How to make a man interested in you. How to interest and attract a man. Common interests and interest in his person

No matter how passionate a girl is about her studies or career, no matter how hard she tries to put off her personal life until “later,” no matter how much she avoids close relationships with members of the opposite sex, but suddenly, absolutely unexpectedly, everything changes. It just happens that on the path of her victorious march he appears - the young man of her dreams. And then she faces other goals, the main one of which is how to interest a guy.

You never know when He will appear...

...the man of your dreams

The most effective ways to interest a guy

Of course, if the spark was not intense enough, or the girl is very timid, then she will simply look after the guy, blaming herself for indecisiveness. The more daring one will try to talk about something. But a clumsy attempt to get closer can only completely ruin a relationship that has not yet begun. And for this, only the wrong intonation is enough, not to mention the meaning of what was said.

Sometimes it happens that a girl manages to interest a guy, but at the last minute her insecurity or excessive self-confidence interferes with her. But the golden mean is so important here! In order not to miss your chance, you need to act thoughtfully and not at random. So, you can first somehow “shine” in front of the guy in a favorable light. So that he notices the “hunter”, but does not suspect her of “tactical” actions, the girl can shoot her eyes, smile at him, or simply look expressively.

If you shoot with your eyes, then only straight into the heart.

Not recommended for initial stage use body language and make sexual signs. For good opinion It is enough to show your self-confidence. After all, a girl who values ​​herself with dignity and is not scattered in all directions already has a reason to notice and appreciate. And in addition to this, you can masterfully provoke a guy, interest him, create a situation in which he simply cannot help but approach.

When asked how to interest a guy, psychology offers girls entire libraries of scientific advice. But there are also more practical versions - the experience of girls who have been in a similar situation.

So, girls who know how to interest guys recommend starting with the formation of an internal attitude: I am very beautiful, natural, interesting to others. You need to develop the habit of repeating these words to yourself every day. And if before this there were some problems with others, then a girl who loves herself, life and the people around will be drawn to her like the sun.

The main thing is to find harmony, and the rest will come!

In the proposed situation, the main thing for a girl is to be able to love herself exactly as she is. And this is possible despite all the obvious and imagined shortcomings of the girl herself. And all she needs is to look at them differently, because she has a lot of advantages, she just needs to emphasize them advantageously. And you shouldn’t focus only on external advantages: beautiful eyes, long legs, delicate skin. More important, as life shows, are inner human qualities, character traits, cheerfulness, tenderness, and openness. And if you develop a sufficient degree of self-confidence and your own attractiveness, then most of the problems in attracting and winning a young man will be solved.

Is it possible to interest a guy in conversations?

As practice shows, men really like to communicate. And it’s very peculiar. AND The best way How to interest a guy in a conversation, talk less and listen more. And when a young man speaks, he opens up most of all, and therefore sympathy for the girl with whom he manages to talk out arises on its own.

As for the girl’s speech, there are many moments that seem not very important at first glance, but in fact can play a decisive role in the emergence of sympathy. For example, how many people pay attention to the pace of conversation? But speaking too fast, like speaking too slowly, often irritates the interlocutor. Therefore, it is better to develop a normal speech rate. By the way, this is important and simple for mutual understanding with others. Although if it is very difficult for a person to change the speed of speech, then it is better to leave everything as it is, because it can only get worse. In addition, some men like chatty girls, and some like sedate girls with soft-spoken speech. And naturalness is always better than unnaturalness.

Intonation is also important in a conversation. And to the same guy in different time days, you may like different intonations. If during the day light and cheerful notes in intonation are cheerful and invigorating, provoking a good mood, then in the evening everything is a little different. Guys during this period are attracted to intriguing notes, but without a hint of sexual overtones. After all, this is not only vulgar, but also fraught with unpleasant consequences: a guy may perceive such a voice as a call to more courageous actions.

And the fact that the voice is a powerful weapon is confirmed by cases of acquaintance after a random call. By the way, many girls are sure that there is no better way to start a relationship than to interest a guy over the phone. The fact is that when communicating on the phone, a girl feels much more confident in herself, and therefore can calmly use all the proposed conversation technologies that are difficult to use face to face. And when you manage to meet in person, the guy will already have a firmly formed first impression of her, and a very positive one at that.

