Yoga therapy “healthy spine” with Tatyana Dudina, TV channel “Live” - ““a person is as young as his spine” (c). when everything hurts and nothing helps, you should try this gentle yoga course for the back. " Healthy back with Tatyano

Tatyana Dudina is a certified yoga therapy trainer and has been helping people recover from yoga problems for over ten years. various diseases within the framework of the project “Healthy Spine. How to get rid of back pain forever."

Tatyana specializes in treating not only the back and spine with the help of yoga, but also disorders of the musculoskeletal system, disorders of the digestive system, diseases of the cardiovascular system and lungs, as well as various women’s diseases.

Tatyana Dudina began practicing yoga from early childhood. First at home. Then, when the first fitness center opened in her hometown - already professionally in this center.

In 2002-2007, Tatyana studied at the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow State University Applied Biotechnology. During this time, she continued to practice yoga persistently.

After graduating from university, Dudina studied yoga professionally. She has completed a large number of courses and trainings on yoga. He has a very large number of certificates for completing this professional training.

Tatyana began treating people using yoga therapy back in 2003. Until now, she continues to improve in yoga, seeking new knowledge and mastering new methods of treating diseases with the help of yoga.

All her life Tatyana Dudina has been trying to help people recover from the diseases that torment them with the help of the sacraments of yoga. And she does it very well. That is why Tatyana has a very high reputation as a highly qualified specialist among her environment and patients.

Within the framework of the project “Healthy spine. How to get rid of back pain forever” many thousands of people have already been cured. thanks to effective methods Tatyana Dudina treatment using yoga therapy. On the Internet you can easily find and read real grateful reviews from people who were cured using her methods. You will also find a lot of interesting information about treatment with yoga.

For those who want to understand how they can be cured with the help of yoga therapy, Tatyana Dudina released a free master class.

Free master class “Yoga therapy for beginners. 10 most effective yoga techniques for back pain"

Getting rid of back pain and osteochondrosis! Improving your posture!

Paid video courses by Tatyana Dudina

Video course “A quick way to get rid of back pain”

Guaranteed complete relief from back pain in 8 sessions

For people of any age and any physical fitness

This course included the latest achievements of yoga institutes around the world. The effectiveness of the video course has already been tested by hundreds of people who have given the most positive feedback to the exercises presented in this course. Well " Fast way get rid of back pain" is suitable even for those who have never practiced yoga.

The course has three participation packages: basic course, extended course and premium package.

As a bonus to this course, depending on the package chosen, two more full-fledged courses are offered:

How to quickly and easily get rid of osteochondrosis .

Yoga therapy against cervical osteochondrosis .

Money back guarantee for Tatyana Dudina's courses

Video course “How to quickly and easily get rid of osteochondrosis”

As a bonus, this course comes with a full course by Tatyana Dudina “Yoga therapy against cervical osteochondrosis” .

Just like the previous course “A quick way to get rid of back pain”, the course “How to easily and quickly get rid of osteochondrosis” is intended for people of any age who are just starting to practice yoga.

If for any reason this course does not help you get rid of osteochondrosis, then Tatyana Dudina will return the money paid for it.

Yoga therapy with Tatyana Dugina will allow you to always have a healthy spine and forget about back pain forever.

Watch also the video of yoga classes for beginners from Nikolai Vysochansky, which allow you to restore and maintain health and mental balance, as well as recover from serious illnesses.

Reviews with rating: 7

Tatyana, hello!

I am writing simply to thank you.

1.5 weeks ago I suffered from sciatica in my lower back. The first three days I could barely walk. I couldn't bend over at all. From the fourth day I began to do back exercises for 10 minutes (not yours, but also a trainer I respect very much). From day 8, I included your 25-minute practice (which was available for free and which I have been doing for a long time). Imagine - now I can almost bend over! I go to the store, to the savings bank. I can do laundry (on my knees). I even washed one floor (although I sat there for a long time to come to my senses). But the most valuable thing is Tatyana, I cut my toenails yesterday! It’s hard for me even in a “healthy” state. True, I did this for an hour and sitting on a chair while resting, but the main thing is that I was able to do it!!


