sexes must include a secluded corner for each child - this is his relaxation area. Here the child feels secluded and protected, here you can read your favorite book or just daydream without even your most beloved brother or sister coming into view. Therefore, the use of curtains and mobile transforming partitions is the most preferable option.

With a significant age difference, zoning is simply necessary. Between the recreation areas you can place, for example, bookshelf.

Brother and sister in the same room

The most difficult variation of interior design for a nursery is when you have two children of different sexes growing up. Here, a conflict of interest cannot be avoided, but you can try to reduce it to a minimum. Girls develop physically and psychologically faster than boys. The difference in tastes can be assessed with the naked eye.

You can visually divide the space into separate zones by decorating them in different colors. But ideally, in a room for two children of different sexes there should be at least a small partition.

Children's room for two girls or two boys

Here the situation looks simpler. You won't have to worry about how to balance fragile gender equality, but that doesn't relieve you of the responsibility to accommodate the different tastes of same-sex children. If you are planning to arrange a room in the same style with two beds, 20 drops of valerian at night await you in the near future. Being an attentive parent of two sons or daughters (even more so), you, of course, will try to emphasize the individuality of each in colors, shapes and design of areas.

Children's room for girls, made in the form of a house with an imitation of a tiled roof on the ceiling, a fence as a railing, volumetric or cut-out windows

If there are two children of different sexes in a family, and there is only one children’s room, then a lot of effort will have to be made to ensure that it fully meets the needs. To do this, when decorating the interior, it is necessary to take into account all the interests of children, their preferences in colors and the characteristics of each of them. It is worth discussing with the boy and girl all the acceptable options, schemes and solutions, highlighting those that the son and daughter liked best. The task of parents is to find an alternative that would suit each child. If everything is done correctly, the result will be a room where children can play both together and separately. Everyone will have their own “corner”. A room for children of different sexes should ideally look harmonious and creative, and also arouse interest on the part of the son and daughter.

What is the difference between a regular nursery and a mixed-sex nursery?

Unfortunately, some parents do not understand that a room for children is very different from an ordinary room intended for living. You need to approach its design by carefully thinking through every decision. In order to provide your kids with maximum comfort and coziness, you will also have to learn how to properly zone the room. It is this that will minimize disputes between brother and sister, which means that conflicts over personal territory will be avoided. Thanks to the separation, everyone will have their own personal space. Photos of children's rooms for mixed-sex children used in the article will help you understand what ideas are being discussed.

The main task is to create zones, but simply dividing the room into two parts is not enough. It is necessary to choose the right furniture, accessories, and highlight the dominant colors. And of course, we should not forget about the age and interests of the children themselves.

Choice of colors

In order to properly divide a room, it is necessary to use color schemes. This method is the most successful among others, since the zone allocated to each can not only emphasize the character of the boy or girl, but will also not occupy the common space in the room. When choosing shades, you should not focus on just one. A room for children of different sexes should have dominant colors in equal proportions. Otherwise, it may somehow offend one of the children. Designers recommend using universal colors that combine well with each other.

When choosing a color scheme, it is important not only to decide what the walls and floor will be like, but also to complement each “line” with your own accessories. They can be rugs, curtains and other decor. Thanks to them, a room for children of different sexes will look complementary and complete. You can use items that differ in both theme and color.

Examples of interiors using a palette

Professionals offer two interesting and eye-catching solutions.

  • Use of contrast. When choosing this option for creating a design, you need to select two dominant colors, one of which will “belong” to the boy, the second to the girl. The main thing is that, when combined, they give a strong contrast. Similar solutions can be yellow and blue, pink and green, and so on.
  • Single color design. In this design, the main thing is to use as many shade variations of the same tone as possible. For example, if purple is chosen as the main color, then the girl’s part of the room can be painted violet, while the rest of the space can be plum or lilac.

