How to close the lid of a wristwatch. How to open the watch to change the battery? Tools, tips and lifehacks

For any housewife with the onset warm season The hassle only increases. First, you need to plant something on the plot in time, and then still find the strength to harvest the crop. After which many are faced with the problem - how to preserve it so that in winter they can treat their household? The main way to preserve berries and vegetables is canning.

This method has undergone many changes over the years of its existence. Everyone remembers the old seaming machines. Many people still use them today. The disadvantage of this device is that it must be used with great care. With a little more effort than required, you will end up with a jar with a damaged neck, which you will not be able to use in the future. But as a result of numerous tests, housewives today know how to properly roll up cans with a machine.

But everything is changing, and the old cans have been replaced by new ones, the lids of which are screwed on. That is why more and more housewives are asking this question: “How to roll up jars with screw-on lids?”

Operating principle

Screw caps are called twist-off caps and have been used for canning in Western countries for a long time. The essence of their operating principle is as follows. On the inside of the lid there is a special polymer coating that acts as a gasket. Under influence high temperature it expands and seals the jar tightly. As the temperature decreases and as it cools, the top of the lid pulls inward, which is accompanied by a slight click. As a result, a vacuum effect is created in the jar. Therefore, before rolling up jars with screw-on lids, the lids must be heated.

Terms of use

Most housewives, having looked at their neighbors or friends, decide to buy such lids for themselves, but do not know how to roll up jars with screw-on lids. There is nothing complicated here. First you need to sterilize the jars in the same way as regular ones. At the same time, this can be done with lids. The temperature for lids should not be more than 60 degrees. Otherwise, this will lead to destruction of the polymer coating.

The heated lid is placed on the jar ready for sealing. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the grooves on the lid coincide exactly with the stripes on the jar. And it’s also important to inspect the jar, or rather the neck, before

Quality control

In order to check and save yourself from worries about the reliability of the conservation performed, set closed jars neck down. They must remain in this position for at least 2 days. If during this time no smudges have appeared and the lid has not swelled, then you can safely hide the jars in the cellar or basement.

How to open such a jar?

More than once you can hear from housewives that it is very difficult to open such banks. And if there are no problems with how to close jars with screw caps, then it may be impossible to open them. In order to do this, you need to know a little secret: just turn the jar over and hit the bottom with your palm. After this, screw on the lid.

Thus, from the above we can conclude that the use of new jars with screw-on lids has made the life of housewives much easier. This preservation method is suitable for those who don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen or don’t know how to roll up jars with a machine.

When replacing the battery, cleaning and other work with chronographs on their own, owners often face the problem of how to close the back cover wristwatch. Doing this with an expensive Swiss watch is not easy, since the mechanism is secured quite tightly to avoid leaks.


There are several types of back covers and each has its own characteristics. The most common are:

  • slamming;
  • screw;

Lids that can be slammed shut are easier to open because they have a ridge. You can grab onto it. However, if you do not know where it is, then it will be much more difficult to cope with the work.

Screw caps have a thread that, once caught, can be easily unscrewed. In this case, you will definitely need tailoring scissors. You can find them at flea markets. True, a more reliable option would be to use a proprietary German key. They are sold at any model shop and will help you with how to close the lid on your wristwatch.

A rarer case is a bayonet lock. Their peculiarity is a slight rotation, after which the lid opens.


After finishing working with the chronograph, you need to assemble the watch. How to close the watch cover if you don’t have the necessary tool at hand? To do this you need to do the following:

If the cover is screw type:

  • Check the integrity of the gasket to avoid loss of tightness.
  • Lubricate all parts of the locking mechanism with silicone grease.
  • Using a caliper, or any other hard metal tool at hand, screw the cap until it fits completely.

How to close the lid of a wristwatch with a slam mechanism:

  • In this case, it is necessary to distribute the load over the entire area of ​​the rear surface.
  • Place an object under the watch that will not scratch the glass, such as a magazine.
  • Align the groove with the time adjustment wheel.
  • The lid should lie very flat.
  • Now, using a flat object, slowly and smoothly press down on the watch.
  • After you hear a click, the clock is closed.

