What numbers should I write on my water receipt? Electricity meter readings: how to get data from metering devices

Monthly citizens Russian Federation must transmit cold and hot water supply meter readings for accounting to the appropriate organization that controls the consumption of water resources. Now this can be done in several ways: fill out a receipt and submit it to the HOA, make a phone call to the customer service department management company or enter information online. Currently, in some regions of Russia it is possible to send water meter readings through the single portal Gosuslugi.ru. It is worth considering in more detail how a citizen can receive this service (using the example of Moscow). It is enough to have an account on the city services portal and log in using a password.

Instructions: how to submit water meter information through State Services

In the menu on the city services website pgu.mos.ru you need to find the subsection “Apartment, Housing and Utilities” and click on the item “Receiving readings from water meters”:

After this, the user will need to familiarize himself with the information about the service provided and click on the “Get service” button:

  1. At the first stage, the user needs to enter information about the main documents. You must indicate your personal account number in the “Payer Code” field (consists of 10 digits) and the number of the apartment where the water meters are installed. If you have already used this electronic service, then you only need to select previously entered and saved data.

The payer code is on every payment receipt utilities– it can be found in the upper right corner of the paper copy. After entering the information, click the “Continue” button:

  1. In the second step, you should enter meter readings (metering devices). “Payer Data” will also be displayed here, but it will not be possible to change this block. Next, you can see current data for the current month and the previous 3 months.

Additionally, you can rename counters. If it is not possible to view information on a meter, this means that its verification period has expired. To get information about the meter, you need to click the “?” button, which is located next to the name of the meter.

To directly submit information about water through State Services, you need to enter the current readings of your water meters in the appropriate fields of the electronic form (remember that water consumption is measured in cubic meters).

After sending the information, a message will appear stating that the data for the DHW and cold water meters has been entered correctly and you need to click the “Continue” button. Once the download is complete, a notification will appear indicating that the system has successfully accepted your information.

When to send meter readings

It is important to send data on water consumed for the current period from the 15th of this month to the 3rd of the future. If you enter information earlier or later than the deadline, it will only be taken into account in a future period.

Existing restrictions when submitting information about water

There are some restrictions for entering water meter readings through State Services:

  • it is important to further clarify information about the availability of the ability to enter information about water in your city/region;
  • only individuals can submit water data through State Services;
  • You cannot enter information if a new meter has just been installed (in this case, before you start submitting readings, you must invite a specialist to take the primary data);
  • It is prohibited to enter readings online if you have submitted water data in other ways within 3 months (you can resume the ability to use the service through the State Services Center);
  • you can skip the transmission of readings, but no more than 2 times - data for the missed months will be accepted in the next period;
  • testimony less verified and those entered in the previous month will not be accepted;
  • Only numbers and separators (period or comma) are allowed to be entered in the “Indications” field. It is important to enter no more than seven digits before the separating sign, and no more than three digits after the sign;
  • The information sent should not significantly exceed the water consumption standards. Currently, the rate of water consumption per citizen is no more than 11.68 cubic meters per month (of which 6.9 cubic meters of cold water and 4.7 cubic meters hot water).

Possible inaccuracies when sending information about meters

When entering water meter readings through State Services, the following errors sometimes occur:

  1. If the program cannot find your payer code, you will need to visit the nearest government services center to clarify the correct payer code. Addresses of public service centers are presented at the link pgu.mos.ru/ru/md/;
  2. If the water meter information was entered incorrectly, the portal user has the opportunity to delete it and re-enter it. To do this, you need to click the “X” icon. You can delete entered data only for the current month within 24 hours after submission.

It is important to note that the payer cannot edit the data entered by an employee of the organization providing water supply services.

How to get readings from instruments

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all apartments must have meters installed that monitor the consumption of hot and cold water. As a rule, metering devices are installed in the toilet or bathroom.

