Arugula leaves. Arugula. Useful properties and interesting recipes with it. Arugula for weight loss

Arugula is a plant of the cruciferous (cabbage) family. The first mentions of this plant are found in documents from antiquity. Then arugula grew in the fertile mild climate of the Mediterranean.

Due to its pronounced spicy mustard taste, arugula leaves are often used in cooking. Oil is made from the seeds of the plant.

How is it useful?

The plant has a number of beneficial properties.

  • Arugula is rich in vitamins. It contains beta-carotene, B vitamins, vitamins E, C. 100 grams of arugula contains the daily requirement of vitamin K.
  • Arugula contains many useful substances, such as zinc, selenium, copper, iron, sodium, phosphorus.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the digestive processes and gastrointestinal tract.
  • The plant has an expectorant and diuretic effect.
  • Vitamin K, contained in large quantities in arugula, helps heal wounds and promotes blood clotting.
  • Effectively fights harmful viruses and bacteria.
  • Many doctors believe that arugula has a preventive anti-cancer effect.
  • Contains a large number of fiber, so it promotes quick satiety. Arugula is an excellent dietary product.
  • helps with potency problems.
  • Under stress and will help strengthen the nervous system.
  • Thanks to beta-carotene, it improves the appearance and condition of skin, nails and hair.
  • An important feature is its anti-ulcer qualities.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Arugula is a very low-calorie product, which makes it indispensable for diets. 100 grams of arugula contains only 25 kcal. Moreover, this herb is rich in vitamins and beneficial elements.

  • 100 grams contain 2.58 grams of protein.
  • The same amount of plant contains 0.66 grams of fat.
  • Carbohydrates per 100 grams are contained in the amount of 2.05 grams.
  • Arugula seeds contain a large amount of essential oils - up to 30%.
  • The leaves are very rich in vitamins, beneficial elements and fiber. They contain calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, potassium and other elements.
  • Per 100 grams contains 1.6 grams of fiber.

Harm and contraindications

Arugula has virtually no effect negative impact on the body, however, it has certain contraindications and unpleasant features.

  • Naturally, you should not eat arugula if you have an individual intolerance. This plant has a strong allergenic effect because it contains phytoncides. Most often, an allergy to arugula is combined with an allergy to radish and turnips.
  • It is necessary to eat arugula in moderation for people who have problems with the kidneys, liver, and bile ducts. People suffering from high stomach acidity should also add the plant to food with caution.
  • Excessive consumption of arugula may worsen urolithiasis.
  • For greens, arugula contains a somewhat high amount of sugar.

Arugula is a herb that can be classified as a salad plant. Belongs to the cruciferous family. This annual plant. Its other names: Italian sorrel, caterpillar, rocket (France, England), eruka, indau, arugula.

Meet various options spellings including "arugula" and "rucola".

Names of arugula in other languages:

  • Senfrauke, Italienische Rauke, Persischer Senf, Ruke - in German;
  • rocket, rocket salad, arugula – in English
  • rokuette - in French.


The height of arugula can reach 50-60 cm. The leaves of arugula are pinnate, covered with fine fluff, and are shaped like radish leaves. Very meaty and juicy. During the flowering period, the plant throws out a small brush with white (sometimes with a yellowish tint) flowers. Flower petals are colored with dark purple veins.

Arugula fruits ripen in pods. There are about 30 of them. The seeds will be suitable for sowing within 4 years.

Where does it grow?

Arugula can be found in Africa (northern part). It grows in the center and south of Europe. Asia Minor and Central Asia, as well as India, are the regions where it grows. As for Russia, the European part, the Caucasus and Dagestan are its distribution area.

Arugula is one of the favorite plants of Italians, so it is grown in very large quantities in Italy.

Despite the fact that the favorable climate for arugula is the Mediterranean, it has also adapted to the harsher climate of the northern regions of Europe and America.

Method of making spices

Used fresh.


Arugula grows quite quickly, loves moisture and is frost-resistant. At a temperature of -6°C the plant will not die.


The taste of the leaves is bitter. Reminds me of a mixture of mustard and nuts. The aroma is spicy, piquant. Moreover, young leaves emit a weaker aroma than old ones.

