What is better to choose for a child - a chair or an armchair? Orthopedic table and chair for schoolchildren: tips for choosing and reviews

The question of how to choose a chair for a schoolchild worries every responsible parent. It’s not surprising, because not only the child’s posture and health, but also school performance can depend on the design of the furniture on which a schoolchild spends several hours a day. Convenient and functional workplace will set you up for a solution complex tasks in mathematics and will inspire you to write an essay on literature, will provide correct landing.

What parents do wrong

The main mistake that parents make is buying a chair without taking into account the children's needs. Some choose not a special chair for a schoolchild, but ordinary classic furniture based on the interior of a city apartment or country house. Others pay considerable sums for orthopedic chairs or recliners. But they should be selected strictly in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child (height, weight and age) and changed in time as they develop and grow. Still others buy regular office computer chairs, not intended for the growing body of a child.

As a result, the student sits in the wrong position. Slouching and excessive stress on the spine, stiff back and neck muscles, increased fatigue even after short periods of exercise are far from full list problems faced by a first-grader and his parents. The child is uncomfortable, he tries to relieve the load and crosses his legs, squats or bends his legs under him. All this only makes the situation worse. Periodic shouting and reminders to “Sit up straight” will not correct the situation.

When choosing furniture for a children's room, absolutely everything is important. Construction, upholstery and color palette affect the child’s well-being and performance. The main criteria that you should pay attention to before choosing a chair for a schoolchild:

  • back;
  • armrests;
  • seat depth and height;
  • safety.

Based on these parameters, the ideal chair for a schoolchild is a dancing chair. It meets all the requirements for children's furniture.

Tip #1. What should the back of a chair be like?

If the chair chosen for a child includes a backrest, it should be of an ideal anatomical shape and completely repeat back curves. So it is considered. Adjustment is required depending on individual characteristics. The height should reach the middle of the shoulder blades or slightly higher. Don’t forget, the older the student gets, the deeper the seat should be. You will have to change the classic chair as you grow.

Troublesome? It will help you forget about all these worries Dancing Chair , the design of which does not provide a backrest (read more about why is the back of a chair needed and why is it harmful and why is it not required for the Dancing Chair? You can talk about read) and is excellent for both first graders and high school students. Firstly, it will not have to be changed as the child grows up. Secondly, its design will teach the child to sit correctly, strengthen the back, using deep short muscles spine and relieving stress from the spinal muscles. The child's muscle corset will be in good tone.

Tip #2. Armrests - attention to detail

Ideally, children's chairs should not have armrests. Are they installed at the wrong height? Your student will adjust to the armrests, lean on one side and involuntarily slouch. The muscle corset will “remember” the incorrect position. So the child’s posture will leave much to be desired both at home and at school. But even the correct height of the armrests is not the key to success. The little schoolchild will lean on them, thereby relaxing his muscles. They will simply “forget how” to work.

The design of the Dancing Chair does not include armrests. Alternating tension of the back muscles ensures natural correct posture and training of the spinal muscles, and activates the work of the child’s vestibular apparatus. The cervical region and spine do not become numb from prolonged work on homework, because the muscles are in constant tone.

Tip #3. Ensuring correct fit

The seat of a chair for a schoolchild should ensure proper seating. Before choosing a chair for schoolflax, ask the child to sit on it. The design adjustment should ensure a 90-degree angle between the lower leg and thigh, and the feet should be on the floor. If the student slides his feet under the chair, raise the seat higher.

It's much easier with the Dancing Chair. Thanks to its simple design, it can be adjusted with just one hand movement. Has your student gained height during the summer holidays? Simply raise the seat of the chair. Complex manipulations and expensive investments are not required.

Tip #4. Ensuring the safety of the child

And finally. Don’t forget about safety, which can be included in the basic advice for parents of schoolchildren. Of course, while playing around, a first-grader can fall out of any chair, but the presence of wheels on the legs will aggravate the situation.

It is for this reason that the design of the Dancing Chair does not include wheels, it is simple and stable. Everything so that the student is in the zone of maximum comfort and safety.


Dancing Chair ® for schoolchildren

Created for your child's health!

