Projects of kitchens combined with a balcony. Kitchen with a balcony - options for ideal zoning (100 photos)

If the layout of your apartment is such that the kitchen opens onto a balcony or loggia, then you have probably thought about options for expanding your living space. In this article we will look in detail at how to best combine a kitchen with a balcony, what design to choose, and you will see the most successful options in the photos presented.

Kitchen combined with loggia

Correct zoning

Redevelopment of the premises must begin with approval from the administrative authorities. Having legitimized your actions, you can begin the most interesting part - arranging the newfound space. The implementation of your plans in this direction depends on the possibility of demolishing the wall separating the kitchen from the balcony.

Combining kitchen and balcony with complete demolition of the wall

Let's consider the option when the wall turned out to be load-bearing and you did not receive permission to demolish it. In this case, only the window and door are removed.

Rational use of the part of the wall between the balcony and the kitchen

  • Bar counter. You may like this option because the bar counter can also be used as a small dining table, allowing family members to have an unplanned snack. It is easy to place shelves above the bar counter, which are useful for storing kitchen utensils, souvenirs or photographs;
  • The former window sill can also be used as an additional work surface, which will be useful to every housewife.

Bar counter built on the site of an old balcony block

If the wall between the kitchen and the balcony is still demolished, then design options the design of the expanded space becomes much larger:

  • We use the balcony as a working kitchen area. The balcony space combined with the kitchen area is convenient to use for placing kitchen units. Cabinets that could not fit in the kitchen will now find a convenient location on the balcony.

    Moving the kitchen to the balcony

    Yours permanent place they can find it here kitchen sink And washing machine. Although their movement is associated with certain difficulties, there is a need to relocate sewer and water pipes, the result is worth it. The kitchen area will unload and become much more spacious;

  • Like a dining area. Families often find it difficult to accommodate a large dining table in small kitchens. Having received additional square meters, you can buy a decent dining table and arrange a real dining room on the balcony!

    Dining area located in the passage between the kitchen and the balcony

    Thus freeing up additional space in the kitchen. This option is much more often used by residents, because it does not incur significant costs for transferring communications;

  • Winter Garden. Families often use an insulated and landscaped balcony to create a greenhouse.

    Winter garden on the loggia combined with the kitchen

    After all, every city dweller often lacks a corner of nature at home;

  • Study. This option is for those who do not have time in the office and take work home. You can find a convenient place for privacy on the reconstructed balcony.

    Office on a combined balcony

    Having placed there desk and a cozy chair, you will get a real office for work;

  • Extra bed.

    Sleeping place on the combined balcony

    Creating it is quite simple: order a suitable sofa and window-darkening blinds or curtains - and your place to relax is ready;

  • Playroom for a child.

    Children's room on the combined balcony

    Parents of young children often face the problem of toys scattered throughout the apartment. Create an impromptu children's corner in the resulting additional space!

Relaxation area on the combined loggia with kitchen

Designing the border between the kitchen and the balcony

  • Sliding doors. This option is suitable for those who former balcony Used as a rest room or office.

    Sliding doors separating the balcony from the kitchen

    Sliding doors will create a feeling of demarcation of space, but still leave the kitchen as bright as possible. Sliding doors do not take up precious space and allow you to arrange the necessary furniture without interference;

  • Arches. The opening of an extended wall may look out of place with a certain design. If you round off unnecessary corners, the room will add smoothness and fluidity, which will come in handy with certain interior solutions.

    Arch on the balcony combined with the kitchen

    The arch will allow you to divide the room into separate zones, but at the same time will not introduce an optical imbalance. The design of a small kitchen combined with a balcony very successfully stylizes the arched opening;

  • Threshold between the balcony and the kitchen. It often happens that the threshold between the balcony and the kitchen plays the role of a counterweight to the balcony mounts and cannot be dismantled. In this case, it is necessary to smooth out the unnecessary difference so that there is no feeling of space disharmony. For this purpose they draw up flooring identical linoleum or tiles, without highlighting the threshold protrusion.

    Flat floor on the loggia combined with the kitchen

    If you decided to use an additional room for an alternative zone, then delimiting the space using a threshold will help you with this.

Advice! In the case of a protruding threshold, raise the floor surface on the balcony to its level and create a podium. This will make it possible to zone the room and remove a traumatic object - a protruding threshold.