Flowers can also be used for food. Their taste is bitter-spicy.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 grams of leaves contain the following components:

  • Water – 91.7 g
  • Proteins – 2.6 g
  • Carbohydrates – 2 g
  • Fiber – 1.6 g
  • Ash – 1.4 g

The calorie content of arugula is 25 kcal per 100 grams.

You can find out more information about arugula from an excerpt from the program “Live Healthy!”

Chemical composition

Arugula is very rich in vitamins. 100 grams of greens contains:

  • A – 1.4 mg
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9) – 16.34 mg
  • Niacin – 0.305 mg
  • C – 15 mg
  • E – 0.43 mg
  • K – 108.6 mg

Macro and microelements: K – 369 mg, Ca – 160 mg, Mg – 47 mg, Na – 27 mg, P – 52 mg, Fe – 1.46 mg, Mn – 0.321 mg, Cu – 0.076 mg, Se – 0.0003 mg, Zn – 0.47 mg.

Beneficial features

The plant contains a whole complex of vitamins and microelements that improve the functioning of our body. In this regard, arugula has the following beneficial properties:

  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Stimulating the functioning of the stomach.
  • Improved metabolism.
  • Has a strengthening effect on blood vessels and increases the iron content in the blood (hemoglobin)
  • Reduces salt deposits in our body.
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • Has an antibacterial effect.
  • Increases stress resistance.
  • Due to its low calorie content, it is very useful for people who are on a diet to lose weight.
  • Improves appetite.
  • Useful for people with diabetes.


  • May cause allergies in those whose bodies cannot tolerate turnip and radish roots.
  • Excessive consumption of arugula can negatively affect the functioning of the stomach.
  • Eating arugula in pregnant women causes a variety of reactions, which do not always have a beneficial effect on the condition of the female body and fetus.
  • If arugula was collected in places with poor ecology, then it should not be eaten.


  • Individual intolerance to plant components.
  • Gastritis of the stomach with high acidity.
  • Use caution during pregnancy and lactation. Eating arugula for pregnant women is beneficial, but within reasonable limits.
  • Urolithiasis disease.


Arugula oil is very useful product. It is obtained by cold pressing the seeds of the plant. It is very useful for people with loss of strength and anemia, as it contains a lot of iron.

Arugula oil has a positive effect on the body of a pregnant woman, increasing milk production.

In addition, arugula oil cleanses the body of cholesterol and is a necessary product for people who suffer from atherosclerosis.

Arugula oil can be used as a massage oil.

Another area of ​​its application is cosmetology.

You can add one teaspoon of oil to prepared green salads to add piquancy and flavor to the dish.

If you decide to improve your health with the help of arugula oil, do not forget about the correctness and moderation of its consumption. And, of course, about a preliminary consultation with a doctor.


Arugula juice can be used to treat wounds and ulcers. Thanks to the antiseptic properties of the plant, the healing process will go much faster. Juice lotions resolve bruises and hematomas.


In cooking

  • Additive to salads.
  • Used as a side dish with fish and meat dishes. Note that arugula muffles the fishy smell from the corresponding dishes.
  • It is a component of various sauces.
  • Used in making sandwiches and snacks.
  • French chefs always add arugula to mexlen. This is a traditional mixture of various herbs served with meat.
  • Arugula and cheese are very good combination. You can use it in canapés.
  • Arugula can be added to the marinade when canning and pickling vegetables.

Some useful tips, when you prepare any dish with arugula.

  • First, after you have washed the leaves, you need to dry them.
  • Secondly, you don’t need to cut the arugula, just tear it into the desired pieces.
  • Third, perfect combination– this is arugula and olive oil.

And most importantly: a dish that contains arugula should be eaten as soon as you prepare it. All beneficial features Stewing and frying kills arugula. The aroma will also be lost. Heat treatment will “de-taste” the arugula.


For a healthy and light salad with arugula and shrimp from the chef, watch the following video.

Spicy dressing

Try making a piquant, spicy dressing that will perfectly match its taste to salads. You will need a bunch of arugula, olive oil (8 tablespoons), sea ​​salt(1 teaspoon), a pinch of ground black pepper and garlic (1-2 cloves). All ingredients are mixed in a blender. The gas station is ready.

