Seeing vegetable oil in a dream. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Oil, what does it mean to see Oil in a dream. Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Why do you dream about butter in a dream according to the dream book?

Most often, the dream book interprets a dream about butter as positive sign. This could be luck in love affairs or in the family sphere. The people you care about or who you need in your work will be on your side under any circumstances. If there are problems that you have not been able to overcome for a long time, now there will be a solution to them.

Pieced butter - for personal relationships this is a sign of destruction, the end of the relationship. Perhaps the difficulties that arise in communicating with loved ones will lead to a final break in the relationship. A large piece of butter symbolizes financial prosperity - an unexpected inheritance or a well-deserved bonus at work.

Who dreamed of butter?

If a woman dreams of butter

If a woman dreams of butter, this is a symbol of the imminent birth of a baby. The birth will be successful, and the child will be born strong and healthy.

What did you do with butter in your dream?

Dream about how you buy butter

If you dream that you are buying butter, it means that everything is going well in your personal life. All family members are happy with the relationship, the house is warm and cozy.


Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming that you are eating fresh golden butter- a sign of good health and fulfilling plans. This dream will bring you property, wealth and knowledge.

There is rancid oil- means wealth, a condition acquired through hard physical labor.

Sell ​​oil- promises you a small profit.

This foreshadows that she will soon plunge headlong into frivolous entertainment.

Seeing people lubricated with oil in a dream- foretells events in which you will play a role of particular importance.

A large amount of oil seen in a dream- portends extremes in a pleasant business for you.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Oil- promises that the future will be better than the past.

See butter- luck, success in love.

Liquid, vegetable oil - warning about deception.

Freud's Dream Book

To dream of someone buttering bread- to meeting a pleasant person, which quickly led to complete mutual understanding.

If in your dream you had difficulty spreading butter on bread because it turned out to be too cold- you won’t be able to find harmony right away.

If you dream that you drop oil on the floor- you will offend your partner without meaning to, it will seem to you that you are opening his eyes to the true state of things.

Buying oil at the market in a dream- you feel guilty before your “counterpart” and therefore try with all your might to appease him. In fact, all that is needed is attention and care.

Any oil, butter, vegetable or machine- symbolizes joyful and healthy sex, as well as the pleasure you receive and give.

Spoiled or used oil- symbolizes possible diseases of the genital organs.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream of fresh golden oil- this portends a happy destiny, love and a profitable marriage.

A woman who dreams that she is anointing her body with oil- will frivolously indulge in entertainment, which will cause the disapproval of his lover.

Aesop's Dream Book

Oil, oddly enough, is a very ambiguous symbol. There are a lot of well-known expressions that, translated from the language of the subconscious, can predict the development of your financial affairs, relationships with people, and work situations.

"Ride like cheese in butter"- to have all the benefits and prosperity.

Expression: “Adding fuel to the fire”- characterizes human relationships.

“You can’t spoil porridge with oil”- your activities.

"To butter someone up"- your attitude towards another person.

“Everything is going like clockwork”- the state of affairs.

Seeing a lot of butter in a dream- such a dream promises the successful development of your affairs, even what has not been possible for a long time will get off the ground and receive a worthy conclusion.

Spread butter on bread- this dream promises contentment, material well-being, perhaps a bonus or salary increase; it is also possible that a valuable gift awaits you.

If you dreamed that you spilled vegetable oil- this dream foreshadows unfavorable changes that will soon occur in your life and will be associated with your carelessness and inattention to others.

Fill any mechanism with machine oil- in reality, a streak of luck awaits you; things will go especially well at work, you will establish excellent relationships with colleagues and superiors, you can easily do a lot of things and receive encouragement.

If you dreamed that you were churning butter by hand- this is a sign that you will have a difficult period, you will get tired and work hard, but your efforts will be rewarded.

If you dreamed that your hands were covered in oil, then expect a surprise from fate- happiness itself comes into your hands, the main thing is not to miss it, it is very close.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing delicious butter or vegetable oil in a dream, if there is not too much of it- suggests that treating people kindly will help you significantly improve your well-being.

At the same time, if there is too much oil- such a dream can warn that you are surrounded by flatterers.

Getting dirty with oil or seeing rancid oil in a dream- a sign that by succumbing to flattering words, you risk getting into an unpleasant situation. The same dream also warns you against the temptation to achieve what you want through flattery.

Machine oil in a dream- warning about possible friction due to business or economic relations. Such a dream encourages you to be more flexible and diplomatic in communicating with people, otherwise your business may be shaken.

Dream book for a bitch

Butter- good health, successful business.

Have a sandwich with butter- wealth, acquisition of real estate, useful knowledge.

Sell ​​oil- profit will be less than expected.

Vegetable oil- flattery and hypocrisy of others.

New family dream book

If in a dream you ate fresh golden butter- your plans will come true, and your health will not let you down. You will also gain wealth and knowledge.

Rancid oil- also dreams of prosperity, but acquired through hard physical labor.

If you sold butter in a dream- don't expect big profits.

A woman anointing her body with oil in a dream- will go headlong into frivolous entertainment.

Modern combined dream book

Prediction of good health and successfully completed plans. This dream promises you the acquisition of wealth and knowledge.

If you dreamed that you were eating rancid butter- skill and wealth will be your reward for hard physical work.

Sell ​​oil- to a small profit.

Eastern women's dream book

In whatever form you dream about oil- this is a good sign; oil for lovers- dreams of an imminent wedding, businessman- to a successful deal, military- to a quick and safe return home. If you were in danger- she will pass by.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Oil- to profit; for an unexpected expensive gift.

Puddle of oil- perhaps you will be humiliated or you will have to humiliate yourself.

Olive oil- you will give a bribe to an official.

Sunflower oil- the law will hinder your initiative.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Oil- the need to show gentleness and/or smooth out misunderstandings. Reflection of a situation characterized as “needs to be lubricated.”

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Dreaming about oil- to follow a diet.

Frying something in rancid oil- to poverty.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Dreaming about oil- to a good life.

Fry something in rancid oil and hear bad smell - to deception.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Oil- to money.

Rancid oil- to ruin, loss of capital.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Eating butter in a dream, spreading it on bread or a roll- means upcoming disputes with relatives regarding the division of property and real estate, if the oil is fresh and appetizing- disputes that will be resolved in your favor, and if it's old and rancid- this means you will lose.

Buy loose oil in the store- portends peace and tranquility in the house, complete prosperity and prosperity. Oil packaged in packs or jars- promises inevitable loss of time and money in a stupid enterprise. Buy country yellow butter at the market- in reality you will make a profit. Chocolate butter- a sign of luxury and abundance that you will achieve by implementing your planned project. Salted butter- you will shed a lot of tears when you marry your chosen one.

Sunflower oil seen in a dream- portends good health and constant prosperity, while olive, on the contrary, portends illness and losses. Corn oil- a sign of flattery, deception and hypocrisy of the people around you.

Linseed oil- a harbinger of a large monetary win or reward.

Wood oil- predicts a sad event among close relatives and a forced trip to them.

Camphor oil- to sadness over irreparable losses.

Household machine oil- a sign of upcoming expenses for the purchase of an absolutely necessary for the home, but very expensive thing. Automotive oil- portends a fun trip to distant lands with a dear friend. Gun oil- you will experience anxiety about the fate of your children.

Cook something with butter or vegetable oil- predicts troubles and preparations for meeting dear guests. Add oil to some dish- such a dream does not bode well in terms of material wealth; most likely you will have to switch to saving mode.

If you spilled oil in a dream- this means that in reality you will be persecuted and held accountable. Lubricate something with oil- to success in business and prosperity.

Oil your body or hair- means that friends will help you get back on your feet after a crushing failure in business or entrepreneurship.

See burning oil- serious life trials will fall to your lot, overcoming which you will achieve a stable position and family happiness, about which you dreamed so much.

Buying or selling oil in a dream- portends a small profit from a dubious and too troublesome business. A large amount of oil seen in a store or warehouse is a sign of great activity and good luck.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Oil- flattery, deception of employees.

Olive oil see- illness and loss

Spill- you are being pursued.

Get drenched- good deeds

Drink- friends will make it easier for you life path.

See the blazing- joy and pleasure

Women's dream book

There is fresh golden oil in a dream- a sign of good health and plans being realized.

Rancid oil- portends wealth acquired through hard physical labor.

Sell ​​oil- to a small profit.

If a woman has a dream in which she anoints her body with oil- this foreshadows that she will soon rush headlong into frivolous entertainment.