Podium in a room combined with a balcony

Interior style

Kitchen interier combined with a balcony should look harmonious. Therefore, even when trying to delimit space, it is necessary to achieve a unified design style. To do this, it is necessary to use the same materials for finishing and color palette paints In the following photos you can see the kitchen combined with a balcony in various design solutions.

Interior of a kitchen combined with a balcony in Provence style

Design of a combined kitchen with a balcony in light colors

Dining area on the balcony adjacent to the kitchen

Classic style

This timeless design trend will give your combined kitchen a cozy and serene feel.

Classic interior of a kitchen combined with a loggia

When choosing a classic, order carved kitchen facades that imitate natural wood. The classic style welcomes beautiful and rich window design; blinds are not welcome. Let the large balcony windows be covered with tulle and curtains that do not let in light. Each piece of furniture should be of good quality and have natural colors and shades. The style negatively accepts newfangled household appliances, so microwaves, multicookers, etc. should be hidden behind cabinet doors as much as possible. Lighting may vary in brightness, but classic lamps and ceiling chandeliers are the law.

Luxurious interior of a combined kitchen in rich chocolate tones

Advice! If, when combining a kitchen with a balcony, you were unable to completely get rid of the partition wall and you installed a bar counter, then the classic style will not suit you. This element looks much more attractive in modern design trends.

Bar counter installed in place of the balcony block

A good option for zoning the space between the kitchen and the balcony is an arch. Its rounded shapes and smoothness will add softness and comfort to the interior - everything that the classic style strives for.

Combined balcony with kitchen with arched passage

Round transition between the kitchen and the balcony with a bar counter

Modern directions

Any of the modern ones you like design solutions can be used to decorate a kitchen combined with a balcony. If you like bright glossy surfaces, strive to equip your kitchen with the latest technology and do not accept numerous decorative items, decorate the combined space in a high-tech style.

Modern bright design combined kitchen with balcony

To make the two rooms look organic, place, for example, a table and chairs with chrome legs on the balcony area, and decorate the glossy kitchen façade with identical fittings. The bar counter can act as a separator between two spaces. Photo of the interior of a kitchen combined with a balcony in modern style you can look further.

Modern style kitchen combined with a balcony with panoramic windows

Ethnic styles

Ethnic trends are created for those who strive to stand out with special originality and style. When choosing them, choose, for example, African. An interior made in this style can be recognized by unusual decorative items: masks on the walls, animal figures, kitchen utensils. A colorful animal skin will look good on the floor. The coloring of such a room will create a successful color scheme: Some bright accent colors against a calmer background.

African style in a kitchen combined with a loggia


The style welcomes the use of aged kitchen facades and natural fabrics with simple patterns: small flowers, herbs, shells. Here you only need to use natural materials: wood, linen, chintz. Interior colors should be consistent pastel colors. Decorate the windows on the balcony and kitchen with light curtains that let in light, and choose pastel colors for the kitchen set. This direction is emphasized by decorative items self made: tablecloths, towels. A combined kitchen space designed in this way will create a feeling of increased space and give the simplicity and sophistication of rural motifs.

Exquisite "Provence" in the kitchen

When combining a kitchen with a balcony, you need to properly use the additional space, and then you can create a functional, cozy and practical room.

Small kitchen combined with a balcony

Apartments in multi-storey buildings small in size and with an inconvenient kitchen layout, so the owners find any way to expand the room and make it comfortable.

To combine the kitchen with the balcony, you need to demolish the partition

Expand the kitchen with a balcony - good idea. This results in more free space that can be used for its intended purpose, and not as a warehouse for old skis, boxes of shoes and other rubbish.

To create a kitchen with a balcony, you need a lot of time and effort, because demolishing a partition is not an easy task. In addition, additional wiring needs to be done, and this also takes more than one day. If you want to combine a balcony with a kitchen, follow the sequence of actions:

  1. Remove the window and doorway.
  2. Remove the window sill.
  3. Move the battery to another location.
  4. Insulate the loggia or balcony.
  5. Heating radiator fastening.

This list of operations is simple, it requires free time and desire, and the work can be done with my own hands, without involving specialists who will charge a tidy sum for combining a kitchen and a balcony.

When dismantling the window sill and window frame take into account the fact that not every apartment can carry it out, as in some cases load-bearing structures collapse. Before you start work, carefully study the structure of the house and consult with architects who are confident in your further actions.