Updated: 02/11/2018 15:03:03

Maximum load on the spine is created when a person sits and does not stand. Therefore, it is so important to choose a chair that will support the child’s back in the correct position and promote healthy posture.

The best manufacturers of furniture for schoolchildren

Chairs for students should be made from quality materials, which meet safety standards and do not contain toxic compounds. In addition, they must maintain physiologically correct body position, promote normal blood circulation and be comfortable for the child. Products from the following manufacturers meet these requirements:

Back and seat

It is recommended to use chairs with an orthopedic back, which follows the curves of the spine and forms the correct posture of the child. It is desirable that it be adjustable in height and depth. Thanks to this, you can fix the correct position of the child. When the child is sitting, his hip line and back should form a right angle.

Choose models with a high back so that the student can confidently lean on it while studying. In this case, the child’s feet should be on the floor (at a right angle) or on the footrest. If your child bends his legs under the seat or his knees touch the inside of the tabletop, you need to change the height of the chair.


For younger schoolchildren, it is not advisable to choose armchairs and chairs with armrests. The child will lean on one or the other armrest, forming an incorrect deflection of the spine. The student's hands should be on the tabletop.


When choosing models with wheels, make sure that they can be fixed so that the child does not roll around the room on the chair. Products can be equipped with mechanical and automatic locking. Mechanical fixation of the wheels is carried out directly by the parents, and automatic locking is activated when the weight of the seated person is 30 kg or more.


The height of the seat of the chair is selected according to the height of the baby. For children with a height of 100–115 cm, it should be about 30 cm, for those 116–127 cm – 35 cm. Children who have grown to 128–136 cm should choose a height of 37 cm. For those with a height of 137–153, the seat height of the chair varies from 40 up to 43 cm.

Which chair to buy for a schoolchild


It has the simplest design - a steel frame, a back and seat made of wood or plastic. As a rule, the height of the seat and the angle of the backrest are not adjustable. Therefore, the size of the chair must clearly correspond to the height and body type of the child. Such a product will not last long, since it does not “grow” with the child.


    Affordable price;

    Stability and strength.


    It is not comfortable for a child to sit on such a chair for a long time

    Lack of additional functions: orthopedic back, wheels, footrest, etc.;


Computer chairs for children can withstand a weight of 50–60 kg. They often have adjustable seat height and depth, and a high backrest. The angle between the back and the seat is 90 degrees, but the back can be lowered up to 180 degrees.


    Provide support for the spine;


    Possibility of adjusting the backrest angle;

    Can be adjusted according to the child's height.


    They do not always fit well into the interior of a children's room.


Ideal for children spending several hours studying. Creates the correct position of the spine, relieves tension from the back, and evenly distributes the load.

Orthopedic chairs are equipped with massive and comfortable backrest, and some even have a knee support that prevents the child from “sliding” to the edge of the seat.

Orthopedic models can be adjusted in height and the angle of the backrest can be selected. They often have a removable footrest, the height of which varies according to the growth of the child.


    Ensure the correct position of the child;

    Suitable for children of any age

    “Grow” together with the student;


  • High price.

Remember, the health and posture of the child depends on your choice. Before the onset of puberty, a student’s spine continues to form, and an incorrectly selected chair can lead to the development of scoliosis, kyphosis, and also worsen the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, choose only those products that meet the listed requirements.

Correct position of the child at the table

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a guide to purchase.

There comes a time in every parent's life when their child reaches adolescence. And questions immediately arise related to school and lessons. Experts consider a chair to be the most important piece of furniture for a schoolchild.

According to statistics, to fulfill homework a student needs 6–7 hours. And if you add rest, games and nutrition to this, then in general your child is in a sitting position for almost 9 hours.

Such a load on the spine can adversely affect the further development of a growing organism. If safety rules are not followed, the child may have pinched nerves in the spine, which are responsible for the complex functioning of many internal organs.

Therefore, you do not need to choose chairs for schoolchildren on your own; it is best to ask doctors or teachers for advice. And there is no need to save on the health of your own child.

Different approaches used when choosing a chair

Which chair to choose for a schoolchild? How to do right choice and not make a mistake? Doctors established standard rules that helped choose the right furniture for a schoolchild.

