When to sow cucumbers for seedlings – is it worth considering the timing or is it better to monitor the weather? How to properly grow a good harvest of cucumbers

To plant cucumbers - seeds or seedlings - the ground must warm up to 15 ° C. In most regions, the suitable period begins in the second half of May. However, many farmers are convinced that they need to look not only at the weather, but also at information from the sowing calendar.

Dear farmers, we have compiled for you a list of the most important, in the opinion of experienced farmers, tips for growing cucumbers. They will help you collect good harvest no matter what planting date you choose.

If you are growing seedlings, then plant them in OG at the age of 25 days. Before this, harden young cucumber sprouts for two weeks by placing them outside or thoroughly ventilating the room. Disembark in the evening.

Choose a cucumber variety responsibly: it should be suitable for the conditions of your region and the specific conditions on your site. The soil for cucumbers should be loose and very nutritious. Bring in organic fertilizers in the fall, and in the spring, thoroughly loosen the soil before planting.

On one square meter place no more than four plants. After planting, mulch the ground with straw, manure, rotted sawdust or peat. This will help retain moisture in the soil for a long time and make it more air-intensive. However, make sure that the mulch layer does not have direct contact with the stems of the cucumber bushes.

Do not plant cucumbers in place of zucchini or pumpkins. It is important to remember that greens do not like to grow next to tomatoes. Press the lower part of each vine to the ground and sprinkle it with a little soil. This will stimulate the formation of additional roots necessary for a good harvest. If you notice a lack of pollinating insects, help the cucumbers to pollinate.

Cucumbers need to be watered frequently, as their wide leaves give off a lot of moisture. Break the crust on the ground after rain each time by loosening it. If there is mulch, poke the soil with a pitchfork. Cucumbers will always not mind feeding in the form of ash or green fertilizer. But you need to be careful with microelements.

An important reminder - the more often you harvest, the more abundant it will be this season. Although pinching is not the most important step in caring for this crop, experienced gardeners noticed that a competent approach to this matter can significantly increase productivity.

So, we have discussed the issue with you - favorable days in May 2019 for planting cucumbers. You can strictly adhere to the planting calendar's recommended planting dates or ignore them. You decide. But what you must do if you expect to get a good harvest is to follow the rules for planting and caring for cucumbers. Experienced farmers are happy to share their advice. Your task is to strictly comply with them.

Watch the video: Growing cucumbers - detailed step-by-step instructions

Almost every summer resident plants cucumbers. However, not everyone knows when and how to plant them correctly in order to get best harvest. And the cucumber is a fastidious vegetable that puts forward a number of requirements for sowing and care. At optimal timing planting and proper attention, the plant can grow and bear fruit well both in greenhouses and in the open air. You will find tips on when it is best to plant cucumbers in open ground in this material.

Features of planting cucumbers in open ground, choosing a place for planting

There are several things to consider when planting cucumbers. First, you need to choose a location taking into account the preferences of the plant. Secondly, recommendations on sowing dates should be followed. Thirdly, the soil and seeds must be properly prepared before sowing.

Cucumbers can be planted in two ways: seeds and seedlings. In this article we will focus on the first.

Did you know? The seedling method allows you to get fruits two weeks earlier than the seed method. Sowing of seedlings is carried out in May. June 7-10 is the time when it is necessary to plant cucumber seedlings in open ground.

Before planting, you need to decide on the method of planting cucumbers. There are two of them: horizontal and vertical.

Since cucumbers are very heat-loving plants, it is necessary to choose a site for them that is well-lit, warm, and protected from cold winds, especially from the north. It is better if the bed is located from north to south - this way it will be under the sun throughout the day.

When sowing cucumbers in open ground, follow the rules of crop rotation. They can be planted in places where cabbage, lettuce, peas, potatoes, and tomatoes were previously cultivated. It should not be placed after cucumbers, beans, zucchini, carrots, melons, since all these crops have common diseases and pests.