Combining buildings correctly

When you start combining a kitchen and a balcony, first decide where the work and dining areas will be, where you will put the furniture and household appliances. Do not ignore this issue, and resolve it before you carry out restructuring. You'll probably ask: why? Here is a list of reasons:

When you start combining a kitchen and a balcony, first decide where the working and dining areas will be, where you will put the furniture and household appliances

  • The division into zones, arrangement of furniture and equipment depends on this;
  • How easy it is to dismantle and install;
  • With the correct arrangement, the interior design will be as intended.

Balcony - work area

If you are combining a kitchen with a balcony, various ideas will help you with this. An option when the work area is on the balcony with all the furniture and appliances, and there is a dining area in the kitchen. To do this, it is worth considering all the difficulties that will arise during redevelopment.

Before doing it on the balcony work area, insulate it

  1. First you need to insulate the balcony, this applies to both walls, floor, ceiling and the space under the window sill.
  2. The stove and sink are moved outside the premises. When reinstalling the sink, there will be no complications; to do this, extend the hoses for water drainage and inflow. As for the stove, everything is more complicated. If the stove is electric, move it, but if the residents in the entire house use gas, you will not be allowed to move the stove.

Important! If you are expanding the kitchen with a work area on the balcony, do not engage in amateur activities, so that this does not lead to fatal consequences. Consult with specialists and obtain the necessary permission to repair gas equipment!

Balcony - dining room

If you combine a balcony with a kitchen in order to create a dining area there, then the work of installing and moving equipment is significantly reduced. To do this, you only need insulation of the floor, walls and ceiling, as well as some Finishing work. This option is much simpler than the first. The design of the balconies plays an important role, as everything will be visible and should look stylish and functional.

If you combine a balcony with a kitchen in order to create a dining area there, then the work of installing and moving equipment is significantly reduced

The good thing about a kitchen-balcony is that by expanding it you get the space that was missing. It turns out almost the same as it was before, only the table with chairs or a sofa is moved.

Tip: for a kitchen with a dining area on the balcony, buy a small round or oval table, and go with it corner sofa and a couple of chairs. If there is free space in the corner, place a refrigerator there. This way, you will have more space in your kitchen.

Pros and cons of a combined balcony with a kitchen

Combining a balcony with a kitchen is a good idea, but, like any renovation and reconstruction, this option has advantages and disadvantages.

By combining a kitchen with a balcony you can significantly increase the area of ​​the room


  • The area increases. This is convenient if you have a small square or rectangular kitchen;
  • Comfort for the owners;
  • When selling an apartment, its price increases;
  • Additional natural light;
  • Original design balcony inside.


  • It is long and difficult to dismantle a wall with a doorway. The process requires the availability of appropriate documents;
  • The wall with the threshold and window sill is not removed in all cases; most often they have to be left in place;
  • In case of poor repair - warm balcony remains a dream, or everything has to be remade in a new way.

Advice: before combining a kitchen with a balcony, seek help from architects and engineers who will help with action and advice.

Insulation and heating of balconies

Except stylish design a kitchen with a balcony should be warm. To carry out this work, you need special skills that will help you make repairs correctly and efficiently.


Before combining two rooms, take care of the frame. It is better to give preference to welded structures with offset, which are capable of increasing wind resistance by high level, and increase the space a little. External cladding is done using siding. This material is good because it retains heat inside the building and is resistant to temperature changes.

The next stage is insulation of balconies. To do this, step back 3 cm from the floor and lay down special insulating materials. If you are making a heated floor, additionally lay a rubber covering with heating elements.

Demolition of partition

In order to provide free access to the balcony space, remove the window to the balcony and the wall that separates the two rooms. If the partition is load-bearing, it should never be demolished.

Tip: in this case, make a bar counter or shelf from the window sill indoor plants- This is an option if the wall cannot be demolished.

Insulated balcony for others finishing material, the main thing is that it matches the color and matches the style.


A kitchen combined with a balcony is practical, but make it warm too. When making repairs, make sure that temperature regime was the same everywhere. To do this, install an additional battery, and you need to install it not in a way that is prohibited, but for example in an arch.

An alternative heating option would be electric convectors heating, which can be selected in electronics stores with the help of the seller. Place such devices on a loggia or balcony and connect them to an outlet.

To choose the right convector, calculate how much area is heated - if up to 10 square meters. m, then this is a device with low power, 20 sq. m or more - means designed for such a quadrature.