General dream book

Churning butter in a dream- in reality it means that you set difficult-to-achieve goals for yourself, but by showing diligence and hard work, you will achieve what you want and become a wealthy person.

Such a dream for a peasant- promises good harvest, and the woman- an economic and energetic husband.

If you dream that you are lubricating something- this speaks of future events in which you will be the driving force.

Large amount of oil- excessive passion for something pleasant for you. Oil trading for men- means failure in love relationships when he expected an easy victory. For a woman to lubricate something with oil in a dream- a sign that ample opportunities will open up before her.

Rub yourself with oil in a dream- means recovery, getting rid of some difficulties in life.

If you dreamed that you were pouring sunflower oil - the news you learn the next day will turn out to be false rumors.

In a dream you set sunflower oil on fire- Tomorrow you will learn a lot of new things about your colleagues.

Drink sunflower oil- to illness.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Oil- this may indicate flattery. Is anyone trying to flatter you? Are they doing it sincerely? Perhaps you yourself should use flattery instead of aggression to achieve the final result?

Oil can symbolize- “lubrication” in difficult life situations. Sometimes, when a situation seems to be at an impasse, all it takes is a little gentleness to smooth over the misunderstanding. Anointing is a sign of blessing.

Oil can symbolize- your blessing.

"Anoint" someone's hand- means to give a bribe or tip. Are you trying to bribe someone or is someone trying to bribe you?

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing butter in a dream- to fulfill a wish, buy it- to contentment, get dirty with it- to success in love.

Seeing or eating vegetable oil in a dream- a symbol of the stability of your position, the upcoming calm and measured life.

churning butter- to increase wealth, buttering something in a dream- to gossip, smear it on your head- to fame and recognition, eat highly oily foods- to your benefit!

Seeing a creamery in a dream- to the fulfillment of the most cherished desires, especially good dream, if you work on it.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

A dream involving lubricating oils- first of all, indicates sad thoughts. In addition, your health may deteriorate and you will have to go on a diet.

However, a large amount of oil- to success in entrepreneurship.

English dream book

Oil, be it in a butter dish, on bread or in porridge- always a good dream, it is a harbinger of holiday and fun. It's for a lover- promises a quick wedding. Tired of litigation- promises to win the case. After such a dream, your friend will finally return home safe and sound and will forever remain for you that true friend who is “known in trouble.” If you were in danger, now it will certainly pass you by.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

There is butter- to good news.

If someone is sprinkled with oil- this foretells him the protection of the grace of the Holy Spirit.

To be anointed with oil- to wealth, joy, good, both now and in the future.

Get oil- to joy.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream that someone is spreading butter on bread- this portends an acquaintance with a person with whom you will share common hobbies.

If you have difficulty spreading the butter or it is cold- this means that you will search for mutual understanding for a long time.

Drop the oil- means you have offended your loved one. You are used to saying whatever you think, but you don’t even suspect that it could offend another person.

A dream in which you buy oil- indicates that you feel guilty towards your partner and are trying to correct the harm caused.

Islamic dream book

The one who sees himself drinking oil in a dream- will fall ill or be bewitched.

Lard and oil- denote permissible property, learning, allowance or benefit.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Oil- a symbol of prosperity and material well-being; spreading butter on bread means profit.

Cream butter by hand- to hard but promising work; hands in oil- expect a pleasant surprise.

Lunar dream book

All kinds of oil- receiving mercy.

Chinese dream book

Eat butter- fortunately.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

Oil- this is a good sign. It portends joy and triumph, a quick end to suffering.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Oil- honor; smear your head- profit, debt collection; butter pancakes available- sadness, grief.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Oil- a sign of future envy between relatives; churning butter- portends perfect peace in the family; spill oil- inevitable loss; douse yourself with oil- a sign of benefit; collect oil- portends great benefit

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Oil- prosperity in everything.

Culinary dream book

There is oil in a dream- to be hated by relatives for something.

churning butter- peace and tranquility.

Spill melted butter (or any liquid butter in general)- imminent loss; spilling oil on yourself is a profit.

Dream book of a gypsy

Butter- you will be the owner of a fortune, but you will get wealth at too high a price.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Oil- good, respect; shoot down- grow rich; cow- fulfillment of the desired; There is- kissing, respect from someone, well-being; spread- they talk about you, promotion; drink vegetable oil- disease; pour- recovery; shed- a loss; wet yourself- benefit.

Olive tree see- melancholy.

Esoteric dream book

Any oil- to well-being.

Ukrainian dream book

Oil see- happiness, health; drink- disappointment in love.

There is oil - well-being.

Oil, smear- someone “smears” you with their tongue, they talk about you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The oil is even rancid- to well-being.

Collection of dream books

Oil- softening a tough situation.

If you are given oil in a dream- this portends friendliness and affectionate greetings.

Oil- showing respect; spread on bread- promotion up the career ladder.

Oil- losses, difficult times, difficult path to success

See butter or olive oil- to illness; spill vegetable oil or spread butter on something- to conflict, stressful situation; there is butter- to illness; eat any vegetable oil- in the diet it is necessary to give up butter and switch to vegetable oils.

See- illness and loss; spill- you are being pursued; get drenched- good deeds; drink- friends make your life path easier; see the blazing- joy and pleasure; linseed oil- winning; lubricating oils- things are going smoothly.

Vegetable oil for the sick- for recovery.

Seeing (or eating) a lot of butter- to great happiness and wealth.

Dreamed butter- means that you will soon have a son or daughter.

But if in a dream you buy butter- a dream predicts deep grief.

If you dreamed of vegetable oil- a heavy loss awaits you, which you cannot avoid.

Oil spilled in a dream- a sign that your money affairs will soon improve.

Get oil in a dream- a harbinger that you will complete your business with great profit, but only if you show scrupulousness and honesty.

The dream book considers butter in a dream as an ambiguous symbol. What this popular product means in a dream can be a harbinger of both quick enrichment and complete bankruptcy. The details of the dream will tell you from which side the danger lurks and where to expect support.

Culinary component

Butter is often included in sandwiches, so many interpretations consider it as a component. Freud's dream book explains why you dream of butter spread on a slice of bread especially for you. If you are lucky enough to eat a sandwich prepared by someone, be prepared for an interesting and pleasant acquaintance.

If you are your own cook, but the butter is so frozen that it is impossible to eat it or spread it on bread, what you see in a dream indicates some difficulties in friendships and love relationships.

A smoothly prepared delicious sandwich predicts success in literally everything: profit without special troubles, ease of communication, positive confident attitude.

The idea of ​​having a sandwich in a group in a dream indicates that in reality the dreamed characters will play an important role in the dreamer’s life.

If the sandwich turns out to be not only with sandwich butter, but also with cheese in addition, the dream book promises a carefree period of entertainment and relaxation, during which you will not have to deny yourself anything.

When you dreamed of a sweet bun instead of bread, what you saw in the dream foreshadows a fateful meeting with a representative of the opposite sex. If in a dream you happened to eat sweetened pancakes generously flavored with fat, in reality beware of flattering, insincere people. The coming period is rich in meetings with clever swindlers who are ready to rob anyone completely.

If you dreamed of potatoes covered in butter sauce and were lucky enough to eat them, you can rely on luck in business. The dream book believes that everything that this dish represents in dreams is associated with an increase in well-being.

On the counter

To see a wide assortment of varieties on display, but to buy only one, is for those dreamers who in reality expect troubles in their life. family life or in a love relationship.

Interpreting why one dreams of buying butter, the dream book mentions feelings of guilt. In reality, the sleeper feels guilty before someone and tries in every possible way to “butter up” his mistake.

The French dream book believes that buying butter happens to those who continue to yearn for their former lovers.

Expiration date

When you see butter in a dream, pay attention to whether the expiration date has expired. A rancid or moldy product portends intense labor.

If you dreamed that the butter became moldy, the interpretation promises that the considerable efforts to be made will not be wasted. The meaning of the dream, first of all, concerns the financial situation of the sleeper.

This is not the only explanation for why you dream of butter with mold. In the near future, it is strongly recommended not to expect too much even from those closest to you. This approach will help avoid disappointment.

If you happen to see in a dream that a product has become moldy, the dream book warns of impending injustice, which will cause serious offense.

You can not only buy butter, but also prepare it yourself. If you dreamed about this process, the old interpretation states that the desired result depends only on your efforts.