The green vegetable is demanding on the composition of the soil. The plant gives good yields if it is placed in fertile, loose soil with neutral acidity.

The soil for planting is prepared in advance - first in the fall, then in the spring, immediately before cucumbers are sown in open ground. IN autumn period dig a trench 20-25 cm deep and 70 cm wide. A ditch 30-35 cm deep is made in its center. A 15-centimeter layer of leaves, peat, sawdust, straw, and grass should be placed at the bottom.

Right before sowing, the land will need to be fertilized with rotted manure, mullein or bird droppings. You can use, for example, this method: a 25-centimeter layer of manure is poured into a trench dug in the fall at the beginning of May. Then the soil is disinfected using boiling water with manganese. For the next layer, add 5-6 kg of humus per 1 linear meter to the fertile soil, one liter jar ash, 20 g superphosphate, 10 g potassium salt. This layer is poured onto manure 20 cm high. Everything is mixed, poured over with a hot solution of manganese and covered with film. In this state, the soil must warm up to the required temperature for planting.

The seeds also require preparation - to swell, they are placed in water (20-25 ° C) for 10-12 hours. In this case, the water is changed several times. It is also recommended to begin the procedure of warming them up at temperatures above 20 degrees two months before sowing. Seeds can also be disinfected by dipping in a solution of potassium permanganate and treated with a growth enhancer.

Before sowing cucumbers in open ground, the furrow must be well watered. Even repeated watering is allowed. Then we place the seeds in this furrow, leaving 25-30 cm between each of them. The row spacing should be 50 cm wide. Cucumbers grow very well on raised beds at 25-30 cm, they are slightly warmer than usual. Sprinkle soil on top of the seeds, lightly compact it with your palm and water again.

Important! It is better to sow during the day, in sunny weather. Planting seedlings - in the evening or on a cloudy day.

To save for landings required humidity and temperature, they must be covered with film. You can directly cover the soil, but it is better to stretch the film over arcs. There is no need to water until sprouts appear.

When the shoots emerge, the film will need to be periodically opened slightly to allow access to oxygen and not cause thermal burns. The shelter is completely removed when the first flowers appear.

When to plant cucumbers in open ground: weather conditions, planting dates, preparation of cucumbers

When to plant cucumbers will depend on the climate you live in, the weather conditions this spring and summer, and the variety you choose.

Early sowing

You should not sow cucumbers too early. The earth should warm up well to at least 15 degrees at night. The most optimal temperature for the development of this vegetable crop is +18... +26 °С. If you are wondering what date to plant cucumbers in open ground, it is recommended to do this no earlier than June 5th. Although this date will depend on the climate of the region in which you live. If the soil manages to warm up earlier, and at the end of May - in June there are no night frosts, then the most early sowing possible from 15 to 25 May.

Important! If cucumbers are planted at lower temperatures (10-15 °C), they may stop growing and even die.

Another factor that confirms that the best time for planting cucumbers will be the first days of summer is that the cucumber is a plant short day. For normal development it only needs 10-12 hours of light. Thus, if you plant cucumbers, for example, at the end of June, then there will be long daylight hours and high temperatures will not have the best effect on the growth, development and productivity of the plant.

If you want the cucumbers to produce a harvest earlier, then you have no choice but to plant cucumbers in open ground using seedlings or give preference to growing them in a greenhouse. The seedlings, as with seed planting, will need to be moved to the garden before June 10, but the harvest will be ready 2-4 weeks earlier - until mid-July.

When choosing early varieties, stop at “Competitor”, “Cascade”, “Universal”, etc. For planting during this period, you should not choose pickling varieties.

Average sowing

The second sowing of cucumbers, the middle one, is carried out in June. Almost all varieties are suitable for medium sowing. May 25 - June 10 is the second period when you can plant cucumbers in open ground. If planted in June, the harvest can be harvested from the beginning of August. Although these terms will differ depending on which variety you plant: early, mid or late ripening.