Electricity supply

Renovating a kitchen combined with a balcony is a matter that requires attention, so do it in such a way that connecting the appliance and turning on the lamp does not become a problem. To do this, you need to additionally supply electricity to the balcony, install sockets and sconces, and install spotlights with LED bulbs.

Don't forget that you will need to run electricity on the balcony

Advice: if you do not carry out the installation work electrical appliances, use an extension cord that is hidden under a carpet or rug.

Finish and design

When all dismantling and insulation work has been completed, begin finishing the adjacent rooms. The kitchen and balcony together should be one, with a similar design and decoration in the desired style. Also think carefully about your future design, which, if necessary, will hide all the shortcomings.

A kitchen combined with a balcony has a completely different design, it all depends on preferences and fantasies.

Tip: on the balcony place two wicker chairs with cushions and a round glass table. Here you can have a pleasant time having lunch or reading your favorite book.


When combining a kitchen with a balcony, follow the rules and conditions so that there are no difficulties in creating the kitchen of your dreams.

Kitchen with access to the balcony often found both in modern apartments and old buildings. The layout is a winning option. It allows you to increasekitchen space, which will make it more spacious, attractive and filled with light. Balcony expands design possibilities interior . Its presence allows you to implement original design solutions.

Its rational and competent use will turn the kitchen into a comfortable place filled with home comfort.

Availability of a balcony in the apartment is a huge plus for the owners. It can serve not only as a place to store things, but also as a separate living room. It all depends on the area premises. Exit to the loggia may be from the hall, bedroom or other room. The most convenient option is kitchen balcony . It will be an excellent replacement for a refrigerator in winter time of the year.

Equipment cannot always accommodate the necessary products. Especially when it comes to holidays.

Kitchen with access to the balcony has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The main one is to turn the room into passage place. Especially in cases when he is the only one in the apartment.

A loggia is more convenient than a balcony, since it already has solid walls to which you can attach.

Kitchen design with balcony depends on many factors. It's not just about size premises, but also how it will be used. Modern designers offer a lot of ideas that will not be difficult to implement on a balcony space.

This will make it appearance attractive and useful.

Renovating a similar kitchen - not an easy task. In a traditional layout premises it's much simpler. Despite thisconvenient. The main thing is to use the space opportunities wisely. Do interior functional can be done by combining n accommodations. Kitchen design with balcony it looks interesting, it is practical and expands the area small room. But this is not necessary; the loggia will be a wonderful place for relaxation, creativity or a work office.

If you insulate it, you can implement a fresh solution - beautiful winter Garden.

There are different ways to use balcony space. They depend directly on the requirements of the owner. Kitchen design combined with a balcony good option For small apartments. Main area premises increases, it is more comfortable to cook food, have meals and receive guests in it. It is worth considering that in this case additional space.

Before deciding to merge, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of such an idea.

Integrity can be maintained balcony, what is relevant for small kitchen . It must be freely accessible. They will help with this doors sliding design. They have a stylish look and are easy to use.

If the doors are made of transparent glass, they fill the main room with natural light.

Functional and aesthetic interior: what to consider when designing?

Kitchen design with a balcony must meet the requirements of the owners. They mainly relate to external design and practicality.

Rational use of the part of the wall between the balcony and the kitchen.

To make it functional and aesthetic, you need to consider the following points.

  • From the door which leads to balcony , the movement of cold air is stronger than from the window. This is explained by the size of the structure. During the winter season this can cause inconvenience to residents. The problem can be solved if zone protect lunch and work from air currents and drafts, placing it in a secluded place.
  • Not glazed balcony can only be used in summer time of the year. It is appropriate to organize zone a place where you can enjoy the sun and fresh air. To use it as a storage room, it is necessary to glaze and insulate.

It will be a good alternative to a basement, workshop or winter garden.

  • Finishing the kitchen and balcony wall , which is adjacent to room, similar materials or in the same style, you can get an interesting effect. Space will increase and look harmonious and whole.
  • Right choice curtains Will fit roller blinds made from washable fabric. Fasten them directly above the door and a window that overlooks balcony.

The composition will look stylish and makes the interior elegant.

The opening can be arranged different ways. Good for this bar counter. Design, like an arch or semi-arch, will make original kitchen design combined with a balcony.

You may like this option because the bar counter can also be used as a small dining table.

What is the difference between a balcony and a loggia?

The kitchen can have access not only to the balcony, but also to the loggia. Before arranging additional space, it is worth determining whether there are differences between these structures. This will avoid a number of errors when executing repair work and use space efficiently.