Melting and pouring this substance is considered a favorable symbol for the patient. The dream promises that his condition will improve significantly.


Dream Interpretation Butter

Dream Interpretation - Butter

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Beat butter

Dream Interpretation Beat butter dreamed of why you dream about whipping butter? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see whipping butter in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Butter

Seeing him in a dream means good events.

Workers eating butter means promotion.

If a trader eats butter, it means more profit.

Buying oil at the market means prosperity.

Churning butter is a sign of success in your business.

If in a dream you saw that you were selling butter, or saw that someone threw butter at you, it means great trouble, misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Eating butter in a dream, spreading it on bread or a roll, means upcoming disputes with relatives regarding the division of property and real estate - disputes that will be resolved in your favor if the butter is fresh and appetizing, and if it is old and rancid, it means that you will lose. Buying loose oil in a store portends peace and tranquility in the home, complete prosperity and prosperity. Oil packaged in packs or jars promises inevitable loss of time and money in a stupid enterprise. Buy village yellow oil at the market - in reality you will make a profit. Chocolate butter is a sign of luxury and abundance, which you will achieve by implementing your planned project. Salted butter - you will shed a lot of tears when you marry your chosen one.

Sunflower oil seen in a dream foreshadows good health and constant prosperity, while olive oil, on the contrary, portends illness and losses. Corn oil is a sign of flattery, deception and hypocrisy of the people around you.

Flaxseed oil is a harbinger of a large monetary win or award.

Wooden oil predicts a sad event among close relatives and a forced trip to them.

Camphor oil - to sadness over irreparable losses.

Household engine oil is a sign of upcoming expenses for the purchase of an absolutely necessary for the home, but very expensive item. Car oil portends a fun trip to distant lands with a dear friend. Gun oil - you will experience anxiety about the fate of your children.

Cooking something with butter or vegetable oil predicts troubles and preparations for welcoming dear guests. Adding oil to some dish (porridge, salad, etc.) - such a dream does not bode well in terms of material wealth; most likely you will have to switch to saving mode.

If you spilled oil in a dream, it means that in reality you will be persecuted and held accountable. Lubricating something with oil means success in business and prosperity.

Oiling your body or hair means that friends will help you get back on your feet after a crushing failure in business or entrepreneurship.

Seeing burning oil means serious life trials will fall to your lot, overcoming which you will achieve a stable position and family happiness that you have dreamed of.

Buying or selling oil in a dream foretells a small profit from a dubious and too troublesome business. A large amount of oil seen in a store or warehouse is a sign of great activity and good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Oil, oddly enough, is a very ambiguous symbol. There are a lot of well-known expressions that, translated from the language of the subconscious, can predict the development of your financial affairs, relationships with people, and work situations. They say: “Ride like cheese in butter,” that is, have all the benefits and prosperity. The expression: “Adding fuel to the fire” characterizes human relationships, “You can’t spoil porridge with butter” - your activity, “Buttering someone” - your attitude towards another person, “Everything is going like clockwork” - the state of affairs.

Seeing a lot of butter in a dream - such a dream promises the successful development of your affairs, even something that has not been possible for a long time will get off the ground and receive a worthy conclusion.

Spreading butter on bread - this dream promises contentment, material well-being, perhaps a bonus or salary increase, and it is also possible that a valuable gift awaits you.

If you dreamed that you spilled vegetable oil, then this dream foreshadows unfavorable changes that will soon occur in your life and will be associated with your carelessness and inattention to others.

Filling any mechanism with machine oil means that in reality you will have a streak of luck; things will go especially well at work, you will establish excellent relationships with colleagues and superiors, you will easily do a lot of things and receive encouragement.

If you dreamed that you were churning butter by hand, then this is a sign that you are facing a difficult period, you will be tired and work hard, but your efforts will be rewarded.

If you dreamed that your hands were covered in oil, then expect a surprise from fate - happiness itself comes into your hands, the main thing is not to miss it, it is very close.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

If in a dream you ate fresh, golden butter, then your plans will come true and your health will not let you down. You will also gain wealth and knowledge.

Rancid oil also dreams of prosperity, but acquired through hard physical labor.

If you sold oil in a dream, do not expect big profits.

A woman who lubricates her body with oil in a dream will plunge headlong into frivolous entertainment.

If you saw in a dream how someone spreads butter on bread, you will meet a pleasant person.

If in a dream you had difficulty spreading cold butter on bread, then you will not immediately find harmony in your relationship.

Dropped oil on the floor - offend your partner without meaning to.

If you bought oil at the market in a dream, you will feel guilty before your partner and will try with all your might to appease him.

Beat the butter - peace and tranquility await you.

If melted butter is spilled, loss is possible. If you spill oil on yourself, expect profit.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Butter Seeing appetizing butter or vegetable oil, if there is not too much of it: suggests that treating people kindly will help you significantly improve your well-being.

At the same time, if there is too much oil: such a dream may warn that you are surrounded by flatterers.

Getting dirty with oil or seeing rancid oil in a dream is a sign that by succumbing to flattering words, you risk getting into an unpleasant situation.

The same dream also warns you against the temptation to achieve what you want through flattery.

Machine oil in a dream: a warning about possible friction due to business or economic relations. Such a dream encourages you to be more flexible and diplomatic in communicating with people, otherwise your business may be shaken. Ghee is knowledge that is beneficial in the worldly and afterlife.

Some say that drinking oil means illness and the evil eye.

Drinking the sediment from the oil means money acquired through humiliation. Vegetable oil means wealth and livelihood, earned honestly, and healing for those who anoint themselves with it. Olive oil is knowledge, barakat, the true path, spiritual light (nur) healing and a wonderful destiny from Allah. Butter is a sign of productivity, good earnings, benefits and benefits. Fat, oil anointing the head or beard with fat (oil) indicates beauty and goodness.

Anyone who sees a large amount of oil spilled on the floor will experience a lot of distress.

Some interpretative scholars say that any fat is a sign of sadness, except oil.

If there is musk or other incense in the fat, then this is praise for him for a good deed that he did not commit.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Churning butter or eating butter is a sign of well-being, health, laziness and wealth.

Even rancid oil means prosperity.

Selling oil means making a small profit.

Cooking anything with butter means receiving important guests.

Lubricating the body with oil is a sign of frivolous entertainment.

Spilling melted butter means loss, but if the drops get on your clothes, it means profit.

Fueling something with vegetable oil means a modest income.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Any dream about oil is favorable and foretells prosperity, happiness and gifts.

The more oil you see in a dream, the more good things await you in life.

Oil with a pungent odor in a dream, on the contrary, warns of flattery, deception, and hypocrisy. Drinking oil in a dream is a sign of illness or trouble. Smearing your head with oil in a dream means receiving money and important news. Sometimes such a dream predicts important changes in life. Spilling oil in a dream means that you will receive a lot of pleasure and gifts from a loved one. Any food in a dream, generously sprinkled with oil, portends profit and prosperity. But if the food contains cottage cheese or cheese, then expect deception or some kind of trick. There are butter cakes - a bad dream, which, on the contrary, predicts losses. See interpretation: pancakes, pasta, mushrooms.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Butter - to make your wishes come true.

Buying butter means satisfaction.

Getting dirty with butter means success in love.

Consuming vegetable oil is a symbol of the stability of your position and the upcoming calm and measured life.

Churning butter means increasing wealth.

Spreading butter on something in a dream means gossip.

Anointing your head with oil means fame and recognition.

Eating heavily oily foods is beneficial.

Seeing a creamery in a dream means that your deepest desires will come true.

Working in a creamery means a particularly good dream.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

If in a dream you saw that you were anointing your hair with odorless oil, it means failure in your business.

If you lubricate your hair with fragrant oil, it means health.

Making fragrant oil means a calm atmosphere in the family.

Giving a woman fragrant oil is a sign of love.

If you smear oil on your body, you will get sick.

Seeing broken cans of oil means success in business.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

To dream that you are eating fresh golden butter is a sign of good health and plans being fulfilled.

This dream will bring you property, wealth and knowledge.

Eating rancid oil means prosperity, a fortune acquired through hard physical labor.

Selling oil promises you a small profit.

If a woman has a dream in which she lubricates her body with oil, this portends that she will soon become immersed in frivolous entertainment.


Dream Interpretation Butter dreamed of why you dream about Butter? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see butter in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Butter

Seeing him in a dream means good events.

Workers eating butter means promotion.

If a trader eats butter, it means more profit.

Buying oil at the market means prosperity.

