What is cold hot water? What does the water heating column mean in a receipt for payment for housing and communal services?

Upon receipt of receipts for communal payments in January of this year, many fell into a stupor when they saw the amount due. And then they asked the question: “Where do such exorbitant sums come from?”

Before explaining what such amounts are made up of, let’s say right away: everyone can use the utility payments calculator for Russian citizens on the website www.fstrf.ru and check whether the amounts in the receipt match the amounts issued by this calculator. If you have any questions about calculations, you can ask them directly on the website of the Tariff Service of the Irkutsk Region.

True, there is an explanation on the website: “Inconsistency in the total amount for utilities accrued by the contractor utilities“according to your payment document and the total amount based on the results of the calculation of the “Utility Payments Calculator” may be due, among other things, to taking into account the volumes of utility resources consumed for general house needs.” In other words, due to the fact that the functionality of the “Utility Payments Calculator” does not contain information about the readings of the common house (collective) water meter installed in your home, the discrepancy in the total amount may be due, among other things, to taking into account when forming the payment for the service water supply of volumes of water consumed for general household needs.

But it also says: “In the event of a discrepancy between the amount of payment for a utility service according to your payment document and the result of the calculation of the “Utility Payment Calculator,” you need to contact the provider of utility services (management company, homeowners association, resource supply organization) to receive clarification on the procedure calculating your utility bills."

In the article “The light bulbs in the entrances, it turns out, are gold...” (“Voice of Bratsk” No. 1 (19) January 2014) about electricity costs, we already talked about how to calculate how much one light bulb in the entrance costs and how much the costs are for elevator at the standard entrance.

In this article we will talk about what utility payments consist of.

First you need to understand what utility bills are. And this is water supply (providing you and me with cold and hot water) and water disposal (sewage), providing houses and apartments with electricity and gas, heating.

According to Art. 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the structure of payments for residential premises and utilities is clearly defined. It includes: services and work for managing an apartment building, use of residential premises (rental fees), maintenance and repairs, and those same utilities. In addition, the resident pays for garbage removal.

In this case, the payment for residential premises in accordance with the norms of housing legislation is determined at a general meeting of owners of residential premises and is fixed in an agreement within the framework of civil law. Thus, the level of payment for residential premises is determined with the direct participation and control of citizens - owners of residential premises in the absence of restrictions on the part of executive authorities.

Utility fees include direct payments for heat supply, cold water supply, hot water supply, sewerage, electricity supply, gas supply. Place lighting common use, sewerage removal does not apply to payments for utility services, but refers to the concept of “maintenance of common property apartment building"and is included in the payment for residential premises.

Recently, the charging system for hot water supply has changed. Previously, the payment for hot water in receipts was indicated in two lines - “Hot water” and “Hot water. ONE.” Now the hot water supply service is divided into two components - coolant and thermal energy. Accordingly, every citizen sees four lines on his receipt that relate to the hot water supply service:
DHW t/n – hot water supply (coolant);
DHW t/e – hot water supply (thermal energy);
DHW (ODN) t/n – hot water supply (coolant) used for general house needs;
DHW (ODN)t/e – hot water supply (thermal energy) used for general house needs.
The coolant (in the receipt – DHW t/n) is a heated cold water. Thermal energy (in the receipt ¬ DHW heating) is, in fact, the energy that is used to heat water.
The volume of coolant is measured in the same way as the volume of cold water, in m3 (cubic meters). The volume of thermal energy is measured in the same way as heat, in Gcal (gigacalories).

In receipts for utility bills, the billed volume of water consumption is a value different from the indicators of individual (apartment) metering devices. Where do the “extra” cubic meters of water come from? Tariffs for water and general household needs are not a whim of management companies, but a consequence of the adoption of Law 354, according to which responsible residents will pay for their careless neighbors.

The procedure for calculating the amount of payment for cold and hot water supply, sanitation, taking into account the readings of individual metering devices installed in the apartment, and the common house (collective) metering device installed in the house, is determined by the Rules for the provision of utility services. When calculating payments for cold and hot water supply, the formulas given in Appendix No. 2 to the Rules are used, taking into account the volume (consumption, consumption) of water recorded by a common house meter, distributed among the owners in the manner established by clause 21 of the Rules, and if available in all in the premises of an apartment building, individual or common (apartment) metering devices - in proportion to their readings. In the absence of the specified metering devices, the payment amount is calculated in the manner established by clause 19 of the Rules.

