How to make slime at home. How to make hand gum: simple recipes for creating chewing gum for hands

Smart plasticine or, as it is also called, hand gum, which translated means “chewing gum for hands,” really feels like chewing gum to the touch, and, moreover, unlike regular plasticine, such plasticine does not stick to your hands and does not leave sticky stains, with changes in temperature it can change light and properties.

Such a substance can be made independently from materials that are likely to be found in every home.

Below you are offered a selection of videos in which masters share recipes for making this type of plasticine. Namely, the ingredients from which this mixture can be made will be presented, and it will also be shown how and in what sequence the presented ingredients should be mixed.

How to make smart plasticine from PVA and sodium tetraborate

One of the most common ways to make smart plasticine at home involves the use of the following materials, namely: PVA glue, sodium tetraborate and dye, and during the work you will also need a plastic container, a stick for mixing ingredients and gloves.

First, you need to pour about one tablespoon of PVA glue into the container, then you should add half a teaspoon of sodium tetraborate, there is no point anymore, because the plasticine will turn out to be too liquid in consistency, then you need to add more dye and mix the mixture. During the mixing process, the mass will gradually thicken, after which it must be placed in plastic bag, so that it thickens completely, and the toy is ready.

Recipe No. 2: starch and water

You can make smart plasticine without sodium tetraborate, and use only starch and water. The manufacturing method is quite simple, you just need to mix water and starch in a container in equal proportions, also add a few drops of gouache or food coloring to add color, then mix all the ingredients, and the work can be considered complete.

Recipe No. 3: starch + glue + water

There is another sodium-free recipe that includes the following materials: starch, white glue, water and food coloring. First, you need to heat the water in an enamel container, then in warm water you should add starch, then you need to pour in PVA glue, add dye desired color and mix all ingredients. According to this recipe The plasticine will turn out to be liquid, but no less suitable for modeling; it’s just that the figures that will be sculpted from it will not hold their shape well.

How to make smart plasticine without using glue

Below is a recipe that allows you to make smart plasticine without PVA glue.

So, to make such a mixture we will need ordinary plasticine, gelatin powder and half a glass of water. First of all, you need to prepare the jelly according to the instructions on the gelatin pack, then pour the still uncured and hot mass into another clean container. Then you need to boil about fifty milliliters of water. Next, you need to form small pieces from one hundred grams of ordinary plasticine and place them in a saucepan with boiled water, then you need to put the saucepan on low heat and stir constantly. After the plasticine has melted, add the previously dissolved gelatin to the mass and mix.

Chewing gum for hands is designed to help adults who are tired of problems relieve stress. And children, playing with such interesting “live” plasticine, have fun and develop at the same time. However, you should not allow children under four years of age to play with such a toy without adult supervision.

What kind of toy is this?

Externally, slime-chewing gum for hands resembles a ball of many chewing gums. It just looks brighter and more pleasant. The substance from which this unique item is created does not stick to your hands and does not stain the surfaces that come into contact with it.

The hand chewing gum stretches well and does not tear. And kneading and pulling such an interesting substance in different directions is a rather entertaining activity that really “disconnects” you from problems. Even children can play with it - the substance from which the anti-stress toy is made is not poisonous. Although there is no need to gnaw or try.

What can she do

At the dawn of its appearance, hand chewing gum (lizun) caused some negative emotions. When such a slippery thing appeared in someone’s hands, those around them frowned with contempt and disgust. They didn't like the look of the substance; it was associated with something not very good. Nowadays, more and more people are choosing to relieve stress and have fun with gum for their hands. Let's talk about interesting properties handgama, as it is also called in another way:

  • Initially it is a liquid substance. If you leave hand chewing gum on any surface, it will “crawl” into every crack (even the smallest). At rest, the substance spreads over the surface.
  • But if you crush it for a long time and sharply, a fairly dense and hard lump is obtained from the pliable substance.
  • Roll up a ball of gum for your hands and throw it on the floor or hit it against a wall - the ball will immediately bounce off.
  • If you pull the handgam without jerking, it will never tear. And if you make a tearing movement, the handgam easily breaks. It’s not for nothing that it’s called “smart plasticine.”

