How to remove old grease stains from kitchen towels. How to wash kitchen towels at home

How to wash terry products?

Over the many years of using terry towels, I realized that maintaining their original soft texture very difficult. There are two reasons for this:

  1. Terry gets dirty quickly. Due to the fact that the loops that make up the material do not fit tightly together, particles of dust and dirt easily get clogged between them.
  2. Washing can make things worse. An incorrectly carried out cleaning procedure for a product often causes it to lose its softness and original appearance. So the question of how to wash towels in a washing machine is the first thing you need to pay attention to.

To extend the life of terry towels, I recommend that you follow a few simple tips:

Image Recommendations

Tip 1: Study the label.

Before washing for the first time, carefully read the label on the product. It will indicate at what temperature to wash the towels.

If the label does not indicate in which mode to wash the product, choose a delicate wash with a temperature of up to 60 degrees.

Tip 2. Soften the water.

Hard water does not have the best effect on the condition of the material.

To soften it, you can use special purchased funds or prepare a vinegar solution (100 ml of vinegar per 10 liters of water).

Tip 3: Use liquid detergent.

The thing is that ordinary powder gets stuck in the loops of the material and is incredibly difficult to remove.

Tip 4. Forget about bleach.

Particles of the substance penetrate deep into the fibers, and removing them is problematic.

As an exception, bleach can be used if you need to wash a hand towel from stubborn stains.

Tip 5: Practice Pre-Washing.

Before putting items in the washing machine, treat them yourself. First, remove stains from terry towels using laundry soap or a solution of ammonia.

Tip 6. Don't forget about drying.

Be sure to let the towels dry completely before washing. If this is not done, they may develop an unpleasant odor.

Tip 7. Use balloons.

We are talking about special balls for washing down products or tennis balls. After washing with balls, the pile will return to its soft and fluffy structure.

Tip 8: Add baking soda.

During the washing process, add half a glass of baking soda to the detergent.

It effectively helps get rid of the musty smell of towels. Also, soda added to the powder effectively gets rid of fungus and unpleasant odor, and the price is affordable for everyone.

Tip 9: Wash separately.

The main rule for cleaning white and colored clothes is that they must be washed separately from each other. The same applies to terry products.

Features of drying and ironing

Spinning terry products must be treated with extreme caution. For example, I try to avoid it altogether by simply hanging my towels out in the open after rinsing. In this case, the terry fibers are not crushed and even after drying remain soft.

You may be wondering how to iron terry towels. It is advisable not to do this at all, since heat may damage the integrity of the loops. But if you cannot do without ironing, use the steam mode with an iron heating temperature not exceeding 150 °C.

Whitening towels - 3 recipes

To keep your bath towels sparkling white, you need to bleach them properly. There are several effective ways:

Image Instructions

Method 1. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

To whiten towels, you can use regular hydrogen peroxide, which is found in every first aid kit.

Dilute 4 tablespoons of peroxide and a spoonful of alcohol in 15 liters of boiling water. Mix everything thoroughly and dip towels in the solution for half an hour.

Method 2. Laundry soap and potassium permanganate
  • Fill 2 basins hot water up to half.
  • Pour soap shavings into one bowl, dilute potassium permanganate in another until pink.
  • Mix the contents of the basins and soak towels in the resulting liquid for 6 hours.

Method 3. Vegetable oil

This is one of the most unusual options How to bleach a bath towel at home, but very effective:

  • Dissolve 2/3 cup in 15 liters of boiling water washing powder, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, vinegar essence and bleach.
  • Soak terry products in the solution overnight.
  • In the morning, take out the products, wring them out and wash them in the machine.


I told you how to wash terry towels correctly and without using expensive products. If you want to know even more whitening recipes, be sure to watch the video in this article. In the comments, share your experience of cleaning terry towels and ask any questions you may have.

Kitchen towels that have lost their appearance due to lingering stains can be brought back to life using inexpensive and effective ways. This will reduce the cost of constantly replacing dirty textiles. Wash kitchen towels with old stubborn stains it is possible at home using both bleach and improvised means.

There are many products and stain removers that can help remove dirt from kitchen napkins. Their advantage is simplicity, ease of use and high efficiency. The pricing policy is varied: from budget to expensive options. But cheap bleaches contain chlorine, which damages the fabric structure.

Laundry soap

To remove greasy stains from a colored towel, simply rub it with laundry soap and place it in plastic bag. The bag should be tied after releasing the air from it. Leave it overnight, or better yet for a day. In the morning it will be enough to rinse the textiles. Grease stains and old dirt will disappear. The method does not require boiling, so it is suitable for colored fabric.