Late sowing

For late sowing, varieties specially designed for this purpose are chosen, preferably pickling varieties. Good for him too early ripening varieties, the growing season of which lasts 45-50 days. Their harvest will coincide in time with the fruiting of tomatoes. The advantage of this sowing is that fresh cucumbers will reach your table until the first frost.

When to plant cucumbers in open ground during summer sowing? The timing will depend on climatic conditions and the weather that occurs during this particular season. However, it definitely has to be July.

In cool climates, you can resort to seedling method. If the conditions are hot, the seeds are directly placed in open ground, but the plants will need to be shaded with taller crops or covered with agrofibre.

Popular varieties for planting in open ground

One of the keys to the success of high fruiting of cucumbers in open ground– selection of the varieties most suitable for such planting. Among them there are undemanding and unpretentious, able to withstand adverse weather conditions. These are, for example, “F1 Adam”, “F1 Carolina”, “F1 Christina”, “F1 Darling”, “F1 Cappuccino”, “F1 True Friends”.

Small bushes, absence of long vines and thickets, tying large quantity The fruits differ in the following varieties: “Malysh”, “Kustovoy”, “F1 Puccini”.

“F1 Athos”, “F1 Porthos”, “F1 Murashka”, “F1 Shchedrik”, “F1 Southern Emerald” will delight you with juicy and fragrant fruits.

If you like canned cucumbers, we recommend paying attention to “F1 Zodiac”, “F1 Perseus”, “F1 Nord”. “F1 Dasha”, “F1 Rodnichok”, “F1 Zhuravlenok”, “Salting”, “F1 Zanachka” are perfect for pickling.

Did you know? The "F" in the name indicates hybrid seeds.

Basics of caring for cucumbers in open ground

After planting in open ground, cucumbers will require care in the form of regular watering, weeding, loosening the soil, mulching, hilling and fertilizing.

Cucumbers are demanding of moisture. If they are not constantly moistened and allowed to dry out, then the leaves of such plants may darken and become brittle. If watered too much, the leaves become lighter, the vines stop growing, and fruiting deteriorates. If long time There will be sharp changes in moisture and temperature, this can impart bitterness to the fruit. Optimal humidity the figure is considered to be 80%. A level of 30% or lower will cause the crop to wilt.

  • before flowering – 3-6 liters per 1 sq. m in 5-7 days;
  • during fruiting – 6-12 liters per 1 sq. m in 2-3 days.
Moisturizing cucumbers should only be done warm water(not lower than 18 °C), otherwise problems with their development may also arise. This procedure is best carried out using a watering can in the evening or early in the morning, before the heat arrives. When watering, make sure that water does not get on the leaves.

If no organic fertilizers were applied during planting, then the cucumbers should be fed throughout the entire period. The first feeding is carried out when the first 2-3 true leaves appear. Next, fertilize throughout the entire fruiting phase at intervals of 10-15 days. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are added. It is best to alternate organic matter with mineral fertilizers.

The different phases of the moon affect not only the ebb and flow of the tides, but also the growth and development of plants and animals. Germinating seeds, watering and pruning garden crops depend on the position of the earth's satellite in the sky. When the moon is waxing, the ability of plants to grow increases, and when the moon is waning, it increases the ability to accumulate moisture in the roots and root system.

Cucumbers are among the crops that are of interest and benefit aboveground part. Such a crop should be planted in the waxing phase of the moon so that the plant reaches maximum growth. Following the recommendations of the lunar calendar allows you to increase the yield of cucumbers.

Specifics of the lunar calendar

Beliefs associated with the moon are very numerous and, unlike many, did not disappear and practically did not change over time. Most of them, one way or another, are related to the peculiarities of caring for both plants and animals. And the first scientific studies conducted at the beginning of the last century confirmed that many of these observations have a factual basis.