Churning butter is a sign of success in your business.

If in a dream you saw that you were selling butter, or saw that someone threw butter at you, it means great trouble, misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Eating butter in a dream, spreading it on bread or a roll, means upcoming disputes with relatives regarding the division of property and real estate - disputes that will be resolved in your favor if the butter is fresh and appetizing, and if it is old and rancid, it means that you will lose. Buying loose oil in a store portends peace and tranquility in the home, complete prosperity and prosperity. Oil packaged in packs or jars promises inevitable loss of time and money in a stupid enterprise. Buy village yellow oil at the market - in reality you will make a profit. Chocolate butter is a sign of luxury and abundance, which you will achieve by implementing your planned project. Salted butter - you will shed a lot of tears when you marry your chosen one.

Sunflower oil seen in a dream foreshadows good health and constant prosperity, while olive oil, on the contrary, portends illness and losses. Corn oil is a sign of flattery, deception and hypocrisy of the people around you.

Flaxseed oil is a harbinger of a large monetary win or award.

Wooden oil predicts a sad event among close relatives and a forced trip to them.

Camphor oil - to sadness over irreparable losses.

Household engine oil is a sign of upcoming expenses for the purchase of an absolutely necessary for the home, but very expensive item. Car oil portends a fun trip to distant lands with a dear friend. Gun oil - you will experience anxiety about the fate of your children.

Cooking something with butter or vegetable oil predicts troubles and preparations for welcoming dear guests. Adding oil to some dish (porridge, salad, etc.) - such a dream does not bode well in terms of material wealth; most likely you will have to switch to saving mode.

If you spilled oil in a dream, it means that in reality you will be persecuted and held accountable. Lubricating something with oil means success in business and prosperity.

Oiling your body or hair means that friends will help you get back on your feet after a crushing failure in business or entrepreneurship.

Seeing burning oil means serious life trials will fall to your lot, overcoming which you will achieve a stable position and family happiness that you have dreamed of.

Buying or selling oil in a dream foretells a small profit from a dubious and too troublesome business. A large amount of oil seen in a store or warehouse is a sign of great activity and good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Butter Seeing appetizing butter or vegetable oil, if there is not too much of it: suggests that treating people kindly will help you significantly improve your well-being.

At the same time, if there is too much oil: such a dream may warn that you are surrounded by flatterers.

Getting dirty with oil or seeing rancid oil in a dream is a sign that by succumbing to flattering words, you risk getting into an unpleasant situation.

The same dream also warns you against the temptation to achieve what you want through flattery.

Machine oil in a dream: a warning about possible friction due to business or economic relations. Such a dream encourages you to be more flexible and diplomatic in communicating with people, otherwise your business may be shaken. Ghee is knowledge that is beneficial in the worldly and afterlife.

Some say that drinking oil means illness and the evil eye.

Drinking the sediment from the oil means money acquired through humiliation. Vegetable oil means wealth and livelihood, earned honestly, and healing for those who anoint themselves with it. Olive oil is knowledge, barakat, the true path, spiritual light (nur) healing and a wonderful destiny from Allah. Butter is a sign of productivity, good earnings, benefits and benefits. Fat, oil anointing the head or beard with fat (oil) indicates beauty and goodness.

Anyone who sees a large amount of oil spilled on the floor will experience a lot of distress.

Some interpretative scholars say that any fat is a sign of sadness, except oil.

If there is musk or other incense in the fat, then this is praise for him for a good deed that he did not commit.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Oil, oddly enough, is a very ambiguous symbol. There are a lot of well-known expressions that, translated from the language of the subconscious, can predict the development of your financial affairs, relationships with people, and work situations. They say: “Ride like cheese in butter,” that is, have all the benefits and prosperity. The expression: “Adding fuel to the fire” characterizes human relationships, “You can’t spoil porridge with butter” - your activity, “Buttering someone” - your attitude towards another person, “Everything is going like clockwork” - the state of affairs.

Seeing a lot of butter in a dream - such a dream promises the successful development of your affairs, even something that has not been possible for a long time will get off the ground and receive a worthy conclusion.

Spreading butter on bread - this dream promises contentment, material well-being, perhaps a bonus or salary increase, and it is also possible that a valuable gift awaits you.

If you dreamed that you spilled vegetable oil, then this dream foreshadows unfavorable changes that will soon occur in your life and will be associated with your carelessness and inattention to others.

Filling any mechanism with machine oil means that in reality you will have a streak of luck; things will go especially well at work, you will establish excellent relationships with colleagues and superiors, you will easily do a lot of things and receive encouragement.

If you dreamed that you were churning butter by hand, then this is a sign that you are facing a difficult period, you will be tired and work hard, but your efforts will be rewarded.

If you dreamed that your hands were covered in oil, then expect a surprise from fate - happiness itself comes into your hands, the main thing is not to miss it, it is very close.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

If in a dream you ate fresh, golden butter, then your plans will come true and your health will not let you down. You will also gain wealth and knowledge.

Rancid oil also dreams of prosperity, but acquired through hard physical labor.

If you sold oil in a dream, do not expect big profits.

A woman who lubricates her body with oil in a dream will plunge headlong into frivolous entertainment.

If you saw in a dream how someone spreads butter on bread, you will meet a pleasant person.

If in a dream you had difficulty spreading cold butter on bread, then you will not immediately find harmony in your relationship.

Dropped oil on the floor - offend your partner without meaning to.

If you bought oil at the market in a dream, you will feel guilty before your partner and will try with all your might to appease him.

Beat the butter - peace and tranquility await you.

If melted butter is spilled, loss is possible. If you spill oil on yourself, expect profit.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Any dream about oil is favorable and foretells prosperity, happiness and gifts.

The more oil you see in a dream, the more good things await you in life.

Oil with a pungent odor in a dream, on the contrary, warns of flattery, deception, and hypocrisy. Drinking oil in a dream is a sign of illness or trouble. Smearing your head with oil in a dream means receiving money and important news. Sometimes such a dream predicts important changes in life. Spilling oil in a dream means that you will receive a lot of pleasure and gifts from a loved one. Any food in a dream, generously sprinkled with oil, portends profit and prosperity. But if the food contains cottage cheese or cheese, then expect deception or some kind of trick. There are butter cakes - a bad dream, which, on the contrary, predicts losses. See interpretation: pancakes, pasta, mushrooms.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Butter - to make your wishes come true.

Buying butter means satisfaction.

Getting dirty with butter means success in love.

Consuming vegetable oil is a symbol of the stability of your position and the upcoming calm and measured life.

Churning butter means increasing wealth.

Spreading butter on something in a dream means gossip.

Anointing your head with oil means fame and recognition.

Eating heavily oily foods is beneficial.

Seeing a creamery in a dream means that your deepest desires will come true.

Working in a creamery means a particularly good dream.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Churning butter or eating butter is a sign of well-being, health, laziness and wealth.

Even rancid oil means prosperity.

Selling oil means making a small profit.

Cooking anything with butter means receiving important guests.

Lubricating the body with oil is a sign of frivolous entertainment.

Spilling melted butter means loss, but if the drops get on your clothes, it means profit.

Fueling something with vegetable oil means a modest income.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

If in a dream you saw that you were anointing your hair with odorless oil, it means failure in your business.

If you lubricate your hair with fragrant oil, it means health.

Making fragrant oil means a calm atmosphere in the family.

Giving a woman fragrant oil is a sign of love.

If you smear oil on your body, you will get sick.

Seeing broken cans of oil means success in business.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Butter - To see someone spreading butter on bread in a dream means meeting a pleasant person, which quickly leads to complete mutual understanding. If in your dream you had difficulty spreading butter on bread because it turned out to be too cold, then you will not be able to find harmony right away.

If you dream that you are dropping oil on the floor, then you will offend your partner without meaning to - it will seem to you that you are opening his eyes to the true state of affairs. Buying butter at the market in a dream means you feel guilty before your “counterpart” and therefore try with all your might to appease him. In fact, all that is needed is attention and care.

Why do you dream about butter?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream about butter?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see something other than Butter in your dream, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

Why do you dream about butter?

Seeing him in a dream means good events.

Workers eating butter means promotion.

If a trader eats butter, it means more profit.

Buying oil at the market means prosperity.

Churning butter is a sign of success in your business.