Types of chewing gum for hands

Having discovered that the toy is attracting more and more people, manufacturers are not sitting still. They invent innovations that make the anti-stress toy even more interesting, and therefore more tempting. Here are a few unusual species:

  • Chameleon chewing gum is a heat-sensitive plasticine that can change colors and shades depending on the temperature of your hands.
  • Magnetic hand chewing gum contains metal microparticles. Due to this, the mass sticks to the magnets. And if you “magnetize” it well, then the substance is capable of attracting small metal objects (pins, nails, paper clips).

  • Flavored chewing gum for hands. It contains aromatic substances that can become a kind of stress reliever. This is aromatherapy.
  • You can choose chewing gum with glitter, crystals or electric effect.
  • The glowing plastic mass makes the kids very happy. However, such chewing gum for hands requires preliminary “recharging” from direct rays of the sun.

Its properties

This substance should not be set on fire. She can catch fire. The substance sinks in water, but does not dissolve. Do not keep hand gum in a humid environment for too long if you do not want it to lose its properties. unusual properties. Do not wash the toy with soap. Soap contains elements that interact with the mass and are capable of destroying it. Fabric surface - no the best place for "hand chewing gum". It will be very difficult to remove it from fluffy fabric. The refrigerator will be easily destroyed beneficial features this plastic mass.

Let's make handgam ourselves

For this you will need:

  • sodium tetraborate (borax) - powder;
  • PVA glue;
  • watercolor or gouache paints (you can use food coloring);
  • bowl for mixing the mass;
  • wooden stick.

Cooking technology:

  1. Mix a pinch of borax with water. If sodium is in solution, take a couple of drops. You don't need to pour a lot of water. One tablespoon is enough.
  2. Add paint to a bowl with dissolved borax.
  3. Shake the tube of PVA and pour the contents into the rest of the ingredients.
  4. The resulting substance must be mixed with a stick. It should look like a small ball.
  5. If the chewing gum mixture is runny, add more borax powder. Stir the mixture again.
  6. When the ingredients look like hand gum, place the mixture on a napkin so that excess liquid comes out of the chewing gum. Ready! The amount of glue determines the amount of the final product.

If you want to make anti-stress chewing gum for children and you would like to make the composition of the toy as safe as possible, use the recipe for chewing gum for hands without sodium tetraborate. Here he is:

  • water - one hundred and fifty ml;
  • aluminum container;
  • plastic container;
  • brilliant green;
  • gelatin;
  • plasticine.

Preparing safe chewing gum for your hands

  1. Bring water to a boil.
  2. Pour gelatin into boiling water and cook, stirring continuously, for about 5 minutes. It is necessary that the entire mass dissolve in water.
  3. Now the gelatin mixture should cool.
  4. After cooling, it must be poured into a container in which the chewing gum for hands will be “kneaded”.
  5. Divide the plasticine into small balls. Pour 100 ml of water into an aluminum container and bring to a boil. After boiling, you need to reduce the heat.
  6. Pour the balls into boiling water and “cook” them, stirring continuously with a wooden stick.
  7. Soon all the plasticine will melt and mix with water. When this happens, pour the jelly mixture into the pan.
  8. Stir the resulting mass thoroughly and color it with green paint. A few drops will be enough.
  9. Wait for the hand chewing gum to cool and place it in a plastic bag. Mix the mixture thoroughly in the bag. The resulting hand chewing gum should be stored in a closed container to prevent it from drying out.

Chewing gum for hands (handgam) is a popular toy that helps develop fine motor skills and relieve stress, is similar to plasticine, which is why it is often called “smart plasticine.” Under the influence of heat, it begins to change its properties, becoming soft and pliable, which resembles play dough. But there are several differences between chewing gum for hands and ordinary plasticine: the plastic mass quickly loses its shape, but does not dry out and does not stick to the hands, and also does not stain clothes. It can be crushed, torn into pieces and stretched.