The connection between the moon and the ebb and flow of the tides is obvious and clear. In fact, the Earth's satellite similarly affects all processes associated with the absorption and accumulation of liquid in any living organisms. coincides with the cucumber planting period. The phases of the moon influence the growth and development of the plant, so it is useful for the gardener to take into account the influence of the satellite when choosing the time for planting and harvesting.

The lunar calendar does not coincide with the solar calendar. The Earth's satellite orbits around the planet in a sidereal month - 27.32 days, and around itself - in a synodic month, which is 29.53 days. Accordingly, the location of the moon in the sky and its phase in 2017, for example, do not coincide with the same data for 2018, and those days that were considered suitable for landing last year are not so next year.

There are 8 phases of the moon:

  • new moon– the satellite is practically invisible. This time is considered the least suitable for planting;
  • new moon- appears in the sky in the form of a sickle. A distinction is made between a young and an old month;
  • first quarter– the moon becomes half visible. At this time, seeds absorb moisture worse than those planted after the full moon and cannot accumulate it. But at the same time, plants planted during this period grow faster and expel green mass faster. Accordingly, in the young month phase it is necessary to plant plants that require the active development of the above-ground part of the plant - cucumbers, tomatoes, onions for greens;
  • Waxing Crescent– ¾ visible. The period is suitable for planting melons, legumes, and tomatoes;
  • full moon– the full moon is visible. Most of the juices are found in the upper part of the plant. The moment is not suitable for planting or transplanting;
  • decreasing– decreases to ¾. At this time, the seeds acquire the ability to accumulate water as much as possible. This best time for germinating seeds and planting plants in which the edible part is root vegetables - turnips, potatoes, onions, carrots, since most of the juices, and therefore nutrients accumulates in the underground part of the plant;
  • third quarter– the moon is less than half visible. You can plant and replant tuberous crops, as well as berries such as strawberries and wild strawberries;
  • aging moon– decreases to a thin sickle. The time is not suitable for planting. During this period, plants are tended or harvested.
  • During lunar eclipses planting, like other garden work, is not recommended.

The practice of planting seeds and further solves this problem. Seeds are sown in April - the beginning or middle, according to the lunar calendar, and after 25-30 days, when the seedlings reach the required size and leaves appear, they are transplanted into open ground. The days of transplantation are selected in the same way as the days of planting - the second quarter of the moon and before the full moon.

The weather is also taken into account: planting or transplanting on a rainy day is unacceptable. In this case, the disembarkation date is postponed to another favorable day. Cloudy or cloudy weather is best.

The nature of the soil has less influence on planting seedlings, but it determines the timing of preparation. According to lunar calendar It is necessary to fertilize the soil, in particular, add potassium and organic fertilizers during the waning moon. This should be taken into account when preparing to plant the crop.

About autumn preparation soil for cucumbers in a greenhouse will tell you.

Favorable days in 2018

The best days for planting districts are the days on which the moon is in fertile signs in the phase from the second quarter to the full moon. These include the following:

  • February: 16–18 – days after the new moon, the satellite is in the constellation Pisces – the sign of fertility, 21–22 – the phase of the waxing moon, the sign Taurus – average fertility, 25–26 – the waxing moon, located in the constellation Cancer, which guarantees a large harvest;
  • March– 20–21 – the phase of the waxing moon, is in the creation of Taurus, 24–26 – the waxing moon is closer to the full moon, and is located in the constellation Cancer, and it is a fertile sign;
  • April– 17.18 – the moon has just left the new moon phase, is in the constellation Taurus, suitable, but not the best days for landing, 21.22 – the waxing moon in the constellation Cancer, very good days, 27–28 – close to the full moon phase, constellation of medium fertility – Libra;
  • May: 18.19 – waxing moon in the constellation Cancer, 24–26 – satellite found in the constellation Libra, growth phase;
  • June: 14.15 – days close to the new moon, but in this case the harvest is favored by the constellation Cancer, 21.22 – waxing moon in the constellation Libra.