If you want to surprise your guests, then prepare stuffed tomatoes. Medium sized tomatoes will do. We will fill them with the following mix: cucumber, 250 g of cottage cheese, 200 g of crushed pistachio and walnuts, 200 g of salted herring and pink salmon (they need to be finely chopped), finely chopped greens (to taste), 10 cherry tomatoes, salt and pepper at your discretion, olive oil. The tops of the tomatoes that will be stuffed are cut off and the pulp and seeds are removed with a teaspoon. Beat the cottage cheese into a creamy mass. Add the listed ingredients and tomato juice (tear the arugula into pieces). Stuff the tomatoes with the resulting filling, and the cherry tomatoes will serve as decoration.

In medicine

ethnoscience widely used medicinal properties arugula for the treatment of many diseases.

  • Since arugula is a strong natural antibiotic, it is used as an expectorant for colds.
  • The diuretic properties of arugula help in the treatment of cystitis. A decoction of fresh, finely chopped or dry leaves is used. You will need 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials and half a liter of boiling water. The decoction is infused for about 5 hours. Drink 100 ml of it before eating.
  • Arugula heals wounds. Its systematic use can even cure stomach ulcers.
  • It is used as a means of improving potency in the stronger sex.
  • Arugula is an aphrodesiac.
  • Arugula has tonic properties.

For cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system

In 0.5 l. boiling water add 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped arugula. Leave for 5 hours. Drink 100 ml every day. infusion 20 minutes before meals.

You can learn even more about the medicinal and beneficial properties of arugula from the program “About the Most Important Thing.”

When losing weight

Nutritionists recommend consuming arugula for overweight people. This - indispensable assistant our body during the period fasting days. Indeed, having a fairly low calorie content, arugula simultaneously has a huge range of beneficial nutrients and vitamins. The fiber contained in it creates the feeling that a person is full. Therefore, arugula is a common component of many diets.

1-2 teaspoons of oil inside are very useful for losing weight. The body receives nutrients, but this will not affect the increase in mass.

In cosmetology

The beneficial properties of arugula are used in cosmetology to maintain beauty and health.

  • An excellent moisturizer for facial skin is arugula juice.
  • Arugula will relieve flaking of the facial skin, relieve irritation and redness.
  • You can destroy freckles by preparing the following elixir. Grind 200 grams of fresh arugula leaves, pour in 500 ml of olive oil. Leave for 2 weeks. Then strain and wipe problem areas of the skin.
  • Arugula has an excellent rejuvenating effect. To preserve their youth and beauty, Mediterranean beauties prepared a mask from the following crushed ingredients: 100 g of arugula and 200 g of olives. The mask is applied to the face and washed off with cool water after 20 minutes.
  • Arugula oil helps cope with the problem of hair loss. To do this, rub a tablespoon of oil into the roots. The procedure is done at night. The head should be covered. You need to wash off the composition in the morning warm water. The mask is used 2-3 times a week for a month. If the hair is too dry, rub the oil in for half an hour and then rinse it off.

Skin moisturizing mask

Pour a bunch of arugula with warm milk and beat with a blender until mushy. Add a teaspoon of honey, mix everything and apply to the skin for 10 minutes. Rinse with milk diluted half with water. After 7 minutes, wash with spring water.


Arugula has long been considered a weed. Now it is grown as a cultivated plant. Moreover, breeders are developing different varieties of it. They are given very beautiful and poetic names, for example, Sardinia, Corsica. There is a variety called Mermaid, Gourmet. And the most common is Poker. And the most aromatic variety– this is Solitaire.

Wild representatives made it possible to develop the varieties Taganskaya Semko, Roket and Euphoria.


Growing arugula does not require much effort or skill. The plant is quite unpretentious. And this allows you to grow it even on a windowsill.

  1. Need slightly acidic fertile soil. Arugula does not need a lot of light, so it can be placed on windows facing north.
  2. But what she doesn’t like is heat and lack of moisture. The abundance of sun makes the leaves of arugula rough, it “goes into the arrow”. Lack of moisture negatively affects taste. Arugula already has a bitter taste, and with weak watering it becomes bitter.
  3. Temperature environment should be from +16° to +18°.
  4. Plant shoots appear on the third day after planting. When it’s time to pick, pay attention to the fact that there should be a distance of 15 cm between plants, a row spacing of 10 cm. The planting depth of seedlings is 1.5 cm.
  5. As soon as you start picking off the first leaves, this will serve as an incentive to intensive development plants.