A girl's conversation should be meaningful. But at the same time, you don’t need to be too clever, which is often not liked by others, especially men. But you don’t need to seem stupid either. Therefore, you need to choose a topic for communication that is well known to the girl herself, and the guy will also have to understand it. A the best option– start with general topics: weather, recreation, music, and so on. Also, there is no need to persistently return to a topic that does not interest the interlocutor.

In a girl’s speech, the timbre of her voice plays a very important role. Indeed, according to psychologists, shrill high notes in a conversation hurt the ear and repel the listener. But the low timbre, chesty velvety voice not only attracts, but fascinates. Therefore, it is worth observing how others perceive the color of your voice. And if possible, you can edit some points.

Believe me, a consciously developed habit will help you change even the pitch of your voice, especially if there is such a motivation - to please a young man who has sunk into your soul!

To attract the guy you like, be yourself!

Most psychologists agree on this issue: there is no need to philosophize, because everything original is simple. And the best way to interest a guy once and for all is naturalness.

This version is quite logical. After all, all the best things in life are natural. The same applies to human behavior. After all, why do people in society follow some people, but others are not accepted at all? It's all about that very organic, natural, naturalness.

It’s the same with a girl: if she doesn’t grimace, doesn’t accompany her speech with antics, doesn’t try to seem better (or worse, and this happens), then she will freely find a response in a person close to her in spirit. The guy will see the natural beauty in her, become interested in her, and then a good real feeling can grow from this for more than one day. But if you pretend to be something enchanting, then even if sympathy arises at the initial stage, it will never find continuation. After all, relationships that begin from deception do not give birth to sincere love. And a young man will never fall in love with a girl who hides herself.

It's great to have something you love

You don’t really need to look for what a guy’s girlfriend might be interested in. It is enough for her to do what she loves. It's good if you like it and young man. But even if he has other interests, a girl who is passionate about the business becomes so attractive that she simply cannot help but attract his attention.

After all, what does society value most in a person? His skill and passion for his work. Likewise, it is impossible not to notice a girl whose soul is not only cosmetics and new outfits, but also the ability to do something at the aerobatics level. Therefore, efforts and polishing skills will be useful not only at the professional level, but also in personal life!

You can become interesting to a young man by managing to adequately maintain a conversation with him. And in order to be, as they say, on the topic of the most common problems, it is advisable to read a variety of literature for several hours a day. This does not mean that you need to sit down to encyclopedias and scientific treatises. It is enough to just take on interesting articles with a little more enthusiasm. Such self-development will allow you to correct your own mistakes and resolve many personal problems. But for men it is very important whether a woman can support him in difficult times, give practical advice, and simply correct himself after making a mistake in a relationship.

But these are tips for the case when the guy knows him well, and the girl simply establishes herself in his eyes. But there are situations when you need a hint on how to interest a stranger. And here it is important not to lose your own dignity, not to seem strange or intrusive, which will only push the guy away.

And it’s even better when your favorite activity is shared!

A more constructive step is to try to attract attention to yourself as if by accident. This can be arranged in advance: go into the subway and inadvertently touch his hand. A slight embarrassment will relax the young man’s vigilance, and a sincere smile and direct gaze will smite him on the spot. At the same time, you can joke, like, I was looking for reliable support, or complain about my clumsiness. If this is done masterfully, then the guy will have nowhere to go: he will not even feel how he will succumb to this provocation. And the reason will be the ease of the situation and the vibes that emanate in full force from a girl who is passionate about a guy.

But sometimes the guy you like doesn’t show any interest and doesn’t make contact, because he doesn’t see the “girl of his dreams” in front of him. In this case, you can, of course, continue to fiercely fight for the object of your adoration, understanding his tastes, changing your character and hobbies to suit them, and breaking the foundations of life. But instead of playing the role of the girl the guy needs, it’s better to stay in “your body,” but without a failed partner. After all, over time, even a guy who is carried away by such an assertive girl will get bored with the increasingly obvious falsehood. Yes, and she will lose her former interest, lose excitement, perhaps regretting the once meaningless game she started. Although there are also successful cases of such an attack, when both participants become a happy, harmonious couple.

To captivate a guy, all you need is a smile and a glance!

When choosing a way to interest the guy you like, a girl must control the manifestation of her emotions and feelings. Why? It’s just that many young people claim that they are turned off by excessive emotionality. Of course, because of this opinion, one should not give up any emotions and turn into a soulless statue. But you shouldn’t squeal in delight at seeing a caterpillar either. Of course, there are guys who get excited about being overly emotional. But it simply scares off most people. Young people think that the girl will crush with her emotions. After all, young men are less receptive and sensitive, especially to little things. They are more characterized by restraint, although at the same time they may be more vulnerable in their souls.