Now you know how to close your watch after replacing the battery. If you have any problems, it is better to take your watch to a service center, where they will repair it in a short time and at a low cost. Good work without the risk of mechanism failure.

Time is one of the fleeting resources that humanity has. Wearing a watch helps keep track of it. Do not forget about one of the disadvantages of the accessory - the presence of a battery, which can exhaust its limit at the most inopportune moment. Find out how to remove the batteries without damaging the device.

Is it possible to replace the watch battery yourself?

All people have used this simple device at least once. A person values ​​time and is afraid of being late for an important meeting, to the hospital, or on a date. Devices capable of counting help you control and set priorities correctly. There are situations when the phone or other equipment dies and a person is left with only wrist watches that help control time. They can stand up too. What to do in this case?

There are two ways to replace the power supply: yourself or go to a workshop where experienced specialists know how to change the battery in a wristwatch. If repairs in such a place are impossible, then you will have to do it yourself. Replacing batteries requires care. One awkward movement can damage the accessory. Restoring Nick's Swiss or jewelry watches and memorabilia is especially expensive.

How to open a wristwatch

Owners of any walkers know that the baby charger is located on the back of the device. The cover is attached different ways: on bolts or by pressing. Given this fact, it needs to be removed in a certain way:

  • In the first case, you have to take a screwdriver and disassemble it by unscrewing the fasteners. Do not forget to place the accessory on a flat surface and secure it to avoid falling.
  • In the second case, you should be more careful. First, the device is secured, then you have to pick up the cover with tweezers and remove it.

When the cover is removed, all that remains is to figure out how to change the battery in your wristwatch. To do this, it is advisable to carefully look and disassemble the device layer by layer, be it a quartz or electronic version. Lay out the parts in order and separately - on a fabric surface or napkin. Previewing video materials that should contain instructions will help avoid damage that could ruin the operation of the product.

How to replace the battery in a wristwatch

If “time” has stopped, how to change the battery in a wristwatch is not an idle question. To avoid damaging the device, replace the power supply with care and compliance. step by step instructions:

  1. Remove the accessory from your hand.
  2. Place on a flat surface and secure.
  3. Open the lid. Unscrew the bolts if present.
  4. Remove the old power supply with tweezers. Remember or write down its position.
  5. Buy a new battery. Buy the appropriate type of battery.
  6. Insert the new battery into the recess.
  7. Close the lid. If there are bolts, they must be tightened.
  8. Start the device.

How to close the cover of a wristwatch

The problem of how to change the battery in a watch has been solved. The old battery is removed and a new one is installed in its place. All that remains is to figure out how to close the watch cover. It won't be too difficult to do this. The main thing is to remember the opening system of the structure. If bolts were used for this, then you need to insert them into place and tighten them. If there was a pressed-in lid, then it must be pressed down tightly. You can use a board, because its wide surface evenly distributes the load. A click will indicate that the procedure was completed successfully.

Video: replacing batteries in a wristwatch

Many housewives know how to roll up jars. During the season of ripening vegetables and fruits, the production of pickles, jams, and various dishes begins, which are rolled up with iron lids. This increases the shelf life of products and allows you to eat delicious food from independently grown fruits. But not everyone knows how to close jars correctly.

How to roll up jars correctly: basic methods

Sealing uses metal lids that are tightly screwed to the jar. There are 3 options for closing with different devices.

Manual mechanism

The manual seaming machine was one of the first to appear. It is found in most homes, where it has often been stored and used since Soviet times. When using a screw device, the process is completely controlled by a person, but requires force to be applied to the lid. This option is one of the most difficult, since practical knowledge is required.

How to properly roll a can with a manual machine:

  1. It is necessary to place the lid on the jar, press it with the device, and roll it up in a clockwise circular motion.
  2. Making several turns, the handle is rotated to reduce the diameter of the roller, then the process is repeated.
  3. Care must be taken not to damage the jar, but it must be screwed tightly to ensure a tight seal.