Many doubt whether the area of ​​basements and attic spaces to the living space of the MKD? Included: in accordance with the provisions of Part 5 of Art. 15 of the RF Housing Code, the total area of ​​a residential premises consists of the sum of the area of ​​all parts of such premises, including the area of ​​auxiliary premises intended to satisfy citizens' household and other needs related to their residence in residential premises. It is worth noting that the inclusion of a loggia or balcony in the total area of ​​an apartment is unlawful according to Part 5 of Article No. 15 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Also, many still do not understand why they pay for heating in the summer. It's simple. The fact is that throughout the year we pay only for the heating season: the cost of heating is divided into 12 equal monthly payments - first of all, in order to reduce each individual payment for the service, which gives us the opportunity to pay for heating “in installments”. In addition, this payment scheme allows you to plan heating costs. After all, even during heating season The amount of thermal energy used to heat our homes varies depending on weather conditions: as it gets colder, heating each home requires more and more thermal energy, and as it gets warmer, less and less. This explains the difference between bills for different months.

If we paid for the service only during the heating season and strictly in accordance with the amount of thermal energy that we “received” in each individual month, our one-time payments, firstly, would significantly increase, and secondly, we would pay different amounts each time amounts. This payment mode, for obvious reasons, is not convenient for everyone.

What determines the bills issued to us for heating?

The determining factor is the availability of thermal energy meters. If the house is equipped with such a device, then the procedure for paying for heating will be as follows. First of all, the volume of thermal energy consumed in residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building over the previous year is determined. If the meter worked for only a few months, then the amount of electricity consumed by the house during the period when the meter was not working is calculated based on the conditions specified in the contract with the heat generators.

Next, the resulting volume of consumption is divided by the area of ​​residential and non-residential premises apartment building. As a result, we have a consumption volume per 1 m² of total room area. Then the heating fee per 1 m² of total area is calculated: according to the formula Vt × Tt = average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating for the previous year (Gcal/sq. m) × tariff for thermal energy, established in accordance with legislation Russian Federation(RUB/Gcal). Recalculation must be made annually using the specified formula.

Many people still ask the question: “Which is more profitable to pay: by meter or by standard?” Definitely: on the counter! As practice shows, for the majority of residents of our country it is significantly more profitable to pay for utilities according to the meter, rather than according to standards. This is due, for example, to the fact that many of us use much less water and thermal energy, rather than what the standard “assumes” (since the standard includes a certain average volume of consumption of certain services).

But even if you pay according to the standard, it is not difficult to check whether the standard in the payment slip corresponds to the actual one: the formula for calculating the standard is described in “ Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utility services"(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 No. 306).

In addition, many people have a question: should they pay utilities in full if they were on vacation, at the dacha or on a business trip? First of all, a disclaimer should be made here: for all services for which you have meters installed, you always pay only to the extent that you actually used them. Accordingly, if you were away, this will automatically be reflected in the meter readings and you will not have to overpay.

If you do not have meters, in case of absence, you can insist on recalculating payments for the following services: electricity, hot and cold water, sewerage (sewage), gas.

The calculation is made as follows: the calendar days of your absence are subtracted from the total number of days in the corresponding month, with the exception of the day of departure and the day of return.

If in an apartment in heating season low temperature, cold water flows instead of hot water, then the fee for poor-quality utilities can be reduced. The rules for the provision of utility services establish a procedure for monitoring the quality of provision of utility services, as well as a procedure for changing the amount of fees for utility services when providing utility services. poor quality and (or) with breaks exceeding the established duration. In case of failure to provide utility services or provision of utility services of inadequate quality, the consumer must notify the contractor's emergency dispatch service or other service specified by the contractor.

Now to the question of who installed communal meters in your house and should you pay for their installation? A resource supply organization installed communal metering devices in the houses of the brothers. Almost whole year Various television and print media said that by July 1, 2013, all apartment buildings must be equipped with communal metering devices. And the homeowners had to hold a meeting at which to decide: which meters and with the help of which company you will install in your house. Of course, our laziness, lack of concentration and hope for chance played a cruel joke on us: no one wants to go to these meetings, and sees nothing further than their apartment, and shifts responsibility for the common property to the management company, forgetting that each of us is not only the owner of the apartment, but all the residents together – the owners of that same common property, and not at all Management Company. Accordingly, by July 1, 2013, not only at home, not all apartments were equipped with metering devices. In this case, according to the law, the resource supplying organization installed communal metering devices in the houses at its own expense. And now it is quite legal to collect debt from you for the cost of meters and their installation. And you must pay for this expense item.

Now let's talk about subsidies: who is entitled to them and how to get them?

In accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, subsidies for paying for living quarters and utilities are provided to citizens if their expenses for paying for living quarters and utilities exceed the regional standard for the maximum permissible share of citizens' own expenses for paying for living quarters and utilities in the total family income .

According to Law No. 5 of the OZ “On the size of regional standards for payment of residential premises and utilities in the Irkutsk region,” the following can count on subsidies:

- pensioners, disabled people who pay more than 7-22% of their total monthly income for an apartment each month (at the same time, you can receive additional benefits in addition to the federal benefit);

- working citizens, if their rent is more than 16-22% of total income;

- large families, if the rent is more than 15% of the total income.

You can apply for such a subsidy through social security or, if you don’t work, through the labor exchange.

Subsidies are provided to these citizens taking into account their family members permanently residing with them. Citizens and members of their families are provided with one subsidy per residential premises in which they are permanently registered. The subsidy is provided for a period of 6 months.

In general, every homeowner must understand: his property is not limited to the boundaries of the apartment - he is a co-owner of the entire house. The management company doesn’t care how much or what you pay the resource supply companies for; it is just an intermediary. But you, as the owner, have the right to check where the extra cubic meters of water go or where heat leaks occur. After all, you, and not the management company, are the owner of the basement, attic and all property of the house.

Some will think that this article is intended to somehow justify the actions of public utilities. No. In fact, this article is intended to help the public protect their legal rights. Moreover, in Bratsk there are already examples where caring and active residents of the house prove that they are right by significantly reducing the amounts on their bills.

One of them is Olga Ivanovna Selina, Chairman of the Council of House No. 22 on Karl-Marx Street. She not only finds out where such numbers in the bills come from, not only recalculates everything herself, she also solves many other issues of the residents of her house. For example, in collaboration with the deputy of her district, Anatoly Loychits, she managed to achieve the expansion of the intra-block passage and the arrangement of a large pocket for parking residents’ cars.

In addition, she and her supporters from among the residents of the house managed through the court to get the direct management canceled and the management company returned. Now they are finding out where the general house losses for hot and cold water come from, and are challenging the necessity imposed on them to pay for them.

We approached her, as an active fighter for justice in the housing and communal services sector, with a pressing question for everyone:

— Olga Ivanovna, there are now a lot of complaints about the new accrual rules, including for general household needs. And we, unfortunately, have to admit that for the most part all discontent comes from our laziness and our illiteracy. How right are we?

- Absolutely. This comes from the times of developed socialism, when people were accustomed to the fact that someone does everything for them, and someone owes something. A lot of laws are coming out now, and there are good laws. But everyone must fulfill them: first of all, the authorities, which far from fulfill everything, and we, as owners, not only of houses, but as those living in cities and on this Earth, must already understand that everything must depend on our position , and what will happen. And today our society is, to put it mildly, immature. And today all hope is for the youth. As for general house needs, I think that where they installed common house meters, the owners should have been invited and installed. Now the entire city has been transferred to direct management - this is what the local authorities wanted, but people are not ready for this. By law, this must happen when the owners are ready to manage their home and have the desire to do so. But we have no desire, and today the owners have not implemented this rule of law. Because with direct management, all documentation must be transferred to them, they must understand what they must do. And today no one knows who is responsible for these houses. Even the owners themselves often do not know what kind of management they are in. And therefore, management companies are not even managers, but just companies that provide services, but they write contracts as managers and charge us money for management. But even when transferring to such management, in each house, according to the housing code, there is an authorized person, who chose him is unknown, but it should be, and formally there is, even if none of the residents chose him. And when installing common house metering devices, they had to inform that they would install it, that it costs so much, that it will be there, that readings will be taken like this, on such and such dates, these are the first readings, this is the calculation of how you will be charged... And today people pay for those who do not pay, and it is still unknown for whom.

Thus, Olga Selina, a person who actually defends her rights, confirms that with today’s housing legislation, it turns out that saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.

But soon, namely in June, all residents will again be puzzled by the new column in their receipts: for major repairs, and someone will say that they have not heard anything about it, but we wrote about it (“Who is now responsible for major repairs?” house renovation?”, newspaper “Voice of Bratsk”, February, No. 2(20), 2014). And again people will think: where does their money go? And they disappear into our laziness and unwillingness to understand the numbers and be responsible for something. For some reason, we always forget a wonderful rule of life: the one who walks can master the road!