A sincere smile works wonders!

Also, a girl trying to attract the sympathy of a young man should not rely only on clothes, super styling or a cool gadget. Much more important for guys is a delightful, sincere smile and sparkle in a girl’s eyes. It fascinates a man on a subconscious level, because it provokes the stereotype that only the girl who is interested in him has sparkling eyes. The young people themselves confirm that there is no better step than to interest a guy with his eyes.

As for the most reliable weapon in a woman’s arsenal, it is undoubtedly a smile. After all, this is the biggest weakness of guys who are afraid of girls’ tears, their insults and bad mood. But the smile indicates that the girl is in an excellent mood, without offense or insinuation. Therefore, even if you need to sort out some omissions, it is always better to start with a smile, and not become a pose of offended pride.

A smile in general often acts as a key that opens any lock. It relaxes a person, puts him at ease, and inspires confidence. In addition, men of any age, even the most brutal ones, always want happiness. And a woman or girl who smiles sincerely and simply creates the impression of a happy person. I want to reach out to her to enjoy life with her.
And a girl who simply smiles visually looks more attractive and beautiful than one who behaves too arrogantly and proudly. Nor are they attracted to women who try their best to demonstrate their disappointment with life. But in order to attract and attract people, you just need to live, appreciate life, smile and be happy. From this, the whole world around will also change, there will be reasons for joy, new acquaintances, among whom is the only young man for whose sake I so wanted to change everything in my life.

All men are very different, they also differ in their behavior with their former girlfriends. There are mama's boys who can be influenced through their mother or other relatives. There are men who listen to the opinions of their friends, then a woman, even before a quarrel with a man, has to establish wonderful friendly relations with the man’s friends.

There are men who are guided solely by their opinions, it is difficult to influence them. There are those who are not inclined to forgive at all; even little things are unforgivable for them. And therefore it is of great importance what type your man is. Although, it is worth noting that in most cases men are suggestible creatures. They can be manipulated, but this should never be done openly.

Some women managed to interest and win back their beloved again when they showed up on the threshold of his house in an elegant dress and called for them, maintaining the intrigue. At the same time, women prepared in advance for a man a romantic dinner on the roof of a house, or sex in a place where the man always wanted to try it, or gave some kind of nice gift.

Many men, and not just women, as is commonly believed, can be excited by such romantic actions, but such behavior is only appropriate if the man has simply left you, if he does not live with another woman. If you are not sure whether he is alone, then it is better not to take such steps, you simply may find yourself in a stupid situation. Well, such an act requires courage. But not all women have it.

Before continuing reading, we recommend watching the following video:

You can interest a man in your new look, which you carefully prepare and then arrange for a meeting. You can interest him by text message. For example. You just write to him “thank you” and that’s it. Not a word more. And then after a while the man sends you a reply SMS, he wants to know why you are thanking him. And you just tell him that he helped you change, look at many things differently.

Tell us an incident from your life that confirms that you are completely different now. Discuss mutual friends. Such communication about nothing can also be useful; it helps subsequently to establish contact, which is so important for both of you. Very often, men also suffer after a relationship is destroyed, but they rarely admit it and try with all their might to forget the woman.

In order to interest a man, you should never resort to various kinds of magic, which is very dangerous. You should not listen to the advice of friends who have encountered other situations and other men in life. Do not listen to the advice of your relatives, who will tell you that you should forget about your loved one, since you will have hundreds more like them. The fact is that many destinies were crippled this way.

No one, neither friends nor family, can replace your loved one in your life. Your friends will build their lives, give birth to children, they will be happy, but they will treat you with pity. Remember that only you decide what to do. You must be smart and wise, and professional advice will come to your aid. Your family may tell you that a man should be the first to call, the first to come, the first to ask for forgiveness. Don't listen to anyone. Do as you see fit.

So, let's sum it up briefly, how to get your ex interested again?

