Houses in high-tech style ready-made projects. High-tech house - pros and cons, stylistic solutions and examples of projects

Modern house projects in hi-tech style are increasingly gaining leading positions in construction. " Smart Homes", equipped with the latest engineering developments, are increasingly attracting those who want to keep up with the times. Therefore projects modern houses High-tech style is so popular now. The high-tech project reflects modern technical thought and is based on the use of the most advanced developments and high-quality materials. High-tech house designs develop ideas of technical expression; engineering structures become elements of aesthetic home decoration, emphasizing the technical and functional aspects of architecture and design.

Projects of houses in the high-tech style, more than 2,000 projects in our catalog, making any changes, individual design.

Projects of houses in the Hi-Tech style

House area (m2)

House size (m2)

  • Any
  • Modern
  • High tech
  • Minimalism
  • Lloyd Wright (Prairie)
  • Classical
  • American
  • European
  • English
  • Finnish
  • Ethnic
  • Baroque
  • Palace
  • Russian
  • Mediterranean
  • Italian
  • Spanish style
  • Gothic
  • German
  • Norwegian
  • Castle
  • Manor
  • Rustic
  • Chinese
  • Colonial
  • Swedish
  • French
  • Japanese
  • Scandinavian
  • Alpine
  • Vanguard
  • Greek
  • Swiss
  • Dutch
  • Victorian
  • Country
  • Provence
  • Canadian
  • Empire style
  • Constructivism
  • Georgian
  • Modern
  • Modern classic
  • Half-timbered

Type of building

  • Any
  • House
  • Alcove
  • Duplex
  • Townhouse
  • Quadhouse
  • Apartment house
  • Any
  • Flat
  • Single-pitch
  • Gable
  • Tent (4 pitched)
  • Multi-slope
  • Hip (4 pitched)
  • Bubnovaya (4 slopes)
  • Attic (2 pitched)
  • Semi-hip (2 pitched)
  • Complex

By novelty

  • By novelty
  • By area
  • By popularity


Second light

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The future that science fiction writers Kir Bulychev, Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov wrote about has already arrived. We live in the 21st century and benefit from ingenious inventions envisioned by the great writers of the past. The era of high technology has also changed the traditional view of architecture. This determined the popularity of ready-made house projects in the hi-tech style.

No, wood, stone and brick did not remain on the margins of history, but they made room and gave way to new trends. Modern houses and cottages in the high-tech style are glazed spaces, incredible geometric shapes, open plans in the project, even for a one-story building. In addition, the “house of the future” is about ergonomics and energy efficiency. Humanity has not yet been able to fully realize the idea of ​​“smart houses” that would serve their owners “from start to finish,” from preparing dinner according to a pre-selected menu to a nightly lullaby, but they have come within arm’s reach of this.

Under one general name “high-tech style” various trends are hidden:

  • an ivy-covered frame eco-house built using energy-saving technologies;
  • futuristic structures made of plastic, foam blocks or aerated concrete;
  • the best design developments and streamlined configurations;
  • large two-story buildings and villas with a flat usable roof instead of a gazebo;
  • modular houses and townhouses;
  • And small projects up to 150 m2.

Such houses are united by a common feature - high technology. After all, “hi-tech”, which comes from the English “high technology”, means “ high tech" No matter how strange the building may look, every stroke in it is subordinated to the author’s global plan. There is no decor “for the sake of beauty”, as in Baroque or Gothic.

The architect can give unusual look familiar elements, but the presence of this or that detail in the project country house in the high-tech style will be determined by urgent need, and not by the whim of the owners or fashion.

Hi-tech features

High-tech is based on the postulate that after some time there may be a shortage of resources: water, wood, energy. And the dwelling is “tailored” to become a real fortress, an improved and laconic version of a farmstead in a futuristic setting. Often houses are equipped with small greenhouses, solar panels, and secondary water purification systems.

You don’t have to give up classic materials: in the catalog you can choose a wooden house project, calculate approximate price construction in the calculator and buy a project with an estimate. As already mentioned, hi-tech is first and foremost the “filling”, and only then the appearance.

Usage modern materials and technologies allows you to create comfortable, functional and, at the same time, beautiful and elegant housing for modern man. And, importantly, at a very reasonable price. High-tech house projects are what the best option, taking into account modern advances in construction and design and the needs of the developer.