Hello! please help me figure it out. Our HOA has replaced the management company. The new Criminal Code charges us for hot water, referring to the methodology from Resolution P No. 354.. The payment for hot water supply in our receipts is divided into two parts: individual consumption and single consumption and consists of 2 lines: cold water supply and heating. There are no problems with the first line in individual consumption... there is the volume (according to the meter in the apartment) and the tariff... but they calculate heating (i.e. the number of Kcal for heating) based on the general house water consumption (according to the house meter) and calculate the share of my calories based on the volume of chemical waste according to my counter. Calories turn out to be 0.74 (for my 6 cubic meters) and the fee in the individual consumption line in the new receipts has doubled. The previous company calculated it more simply; they simply took my CW consumption on the meter and multiplied it by the approved standard for heating 1 cubic meter of water, 0.0615. and the difference between the general house consumption and the amount according to the residents’ meters was distributed in the ODN part in proportion to the area. In the new receipts, the basement with ONE is reset to zero... that is, as I understand it, the new company calculates everything for us together without separating general house needs and intra-apartment needs.. or am I wrong?
I reviewed Resolution 354.. and did not find a formula there by which hot water supply should be calculated in apartment buildings with centralized water supply (open circuit).. help me figure it out.. are the actions of the new Criminal Code legal? Thank you!

Hello, Natalia!

To begin with, as our President Vladimir Putin likes to say, “let’s separate the flies from the cutlets: the flies are separate, the cutlets are separate!”
In our case, the “cutlets” will be the hot water supply (DHW) scheme for your home, and the “flies” will be what the new Criminal Code considers and how. We will deal with the “flies” second.
First, we will deal with the “cutlets”:

Please specify:
At the beginning of the letter you write: “... The payment for hot water supply in our receipts... consists of 2 lines: HWA and heating...”.
As far as I know and understand the heat and power industry of housing and communal services, such a division of payments for hot water supply is used in a CLOSED heat supply system - in which two heat supply (heating) pipelines (direct and return) go from your quarterly boiler house (or from the combined heat and power plant), and the water for hot water supply is heated partly heating water in water heaters (boilers) located in each house (or group of houses).
Do you have a hot water boiler in your home?
Regarding the payment for hot water supply with a CLOSED heat supply system: regulatory and technical documents allow two methods of calculation and payment for hot water supply, depending on which method is more suitable for the specific conditions of the city, on the settlement system adopted in the city between house management companies, Teploenergo and Vodokanal, or which is more “liked” by the authorities and accountants.

the payment is taken under the item “hot water supply”, which includes the amount of payment for heat received from the boiler room and spent in the boiler to heat water, plus payment for cold water supplied by Vodokanal and then heated in the boiler and consumed by residents. Then this payment from all residents, received by the house management company, is divided by the accounting department between Teploenergo and Vodokanal according to the rules known to them.

The fee is taken on two counts:
- “hot water supply” is a payment for heat received from the boiler room and spent in the boiler to heat water. As a rule, this money goes directly to Teploenergo without any “shrinkage or waste” in the management company;
- “cold water for hot water supply” - payment for water supplied by Vodokanal and then heated in a boiler and consumed by residents. As a rule, this money goes directly to Vodokanal without any “shrinkage or waste” in the management company.

If a fee for “cold water for hot water supply” has appeared, then the fee for “hot water supply” should be reduced by the same amount.

However, at the end of the letter you write: “... I did not find in Resolution No. 354... a formula by which hot water supply should be calculated in apartment buildings with centralized hot water supply (open scheme)”
OPEN DHW system- this is a system where water for domestic hot water purposes is heated in a boiler room (CHP), flows through a separate pipeline and is then distributed to MKD water taps. In this case, the payment for hot water supply is determined in accordance with paragraphs 1 (for an apartment equipped with an individual meter) and 10, 13 (for one unit in a building with a common meter) of Appendix 2 “Calculation of the amount of payment for utility services” of Resolution No. 354.
What kind of hot water system is in your house - CLOSED or OPEN?

Natalia! Let's move on to the "flies".

Unfortunately, based on the figures and reasoning you presented, without having before your eyes (in your hands) the texts of your letter to the Criminal Code demanding to provide you with written explanations on the problem with calculating the payment for hot water supply and the corresponding responses from the Criminal Code, it is very difficult to give you an intelligible answer.
If you did not write such a letter, demand that the Criminal Code provide you with explanations on the basis of which documents the calculations were made, indicating their names, articles and items, including calculations using the forms of the corresponding items 1, 10, 13 (or others, according to who made the calculations?) Appendix 2 “Calculation of the amount of payment for utility services” of Resolution No. 354.