The time of day doesn't matter.

How to plant cucumbers for seedlings

Most gardeners prefer to grow their own seedlings. This is quite rational decision: firstly, it is possible to select the highest quality sprouts for planting, secondly, the gardener knows exactly the composition of the soil in which the seedlings were grown, and thirdly, he has the opportunity to adjust the watering and fertilizing regime in accordance with the conditions for growing the seeds.

When preparing seeds, the lunar calendar is not taken into account. However, seeds should be placed in the ground taking into account the phase of the moon.

Growing seedlings

Seedlings reach the required condition in about 25–30 days. Accordingly, the sowing date should be selected so that by the time of planting, conditions suitable for growing plants have already been formed.

  1. Capacities– glasses, pots, boxes, filled with soil about 2/3. Pebbles are pre-placed at the bottom of the containers to ensure drainage.
  2. Soil composition must correspond to the soil in which the cucumbers will then be planted. As a rule, the soil for growing seedlings consists of 20% humus, 30% well-rotted compost and 50% peat.
  3. Filled containers water and leave for the soil to “ripen”: the soil should be crumbly, moist and not stick to your fingers.
  4. In the center of the container, fill a 0.5–1 cm depression in the soil and place 2 seeds.
  5. The hole is covered with earth and sprayed with a spray bottle. The pots are covered with film.
  6. The film is removed every day for a while so that the soil can be saturated with air. The room temperature should be maintained at 26–28 C.
  7. After 3 days, sprouts appear. After another couple of days, the more developed and stronger of the two sprouts is left.
  8. Cucumbers are light-loving plants. Seedlings should be illuminated for 14–16 hours, so short sunny days must be compensated with fluorescent lamps or phytolamps.
  9. carried out as the top layer of soil dries. Only settled water is used for irrigation. warm water. Watering is carried out using a regular spoon, since the pressure even from a watering can is too great for the weak root system of cucumbers.
  10. Feeding is done 2 times a month: after the formation of the first full leaf, and 12–14 days after that. dissolved in water for irrigation. It is best to use ready-made store-bought mixtures.

Read about growing cucumbers as a business.


The video talks about how the Moon influences planting seeds for seedlings and what the specifics of the lunar calendar are in general.


  1. The phases of the moon affect the ability garden crops to growth and moisture retention in different parts of the plant. Accordingly, plants in which the above-ground part is important - cucumbers - are planted in the waxing phase of the moon, and those related to root crops are planted in the waning phase.
  2. The cucumber harvest is also affected by the location of the moon in the sky - in certain constellations. If the satellite is in a fertile sign - Cancer, for example, the harvest will be greater.
  3. Cucumbers are moisture-loving plants. Seedlings should be planted as close as possible to the full moon, when the plants' growth capacity is highest.
  4. When determining planting dates, it is necessary to take into account regional characteristics: daily temperature, humidity, soil nature.
  5. Caring for seedlings is also coordinated with the lunar calendar.

About the most productive varieties Ogurtsov will tell you.

Cucumbers love warm weather, and since in different parts of our country the warmth comes to different time, then the timing for planting cucumbers is different everywhere. The longer winter weather lasts, the later the soil will warm up. In those regions where there is snow until May, you don’t even have to think about planting cucumbers.

You can grow cucumbers all year round. In summer they are grown in open ground in the garden, on summer cottage, and in winter they can be successfully grown in a heated greenhouse.

Let's try to figure out when to plant cucumbers according to the lunar calendar in 2018. Usually, cucumbers are planted in two ways: seedlings and seeds directly into open ground. To plant cucumbers, it is important to choose a favorable day according to the lunar calendar.

You can get a high yield of cucumbers only when you sow seeds or plant seedlings on time and correctly. This culture is very sensitive to growing conditions: humidity, soil, soil nutrition, light supply, temperature conditions air.