If in a dream you saw that you were selling butter, or saw that someone threw butter at you, it means great trouble, misfortune.

boiling oil

Dream interpretation Boiling oil dreamed of why you dream about boiling oil? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Boiling Oil in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Eating butter in a dream, spreading it on bread or a roll, means upcoming disputes with relatives regarding the division of property and real estate - disputes that will be resolved in your favor if the butter is fresh and appetizing, and if it is old and rancid, it means that you will lose. Buying loose oil in a store portends peace and tranquility in the home, complete prosperity and prosperity. Oil packaged in packs or jars promises inevitable loss of time and money in a stupid enterprise. Buy village yellow oil at the market - in reality you will make a profit. Chocolate butter is a sign of luxury and abundance, which you will achieve by implementing your planned project. Salted butter - you will shed a lot of tears when you marry your chosen one.

Sunflower oil seen in a dream foreshadows good health and constant prosperity, while olive oil, on the contrary, portends illness and losses. Corn oil is a sign of flattery, deception and hypocrisy of the people around you.

Flaxseed oil is a harbinger of a large monetary win or award.

Wooden oil predicts a sad event among close relatives and a forced trip to them.

Camphor oil - to sadness over irreparable losses.

Household engine oil is a sign of upcoming expenses for the purchase of an absolutely necessary for the home, but very expensive item. Car oil portends a fun trip to distant lands with a dear friend. Gun oil - you will experience anxiety about the fate of your children.

Cooking something with butter or vegetable oil predicts troubles and preparations for welcoming dear guests. Adding oil to some dish (porridge, salad, etc.) - such a dream does not bode well in terms of material wealth; most likely you will have to switch to saving mode.

If you spilled oil in a dream, it means that in reality you will be persecuted and held accountable. Lubricating something with oil means success in business and prosperity.

Oiling your body or hair means that friends will help you get back on your feet after a crushing failure in business or entrepreneurship.

Seeing burning oil means serious life trials will fall to your lot, overcoming which you will achieve a stable position and family happiness that you have dreamed of.

Buying or selling oil in a dream foretells a small profit from a dubious and too troublesome business. A large amount of oil seen in a store or warehouse is a sign of great activity and good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Butter Seeing appetizing butter or vegetable oil, if there is not too much of it: suggests that treating people kindly will help you significantly improve your well-being.

At the same time, if there is too much oil: such a dream may warn that you are surrounded by flatterers.

Getting dirty with oil or seeing rancid oil in a dream is a sign that by succumbing to flattering words, you risk getting into an unpleasant situation.

The same dream also warns you against the temptation to achieve what you want through flattery.

Machine oil in a dream: a warning about possible friction due to business or economic relations. Such a dream encourages you to be more flexible and diplomatic in communicating with people, otherwise your business may be shaken. Ghee is knowledge that is beneficial in the worldly and afterlife.

Some say that drinking oil means illness and the evil eye.

Drinking the sediment from the oil means money acquired through humiliation. Vegetable oil means wealth and livelihood, earned honestly, and healing for those who anoint themselves with it. Olive oil is knowledge, barakat, the true path, spiritual light (nur) healing and a wonderful destiny from Allah. Butter is a sign of productivity, good earnings, benefits and benefits. Fat, oil anointing the head or beard with fat (oil) indicates beauty and goodness.

Anyone who sees a large amount of oil spilled on the floor will experience a lot of distress.

Some interpretative scholars say that any fat is a sign of sadness, except oil.

If there is musk or other incense in the fat, then this is praise for him for a good deed that he did not commit.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Oil, oddly enough, is a very ambiguous symbol. There are a lot of well-known expressions that, translated from the language of the subconscious, can predict the development of your financial affairs, relationships with people, and work situations. They say: “Ride like cheese in butter,” that is, have all the benefits and prosperity. The expression: “Adding fuel to the fire” characterizes human relationships, “You can’t spoil porridge with butter” - your activity, “Buttering someone” - your attitude towards another person, “Everything is going like clockwork” - the state of affairs.

Seeing a lot of butter in a dream - such a dream promises the successful development of your affairs, even something that has not been possible for a long time will get off the ground and receive a worthy conclusion.

Spreading butter on bread - this dream promises contentment, material well-being, perhaps a bonus or salary increase, and it is also possible that a valuable gift awaits you.

If you dreamed that you spilled vegetable oil, then this dream foreshadows unfavorable changes that will soon occur in your life and will be associated with your carelessness and inattention to others.

Filling any mechanism with machine oil means that in reality you will have a streak of luck; things will go especially well at work, you will establish excellent relationships with colleagues and superiors, you will easily do a lot of things and receive encouragement.

If you dreamed that you were churning butter by hand, then this is a sign that you are facing a difficult period, you will be tired and work hard, but your efforts will be rewarded.

If you dreamed that your hands were covered in oil, then expect a surprise from fate - happiness itself comes into your hands, the main thing is not to miss it, it is very close.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

If in a dream you ate fresh, golden butter, then your plans will come true and your health will not let you down. You will also gain wealth and knowledge.

Rancid oil also dreams of prosperity, but acquired through hard physical labor.

If you sold oil in a dream, do not expect big profits.

A woman who lubricates her body with oil in a dream will plunge headlong into frivolous entertainment.

If you saw in a dream how someone spreads butter on bread, you will meet a pleasant person.

If in a dream you had difficulty spreading cold butter on bread, then you will not immediately find harmony in your relationship.

Dropped oil on the floor - offend your partner without meaning to.

If you bought oil at the market in a dream, you will feel guilty before your partner and will try with all your might to appease him.

Beat the butter - peace and tranquility await you.

If melted butter is spilled, loss is possible. If you spill oil on yourself, expect profit.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Any dream about oil is favorable and foretells prosperity, happiness and gifts.

The more oil you see in a dream, the more good things await you in life.

Oil with a pungent odor in a dream, on the contrary, warns of flattery, deception, and hypocrisy. Drinking oil in a dream is a sign of illness or trouble. Smearing your head with oil in a dream means receiving money and important news. Sometimes such a dream predicts important changes in life. Spilling oil in a dream means that you will receive a lot of pleasure and gifts from a loved one. Any food in a dream, generously sprinkled with oil, portends profit and prosperity. But if the food contains cottage cheese or cheese, then expect deception or some kind of trick. There are butter cakes - a bad dream, which, on the contrary, predicts losses. See interpretation: pancakes, pasta, mushrooms.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Butter - to make your wishes come true.

Buying butter means satisfaction.

Getting dirty with butter means success in love.

Consuming vegetable oil is a symbol of the stability of your position and the upcoming calm and measured life.

Churning butter means increasing wealth.

Spreading butter on something in a dream means gossip.

Anointing your head with oil means fame and recognition.

Eating heavily oily foods is beneficial.

Seeing a creamery in a dream means that your deepest desires will come true.

Working in a creamery means a particularly good dream.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Churning butter or eating butter is a sign of well-being, health, laziness and wealth.

Even rancid oil means prosperity.

Selling oil means making a small profit.

Cooking anything with butter means receiving important guests.

Lubricating the body with oil is a sign of frivolous entertainment.

Spilling melted butter means loss, but if the drops get on your clothes, it means profit.

Fueling something with vegetable oil means a modest income.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

If in a dream you saw that you were anointing your hair with odorless oil, it means failure in your business.

If you lubricate your hair with fragrant oil, it means health.

Making fragrant oil means a calm atmosphere in the family.

Giving a woman fragrant oil is a sign of love.

If you smear oil on your body, you will get sick.

Seeing broken cans of oil means success in business.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Butter - To see someone spreading butter on bread in a dream means meeting a pleasant person, which quickly leads to complete mutual understanding. If in your dream you had difficulty spreading butter on bread because it turned out to be too cold, then you will not be able to find harmony right away.

If you dream that you are dropping oil on the floor, then you will offend your partner without meaning to - it will seem to you that you are opening his eyes to the true state of affairs. Buying butter at the market in a dream means you feel guilty before your “counterpart” and therefore try with all your might to appease him. In fact, all that is needed is attention and care.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Eating butter in a dream means being hated by relatives for something. Churning butter means peace and tranquility. Spilling melted butter (or any liquid butter in general) is an inevitable loss; spilling oil on yourself is a profit.

Melt the butter

Dream Interpretation - Oil

To the profit of an unexpected expensive gift.

A puddle of oil - you may be humiliated or you will have to humiliate yourself.

Olive oil - you will give a bribe to an official.

Sunflower oil - the law will hinder your initiative.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Seeing oil means a disagreement with a friend.

Eating butter means prosperity, prosperity.

Eating heavily oiled porridge is a benefit.