In your letter, refer to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, “Standard for disclosure of information by organizations operating in the field of management of apartment buildings” (approved by the Post. Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2010 No. 731), as well as to paragraph 31 of the “Rules for the provision of utilities services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011):
“...31. The performer is obliged:
...e) carry out DIRECTLY UPON THE CONSUMER'S APPLICATION, check the correctness of the calculation of the amount of utility fees presented to the consumer for payment, the consumer's debt or overpayment for utilities, ... and immediately, based on the results of the check, issue the consumer documents containing correctly calculated payments. Documents issued to the consumer at his request must be certified by the signature of the manager and the seal of the contractor.”

The course of our further considerations and actions will depend on your answers.
Good luck with paying for hot water!

answer from Kalnin Yuri

Uv. Yuri, hello! Thanks for your reply. There are no boilers in our house. Here in the entire Avtozavodsky district open system hot water supply. And in many companies, hot water supply is divided into two lines: cold water supply and heating. (my mother lives in the next block, 9th floor. MKD they have hot water supply in one line.. tariff 109./83 r\m3)
I found a site with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2012 No. 1149, which introduces tariffs for open and closed systems water supply.http://kongilfond.ru/?ELEMENT_ID=1391 .. and it is explained that with an open system, the tariff consists of two items HOV (coolant) and heating (heat energy)..
In addition, on the website of our heat and power company "Tevis" they posted tariffs for the 13th year http://www.tevis.ru/index.php/2010-10-20-13-56-47/2011-04-19-12 -44-47/-2013 they refer
to the order of the Ministry of the Samara Region No. 418 http://www.minenergo.samregion.ru/norm_base/prikaz_regulirovanae2013/prikaz_regulirovanae2012/5995/ paragraph 43 there talks about setting a tariff for Togliatti (open system) and there is an application with tariffs for coolant and heat energy . so it seems like you can’t dig in here...
What I am more outraged by in our receipts is the method of calculating the heating line (number of Kcal) in the individual part.
Yesterday I visited the chairman of the HOA. She explained to me that she herself refused the standard for heating 1 cubic meter of water, and agreed with the management company to calculate it based on actual consumption. that is, in our receipt for February
CW water consumption according to the general meter is 1081 m3...
total kcal 127
according to the individual meter in our apartment HOV - 6.3 m3
standard for chemical toxicants - 27.27 rub/m3
Calculation of Kcal (individual) is as follows:
127 / 1081 x 6.3 = 0.74 cal
respectively 0.74 x 1058.46 = 783.4..
plus 6.3 x 27.27 = 171.8
TOTAL for 6.3 m3 payment for the city. water 955 rub.
cube of water 151 rub.
I must say that we rent this apartment. No one is registered in it. Therefore, as the chairman of the HOA explained to me... in our ODN, if there is an overrun according to an item, then it is distributed proportionally to the area... and if the savings are proportional to the registered people... that is, we have zeros.
I told her about Resolution 354 that it was necessary to separately calculate an individual’s consumption and ODN.. I asked her to explain where such a calculation method was found.. She answered me that our house does not fit any method because we have communal meters for HOV and for heat energy... :-)
Today I want to ask her for a copy of the agreement with this management company and will write a letter to the management company (as you recommended to me).
I have a question: can they refuse me because I am not the owner of this apartment and am not registered there. Thank you.
Best regards, Natalia.

reply from Natalia

Hello, Natalia!

I understood this: Avtozavodskoy district is a district of Tolyatti?, since from the cities you mentioned. Samara and Togliatti The Avtozavodskoy district exists only in Togliatti.
Then we are fellow countrymen - in my youth I lived in Togliatti for about 15 years (in the 60s and 70s of the last century) and worked at the Togliatti Thermal Power Plant. My wife still goes to Togliatti twice a year to visit her sister and numerous relatives - just tomorrow she is going by bus to your city.

Let's move on from pleasant memories of youth to business.
To your last question: “...can they refuse me because I am not the owner of this apartment and am not registered there?” I will answer this way: if “they” do not want to get involved with the “annoying truth-seeker,” then they may well “fuck” you on a legal basis. But you do this - write letters on behalf of the owner of the apartment - of course, warning him about this.

I'm still looking into your numbers. For some reason I just can’t “get into” the “methodology” of the chairman of the board of your HOA. She's kind of clever. It would be nice to have before your eyes payment document(invoice receipt).

Please use in letters only generally accepted wording and abbreviations of technical values ​​used in laws and regulations on housing and communal services.
For example, CW in the energy sector is “chemically desalted water.” What do you mean? Cold water? If we are forced to use our own abbreviations to shorten the text, it is advisable to make an appropriate decoding (don’t be offended by the old grouch for “moralizing”!)

