Rules for growing and caring for pear trees at different times of the year. Pear, planting and care

Pear is one of the most favorite summer fruits for many. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy. In addition, it is hypoallergenic, that is, it does not cause allergies. Even a baby can include a pear in his diet, as it is completely harmless to him. Juices, compotes, and jams are made from it. Therefore, you can find it on almost every personal plot.

The fruiting of pears largely depends on their correct landing and caring for them. Planting young plant, it must be remembered that it will have a branched root system.

Therefore, the hole in which it is planted must be quite deep. The plant also loves warmth and light, so it is better to plant it in open areas.

How to plant a pear?

Loose soil is best suited for planting pears so that it allows moisture and air to pass through. It is recommended to add a little yellow clay, which will retain moisture near the roots. It is advisable to plant the tree on the south side so that it has enough sunlight and warmth. The place for planting it should be sufficiently lit and warm, but not sultry. The pear tree is a moisture-loving plant. But, if it grows in conditions of waterlogged air, then it begins to wither. Planting pears is usually done in the fall, but it can also be done in the spring.

Planting a pear in spring

It is better to plant a pear tree in the spring, since over the winter the soil has been enriched with useful substances that will nourish the young tree. However, if you plant a plant in the fall, then over the winter it will have time to get stronger and in the spring it will already be a full-fledged tree. Although, if in winter time there will be severe frosts, it is not a fact that the plant will be able to survive. It is necessary to plant a young tree before the growing season begins. That is, you cannot start work if the seedlings have already opened their leaves.

The first step is to prepare a hole in which the seedling will be placed. It should be quite deep and wide (about 60 cm deep and 50 cm wide), since the soil around the roots should be loose. After all, the root system must develop, especially in the first couple of years. A plant with weak roots can quickly die. It is advisable to prepare the hole in the fall, due to which the soil will absorb the soil introduced into it over the winter. nutritional components. In the spring it is dug up again.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


If you couldn’t dig a hole in the fall, you can do it right away in the spring. The top fertile layer of soil that is removed from the hole is not thrown away. Organic substances (manure, peat) are added to it. In addition to organic fertilizers, you can also use mineral fertilizers and wood ash. If the soil is highly acidic, a small amount of lime is added to it. A seedling is placed in the hole, after which it is filled to the edge with soil mixture. When planting pears, you need to take into account that the root collar should not end up in the ground. It is advisable that it be 3 cm from the ground level.

First, a little nutrient mixture is placed at the bottom of the hole to form a small mound. A peg is placed in the center. The pear roots spread along this mound. Then the hole is filled to the end and compacted. The tree must be watered with two buckets of water. After the water is completely absorbed, the soil around the plant is mulched. After completing all the described actions, you can tie the tree to a peg.

Note! Organic fertilizers in the form of manure should not be used fresh. They must be prepared in advance. If you put fresh manure, it will take too long to decompose, which can damage the roots of the pears.

Autumn planting of pear

Planting pears in the fall is done by using soil that has been prepared in advance. The process is carried out in different ways:

  • The landing pit is being prepared. Its dimensions are 70 cm wide and 100 cm deep. It is necessary if the soil on the site contains an insufficient amount of humus. Organic and inorganic fertilizers are added to the soil dug from the hole. It is recommended to limit the amount of manure, as it can burn some roots. Mineral fertilizers are added if the soil is too depleted. Due to this, the young plant will develop better and faster. Moreover, the larger the size landing pit, the longer the favorable period for the development of pears will be;
  • Planting a pear can be done without a planting hole. A small depression is made in the soil, which corresponds to the size of the root system. However, this option is only suitable for soil rich in nutrients;
  • Sometimes the hole is not dug at all. In this case, the seedling is placed on the surface of the ground, and its roots are covered with soil. But this method of planting has disadvantages. The root system will not be enriched with oxygen, moisture will be retained for a long time, leading to rotting of the seedling.

Watering seedlings

The pear is a moisture-loving plant, so you need to pay attention to watering it Special attention. One of the best ways is sprinkling. Its advantage is that water sprays the entire plant at once through numerous holes, which resembles real rain. But if watering pears in this way is not suitable, then you can simply make a small groove around the plant, into which water will be poured in the future. Watering is done once every 1-2 weeks. But in extreme heat, this figure may increase.

Fertilizer application

Fertilizers are also applied according to a certain system. First of all, you should determine how much fertilizing needs to be done. It depends on the variety of pear and the condition of the seedling. In a year healthy plant should increase by about 40 cm. If this figure is much lower, then feeding is mandatory.

