A house with a bay window for a summer cottage is inexpensive. Projects of houses made of timber with a bay window

House made of profiled timber can be made with a semicircular, rectangular or polygonal bay window. Despite the complexity of the design, the strength of the protruding part of the facade is provided by labyrinth locks. They are performed on special machines with high precision, allowing the timber to be connected at any angle.

We recommend glazing no more than 40-45% of the bay window area. Otherwise they decrease thermal insulation properties structures. Maximum glazing is rational only for summer cottages. The more complex the shape of the bay window in houses made of timber, the higher the price of the project. Of the types of foundations, it is preferable to choose a strip foundation.

Construction of timber houses with a bay window It's better to leave it to professionals. While assembling a wall kit is not difficult for many, dealing with the complex shape of a roof can be difficult. All nuances of hydro- and thermal insulation should be taken into account.

Our catalog presents several options for houses with a bay window. You can choose a standard one, a ready-made one with modifications, or order an individual project. All applications sent to the address are considered as quickly as possible.

Initially, the bay window served to protect the castles. Its ancestors were observation and rifle towers of the fortress walls. Thanks to this architecture, all the roads to the castle were clearly visible. Time has reduced the height of the towers, and turned the narrow loopholes into beautiful wide windows.

What is a bay window

A bay window is a part of a building that protrudes from the wall of the house, while having an independent base and an independent roof. The shape of such a part of the building is usually round or multifaceted, less often rectangular.

The bay window is equipped with windows on all sides, which makes it a good viewing platform. A house made of timber with a bay window has medieval romance and emanates aristocracy.

Features of using a bay window

Features can be divided into positive and negative aspects. Let's consider both.


  • increasing the area of ​​your home;
  • abundance of daylight thanks to the large number of windows;
  • unique panoramic view of the surrounding area;
  • an original design that makes your home stand out from other ordinary buildings.
  • reliability and durability;
  • excellent microclimatic conditions inside the building;
  • relatively low price And high speed the buildings.


  • increased complexity of construction compared to simpler architecture;
  • an increase in the number of corners in the house, which weakens the rigidity of the building and requires additional insulation.

But with any method of deviating from the ordinary, one should expect difficulties. This should not stop the desire to have uniqueness and additional comfort.


To list the positive and negative features Let’s also consider the current relevance of such a building. The fact is that timber houses with a bay window - this is the only way to let sunlight in (separate from the cold in northern regions, where it is inconvenient to use open verandas).

Timber as a material for building a bay window

A bay window made of timber is cozy, durable and draft-free thanks to its good lock system of this material. , and not a gloomy, cold tower made of stone, as it was in the Middle Ages.

You should know: it is suitable for the construction of both a country house and a house where a large family will permanently live.

To calculate the volume of lumber, you can use the calculator:

Variety of buildings with a bay window

In order to appreciate the variety of uses of a bay window, let's consider some projects of houses made of timber with a bay window.

Project plan "Two bay windows"

Do you want to live comfortably and have the opportunity to relax equally comfortably? Then this project is for you.

There is an expansive balcony along the front of the entire second floor. Doors from two bedrooms lead to it. One bedroom has a bay window.

On the ground floor there is a cozy terrace that shares a common foundation with the house. This place is conducive to receiving guests.

Usage laminated veneer lumber gives a certain elegance and lightness to the construction. Thanks to bay windows, there is also a feeling of volume and quality.

The total area is 133 square meters.

Project plan "6x6"

House built according to the “6x6” project - good way stand out from the crowd, and at the same time do it relatively cheaply.

Inside the house, a hallway awaits us at the entrance, designed for storing clothes and shoes. Next comes the living room-studio, into which the bay window provides a large number of light. On the second floor there is a large bedroom.

In addition, the lightness of the material used allows the house to be installed on a columnar foundation. This gives additional protection from cold and dampness.

As a result, we get a compact one, with an area of ​​only 36 square meters, cozy and unusual house.

Options for the foundation of a house with a bay window

Everything is simple here - there are only two ways:

  1. On a common foundation with the entire house.
  2. On cantilever slabs that are built directly into the load-bearing wall.

Advice: to avoid distortions when load unevenness occurs, it is better to use the first option.

Instructions will also be useful for proper planning of the foundation.

A little about the roof

At the junction of the bay window and the house, a place vulnerable to the ingress of water and wind is created. It needs to be taxed additional material to enhance waterproofing properties. What you can do with your own hands.


Minimal expenses allow you to significantly increase the usable area of ​​the building, give an aristocratic appearance, and add new functionality and make the comfort of your home especially pleasant. The bay window gives a wonderful panoramic view, the house is filled with light and is easily recognizable among neighboring buildings.

Regardless of the size and shape of the bay window, the room in which it will be located will become the highlight of your home.

The video in this article will provide you with additional information on this topic. If you dreamed of towers as a child, then this is a unique opportunity to make your childhood dream come true. And this doesn’t happen often. Take advantage of it!

A bay window is a polygonal extension to a building, with a window at each end. Initially, bay windows were used for protection: they provided a good view of the surroundings and it was possible to detect the approach of the enemy in time. Nowadays, the bay window is used primarily as decorative element. Plus, thanks to the windows, it increases illumination and helps save on electricity.

Advantages of timber houses with bay windows

  • Original appearance. Such a house does not need special decoration to attract attention and look unusual.
  • Abundance of light. There is always light in the living rooms, dining rooms, and halls with bay windows. Please note that bay windows are usually made in common rooms, not in the bedrooms.
  • Increasing usable area. A bay window helps to expand a room, including visually.
  • Good review. You probably won’t have to look out for enemies, but you can enjoy the view from the window at sunset.

A large glazing area leads to increased heat loss. To avoid them, it is not recommended to do panoramic glazing bay window, it is better to install ordinary windows and leave panoramic ones for a summer house.

Projects of houses made of timber with a bay window can be used both for the construction of summer cottages and for the construction of houses for permanent residence. Depending on the architectural style The bay window can be semicircular, square, triangular, polygonal. If the house is two-story, then the bay window can be designed on the first floor (then its roof becomes the base of the balcony) or the entire height of the building. Much less often it is designed on the second floor.

Construction of houses with a bay window

In the catalog " Timber technologies» presents houses made of timber with a bay window, designed for winter use. You can choose any of finished projects or order custom development.

We build houses with bay windows from profiled timber. Thanks to the locking system, it ensures the strength of the structure. The timber is harvested in the northern regions, differs dense wood and is ideal for capital construction.

To place an order, use the application form or call the hotline. We will agree on the start date of construction, deliver materials and assemble the building within 7-30 days. You can receive additional information by phone or email.