Dish detergent

Lightly rub into the stain that appears a large number of washing gel and wash. This way you can easily remove fresh grease stains.

When machine bleaching, add 0.5 cups of Whiteness to the powder compartment. Select the boiling mode (wash at 90 degrees) and start the machine. For manual soaking, dissolve White in hot water according to the instructions on the package and leave overnight. After soaking, the towels must be washed thoroughly and rinsed several times.

Tip: To get rid of the chlorine smell, add a tablespoon of baking soda to the water during the last rinse.

Sink and toilet cleaner effectively whitens kitchen towels. It contains chlorine bleach, acid and salt. Domestos is more effective than many expensive bleaches.

  • 7 liters warm water dilute 1 cap of the product;
  • soak the laundry in the resulting solution for 15–20 minutes;
  • After thorough rinsing, snow-white napkins are obtained.

Domestos can be used no more than 2 times a month. With frequent use, it destroys the structure of the material. This method is only suitable for white fabrics.

Traditional methods

You can wash kitchen towels without using detergents. Homemade stain removal solutions will restore your attractive appearance. appearance kitchen textiles are no worse than store-bought ones. The only drawback is the labor-intensive process and the long time it takes to wash.

Sunflower oil

A universal method that is suitable for removing stains of various origins.


  • washing powder (the cheapest one possible) - 0.5 cups;
  • soda - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • bleach - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Refined sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Dissolve all components in 7 liters of water and boil. Pour the resulting mixture onto the towels and leave for 12–16 hours. Cover the basin with soaked laundry and wrap it with thick cloth to retain heat longer. After soaking, the towels are machine washed as usual.

A good way to whiten kitchen towels without boiling them.

  • 50 gr. dilute dry mustard with boiling water to obtain a homogeneous paste-like mixture;
  • leave for 15 minutes to steam;
  • mix the resulting slurry with 5 liters of water and soak the kitchen textiles;
  • After 4–5 hours, remove the towels from the mustard solution and rinse thoroughly.

Tip: If there are old stains on the product, moisten them and rub them with mustard powder. After 15–20 minutes, wash in a washing machine on a normal cycle.


Dissolve salt in cold water at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon of salt per 1 liter of water. Soak the towels overnight and then machine wash with an additional rinse.

The method is suitable for towels that have lost their snow-white color and have acquired a gray or yellow tint.

For whitening:

  • boil 3 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of silicate glue and washing powder;
  • stir until the glue is completely dissolved, otherwise it will settle in lumps on the napkins and ruin the fabric;
  • Immerse white textiles in a boiling solution and boil for 30 minutes;
  • Remove the laundry with tongs until the solution has cooled and rinse in warm water.


Soaking in a vinegar solution will remove various stains and refresh the colors of kitchen napkins. For soaking:

  • mix 0.5 tbsp. l. vinegar with 5 liters of warm water;
  • immerse the fabric in the solution and leave for 12 hours;
  • take out the towels, wring them lightly, place them in washing machine and turn on the wash cycle with extra rinse.

Hydrogen peroxide

Apply to the stain and leave for 20–30 minutes. If there are a lot of stains on the towel, soak it completely in peroxide. After the procedure, the textiles are wrung out and washed as usual. The method is good for removing old stains that are not amenable to less aggressive treatment.

First rub the stains with laundry soap and add a heap of citric acid. Wait 10–15 minutes, shake out excess acid and rinse the fabric.


Dissolve 2 tbsp in hot water. spoons of borax and completely immerse the towels in the liquid. After 2 hours, remove from the solution, squeeze out and wash in the washing machine.

Potassium permangantsovka

Before processing with potassium permanganate, the product must be washed. Then

  • dissolve 200 gr. washing powder and several crystals of potassium permanganate in hot water. The water should turn out a soft pink color;
  • Immerse the fabric in the hot solution, cover the top with film and a lid. Do not open the lid until the water has cooled completely;
  • take out towels and rinse.

This simple trick helps to whiten old washed towels.

Following tips for caring for kitchen textiles will help keep your towels in good condition for a long time.

  1. For cotton and linen towels, use any stain removal method. These fabrics tolerate all washing methods, including chlorine bleaching and boiling.
  2. Aggressive methods are not suitable for terry wool; they can be washed without boiling using salt, vinegar or laundry soap.

It is better not to expose colored textiles to hot water. They are washed in solutions of salt, vinegar or soda.

Tip: Soaking before washing increases the effectiveness of removing stubborn stains by 50%, and using a rinse aid prevents stubborn stains from appearing.