You can start applying fertilizers from the second year of pear life. Moreover, this procedure should be performed twice a year - in autumn and spring. If the plant is too neglected, you can apply fertilizer in the summer. In winter, this process does not make sense, since the tree “sleeps”, and feeding in cold weather is quite expensive. Organic fertilizers are applied once every 3 years, and mineral fertilizers – annually. On 1 square meter In the garden you need to use about 9 kg of humus, 15 g of urea, 25 g of potassium. Fertilizers must be mixed with the soil before application. Moreover, organic substances are added last.

Plant care in spring

So that the pear gives good harvest, it must be fertilized every spring before growing season. Before fertilizing, you should assess the condition of the soil after the winter season. Organic and inorganic substances are not introduced on their own, but are mixed with the soil. The nutrient mixture is laid out around the tree trunk. Watering during this period is not recommended, as it may be washed off with water. Soil enrichment can also occur naturally. To do this, lupine is planted between the rows. Improving the condition of pears in spring involves increasing soil moisture. This can be done not only by watering, but also by retaining snow and melt water.

Growing a pear is a rather labor-intensive process, so many people give up after initial stages. But, if you plant the seedling correctly, water and fertilize it, then it will begin to please its owner delicious fruits in just a few years. This period, again, depends not only on the condition of the plant, but also on its variety.

How to plant a pear tree correctly

And a little about the author’s secrets

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Many gardeners consider the pear to be their favorite tree and here's why: the pear is easy to care for, and it bears fruit almost every year. Basic care operations include: watering the pear tree, pruning, fertilizing the soil, loosening and mulching the top layer of soil.

Seedlings of this plant can be planted in the fall, but some do it in the spring. Typically, a pear completely provides itself with moisture due to a well-developed root system, which grows as the tree grows. When planting a tree on permanent place They arrange planting pits 60 centimeters deep, 1/3 of such a pit should be filled with nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the tree in a new location. If the roots are slightly dry, they should be immersed in water for about a day, and then the plant can be planted in the ground.

How and when to water a pear

After planting, the pear is watered to compact the soil and ensure normal moisture conditions in the soil. A young plant needs to be looked after; if it develops poorly, it is necessary to carry out additional watering warm water, approximately one bucket of water per week, but the amount of watering depends on the condition of the plant (it has taken root well or is drying out) and weather conditions.

When the tree begins to bear fruit, the pear should be watered twice during the growing season (before flowering and after the pear blooms), the water should penetrate to a depth of 80 centimeters. The watering rate for a pear is 2 buckets for every square meter of tree trunk area. There are several ways to water the tree in question:

— sprinkling. Watering is carried out mechanically: Water is pressurized into spray arms that rotate to spray droplets of water like rain.

— watering along the grooves. Along the radius of the tree, grooves 10 centimeters deep are dug at some distance. Water from the above norm is poured into these grooves, and water can be poured into the grooves in several stages to ensure better penetration through the soil thickness.

To prevent the evaporation of surface moisture, which is especially important for young plants transplanted to a new location, the soil is mulched with humus or peat. Mulching not only retains moisture in the soil, but also prevents the growth of weeds.

After a decade of catalog dominance by original variegated and colorful tulip varieties, trends began to change. At exhibitions, the best designers in the world offer to remember the classics and pay tribute to charming white tulips. Sparkling under the warm rays of the spring sun, they look especially festive in the garden. Welcoming spring after a long wait, tulips seem to remind us that white is not only the color of snow, but also the joyful celebration of flowering.

Despite the fact that cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables, not all summer residents, especially beginners, can grow its seedlings. In apartment conditions they are hot and dark. In this case, it is impossible to obtain high-quality seedlings. And without a strong one, healthy seedlings it is difficult to count on a good harvest. Experienced gardeners know that it is better to sow cabbage seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. And some even grow cabbage by direct sowing seeds in the ground.

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For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for others it is a difficult necessity, while others wonder whether it would be easier to buy ready seedlings at the market or with friends? Be that as it may, even if you gave up growing vegetable crops, for sure, you will still have to sow something. These are flowers and perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you sow.

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In our family Bell pepper they love it, that’s why we plant it every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season; I cultivate them constantly. I also try to try something new every year. Pepper is a heat-loving plant and quite whimsical. Varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and productive sweet peppers, which grow well for me, will be discussed further. I live in middle lane Russia.

The productivity of fruit trees directly depends on how well they were cared for during the season. Today we will tell you what pear care is necessary for abundant fruiting.