  • Before retiring with their spouse on the marriage bed, the Arabs ate arugula, considering it an excellent remedy that had a positive effect on potency. Apparently, for the same reason, in the Middle Ages the plant was strictly forbidden to be cultivated in monasteries.
  • The metal causes oxidation in arugula. Therefore, arugula is never cut with a knife.

It’s hard to imagine Italian or Mediterranean cuisine without arugula. Thanks to its spicy taste, it is used in various dishes. It is added to salad, risotto, pizza. The popularity of the product is also associated with its ease of care, which is why many people grow arugula at home.

This is an inconspicuous plant in appearance. But the beneficial properties of arugula convince us that it should be on the daily menu.

Plant characteristics

Arugula belongs to the cruciferous family. Its second biological name is “sowing caterpillar.” Rocket, whose beneficial properties are well known in both Africa and Europe, is a salad. The grass is also known among Europeans as arugula. The stems and leaves of the plant resemble dandelion. They can reach 20 cm in length. They are usually eaten. Seeds are also used. They contain many vitamins, so oil made from arugula is used not only in cooking.

About 90 varieties of the plant are known in nature. The most famous include:

  • poker;
  • rococo;
  • Sicily;
  • Corsica;
  • solitaire.

The aroma of the herb resembles the smell of mustard with pronounced notes of pepper and walnut. Moreover, the smell of the latter appears immediately after tearing off the leaf. Therefore, any salad with the addition of arugula becomes unforgettable in taste.

Why should you eat arugula?

The composition of the plant in terms of the presence of microelements and vitamins is very diverse. Therefore, salad is useful for solving many health problems. It contains only 25 calories per 100 g. The plant contains:

  • , C, N, RR, groups B;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • calcium and;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium.

Salad is rich in fiber essential oils and fatty acids. The composition of arugula is called unique. It allows you to get the following effect:

  • decreased pressure in blood vessels;
  • normalization of acid balance;
  • increasing immunity;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • reducing cholesterol levels;
  • increased hemoglobin in iron deficiency anemia;
  • normalization of the nervous system, sedative effect;
  • improving the functioning of the diuretic system;
  • reducing the risk of cancer;
  • increasing potency in men.

Cleansing the blood of harmful cholesterol and normalizing the condition of blood vessels can prevent the development of strokes and Alzheimer's disease.

During the cold season, increasing the amount of salad consumed allows you to increase the body's resistance to viruses and other unfavorable factors. This is very important in cold and damp seasons.

Arugula, the beneficial properties of which are presented above, gives good results only if used regularly. It is better to eat the leaves fresh. It is recommended not to use a knife when chopping in order to preserve as much as possible. unique properties. Heat treatment traditionally kills some of the vitamins that make up this green, although the specific aroma of the plant provides interesting notes for many hot dishes.

Benefits for women

Women are more concerned about their own than men appearance and want to preserve youth. The composition of the plant allows you to help with this. The herb is used to create masks and cosmetic oils. It has been proven that salad can:

  • speed up the process of creating new cells;
  • improve hair condition: remove dullness, dryness, eliminate hair loss;
  • remove age spots and freckles;
  • increase skin firmness and elasticity.

A nice addition to eating arugula is that it can lead to weight loss. Moreover, getting rid of extra pounds occurs gradually, which does not affect the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system. Cosmetic wraps with plant oil help to reduce weight.

Unlike many products and types of greens, salad is recommended for pregnant women. During this important period, arugula is capable of:

  • reduce swelling;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive system and normalize stool;
  • increase immune strength;
  • reduce the likelihood of mood swings and nervous breakdowns.

Who should not eat arugula?

Although the composition of the plant is rich in important microelements and vitamins, some should refuse to include it in their diet in large quantities.

Salad can cause exacerbations in those who:

  • prone to allergies;
  • has individual intolerance;
  • has chronic stomach diseases (colitis, gastritis, high acidity);
  • has problems with liver failure or autoimmune diseases;
  • if problems with bile excretion are diagnosed;
  • in cases where signs of gout are observed.

The herb contains phytoncides that, when accumulated, can cause a rash and diarrhea. It’s easy to get rid of them by removing arugula from your diet. Medicines in such situations are usually not required.