Combining the kitchen and balcony with the complete demolition of the wall.

Difference Balcony Loggia
Connecting to a wall protrudes relative to the building facade is in the same plane with the facade wall
Design There are three open sides that face the street, one side borders the apartment. three sides are closed, and one only faces the street.
Arrangement possibilities Has limited load-bearing capacity. It needs to be glazed and insulated. Excellent opportunities for arrangement.
Square A compact room secured by fencing and a beam system. Its size is limited. Limited only architectural features Houses.
Reliability Relatively safe design. A completely safe room.

Place to rest

Every housewife dreams of a corner where she can relax alone with her thoughts, calmly drink tea, and enjoy watching her favorite movie. The living room or bedroom is not able to meet these requirements. Balcony – a great place where you can organize a small zone recreation. To do this, just install minimum set: sofa, floor lamp and TV.

If space is limited, then an armchair and a coffee table will do.

Regarding interior design, then styles such as oriental, Chinese and Japanese are suitable. They will make the room unusual. You can supplement it kitchen, drawn up in classic style, as well as modern.

Having received additional square meters from the balcony, you can purchase a coffee table with armchairs and arrange a place to relax on the balcony!

Arranging a cozy zones perhaps on a balcony without insulation. Basically he used in the summer season. Place small table and two wicker chairs. Open plan looks aesthetically pleasing if the exterior finishing is done correctly walls , there are forged elements and lamps.

Drinking tea in the fresh air is twice as tasty.

Place to grow flowers

Greenhouse on the balcony – original version arrangement. Admire beautiful flowering plants, vegetables and root crops can be grown all year round.

The main thing is to provide optimal conditions for them.

Temperature and light availability are important for plants. That's why insulation is mandatory. The sun's rays will penetrate without obstacles if you completely glaze balcony. Daylight promotes the growth and development of the room's inhabitants.

This setting allows you to create a romantic corner among greenery and hanging flowers.

Appropriate in in this case transparent door. It will allow you to see the winter garden without entering its territory. It will appear that the plants are present on kitchen . As a supplement The interior uses a dining table and stools. In room There is a sincere atmosphere that is conducive to tea drinking.

Storage room on the balcony

Place the necessary items in small apartment not easy. In such housing there is not enough space for a storage room where things and work supplies are stored. Balcony will help in solving this problem.

Shelves, cabinets and other furniture are placed here to store small items.

It is necessary in advance insulate, then arrange the racks. You can hide them from prying eyes using doors. Wooden or plastic structures such as an accordion or wardrobe are suitable. They are easy to use and take up minimal space. Closed shelving will make the room neat and give it an aesthetic appearance.

Racks are used for storing vegetables, fruits, canned goods and various utensils.

How to equip a workshop on the kitchen balcony?

A workshop is a special place for the owner. Here he can do what he loves. Find its area in modern apartment hard enough. Especially when it comes to small-sized housing. It becomes a real salvation balcony.

If you organize a heating system in it, it will become a full-fledged room.

Despite its non-standard configuration and small size, it can be turned into a comfortable workshop. Thoughtful to detail interior will harmoniously complement kitchen. The son will be able to do what he loves under the supervision of his mother, who is preparing dinner.

The façade of the furniture must match the style of the room.

Great for a workshop table like a wardrobe. It will help hide creative chaos from prying eyes. The installed shelves and hanging items are closed. All this will allow you to harmoniously combine the production part with the style that is selected for kitchen design.

Original design solutions

Combining kitchen and balcony good chance to do room more functional and beautiful. It's definitely worth using. Arranging it involves performing several steps. First, the balcony is insulated, then it is removed door and a window. The opening itself can remain in its original form.This picture is not uncommon, because it is less expensive.

You can arrange the opening as a bar counter or dining furniture.

There is another combination option. Taken out workplace on loggia . The necessary communications are also located there.

If combining balconies and kitchen, then the first one is mandatory insulated . To do this, use appropriate materials for walls, floor. Insulation and glazing carried out balcony A heated floor is installed or a heating radiator is removed.

To do this realistically, the main thing is to obtain permission from the relevant authorities.

What is needed to remodel a balcony?

Changing the layout balcony , you need to know that a permit is required for this work. Special authorities are responsible for issuing it. If you have the relevant documents on hand, you can carry out the merger kitchen and balcony.

The redevelopment will be legal and there will be no problems with it during the sale of the home or in other cases.