I will also get acquainted with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2012 No. 1149, mentioned by you, the tariffs of the Tevis heat and power company, the order of the Ministry of the Samara Region No. 418 and other documents of the housing and communal services of the city of Tolyatti.

I know the following document: “Methodological recommendations (MR) for the calculation and collection of payments from the population for housing and communal services” Gosstroy, LLC “Scientific Consulting Center for Housing and Communal Services” (“NCC Housing and Communal Services”) Moscow 2003, and in it clause 3.3 "Heating and hot water supply."
The content of the above-mentioned MRs, as well as your response, confirms my opinion that the procedure for calculating standards and tariffs in the regions, including (possibly) in the Samara region, is determined professional competence, intelligence (or stupidity), decency (or meanness), honesty (or greed) of the developers and approvers of these standards and tariffs, and often the degree of corruption and “merger in financial ecstasy” of the authorities, resource supply organizations and management companies. We hear and see a lot about this in the media.

Natalia! Do you consider it appropriate and convenient to continue the exchange of information and consultations on hot water supply (and on other housing and communal services issues) by email? addresses? If you kindly ask the administration of this site (E-mail [email protected]) give me your email. address, I will answer you and you will have my address - it will be more convenient than asking and answering questions about housing and communal services in Russia.
It will be possible to transfer files - for example, with housing and communal services receipts (to assess the correctness of the accrual), letters to housing and communal services and responses to them, texts of documents on housing and communal services, etc. I have a decent archive in the form of files - it’s more convenient to send them, there’s no need to “type” the text in the response on the site. If you need something, I’ll send you in the form of files - you’ll be tortured to open, save and read (or delete as unnecessary).

And I repeat my opinion once again - if you want to succeed, conduct all business communications with housing and communal services and the authorities in writing (or by e-mail).
Good luck to you!

answer from Kalnin Yuri

All utilities, without exception, are currently provided on a paid basis. The basis for paying the fee is the receipt.

Housing and communal services receipt- this is an official payment document that reflects information about the amount of debts of consumers for past billing periods to housing companies that provide utility services. Since different types of services can be provided by different companies, the consumer receives several receipts.

Explanation of abbreviations on the receipt

A utility bill uses many different terms and abbreviations, which are often not always clear to the average consumer. Let's look at them in more detail in the table:



This is how the receipt indicates the numbers of metering devices installed in the premises.

In this way, the housing and communal services receipt determines the total and living area of ​​the premises.
Living area refers to the sum of the areas of living rooms.
The total area of ​​all available premises is common.


The number of people officially registered is indicated,
and the actual number of residents.

Stands for “Department of Social Protection of the Population”.
You can contact this organization for questions about applying for subsidies.

total house area

It means the area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building as a whole.

General house needs.

Individual metering device, individual metering point.


A communal metering device, a collective metering point for an apartment building.

Common areas.

Receipts from the management company or HOA

The main calculation of the receipt is formed on the basis of data provided by consumers and service providers.

Each service in the housing and communal services receipt includes: name, actual and estimated cost, units of measurement. In accordance with this information, the consumer can independently check all accrued payments and meter readings. At the end of the receipt calculation table, the total amount to be paid is indicated, as well as the amount already paid in the current period.

If the apartment is equipped with a meter

then the charge for cold water supply is made according to the readings of the device. Similarly, hot water supply is calculated based on the meter readings.

Vsnab = Vv * Tariff,

Vsnab- the amount of payment for water supply indicated in the housing and communal services receipt;

- volume of water consumed according to meter readings;



According to the meter readings, 12 cubic meters were consumed in one month. m. cold water;

We get: 12*33.03=396.36 rub. - the amount to be paid for cold water supply, reflected in the housing and communal services receipt

If there is no counter

Payment must be made in accordance with approved standards for each person registered in the apartment.

Supply = number of people * Standard * Tariff

There are 2 people registered in the apartment;

The standard cold water consumption per person is 6.935 cubic meters

Approved tariff for cold water supply service for consumers in apartment building in Moscow is set at 33.03 rubles per 1 cubic meter.

We get: 2*6.935*33.03=458.13 rub. - the amount to be paid for cold water supply, reflected in the housing and communal services receipt.

You can read more about how housing and communal services tariffs are formed.

It is worth noting that drainage and water supply are completely different concepts. According to the majority of Russian citizens, payment for sewerage means payment only for sewerage, that is, exclusively for draining water. This is partly true, but in addition to water flow, it includes:

drainage of used water;

transportation to treatment facilities;


wastewater disposal.

