How to cook milk rice. Milk rice porridge. Selection of rice and its processing before cooking

How is milk rice porridge prepared? How is it served?

Boiled rice can be served with sugar and cinnamon or, for example, with nutmeg and vanilla. Previously, in some southern Russian and Ukrainian villages, one could hear about porridge that it was “greasy.” In the sense that this milky rice porridge, moderately liquid, is spread on the plate.

It’s tastier to cook rice porridge with whole milk, but healthier with low-fat milk.

What you need to make milk rice porridge

First, decide what kind of porridge you are preparing: boiled or crumbly? The technology is the same, but there are small differences. First of all, they concern the type of rice.

Rice variety. For boiled porridge, round-grain rice with a high starch content is used (Krasnodar, for example), but long-grain rice such as basmati or jasmine is also possible. To prepare crumbly milk rice porridge, it is better to use steamed rice.

Proportions. For boiled porridge with a delicate consistency: for 1 part rice you will need 3 parts water and 3 parts milk. For crumbly porridge with milk: for 1 part rice - 5 parts water (more is possible) and 2 parts milk.

Other Ingredients: sugar, salt, seasonings to taste. Seasonings are added optionally: ground cinnamon (or stick), vanilla (ground or stick), ground nutmeg, allspice peas.

Cooking delicious rice porridge with milk: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Prepare the ingredients

Rice. The question often arises: is it necessary to rinse rice? There are varieties that do not require washing, but there are also vice versa. Basmati, for example, is recommended to be washed, but jasmine is not. The question also depends on what you are cooking. If the dessert or boiled porridge is like ours, then there is absolutely no need to rinse it of “extra” starch. In addition, whether to rinse or not is decided not only by the type and nature of the dish, but also by the quality of the rice - if it is not of very high quality, it is better to rinse it.

Milk. Boil the milk and let it cool slightly. You can also pour boiling water over the rice, but it has been noticed that this “looses” the grains too much; on the other hand, if the milk comes straight from the refrigerator, it will curdle.

Stirring. Looking ahead: do you need to stir the rice? When preparing milky rice porridge, of course, especially if you want to get a tender, boiled sweet porridge for your child. However, if you plan to achieve a crumbly consistency, stir less at all stages of cooking.

Step 2. Cook rice in water

To get boiled rice porridge, you need to pour the cereal with water, three times the amount of rice, and cook, stirring from time to time, over low heat for about half an hour (or until tender, depending on the type of rice).

A crumbly porridge is obtained by pouring a large amount of water into the rice (150-200 g per liter), putting it on low heat and bringing it to readiness. The rice should then be drained into a colander.

Step 3. Add milk

Add the prepared milk and cook for another 20-30 minutes over very low heat.

Regarding the amount of milk added. If you like drier porridge, add less milk (1:2), if thinner - 1:3.

Step 4. Sweeten, salt, season

At this step, 10 minutes before the end, add porridge of different flavors. I throw in half a stick of vanilla, cinnamon, a pinch of ground nutmeg and a couple of allspice peppers. Not counting sugar (from 2 tablespoons to half a glass of granulated sugar per 250 g of rice, depending on taste) and salt.

Turn off the fire.

Step 5. Add butter

All that remains is to add a cold piece of butter to the already prepared milk rice porridge. Now let her stand with closed lid about 5 minutes, after which you can serve it.

Articles about the benefits of rice:

Milk rice porridge, the recipe for which is presented in this article, will definitely appeal not only to small children, but will also serve as a nutritious and healthy breakfast for the whole family.

Many people remember the taste of milk rice porridge from childhood. Our mothers and grandmothers prepared it for us very often, as it is very healthy and nutritious. Rice has a very good effect on the digestive system, and a lot can be said about the benefits of milk...

Milk rice porridge: recipe with dried apricots and walnuts

Milk rice porridge – great option for a morning breakfast - nourishing, tasty and healthy. There are many variations and recipes for making rice milk porridge. We offer you a recipe for milk rice porridge with dried apricots and walnuts.

The secret of preparing our porridge is that we will first cook it in water and then in milk. This trick is to make the porridge more crumbly.