The most important point care is watering the pears. This procedure must be followed throughout the season. The water regime is selected depending on the plant variety. However, it also depends on the weather conditions specific to a particular region. For example, if the variety does not tolerate drought, then watering in hot weather is done as the soil dries out.

The first watering is carried out in the spring, when the tree wakes up from winter sleep. At this time, watering is performed 2-3 times. Simultaneously with watering, fertilizing is applied. Thanks to it, plant growth is stimulated, bud swelling is accelerated and flowering occurs earlier.

In summer, the pear should also be watered 2-3 times. The first watering is carried out in early June. The second time water is added in mid-July (several weeks before the fruit begins to ripen). This rule is typical for summer varieties. If the summer turns out to be dry and poor in precipitation, the third watering is carried out in mid-August.

IN summer period Pears are also fertilized. Here it is necessary to use fertilizers that contain potassium and phosphorus. With their help, the plant will gain strength after flowering so that it can begin to bear fruit. Fertilizing is usually done in July.

When autumn arrives, you need to start preparing your trees for winter. Usually at this time the garden is cleared of plant debris remaining after harvesting. Watering of winter varieties is carried out in early September. Fertilizing should be done by the middle of this month.

In autumn, as in summer, you need to use fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium. However, watering and fertilizing is not all the care pears need. Pruning must be done throughout the year.


In summer, it is not worth caring for the tree in this way. At this time, any injuries will be negative. Only in case of severe thickening is it possible to cut off excess branches. In the fall, final pruning of the shoots is performed to prepare the plants for wintering. You can cut the branches at the end of August. At this time, all dry and injured shoots, as well as disease-affected shoots, are removed from the tree.

Annual branches are also shortened. They are cut by 1/3. All plant debris should be burned after completion of this operation. Garden tools used for cutting stems must always be clean. Otherwise, it can infect plants with pathogenic microflora.

Tree trunk care

Caring for a pear involves performing certain agrotechnical techniques with the tree trunk.

Caring for the tree trunk circle involves performing the following actions:

  • periodic weeding;
  • loosening the earth. This procedure allows the root system to receive the required amount of oxygen;
  • adding water;
  • mulching. Prevents the development of weeds and reduces the rate of moisture evaporation after watering.

The above steps must be done throughout the season. In the fall, when preparing the garden for winter trunk circle mulched. Thanks to this procedure, you can protect the root system from freezing.

In order for the pear to remain healthy, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • in the spring, immediately after all the snow has melted, the tree trunk and plant should be sprayed with special solutions (for example, a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture). The tree needs to be sprayed three times: in early March, before early April and after flowering in May;
  • In summer, spraying is not performed. But at this time, only the removal of damaged and infected branches is allowed;
  • In the fall, the garden is prepared for winter. At this time, the tree trunk must be whitened. In this way, you can protect plants from harmful insects, pathogenic microflora and rodents.

Correctly carried out prevention - reliable protection your garden from diseases and pests.

Caring for pear seedlings and young trees

It was described above how to care for a pear in spring, summer and winter. Now we need to understand how seedlings and young trees are grown. First you need to decide where the purchased seedling will be planted. Here you need to choose the optimal place for the plant depending on its varietal characteristics.

Otherwise, the plant will take a long time to take root in its new location. When forming planting holes, it is important to maintain a distance between seedlings so that as the trees grow, they do not interfere with each other. Next, the seedling is prepared for planting. After planting, it is recommended to tie the tree to a support. Otherwise, strong wind may break it.

Immediately after watering, the seedling should be watered well. In the first year after planting, it is important to regularly water the plant, weed the weeds and mulch the soil. Fertilizing is carried out depending on the variety. Typically, fertilizers placed at the bottom of the planting hole are enough for the first few years.

Caring for old trees

We found out how to care for pear seedlings. Now it remains to figure out what kind of care old trees need. The care itself will not be much different from adult plants. To improve the fruiting of such trees, anti-aging pruning is required. Its purpose is to stimulate the pear to produce fruit. Entire branches will have to be cut off here. As a result, the crown will be rejuvenated and the plant will be able to optimize the use of nutrients.

Also, such trees should be watered and fed more often. At proper care Old plants will begin to produce a more abundant and tasty harvest. Knowing how pears are grown, you can easily grow your own garden plot engaged in the cultivation of this fruit crop.