Beating butter means increasing wealth.

Buying it is harmful, a warning.

Smearing your body with it is a disease.

Head - glory.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Butter - for money, help.

Machine oil - your business will go like clockwork.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

If you dream of fresh golden oil, it foretells good fortune, love and a profitable marriage.

A woman who dreams that she is anointing her body with oil will indulge in frivolous entertainment, which will arouse the disapproval of her lover.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Promises that the future will be better than the past.

Seeing butter is good luck, success in love.

Liquid, vegetable oil is a warning about deception.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Eat oil, vinegar, soy sauce, liquid seasonings - fortunately.

If a dress gets dirty with oil or grease, there will be mercy and protection from above.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

This may indicate flattery.

Is anyone trying to flatter you? Are they doing it sincerely? Perhaps you yourself should use flattery instead of aggression to achieve the final result? Oil can symbolize: “lubrication” in difficult life situations.

Sometimes, when a situation seems to be at an impasse, all it takes is a little gentleness to smooth over the misunderstanding.

Anointing is a sign of blessing.

Oil can symbolize: your blessing.

to "anoint" someone's hand: means to give a bribe or tip.

Are you trying to bribe someone or is someone trying to bribe you?

Dream Interpretation - Oil

If you are given oil in a dream, this foretells friendliness and affectionate greetings.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Lard and oil represent lawful property, learning, allowance or benefit.

Dream Interpretation - Oil

Oil, whether in a butter dish, on bread or in porridge, is always a good dream; it is a harbinger of holiday and fun. It promises a quick wedding for a lover. For those who are tired of litigation, the case is promised to win. After such a dream, your friend will finally return home safe and sound and will forever remain for you that true friend who is “known in trouble.” If you were in danger, now it will certainly pass you by.

If you want to decipher a dream about butter, then keep in mind that you need to remember: in the company of what products it was served to the table, or as an ingredient in what dish it was used.

The interpretation of the dream largely depends on this, because if you recall the proverb “Like cheese rolls in butter,” then it immediately becomes clear that on the one hand we are talking about well-being and wealth. On the other hand, it is about envy or even anger towards the lucky person who does not experience need or sadness. So, why do you dream about butter?

Sandwich fantasies

The very name of the sandwich, literally translated from German, warns that this snack is unthinkable without butter, in particular butter. Hence the numerous predictions regarding what dreams of a slice of roll or bread smeared with butter mean.

According to Miller, preparing a sandwich in a dream, taking into account your taste, with love, means that in reality you will have a prosperous future life, and prosperity both in material terms and in your personal life. Fate will love and pamper you.

When in a dream you yourself try to spread chilled butter on a piece of bread, but it is frozen and crumbles, the dream book predicts some problems and difficulties in relationships with friends or a loved one.

The one who dreamed that he deftly made sandwiches, carefully spreading them, will cope with any tasks in reality without much hassle. This vision is typical for people who are confident, sociable, and friendly. That is why they are valued and loved by others.

Why did you dream that you were snacking on sandwiches in the company of friends? It’s great if you managed to remember the characters in your dream; one of them will play an important role in your life.

Was the dreamed sandwich flavored not only with butter, but also with a slice of cheese? Then, in the near future you will really have a calm, well-fed life, full of entertainment, exciting adventures, pleasant gatherings with family and friends.

Baked goods, pancakes

Did you dream about a sweet bun? Then a fateful acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex awaits you, the dream book promises.

But pancakes generously greased with butter in a dream remind you that you need to keep your ears on top when communicating with people who praise you nonstop, trying to win your favor. Please note that flatterers always pursue selfish interests. And the dream book warns that soon the sleeper will have to deal with swindlers, swindlers, if the pancakes were with cottage cheese.

If you dreamed of boiled potatoes sprinkled with butter sauce, then rest assured: good luck accompanies you in all matters, the dream book promises.

On the grocery store counter

It is interesting how the vision is interpreted, that you are standing in front of a display case with many types of butter, but you buy only one piece. Such a plot does not exclude troubles in his personal life, quarrels with a loved one or household members. Buying butter in a dream, in the dream book, is an association with the dreamer’s desire to make amends to someone, to “butter up” offended person. And the French collection of dream predictions assures that oil in a dream is purchased by someone who misses a former partner or lover.

Quality and grade

Why do you dream about butter that has expired? If the product was clearly spoiled: rancid and covered with mold, then in reality you will need to work up a sweat to achieve the desired result.

Often, mold on oil is a warning that the dreamer’s time and energy will be wasted. Especially when it comes to material rewards.

However, there is another explanation for what it means to see moldy butter in a dream. Dream books hint that you should not place special hopes on your family and friends. Unfortunately, they will not live up to the expectations of the sleeper, and therefore he may experience a feeling of disappointment.

In addition, a moldy product also suggests that in reality an incident may occur, as a result of which the dreamer will be unfairly accused of something.

Knock down, pour over

Why did you dream that you churned butter yourself? Then, according to ancient beliefs, you will receive strictly what you deserve. In other words: the more you stomp, the more you stomp.

Did you happen to heat up or melt butter in your night dreams? This is an excellent sign, promising that the sleeper’s physical condition will noticeably improve. If he is sick, he will certainly get better soon.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 03/27/2020

Next night is important for those interested personal life more than work. A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The thing is, ...

Oil in a dream is often a positive sign. It promises well-being and hints that you need to literally “grease up.” the full interpretation depends on additional details of the plot. Dream books offer the most accurate interpretation.

Why do you dream about oil according to Miller’s dream book?

Eat butter - if it is not spoiled, all your dreams will come true, you will have good health, you will get rich.

If you have eaten oil that is not fresh, you will also become rich if you are not lazy and work tirelessly. Implementing it will result in small income. Ladies lubricate themselves with oil - you will not be able to reason intelligently due to your easy behavior.

Oil - Vanga's dream book

Oil always dreams of a prosperous life.

Why do you dream about oil according to Freud's dream book?

Spread on a bun - meet the person of your dreams. If it doesn’t spread well on the confectionery product, you won’t have a quick meeting with your soulmate. If you accidentally dropped it on the floor, you will hurt the pride of the person you love.

If you purchase this product, you have done something wrong and are looking for a compromise with your partner, but you just need to show cordiality and sensitivity.

What does it mean to dream about oil according to the English dream book

Oil always dreams of happiness in everything. For lovers - for marriage. If in reality there is a trial involving the dreamer, the outcome of the case will end in your favor.

Your friend is on a long business trip and will return from there in good health. Oil - all misfortunes will bypass you.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Assyrian dream book?

They gave you a pack of butter - a necessary, friendly, warm date awaits you.

Oil in a dream - interpretation according to the French dream book

If you take oil from retail outlets, it portends a big disaster. Spilled sunflower - your well-being will change in better side. If you purchased it, the business you started will be completed with a profit, but everything must be done honestly and delicately.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Esoteric dream book?

Oil - good luck awaits you.

Oil - Autumn dream book

It is seen as a change for the better.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Summer dream book?

The symbol indicates that it is important to follow a diet.

What does it mean if you dreamed about oil according to the Women’s dream book

Consume - your health will improve, your dreams will come true. There is bitter oil - wealth will come, but with a lot of energy. Sold - to little wealth. A lady applies it to her body - she will be characterized by indecent behavior.

Oil in a dream according to Velesov’s dream book

Oil - reverence.

  • Churning butter means big profits.
  • Creamy - your wish will come true.
  • Eating it means you will be revered and will bring prosperity.
  • The dreamer smears it on a baked product - moving up the career ladder.
  • If you drink it, you will get sick.
  • Pour it into some container and you will get better.
  • Spilled - to loss.
  • Doused yourself with oil - get a good profit.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Russian dream book?

The image says that everything is fine in your life. Grease a bun with it - to prosperity.

Knocking it down is a difficult job that will bring prosperity to family budget. If you see oil on your hands, you will receive an unexpected gift.

Oil - interpretation according to Aesop's dream book

Seeing oil in a dream means prosperity in life. A large amount of product - all started and long-standing affairs will end happily.

Spreading on the cooking means any profit (bonus, salary increase, gift in the form of banknotes).

Why do you dream about oil according to E. Tsvetkov’s dream book?

Any oil means happiness.

Oil - Ukrainian dream book

If you drank any liquid oil, you will have no luck in a love relationship.

Ate it - wealth.

Spread on bread - they are talking about you.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Spring dream book?

Oil in any form is a sign of wealth.