First, you need to decide which meter is responsible for hot water and which one is responsible for cold water. Most often, they can be distinguished by color: the cold water meter is usually blue, and the hot water meter is red. If your meters do not differ in design in any way, then you can simply open the water tap and let the water flow, then the impeller will start rotating on the corresponding meter.

In order to get meter readings, just look at the dial windows. Each meter has 8 digits - the first 5 show how many cubic meters of water were consumed, and the 3 digits after the dividing mark show the consumption in liters. It is this information that needs to be entered on the city services portal.

Important! Regularly monitor possible leaks in water supply pipes in your apartment and eliminate them in a timely manner, otherwise you will be overpaid for the water consumed. To do this, you need to turn off all the taps and see if the meter arrows are spinning.


It is worth noting that the procedure for submitting information about water through State Services is very simple and significantly saves time. You can fill out the electronic form within a few minutes. It is thanks to the speed of receiving the service via the Internet that it is becoming increasingly popular and in demand among the population of our country.

If this is your first time encountering such a thing as taking readings from water meters, because you just purchased it or moved to a new home with an existing meter, you just need to read this article, where you are guaranteed to find answers to any questions that you may have bother.

  • Hot or cold?

    First of all, you will need to determine which meter corresponds to cold and hot water. This can be understood by analogy with taps: if the counter of blue color, which means it will be counted cold water. And, if the meter is red, it will count hot water. However, the standards allow the red device to be used for cold water as well. And how, then, can you correctly determine which one to take readings from?

    Here, the standard left over from the times of the Soviet Union will be an excellent assistant. The fact is that cold and hot water are supplied from the risers from below and from above, respectively. But if you moved into a new building, this method of finding meters will not work, since the builders could install the pipes in any sequence convenient for them. The easiest way to determine it is experimentally. Just open any tap and see which meter has started recording readings. Easily? Still would!

    We take the indicators correctly

    When we finally figured out the definition of devices, we need to understand how to take these very indicators. Since there is an eighty percent chance that you have a meter with an eight-digit dial, let’s first talk about it.

    The numbers are divided into cube readings (these are the first five digits, which are still highlighted with a black background) and liters (the sixth to eighth numbers).

    But you only need to know the number of cubes, since utility services Liters consumed are not taken into account. But there are meters without indicating liters, which greatly facilitates their use.

    When four meters are installed in your house, readings are recorded for each separately. You also only need to pay your water bills separately.

    Payment for water by meters

    In the post-Soviet space they operate different ways calculate payment.

    To correctly calculate the amount of payment in Russia, you should remember the following formula. Take from the receipt the previously entered final and initial readings for cold water consumption, for example, let them be 00088 - 00063, subtract the initial ones from the final ones, you get 25. Multiply this number by the current tariff, and here it is, required for payment sum!

    Regarding hot water, there will be nothing new. The starting and ending numbers, for example, will be 00040 - 00048. From the last indicator, subtract the first, you get the number in in this example 8, and again multiply it by the current tariff.

    In the case when you need to pay for sewerage, or simply sewerage, both indicators, 25 and 8, need to be added and multiplied by the tariff for sewerage services.

    Do you live not in Russia, but on the territory of Ukraine? Then you should find the payment amount a little differently:

    To the consumed cubes of cold water, 12, for example, add 7 cubes of hot water, you get a total of 19 cubes. Pay separately for cold water, separately for hot water, indicate 21 cubic meters for sewerage and pay for it.

    How to understand that the meter is working correctly

    To properly resolve such a sensitive issue, we recommend that you contact. Specialists will check it in the shortest possible time, if necessary, they will adjust the meter, and you will be confident in the operation of your device.

    In the case where the meter needs to be verified as soon as possible, you will have to collect about one hundred liters of water using 5 or 10 liter canisters. A smaller volume will not give you any results and you will not be able to determine whether the device is functioning correctly.

    If you don't testify

    If you are in a situation where you do not want to send readings to the appropriate services or chronically forget to do so, then invoices will be issued at a different rate. Namely, for houses in which there is no meter and the amount is calculated according to human standards.