  1. Romantic actions. Prepare in advance for your man, for example, a romantic dinner, or come up with something that will really excite him. The main thing is to make sure that he is not in a relationship with another woman, otherwise you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
  2. New image. Work on yourself, change your appearance and lifestyle. Attract a man with your new role.
  3. SMS. As an example, you can simply write him “thank you.” He will begin to wonder why?! And you will say that he helped you change. This is how communication begins.
  4. Don't listen to other people's advice, don't resort to magic. Strangers can only harm you, because everyone’s situations are different. And only you know exactly what to do to get your man interested again.
  5. Never openly manipulate a man. Try to use proven tactics that professionals in your field will teach you.

Today, more and more often, princes meet not in beautiful castles, but on the Internet - social networks and dating sites. Such online relationships attract not only insecure girls, but also simply busy women.

If you have a worthy young man in your network contacts, why not take advantage of the situation and try to turn a non-committal exchange of messages into something more? The following tips will help you understand how to interest a guy by correspondence.

Let's say, while scrolling through the pages of men on VKontakte or on a dating site, you noticed a photo of a handsome man and decided to start a conversation with him.

In order for correspondence with a guy to bring you only pleasure, it is important to follow several rules.

Rule No. 1. You need to attract a man's attention

To please a representative of the stronger sex on VK, you should not “like” indiscriminately all his photos, music and video files. Just send a friend request, justifying it with something.

For example, you liked his photographs from his last cruise. There are two possible scenarios for the development of the situation:

  1. If you also visited this place, specify that you want to remember pleasant moments of relaxation.
  2. If these attractions are not familiar to you, ask the young man to tell you about them, since you were planning to go there.

That is, you attract attention, are the first to enter into a conversation, and he can already support it or refuse to communicate. Most likely, if you are polite and witty, he will not refuse to accept you as “friends”.

Rule #2: Find common interests

If you want to please a man when communicating online, find out as much as possible about his hobbies, interests, etc. This can be done after carefully studying his personal page:

  • in photographs a guy can capture, for example, fishing, deep diving, tattoos;
  • musical preferences are obvious from the presence of tracks on the page;
  • check the list of groups he is a member of;
  • look at his friends, especially those on the “best” list.

Do not consider this to be espionage, but secrecy is best maintained. No one needs to know that you are going to seduce or simply please a particular young man by correspondence.

Rule No. 3. Avoid intrusiveness

If you have already started a conversation, behave correctly. What does this mean? When you wake up, you shouldn’t immediately rush to your laptop to write a big “hello” and start a long conversation.

Try to wait until the guy texts first. If he is in no hurry to communicate with you in contact, once a day he is allowed to start a conversation on his own initiative. In general, it’s better to look at the situation!

Rule No. 4. Write correctly

Ordinary literacy is also possible. This will make you stand out from the crowd of girls who make grammatical errors and slang words in correspondence.

Such messages turn off many young people, so try to write correctly, and if you are not confident in yourself, turn to online resources that correct errors.

Rule No. 5. Study your own page

Be sure to study your VKontakte page, bringing it into a “divine” form.

Read the profile information, review photos, videos and audio files. Do they contain any “compromising evidence” on you?

Ruthlessly delete all incomprehensible entries, just don’t try to unnecessarily smooth out your account or make it as similar as possible to a man’s account, since the guy will communicate with a living person with his own preferences.

Rule No. 6. Post only your photos

If you are determined not only to correspond with a man, but also to organize a real meeting, put your own image on your avatar, preferably fresh and not too “Photoshopped”.

A young man will simply be disappointed when he sees a completely different young lady on a date than in the photo. Therefore, conduct the conversation on your own behalf!

How to correspond with a man correctly?

When thinking about how to interest a man by correspondence and communicate with him correctly, first decide on the ultimate goal of your conversations.

What do you want from a young man: just have a nice conversation in contact, or do you want to seduce the guy? We offer some specific tips.

