Household batteries. For skilled hands - a homemade battery

Do-it-yourself eternal battery 2.13 volts.

Today I’ll tell you how to make a battery that can last about half a year.

Today I’ll tell you how to make a battery that can last about half a year, or you can use an alternative, for example, a 12-volt solar battery produced by Chinaland Solar Energy.

We will need:

  • body, it will be glass jar, plastic will not work;

  • some piece of silver in this case this is a spoon, it will serve as a core and will also participate in a chemical reaction;

  • copper wire, it could be an old winding from some old electrical appliances;

  • cling film, it will serve as insulation between the layers of the winding.

For the solution in which all this will happen:

  • apple cider vinegar 6%, teaspoon;

  • glycerin, it is sold in any pharmacy, costs ten rubles, four bottles;

  • regular salt small, teaspoon.

First, wrap the spoon in cling film so that there is no direct contact with the copper wire. I wrapped the spoon with film, as you can see, the upper and lower ends of the spoon are exposed, this is so that there is interaction with the solution, now let’s start wrapping it with wire. We leave a longer piece, this will be one of the contacts, and wind the first layer. I wound one layer, as you can see the turns are not close to each other, there should be space for insulation between them. Now you need to wind the cling film again, I wound the second layer, the film needs to be wound as freely as possible so as not to impede the flow of the solution between the wires and now you need to wind the second layer of wire and so on, the film, then the wire and so on until you get tired.

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How to make a battery with your own hands

How to make a battery from improvised materials

Do you think batteries can only be bought in stores? You are wrong, someone did not forget the physics course and figured out how to make a battery from what is at hand. And at hand we have: four braided copper wires, three glass glasses, table salt, and the basis of life on planet earth - water. We will also need foil, tape, or electrical tape.

We take copper wire, all four pieces, and strip their ends one by one. Next, we wrap one of the ends of the wire with foil - three of them. Now we attach a wire to each glass with electrical tape; see the picture below for how to do this.

Now all that remains is to fill the glasses with salt water and connect them to the two extreme ends... well, for example, an electric alarm clock. According to those who have already tried this way to create a battery, the alarm clock works great.

There are a couple more ways to make batteries yourself. For example, as described below.

This time we will need the following items:

  • Porcelain saucer,
  • Stationery scissors
  • Scotch tape or duct tape
  • Six copper coins of any denomination
  • Warm water, generously salted with table salt
  • Two copper wires
  • Regular wire cutters
  • Store-bought aluminum foil
  • Paper napkin

Now let’s take the coins and clean them with any cleaning agent, then draw six circles on a napkin and foil and cut them out with scissors. We clean the ends of the wires with wire cutters and twist the wires. We attach one end of the wire to a coin with electrical tape, and the other to a foil mug. Place a mug from a napkin in salted water, just don’t forget to heat it up, the solution should be warm.

Next, we place the end of the wire with foil in our saucer, and on it a paper mug soaked in a salty solution. Place a copper coin on top. Next, we add several more layers of foil, wet paper and coins, finally covering everything with a coin with a wire. Here you go homemade battery . How do you like this method?

There is another, perhaps the simplest way: stick a paper clip and a copper wire into the lemon; you will get a weak element, but still the same. In principle, we have already said that to create batteries Almost any fruit or vegetable can work.

Well, if anyone is interested, you can try it and show it to children as a fun, educational experiment. I'm sure the kids will really like it.

This is interesting:

The sun is a huge and stable source of energy; it would be stupid not to use it. The power generated by the sun is 1000 W/m². You won't be able to use all the power, but you will be able to use some of it. Using photocells, you can collect up to 140 W per m².

Solar panels are several photocells that convert solar energy into electricity.

What is the structure of a solar battery? These are one or more solar cells that convert solar energy into electricity.

Electricity is becoming more expensive every day and will continue to rise in price. Now companies are looking for new energy sources and trying to make them. One of the most popular such sources is solar panels. More and more solar chargers are appearing every day. They are used at home, in the office, in industry. Solar energy is being used more and more often.

Advantages of a solar battery

  1. Durability. Such an energy source will work for you for a very long time, therefore, when purchasing a solar battery, you sign a long-term contract with it.
  2. Simple structure. You can make the battery yourself at home, there is nothing difficult about it. Below are instructions on how to do this.
  3. Little weight. Solar batteries, due to their design and the material used, weigh little, which is a huge advantage in some industries.
  4. Repairable. This kind of battery breaks quite rarely, but if it does happen, they can be easily restored.
  5. Environmentally friendly. Solar batteries are harmless to environment, they use an inexhaustible resource - sunlight. In addition to environmental friendliness, they have another advantage - noiselessness.