Depending on the type of contamination, you can choose a method for removing it:

  • wine stains are removed with salt;
  • fruit ones are washed with regular shampoo;
  • old fat is removed better by laundry soap;
  • stains from coffee, tomato juice and tea are removed with vinegar, salt or soda;
  • Soda solution is best used for towels made of delicate fabrics;
  • You can bleach kitchen towels using mustard or chlorine-containing bleaches;
  • It is better to remove old stubborn stains using vegetable oil;
  • Potassium permanganate will help make yellowed fabric snow-white.

To ensure that kitchen towels last longer, they should be washed every 2-3 days. Fresh stains are much easier to remove. Once every 1.5–2 months it is necessary to soak kitchen textiles using one of the methods listed above. White linen napkins are boiled once a month. If you iron the towel, the dirt will not eat into the structure of the fabric and it will be easier to wash it off. These simple techniques will extend the life of your kitchen towels and maintain their attractive appearance.

Digestion is the most affordable way restore whiteness and freshness to towels. None Appliances And detergents do not give such a cleansing effect as this old-fashioned method. How to boil towels so as not to damage them and get the desired result - in the Waterhome article.

How to properly boil towels

Before boiling towels, make sure they are made from natural materials. Not all synthetics can survive boiling without problems, so we start by studying the labels.

Then we take a large saucepan or bucket made of stainless steel or enameled steel, collect a lot of water and thoroughly dissolve the detergent in it.

Waterhome Council: If the stains are old or there is a lot of dirt, soak the kitchen towels for several hours or a day before boiling.

To boil towels, you need to put them in cold water, and then put on fire. Never put laundry in boiling water so that dirt does not cook on the fibers of the fabric. Kitchen towels need to be boiled especially carefully, because... they may have a lot of dirt containing protein on them. When heated, it curls up, and thanks to this it eats into the fabric, becoming very resistant. If there is a lot of greasy stains, read the article. Get a long stick and stir the contents of the pan during the cooking process so that it heats evenly.

What to boil towels in?

To boil towels, you can use the following home remedies:

  • ammonia
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • bleach
  • soda ash

You can boil towels in soap and soda. Grate laundry soap at the rate of 25 grams per liter of water and dissolve it. Add a tablespoon of baking soda per liter of solution. Boil the towels for 2-3 hours, wait until they cool and rinse. If the towels are very dirty, you can add ammonia and hydrogen peroxide to the solution, but then reduce the digestion time to 50 minutes.

You can effectively bleach towels by boiling using bleach (half a kilogram) or chlorine-containing bleach and soda ash dissolved in a bucket of water. Before boiling white towels, make sure there are no brightly colored stains on them that could spread to the rest of the fabric.

The kitchen is the main room in the apartment. Something is constantly being cooked, fried, and water is pouring here. During the cooking process, it is impossible to do without dishes and kitchen towels, which tend to quickly become dirty. Often stained towels cannot be washed, as grease or fruit stains are firmly embedded in the fabric. What should you do, throw away textiles with old stains or leave them on rags? If you comply simple rules operation of textiles and knowing some of the secrets of its cleanliness, the question of how to wash kitchen towels simply will not arise.

Simple rules to follow in the kitchen

Kitchen towels are made from various fabrics. Surely in the store you will just want to buy a soft, fluffy towel that is so pleasant to hold in your hands. At this point you should say stop. Terry fabric is more suitable for the bathroom, but not for the kitchen. Such textiles take a long time to dry, and a large number of microbes accumulate in the cells. It is better to choose kitchen towels made of linen or waffle fabric.

Here are some useful rules and tips:

  • To wash kitchen towels and extend their service life, they need to be changed more often.
    If the kitchen towels are made of fabric white, they can be additionally bleached and boiled.
    To avoid wondering how to wash it, do not wipe the table, dirty floor or sink with it. Do not use them instead of oven mitts. If you use textiles for their intended purpose, they will remain clean for a long time.
    Ironed ones get dirty less than wrinkled ones.
    If you have a big dinner to prepare, use disposable napkins. They will help save energy and keep your towels clean.

If the towel does get dirty, it needs to be washed. There are a huge number of ways to remove stains and grease: you can remove dirt using chemicals or improvised means.

Method for washing lightly soiled towels

This washing option is suitable for items that have been used for one or two days. These kitchen towels should be washed in an automatic washing machine without additional steps.

The water temperature should be as follows: white cotton ones are washed at 90 C, colored textiles can withstand temperatures up to 60 C.

Properly selected washing powder will enhance the effectiveness of washing. For towels different color the appropriate powder is selected.

Washing with pre-soak

To cope with the problem: “how to wash a very stained kitchen towel?” - You need to use a soak before washing. Exists different ways soak the laundry.