Individual intolerance can be determined from the very beginning. If there is an aversion to the smell, then most likely the arugula leaves themselves will cause a negative reaction in the body.

Like any greens, lettuce can easily absorb heavy salts from the soil. Therefore, when grown in environmentally unfavorable areas, greens often contain a harmful component. You should avoid eating such chemically rich arugula. It is better to give preference to farm products, which are now available to residents of most regions.

Every person should have greens in their diet. Arugula, the beneficial properties of which will improve the health of the body, provides the necessary energy and ensures normal weight. Individual contraindications may apply to taking the salad orally, but may not affect external use. People prone to allergies should carefully check this.

Otherwise, arugula deserves to be included in every person’s diet!

Today in the article: the herb arugula (arugula), beneficial properties and contraindications for use, what is arugula, what are the benefits and harm to the body, how to choose and store arugula correctly, salad recipes.

Following fashionable culinary trends, housewives use unusual products. For example, Mediterranean recipes often call for arugula (arugula). Useful properties and possible harm The plant is little known to ordinary people, but chefs and nutritionists assure that it must be added to the diet.

People characterize the taste characteristics of lettuce leaves in different ways. Some compare it to sorrel, others emphasize the spicy or nutty aftertaste.

What is arugula

What is arugula: information for the curious. The exoticism of the weed in question is relative. It was known to our great-grandfathers under the name goose grass or goose grass; it was considered a weed, suitable only for livestock feed. At least, few people dared to chew the poisonous green palmate leaves or fruit pods.

But in Italy and some Asian countries, erúca satíva (Latin name) has been grown on an industrial scale for a long time and is positioned as an important agricultural crop. They say that Elizabeth I loved it very much. Other names: rocket salad, caterpillar, arugula, Persian mustard.

According to scientific classification, arugula is an annual vegetable plant of the cabbage family.

External characteristics:

  • thin, slightly pubescent stem, about 40 cm high;
  • fleshy leaves of medium size with dissected edges;
  • the flowers are small, slightly yellowish, usually with four petals;
  • The fruits are small oblong green pods that ripen in early summer.

People use all above-ground parts of the plant. The seeds are valuable pharmacological raw materials; esters and acids are obtained from them; culinary specialists prepare mustard. Leaves and young shoots are eaten, added to salads, first courses and even pizza.

Let us separately dwell on the calorie content and composition of arugula.

Attention, gentlemen, losing weight, the first indicator is only 25 kcal / 100 g.

The leaves are 90% water, saturated with beneficial components:

  • all kinds of vitamins (especially groups K, B and C);
  • macroelements (K, Ca, S are present in significant quantities, Mg, Si, Na, P, Cl are present in smaller proportions);
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • fiber;
  • microelements (Fe, Al, Mn, Zn, Cu).

Useful properties of arugula salad

Now let's look at the beneficial properties of arugula salad and its health benefits.

The plant has a miraculous effect on the body. Regularly adding it to your diet allows you to:

  • increase overall tone and performance;
  • improve metabolism;
  • normalize water and salt balance;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • improve digestion and the state of the nervous system;
  • protect cells from the development of cancer, exposure to viruses and harmful bacteria.

Arugula stimulates lactation and urination, heals ulcerative defects of the stomach and intestines, and removes other harmful substances.

The beneficial properties of arugula for women are, first of all, a cosmetic product that improves the condition of hair, nails and skin, softens and whitens (when used externally).

The greens in question are a treasure for those losing weight. Firstly, it is low-calorie, and secondly, thanks to its rich composition, it saturates the body with vitamins and mineral elements, removes toxins, has a positive effect on digestion.

The main contraindication to consuming arugula is an individual allergic reaction. Doctors also advise people suffering from hyperacid stomach diseases, chronic kidney and liver pathologies to be careful with this product.

A controversial point is recommendations for pregnant and lactating women. On the one hand, expectant and new mothers really need vitamins, on the other hand, the already mentioned allergic reaction, which manifests itself more often in a weakened body. There is no direct prohibition, but it is better to try it for the first time with caution.

Arugula salad recipes

According to gourmets, the most successful combinations of aromatic spicy herbs arugula with tomatoes, meat and hard cheese. In classic pesto, this is an alternative to basil; it can also be used to decorate ready-made pizza or any dishes from the grill menu.