You need to know that such an energy source is not ideal; it also has disadvantages. Firstly, solar panels are quite expensive. Secondly, they take up a lot of space. Thirdly, they need careful care - batteries react to dirt, they must always be kept clean. Fourthly, it depends on the weather and time of day. You can receive solar energy only if the weather is favorable and during the daytime. On cloudy and cloudy days, battery power can decrease by 10 times. Fifthly, low efficiency. It ranges from approximately 10 to 25%.

Currently, there are several factories in Russia that produce solar panels, but you can make them yourself at home. They won't be as powerful as the professional ones, but they might be fine for the home.

Structure of a solar battery

The main function on which the structure of a solar battery depends is energy generation.

The basis of the battery is photocells, which must be connected in series and in parallel. The most popular solar cells are made from silicon. Our planet has a huge amount of silicon in its reserves, but the process of purifying it is very expensive, which causes difficulties. An alternative to silicon is copper, selenium, indium, organic solar cells, etc. One solar cell has very little power, it is not suitable for industrial use, so the elements are connected together, thereby increasing their power and efficiency. The resulting “bundle” of elements is very fragile, so it is covered with a protective layer (glass, film, plastic). All together forms a solar battery.

The main characteristic of a battery is its power. It is formed depending on the current and voltage in the battery. The parallelism of the connection of the plates is responsible for the current value, and their sequence is responsible for the voltage. It is also possible to connect not only the plates inside the battery, but also the batteries themselves.

If we describe each level of a photocell, starting from the base, it will look like this:

  • metal backing;
  • silicon;
  • anti-glare coating;
  • conductor plates.

The battery will look different:

  • frame;
  • photocell;
  • anti-glare sheet;
  • protective covering.

Make a solar battery with your own hands without effort

Have you ever tried to build your own energy source at home? It's time to try this.

For your home's solar panel to provide you with the most benefit, it needs to be exposed to sunlight as much as possible.

You also need to use batteries that will collect energy. Homemade batteries will be useful to you when traveling, when you go out into nature, and at home.

There are several ways to make a solar power source at home.

The first method is quite simple. You will need to purchase solar panel modules. They can be ordered on the website on the Internet. Modules may not be the same good quality, any are suitable for building a battery. Look, maybe you can find a couple of modules at your home.

If you plan to consume solar energy only in good weather, then the battery is not needed, the energy source will be the sun. Be careful when building - the modules are very fragile! A strong finger press on the module is enough for it to crack and go into the trash.

The number of modules you will need directly depends on required power batteries and where it will be used in the future. Take the modules and solder them on a flat table into several identical chains. Solder the chains together so that you get a rectangular sheet of modules. For example: 3 rows of 5 modules each. Attach a protective layer on top; regular glass will do. Take care of the base of the battery, use plywood, plastic sheet or something else. Fasten the resulting modular sheet together with the base and protective layer. Regular construction tape will do for this. An important rule: do not press your battery, make sure there is a small gap between the module, base and protective glass. Next, install the block on the structure and pull the wires there.

You should not press the battery too hard; you need to make sure that there is a small gap between all the elements.

The next method is also quite simple and practical. We described above how to make a battery at home from modules, and now another option will be offered - how to make a battery from diodes.

Choose D223B diodes, they have many advantages over others. Firstly, they are cheap, a box of 100 pieces costs 130 rubles. Secondly, the paint is easily removed from them. You just need to keep them in acetone for a little while, and then wipe them with a rag, and the paint will come off. Thirdly, they are compact. Your design will take up little space and will be convenient for transportation. Fourthly, these diodes have a good voltage - approximately 350 mV in direct sunlight. Look around your home; diodes may have been left over from ancient times.

Start by removing paint from the diodes, dip them in acetone and leave for a while. Under these conditions, the paint will become wet, and then you can easily remove it. While you are preparing the base for the battery. Take a plastic plate; the width should be such that you can later make holes in this plate.

Take a sheet of paper in a cage, draw a diagram and observe the scale. It's better to do 1:1. The cage can be 5x5 mm, 10x10 mm, no longer needed. The diagram should have the following form: the closing rows should be continuous, i.e. Simply connect the top and bottom rows in series. The rows between the trailing ones will be different. Rows 2 and 3, 4 and 5, 6 and 7 and so on will be connected to each other in the center, forming a square the size of one cell. Now we need to return to the diodes, which are soaked in acetone. Carefully remove them and peel off the paint. Using a voltmeter, determine where the positive is on the diode. Bend the positive terminal to create a hook. Make holes in the plastic plate according to the diagram, and then insert diodes into these holes and solder them. The battery is ready, you can test it using a voltmeter.