Universal solution

If children cannot decide what exactly suits them or what color combination they like best, you can use a neutral theme. For example, the vast majority of children like animals. You can stop right there. A fairytale castle is also a neutral subject of design. In this case, the boy will act as a knight who conquered the dragon, and the girl will be able to feel like a princess. There are actually quite a lot of common themes. And if children have not yet been able to find their interests, then it is the universal interiors that will help bring their plans to life. And a room for children of different sexes will look attractive.

Selection of furniture and other accessories

Very often, when creating the interior of a nursery for two children of different sexes, “bleached oak” is used, which looks interesting and solid. To prevent boys and girls from resorting to using large amounts of artificial light, it is necessary to provide a natural source. Therefore, for a child’s room it is best to choose a room with wide windows. In order to visually expand and complement natural light, it is necessary to decorate the walls and floors in light shades. Light curtains wouldn't hurt. When creating a common interior, it is important to take into account all the interests of children, find something in common and use this detail to combine zones. A room for children of different sexes (photos are in the article), which contains two different worlds, divided by a conventional fuzzy line, looks much better. Moreover, such an interior will allow children to treat each other’s interests with maximum loyalty and kindness. If a son and daughter have lived in such a room since childhood, they will develop good relationships and develop skills in smoothing out conflicts and finding compromises. Don't think about it, it looks boring and dull. Vice versa. The older the children, the more clearly their love for certain activities, passion for music or photography is revealed. This will all add color.

A room for two children of different sexes must necessarily have important and integral details. Sooner or later, items such as a mirror, a wardrobe, and various decorative elements will become indispensable for a daughter. The boy will probably be interested in sports, and maybe he will like the guitar. All this must be foreseen and provided for from the very beginning. You can, for example, immediately install a mini-boudoir and a Swedish wall.

Although a large share of attention should be paid to preferences, one should not forget about the ease of use of furniture. It is recommended to use the most ergonomic and comfortable interior items. We are talking about large furniture such as cabinets and sets.

Play area

They occupy an important place, so you need to take care of the design of each zone. If children are very young, then you need to understand that they need a lot of space to splash out energy and emotions. A boy can have a wall bars installed. For girls, tables, chairs, an easel and other accessories are suitable. At the same time, brother and sister will happily exchange their toys. for children of different sexes must necessarily include various items for games.

As long as the children are small, you can lay a common carpet or any other fabric on the floor so that they can play together. Over time, when the daughter and son grow up, it can be replaced with two small covers. When renovating a room, it would be good to think about sound insulation. This will protect neighbors, parents and children themselves from unnecessary noise.

If we are talking about a room for teenagers, then poufs and armchairs that do not take up much space or are stored in a closet would be suitable. They will come in handy if friends come to visit someone.

Training area

Each child should have his own place to study. The design of children's rooms for children of different sexes (photos show how different it can be) should not do without such important details. An excellent solution would be a large desk that can be placed near the window. A long surface that stretches along the entire wall looks good. It is this solution that allows the use of artificial light at a minimum level. If desired, you can purchase separate tables.

Age is an important nuance

In order to properly decorate a children's room, it is necessary not only to start from the preferences of the children themselves, but also to pay attention to their age.

A girl and a boy under six years old will feel great in a common room; they will not have to be separated. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly fence off areas for sleeping, playing, studying, and so on. If the child is in elementary school, then his personal space should be separated with the help of flowers. When children enter secondary school, it will be a good idea to install partitions. The design of a room for older children of different sexes often implies the presence of similar elements.

If your son and daughter have a big age difference, installing a bunk bed would be a reasonable solution. In this case, the youngest will have to be placed on the first floor, as he may fall. It is also important to curtain the bed. Thanks to this, the child will feel cozy and comfortable while the older brother or sister goes about his business. It is imperative to allocate a separate place for your son and daughter, where they will store their belongings, toys and clothes. One desk is enough.

Self-decoration of the room

Why not decorate the room yourself? Moreover, an excellent solution would be to involve children in this process. For example, when all that remains is to bring in the furniture and place the accessories, you can make some decorative elements along with them. This will not only bring the boy, girl and parents closer together, but will also add additional coziness and comfort to the room. It is allowed to use any devices: paints, plasticine, and so on. You can create beautiful cards, drawings, crafts, and applications. The design of a room for children of different sexes (the photos perfectly demonstrate the attractiveness of such rooms) will only benefit from the presence of such accessories.