  • Towels are soaked for 5 hours in washing powder. Add 5 tablespoons of soda to the water. It will help get rid of unpleasant odors.

This method can only be used for white towels, since colored items may lose their color when exposed to soda.

  • You can use special bleach for soaking. Keep the kitchen towel in this solution for about an hour. To achieve greater effect, you can add Domestos universal product to the solution.
  • The soaking option using salt is suitable for towels of any color. The saline solution will help remove coffee and sauce stains.

The solution is prepared in the following proportion: one tablespoon of salt per liter of water.

Regardless of which soaking method you choose, to completely remove stains, towels must be washed in a washing machine.

Removing greasy stains on kitchen towels

To remove grease, apply the detergent you use to wash dishes. The product should break down greasy stains within 24 hours. After this, wash the textiles in a machine with regular powder.

If you are removing greasy stains from a white item, add a couple of drops of ammonia solution. It will act as a bleach.

How to wash kitchen towels using vegetable (sunflower) oil?

If there are old stains on the fabric, you can use the following methods to help you learn how to wash kitchen towels using vegetable oil.

Method No. 1

Place a container of water on the stove. After boiling, add 40 grams to it. bleaching agent, 250 gr. washing powder and 40 ml. vegetable oil. Then place the dirty towels in the container. Remove the solution from the heat, after the water has cooled, take them out and rinse in clean water.

Method No. 2

If you can’t wash kitchen towels in a machine, soak them in a mixture of baking soda, washing powder, bleach and vegetable oil. All components in the amount of 3 tablespoons are added to hot water. Kitchen towels should be kept in this solution for 10-12 hours. The next day, wash your clothes in the machine.

Ways to remove different stains

There are many ways to wash dirty towels. Stains from fruit, tea, coffee and wine can be washed off with various available means.

  • For example, traces of juicy fruit afraid regular shampoo. If you apply a little shampoo to the stain, it will wash off easily.
  • Brown coffee or tea stains are removed using ammonia dissolved in water. The solution, diluted in a 1:1 ratio, should be applied to the stain, and then the product should be washed by hand.
  • Mold stains easy to wash with vinegar. Since it was not possible to remove the mold, you need to soak it in vinegar for 10 minutes. After this procedure, put the towel in the machine for a quick wash.
  • A solution with the addition of potassium permanganate will help you rid textiles from an unpleasant odor. Soak a soapy towel in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and leave it overnight. Rinse the product in the morning.
  • To remove yellowness and unpleasant odors from the towel, use it laundry soap. Run laundry soap over the item and put the item in the bag. After 24 hours, wash the towel.

If your towels have old stains and greasy stains, don't worry. You can always get rid of them using improvised means, be it laundry soap, soda or potassium permanganate. Let your towels always be clean and fragrant.

A kitchen cannot be without a towel - a universal tool that is always at hand. The more towels, the better, because they tend to quickly get dirty and become unusable. They need to be changed as often as possible. But of course, this is the face of the hostess and an element of kitchen decor. Since washing kitchen towels at home is so easy, your kitchen can always look neat. You just need to know a few simple life hacks.

If your kitchen textiles quickly become unattractive, it is possible that you are using them incorrectly. Why is there a towel in the kitchen? That's right, dry your hands after washing. If you use the same cloth to wipe dishes, sweep crumbs off the table, take a hot kettle, wash the stove, dry vegetables, soon you will not have a towel, but something resembling a floor rag.

Very dirty kitchen towels are disgusting to even pick up, let alone use them for their intended purpose. If the above-described incidents happen in your home, discuss the new rules with your family: a towel for hands, an oven mitt for hot items, a sponge for dishes, a napkin for the table. Perhaps some other innovations will be needed - this is at your discretion.

If you do simple rules, the question of how to bleach kitchen towels will arise only as a last resort. Well, if your textiles have old marks from grease, jam, coffee, or stains of generally unknown origin, you can try to remove them using traditional or in original ways. Don’t rush to throw anything away, you can try to save everything.

7 tips on how to wash kitchen towels

The most important rule is to treat your towel with care, wash it at least once a week and not let its condition worsen. Only in this case will the textiles in the kitchen look decent. If stains appear on it from fat, juice, jam, or simply from dirty hands, more help is needed. There are several ways to remove stains from kitchen towels. Moreover, among them there are both old ones, tested by more than one generation of housewives, and innovative ones.


Peculiarities. Removes coffee, tomato and even red wine, “works” with both white and printed fabric. Heavily soiled kitchen towels are soaked in stronger brine. And then they wash it in it.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Fill a basin with five liters of water.
  2. Add five tablespoons of salt.
  3. Leave for an hour - minimum.
  4. Wash as usual, can be machine or hand washed.