Properties of “smart plasticine”

When rolled into a ball, the handgam can be used as a jumper, because it easily bounces off hard surfaces. If you leave the toy on a vertical surface, it begins to slide down, stretching out like a slime. Hand gum comes in a variety of colors, including metallic ones. Some types glow in the dark, but these options require “charging” in direct sunlight. There are chameleon colors that change tone depending on the temperature of the hands.

The smell of this plastic mass can be neutral or fruity. "Smart plasticine" hardly gets dirty if it is not rolled on the floor. It is stored for a long time in the metal container that comes with the kit and does not lose its properties. Chewing gum for hands is used to relieve stress, develop imagination, and relieve fatigue. It helps strengthen the muscles of the palms and pass the time during long waits.

Features of magnetic chewing gum

One of the new products is magnetic chewing gum for hands. It consists of special particles that work like a magnet. A set with a toy usually comes with a special magnet, with which you can pull out the mass, giving it different shapes. If you place the handgam and the magnet at a short distance from each other, after a while the mass will absorb the metal cube. And if you place a toy inside and lightly hit it with a hammer, the surface of the “smart plasticine” will spring back and there will be no pain. The fact is that the material retains plasticity during smooth deformation. But if you hit it sharply with a hammer, the “smart plasticine” will shatter into small pieces.

DIY for hands

There are several ways to make handgam yourself.

For the first option, just stock up on a few ingredients:

  • PVA glue;
  • watercolor paints;
  • sodium tetraborate;
  • a container for stirring the solution;
  • wooden stick.

Pour PVA glue into the container, add a little paint and start adding sodium tetraborate little by little, stirring the mixture with a wooden stick until the mass becomes thick enough. The hand gum is then placed into a bag and crushed with your fingers. It can be used for at least 3 weeks. Sodium tetraborate is sold in pharmacies and radio stores. You can also use gouache or food coloring for coloring. If desired, flavor the plastic mass by adding a few drops of perfume or essential oil. Such chewing gum for hands, as in the photo, is indistinguishable from store-bought “smart plasticine”.

Handgam made from gelatin

Sodium tetraborate is unsafe for children who like to taste all toys, therefore for children under 3 years old there is another recipe for creating handgam, which does not include this component.

You need to prepare the following materials and ingredients:

  • distilled water;
  • wooden stirring stick;
  • containers made of plastic and aluminum;
  • brilliant green;
  • plastic bag;
  • food gelatin;
  • plasticine.

The process of creating chewing gum for hands:

Now you can give “smart plasticine” to your child for games and development of fine motor skills.

Slime is the happiness of children of the 90s of the last century and the nightmare of their parents. The toy received the name “lizun” after the release of the film “Ghostbusters”, where one of the characters bore this name. The little voracious ghost ate everything that came in his way, crashed into pieces at speed on all sorts of obstacles, and loved to give slobbery kisses. Children fell in love with the toy for its resemblance to this on-screen character. And now many of them are purchased as slimes in stores, and those who are more economical and inventive make their own at home.

What is this strange toy?

If you see a plastic jar or container on sale filled with a jelly-like substance with the words “Slime” or “Slime” on the packaging, then this is it. You can understand what it is only by holding the slime in your hands. It is soft to the touch, wrinkles and stretches well, sticks to the walls, and then slides off them, often leaving greasy spots.

Left alone, the slime spreads over the surface in a puddle, but is easily gathered into a lump with your hands. It can stick to your hands, flow through your fingers, but become elastic when it hits a wall.

Initially, slime was made from guar gum, a polysaccharide, and sodium tetraborate, better known as borax. The result was a material similar to slime, but with the properties of a non-Newtonian fluid. It does not spread, is easy to assemble, and compacts upon impact.

There are many types of slimes, here are some of them:

Slime. The mass, similar to jelly, is usually transparent. Doesn't stick to your hands, flows through your fingers in long threads, and spreads over a hard surface into a puddle.

Mucus is soft and sticky

Antistress. This is mucus placed in an elastic shell covered with a mesh. Forms bubbles when pressed.