  1. Be yourself. Wanting to, some young ladies begin to lie and pretend to be a bitch or a modest one. If you do not want to stop communicating in contact, behave naturally. The deception will sooner or later be revealed, and the relationship may end.
  2. Be polite. Good manners and politeness are always in fashion. Say hello and goodbye, don’t be afraid to thank him once again for a compliment or advice. Of course, boorish or vulgar words and, especially, obscenities should be excluded. You can hook a man with your intelligence.
  3. Make jokes more often. A sense of humor greatly adorns girls. If a young lady knows how to joke, make people laugh and understands the jokes and jokes directed at her, talking with her gives the guy only pleasure.
  4. Avoid crude flattery. Rude flattery and sugary phrases are not the best way to please a young man. Sincere compliments, on the contrary, are strongly welcomed. For example, pay your attention to his muscular figure and ability to understand computer “internals.”
  5. Don't be intrusive. Let us repeat once again - do not bombard a guy with messages on VK if he suddenly stops responding. He is probably busy, has moved away from the computer, is taking a break from communicating on the Internet, or simply cannot find a topic for conversation. In the latter case, ask him a neutral question that allows you to continue the conversation.
  6. . You need to be interested in a man, but you shouldn’t delve into his personal life. At the initial stage, avoid asking questions about his ex-girlfriends. Then, when you begin to communicate more closely or move to a serious level of relationship, you can return to this moment.
  7. Avoid intimate topics. An overly frank conversation with an unfamiliar man is not the best option for starting online dating, unless you are considering the question of how to pick up a guy and sleep with him quickly. If the conversation takes on a sexual tone, gently hint that you don’t know each other too well yet, but in the future...
  8. Be positive. The conversation should be predominantly positive. Don't complain about your life difficulties, the only exception is if the guy talks about his problem, and you want to support him by saying that you are in a similar situation. However, it is better to give up despondency and not bother a man with your troubles.

For now, be content with general questions. Examples of topics are literature, travel, cinema, hobbies, close relatives, funny and unusual stories from the past.

The main signal that helps determine whether you managed to please a young man and attract his attention is the willingness to communicate with you on VK and other social networks. You are most likely to be pleasant to your interlocutor if he:

Another indicator is how willingly a guy shares secrets with you or simply things that are important to him. You can check this by asking him a few questions about how he spent his day, what interesting things happened at work or at university.

True, if a man is tired or simply not in the mood, it is better to postpone such questions so as not to cause irritation.

Having decided how to start corresponding with a guy, you need to find out the signs that communication with him is becoming unproductive, uninteresting and causing inconvenience.

It is best not to intrude, but to end the conversation in time so that both parties have only the best memories.

It is quite possible that, bored, after a while the young man himself will take the initiative and write first.

The recommendations presented above on how to interest a guy through correspondence are only rough tips. You yourself can evaluate how pleasant the interlocutor is to you and how to behave with him in certain situations.

Man from social network offers to meet in real life? Agree if you are confident in the ability to take the relationship to a more serious level. After all, this is precisely why you tried to please the young man, isn’t it?

Surely, back in school you saw the following picture: a completely unsightly and awkward-looking girl from a parallel class, with a potato nose and a wild laugh, surrounded by a crowd of boys not only from your class, but even from the older parallel.

Even worse: the boy you’ve liked for a long time is chatting quite nicely with some “gray mouse” who doesn’t even have a clue about what volumizing mascara and a push-up swimsuit are. Why does such injustice occur, as it seems at first glance? The point is not at all in the vicissitudes of fate, but in the person himself. Let's talk about how to interest a guy, because his attention is so “incomprehensible” and “strange” for us women.

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To begin with, I would like to say the most banal phrase: appearance is not the main thing. No, really! Of course, it is one of the determining factors, but far from the only one. After all, as they say, there are no comrades according to taste. There is also no ideal or model of beauty. It is impossible for absolutely everyone to like it or, conversely, not like it.

Stunning appearance plays a role only on first impression. In the second case, it is the ability to attract a guy that comes to the fore. This skill is inherent in all women, and over the years it can only be improved.

How to interest a guy

Thus, it turns out that attractiveness, for the most part, depends on the “seduction” skills you have acquired. In other words, it is a certain sign language. So what “signals” are needed to get a guy interested?

  • Firstly, no negativity, even in thoughts. A girl who is in a bad mood and angry at the whole world has repulsive “signals”, and the young man is unlikely to respond with interest on his part. He will not understand the reasons for this negativity, he simply will not be attracted to such a girl.
  • Secondly, be confident in yourself always and everywhere. No temporary troubles should affect your self-esteem. After all, inner confidence is transmitted to the people around you, and they will immediately, on an intuitive level, be drawn to you. If it’s hard for you to believe that you are charming and look your best, then make it a habit to repeat the cherished phrase every morning in front of the mirror: “I am the most charming and attractive.” At first it will seem like complete nonsense, but then before you know it, you will believe it. Tested for yourself!
  • Third, learn to listen to your body and listen to your inner voice. To do this, talk to yourself. Ask questions, answer them, draw conclusions. Prepare yourself to think that not all guys are preoccupied and expect only one thing from girls, otherwise you won’t succeed with “seduction.”