Windows must be covered with curtains and drapes of a neutral color. You can also use fabric with patterns that both children would like.

The furniture needs to be arranged in such a way that it is convenient for both the son and daughter to interact with it. Even if the locker is used only by a girl, a boy should not suffer from the fact that it prevents him from moving freely around the room. In addition, it is necessary to rationally approach the selection of furniture. If there is not enough space, you can use a bunk bed, folding chairs or a special computer corner. All this will allow the room to be multifunctional, but at the same time it will not be cluttered. If you need to divide the area into zones, you can use chests of drawers or cabinets. A room for two children of different sexes simply cannot do without such elements.

You need to know how to choose the right accessories. They should not be superfluous or take up a lot of free space. Small carpets, colorful pillows, lamps and wall (table) clocks will be an excellent solution. You can decorate a girl’s closet with decorative flowers or shells, a boy’s with sailboats or cars.

The room itself can be decorated in neutral colors. They must be selected in consultation with the children. It would also be useful to pay attention to the design options for rooms where the walls are painted in different colors depending on the location of the beds. You can use a combination of cream, chocolate and pink with various shades of blue. Such interiors look fashionable, interesting and fresh.

If there is an urgent need for closed personal space, it is recommended to use a divider. A retractable device is useful if the children are already older, but still like to spend time together. Screens are also convenient, but they are not suitable for small children. A good solution would be a curtain in the center. The design of a children's room for children of different sexes does not necessarily have to include a divider, but it will not be superfluous.

If the size of the room allows, you can install special walls that small owners could decorate on their own. They need to be painted in a neutral shade. A girl or boy can attach posters, photographs, stickers or draw to the wall. This approach will clearly be received with a bang by children.

Bedding should be used only those that fully meet the child’s preferences. The main nuance is that they should not conflict with each other in color.


All the tips described will help you create a good and harmonious room for children of different sexes, regardless of age. We have selected the most valid rules, as well as photographs that will help you quickly understand how to properly organize the personal space of each child. Photos of children's rooms for children of different sexes, presented in the article, demonstrate beautiful and bright ideas.

Arranging the interior of a room for children of different sexes is not very easy. It is necessary to create a comfortable personal space for both son and daughter, taking into account their preferences and interests.

It’s good if the room is spacious and you can allocate enough space for each child. But if this is a small apartment, you need to make an effort to create the optimal nursery design for two children with different needs and tastes.

There are many different ideas of brother and sister.

First of all, such a nursery needs to be conditionally divide into two equal parts. If the area is, for example, 16 sq. m, then each child must be allocated the same territory, 8 square meters. m. Then, each part should be divided into zones:

  • Sleeping area;
  • Place to work;
  • Wardrobe area or place where things will be stored;
  • Game Zone.

IN sleeping area Beds are provided for both children. A girl can have a four-poster bed to make her feel like a princess. A car-shaped bed is perfect for a boy. If the children are teenagers, then the sleeping areas of the girl and boy need to be separated by a partition. As a rule, in a nursery for a son and daughter, a decorative curtain, screen, or partition made of plasterboard or other materials is used. They also install beds with high backs; this option will help to visually divide the sleeping area in half. The main thing is that each of the children feels personal space.

To avoid questions and scandals arising over whose turn it is to sit at the computer, it is necessary for everyone to arrange work area with two separate devices. This area should contain a writing desk and a place to store books and notebooks. It is not at all necessary to set up a large table for each child. Today, many people prefer to use a modular system, in which the lower tier is a workplace, and the second tier is a sleeping area. This significantly saves usable space and leaves more space for other areas.

Please note that a nursery for two children of different sexes should have a lot storage space. A good option would be a built-in wardrobe with sliding doors. This way everyone will have their own place. For toys, you can get baskets or a separate chest of drawers. You can also store various personal items in additional drawers built into the bed. In general, there is more than enough space for storing things in the room of children of different sexes, the main thing is to manage the square meters correctly.