It assumes the presence of:

  • Finished project housing redevelopment;
  • Neighbors' agreement in writing;
  • Permission signed by the following organizations: BTI, SES, state supervision and architectural bureau;
  • The act of changing the apartment plan.

It is important to note that the issue regarding demolition is resolved first walls. If it is load-bearing, then the opening must be left; only the door and window are removed. Of course, in this case it will not be possible to expand the area. Despite this, the protruding part easily turns into a modern one. bar counter or workplace.

Wall , which is not load-bearing, can be easily dismantled. As a result, the space of the rooms becomes one whole.

It can be arranged in any way.

Preparing these documents requires effort and time. If you don’t have them, contact a company that specializes in resolving these issues. She will do everything on her own and in a short time. Such services will entail additional financial costs.

Balcony - an important part of any home. It can be turned into cozy room, a place to relax or work. If kitchen small sizes, then it is appropriate to combine it with loggia. This will make it possible to expand space, arrange it beautifully, make it more functional, fill it with comfort.

VIDEO: Design of a kitchen combined with a balcony.

50 ideas for planning and designing a kitchen with a balcony:

Kitchens with access to a balcony are considered more comfortable than those without a balcony. What housewife wouldn’t be happy with extra space! On the balcony you can store vegetables in a makeshift cellar, or take out a hot dish to cool. But if the kitchen balcony is the only balcony in the apartment, then this advantage turns into a disadvantage. The kitchen becomes a passage room. The design of a kitchen with a balcony largely depends on whether the owners plan to combine these two rooms.

The space of this kitchen is expanded due to the originally designed balcony

Design of a small kitchen with a balcony

Both the kitchen and the balcony - multifunctional premises. If you do not want to lose your balcony by combining it with the kitchen, you need to provide free space for opening balcony door. This means that it will not be possible to use window sills-tabletops across the entire width of the window and door. But if you think about a folding or mobile work surface(a table on wheels, for example) along a window wall, then this option can be brought to life.

A calm and cozy seating area located on the balcony will become a favorite place for family tea.

Another way to save usable space is to install a sliding rather than a hinged balcony door.

Sliding doors can help you save a lot of space

When designing a kitchen with a balcony, keep in mind that air movement from the balcony door to front door into the kitchen may create discomfort for people in the room. Therefore, position the table so that the people sitting at it are not in a draft. This advice also applies to the work area.

If the balcony becomes an extension of the kitchen, it is better to decorate them in the same style

If you are renovating your kitchen, don’t ignore the adjacent balcony. If combining these rooms is not part of your plans, equip an additional storage area on the balcony. The main thing is not to turn the balcony into a storage room for all the rubbish that for some reason does not fit in the apartment. It is well known that such landfills carry negative energy and stagnation in business.

The balcony may well look like a sophisticated and elegant place to relax

Make racks on the balcony for storing homemade canned goods and vegetables. They can be stored there if the balcony is glazed and insulated. Men sometimes store various tools on the balcony; let them also have separate shelves, and it is better if these shelves are closed. Sliding doors for balcony closets (like a wardrobe), as well as plastic or wooden accordion doors, are very convenient. Closed cabinets look much neater than open shelves.

If desired, you can arrange a real “winter garden” on the balcony and in the kitchen.

If you keep the balcony in the same stylistic range as the kitchen, it will visually increase the kitchen space. You can provide it with a folding table for tea drinking in the warm season.

The carefully thought-out interior of this balcony impresses with luxury and respectability, so uncharacteristic for premises of this type

The competent design of curtains is of great importance for the design of a kitchen with a balcony. Roller blinds and Roman blinds attached directly to windows and balcony doors look elegant and stylish. In addition, such curtains are very functional. It is recommended to make fabric curtains in a kitchen with a balcony of different lengths: on the window - to the window sill, and on the balcony door - to the floor. This is necessary in order to hide the balcony door and make the ceilings in the room visually higher.

Kitchen curtains in a kitchen with a balcony may well serve as room zoning

Design of a kitchen combined with a balcony

If it is possible to combine the kitchen and balcony, then the kitchen has every chance of becoming more functional and beautiful room. The easiest way is to insulate the balcony, remove the door and window, and use the lintel as a foot for a bar counter or dining table. This option is the most popular because it is less expensive. But you can go another way. For example, move the work area onto the balcony, moving all communications there. Technically this is possible, but you will have to run around for permits from various authorities and hire craftsmen who will bring the projects to life.