But of course, modern opinions have changed. Today, furniture stores offer modern chairs with various functions. In our article you will find the most different types furniture in the photo of chairs for schoolchildren.

Traditional method proven over the years

Domestic doctors advise choosing a chair that must meet certain criteria:

  • student growth;
  • have a backrest that matches the structure of the child’s back;
  • necessarily without armrests;
  • made from natural environmental materials.

On average, the height of a first-grader is 120 cm. Based on these indicators, he needs a chair with a height of about 33 cm. And if your child is taller, somewhere around 140 cm, then the height is needed more - 38 - 40 cm.

The chair should follow the shape of your back. Thus, the child will not get tired quickly, and his studies will become more productive, because additional loads will not affect the spine.

An orthopedic chair for a schoolchild will help your back get correct form, and thus your child will never begin to develop scoliosis. Doctors categorically prohibit buying a chair with armrests.

When you rely on them, the neck becomes tense, and this will lead to constant aching pain. When choosing a chair, the consumer may first request certificates from the seller. They are usually presented without problems.

Sometimes parents opt for a growing chair for a schoolchild. It is equipped with seat and back height adjusters. Children's chairs for schoolchildren have different price categories, but if you are a responsible parent, you will not skimp on your children.

It is better to purchase a chair with a child. He will be able to sit on it and help you choose the most comfortable one. The student will choose the color shade he likes at his own discretion.

Modern solutions

It is no secret that nowadays science and technological developments are developing quite rapidly. And today, the regulating chair for schoolchildren has been replaced by a dancing one.

Its design is completely different from other chairs. This is a seat that has a hinged leg in the center and no backrest at all. You won’t be able to sit quietly on such a chair; you constantly have to keep your balance on it.

But, according to the inventors, it is this kind of chair that helps maintain excellent posture. When balance is maintained, almost all the muscles of the body contract, so they help keep the spine in constant tone. And as they say, this has a great effect on the child’s health.

Choosing furniture for children school age can be very diverse. It all depends on the parents and of course the child himself. The best models can be found in the catalog under the category chair for a schoolchild from IKEA.

Photo of chair design for schoolchildren

As autumn approaches, many parents begin to run around the shops in a panic, because there is a lot to do before September. For school, it is necessary to purchase not only stationery, but also choose the right table and chair for the student.

At school, all classrooms are equipped with desks and chairs, but at home, the child also needs somewhere to do his homework. That is why parents need to make sure that in the nursery there is not only good desk, but also a chair for a schoolchild. Before going to the store to make a purchase, parents need to become more familiar with the requirements that apply to both the choice of a desk and a chair. It is advisable to make these two important purchases together.

So, first you will need to choose a desk. When choosing this piece of furniture, you need to adhere to several fairly simple rules. First of all Special attention should be paid specifically to the height of the table. In order to correctly determine whether a given table is suitable for a child or not, you need to take the future schoolchild with you to the store and give him the opportunity to sit at the table for some time. As soon as the child sits down at the table, he should place his hands on the tabletop; it is important that the shoulders are not raised, as this indicates that the table is too high and it will be uncomfortable for the student to study at it.

And if the shoulders are very low, it means the table is very low. You should avoid such purchases, since after long periods of studying at such a table, the child will begin to have problems with posture and there is a risk of developing scoliosis. Spending a long time for a child at a very high table leads to overstrain in the area of ​​the intervertebral capsules of the cervical region itself and in the future quite severe pain in the neck area may appear.

It is recommended to purchase a table model whose height can be easily adjusted independently, taking into account the growth of the child himself (thanks to this, the table can last for several years). This is why special transforming tables are so popular today. It is also worth considering the fact that the size of the table top should be such that all the necessary educational supplies can be freely placed on its surface, so you should not try to save on this purchase, as this will help not only avoid spending money next year, but also prevent the development spinal problems in a child. It is important that the child can feel quite comfortable while sitting at the table, and this also depends on how correctly the chair was chosen.

So, after the table is chosen, you can think about the question of how to choose a chair for a schoolchild. Many parents mistakenly believe that if they buy it for their child, then he will feel quite comfortable while doing homework. It is important to take into account the fact that the child’s spine has a special structure and shape - two natural bends forward, one of them in the neck, and the second in the lumbar region, which are called “lordosis”. If the child sits on the big one for too long and soft chair, incorrect curvature of the spine begins, which as a result can lead not only to curvature of the spine, but also to the appearance of severe pain in the back in the future, which will be very difficult to get rid of, and in some cases, completely impossible.