The pear tree is often planted on summer cottages, gardens, because its fruits are tasty and healthy. Besides, beautiful bloom pears cannot be confused with any other. Pear trees can grow up to fifteen meters high, and begin to bear fruit in the seventh year after planting. Juicy, tasty, sweet pears are useful to eat raw, or you can make marmalade, jam, juices, compotes, or add them to baked goods. In addition, pear fruits are very useful and are often prescribed in the diet menu for people suffering from kidney disease. In this article we will look at the rules for caring for a pear.

Like all fruit trees, pear requires careful attention and careful, regular care. First you need to decide on the variety of pear that you want to plant and find out whether it is suitable for growing in your climate zone. If you select a variety that is not recommended for a particular region, even if good care the tree may not take root, not produce a harvest, or even die.

After you decide on the variety, choose the right time for planting, as well as the place, which should be sunny, on loose soil that allows moisture and air to pass through. If there are apple trees growing on your site, learning how to properly care for a pear will be easier, since the care measures for both fruit trees are almost identical.

Pear trees must be watered, and it is best to do this through a sprayer. But if there is none, you can dig a shallow groove around it, but away from the trunk, since the absorbent roots are there, and pour water there. You must remember to loosen the soil around the tree, remove shoots on the lower part of the trunk, since pests and pathogens most often grow there.

It is preferable to plant pears in the spring, but in southern regions It is permissible to plant in the fall, a few weeks before the onset of persistent cold weather.

If you just planted a young pear tree, be sure to regularly loosen the ground around, weed and fertilize it, since the seedlings have a very weak root system, which takes a long time to take root. If you do not take proper care of the tree during this period, it may not take root. It is also necessary to feed the pear, protect it from diseases and other pests, prune it, and cover it for the winter.

Pruning and crown formation after planting

Planted seedling on open ground When they are one year old, they are pruned to a height of half a meter above the ground, this is done in the spring. But, as a rule, two-year-old trees are bought and planted. If you find a second vertical shoot on a seedling, competing with the leader, it must be removed, leaving one conductor. If this is not done, a competing shoot will develop, which will subsequently weaken the central conductor.

Guide or leader fruit tree- this is a part of a tree trunk, starting from the lowest skeletal branch and going to the very top; the strength of the remaining branches depends on it.

Typically, a tree of this age already has up to eight branches. Shape the plant so that four skeletal branches remain, located at the same distance from each other. The remaining branches are shortened by about a quarter; this is necessary for better development of a strong crown and to ensure that the tree does not branch out too much. All branches are cut equally, but the conductor is left twenty-five centimeters higher.

To weaken the growth of some branches, you can not remove them, but simply tilt them horizontally and tie them to pegs, as a result of which their growth will stop, and they themselves will become overgrown with wood. Next year, it is necessary to do another formative pruning so that the branches are arranged in tiers at a certain distance from each other. Each tier should consist of two or three skeletal branches.

You shouldn’t think that this is too difficult a task for a novice gardener, but it will help shape the crown of the tree so that it will not form later without thickening branches and shoots. An adult, mature tree also requires pruning., but it consists in removing small branches, tops that grow inside the tree, and also broken branches.

Spring processing of pears: feeding and fertilizer

In the spring, we begin caring for the tree with cleaning personal plot , that is, you need to rake the remaining fallen leaves, fallen fruits, broken and fallen branches during the winter. This must be done because pests could have overwintered in last year’s leaves and fruits and will infect the tree in the coming season.

After this, you need to start trimming the branches. If the tree is very young, you need to continue to form the crown, adjusting the number of skeletal branches. We remove broken branches, shoots and tops from mature trees so that moisture and nutrients were not wasted.

Spring is the time for vaccinations, this exciting process will allow the tree to become more fruitful. After this, the pear needs to be watered, and the soil under it should be loosened and fluffed, then mulched with peat or humus. Treatment of pears against pests and diseases in the spring is mandatory; the yield and survival of the tree depend on its quality. Preventive treatment measures spring treatment pears must comply with the following rules:

  • in the spring a pear is necessary treat twice before it starts flowering;
  • When choosing pest control products, carefully look at the recommended period of their use. In the spring, first spray the pear with substances that destroy existing harmful organisms, and then those that prevent their occurrence;
  • do not use too concentrated solutions, this may harm the pear rather than benefit it;
  • alternate medications;
  • if possible minimize the use of chemicals.

Whitewashing the trunks protects them from sunburn. All measures for pruning branches must be done before buds form. Further carry out regular watering, inspect the tree for pests and sources of disease. If fungal diseases are detected that have infected a tree, it must be immediately treated with the necessary insecticides.