“Anti-struss” slime relieves nervous tension well

Gum for hands. More dense elastic mass. It is easy to wrinkle and stretch.

Chewing gum for hands is more dense and elastic

Jumper. The densest slime. It is less elastic, but resilient. Bounces off hard surfaces.

The elastic bouncer bounces well off hard surfaces

Fluffy slime. Fluffy and very pleasant to the touch. It wrinkles and stretches well.

Fluffy slime is the most fluffy and airy slime

Plasticine. Keeps its shape better than others. Due to its plasticity, various figures can be sculpted from it.

Plasticine holds its shape better than others

There are slimes that stick well to surfaces, matte, transparent, with foam balls, pearlescent, glowing, and in various colors.

Of course, you can buy such a toy in a store, but it’s more interesting to make it yourself using improvised materials. Moreover, this is not difficult to do.

How to make different types of slimes at home

What the industry uses to make modern slimes is not known for certain, but it is a fact that when sodium tetraborate is used in home production, the substance turns out to be very similar to a store-bought toy. Let's start with this recipe.

Made from sodium tetraborate and PVA glue

Let's prepare all the ingredients:

Now you can pick it up, pull it, crush it, throw it and put it back together - the slime is ready.

Advice! When choosing a dye, remember that some of them stain your hands.

With hair or shaving foam

Fluffy slime is made using the same recipe. To give the slime fluffiness, hair or shaving foam is added to the composition.

  1. Pour the glue into a suitable container.
  2. Attach foam to it. the amount depends on how fluffy the mass should be. Stir.
  3. Add a dye, you can use aniline or any other. Mix thoroughly again.
  4. Pour sodium tetraborate into the mixture little by little while stirring. As soon as the composition thickens enough and begins to lag behind the walls of the dish, you can pick it up and play.

The main condition for success in the manufacture of this type is good glue. If it doesn’t thicken, all your work will go down the drain and nothing will work out.

From PVA glue and soda

But not only borax is used as a thickener. Baking soda performs this function perfectly.

  1. Dissolve baking soda in a small amount of water.
  2. Pour the glue into a bowl, add dye and mix.
  3. Add the soda solution little by little while stirring thoroughly. Wait for the mass to thicken. This will not happen right away, so don’t rush to add more soda solution.
  4. Mash the finished mass in your hands. It will turn out even softer and more tender than the previous one, it wrinkles and stretches well.

Slime can be made shimmering by adding glitter to it.

Made from alcohol and silicate glue

Used to make slime and silicate glue. But the properties of the toy will be different.

  1. Pour glue into a bowl and add color with any dye.
  2. Stirring in a circular motion, add alcohol little by little. You will see how the mass thickens, forming dense lumps.
  3. Leave the substance to rest for 20 minutes.
  4. Gather into a ball and knead well with your hands. This slime will not stretch or stick; its consistency is quite dense. But he will make an excellent jumper.
  5. Roll the mixture into a ball and try to hit it on the floor. The elastic ball bounces well off hard surfaces.

From starch and hydrogen peroxide

A hard bouncy ball can be easily made using ordinary starch. This does not require large expenses; the toy will cost pennies.

  1. Mix 100 g of starch with 200 ml of hot water until a jelly-like mass is obtained.
  2. Let cool and combine with 100 ml of PVA glue.
  3. Add a suitable dye and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Mix everything well. Hydrogen peroxide will give the toy lightness and airiness.
  4. Roll the resulting mass into a ball. The jumper is ready.

Video instructions for making slimes from glue

From Titan glue and shampoo

A simple way to make slime is with Titan glue. This glue is non-toxic, and after drying it does not lose elasticity.

  1. Mix glue with shampoo in a ratio of 3:2. The color and transparency of the toy will depend on the shampoo. For greater color intensity, add dye.
  2. Leave the mixture to thicken for a while, usually 5 minutes.
  3. Lizun is ready. Simple and fast.

This recipe does not always yield the desired result; different shampoos behave differently. But it's worth a try, because you have nothing to lose.