That is why, when choosing a chair for a child, it is imperative to adhere to a few simple rules. If a student purchased a transforming table, then it is worth taking into account criteria such as the back, which should be slightly curved forward. Thanks to this, the student’s back will be supported in the correct position after he sits close to the table. If the chair has such a back, the child’s back will be in the correct position all the time - the correct curve of the back will be maintained, and in the future the student will not have problems with back health, which is very important.

When choosing a chair for a schoolchild, it is imperative to adhere to the following criteria:

— it is important to be able to independently adjust the height of the backrest, which should end at the level of the shoulder blades. It is this backrest height that will simply ideally support the correct position of the child’s back while doing homework, so parents will not have to worry that the child may have back problems in the future, since the spine will always be in the correct position;

- it is important that the height of the seat itself is such that a right angle is formed between the lower leg and the thigh, and the child’s foot should be at a right angle to the floor (you can use a special stand if the child’s legs do not reach the floor);

— there should be no armrests on a child seat or chair, since there is no way to independently adjust them. If a child regularly leans on the armrests, there is a risk that there will be increased tension in the cervical spine, which will result in quite severe neck pain.

If you approach the choice of furniture for your child’s study at home with all responsibility, you won’t have to worry that in the future the student will develop scoliosis or have some other problems with the spine, since this is what will help him maintain a healthy spine.

Many parents are constantly concerned about the health of their child, but sometimes they simply do not suspect that even a simple chair can cause serious harm to the child’s health. Experts recommend choosing the right orthopedic chair for a schoolchild, which will help to avoid serious health problems for the child in the future.

Quite often you can observe a picture of how, while doing homework, a child’s back is arched in the shape of a wheel, as a result of which the spine is warped, the legs dangle in the air and do not reach the floor, the elbows lie on the armrests of the chair, and not on the surface of the table. All this is fundamentally wrong, since it is precisely this incorrect body position during exercise that can result in quite serious problems with the back and health in general. If the parents simply saved money and bought a chair that cannot be adjusted independently, but only took care that in a year they would not have to buy a new one and while sitting in it, the child is now forced to reach the surface of the table.

Of course, over time, the schoolchild’s chair will be just right for his height, but this will not happen soon and over time, the child will begin to develop not only scoliosis, but also other serious back health problems. If you try to save money on a chair once, you will have to spend a lot more money, time and effort on doctors in the future. In addition, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that one day it will be possible to completely cure a damaged spine.

It is worth remembering that correct formation Spine care in a child is a very long process that should not be rushed. It begins already from the second week of the baby’s intrauterine development and will end only at 16 or 18 years of age (this is a strictly individual process, the exact timing of which is almost impossible to establish). It is on how correctly the process of its formation proceeds that the general well-being of a person in a more mature, and of course, old age depends. It is through the spine that almost all the nerves pass, which are responsible for the full functioning of the internal organs of a person.

If one or another nerve ending is pinched, there is a risk of heart failure, osteochondrosis, disruption of the proper functioning of the respiratory system, the development of scoliosis and radiculitis. And this is not the entire list of health problems that can develop as a result of spinal curvature, which in turn will be provoked by an incorrectly chosen chair, because the child will spend most of his free time at the table doing homework. That is why parents should take care to choose the right chair, which will help avoid the above-described health problems for the child in the future.

All of the health problems described above pose a particular danger to the health of girls, since they will have more children in the future. And as you know, during pregnancy there is simply a huge load on the spine, so not only for the woman, but also for her unborn child during pregnancy it will be quite difficult if his spine is not formed correctly.

That is why an orthopedic chair is not just a whim, but a necessity, because only it will help maintain the health of the spine.

First of all, it is important to remember that the chair must be adjustable so that you can independently adjust the height of the back and seat. It is also worth making sure that it is possible to set the desired seat depth. After all, all children are different, therefore, each schoolchild has his own physiological characteristics, but it is also simply impossible to make a special chair for each child. If it is possible to independently adjust the chair, taking into account the individual parameters of the schoolchildren, the child’s activities will become as comfortable as possible, and work at the table will now be safe.