The main advantage is low cost and ease of use. The work requires a lot of effort. Among the disadvantages is the need to expend energy, since there are modern models that do not require this.

Snail key

It is an ordinary screw machine, but does not rotate along the central axis. Instead, a spiral is created on the plane of the device. The mechanism of operation is similar: the lid is pressed tightly with one hand, and rolled up with the other, guiding the device in a spiral. For a tighter twist, the handle is rotated clockwise, reducing the diameter along which the mechanism moves. When the probe moves the shortest distance to the center, the handle is unscrewed counterclockwise and the machine is removed.

The advantages are ease of use, but the main disadvantage is the time required to seal one can. Despite the ease of use, it is necessary to check the quality of the work performed to avoid loss of products.


It is a regular seaming machine with horizontal and vertical handles designed for holding and screwing the lids. The latch has a thread along which the mechanism rotates, pressing the metal against the glass. To tighten it, just install the device and turn it until it stops.

The advantage of semi-automatic machines is the speed of processing cans: less than one minute is enough for each one. Disadvantages - high cost, need for adjustment. Although the devices are sold adjusted, the balance is lost after 200–250 cans. Re-tuning takes a lot of time, but is not always successful, which makes it necessary to purchase a new machine.


A fully automatic machine is an easier-to-use version of a semi-automatic machine with a more complicated mechanism. Has two handles used for twisting. How to seam cans with a seamer:

  1. The device presses the lid tightly.
  2. The key is turned 7–9 times until a characteristic click is heard. There is no need to turn the screw during seaming.
  3. To remove the device, you must turn the key completely in the opposite direction.

The advantage of an automatic machine is its ease of use, long-term operation without breakdowns. Disadvantages - high cost, the need to unwind the device for a long time in both directions.

Seaming Vacuum Pump

The vacuum pump allows you to roll up the lid without using a special machine. To use the device, you need special covers that are inserted from below. Then the mechanism is put on the jar so that the lid clearly coincides with the neck. To complete the process, just pull the piston: the lid will press tightly, pushing away the air.

The advantage of the pump is its quality and speed of work. Disadvantages include cost and the need for skill.

How to check for leaks

To ensure the quality of the seaming, you must perform the following steps:

  1. After rolling up the jar, turn it over and check if the lid is leaking.
  2. Take the jars to the room with room temperature, place it upside down on a blanket, towel or blanket.
  3. Leave the containers for two days. Check periodically for any wet marks on the fabric.
  4. After 48 hours, make sure that the lids are not swollen and that cracks or chips do not form on the jar.

If everything is in order, send the jars for storage.

How to Seam a Can without a Seamer

To roll up a can, you don't have to use a machine. The first option: use the vacuum pump described above to store food, although it is more expensive than conventional devices.

The second option is to use jars and screw caps. The sterilized container is filled with the necessary products, covered with a lid, which is tightly screwed until it stops. This option is not so reliable, but easy to implement. But is it possible to seal jars with screw caps? Technically, no, since special machines are used for seaming. Despite this, the result is almost the same.

How to properly seal jars with screw caps

To properly twist pickles or jam you need:

  1. Make sure the quality of the lids and jars, the absence of mechanical defects and other undesirable factors.
  2. After checking the parts, sterilize them to prevent uninvited guests in banks.
  3. While the lids and jars are sterilizing, prepare the dish you plan to store.
  4. Fill the containers with food, close the lids, screw tightly.

After checking the tightness, send the jars for storage.

How to seam cans with a seaming machine: video

The following video shows the process of rolling up a can with a classic machine:

Harvesting from your vegetable garden, preparing vegetables and fruits for canning and choosing the appropriate recipe is half the battle. As it turns out, almost the most important step in home canning is sterilizing and closing the jars with lids. Just think: one wrong move and air can get into the jar of winter treats. This means that such a workpiece will certainly swell and be spoiled by mold. How to close jars for the winter so that homemade preparations do not spoil? How to close jars with screw caps? How to do without lids and close the jars, for example, with paper? You will find answers to these and many other questions about conservation in our article today.