Hello Tatiana! Thank you for your courses for back pain. After I started exercising, my back stopped hurting and my health improved. I also like the course for cervical osteochondrosis, it helps with headaches and relaxes the muscles in the shoulder girdle. Quite accessible exercises even at my age. I really like working out, especially since there are results.

Thank you very much for your work in helping those who need it.


I am very grateful to you for the yoga therapy courses for the back. Previously, I was involved in more energetic sports, such as shaping, etc. After 50 years, I wanted something calmer, but at the same time effective. Moreover, there were problems with my back. I know that they can only be solved by creating a muscle corset. I began to look for solutions and saw you on the “Live” channel, Tatyana. After the first lesson, I realized that yoga would help me. Additionally, I bought yoga therapy courses so as not to depend on television programs, and began to practice. I feel lightness not only in my back, but throughout my whole body.
I also really like your smile and friendliness, the most detailed presentation of each pose. Thank you very much!


I am 28 years old, I work in the IT field and am at the computer all day. In the last few years, due to a busy schedule, I did not pay enough attention to posture and warming up my back, and, as a result, osteochondrosis developed, I began to suffer from pain at work, and my upper spine was “squeezed.” It is very inconvenient to bother your office colleagues with a periodic neck crunch.

For a long time I was looking for complexes aimed specifically at the upper parts of the spine (in particular, the neck). In the kind of swimming that I do (though not very regularly), my neck is constantly in motion (especially when swimming on my chest), which is not very suitable for my situation. And you can’t swim every day before work. I tried yoga routines, but many exercises make my neck hurt, perhaps they are designed for a healthier spine. (And a neurologist told me that some popular yoga exercises are not recommended in my case.)

Your courses are a real salvation. They are quite gentle, at the same time effective, and there are a lot of exercises for the upper spine. I especially like the course “How to get rid of osteochondrosis,” which helps you wake up in the morning, gradually straighten and stretch your back, and thus recharge for the whole working day (the effect is visible even with partial implementation). I hope that soon I will be able to do it every day before work in its entirety. I agree with you that the main thing is regularity.


I would like to express my deep gratitude to Tatyana for her professionalism, optimism and consistency in the classroom.

Your courses, Tatyana, really work wonders: lightness in the body, in movements, something even began to shine inside.

I would never have thought that yoga could benefit not only your health, but also change your worldview.

Thank you for the new amazing experience!


Tatyana, good afternoon! I have osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical spine. Periodic dizziness and frequent neck tension caused anxiety. It happened that I even had to lie in bed for several days.

I started attending a yoga class, but soon realized that without a careful or individual approach to myself, I could end up in trouble. And so it soon happened. After a too active start, my back “twisted” and I had to recover for 2 weeks.

At first I tried your course for beginners, it didn’t seem enough - I bought a course to help with osteochondrosis and now I calmly and happily study at home, sometimes every other day, sometimes every day. I alternate courses - “Back pain” and “Osteochondrosis”.

I felt a clear relief in the neck area, freedom of movement appeared and the fear of becoming incapacitated due to dizziness disappeared. I feel that my body is in good shape, my posture has improved, it seems to me that I have started holding my back differently.

But what is most interesting and unexpected is that I began to get enough sleep in less than 7 hours, whereas before even 8 hours was not enough for me.
Because I attended a yoga class for some time, then I want something more difficult and serious, but I understand that this also requires individual approach. I recommend your course to everyone I know with similar problems. I wish you success!

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Location: Moscow, Odintsovo district, 12 km from MKAD

Telephone: 8-916-111-74-19 (Tatiana)


Healthy back with Tatyana Dudina

Master class on yoga therapy and individual work with each participant.