The nursery should have a large play area, especially if the children are of preschool age. A sports area is set up for the boy, for example, a wall bars. All the girl needs to do is set up a table where she will have tea parties with her dolls. In different genders, you can organize a common recreation area, where they can also spend time with friends. It contains a sofa or ottomans, a gaming table, and a TV.

What color to use in the design of a nursery for two children of different sexes

To zone a room for two children of different sexes, it is best to use two primary colors in the interior. We are talking about pink and blue shades. This is a great option if the kids are small. After all, kids love everything bright. Also, the design can be unusual, using various themes: jungle, fairy-tale characters, cartoons, animals, etc.

If this is a room for teenagers, then you can choose other colors. For example, wallpaper in purple-gray, pink-green, yellow-blue shades will look good. You can also use wallpaper in peach and apricot tones to decorate the walls. The color of sea green looks good in interior design, especially in combination with gray or khaki.

In addition, wallpaper of the right color can visually enlarge a small space. In this case, it is better to give preference to light colors in the design. : beige, pastel, vanilla.

Remember that zoning a room with color is not just about choosing wallpaper. This is also a choice of furniture, carpets, textiles, and accessories.

Gallery: children's room interior (25 photos)

Children's room design (video)

Criteria for choosing furniture for a room for mixed-sex children

Cabinet furniture significantly saves children's space if you use the following options:

  • Bunk beds;
  • Folding chair beds;
  • Pull-out beds
  • Loft bed, when the first tier acts as a workplace;
  • Bed with drawers;
  • Built-in corner wardrobes;

It is very important that the furniture is made from environmentally friendly materials. Thus, it will not harm the child’s health.

In addition to aesthetic value and saving space, furniture in design must fulfill its main task - to be functional. If, for example, we are talking about a desktop, then not only should a computer fit on it, but there should also be room for writing. A bunk bed can become not only a sleeping place, but also great for storing things if it is equipped with drawers.

Also, when choosing furniture, pay attention to so that there are no sharp corners, protrusions, or defects. So that the child does not get injured while actively moving around the room.

It is very important that there is a lot of light in the children's room. This will allow the child to do any activity: read, draw, play, write, embroider, etc. Psychologists say that good lighting forms a correct and healthy psyche in a child.

To ensure complete lighting of a children's bedroom, two light sources are used: artificial and natural.

The children's bedroom should have a lamp on the ceiling, as well as separate lamps in the work and play areas. You can also install a sconce near the bed so that the child can watch it before bedtime I could read my favorite book.

The source of natural light is, of course, the window. You should not cover it with several layers of curtains. Firstly, they will block the natural access of light, and secondly, dust will accumulate in them. It is better to replace the usual curtains with blinds. These can be horizontal or vertical blinds made of plastic or fabric. If you want to add some zest to the interior of a children's room for teenagers of different sexes, then install blinds with a pattern or photo on the windows. Your kids will definitely love this idea.

Secrets of decorating a room

After hanging the wallpaper and arranging the furniture, it’s time to introduce some elements into the interior of the room that will emphasize the individuality of the owners premises.

What is a children's room without pictures, toys, photographs and other little things that are so dear to a child's heart. Each decorative element must find its place and not invade “alien” territory.

When decorating a room, it is very important to involve the child in the process. The more work and emotions he puts in, the more careful he will be with everything that surrounds him.

Creating the interior of a children's room for two children of different sexes is a complex but very interesting process. Having put your soul into this business, in return you will receive children's gratitude and love!

Children's room for children of different sexes (video)

The birth of a child is associated not only with joy, but also with numerous worries, one of which is creating a comfortable children's room. It is especially problematic if you need a shared nursery for children of different sexes, because in this case the task becomes more complicated due to the fact that each of the children will need personal space. Although the process of creating such a nursery for two children is complex, it allows you to show all your imagination after first familiarizing yourself with photo options on the Internet.