Salads with arugula are especially popular; there are several secrets in their preparation.

Dry the greens immediately after washing.
Do not cut the leaves, but tear them with your hands.
Season with quality olive oil or lemon juice.
Prepare just before serving.

The simplest recipe.

Cut the cherry tomatoes into slices. Add to them chopped white cheese or Parmesan, young arugula leaves, garlic and Pine nuts. Season all this splendor to taste.

If you want a more satisfying dish, dilute the salad with boiled chicken fillet or liver.

How to choose arugula?

Note to housewives: how to choose arugula.

There are few tricks in this matter, but they do exist. The main condition for a successful purchase is the freshness of the greens. It is better to buy it not at the supermarket, but at the market early in the morning. The leaves should be bright green, without defects, and not dry at the edges.

Please note that the larger they are, the more pronounced the spicy mustard flavor is (+ the likelihood of an allergic reaction increases).

How to store arugula?

Arugula is not suitable for long-term freezing. No matter what miracle recipes are shared experienced housewives, but at practical application any of them are not happy with the result: the beneficial properties of arugula are reduced to a minimum, the leaves lose their original taste qualities and aroma.

Possible shelf life is several days. It is better to keep the plant in a container with water. In a bag or container, it quickly loses its freshness and becomes tasteless.

By the way, arugula is grown not only in greenhouses and vegetable gardens, but also at home - on the windowsill. There is relatively little hassle, and healthy greens are always at hand.

Arugula ( Latin name– Erúca sátiva) is a herbaceous cruciferous annual plant belonging to the genus Indau, the Brassica family.

The homeland of arugula is northern Africa, Central and Southern Europe. It also grows in the European part of Russia, namely in Dagestan and the foothills of the Caucasus.


In general, nowadays the caterpillar (another name for this plant) is grown almost everywhere for culinary purposes. It is especially popular in Italy. In general, with regard to the characteristics of cultivation, then this plant It grows very well on loosened dry soil. The height of arugula is 30 - 60 centimeters. The stem is slightly pubescent, straight, and has branches. The leaves are relatively fleshy, slightly hairy, and occasionally glabrous. The inflorescence is a long, sparse raceme. The flowers of the plant have characteristic purple veins and are bright or pale yellow. The fruit of arugula is a pod, oblong, sometimes slightly rounded. The pod contains seeds, oval-round and compressed. They are located in the pod in two rows and can have a light brown or light brown color. The time for arugula to bloom is May – June. And the ripening time of the fruits is May – July.

The plant has a rather bright characteristic odor. It seems inconspicuous in appearance, but in fact it is extremely healthy and tasty. And this is especially appreciated now, when we, people, have begun to understand how important it is to treat and strengthen our body with natural methods that do not have side effects, but bring only benefit and health. In our stores and food markets it is spicy plant appeared quite recently, which is why for most of us it is still unusual. But in fact, arugula (also called rocket, arugula) is an excellent salad green. It has an interesting rich taste and even a certain spiciness. Fresh young leaves and shoots are usually used to make salads, and arugula seeds are used to make oil and mustard.


Chemical composition arugula is unique. The fresh leaf of this plant contains many vitamins: B4, B2, B1, B6, B5, B9, C, E, K, as well as the following trace elements: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium. Arugula also contains iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium. In addition, rocket is relatively high in calories; 100 grams of its leaves contain 25 calories. Thanks to this, arugula salad quickly fills you up, which is surprising and very valuable for those people who want to get rid of excess weight. But it is imperative to take into account: having such a rich content of vitamins, the plant will inevitably differ in its ability to have a diverse effect on the body.

Useful properties and contraindications

The benefits and harms of arugula are what each of us needs to know. In general, this herb has a very beneficial and gentle effect on human body. Adverse effects on the body can only occur if the person suffers from kidney disease, in addition, if he has food allergy for this salad. Of course, under such circumstances, these greens simply should not be eaten, that’s all.. But the beneficial effects of arugula deserve special attention!
– This salad contains iodine, which helps prevent thyroid problems.
– Many B vitamins contained in rocket are incredibly beneficial for the human hematopoietic and nervous system.
– Vitamin E normalizes hormonal levels, restores women’s normal menstrual cycle, and also helps hair and skin look good and be in excellent condition.
– Vitamin A has a good effect on bone tissue, and also gives shine and smoothness to hair and skin.
– Vitamin C helps restore blood vessel walls. Therefore, eating arugula - perfect option for those who suffer from hypertension and thrombophlebitis.