And the most important thing– this is your individuality and uniqueness. Nowadays it is very fashionable to do everything “like everyone else,” to dress “like everyone else.” Think about it, if everyone is pinned down from the roof of a 9-story building, will you jump too? Forget about the herd mentality. You are a person! There is no one else like you!

In principle, “signals” can and should be trained. I advise you to start with the mirror. Imagine that the guy of your dreams is coming towards you. Imagine how you will behave, how you will look, how you will speak...

After that, think about how you would like to behave. It turns out there is a difference. Often girls, replaying a meeting or acquaintance with a young man, blush and hit themselves on the forehead with the words: “What a fool I am! Why did I say that his hand was smeared with a felt-tip pen? Why did you scratch your ear? It probably looked so stupid from the outside.”

Not only train your “seduction signals” skills, but also consolidate them in your memory so that later everything looks natural. Falsity and pretense will be noticeable immediately.

It won’t be news if I say – be sincere! Be sincere with yourself and with other people.

Now let's talk about an equally significant part of seducing a guy - about the look, about a woman's incredibly attractive look...

I won’t open America to you if I tell you that it’s not so difficult to interest a guy with your eyes. You just need to smile back shyly when you catch his eye, and then immediately turn away in the opposite direction.

So, your eyes have met... and you need to meekly look down. Like, you're embarrassed that you were "caught" watching him. After a few seconds, look up again, otherwise the guy’s interest won’t stay on you for long. Look him straight in the eyes, smile slightly, then look down again. If the “object” does not react in any way to your tricks, you should not think that he is a complete ass or that you are “out of shape” today; most likely, he is waiting for someone or is currently very much in love.

It is worth warning about the error, i.e. about the “wrong view”:

  • Don't look at the guy long and hard, and also do not give too generous smiles. He will decide that you are intrusive and easily accessible.
  • Don't look too harshly, otherwise the potential admirer will definitely turn to the other side of the road. Also, don't show any bitchiness. A man will be afraid to approach such a girl even within a cannon shot, even if he wants to. After all, guys actually like “bitches”, namely “bitches”, not “bitches”, but they are afraid of them and most often avoid them.
  • And one more thing: no female gaze, tuned to acquaintance and communication, does not go well with a cigarette and a can of beer. Agree, you would hardly pay attention to a guy who, blowing clouds of smoke at you, drinks beer.

Women's eyes is a boundless ocean and a boundless universe for the opposite sex. And, of course, your look should have that “zest” that tactfully says: “Look at me, I’m unique!” It is very difficult not to respond to such a look, to pass by and not start a conversation.

So, you've met. How to proceed now? What should I say?

The most important- sincere interest in the conversation. By intonation, gestures and facial expressions you can determine how interesting the dialogue is to your interlocutor. Do not deceive, do not embellish yourself, do not attribute imaginary qualities and non-existent achievements. After all, it may turn out that this guy is your destiny, and you initially formed a false opinion about yourself.

  • Just be yourself. If this is “your person,” then he will like you for who you are with all your advantages and disadvantages. When a young man says something, listen with interest and do not interrupt.
  • Do not comment on anything or express your opinion about something that doesn’t concern you at the moment, because you just met. Just be an attentive listener. Don’t talk too much yourself, otherwise you will be considered an airhead.
  • Don’t “ooh” or “aah,” don’t squeal or raise your intonation. Take your time, otherwise the guy will simply stop listening to you. Even if you naturally have a rather fast speech rate, control yourself, because... he is not yet accustomed to the peculiarities of your speech.
  • Don't gesture too much- this will alienate a new acquaintance. Emotions are good, but in moderation. Moreover, a stranger simply will not understand them, and may think that you are a hot-tempered, impulsive person, prone to sudden changes in mood.

First of all, try to understand from the conversation about his interests. This way you can correctly determine the further topic of conversation. Pleasant communication is one of the main factors in the development of relationships. Don’t tell everything about yourself and your life at once, because you are not at confession, and the guy is not a priest. Stay mysterious and enigmatic. Listen more, be interested in him, because young people are very proud.

And, of course, smile more. A smile disarms and puts any person at ease. After all, friendship begins with a smile. It is much more difficult to interest a guy if the conversation is over the phone. After all, he doesn’t see your smile or your beautiful eyes.