Before starting renovations, you should draw up an action plan and a sketch of the future premises. Dividing one large room into two small parts is the basis for future renovations. Each of the two children should be allocated a space where he will be a full-fledged owner.

Options for dividing space in the room:

  • parallel;
  • diagonal;
  • with common areas.
Parallel zoning of the nursery
Zoning diagonally
Zoning with common areas

The choice of one of the above points depends on the room allocated for the nursery, its size and shape. An important factor is the age of the children, and the simplest way of dividing is the option with common areas. It is ideal for two small children of approximately the same age who enjoy playing together and do not need privacy. It is enough for kids to have separate places to sleep, and the rest of the space is given over to games.

Parallel and diagonal divisions are suitable for older children, when each of them already has their own interests. A mandatory element is a partition; it can be a closet, a bookcase, desks, bookshelves, or screens. These types of divisions are suitable for large rooms. Diagonal will be an ideal option if the room has two windows on adjacent walls, which is found in private houses. Parallel division is great for large square rooms, but can also be used in narrow, elongated ones, for which you will have to first carefully think through and study various options.


The basic principle of zoning is to allocate each of the two children places to sleep, play, work, store things and individually design them. The task is successfully accomplished using the color of the walls, different reliefs, different levels of floor and ceiling, and lighting.

Another main factor that should not be forgotten when decorating a nursery is the age of the children. If they are just kids, parents rely entirely on their taste and imagination. You will have to listen to the opinions of children over three years old. Usually they have preferences in color, favorite characters from fairy tales, cartoons, girls dream of being princesses, fairies, sorceresses, boys dream of being racers, superheroes. Therefore, each part of the room must be decorated individually.

A particularly difficult case is one in which one child is much older than the other. In this case, parents will have to try very hard to make each child feel cozy and comfortable in the nursery.

Places to sleep

You can't do without sleeping places in the room. When it comes to children of different sexes, the issue becomes more complicated. Even if they are still very small, in the future each of the two will want to have their own corner, to which their brother or sister will not have access. This should be foreseen in advance.

The easiest way out of the situation is to purchase two beds. The room is divided in half, each part is decorated in its own colors. The style is respected alone, or the children's imagination is given the opportunity to run wild. There are several options for arranging beds:

  • near the walls;
  • perpendicular to the wall;
  • in the corner.

If the beds are placed side by side, they should be separated by a bedside table, curtain, shelving or partition. When choosing a corner arrangement, children should sleep head to head.

If the room is small and narrow, it is preferable to use a bunk bed. This will significantly save space. You should decide in advance with the children who will sleep on top and who will sleep on bottom. Often this question becomes a problem, especially if the children are about the same age, and each of them claims to be on top of the bed. If you cannot reach an agreement, it is better to discard the idea. You should also avoid it if the room has very low ceilings, as it will be uncomfortable and stuffy for children.

Game Zone

Games are an important part of the lives of children, especially young ones. We must not forget that babies contain a source of energy, so the space for its release should be quite large. You can install a wall bars on the boy's territory. Girls love to play with dolls; they will need a table, chairs, a board for drawing with chalk, and an easel. Children will be happy to visit each other.

While they are small, one large carpet or covering will be suitable for the floor; in the future it will be possible to replace them with two different ones. When making renovations in a nursery, it is worth considering additional sound insulation. This will protect not only children, but also neighbors.

For teenagers, the role of the play area changes and they need a place to meet with friends; it would be a good idea to stock up on soft ottomans that can be easily stored in the pantry.

Area for activities and lessons

In a nursery for two children, everyone needs to organize a comfortable place to study. This could be one common desk. A great idea would be a long tabletop, located near the window and occupying the entire length of the wall. Children will have enough not only space, but also natural light. You can buy individual tables. Don't forget about comfortable chairs that help maintain correct posture.

A modern child can hardly imagine his life without a computer; ideally, everyone should have their own. Considering the need to save space, you should prefer laptops or tablets.

For young children, furniture should be appropriate for their height. They, of course, study less, but still love to draw, sculpt, and put together puzzles. Transformable desks are very convenient for kids, they are very functional and do not take up much space.