    This knowledge about how to correctly take readings from the meter, how to calculate the amount of your payment and what to do if you suspect that your meter is working with problems will help you out more than once in your life. Therefore, we recommend keeping this in mind.

  • Every month, usually at the end, you need to do communal payments, including paying for water. Many apartments and houses have metering devices. In this regard, you need to know how to take water meter readings, determine the flow rate, record it and correctly pay for the water supply service.

    First you need to find the counter. Sometimes people rent an apartment or move to a new place and are not familiar with the location of the pipes. Therefore, the first step is to determine where the hot and cold water passes. Meters are mounted on water pipes most often in the kitchen, toilet or bathroom.

    Most often, two meters are installed - for hot and cold water supply. If there is no centralized supply of hot water, then there will be only one device. There are also situations when there are more than two water meters. This happens if the supply is controlled in each room or in different areas of the house, for example, when dividing the area into several owners or with separate risers in the kitchen and bathroom.

    Important! All metering devices must be provided with unhindered access for taking readings.

    Even if the instruments are temporarily locked, it should always be possible to open the door or inspection window and take readings.


    A water meter is a small device with a round panel mounted on a pipe. On the front side there are numbers visible on it. For hot water, the housing will be painted red, and for cold water, blue. They cannot be confused, since the readings will differ significantly, and the tariffs for payment calculations are different.

    Sometimes there are no differences in the case, but just a mark of a certain color. It also happens that all the letters on the dial are written in red or blue. The cold meter is usually at the bottom, and the hot meter at the top, although sometimes the positions are changed for convenience.

    If in doubt, you can open the tap with cold water and see which water meter the needle starts to rotate. Do the same with hot water. At the same time, you can check whether the devices work at all.

    What numbers to write off

    The next important question is what numbers should be read on the water meter. There are two options.

    First option. If you look at the device, you can see black and red numbers. So, the black numbers are taken into account. They show the cubic meters of liquid consumed, while the red ones show only liters (cubic decimeters, with 1 m3 = 1000 l = 1000 dm3). On the small round dial with an arrow, if there is one, liters are also shown, they are not taken into account.

    Comment! Sometimes it is recommended to take into account one red number (the first after the black one), writing it separated by a comma, for example, 54.3 m3, which means 54 cubic meters and 300 liters. If there are boxes on the receipt, then you must write a whole number, without fractions.

    Second case. The meter can only have black numbers that show Cubic Meters. The liters in this case are visible on the small dials below. You need to write down the number pointed to by the dial arrow marked x0.1.

    The dial, next to which there is a marking of x0.01, shows tens of liters, and with a value of x0.001 – units of liters.

    • take and record water meter readings at the moment (current);
    • see what the readings were for the past month;
    • subtract the past from the current;
    • do this for each existing counter.

    After this, you will have separate cubic meters for hot and cold water. If necessary, you can calculate from them total consumption drains (add together).

    Carrying out calculations and transferring data

    When the readings have been taken and the consumption has been calculated, all that remains is to multiply the number by the tariffs established in the region, enter the data into the receipt and pay. If you can pay online, that’s great.

    Some service companies may require you to transmit meter readings over the phone. In this case, they need to call and dictate the current numbers or send information by email, indicating the address, last name, personal account, water meter numbers and their readings. The meter number is stamped on the device; it is also visible on the receipt printed for payment. When transferring data, you can specify a whole number (cubic meters only) or a fractional number (with liters).

    If you have any questions about payment or filling out, it is best to go to the service company’s website or office and ask for everything to be explained in detail. Payment rules are also specified in the service agreement. In each region and even district, the rules may differ slightly, which is due to the peculiarities of organizing activities. But in general the situation is similar. A receipt is filled out and payment is made. The receipt can be separate for water or a single one - to enter all the data for all services.

    A water meter in a home today is not a new thing. More and more homeowners are acquiring this useful device that helps control water consumption and save it. But if you have recently installed the device, then, of course, the first thing you will ask yourself is: “How to remove the water?” Let's look at this problem.