Attractiveness of a modern house project

High-tech houses are distinguished by their somewhat unusual, unique architecture and unusual technical specifications. These can range from small houses to impressively sized luxury mansions.

The unique style of modern houses is created through the use of modern materials: plastic, glass, profiles for facades, etc. Even at the design stage, architects pay great attention to working with space and maximizing the use of natural light. As a rule, in such houses the heating system is supplemented with " warm floors"In addition, experts note that clients are increasingly interested in the smart home system.

In houses built in high-tech style, it is appropriate to install autonomous systems energy supply. Such systems include wind generators and solar panels. Systems are installed on the roofs to collect, purify and heat rain and melt water. The use of energy-saving technologies is not just a tribute to environmental fashion, it is an opportunity to fully implement the main idea contained in the project modern house, - the idea of ​​complete autonomy, independence from the environment.

But use latest technologies and materials are still based on traditional principles approach to the construction of a private house.

When choosing high-tech house projects, you need to consider:

  • Zoning for day, night and utility parts will ensure future comfortable living in an already built house.
  • The master plan of the site will allow you to determine the best location and orientation of the premises in the house, and harmoniously arrange the buildings on the site.
  • A carefully worked out estimate will help the customer control the quality and timing of construction work.
  • The use of materials that take into account the peculiarities of weather conditions will save you money during construction and reduce the cost of maintaining the finished building.

All these features will be taken into account in the architectural project prepared by highly professional Dom4m specialists. Also in our company you can order

The high-tech style house in the photo cannot be confused with any other. Several years ago, such architectural sophistication was the prerogative of Western Europe, but now it is gaining popularity in Russia and the CIS countries. A high-tech house is distinguished by its architecture, materials used for construction, decoration, window configuration, flat, sometimes glass roof, characteristic color schemes, as well as ultra-modern engineering solutions in the field of power supply, water supply and sewerage.


The architectural plan is dominated by regular, simple geometric shapes - cubes, rectangles, trapezoids, parallelepipeds in various options. There are protruding elements in abundance - roofs, awnings, cornices.

The roofs of houses, as a rule, are pitched, have a slight slope, or are flat. They are characterized by multifunctionality - they are equipped with a mini-gym in the open air, or a place for receiving guests and relaxing in the warm season.

Materials used in the construction of a high-tech house

The most in demand when building a high-tech house are gas and foam concrete, as well as reinforced concrete slabs. Brick is used relatively rarely. Sip panels are often used in combination with steel structures when building a house using frame technology.

Tempered glass, PVC and polycarbonate are used as partitions. When building high-tech houses, they minimize the use of natural materials, for example, a tree.

Exterior decoration

When decorating houses in high-tech style, preference is given to materials of artificial origin - plastic panels, glass and metal. The most popular are colored polymer cladding, often with mirror properties.

The most expensive finishing option is made using tinted, frosted or transparent glass with reinforcement; the cheaper option uses corrugated sheets.

Often one building is finished on the outside in 3-4 options in order to visually highlight a place for relaxation, for receiving guests, and the economic part of the home. A combination is allowed when finishing with stone, wood, plaster, fiber cement panels.


Typical for windows complete absence or a small number of jumpers between the sashes. Prevail panoramic options the size of most of the wall, if not the entire wall. In addition to the fact that a high-tech house looks beautiful and impressive, there is a noticeable saving on lighting.

The glass in such windows is of very high quality - in addition to the fact that southern regions are equipped with a UV filter, they are necessarily impact-resistant and often the windows are additionally equipped with metal roller shutters.

The glazing is most often single- or multi-chamber double-glazed windows, in which air is evacuated between the panes. Vacuum double-glazed windows provide good thermal insulation.


The project of a house in the high-tech style provides for an autonomous sewerage system, its own water well, as well as a partially or completely autonomous power supply to the house. In addition to a purely functional role, often communication elements also play the role of a kind of home decor.

Electricity sources such as wind turbines and solar panels produce electrical energy using wind and sun - inexhaustible and environmentally friendly Natural resources. Electricity is stored in batteries and consumed as needed.

Their disadvantage is their relatively low productivity, demanding installation location and dependence on weather conditions.