The volume of consumed resources is calculated using individual metering devices. If there are none, the amount of resources is determined as the average consumption standards established by the local government.

To calculate sewerage, you need to multiply the amount of water that was received according to the meter readings in your apartment by the sewerage tariff. First we calculate for cold water, then for hot water. We add up the resulting values. Their sum will determine the amount of payment for sewerage in the receipt:

Votv=(Vхв * Tariff) + (Vgv * Tariff),

Vхв- volume of cold water consumed according to meter readings;

Vgv- volume of consumed hot water according to meter readings;/p>

Rate- the cost of a cubic meter of water, which is established by the local administration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


According to the meter readings, 7 cubic meters were consumed in one month. m. cold water and 4 cubic meters. m. hot;

The approved tariff for sewerage services for consumers in an apartment building in Moscow is set at 23.43 rubles per 1 cubic meter.

We get:(7*23.43) + (4*23.43) = 257.73 rub. the amount payable for sewerage reflected in the housing and communal services receipt.

If a meter is not installed, payment will be calculated based on water consumption standards. These indicators are approved annually and published on the official websites of the local administration. It is worth noting that the standard is not uniform for all regions.

IN multi-storey buildings There is a separate nuance in the calculation of water disposal: in this case, the calculation is made according to the indicator of the general building meter, and not for each apartment separately. If there is none, the management company makes calculations according to current standards and issues an invoice to the residents.

If a consumer wants to install a separate water meter in an apartment, he is obliged to notify his management organization about this. Then she must give the necessary permission, put a seal on the meter and recalculate the payment for water supply and sewerage. The recalculation amount will be reflected in the housing and communal services receipt.

Payment for heating in a house not equipped with a meter is made throughout the heating season. The amount of payment is affected by:

total area of ​​the apartment;

consumption standard;

established heating tariff.

If we multiply the established standard by the area of ​​the apartment, the result will be the amount of heat consumed per month. The resulting volume must be multiplied by the heating tariff, thereby obtaining the amount of payment for the past month. This amount is reflected in the housing and communal services receipt.

O = Standard * Sq * Tariff,

Sq- area of ​​the apartment;

Standard- heat consumption standard established by the local government;



The area of ​​the apartment is 50.3 sq.m.;

The standard for thermal energy consumption in the city of Balashikha is 0.016 Gcal/sq.m of total area.

We get: 50.3*1601.35*0.016=1288.77 rub. amount to pay for heating reflected in the housing and communal services receipt.

Calculation of payment for heating in the presence of a common building heat meter, where heat meters are not installed in the apartments, is made according to the formula:

O = V*(Sq/Sd)*Tariff,

V- the volume of consumed thermal energy according to the readings of the common house meter;

Sq- area of ​​the apartment;


Rate- housing and communal services tariff for heating, established by the local administration, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


The area of ​​the apartment is 62.1 sq.m.;

The total area of ​​the heated premises of the apartment building is 5000 sq.m.

The approved tariff for heating services for consumers in an apartment building in the city of Balashikha is set at 1,601.35 rubles per Gcal;

The readings on the collective meter were 72 Gcal.

We get: 72*(62.1/5000)*1601.35=1431.99 rub. amount to pay for heating reflected in the housing and communal services receipt.

Heating accrual in the case where a collective (common house) meter is installed in an apartment building, and the apartments have individual metering devices is calculated:

О = (Vkv + Vodn x (Skv / Sd))*Tariff,

Vkv- volume of consumed thermal energy according to indications individual device accounting;

Vodn- heat consumption for general house needs;

Sq- area of ​​the apartment;

SD- area of ​​an apartment building;

Rate- housing and communal services tariff for heating, established by the local administration, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


The area of ​​the apartment is 50 sq.m.;

The total area of ​​the heated premises of the apartment building is 8000 sq.m.

The approved tariff for heating services for consumers in an apartment building in the city of Balashikha is set at 1,601.35 rubles per Gcal;

The readings on the collective meter were 140 Gcal;

The amount of heat consumed by all apartments is 100 Gcal;

Indications for individual counter in the apartment 2 Gcal;

The cost of providing hot water supply is 15 Gcal.

We get:(2+(140-100-15)*50/8000)*1601.35 = 3452.91 rub. amount to pay for heating reflected in the housing and communal services receipt.