Cucumbers love medium and light loams with a neutral reaction. The optimal temperature for growing is 25-30 °C, the soil should be 20-25 °C. If the air temperature drops to 10 °C, the plant’s growth stops.

The soil for growing cucumbers must be fertile and rich in humus. Well-warmed soils, protected from winds. The area should be well lit.

It is better to choose seeds for sowing that are three years old. Even though the plants from them develop more slowly, they produce more female flowers. And they are usually more resistant to viruses and diseases. If you still use last year’s seeds, then it is advisable to warm them up before sowing; you can do this by placing the seeds near the radiator at a temperature of 35 ° C for two weeks.

Chapter 1. Favorable days for planting cucumber seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

  • February: 16, 17, 18, 22, 25, 26;
  • March: 2, 3, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26;
  • April: 1, 2, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 28;

Section 1. Disembarkation dates

At late sowings The seeds are used sprouted or swollen; if the crops are early, then the seeds can be used dry. On permanent place, that is, it is better to plant dry seeds on a prepared bed from May 25 to June 1, if the seeds are swollen, then the seeds can be planted on June 5 and not use shelter.

If you grow cucumbers using seedlings, then sow the seeds for seedlings on April 10-15 and plant them in the ground on May 10-15. The age of seedlings when planted in open ground under film should be 20-25 days. If you grow seedlings for planting in open ground without shelter, then we sow the seeds for seedlings on May 1-5 and plant them in the ground without shelter on June 5-10.

It is convenient to grow seedlings in pots. It’s good if these are film pots, since cucumber seeds grow better with a lack of air. Therefore, after the seeds are sown and watered, the pots are well covered with plastic wrap. As soon as the seedlings appear, they are opened and placed in a bright place. You can feed with chicken droppings or other fertilizers.

Section 2. How to sow

  • Planting seeds in peat tablets or pots will avoid the need to pick up seedlings and will contribute to their more successful survival after transplanting to a permanent place.
  • The substrate should contain soil, peat and possibly sand.
  • It is necessary to make holes in the bottom of the container with seedlings that will serve both for drainage and air exchange.
  • A self-composed substrate must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Before germination, the container with planted cucumbers is covered with film, and then the sprouts are provided with maximum access to sunlight and the absence of drafts.
  • If the windows do not face south, it is important to provide the cucumber seedlings with additional lighting, otherwise they will stretch out.
  • Before planting seedlings in open ground, they should be hardened by taking them outside every day.

Chapter 2. Unfavorable days for planting cucumber seedlings in 2018

  • February: 1, 2, 9, 10, 15;
  • March: 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17;
  • April: 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16;
  • May: 2, 3, 7, 8.

Section 1. When to plant cucumber seedlings in open ground

To answer the question of when to plant cucumber seedlings in open ground, you need to know their variety and your geographic location. By the time the seedlings are planted average daily temperature air temperature should be at least 10 degrees. The seedlings are ready for planting in the ground when 7–9 well-developed leaves appear on it.

Let's consider when to plant seedlings of early and mid-season varieties cucumbers in central and southern regions Russia and Ukraine.

1) Timing for planting seedlings of early varieties

Residents of Ukraine and Southern Russia should plant seedlings early varieties during the period from April 15 to May 1.

2) Timing for planting seedlings of mid-season varieties

In the south of Russia, seedlings of mid-season varieties are planted in the ground from May 1 to May 15.
Residents of the central regions of Russia plant seedlings of mid-season tomato varieties from June 1 to June 10.
Seedlings planted in the ground must be covered with transparent plastic film or Lutrasil, since in April - May the weather is unstable and cold weather may occur. It is advisable to remove the film no earlier than June 5–10, when the threat of a sharp drop in temperature will finally recede.

Chapter 3. Favorable days for planting cucumbers in open ground in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

  • April: 22, 27, 28;
  • May: 4, 15, 19, 24, 31;
  • June: 5, 6, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26.