Laundry soap

Peculiarities. A traditional product for washing greasy kitchen towels. Can be used for both white and colored textiles. The method has positive reviews if the stains are fresh. But laundry soap does not cope well with old dirt.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Wet the towel.
  2. Lather generously.
  3. Tie it well in a bag and leave it overnight.
  4. Rub thoroughly.
  5. Rinse.

Vegetable oil

Peculiarities. Washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil is a universal method that can cope with any dirt. How to bleach kitchen towels with vegetable oil, after all, at first glance, this will only worsen the situation? But in fact, it is this ingredient that softens dirty marks and makes them more amenable to cleansing.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Fill half a 10-liter saucepan with water.
  2. Put on fire.
  3. When the water boils, turn off the burner.
  4. Add to water sunflower oil- two tablespoons, powder for the "machine gun" - two tablespoons, stain remover - two tablespoons.
  5. Mix everything well.
  6. Place the contaminated item in the water.
  7. To cover with a lid.
  8. Set aside until the water cools.
  9. Place textiles in the washing machine (without spinning).
  10. Wash and dry as usual.


Peculiarities. If you don’t know how to remove grease from kitchen towels, turn on the microwave. This newest way which will remove any contamination. But if the item is very dirty, you will have to repeat the procedure three times.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Wet the towel.
  2. Thoroughly soap the entire area, especially contaminated areas, with the soap you usually use for washing.
  3. Place in a tight plastic bag. Wrap the package well.
  4. Microwave it.
  5. Turn on the oven for one and a half minutes.
  6. Take a break for a minute and turn on the microwave again.


Peculiarities. A good remedy if you need to rid kitchen textiles of mold and blooms that have arisen on it. Vinegar can also be used to remove rust, traces of grease and juice. The product will help with the smell if it is musty.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Pour 5-9% vinegar into a bowl.
  2. Place textiles in liquid.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash as usual.
  5. Rinse.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peculiarities. Hydrogen peroxide can get rid of old stains.
If the towel is very dirty, soak it directly in peroxide. To do this, you need to pour the drug into a bowl and put the textiles there.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Apply peroxide solution to the stain.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash.

Lemon acid

Peculiarities. If you prefer to bleach folk remedies, try using it to remove stains citric acid. It copes well with beet and tomato juice. This method will also help with old stains - you will need to apply “lemon” and after an hour rinse the textiles.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Wash textiles using laundry soap.
  2. Squeeze out the water.
  3. Sprinkle dry citric acid onto the stain.
  4. Leave for five minutes.
  5. Shake off the lemon.
  6. Rinse.

4 approaches to whitening

White towels get dirty quickly, so they require a special approach. To tidy up such textiles, it is recommended to boil kitchen towels, but you can do without this.


Peculiarities. Washing kitchen towels with mustard will not only whiten, but also thoroughly disinfect textiles.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Heat the water well, but do not bring it to a boil.
  2. Prepare dry mustard powder.
  3. Dilute it with water.
  4. Spread mustard paste on a towel, especially dirty areas.
  5. Leave for eight hours.
  6. Wash.

Potassium permangantsovka

Peculiarities. Potassium permanganate will help to bleach kitchen towels without boiling - with this method you can remove even the oldest stains of unknown origin.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Wash the contaminated item.
  2. Fill a basin with hot water.
  3. Add 200 g of washing powder.
  4. Add potassium permanganate until the liquid turns a soft pink color.
  5. Dip textiles into the solution.
  6. Cover the top of the container with film.
  7. Do not open until the water has cooled.
  8. Rinse.

Boric acid

Peculiarities. If you need to remove stains from waffle or terry towels, you can use boric acid.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Heat the water.
  2. Pour it into a bowl. Add two tablespoons of boric acid.
  3. Place textiles in liquid.
  4. After two hours, wash as usual.


Peculiarities. A product that will quickly tidy up kitchen textiles without spoiling them or disturbing the structure of the fabric.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Grate a bar of brown soap (72%).
  2. Soda ash (50 g) - add to soap.
  3. Fill a basin with water.
  4. Add soap and soda mixture.
  5. Boil textiles for one and a half hours.

If the stains are very strong, you should still boil the kitchen towels with the addition of dishwashing detergent or special stain removers.

When choosing what to use to remove grease from kitchen towels, do not forget to use a good powder and conditioner. This will double the service life of the towels. In case you are looking for a more budget-friendly solution, a mixture of essential oil and soda - thanks to this the textiles will be fresh, fragrant and pleasant to the touch.