The class is taught by a certified yoga instructor - Tatyana Dudina:

  • Certified Yoga Therapist with over 12 years of experience.
  • Author and presenter of the course “Yoga Therapy for a Healthy Back” and other popularDVD programs Owl Film.
  • Author of video lessons “Healthy Spine” on the “Live” TV channel.
  • Leading yoga specialist of the projectYoga&Seychelles - luxury yoga tours to the Seychelles.

First hand:

Dudina Tatyana: « During my yoga therapy practice, I was able to help many people get rid of back pain. Some in person at personal appointments, and even more people in absentia, through video programs and articles. A large number of people from them came to me after they had visited many doctors and tried many expensive drugs and procedures. And I came up with the rule that the most sustainable effect can only be achieved through a set of measures. For example, if a person has weak back muscles, and many body systems work in disharmony, then physiotherapeutic procedures and medications will be useless.

This master class is designed not only for those who already have back problems, but also for those who want to prevent such problems ».

What will you get at the master class?

  • Individual approach

If you fill out a special questionnaire before the class, then at the master class Tatyana will better highlight the possibilities of yoga therapy in your case, and will also show you a variant of the complex that you can use.

  • Mini group.

Classes are held in a mini-group of no more than 6 people.

  • High efficiency.

You will receive a clear, well-structured set of exercises for 15-20 minutes, adjusted specifically to your characteristics and goals. For this complex you can practice at home and benefit every day.

  • Together with Tatyana you do the exercises that suit you and you can easily repeat your complex at home.
  • Opportunity to ask Tatyana a question, get personal recommendations and chat with her in an informal setting.
  • Communication in pleasant company and a friendly environment
  • After class, aromatic tea with healthy sweets awaits you! You can relax and unwind in a cozy atmosphere.

Immediately after completing the master class:

  • You will feel much better (because your back pain will become less or even go away)
  • Feel increased range of motion and less stiffness
  • Feel more confident, because you can now cope with back pain on your own!

A month after completing the master class:

  • Reduced need for medications
  • Improved mood and quality of life
  • Normalizes sleep and reduces anxiety
  • The figure will become slimmer and posture will improve
  • You will feel confident in yourself and your abilities
  • You will have more free time, because you no longer need to waste time visiting chiropractors and osteopaths.

Who is the course suitable for?

The course is suitable for anyone who cares about their health. To pass, your level of physical fitness can be any; experience in yoga is also not required.

The course will be highly effective for such disorders as osteochondrosis, hernias, protrusionsintervertebral disc, muscle hypertonicity and pain associated with them.


Contraindications to certain exercises may be anomalies in the structure of the vertebrae, osteoporosis, vertebral artery syndrome, the presence of tumors, spinal canal stenosis, vertebral instability, as well as uncompensated diseases of the cardiovascular system, acute febrile conditions. If you are unsure whether yoga therapy is right for you, write a question to , WhatsApp or Viber 89161117419). Our specialist will advise you.


Tatyana, I bought a yoga course for the spine from you for the reason thatback pain started and problems with the spine, especially at night; in the morning it was difficult to get out of bed, it took a lot of time to get back on my feet.

After your course of yoga for the treatment of the cervical spine and yoga for the back, after the first time of class, I felt that warmth spread throughout my entire spine and throughout my back and I felt much better.

I practiced this system for two weeks, the results were excellent. To begin with, I did exercises for the cervical spine, the movements were all easy and accessible, after that I switched to exercises for the entire back, but the main thing in this exercise is that Tatyana reminds me to smile and continue to do the exercises easily, gently with rest.

At the moment, the back pain has stopped, I can sleep at night, and for me this is the main thing. Thank you very much for your back health courses. Gratitude for your work for us lazy ones

- Tatiana -


Hello Tatiana!