Advice! Stir the mixture until it leaves the sides of the bowl and stops sticking to your hands. These are signs that the toy is ready.

From a glue stick

Another type of glue - pencil, is also quite suitable for this purpose. Here we again need sodium tetraborate.

  1. To do this you will need 4 glue sticks. Remove the rods and place in a fireproof container.
  2. Using a microwave or oven, melt the rods until a viscous mass forms.
  3. Add dye to the glue mixture and mix.
  4. In a separate bowl, dissolve borax in a small amount of water.
  5. Add the solution to the glue little by little, stirring constantly, until the required consistency is obtained.

Two video recipes for making slime

Made from plasticine

Slime can be made not only from glue. A good and durable toy is made from plasticine.

You will need:

  • plasticine - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • water - 250 ml.
  1. Soak the gelatin in 200ml cold water using a fireproof container.
  2. When the gelatin swells, bring it to a boil over low heat and immediately remove from heat. Let cool slightly.
  3. Knead the plasticine until it becomes soft. Mix with remaining water.
  4. Combine still warm gelatin with plasticine, mix well until smooth.
  5. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

This toy can be given to children without fear, because it contains no harmful substances. There is a small problem: this type leaves greasy stains on the wallpaper. Make sure children don't throw it at walls.

From toothpaste and liquid soap

A completely safe option is toothpaste slime. You can use regular and gel paste.

  1. Mix 20 ml of toothpaste and liquid soap with 5 teaspoons of flour.
  2. Stir until there are no lumps, first with a spoon and then with your hands. To prevent the mixture from sticking to your hands, moisten them with water and knead them well again.

From soap and shampoo

For the next type you will need only two ingredients that can be found in any home. This is liquid soap and shampoo for hair.

  1. Mix liquid soap and shampoo in equal proportions until smooth.
  2. Place in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. Take it out and have fun.

Since this slime is made of water-soluble substances, keep it away from moisture. The warmth of your hands quickly softens the toy; it should be stored in the refrigerator. And do not allow it to come into contact with dust and dirt; it will not be possible to wash the slime. If treated with care, this toy will last about a month.

From hand cream and perfume

You can even make slime from hand cream. There is no guarantee that the toy will work, but it's worth a try.

  1. Squeeze the cream into a bowl.
  2. Add paint and mix.
  3. Add perfume little by little and mix everything thoroughly. The mixture will begin to thicken.
  4. Having achieved the desired consistency, knead the toy with your hands.

From flour

Parents are often afraid to give slime to young children for fear that they will put it in their mouth. For such a case, you can make a completely safe, edible slime without chemicals.

For this you will need:

  • flour - 400 g;
  • cold water - 50 ml;
  • hot water - 50 ml;
  • food coloring.
  1. Sift the flour into a bowl and mix with the dry coloring.
  2. Add cold water, stir again.
  3. Pour in hot water, knead the resulting dough thoroughly. It should turn out smooth and without lumps.
  4. Place the dough in the refrigerator for several hours.
  5. Knead it well with your hands again.

Not all products and substances are suitable for making slime. Not everything that looks like slime has the necessary properties. To avoid making mistakes, watch the video.

Video experiments on making slimes from different ingredients

How to give slime the desired properties

Even if the slime didn’t turn out the way you wanted, you can fix it.

  1. Vinegar will make the toy more elastic. Pour in a few drops and the slime will stick better.
  2. By adding hydrogen peroxide, you will get a fluffy mass, this is how fluffy slime is made.
  3. A few drops of glycerin will help make the toy slippery.
  4. Glowing slime can be obtained using fluorescent paint.
  5. If the slime is too soft, place it in a jar, add a few salt crystals, close the lid tightly and leave overnight. The salt will draw out excess water and restore elasticity to the toy.
  6. If the slime is too hard, it will become softer if you place it in a container overnight and add a few drops of water.
  7. To make the toy smell nice, scent it essential oil, food flavoring or vanillin.
  8. Magnetic slime can be made by adding small metal filings or iron oxide to it. Knead the toy well so that the additive is evenly distributed. And then your slime, as if alive, will be drawn to any magnet.
  9. You can create an anti-stress toy by placing slime in a balloon. This can be done using a large syringe without a needle.
  10. To increase the size of the slime, place it in a container of water for 3 hours. Don't be alarmed if it falls apart, that's how it should be. Add a little salt and hand or body cream. Stir. The slime will not only restore elasticity, but will also become larger.