Autumn care measures

Autumn processing of pears usually occurs after harvesting. During this period, it is important not to allow pests and pathogens to remain over the winter in fallen fruits or leaves, under the bark of a tree or in the soil. That's why it is necessary to remove all weeds, all fallen pears and foliage, branches. The fruits can be taken to the compost pit, but the rest is better to be burned. This way you can protect not only the pear. But also the rest of the garden from pathogens of fruit trees.

Mature trees are inspected and treated with bark, removing dead bark, and disinfected with whitewash. Thanks to the treatment with chalk or lime, tree trunks are better protected from the effects of low temperatures and the chance of them cracking from frost is lower. This means that pests will have nowhere to live. To provide the tree with oxygen in winter, it is important to dig and loosen the soil in the fall. Dig up the soil from the trunk itself. Having made a circle around the trunk with a diameter of a meter. During a snowy winter with a lot of precipitation, this measure will prevent the soil from becoming too compacted and damaging the root system.

The sun can burn the trunk of a pear, so it must be whitened.

It is also useful to feed the pear mineral fertilizers, but nitrogenous ones should be abandoned so that the tree can begin preparing for winter in time and go into hibernation. If this does not happen, serious frostbite will occur. Be sure to water the tree even after harvesting, until frost sets in. The pear trunk must be protected from rodents, tying it with a special net, and mulching the soil around it with peat.

Preparing pears for winter

To prevent the tree from being subject to mechanical damage such as frostbite and sunburn, which is also possible in winter, it must be whitewashed. Because otherwise cracks may appear on the bark, in which pests and fungal spores can easily settle and overwinter, which will then infect him. In addition to the fact that the whitewash layer protects it from exposure to the sun, it disinfects the trunk and kills existing microbes. You can already buy it in the store ready solution. But you can prepare it yourself by mixing one and a half kilograms of clay and two kilograms of lime in a bucket of water. If you whiten a seedling, cover it completely with the solution, if already a big tree, then start from the base of the trunk and cover with whitewash to the lower branches.

To make the soil more winter-resistant, mulch it with humus or sawdust., together with the snow, this will protect against hypothermia and protect the delicate root system. The roots and bark of pear trees are especially loved by all kinds of rodents, so wrap the trunk well with netting, spruce branches or other covering material that prevents pests from damaging the bark. If you are preparing a pear seedling for the winter, it is best to tie its branches so that the frosty wind does not damage them.

Never replant young trees in winter.

When and how to feed a pear

Pear can be fed at any time of the year, except perhaps winter. You need to start in the spring, as soon as the trees emerge from hibernation. The first fertilizers should be applied in liquid or solid form., but always at the root. If spring is rainy, dig up the soil and then fertilize. If it is dry, dilute the fertilizer with water and water the tree trunk.

During the period when the buds begin to swell, feed the pear with nitrogen-containing preparations. Repeat it while the tree is flowering. This could be saltpeter, urea or diluted chicken manure. When the pear has bloomed, fertilize with fertilizers that activate the growing season and improve the quality of the fruit. This can be done organically or with nitroammophos.

In summer, the pear does not need additional nutrition; the accumulated nutrients. However, from mid-June you need to apply nitrogen fertilizers, but not in the form of root feeding, but by spraying. This is due to the fact that due to a lack of moisture, the pear does not absorb microelements from the soil well, but through the foliage this happens better and faster. In July it is worth alternating foliar nitrogen and mineral fertilizing, and also add fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium. Monitor the tree closely for signs of disease. Immediately, as soon as you notice foci of disease, treat the tree and apply products that will help the pear fight them.

From autumn feeding pears, nitrogen fertilizers should be excluded.

Feeding deadline nitrogen fertilizers - September, since nitrogen will only stimulate the pear to grow, preventing it from going to winter. The best fertilizer for pears in winter - mineral. They can be purchased at the store. Young trees need to be fed wood ash, bringing it under digging to a depth of ten centimeters. So that the tree is not afraid of winter cold, it is also recommended to fertilize it with potassium, phosphate and superphosphate, which are added to a ditch dug around the trunk at the rate of one tablespoon per square meter of soil.

Pear is a very delicate tree that requires careful attention and care. Be sure to shape the crown so that there is no thickening, this will allow you to remove it from the tree decent harvest. Remember that having planted a young seedling, it is possible to grow a strong and well-bearing tree only if proper agricultural technology. If you know all the rules, which are quite simple, care will seem quite simple.