I am very grateful to you for the yoga therapy courses for the back. Previously, I was involved in more energetic sports, such as shaping, etc. After 50 years, I wanted something calmer, but at the same time effective. Moreover, there were problems with my back. I know that they can only be solved by creating a muscle corset. I began to look for solutions and saw you on the “Live” channel, Tatyana. After the first lesson, I realized that yoga would help me. Additionally, I bought yoga therapy courses so as not to depend on television programs, and began to practice. I feel lightness not only in my back, but throughout my whole body.
I also really like your smile and friendliness, the most detailed presentation of each pose. Thank you very much!

- Lyudmila -


I had not done yoga before this trip.
I must say that I was very pleasantly surprised! I thought yoga was something very boring and uninteresting, I thought that I would count the minutes until the end of the class. Everything turned out to be quite the opposite! The classes are very interesting and exciting! Tatyana explains everything very clearly, carefully checks the correctness of execution, pays great attention to injury safety, while trying to find an individual approach to everyone. For advanced yogis, he gives exercises and recommendations for developing and improving practice.

Irina Novikova (participant of LUXURYoga tour March-April 2017)


Thank you Tatyana for the wonderful daily practices, so neat and gentle. Thank you for such professionalism and individual approach to everyone! For your attention, sensitivity, willingness to answer all questions, and greet every morning with smiles!

Yulia Polishchuk (participant of LUXURYoga tour January 2015)


Yoga teacher Tatyana is an unusually bright, open and talented teacher. During yoga classes, she manages to give exercises in accordance with your individual training, and this despite the fact that there are many people in the group, and she does this carefully, unobtrusively and unnoticed by others. During theoretical yoga classes with Tatyana, I learned a lot that many people don’t know about, which once again confirmed her professionalism.

Natalia Batetnikova (participant of LUXURYoga tour May 2014)


I took a yoga tour only for the sake of my back health. Because I’m new to yoga, so I was a little worried, but it turned out that all my worries were groundless. Tatiana is very attentive to everyone and everything you do. I highly recommend it to all beginners, as well as those who care about their health. Tanya, I am very, very grateful, because... In just 2 weeks I saw real results!!! Feeling of a second birth in the back. I hope for my hard work and continue to study at home. And I will sincerely miss the evening stretches that I loved)

Ulyana Yuferova (participant of the yoga tour July 2013)


Tatyana devotes a lot of time to health, explaining why certain things are important, gives an understanding of what yoga is, pays attention to each participant, which inspires respect and trust. In addition, her love of life, optimism, internal and external beauty charges you not only with interest and love for yoga, but also with a positive attitude in general.

Nelya Nazarova (yoga tour participant August 2013)


Tatyana, good afternoon! I have osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical spine. Periodic dizziness and frequent neck tension caused anxiety. It happened that I even had to lie in bed for several days.

I started attending a yoga class, but soon realized that without a careful or individual approach to myself, I could end up in trouble. And so it soon happened. After a too active start, my back “twisted” and I had to recover for 2 weeks.

At first I tried your course for beginners, it didn’t seem enough - I bought a course to help with osteochondrosis and now I calmly and happily study at home, sometimes every other day, sometimes every day. I alternate courses - "Back pain " And "Osteochondrosis ».

I felt a clear relief in the neck area, freedom of movement appeared and the fear of becoming incapacitated due to dizziness disappeared. I feel that my body is in good shape, my posture has improved , I think I started holding my back differently.

But what is most interesting and unexpected is that I began to get enough sleep in less than 7 hours, whereas before even 8 hours was not enough for me. In addition, I follow your short videos that appear on Facebook, save and use some.
Because I attended a yoga class for some time, then I want something more complex and serious, but I understand that this also requires an individual approach. I recommend your course to everyone I know with similar problems. I wish you success!

- Best regards, Olga -


I would like to express my deep gratitude to Tatyana for her professionalism, optimism and consistency in the classroom.

Organizer: Tatyana Dudina