Advice! Add colorful foam balls to the soft slime. This will make it colorful and increase its volume.

Storage and care rules

Slime is a capricious toy and its lifespan is short. To prolong it, you need to know how to properly store and care for slime.

  1. The slime is stored in a plastic container with a tightly closed lid.
  2. To prevent the slime from drying out, keep it away from heat sources and do not leave it in the sun.
  3. Dried slime can be revived with a drop of water, and soaked slime with salt.
  4. You need to play with slime. Long-term storage may lead to mold growth. This toy will have to be thrown away.
  5. Frequent use will lead to rapid contamination of the toy and loss of properties.
  6. Avoid contact with fleecy surfaces, the slime will collect hairs and become unusable.

Slime is not just a children's toy; some types also have practical use. For example, you can use it to clean a computer keyboard or clothing from sticky debris. Elastic ones develop fine motor skills and increase finger strength. And they simply calm you down, relieve stress and give you a good mood. Make slimes and play, it's so much fun!

Handgum is hand-made chewing gum, its properties reminiscent of a slime toy. Smart plasticine - great option for the creative development of children. Unlike ordinary plasticine, it does not leave marks on furniture or any other objects. Handgam relieves stress and develops fine motor skills. It is sold in stores packaged in small containers, but you can make your own gum for your hands.

Many people are skeptical about handgam, considering it a useless toy. Nevertheless, this chewing gum has a number of very useful properties:

Handgam consists of an elastic polymer, silica powder crushed into dust and various additives that stabilize, color the material and give it special properties. The toy is absolutely harmless if used as intended. Restrictions are necessary for children under 4 years of age, who, without parental supervision, can break off and swallow a piece of the toy. Types of hand chewing gum:

The popularity of this toy does not allow manufacturers to sit still. New, more and more original models are being created.

For an uninformed person who first learned about hand chewing gum, it is not always immediately clear what can be done with it. However, there are many options for using smart plasticine:

When chewing gum is held in your hands for a long time, it becomes liquid. If you leave it for a while, it will harden. It also begins to melt in a warm room, and may even turn into a puddle or drain off the table. At the same time, it will not stain the surface of the table or floor.

For those who like to be creative, fantasize and create many useful things with their own hands, there is an opportunity to make smart plasticine at home. There are several ways, but it’s worth focusing on the simplest and most accessible.

The first DIY gum recipe is the most popular. To work you will need:

It is necessary to pour the glue into a dry container, add dye to it and, if desired, glitter or flavor. Carefully stir the mixture with a spatula and pour the tetraborate into it. Stir until the mixture becomes thick and homogeneous. Then pour the rubber mass into a container and wait for it to thicken.

The second method allows you to make handgams with your own hands without sodium tetraborate and dyes. To make such a toy you need to take:

IN aluminum cookware pour 150 ml of water, bring to a boil and, stirring continuously, gradually add gelatin. Once the mixture begins to thicken, reduce the heat. Cook over low heat for 6 minutes, cool and pour into a plastic container.

The remaining 100 ml of water is boiled. At the same time, you need to make small balls from white plasticine. When the water boils, throw these balls into boiling water, reduce the heat and, stirring constantly, cook until completely dissolved. Next, pour the gelatin mixture into hot plasticine, mix everything thoroughly and add a little brilliant green. After all ingredients are completely mixed, turn off the heat. After the finished mass has cooled, it is transferred to a plastic bag and kneaded by hand.

It should be remembered that smart plasticine made by yourself differs from factory-made plasticine, for which more stable compounds are used. A homemade product may dry out faster and lose its original properties.

Before using chewing gum, you should wash your hands to protect it from dirt. To protect from dust and debris, handgams should be stored in a plastic container.