This combination of kitchen and balcony is most convenient in apartments with an old layout.

Required condition To combine the kitchen and the balcony is to insulate the balcony. It includes insulating walls, floors and ceilings, insulating and glazing the balcony, placing a heating radiator on it or installing a heated floor, which is heated by electric mats. Of course, all this requires obtaining permits.

When combining a balcony and a kitchen, part of the wall with a window sill can be transformed into a bar counter

How to profitably use a balcony in the interior

The functional load on the balcony, which is connected to the kitchen, can be different. Here you can organize a work or dining area. Or you can turn the balcony into a relaxation area with a small kitchen sofa and TV. Do you want to place all the equipment on the balcony that makes life easier for the owner? Place a microwave, coffee maker or coffee machine here, electric oven, steamer, multicooker.

A balcony is an ideal place for a refrigerator if the kitchen is not large.

Often a refrigerator is placed on the balcony combined with the kitchen. Then he stands in a niche, almost invisible from the kitchen. You can make a balcony functional room for a holiday in a certain style. For example, in Chinese (for tea drinking), Oriental, Japanese. This balcony interior in the kitchen goes well with a classic kitchen or a modern kitchen.

On the spacious balcony you can create a cozy dining area using flowers and curtains as decorative elements

If you are into Feng Shui, you probably know that it is not recommended to eat food in the same room where it was prepared, due to the multiple energies involved in cooking. If you have a small family (4-5 people), you can organize a full-fledged dining area on the balcony by dividing the balcony from the kitchen with a sliding partition or folding screen.

By adding a balcony you can expand the kitchen working area

By providing storage space for kitchen utensils on the balcony, you will save space in the kitchen for dining area. You can make lower cabinets around the perimeter of the balcony.

You can store kitchen utensils in specially equipped lockers on the balcony.

How to arrange access to a former balcony? Most often it is decorated with an arch or semi-arch with lighting. But you can leave the opening rectangular. Another option is the design of the opening decorative columns. They can be made from plasterboard and decorated with tiled or plaster tiles (like stone or brick).

Another example of a successful conversion of a window sill into a bar counter

Kitchen set for kitchen with balcony

Shape and appearance kitchen furniture changes annually, designers are developing more and more new models, but the presence of a work surface, wall and floor cabinets remains unchanged. To save space, wall cabinets are located directly above the floor ones - anyway, useful space has already been taken. But when it comes to a small kitchen, not everything is so simple.

To avoid cluttering the kitchen household appliances, the refrigerator can be moved to the balcony

Remember the furniture walls that stood in the living room of any Soviet apartment. Bulky cabinets visually distorted the proportions of the room and ate up useful space. The situation is exactly the same with kitchen units up to the ceiling. If you want to create a feeling of spaciousness in your kitchen, avoid upper cabinets or at least reduce their size or number. Cabinets can be installed on the balcony, saving useful kitchen space.

Photo of kitchen design ideas with a balcony

A cozy sofa, bright pillows, original decorative elements - and the balcony immediately becomes unusual look

The folding table will not take up much space, but will allow you to use the balcony for tea parties in the warm season

Balcony decorated in oriental style, will immediately become a landmark of the apartment

The original design of curtains with a lambrequin for a kitchen with a balcony is one of the main decorative elements of this interior

The winter garden laid out on this balcony requires serious care, but it looks simply luxurious

If it is possible to combine the kitchen and balcony, then the kitchen has every chance of becoming a more functional and beautiful room

You can install a high bar counter at the border between the kitchen and the balcony.

A prerequisite for combining the kitchen and balcony is insulation of the balcony

Combining a kitchen with a balcony helps expand the space of a small kitchen both visually and actually

The finishing of the balcony, which matches the finishing of the kitchen, visually unites the two separate rooms into one whole

If even after combining the kitchen with the balcony there is still not enough space for a full-fledged dining table, a folding table will help out

The easiest way is to insulate the balcony, remove the door and window, and use the lintel as a foot for a bar counter or dining table

There may be enough space for a dining table on the balcony

Sliding doors are well-deservedly popular for their aesthetic characteristics and convenience.

The functional load on the balcony, which is connected to the kitchen, can be different - both significant and insignificant

When designing this kitchen, the balcony was initially assigned the role of a full-fledged dining area

To decorate a balcony, you should deviate from generally accepted standards and use your own imagination

This balcony is not combined with the kitchen, but, on the contrary, has retained its original purpose as an open space for relaxing in the fresh air.