As already written above, there should be no armrests. It is the presence of armrests that will constantly provoke the child to place his hands on them and lean on them, while his elbows should lie on the table.

Also, in the lumbar area, the back of the chair should have a slight inward curve. Thereby lumbar region the child will be supported in the correct position, therefore, curvature of the spine can be avoided.

While the child is sitting on a chair, his legs should reach the floor, while a right angle should form in the knee area (this is very important). In the event that the legs do not reach the floor, then you need to install a special stand, which will need to be used during each lesson. Today, many foreign manufacturers of such orthopedic chairs supply such stands in the kit.

Particular attention should be paid to the back of such a chair. If the orthopedic model is correct, the back of such a chair should not be too high. You need to take your child with you to the store and let him sit on a chair for a while - the back of the chair should end at the level of the student’s shoulder blades.

You should also make sure that only environmentally friendly materials, as well as “breathable fabrics,” were used in the manufacture of the selected chair model. To clarify this, you need to ask the seller for quality certificates, which he must present at the first request.

It is important to go shopping for a chair together with your future student. The child should sit on the chair for a while and determine whether he will be comfortable studying on it or not. In the event that something does not suit him, it is worth considering in more detail another model of chair; besides, today there is a fairly wide range of orthopedic chairs in stores. It is worth listening to the wishes of the child, because it is not the parents, but the child who will have to sit on it every day, doing homework. How comfortable a child feels during classes will directly determine his performance at school.

In order to choose the right orthopedic chair for a schoolchild, it is enough to adhere to the above rules and then you don’t have to worry about the health of your baby.

Remember, at school there were posters on the walls depicting how a student should sit at a desk correctly? During the lessons, everyone tried to adhere to this rule, but as soon as you crossed the threshold of the house, they immediately forgot about correct posture. Or maybe they didn’t forget, but the conditions simply didn’t allow them to sit like in the picture? Learn from your own experience and try to organize your little student's workplace correctly. Let's find out which schoolchild's chair is considered the best.

Choosing a type

What should a schoolchild buy - a regular wooden one, an office chair, a computer chair, or maybe he can study on a regular kitchen chair? Expert advice is to choose a model designed taking into account the anatomical characteristics of the child. What is he like? right chair for a schoolboy? This is a model that will grow with the child, its back will support the little student’s spine and there will be no armrests. Why are these particular moments important?

  • Back. It supports the lower back, preventing the spine from sagging. Perfect option- a backrest slightly curved forward or fixed at an angle, and its height corresponds to the level of the child’s shoulder blades.
  • Seat. Rigid, smooth, with depth and height adjustment. Sitting for a long time in a soft chair relaxes the back muscles, as a result of which the child begins to have a curvature of the spine.
  • Armrests. Or rather, their absence is another indicator of the correct chair for a schoolchild. Leaning on the armrests, the child bends in one direction or the other, which entails tension in the cervical spine.

Basic selection rules

  1. Purchase in a store. However, even personal fitting can be erroneous. The only thing that can be avoided in this way is not buying a chair for growth. Adult models are completely unsuitable for children.
  2. Children's chair - a model without wheels and without a swivel function. The child should sit straight, no swaying to the side. Leave the spinning model on wheels for business people for whom every minute counts. The student has nowhere to rush, he does not need to be distracted, but needs to concentrate on his lessons.
  3. Ascetic forms, strict lines, simple materials- one of the main selection criteria.
  4. All models are good that will grow with the child: the chair should have adjustable height and depth of the seat, height and backrest tilt. Be sure to check where your student's feet are: they should be firmly planted on the floor.
  5. If you are faced with the question of which chair to buy for a teenage schoolchild, then take a closer look at the office options.
  6. Give preference natural materials, models that are treated with safe varnishes and paints. Chairs from natural wood, as well as with a frame made of aluminum and steel.
  7. Consider the student's wishes. Surely children will like the model in the same style as the table.

Chair is one of the means of preventing scoliosis. The spine of a schoolchild is just beginning to get stronger, so it is necessary to create all the conditions for proper development.