This definition includes a large number of Works to be performed by the housing company:

maintenance of structural elements of the building and in-house engineering equipment;

maintenance of in-house gas equipment;

cleaning and maintaining order of the local area;

provision of deratization and disinfestation services (control of rodents and insects);

landscaping of the yard and surrounding area;

tidying up common areas;

timely garbage removal;

electric lighting of common areas;

Some adjustments and additions may be made to this list of services, adopted by residents at a general meeting.


This line in the housing and communal services receipt refers to the maintenance of common property. It includes Maintenance:

indoor gas equipment;

structural elements of buildings;

engineering equipment.

Residents apartment buildings pay a fee for these services in proportion to the size of their share in the common property.

The city administration (or a decision of the general meeting of the HOA/HPU/HC/MC) sets the amount of fees for current repairs and maintenance of housing. To calculate the amount of payment for these services, multiply the tariff by the total area of ​​the apartment. This amount is included in the housing and communal services receipt.

Rate- tariff for maintenance and repair of housing, established by the local administration, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Sq- area of ​​the apartment.


The apartment is located in Moscow in an apartment building with all amenities, an elevator and a garbage chute. For such housing there is a maintenance tariff of 26.53 rubles.

The area of ​​the apartment is 60 sq.m.

We get: 26.53*60=1591.8 rub. the amount payable for maintenance and repairs reflected in the housing and communal services receipt.

Receipt for major repairs

If the homeowner does not make timely payments to the established accounts, then a penalty will be charged on the amount of the debt in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for each day of delay. You can learn more about the measures taken against debtors.

Receipt for gas supply

Payment for gas supply can be carried out both according to standards and in accordance with the readings of individual metering devices. Payment for gas depends on the number of people living in the apartment. An individual meter can also be supplied.

You may also be interested.

Having received a receipt for paying for a utility bill, many Russians look at it with bewilderment, trying to understand what is encrypted in the mysterious abbreviations, and for what services they need to shell out quite a lot of money.

Unfortunately, until now utility companies have not bothered to bring to a unified standard the receipts issued in different regions Russia. The content of these payment documents lies entirely within the imagination and administrative delight of local authorities.

Do housing and communal services have the right to come up with names for their services?

The list of services that must be paid for by residents of apartment buildings is clearly defined by Article 154 of the main industry document - the Housing Code. Homeowners and tenants are required to pay for housing maintenance and repairs. In addition, their responsibility includes payment for services:

— cold water supply (CWS), i.e. supplying cold water through the water supply to the tenant’s apartment;

— hot water supply (DHW), which consists of payment for water supply and heating;

- water disposal, i.e. ensuring the operation of the sewer collector, removing wastewater;

— gas supply;

It is unacceptable to change the names of these services, although some regional housing and communal services arbitrarily enter lines such as “ DHW heating", "DHW make-up" or "DHW and cold water disposal". It is not at all necessary for the consumer to know how much it costs to heat water; what is important to him is the final amount that is presented for payment.

Of course, in the case when a resident of a house wants to know about each utility service, the housing and communal services are obliged to provide him with all the information about what costs make up a particular utility tariff.

What abbreviations can be found on receipts?

Since utility services are in no hurry to bring payments to a single standard, it will not hurt payers to navigate the abbreviations that can encrypt certain components of utility payments.

HVS DPU– this is cold water supply (payment for cold water supply) according to the house meter, i.e. in accordance with the readings of the common house meter (if your house has one). If the meter is installed in your apartment, the receipt may indicate HVS KPU(apartment metering device).

DHW DPU- accordingly, hot water supply, calculated according to the house meter.

Drainage– sewerage services, which are called sewerage in bills.

Cold water for domestic hot water- this is how the intricate concept of cold water supply for hot water supply is denoted. According to the employees utility service, you must separately pay for the supply of cold water for heating, and on another line - the cost of heating this cold water. The cost of DHW is the sum of these lines

Heating basic pl.– this is how heating the main area of ​​your apartment is usually designated, i.e. the minimum that is due to residents registered in the apartment.

Heating izl. pl.– this is the cost of heating the excess space of your apartment. It usually costs more than heating the minimum square meters you are entitled to.

Opl. lived- This is payment for housing.

Contents and rem.– means paying for the maintenance and repairs of your apartment. This includes service engineering networks inside your home, their current repairs, renovation technical devices and residential building structures, as well as many other costs.

Lived izl. pl.– payment for housing based on excess space.

Now it will be easier for you to understand the contents of your utility bill. A separate topic is the formation of tariffs for which payments are calculated.

The most impressive frauds related to unjustified charging of payments are committed here. As a rule, only a specialist with experience in utility networks can assess how justified each figure in the utility tariff is.