    Where can I find the counter?

    Before you take readings from the water meter in your apartment, you need to understand its location. Everything is simple here: the device is installed directly on water pipe. This means you need to look for it in the toilet room, bathroom or kitchen.

    There are usually two meters: one for cold water and the other for hot water. In some apartments, two devices are installed on the cold water pipe. Neat homeowners sometimes hide plumbing fixtures behind special panels. In this case, a freely opening door leads to the devices.

    What's on the meter board?

    How to take water meter readings, what numbers to take into account? The device is a flow meter with a counting mechanism. The meter in it begins to spin only when water passes through it. At this time, the mechanism calculates the volume of liquid spilling through the water meter.

    On the counter panel we will be interested in the panel with numbers. There are eight numbers on it:

    How to correctly take water meter readings?

    Let's move directly to the process that interests us. How to take water meter readings:

    On some water meters, all numbers are black. In this case, we simply do not take into account the last three. If in front of you is a foreign-made counter, then it can only contain five digits. All of them should be recorded by you.

    Calculation example: first month

    The easiest way to understand taking water meter readings is to specific example. First month - March:

    Calculation example: second month

    Now let's see how to take readings next month. For our example this is April:

    Submission of testimony

    We figured out how to take water meter readings. It is also important to submit them to the relevant organization on time - before the 26th of each month. Usually, for these purposes, a receipt and a coupon for it are filled out:

    1. Write down the full name of the apartment owner, address, number of residents and, of course, the payment period.
    2. The cold water (cold water) field indicates the values ​​on the water meter for the past and present month. In our example these are 00004 and 00009.
    3. The same information is written in DHW column(hot water). In our example - 00003 and 00006.
    4. In the "Consumption" field, you indicate how much cold and hot water you consumed per month. For our example, these are 5 and 3 cubic meters, respectively.
    5. The column "Water drainage" is the sum of hot water supply and hot water supply. For our example: 5 + 3 = 8 cubic meters.
    6. For the "Amount" field, you need to multiply the "Consumption" of cold and hot water by the established tariff, and then add these products.

    Receipts are kept by the owner of the house, and the tear-off coupon is placed in a special box, container placed near the entrance door or in another place established by the management company. In some places it is possible to transmit testimony virtually - through State Services.

    If you cannot submit a coupon with information on meters on time, then you need to notify the company involved in this accounting. You should be given average readings for the current month, the basis for which will be your data on water meters for the previous three months. And for the next payment (when you are already able to take meter readings), you can submit an application for recalculation.

    Checking water meters

    The correct operation of these devices must be checked periodically. This is done by a special metrological service. Cold water meters are checked strictly once every 6 years, hot water meters - once every 4 years. The procedure is available both at home and at the verification service. Without it, after the specified period, the readings of your water meters will not be taken into account by the management company.

    If you feel that the counter is not working correctly, you can check it yourself:

    1. Record the exact readings of the eight digits on the device.
    2. Fill a 20-liter jerrycan completely with cold or hot water five times (depending on the water meter you're checking).
    3. In fact, you have used exactly 100 liters of water.
    4. Check how much the water meter shows. If the indicators have shifted to numbers far from 100 liters upward, then it makes sense to check the operation, the tightness of all plumbing, and, possibly, replace the device.

    Alternative counters

    Time does not stand still. The tachymetric water meters that we reviewed are being replaced by impulse devices. They allow you to remotely reflect your water consumption. For example, on a special board installed at the entrance, or immediately in common system office of the controlling company. With such meters, the homeowner no longer needs to independently collect readings.

    Water meters that are already relevant are that they independently send readings to your computer and smartphone via Wi-Fi. But they are still distinguished by a noticeable high cost.

    Now you know how to correctly record and indicate meter readings on a receipt. Perhaps in the near future technology will free us from these actions.