Section 1. Unfavorable days

  • April: 14, 15, 16, 30;
  • May: 2, 3, 7, 8, 15;
  • June: 1, 2, 17.

Section 2. How to plant in open ground

To find out until what date cucumbers can be sown in the soil, it is enough to carry out simple calculations. At least 45 days pass from the moment of germination to the harvest of the first harvest, that is, if you plant the seeds on May 20, you will see the first cucumbers on July 5. Thus, the most late date Sowing of seeds should occur at the beginning of July. Sowing after this date makes no sense; the cucumbers will die from frost without having time to produce a harvest.

1) How to plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds

When sowing directly in open ground, you can use both dry seeds and pre-soaked ones. Whether it is necessary to soak cucumber seeds before planting or not, every vegetable grower has his own opinion on this matter.

After germination, excess plants are removed, leaving 2-3 cucumber roots in the hole. Thinning of cucumbers begins after a pair of true leaves appear; it is best to break out unnecessary plants rather than pull them out; this technique will help prevent unnecessary damage to the root system of the remaining cucumbers.

Video of planting cucumbers

Regardless of the territorial location of the region, planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2018 should occur in compliance with the recommendations of experts. And planting days must be coordinated with the lunar sowing calendar.

Planting cucumbers for seedlings in 2018 should follow the recommendations of experts

Experienced gardeners know that early sowing will lead to overgrowth of seedlings. Their stems will stretch due to the lack of the required amount of sunlight. If, on the contrary, the seedlings do not have enough time to get stronger before planting, there will be a long acclimatization.

Heated greenhouse

Knowing in advance that the finished seedlings will be planted in a heated greenhouse, you can easily determine the sowing days according to the lunar calendar for 2018:

  • Sowing dates begin in February, specific days: 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26.
  • It is necessary to plant seedlings in heated greenhouses with the onset of spring: March 20, 21, 24, 25, 26.

Young cucumbers are not afraid that outside the walls of the greenhouse the night temperature drops below zero degrees, because inside they are warm and comfortable.

The timing of sowing cucumber seeds begins in February

Unheated structures

Although greenhouses, greenhouses or other film shelters are in many ways inferior to heated structures, they are still ready to safely receive seedlings at the end of April. In view of this should be taken into account:

  • The following dates are suitable for sowing seeds: March 20, 21, 24, 25, 26.
  • To plant seedlings, you need to select days from the list: April 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 28.

These days were not chosen by chance, because since ancient times it was noticed that lunar phases capable of influencing the growth and development of vegetation. Planting vegetables is most favorable during the waxing moon (days before the new moon). In addition, the zodiac signs through which the moon passes are of no small importance for their fruitful development. During a lunar eclipse, doing anything with the earth is strictly prohibited.

Planting dates for cucumbers according to the lunar calendar for 2018 (video)

Planting cucumber seedlings in open ground in 2018

It is a known fact that cucumbers grow at night and prefer warm and moist soil. In regions with warm climates, seedlings can be planted directly in open ground. But even if you really want to try the first fruits early, you still shouldn’t be in a big hurry.

Southern regions

In the south of the country, the soil warms up sufficiently by mid-May. The seedlings will feel comfortable even without indoor greenhouses. Gardeners should know that favorable time for such work the following:

  • For sowing seed material choose April days: 17, 18, 21, 22.
  • Two days in May are suitable for landing: the 18th and 19th.

Correct timing of sowing seedlings guarantees high yields. If the soil temperature at the seed depth (about 10 cm) at the time of planting is up to 13°C, and environment not lower than 15°C, then the seedlings can be planted directly into the ground.

Correct calculation of the time of sowing seedlings guarantees high yields

Central Russia

In this region, suitable conditions for planting crops without the use of covered structures are arriving in the last days spring period. In this case, the work calendar is as follows:

  • April: 27th, 28th – sowing.
  • May: 24th – 28th – moving seedlings to open ground.