  • 1 cup rice;
  • 4 glasses of milk;
  • 5 pieces of walnuts;
  • 100 grams of dried apricots;
  • sugar, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. It is necessary to first rinse the rice well until the water is clear.
  2. Place the washed rice into boiling water and cook for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Pour the rice into a colander to drain excess liquid.
  4. Next, put the rice in a saucepan with hot milk and cook for about 15 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  5. Add dried apricots, salt, sugar and walnuts, then mix everything well and put in the oven for a few minutes.
  6. Before serving, grease the porridge with butter.

How to cook rice milk porridge - cooking secrets

To make the dairy dish tasty, you must first know how to cook rice milk porridge. Our tips and recommendations will help you always prepare delicious milk porridges. So, what you need to know before preparing milk rice porridge:

  • It is better to cook all porridges in a container with a non-stick bottom and the porridge will not burn and there will be less hassle with the dishes.
  • Porridge can be cooked in an initially mixed mixture of milk and water 1:1; if you want a richer porridge, take more milk.
  • In order for the porridge to be crumbly, the proportions must be maintained, usually 1 tbsp. rice -1.5 tbsp. milk or water.
  • Before cooking, rice must be washed under running water, or even better, soak for 20 minutes, and then wash with running water.
  • If suddenly the porridge begins to stick to the bottom and burn, it means that it does not have enough liquid, add the required amount of water or milk.
  • Stir the porridge well at the beginning of cooking and at the end - this will protect it from burning.
  • The cooking time for milk rice porridge is from 30 to 60 minutes, it all depends on the desired softness of the grains.
  • Butter must be added before serving the dish, this will only improve the taste.
  • In general, milk rice porridge can be seasoned with whatever you want: dried fruits, apples, raspberries, bananas, etc.

Bon Appetit everyone! And experiment with recipes, add something of your own, and most importantly, cook with love!

This is what I cook most often. But personally, I like rice with milk the most. And as a child, I always ate only this, and didn’t recognize anything else.

So today I want to dedicate this article to a breakfast dish that is loved by many, but is not cooked so often due to lack of time. Perhaps someone simply does not know how to cook it correctly.

So let's start having a tasty and complete breakfast. By the way, I learned this not so long ago. It turns out that it is quite difficult to force yourself to eat in the morning. But after having breakfast, you have much more energy left for lunch. And the best start to the day is porridge. Choose whichever one you like best, but today we are talking about rice with milk.

For those who are counting calories: the calorie content of this breakfast is 97 kcal per 100 grams.

Milk rice porridge with milk and water in a saucepan

For me it's kind of classic recipe. It does not contain exact grams and milliliters, but in the recipe I will describe the whole process in detail, so that you will certainly succeed.

The rice is first boiled in water, and then only poured with milk, thereby you can control the consistency of the porridge, making it thicker or thinner depending on your wishes.

We will need:

  • milk;
  • water;
  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • butter as desired.


1. Pour the rice into a saucepan and rinse it well under running water. Now that it is clean, fill it with water so that it is one finger above the level of the cereal. Salt and bring to a boil. Then reduce the power of the stove and cook over medium heat until almost done.

Rice cooks much faster in water than in milk.

2. When the water has evaporated, add as much milk as you need to make the consistency thick or liquid.

Stir, add sugar and bring everything to a boil. Reduce the gas again and cook for another two minutes. Taste before serving and add sugar or salt if necessary. If you like, add a piece of butter directly to the plate.

Here is a simple way to cook milk porridge. You don't need to remember how many grams and what was in the recipe. Great breakfast and a quick one too!

Delicious rice porridge in a slow cooker (proportions for 1 liter of milk)

The recipe is designed for a large family. You can reduce the number of products. This breakfast takes quite a long time to prepare, but the result is worth the wait. The porridge turns out boiled and very tasty.

And if you have a slow cooker, it's especially great if you use a delayed start. Then the dish will be ready just by the time you wake up.

We will need:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • rice - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • butter to taste.


1. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter in a circle so that the milk does not “run away”.

2. Pour a liter of milk and one and a half liters of water into it, add butter to taste, salt, sugar and washed rice. Turn on the “porridge” or “cooking” mode for 1 hour.

Since there is a lot of liquid in this recipe, it is worth watching a little and monitoring the process so that the milk does not rise too much and stain the lid. If you don’t have time to do this, then reduce the amount of ingredients.

3. If you like a boiled consistency, then set the “heating” mode and the time for 30-60 minutes. If not, then put it on the plates and enjoy a delicious breakfast!