Such homemade solar panels will definitely find application in everyday life, make your life more comfortable and reduce costs. Making a solar battery at home is not difficult. Assembly takes about an hour.

August 23, 2017 at 03:38 pm

Homemade home batteries for 30-100 kWh are made from discarded laptop batteries

  • Energy and batteries,
  • Laptops,
  • DIY or Do It Yourself

In May 2015, Elon Musk introduced beautiful Powerwall home units to store energy from rooftop solar panels - and supply free electricity to your entire home, day and night. Even in the absence of solar panels, such backup power for a home is especially valuable if there is a power outage in the area. The computer and all equipment will continue to work quietly.

The second version of the Powerwall stores up to 13.5 kWh, which should be enough for several hours (standard power is 5 kW, and at peak 7 kW). The only problem is that the original version from Tesla costs as much as $5,500 (plus $700 for related equipment, a total of $6,200, plus installation work costs from $800 to $2,000) - very expensive. DIY makers have solved this problem with the help of used batteries, which are found free in discarded laptops.

You can assemble a block with your own hands best characteristics than Tesla (for example, 30-100 kWh) - and much cheaper.

DIY assembly enthusiasts share their experiences on specialized DIY Powerwalls forums, in group on Facebook And on YouTube. A special section on the forums is dedicated to security - this is important aspect, when you assemble such a powerful thing that can also catch fire on the street (they are usually installed outside the house, so as not to break the law and for safety reasons).

For makers, assembling and connecting such a power supply is not only an interesting activity and saves money, but also an opportunity to understand how electrics work in the house.

Almost all enthusiasts in the comments Motherboard noted that their own systems turn out to have a much larger capacity than Tesla. The company probably sacrificed capacity for the sake of a beautiful, thin design of the power supply and for greater cooling efficiency and safety. One of the French makers from the forum under the nickname Glubux assembled a 28 kWh unit. He says that this is enough for the whole house, and he even had to buy electric oven And induction cooker in order to spend excess energy somewhere.

Australian maker Peter Matthews I assembled a 40 kWh unit, which is powered by 40 solar panels on the roof, fortunately there is no shortage of sunny days in Australia.

The largest homemade block that could be found Motherboard, assembled from 22,500 cells from laptops and has a capacity of more than 100 kWh. From such a block little house can work for several months - for example, all winter - even if solar panels completely out of order or inactive.

A Californian blogger Jehu Garcia intends to assemble a 1-megawatt system from laptop batteries, the largest such private energy storage system in the United States.

Most enthusiasts use 18650 lithium-ion batteries in their builds. They are usually packaged in colored plastic cases and installed in laptops and other electronics. New 18650 batteries cost about $5 each, so the system will be slightly cheaper than the Tesla model. Therefore, collectors usually buy used batteries and remove batteries from discarded broken laptops. Unfortunately, many people simply throw away the batteries with their broken laptop, even though they are still fully functional. According to the director of Call2Recycle, the largest battery recycling company in the United States, about 95% of batteries are not reused and end up in a landfill, although almost all types of batteries can be reused in one form or another.

Finding enough discarded equipment is not so easy, and has become even more difficult recently because many people have begun to assemble their own power systems like Powerwalls from them, and laptop manufacturers generally do not encourage the reuse of their batteries in homemade devices from other brands.

After finding the batteries, they are tested, then “updated” through cycling with a full discharge. Then the batteries are combined into “packages”. Such boxes for hundreds of batteries can be bought on the market or assembled yourself. Electrically conductive copper “tires” are attached to the top (

To make a homemade one, you will need a sheet of aluminum foil, a plastic garbage bag, graphite powder, a bandage, and a strip of paper.

Progress on the battery

Place a strip of foil on the bag. To seal and strengthen the point of contact with the wire, add a small strip of foil. Next, we’ll place the paper strip on the previously created “sandwich” of foil and bag. Put a bandage on top of all this and sprinkle graphite powder. Finally, we conclude basic work, placing another aluminum plate on top of the graphite powder. Again add a small strip of foil to ensure contact strength.

Wrap all the strips relatively tightly into the sausage. Wrap the resulting homemade battery with tape or an elastic band so that the entire structure does not fall apart. All that remains is to immerse the battery in acid or alkaline solution. Then the actual set of metal parts, graphite and a bag will turn into a battery. But you can also use saline solution. This is the easiest way to get quick and cheap results. But the voltage and current in this battery will be less than in the acid or alkaline version. Three such batteries can easily support the operation of a small-sized radio. Watch the video for all the details of creating a battery with your own hands.