Regular consumption of rocket significantly improves the functioning of the digestive system, increases immunity, promotes the elimination of salts, reduces cholesterol levels, and strengthens the nerves. That is, in order to get the desired effect, arugula just needs to be eaten regularly. Given herbaceous plant tones the body and increases performance. It also has antibacterial, diuretic and antioxidant effects. If a person suffers from obesity or diabetes, then eating arugula will have a very pronounced positive effect for him.

Not so long ago, based on the results of research, it was concluded that rocket helps to significantly reduce the growth rate of existing ulcers and prevents the appearance of new ones. In addition, there is evidence that arugula even has anti-cancer properties. Traditional medicine successfully uses this plant for skin diseases, to remove freckles and calluses. And also for the treatment of ulcers. To remove calluses and freckles, you need to lubricate them with arugula juice twice a day. And to treat ulcers, the juice must be taken orally. Eating a salad with rocket is also very beneficial.

In general, this herb was considered an effective aphrodisiac in the Roman Empire, where, in fact, it began to be grown. And as practice shows, it is not in vain. In order to increase potency, it is successfully used in our time. Take arugula leaves and grind them thoroughly to a smooth paste. And then they mix ten parts of this very gruel and one part of ground black pepper, then add to this mixture one part of high-quality real honey. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly, placed in a glass container with a lid and stored in the refrigerator. To achieve the desired result, take the mixture up to 1 teaspoon two to three times a day, regardless of meals.

Previously, arugula was not grown en masse, and therefore was not particularly studied. But since the 1900s, it began to gain well-deserved popularity. Now its use as salad greens is becoming more and more common. And it’s not surprising, because arugula is pleasantly spicy and very interesting taste. Most often it is used to prepare dishes such as salad. In addition, rocket is a very interesting addition to clear and fish dishes. And, for example, in Slovenia, arugula is an ingredient in cheese cheburek. As for Italy, here this herb is used for pizza, added either at the end of cooking or immediately after it. It also makes a great seasoning for pesto, making a great substitute for basil leaves. In the Caucasus, its shoots and leaves are simply eaten raw, without any preparation. And mustard is made from the seeds.

Collection and preparation

Collecting and preparing arugula has its own characteristics and rules. After all, this plant has ceased to be considered exotic; it can be grown and used without problems along with the usual salad, dill, and parsley. In one season, if desired, you can harvest several harvests of arugula. But for this it is necessary to take into account some nuances. In particular, do not sow densely (from bush to bush there should be at least 15 centimeters), provide moisture, and fertilize the soil in the fall, so that in the spring the characteristic smell is not felt, otherwise the leaves herbs will inevitably take it upon themselves. Three weeks after sowing the seeds at favorable conditions the harvest will ripen. When collecting leaves, they are simply broken off from the rosette, starting with the outer ones. It is important not to allow the caterpillar to bloom or pick off the buds, otherwise the leaves will not be as tender as at first. To always have fresh arugula on the table, it is best to sow it every three weeks, then the harvest will always be young and new.


As for the possibility of storing rocket in the refrigerator, it is stored poorly, losing its properties very quickly. Maximum of a week in the refrigerator, in a cellophane bag. Also, you should not prepare salads with caterpillars in advance - they very quickly lose their appearance and structure, turning into an incomprehensible mess. And when it is fresh, when prepared according to the recipe, it is unsurpassed in deliciousness!


  • To prepare delicious salad with arugula and mozzarella, you will need:
    1. 100 g rocket.
    2. 300 g – mozzarella cheese.
    3. Olive oil – 3 tablespoons.
    4. Balsamic vinegar – 3 tablespoons
    5. Cherry tomatoes – 15 pieces.

It should be prepared as follows: the cheese is cut into small cubes, the cherry tomatoes are cut in half, arugula is added, then the mass is mixed, after which olive oil and balsamic vinegar are added. The salad is mixed again, it must be left to brew for 5-10 minutes, after which it must be put on a dish and served. It turns out incredibly tasty! If desired, balsamic vinegar can be replaced with natural apple cider vinegar, and mozzarella cheese with any other that you personally prefer.