It is no secret that sometimes certain factors interfere with the execution of assigned work. In this case You can plant cucumbers at any time except unfavorable days coinciding with the full moon or new moon:

  • May: 15th and 29th;
  • June: 13th and 28th.

If planting material to sow directly into the ground, then the days favorable for this are:

  • dates in May: 1, 4, 5, 6, 9.
  • dates in June: 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 21, 22.

An important factor that serves as a guide for earthworks is weather conditions. For those who grow this vegetable in open ground, it is advisable to use up to 7 varieties, since the yield of each of them depends on the season.

You can plant cucumbers at any time, except on unfavorable days.

Methods for planting cucumbers in open ground

The heat-loving crop is not picky about the composition of the soil, but if possible, for planting it it is better to choose a fertile sandy loam and light loam type with almost neutral acidity, which ensures water and air permeability. To plant cucumbers, you can choose any suitable method:

  • Seedless. In which both dry and pre-prepared planting material is used.
  • If the seeds were purchased in a store, then they have already undergone a disinfection procedure. Otherwise, they should be placed in a solution of potassium permanganate or a similar organic disinfectant. To peck the seeds, you need to wrap them in a piece of cloth and fill them with a small amount of water.
  • Before sowing the finished seeds into the ground, it is necessary to prepare holes at a distance of 50 - 60 cm from each other. If you plan to use a trellis, the gap can be reduced to 20 cm, and 30–40 cm left between the rows. 4–5 seeds can be placed in each hole at a depth of 2 cm.
  • After the shoots appear, they should be thinned out, cutting off excess specimens so as not to damage root system.
  • Rassadny. To avoid plant disease after transplantation, it is better not to use picking. The sprouted seed material must be sown in a light nutrient soil, located in a plastic or peat humus container and kept until germination at a temperature of 22 – 28°C. As soon as the first shoots appear, reduce the temperature to 18 - 20°C and add soil.

The heat-loving plant prefers unshaded areas protected from the wind. For good growth and yield, it is recommended to carry out crop rotation annually (change the location of the beds).

Warm-loving crop is not picky about soil composition

Caring for young seedlings

To prevent growth retardation or death of this herbaceous plant, careful care is required, especially in the first weeks after planting.

Fertilizing and first watering

The first feeding should be carried out at the beginning of flowering, and the subsequent 2 - 3 times a month. Thus, up to 8 - 9 root dressings are obtained per season.

It is first recommended to moisten the soil and then add organic matter (bird droppings with water (1:25) or mullein (1:10), 4 - 6 liters per 1 m²). Removing weeds and loosening the top layer of soil must be done with caution, otherwise the root system of cucumbers can be damaged.

Except optimal temperature and fertilizing, must be observed proper watering, because the Humidity must be maintained above 70%:

  • Before flowering begins, the amount of water for irrigation should be moderate (from 3 to 6 liters per 1 m²). Water regularly once a week.
  • During the flowering and fruiting seasons, it is important for the plant to receive plenty of moisture (from 6 to 12 liters per 1 m² in a couple of days).

Cucumbers on open beds It is better to water in the evening, and in greenhouses in the morning. The water should be preheated so that it is warm.

How to plant cucumbers (video)

Protection from diseases and pests

The most dangerous enemies of crops are diseases and insect pests, against which it is recommended to collect and destroy weeds for preventive purposes. If insects are noticed on the leaves, you can prepare a solution from laundry soap and water at the rate of 100 g per 10 liters of water. Infusions of shag, dandelion, onion peels and potato tops help well. When spraying greenery, it is important to touch reverse side leaves where aphids are usually located.

To combat fungal diseases, you need to disinfect wooden greenhouse parts with bleach and reduce air humidity. To prevent various diseases, do not use for watering cold water or frequent mineral fertilizers for feeding.