Storing things

There is an opinion that boys have few clothes, girls have a lot. This is actually not true. Therefore, a nursery for children of different sexes requires a large closet. Installing two separate ones will be an ideal option that will eliminate confusion and disputes about cleaning.

Children have more than just clothes. Children usually have a lot of toys, and the number of books gradually increases. Teenagers love to collect, they have a lot of secrets that need to be stored somewhere, which is very convenient to do in boxes, baskets, and also on shelves.

Beds with a podium, which have drawers, will help save space.

Color solution

A nursery for children of different sexes is often decorated in one neutral color, confirmation of which can be found in the photo. The theme of your favorite cartoon, zoo, birds, forest is ideal for young children. On the walls you can hang photos of funny animals and the owners of the room themselves. In this case, you should use soft pastel shades, because excessive brightness has a bad effect on the child’s psyche.

A much more interesting option would be to use different colors that will help divide the room into two parts. It is best to abandon the hackneyed options with pink and blue zones, because the room should please both children, not hurt the eyes, and be a single whole, despite the presence of two owners.

Interesting combinations that will look harmonious (there are many photos of color combinations):

  • lilac with green or gray;
  • soft pink with silver;
  • yellow with orange, blue, green.

Showing your imagination, you can try to play with shades. The constant classics in this direction are yellow, sand tones, and brown. To make the room brighter, you should use various accessories: interesting lamps, flower pots, photos in bright frames.

Furniture: difficulties of choice

It is preferable to entrust the design of a children's room for children of different sexes to professionals who know all the possibilities and offers that currently exist. If you want or need to do repairs yourself, you should figure out what will help save valuable space.

Many options for cabinet and modular furniture will allow you to create a beautiful and comfortable living space from any room:

  • bunk beds;
  • chair-beds;
  • beds with built-in shelves, racks, drawers;
  • loft beds, with workplaces and wardrobes on the first tier;
  • pull-out, folding beds;
  • racks that successfully serve as partitions;
  • long tabletops.

Bunk bed
Chair bed

Loft bed
Pull-out beds
Long table top
Wardrobe shelving

It is best not to buy ready-made furniture in stores or from photos in catalogues, but to order its production according to individual measurements. But in any case, it should be made of environmentally friendly materials, strong, and all fittings should be well secured.


The correct selection of accessories will help make the room more comfortable and emphasize the individuality of the owners. Boys need a sports corner, especially if they love to play sports. Girls will be delighted with an elegant dressing table, in the drawers of which they can store their jewelry and cosmetics. Kids love playhouses very much. You can purchase nest beds for them, in which they are arranged on the ground floor. Older children love to place photos of musicians or movie characters on the walls, so this should be taken into account when thinking about the design style.

An important element of the decor is textiles. These are bedspreads, blankets, pillows, bed linen, curtains. With their help, you can diversify the interior of the room and add bright notes. If the nursery is decorated in one color, then textiles should be chosen with neutral patterns. You can make unique items by decorating them with prints of children's drawings and photos of babies.


Lighting plays an important role in a nursery for two children. It helps with zoning and is necessary for the normal functioning of the child's eyes. Daylight is often not enough; this is where the system for creating light levels comes to the rescue. Overhead light is great for a play area. The recreation area will have sufficient diffused lighting from sconces. Table lamps are required for work, and each of the two children should have their own.

What to pay attention to depending on the age of the children

When arranging a nursery, you should take into account not only the different genders of the children, but also their ages. There are some features that you need to remember when arranging a nursery.

If the children have a large age difference, the best solution would be a bunk bed. The baby must be placed on the ground floor; he may fall from above. It is important to curtain the crib. This will create a cozy corner for the child and allow him to sleep peacefully while the older one does his homework, works at the computer, or reads. Every child must have a place for personal belongings, toys, and clothes. One desk is enough; the little one will draw when the older one is at school. Before you start designing a nursery, it’s worth studying photos of interiors, where you can always find many interesting ideas.