Unfortunately, the phone is not able to convey our warm glances and playful smiles to the interlocutor. But even here you can find a way out, the main thing is to have imagination. So, how can we intrigue a guy on the phone?

  • The voice will be our weapon.

More precisely, its timbre and intonation. Have you ever caught yourself that there are people with whom talking is stressful? It seems that they are not saying anything bad, but there is a strange feeling after the conversation. The thing is that you and your interlocutor are talking on different wavelengths. To prevent this from happening in a conversation with a guy, try to train your voice. Namely, adapt to his manner of speaking. If he doesn’t speak loudly, then don’t shout into the phone either.

Don't speak too quickly. Perhaps the guy will be embarrassed to ask again. Thus, the thought will be lost and the thread of this conversation will be interrupted.

  • You not only can, but you must look for interesting topics of conversation.

Surely, you already know all his affairs and hobbies. This is a worthy reason to ask what’s new in his life or what he plans to do after he graduates from college, moves to a new position, or changes the tires on his car. Another trick you can use to get him to talk is to look into the past! For example, a week ago he told you about the situation at work. And today you ask him how that story ended. He will be very pleased that you remember those events and are interested in them. For him, this means that you want to take part in his life.

Your attentiveness will help you find a worthy topic and support it in conversation. If you really listen to a guy, you will find it interesting and easy to carry on conversations. Another thing is correspondence. There is no longer not only touch, but even a charming voice. We have to rely on letters and emoticons.

On the one hand, when texting a guy, you cannot fully convey your feelings to him in words. However, using different methods, you can achieve success here too, namely, attract the guy’s attention.

Hint to the guy that many - but not all - of the statuses you write are thinking about him. Let him suffer in guessing which ones are for him, and which ones are simply a reflection of your soul.

How to interest a guy via SMS

Messages are fundamentally different from other types of communication. Many people say that texting is for schoolgirls in love. Maybe it is so. But why don’t we – mature and experienced girls – benefit from these rather short messages.

  1. It should be made a mandatory ritual morning greetings and good night wishes. Make these messages as mandatory as your morning cup invigorating coffee and a relaxing evening bath. Create a certain “anchor” for the guy. He should wait for your SMS and get worried if one day they don’t show up. This will give him the opportunity to evaluate how needed you are in his life.
  2. SMS throughout the day are appropriate only when you are sure that the young man is not currently receiving a scolding from his boss. Otherwise, your SMS will only cause anger.
  3. Send him the original verse or some clever phrase from the greats. The first will cheer him up, the second will give him additional motivation.

I would like to separately note: do not bombard him with messages for no reason. Don't make a guy regret giving you his phone number.

Let's say that all your previous methods of communication were successful. And today is the long-awaited day when he invited you on a date. You need to prepare well so as not to spoil the fruits of your labor:

You should look like a doll. Choose the clothes that suit you best. But don’t forget about the appropriateness of the outfit. In some cases, it may not be convenient to wear jeans and a T-shirt. But again, we need to look at the situation. His photos on his profile will help you here. Look at how he is dressed most of the time and go by that. In any case, no matter what clothes you choose, hairstyle, manicure and pedicure, as well as seductive perfume are integral attributes of your today's look.

What to talk about? There shouldn't be any problems here at all. Duplicate topics from correspondence and telephone conversations. More precisely, do not completely duplicate them, but continue their development. Most likely, in the course of conversations, new interesting topics will emerge. All conversations - not only with him, but with people in general - must be looked at as potential for further development. It happens that a phrase heard somewhere gives birth to new idea in your head. From this idea a new turn of events in life is then born.

Even if the first two points have been completed, if you don’t know how to behave, then everything was in vain. It would seem that we associate ugly behavior in society with some savages or people of a low circle. However, watch yourself and your surroundings. How often do you get annoyed by a friend who talks loudly on the street? Or your little sister, who - with the air of an English queen - scolds the waiter for a minor misunderstanding?

Pay attention to yourself and how you behave outside the home. Are you repeating their mistakes? After all, behavior can be very contagious. If you notice this about yourself, correct it immediately. It’s not enough for a young man to be shy in your company and stay away from you!

Video: Women's secrets of seduction

We can say that it is quite easy to please a person. You just need to understand what attracts him in this life, what goals he pursues, what views he holds - and give it to him. After all, no one will ever refuse to get a wife who is smart and beautiful in one bottle!

Attention, TODAY only!