    Currently, legislation obliges residential property owners to equip their apartments with water meters. Be that as it may, in a situation where utility tariffs are rising from year to year, installing metering devices is a completely justified action, since it allows you to save a lot of money. Also, on a national scale, serious conservation of water is ensured - a resource that is considered one of the most important on Earth. As practice shows, the subscriber sees a noticeable reduction in the amounts in the bills already after the first month of using the metering device. It pays for itself in a maximum of six months.

    What numbers need to be written, and how can you generally understand the readings displayed on the water meter display? Not everyone who has just installed the device can accurately answer this question. Moreover, many citizens who have been using them for a long time also record the numbers with errors. Meanwhile, it’s quite easy to figure it out, and we’ll tell you how here.

    What happens if the readings are not transmitted?

    In fact, the world will not end. The law does not define refusal to transmit data as a violation. The responsibilities of the apartment owner are simply to allow a representative of the supplying organization to access the meter, and, of course, to pay for the resource used. True, there is one thing. A similar requirement may be contained in the contract for the provision of services signed with subscribers by the water utility - here you will have to carefully report information within a certain time frame.

    If there are new water meters and their readings have not been received, the water utility will simply generate an invoice based on the average standard for the house, that is, guided by the data received from the common house meter. Subsequently, when the citizen comes to his senses, he is recalculated. Of course, the overpaid money will not be returned back, but it will certainly be counted towards future expenses.

    When the flow meter has been in the apartment for a certain time, and the owner of the property for some reason has stopped informing the water utility about the volume of resource consumed, an amount will be added to his bill for that month based on his personal average consumption.

    They will also be received by organizations over the next few months, and then the accounting department will switch to the current general standard.

    Checking counters

    If in apartments where there is only cold water, there are no difficulties in taking readings, then in those where hot water is also provided centrally, sometimes the control devices are confused in places. Such a mistake is fraught with serious overpayments. Meanwhile, for each of the above resource types, special counters are used:

    • blue for cold (mounted from below);
    • red for heated (installed higher).

    To make sure that the technician who carried out the work did everything correctly, you need to conduct a rather simple test:

    • open the cold water tap;
    • keep an eye on the counters;
    • If blue works, the installation was completed without errors.

    How to take readings

    Before sending information, you must record the counter data. No matter what specific model of metering device you install at home, the information is captured in the same way. On the front side of the device there is a window with an 8-digit display, where:

    • The first 5 digits show the volume of water used in cubic meters;
    • the other three (circled in red) are liters.

    The latter are not taken into account when paying, and, accordingly, only full cubic meters should be reported. It is customary, however, to round liters according to the following scheme:

    • more than 500 – add one more cube;
    • less – we simply don’t pay attention.

    In general, the same rule applies here as when taking into account light - when only whole kilowatts are taken into account.

    Monthly consumption is calculated in a fairly simple way. To do this, the indicator recorded 30 days earlier is subtracted from the current volume. Subscribers are advised to keep the same numbers just in case.

    However, do not write the calculated amount of resource consumed on the receipt - you are only required to provide the device reading, and nothing more.

    Data submission

    Correctly recording water flow meter readings is only half the battle. It is also equally important to correctly fill out the receipt form for the management company or water utility. As previously noted, only the current number on the scoreboard should be reported.

    For those who still live in a communal apartment, the procedure for paying for used water is special. Only one indicator is included in the receipt (no matter how many people live) - this task is usually entrusted to one person chosen at the general meeting. Subsequently, the amount is divided among all citizens living there.

    When filling out the form, you must avoid mistakes. Words and numbers are written legibly. Failure to comply with this requirement will allow the receipt to be invalidated with all the ensuing consequences.

    Methods for transmitting readings

    There are actually several of them:

    • filling out a receipt and submitting it to the management company;
    • by phone;
    • through the Internet.

    True, not all of them are equally available in certain cities of Russia, and therefore it is better to find out exactly about the current options for sending information locally, at your management company or directly at the water utility.