Cooking milk porridge with pumpkin in a saucepan quickly and tasty

Everyone knows that pumpkin goes very well with porridge. It tastes especially delicious in millet and rice cereals. And if you have fresh or frozen pumpkin, then prepare such a healthy breakfast from it that will fill you with strength and energy for the whole day!

We will need:

  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • rice - half a glass;
  • pumpkin - 200 g;
  • butter;
  • salt;
  • sugar or honey to taste.


1. Rinse the rice until the water runs clear. Place it in a saucepan and add two glasses of water. Let it boil, then reduce the gas, close the lid and cook on the stove for 15 minutes.

2. At this time, clean and cut the pumpkin into small cubes. Transfer it to another pan, add water so that it just covers the pieces and also cook for 8-10 minutes over low heat.

Pumpkin can also be grated.

3. Pour the cereal into the pumpkin, pour two glasses of milk over everything and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4. At the end, add salt and butter.

Turn off the stove and leave our porridge to steep for another 5 minutes. Then we pour it into plates, add honey if desired and invite everyone to have breakfast!

Video about how to cook rice porridge according to the technological map, like in kindergarten

Many of us have fond memories of kindergarten food from our childhood. And if then it seemed tasteless to us, now it evokes touching nostalgia. It’s strange, but here’s the paradox :) Watch the video and immerse yourself in that time by preparing delicious rice porridge!

Classic recipe for rice porridge with milk without water

In many recipes, the rice is first cooked in water. In the same recipe we will prepare porridge entirely with milk. Add salt and sugar as desired. After all, for some a tablespoon of sugar will be too sweet, but for others it will be the opposite.

We will need:

  • rice - 50 g;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • salt - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • butter.


1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, add salt and sugar. Bring to a boil.

2. Place washed rice in it. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally to avoid burning.

3. Place the porridge on plates, add a piece of butter and enjoy a delicious childhood memory!

Liquid milk porridge with rice and raisins

You can add fresh fruits and dried fruits to any porridge. And rice is no exception. So try supplementing it with raisins. Or maybe you want to make breakfast with apples and cinnamon? Imagine and every day will be different!

We will need:

  • rice - 1 glass;
  • milk - 750 ml;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - 30 g.


1. Pour washed rice into boiling water and cook for 20 minutes.

2. Pour hot milk over the cereal, add salt, sugar and washed raisins. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring.

You can pour the melted butter directly into the pan or place it in pieces on plates. Great start to the day!

The most delicious breakfast recipe in pots

Try to recreate rice porridge like from a Russian oven at home. For this you will need pots and an oven. The recipe is good for its simplicity: put everything in pots and put it in the oven. There is no need to interfere or control anything. Everything will prepare itself without your participation!

We will need (for 2 pots):

  • rice - 150 g;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • butter,
  • salt and sugar to taste.


1. Wash the rice and place it on the bottom of the pots. For one pot 75 g of cereal. Pour one glass of milk into each container, add salt, sugar and mix.

We also add a piece of butter.

2. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. And we cook there for an hour and a half. It turns out incredibly tasty porridge!

Proportions of milk and rice in glasses for delicious porridge

Well, for those who don’t have scales at home, there is a recipe with the proportions of milk and rice in glasses. Agree, this is very convenient, you don’t even need to write it down anywhere. Once prepared, this method will remain in your memory forever.

We will need:

  • rice - 1 glass;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • butter.


1. Pour water into a saucepan and set to boil. As soon as the water boils, put the washed rice in it. Salt and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

2. Pour milk into the swollen cereal. Add heat and let the milk boil, then reduce it again and cook for 5 minutes. At the end, add sugar to your taste.

Turn off the stove and leave for another five minutes with the lid closed. When serving, do not forget about butter. Our porridge will infuse and become even tastier!

Rice can be used either short-grain or steamed. But keep in mind that steamed one is unlikely to make a boiled dish, because it is quite crumbly.

Taste the dish before serving. And if necessary, add what you think is missing.

Bon appetit!

Some housewives who have not cooked rice porridge for a long time will find it difficult to remember exactly what proportions are needed and how to cook the rice milk porridge recipe.

By providing our recipe, we decided to refresh your memory and remind you how to cook delicious rice porridge.