Many women, having met an interesting man, would like to become the object of his attention, but do not know what to do for this.

The stereotype that a woman should not make the first step constrains the actions of representatives of the fair sex. How to interest a man so that it looks unobtrusive? How to step towards a new relationship and continue it without fear of failure?

How to make acquaintances closer

First you need to attract a man’s attention visually. Every day he sees many women, but he must choose you.

Gaze is of great importance in establishing visual contact. If you look at a man with genuine interest, it will cause him to have the reaction you want. And your languid, slightly playful gaze will create intrigue and a desire to communicate.

In addition, a smile is very important. She should be gentle, calm and friendly. One that makes you want to see her again. It is enough to look at him and smile at the corners of your lips, and you are already on the way to the long-awaited acquaintance.


When the first contact is established, you need to interest the man in pleasant communication. The ability to carry on a conversation will create an unforgettable impression of you.

After all, in addition to appearance, representatives of the opposite sex value intelligence and versatility in a woman. To ensure that your communication brings him joy, listen to the following rules.

  • Don't bother your man with topics that are not interesting to him. It is unlikely that he will be delighted with a long story about how your friend dyed her hair red, broke her nail and decided to write a book about her love affairs. Such issues are discussed only in women's companies.
  • Respect his opinion. If you have disagreements in a conversation with a man, do not try with all your might to prove that you are right. Firstly, male psychology is significantly different from female psychology. And, secondly, everyone has personal life experience and a view on current events. It is better to avoid controversial issues.
  • Don't raise your voice. If you want to interest a representative of the stronger sex, speak calmly and measuredly. After hearing a loud statement addressed to him, the person is unlikely to want to continue the relationship with you.
  • Evoke positive emotions. To ensure only pleasant impressions from a conversation with you, be more interested in what is important to the interlocutor. For example, you can ask him about his hobbies, favorite sport, or ask him to remember funny stories from his life. Ease of communication with you may interest a man.
  • Don't complain. If you decide to tell him about all the troubles in your life, then perhaps this will be your last conversation. Men especially don’t like it when a woman complains about her health. Long-term communication should start with positivity, not whining.


Some women get lost in a conversation with the object of their sympathy and cannot support and develop the topic. Thoughts run wild, the tongue does not obey and, in the end, the woman is completely embarrassed and does not remember what she wanted to say or ask.

It is easier for such ladies to communicate on the Internet when the male gaze is not focused on them. It’s easier for them to write a message, because they can think it over carefully and, if necessary, adjust it.

How can a shy young lady interest the man she likes? In order to overcome awkwardness when speaking, you need to train hard. By following the advice of a psychologist, you can become an interesting, confident interlocutor.

1. To make it easier to communicate with a man, you need to write on a piece of paper the questions that you would like to ask him.

Before the meeting, read what you have written several times. When talking to a man, you will see a list of questions in front of you and will not forget to ask them. So you will no longer be puzzled by the question of how to interest a man.

2. Have a long “conversation” with the toy. At home, when no one is looking, place any toy in front of you. Tell her about yourself, about your experiences.

You will see that you are able to express your thoughts clearly and concentrate on the conversation. The next time you communicate with a man, imagine that a silent teddy bear is sitting in front of you. Then it will become much easier for you to overcome awkwardness.

3. Very effective method German psychologists came up with a method to overcome shyness. If you are interested in a man, but you get lost in his presence, try communicating with him on Skype. In this case, you must cover the camera with a piece of paper and tell him that you are having problems with the video connection.

After having several such conversations, you will get to know the man better and get used to his style of communication. After this, it will be much easier for you to communicate with him in real life.

How else to attract a man's sympathy

Every man loves to eat delicious food. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, treat him with your culinary masterpieces more often.

To do this, it is not necessary to cook complex overseas dishes. Tender fragrant buns or a piece of fresh charlotte are enough. This advice is especially suitable for those who are in love with a colleague.

Don’t forget to ask how he is doing and what’s new. These questions, although banal, mean that you are worried and thinking about him.

You should always look amazing. Clean hair, well-groomed nails and stylish clothes have always attracted members of the opposite sex. Add a delicate scent of perfume and a modest accessory to your look, and you will notice how you will begin to attract admiring glances.

To interest the person you like, be yourself. Naturalness and frankness remain the main qualities that are valued by representatives of the stronger sex. And don't be afraid to take the first step. After all, there are men who are much shyer than you.