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How to close jars for the winter

There are several ways to close preparations for the winter. The most common and at the same time one of the most technically complex options is already traditional way closing the lids with a manual seaming key. It is much easier, but using the same principle, you can roll up cans with an automatic machine. In addition, there are special threaded caps that are screwed onto the jar without the use of any other devices. Well, the simplest and at the same time the most capricious way is to close jars without lids using cellophane and thick paper. Let's start studying the question of how to properly close jars for the winter with the first method. It is ideal for preserving pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as for making jam.

How to close jars with a can opener

To begin with, we note that it is very important to sterilize the lids well before rolling up the jar. You also need to check that the cap itself is new, intact and not bent.

Instructions on how to close a jar with a can opener

  • Sterilize the lids. To do this, place them in a deep pan, pour cold water and put on fire. After boiling, boil the lids for 10-15 minutes depending on their quantity.
  • Then let the tin lids cool. If you use tongs to remove hot lids from pans, they should also be doused with boiling water first. Cover the jar with a lid.
  • Place the seaming wrench on top and press lightly to release excess air. Then turn the key once in a circle. Scroll a few more times. If waves appear at the junction with the can, then you need to turn the seaming key several times in this particular area and thereby straighten them out.
  • Then make a few more half turns, tightening the edges of the lid that have tightened worse. Make sure visually that the entire lid fits very tightly to the neck of the jar. Then turn the workpiece upside down so that the lid itself oxidizes a little and becomes completely sealed.
  • On a note! You can understand that the jar is already closed by the movement of the key. As soon as you have to put a lot of effort into turning the seaming key around the lid, and the key itself will lock every centimeter, the workpiece is ready.

    How to close screw top jars

    Screw caps are perhaps the fastest and most reliable way close home preparations for the winter. But there is a small drawback - not every jar is suitable for such a lid. A mandatory condition is the presence of a special thread on the neck, on which, in fact, the lid will be attached. Such carvings, for example, are found on jars of store-bought preserves. How to properly close jars with screw caps? The technology itself is incredibly simple. To begin with, like regular ones, these caps need to be thoroughly boiled. Otherwise, mold may appear on the workpiece during storage, for example, on jam. Then place the cooled, dry lid on the jar and press down lightly. Turn it clockwise several times until it stops. There should be a clear click, which means the can is closed. Turn the jar upside down and your preparation is ready!

    How to close jars without lids

    Today it’s hard to believe, but tin and especially plastic lids became common among housewives not so long ago. But home preservation, as you understand, existed long before their appearance. What did they do to prepare for the winter in those distant times? As a rule, in Rus', vegetables were pickled and fermented in large wooden barrels, which were stored in cold cellars. Therefore, there was no need for tin lids as such then. But with the development of industry and urbanization, many housewives were faced with the question of how to close jars without lids. For a long time, wax paper soaked in alcohol and thin twine were used for this purpose. This knowledge can also be useful for modern women, since sometimes ordinary lids are not at hand, and vegetables/fruits for preparations begin to quickly deteriorate.

    How to cover jars with paper

    To begin with, we note that the paper method is short-lived and at the first opportunity it should be replaced with canning with tin lids. First of all, you need to take very thick paper and cut out a circle from it, the diameter of which will coincide with the diameter of the neck. This paper must be soaked in rum or pure alcohol and covered with it. This method is good for boiled jam or preserves. But it is better to cover cucumber-tomato preparations with paper and cellophane. Cellophane can also be replaced with cling film folded in several layers. First, we wrap a piece of plastic bag around the neck, pulling it quite tightly to achieve a tight seal. We secure it on top using a rubber band or regular thread. After this, put a sheet of thick paper and form a lid from it. The paper is needed in order not to tear the cellophane during transportation of the workpieces. The paper cap should also be secured with thread or an elastic band.

    How to properly close jars with lids, video

    You can also learn how to properly close jars with lids from the video below. In this video tutorial you can see the entire process of closing cans and learn about the intricacies of working with a can opener at home.