It is better to plan the combination of the kitchen and balcony before the renovation work begins.

Original design lighting a former balcony using lighting can become an important decorative component of the entire interior

The exit to the former balcony is most often left rectangular, but it can also be a semicircular arch

The corners of the arch can be made rounded, this will give it style and effectiveness.

There are no generally accepted rules for designing an exit to a balcony, so you can give free rein to your imagination

In this kitchen, the exit to the balcony itself, made in the form of a semi-arch and originally decorated, became the “highlight” of the interior

In this interior on the balcony there is an intermediate option between the dining area and the relaxation area

Combining a kitchen and a balcony is most often done to expand possibilities natural light and increasing the kitchen area

Decorating the exit to the balcony with a semicircular arch with lighting is suitable for kitchens decorated in a classic style

Simplicity of lines, severity of forms, softness color range make this kitchen very attractive

To decorate the door and window openings of this kitchen, a whole complex of different types curtains: Roman, curtains with tiebacks and curtains

Many housewives have long been looking towards the balcony in the hope that they will be able to expand the kitchen with these additional meters. How to solve the issue of arrangement and heating, what can be placed on the balcony and how to fit all the kitchen utensils into the loggia?

If you want to preserve the charm of an open space, you can simply purchase suitable furniture and set up a breakfast area on the balcony. Tables mounted on a lattice and light mini-sofas allow you to create a romantic corner among greenery and hanging flowers.

Cozy kitchen combined with a balcony

When the soul requires radical changes, you can safely besiege the relevant authorities with a demand to give permission for redevelopment. It is worth considering that outer wall is the load-bearing element of the building. Therefore, it is unlikely that city architects will agree to dismantle at least part of it.

In most cases, you can get by with “little blood”, leaving the wall almost in the same form as it is. Those. just remove the window and door frame. But what then to do with the window sill, which continues to divide the room into two parts? It can be shortened a little and lowered if necessary. In any case, it serves as an excellent basis for radiators if a “warm floor” has not yet been installed in the room.

It goes without saying that the balcony or loggia must be glazed and covered with a sandwich of decorative and thermal insulation materials. Select double-glazed windows that are suitable for your climate zone.

The issue of heating a balcony is a serious matter. It is necessary to carefully insulate the walls and floor. And only after that install “warm floors”. This system is the most democratic, especially the option with electric cable. In this case, there is no risk of flooding the lower loggias. The system refers to household electrical appliances and does not require permits.

When designing an integrated kitchen, it is worth considering that it is not advisable to move gas appliances outside the room. However, no one will prevent you from using an electric hob on the balcony. Modern technical means allow you to take out the sink and bring it sewer pipes. To do this, you need to provide appropriate communications wiring.

Combined loggia

A loggia is more convenient than a balcony, since it already has solid walls to which you can attach. Modifications of loggias are very diverse. Sometimes there are quite bizarre curved shapes. One thing remains unchanged - the meter width. The design is developed based on the available data for a specific plan.

There are several design options:

1. The kitchen remains in its place, and the loggia is used as a relaxation area. There is a sofa, tea table, greenery.

2. The kitchen remains in the same place, and a storage area with cabinets and shelves is located in the new area. The refrigerator and freezer are installed in a new place and no longer disturb anyone.

3. Part of the kitchen moves to the loggia. The most painless way is to move the work surface and place the sink and stove on the “window sill” left after dismantling the old frame.

4. For small families and bachelors, a radical change in the kitchen is possible. The entire set is moved to the loggia, and the remaining room is used as a living room. This option is quite acceptable for plans where 9m2 is allocated for the catering unit.

With bar counter

The bar counter placed on it allows you to decorate the window sill beautifully and at the same time make good use of it. This best option fit a structural element into the design without harming the overall style.

Useful technology

You can optimize the tiny space of a balcony or loggia using modern devices, designed for a small area. For example, hob, on which the burners are located not in a square, but in a line. The model of the sink also plays an important role. Convenience and comfort are provided by additional bowls and the ability to cover the sink container with a cutting board.

You can also find ready-made kits in the form of mini-kitchens. There is a microwave, hob, sink and refrigerator. And all this together fits into a bedside table or small closet.

Just right for a bachelor's home. With minimal space, it can be used as a home office, and if necessary, the mysterious chest of drawers turns into a miniature kitchen set.

Video combining a kitchen with a balcony

Jul 21, 2015 Werri