Oil in a dream according to Gypsy’s dream book

Eat it and your loved ones will envy you.

Whisk - happiness in family life.

If it's spilled, it's a loss.

Doused on clothes - increase in condition.

Collecting spilled oil means big profits.

Why do you dream about oil according to the dream book of Simon Canaanite?

Oil - you are flattered or deceived by your work colleagues.

I dreamed about oil according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Cow butter is good luck in everything.

It is not fresh - success will be achieved through hard work.

Implementing it is a small, but profitable profit.

Why else do you dream about oil?

  • Why do you dream about butter?

Creamy - a baby will be born in your family. It also means well-being in everything.

  • Why do you dream about sunflower oil?

Sunflower oil, seen in a dream in different situations, portends good luck in everything.

  • Why do you dream about vegetable oil?

Fresh, tasty vegetable oil symbolizes that your plans are destined to come true.

If it is bitter, you will have to work hard to make your dream come true. This image also warns that you may be deceived.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

even rancid - to well-being.

The meaning of a dream about oil

according to Freud's dream book

To see someone buttering bread in a dream means meeting a pleasant person, which quickly leads to complete mutual understanding. If in your dream you had difficulty spreading butter on bread because it turned out to be too cold, then you will not be able to find harmony right away. If you dream that you are dropping oil on the floor, then you will offend your partner without meaning to - it will seem to you that you are opening his eyes to the true state of affairs. Buying butter at the market in a dream means you feel guilty before your “counterpart” and therefore try with all your might to appease him. In fact, all that is needed is attention and care.

I dreamed about oil

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are eating fresh golden butter is a sign of good health and plans being fulfilled. This dream will bring you property, wealth and knowledge. Eating rancid oil means prosperity, a fortune acquired through hard physical labor. Selling oil promises you little profit. If a woman has a dream in which she anoints her body with oil, this foretells that she will soon become immersed in frivolous entertainment.

Why does an artist dream?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see is a warning against illusions and wasted hopes; to be him is strong love.

The meaning of a dream about an artist

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing an artist in a dream - soon all your worries and worries will end, and complete calm will come. Buy paintings from an artist - as your relationship with a new acquaintance develops, you will find out that this is the person you have been waiting for all your life.

I dreamed about amaranth

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes immortality

The meaning of a dream about drawing

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that someone was drawing you, it means that you are filled with unspent feeling and don’t know where to direct it, to whom to pour it out. You would like to surrender yourself to love selflessly, because self-sacrifice and mercy are defining for your character. If you haven't met your life partner yet, know that it will happen very soon. Someone will feel an irresistible attraction to you. If you drew in a dream, it means that in real life you tend to idealize yourself and your life, not paying attention to objective factors. You convince yourself that everything in your life is going well and flawlessly, but in reality things are not so rosy.

I dreamed about a portrait

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you look at a portrait of some beautiful person, then the answer to this dream is this: while enjoying something beautiful, you should remember that such joys are fraught with worries and betrayal. Dreams in which you see portraits cause damage to your daily activities.

Why do you dream about a portrait?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

pleasant fright; own - aspirations, plans; children; family - to separation, troubles in business or relationships; friends - good news; removing from the wall is ingratitude; hang on the wall - fame; draw - meeting; unexpected acquisitions; buy - purchase housing; portrait (for the bride and groom) - wedding upset; someone draws - (similar or dissimilar) - circumstances will be in your favor or against you, especially if the artist is a woman.

I dreamed about a picture

according to Miller's dream book

If a picture appears in front of you in a dream, it means that trouble will happen to you and you will be deceived. If in a dream you paint a picture in oil, it means that you have to take part in some dubious and risky enterprise. If you damaged a painting in a dream, it means that you will have to make significant efforts to protect your rights. Buying paintings in a dream is a prediction of unworthy speculation. Seeing your portrait on a family tree in a dream promises you prosperity and satisfaction, but at the same time disappointment in friendships and lack of mutual understanding. If you dream that you are surrounded by the best engravings of ancient and modern masters, it means that you are obsessed with a passionate desire for the highest achievements, in comparison with which your real successes seem pathetic. Visiting an art gallery in a dream means disagreement. You will begin to make efforts to establish peace and mutual understanding at home, striving with your soul for completely different people.

I dreamed about paint

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing freshly painted houses in a dream foretells that you will achieve success in fulfilling your personal plans. Finding paint on your clothes promises that you will face troubles associated with the rash judgments of others. To dream that you yourself are holding a brush in your hands is a harbinger of satisfaction with your current occupation. If in a dream you look at masterpieces of painting, this means that your friends will behave insincerely towards you, and you will discover deception where you least expected. If a young woman dreams that she is painting a picture, she will be deceived by her lover, who will prefer another. If in a dream you observe the dyeing of dresses and fabrics, this promises you good luck or bad luck, depending on the color of the dye: blue, red and gold are favorable, black and white are not so good.

Why do you dream of drawing?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

unexpected income from a trivial matter; for the young - deception through hope.

Sunflower oil- the law will hinder your initiative.

New dream book 1918

Oil - showing respect; spread on bread- promotion up the career ladder.

Russian dream book

Oil - losses, difficult times, difficult path to success

Russian folk dream book

Oil is a symbol of prosperity and material well-being; spreading butter on bread means profit.

Cream butter by hand- to hard but promising work; your hands are covered in oil - expect a pleasant surprise.

Family dream book

If in a dream you ate fresh golden butter- your plans will come true, and your health will not let you down. You will also gain wealth and knowledge.

Rancid oil- also dreams of prosperity, but acquired through hard physical labor.

If you sold butter in a dream- don't expect big profits.

A woman anointing her body with oil in a dream- will go headlong into frivolous entertainment.

Dream Interpreter

Oil is a sign of future envy between relatives; churning butter - portends perfect peace in the family; spilling oil is an inevitable loss; dousing yourself with oil is a sign of benefit; collecting oil - portends great benefits

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Oil?

Prediction of good health and successfully completed plans. This dream promises you the acquisition of wealth and knowledge.

If you dreamed that you were eating rancid butter- skill and wealth will be your reward for hard physical work.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Oil - the need to show gentleness and/or smooth out misunderstandings. Reflection of a situation characterized as “needs to be lubricated.”

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Oil in a dream?

Seeing butter in a dream- to fulfill a desire, to buy it - to contentment, to get dirty with it - to success in love.

Seeing or eating vegetable oil in a dream- a symbol of the stability of your position, the upcoming calm and measured life.

Churning butter means increasing wealth, buttering something in a dream- to gossip, smear it on your head- to fame and recognition, eat highly oily foods- to your benefit!

Seeing a creamery in a dream- to the fulfillment of your most cherished desires, especially a good dream if you work at it.

Dream book for lovers

If you dream of fresh golden oil- this portends a happy destiny, love and a profitable marriage.

A woman who dreams that she is anointing her body with oil- will frivolously indulge in entertainment, which will cause the disapproval of his lover.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Oil - this can speak of flattery. Is anyone trying to flatter you? Are they doing it sincerely? Perhaps you yourself should use flattery instead of aggression to achieve the final result?

Oil can symbolize- “lubrication” in difficult life situations. Sometimes, when a situation seems to be at an impasse, all it takes is a little gentleness to smooth over the misunderstanding. Anointing is a sign of blessing.

Oil can symbolize- your blessing.

"Anoint" someone's hand- means to give a bribe or tip. Are you trying to bribe someone or is someone trying to bribe you?

Dream book for a bitch

Butter - good health, successful business.

Frying something in rancid oil- to poverty.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Dreaming about oil means a good life.

Frying something in rancid oil and smelling an unpleasant odor- to deception.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

If you dream that someone is spreading butter on bread- this portends an acquaintance with a person with whom you will share common hobbies.

If you have difficulty spreading the butter or it is cold- this means that you will search for mutual understanding for a long time.

Dropping oil means you have offended your loved one. You are used to saying whatever you think, but you don’t even suspect that it could offend another person.

A dream in which you buy oil- indicates that you feel guilty towards your partner and are trying to correct the harm caused.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Oil is honor; smearing your head - profit, receiving a debt; butter pancakes available- sadness, grief.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Oil in a dream?

Seeing - illness and loss; spill - you are being pursued; to be doused - good deeds; drink - friends make your life’s path easier; to see something blazing is joy and pleasure; flaxseed oil - gain; lubricating oils - things are going smoothly.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming that you are eating fresh golden butter- a sign of good health and fulfilling plans. This dream will bring you property, wealth and knowledge.