Proportions for rice porridge with milk for five servings

  • Coarse grain rice 1 cup
  • Milk 0.5 liters
  • Water 0.5 liters
  • Sugar 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt half a teaspoon
  • Butter, one tablespoon per serving

Cooking method

Rice must be rinsed well under water. Pour half a liter of water into the pan in which you plan to cook the porridge and add washed rice. Bring rice to a boil. When it starts to boil well, lower the heat and cook the rice until it has absorbed all the water.

When cooking rice, you need to stir it occasionally, otherwise it will stick to the bottom of the pan.

Boil milk in a separate pan, and if the rice has absorbed all the water, add hot milk to the porridge. Let the porridge boil and reduce the heat. Add salt and sugar to taste. Cook the rice milk porridge until tender, remembering to stir the porridge.

The readiness of rice milk porridge is determined by the tooth; if the rice is soft, then your rice porridge is ready. Divide the rice milk porridge into bowls and add butter.

You cannot cook porridge over high heat, as this will quickly evaporate the water, and the rice will end up remaining raw.

If the milk has evaporated and the rice is not ready yet, then you need to pour in a little milk and finish cooking the rice porridge.

You need to cook milk rice porridge in an enamel pan; you can also cook the porridge in a deep frying pan with thick walls and a bottom.

The most delicious milk porridge is made with coarse-grain rice.

The approximate cooking time for rice porridge with milk is forty minutes.

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The recipe for making rice porridge with milk has always been of interest to novice housewives. This is not surprising, because milk porridge has always been considered an excellent breakfast dish, as well as an excellent side dish and a wonderful lunch for your child. In a slow cooker, this porridge turns out more tender and healthy

Servings: 2 Cooking time: 30 05/30/2014 Experts advise those who take care of their body and eat healthy food to eat porridge for breakfast, and in particular oatmeal. It is, of course, useful, but you don’t want to eat the same thing. Rice porridge with raisins is a great alternative to oatmeal.

If you don’t yet know how to cook milk rice porridge, then you definitely need to get acquainted with my recipe today. To be honest, I learned this method of cooking relatively recently, when I was faced with the question of how to cook porridge for my daughter.

Children are still picky people and are very sensitive to porridge. They should have a special consistency, pleasant structure and excellent taste - then your kids will definitely not refuse it.

A simple recipe with clear proportions

Unfortunately, there was no suitable recipe in my cookbook, and I couldn’t find anything more or less sensible on the Internet. And then I turned to a friend, a mother of three adorable kids, for help: I ​​was sure that she knew exactly how to properly prepare rice porridge for children.

And I was not mistaken: my friend gladly told me all the intricacies of this process. It turned out that there are many nuances in it, from the proportion of all ingredients to the cooking time. Some moments even confused me at first, but still I did it as indicated in the recipe.

And you know, I came out with a very tasty baby rice porridge, exactly what I wanted - with a creamy texture, similar in consistency to jam! Now I cook it this way all the time. And I really want you to try it too!

Ingredients for 2 servings

  • 250 ml milk;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 50 ml round rice (50 g);
  • 2 teaspoons butter;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sugar - to taste.

Technology: step by step

Short-grain rice is best suited for this porridge. The porridge turns out creamy, tender, similar to dessert.

Ideal proportion for rice porridge: 1:10. To make it easier to understand, I will give an example: Measure out 1 liter of liquid (50/50 milk and water), and then pour rice into a measuring cup to the 100 ml mark. I was preparing a small portion, so I divided this proportion in half.

It is very important to maintain proportions. To obtain rice porridge with a pleasant consistency, it is necessary to maintain a grain-to-liquid ratio of 1:10. The liquid in our case is water and milk. We take them in equal proportions.

Into the pan suitable size from of stainless steel with a thick bottom, pour in the milk and water. Add the required amount of rice and mix.

How and for how long to cook

Place the pan on low heat and cook, stirring occasionally. Only after 15 minutes the liquid in the pan will boil, by this time the rice will have swollen a little and been saturated with liquid.

Cook over low heat until the rice porridge is ready (another 25 minutes from the moment it boils). Cooking time may vary slightly, depending on the quality of the rice.

Add butter, salt, sugar (optional) to the finished porridge. Stir and cover with a lid. Wrap the pan with porridge in a towel and set aside for 20-30 minutes.

Our rice porridge with milk for the baby is ready and can be served.

If you did not add sugar to the porridge, you can serve it with your favorite jam, honey or condensed milk.