Diesel, petrol and gas generators are also widely used, and combinations of wind turbines are common, solar panels and power supply from power lines, or from fuel generators - it all depends on economic feasibility.

An autonomous well takes water from aquifers hidden underground, lying at least 5-10 meters deep. The advantage is that it can be drilled directly near the house, and the water supply in the well is much greater than in a well.

In cold climatic zones, a pumping station, or a caisson for the pump is dug into the ground.

Autonomous sewerage allows you to dispose of waste without harming the environment without connecting to the central sewerage system. It consists of:

  • internal networks installed in the house;
  • external networks outside the house through which water enters the treatment structure;
  • single- or multi-chamber treatment structure;
  • a filtration field equipped with a septic tank that provides additional wastewater treatment.

system autonomous sewerage in terms of productivity, they are chosen depending on the terrain, the level of groundwater, the number of residents and whether they permanently live in the house, and whether sewage disposal equipment is used.

For the little one one-story house in a high-tech style you will need one system, and for a luxurious three-story villa in classic style and four bathrooms and toilets – another.

Color spectrum

At color scheme High-tech houses use cold, restrained tones - black, white, blue and gray of varying saturation, marble, sand, cold green. Colors are often used in a monochrome spectrum, or two or three colors with an emphasis on one and contrast.

Design and construction

When creating a house project, you should take into account that it will be necessary to carry out a colossal number of calculations - on the construction part, on energy consumption, on water supply to the house and pool (swimming pools are not uncommon in such houses), on drainage, finishing and many other nuances.

Construction work will also be complex and resource-intensive; it should immediately be noted that such a house is not a cheap pleasure.

The right decision would be to entrust the design and construction of the housing of the future to professionals with a good reputation and extensive experience in the relevant field.

Photos of houses in the Hi-Tech style

For you, we have created the largest selection of high-tech home projects. You can easily find high-tech house projects, compact and large, high-tech houses with cozy barbecue terraces and recreation areas. High tech house plans are modern and comfortable. If you didn’t find your dream house project among them, we can develop an individual high-tech house project!

About the architectural style

Hi-tech (from English from high technology, abbreviated - high technology) - style direction design and architecture, which originated in Great Britain in the 70s of the XX century and gained popularity in the 80s, but is also popular in 2018.

High-tech house project plans: features of the style direction

In general, the architectural direction is characterized by the following features:

  • High technologies are used at all stages of the creation and implementation of finished projects,
  • The main emphasis that distinguishes architectural project houses in high-tech style are functionality,
  • The design of high-tech style houses contains a minimum number of decorative elements.
  • Among the materials for high-tech cottages, the following options predominate: glass, plastic, metal, concrete and other artificially created coatings. This style is opposed to trends that focus on natural materials.
  • Commitment to metallic silver colors.
  • The opportunity to stylistically play up structural elements that are unsuitable for decoration in the form of stairs, ventilation shafts, elevators, which are located outside the outer walls of the house. With the help of multi-colored coloring, pipelines and ventilation ducts are decorated, which not only cease to be shortcomings of the building, but also turn into spectacular details, although this increases the cost estimate. That is why the layout of high-tech house projects is perceived as if turned inside out due to the external location of metal frames, transitions and supporting structures.
  • The high-tech house design was made using designs of straight shapes and lines.
  • Architects' ideological experiments in terms of lighting, the play of light with mirror surfaces, similar to flickering. The ideas of decentering lighting are embodied, giving the illusion of increasing the space of the room due to good illumination.
  • The original layout of high-tech houses is thought out with special pragmatism.

Standard and original high-tech houses (photos, drawings, diagrams, sketches and videos of which can be viewed in this section of the catalogue) offered by our company do not best correspond to this style. In new houses you can find only a few of the following individual features of the direction.

High-tech house plans: turnkey construction and features of private cottages

It cannot be said that the main idea of ​​the high-tech style is to achieve decorative richness in buildings at any cost, but, undoubtedly, they have it.

Modernity has adopted this style in office construction due to its directness, efficiency and clarity.

The listed features of the high-tech style are also present in the architecture of residential private houses. An exception is external communications. Practice has shown that this trend is unjustified in a technical sense.

It remains to wish you a pleasant study of the schemes and preliminary designs high-tech houses and your choice ideal project, which you can buy from us by placing an order on the website!