There is rancid oil- means wealth, a condition acquired through hard physical labor.

Selling oil promises you a small profit.

This foreshadows that she will soon plunge headlong into frivolous entertainment.

Seeing people lubricated with oil in a dream- foretells events in which you will play a role of particular importance.

A large amount of oil seen in a dream- portends extremes in a pleasant business for you.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

A dream involving lubricating oils- first of all, indicates sad thoughts. In addition, your health may deteriorate and you will have to go on a diet.

However, a large amount of oil- to success in entrepreneurship.

Chinese dream book

Eat butter - good luck.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Oil in a dream?

Eating butter in a dream, spreading it on bread or a roll- means upcoming disputes with relatives regarding the division of property and real estate, if the oil is fresh and appetizing- disputes that will be resolved in your favor, and if it's old and rancid- this means you will lose.

Buy loose oil in the store- portends peace and tranquility in the house, complete prosperity and prosperity. Oil packaged in packs or jars- promises inevitable loss of time and money in a stupid enterprise. Buy country yellow butter at the market- in reality you will make a profit. Chocolate butter- a sign of luxury and abundance that you will achieve by implementing your planned project. Salted butter - you will shed a lot of tears when you marry your chosen one.

Sunflower oil seen in a dream- portends good health and constant prosperity, while olive, on the contrary, portends illness and losses. Corn oil- a sign of flattery, deception and hypocrisy of the people around you.

Flaxseed oil is a harbinger of a large monetary win or award.

Wood oil- predicts a sad event among close relatives and a forced trip to them.

Camphor oil - to sadness over irreparable losses.

Household machine oil- a sign of upcoming expenses for the purchase of an absolutely necessary for the home, but very expensive thing. Automotive oil- portends a fun trip to distant lands with a dear friend. Gun oil - you will experience anxiety about the fate of your children.

Cook something with butter or vegetable oil- predicts troubles and preparations for meeting dear guests. Add oil to some dish- such a dream does not bode well in terms of material wealth; most likely you will have to switch to saving mode.

If you spilled oil in a dream- this means that in reality you will be persecuted and held accountable. Lubricate something with oil- to success in business and prosperity.

Oil your body or hair- means that friends will help you get back on your feet after a crushing failure in business or entrepreneurship.

See burning oil- serious life trials will fall to your lot, overcoming which you will achieve a stable position and family happiness that you so dreamed of.

Buying or selling oil in a dream- portends a small profit from a dubious and too troublesome business. A large amount of oil seen in a store or warehouse is a sign of great activity and good luck.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Vegetable oil for the sick- for recovery.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Oil - flattery, deception of employees.

Olive oil see- illness and loss

Spill - you are being pursued.

Being doused is good deeds

Drink - friends will make your life easier.

Seeing something blazing is joy and pleasure

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

There is fresh golden oil in a dream- a sign of good health and plans being realized.

Rancid oil- portends wealth acquired through hard physical labor.

Selling oil means a small profit.

If a woman has a dream in which she anoints her body with oil- this foreshadows that she will soon rush headlong into frivolous entertainment.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Oil according to the dream book?

Oil is prosperity in everything.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Churning butter in a dream- in reality it means that you set difficult-to-achieve goals for yourself, but by showing diligence and hard work, you will achieve what you want and become a wealthy person.

Such a dream for a peasant- promises a good harvest, and a woman - an economic and energetic husband.

If you dream that you are lubricating something- this speaks of future events in which you will be the driving force.

Large amount of oil- excessive passion for something pleasant for you. Oil trading for men- means failure in a love relationship when he was counting on an easy victory. For a woman to lubricate something with oil in a dream- a sign that ample opportunities will open up before her.

Rub yourself with oil in a dream- means recovery, getting rid of some difficulties in life.

If you dreamed that you were pouring sunflower oil- the news you learn the next day will turn out to be false rumors.

In a dream you set sunflower oil on fire- Tomorrow you will learn a lot of new things about your colleagues.

Drink sunflower oil- to illness.

Dream Interpretation of Signs

Seeing (or eating) a lot of butter- to great happiness and wealth.

Freud's Dream Book

Any oil, butter, vegetable or machine- symbolizes joyful and healthy sex, as well as the pleasure you receive and give.

Spoiled or used oil- symbolizes possible diseases of the genital organs.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The oil is even rancid- to well-being.

Aesop's Dream Book

Oil, oddly enough, is a very ambiguous symbol. There are a lot of well-known expressions that, translated from the language of the subconscious, can predict the development of your financial affairs, relationships with people, and work situations.

"Ride like cheese in butter"- to have all the benefits and prosperity.

Expression: “Adding fuel to the fire”- characterizes human relationships.

“You can’t spoil porridge with oil”- your activities.

"To butter someone up"- your attitude towards another person.

“Everything is going like clockwork”- the state of affairs.

Seeing a lot of butter in a dream- such a dream promises the successful development of your affairs, even what has not been possible for a long time will get off the ground and receive a worthy conclusion.

Spread butter on bread- this dream promises contentment, material well-being, perhaps a bonus or salary increase; it is also possible that a valuable gift awaits you.

If you dreamed that you spilled vegetable oil- this dream foreshadows unfavorable changes that will soon occur in your life and will be associated with your carelessness and inattention to others.

Fill any mechanism with machine oil- in reality, a streak of luck awaits you; things will go especially well at work, you will establish excellent relationships with colleagues and superiors, you can easily do a lot of things and receive encouragement.

If you dreamed that you were churning butter by hand- this is a sign that you will have a difficult period, you will get tired and work hard, but your efforts will be rewarded.

If you dreamed that your hands were covered in oil, then expect a surprise from fate- happiness itself comes into your hands, the main thing is not to miss it, it is very close.

Medieval dream book

There is butter- to good news.

If someone is sprinkled with oil- this foretells him the protection of the grace of the Holy Spirit.

To be anointed with oil- to wealth, joy, good, both now and in the future.

Receiving oil is a joy.

French dream book

Dreamed butter- means that you will soon have a son or daughter.

But if in a dream you buy butter- a dream predicts deep grief.

If you dreamed of vegetable oil- a heavy loss awaits you, which you cannot avoid.

Oil spilled in a dream- a sign that your money affairs will soon improve.

Get oil in a dream- a harbinger that you will complete your business with great profit, but only if you show scrupulousness and honesty.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Olive tree see- melancholy.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing oil means happiness, health; drinking is a disappointment in love.

There is oil - well-being.

Oil, smear - someone “smears” you with their tongue, they talk about you.

Your well-being will require considerable effort from you.

You are implementing it- you are unlikely to get what you expected in full.

A dream in which a creamery appears, and in addition you are its employee- portends you the fulfillment of all your plans, the embodiment of your dreams.

You squeeze it out- your well-being will continuously grow.

Put grease stain - your excessive gullibility will serve you badly; if you cannot distinguish flattery from sincere praise, you will find yourself in a deplorable situation.

If you use vegetable oil in its pure form- your health will deteriorate sharply.

See it burn- there are many difficulties ahead, but having met them with dignity, you will be able to find what you have long strived for; a life full of prosperity and kindness will await you.

If you decide to set it on fire yourself- in the near future, your colleagues will open up to you from a completely different side.

The dream in which you buy it- a sign that mutual understanding and love will reign in your family, your home will be full of abundance.

If it's car oil- a small conflict will arise at work, or when solving everyday problems.

Someone puts it on the body- you will become one of the main characters in the upcoming event.

If it is with salt, it is a warning that you should not go down the aisle with the one who is next to you, he will make you unhappy.

Seeing cocoa butter in a dream- having achieved your goal, you will gain true wealth, and you will no longer deny yourself anything.

From flax seed - impressive cash receipts await you, camphor - you will lose what is incredibly dear to you, which will make you overcome with melancholy, wooden - a misfortune will happen to one of your relatives, you will need to be close to them.

The dream book interprets butter- as a symbol of prosperity and well-being, as well as incredible luck in your personal life.

If you dreamed about it large quantities- now circumstances will develop exclusively in your favor, both new beginnings and solutions to old issues that have never been given to you will be successful.

We saw vegetable oil in a dream- be careful, you can become a victim of scammers, there will be losses or damages that will sadden you excessively, but nothing can be done.

If you dreamed of fruit oil olive tree or sunflower seeds- this means that you will soon have to achieve your goals with the help of flattery and hypocrisy.

Video: Why do you dream about Oil?