Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko St. Express examination of sound pronunciation in children of preschool and primary school age. A manual for speech therapists. M. Gnome-Press. Express diagnostics for examining the speech of junior schoolchildren; methodological development for correction

The methodological development “Express diagnostics of children 4–5 years of age with problems with speech development” allows a speech therapist to identify children with problems in speech development, spending a minimum of time. A significant advantage of the subgroup form of examination is that it gives the speech therapist the opportunity to identify the zone of proximal development of each child, and therefore to more correctly staff subgroups of children for further classes.

Speech, as the most important means of human communication, is closely related to the formation of human mental functions. Numerous observations by researchers from different fields (medical, psychological, pedagogical) who studied the process of development of the psyche in ontogenesis have convincingly proven that various types of speech disorders are, to one degree or another, reflected in the dynamics of the child’s mental development. It has been established that speech disorders negatively affect the state of either the entire psyche or its individual parts.

It is known that in a number of cases, similar manifestations of the defect hide the different nature of deviations in speech development. This concerns, first of all, the most common disadvantage - impaired sound pronunciation (which primarily worries the parents and educators of such a child). Pronunciation anomalies can act as a relatively independent disorder or be a symptom of more severe deviations affecting the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the language, such as general speech underdevelopment (GSD). This, as a rule, adversely affects the development of the child as a whole.

Even mild defects in phonemic development create serious obstacles to the successful assimilation of the program of a preschool educational institution (PED). It is not enough for a speech therapist to know the signs of a particular defect. Of particular importance is the ability to determine which aspects of the psyche will be affected by disorders, especially during the period when all components of language are formed and developed in children - vocabulary, grammatical structure, ideas about the sound composition of a word. The earlier the correction of speech disorders in a child begins, the higher its effectiveness in terms of eliminating the actual speech deficiencies. Therefore, speech therapists at mass preschool institutions have to pay special attention to children 4–5 years old.

According to the regulations on speech therapy groups in mass kindergartens, a speech therapist first gets acquainted with children who have one or another speech pathology during an examination of the middle group and thus determines which of them needs speech therapy help.

Identification of children with problems in speech development is carried out in two stages. The first is a mass examination in a normal setting, the second is a more in-depth examination in a speech therapy room when children enter a speech therapy group.

Unfortunately, primary mass examination in most cases is carried out using high-speed methods: at the rate of 10–15 minutes per child. In practice, the speech therapist has one or two minutes at his disposal to get to know the child, enter into contact with him and determine whether he has one or another speech defect.

Hence, in speech therapy practice, when referred to PMPK, diagnostic errors often occur, since a speech therapy examination is reduced only to the statement of one or another defect and cannot record the state of all speech activity and the level of formation of all language means (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure).

Even at the second stage, many speech therapists use only an individual form of examination of children’s oral speech in a speech therapy room. But practice shows that this is ineffective.

Firstly, it is not always possible to quickly establish contact with the child and, therefore, obtain a complete and accurate picture of his speech disorders.

In addition, when conducting an individual examination in the form of a dialogue (question-answer), the speech therapist receives monosyllabic answers, which also does not allow identifying the degree of speech disorders.

Secondly, this form of examination requires considerable time. By recording the child’s answers in detail, the speech therapist loses the thread of direct contact with him. The child is distracted, his attention is scattered, he quickly gets tired, and the speech therapist has to spend additional time mobilizing him for further work or interrupt the examination.

It is the large number of children and the variety of speech disorders they have (in phonetic-phonemic development, vocabulary, grammatical structure) that do not allow the teacher-speech therapist to deeply and thoroughly study all the children admitted to the speech therapy group in the time allotted for the examination. Therefore, he either does not meet the prescribed deadlines or conducts it formally, which inevitably affects the quality of speech therapy work, since it is the examination of children’s oral speech that is the determining stage for further educational and correctional activities.

You can avoid such problems and significantly improve the result if you apply the following methods.

1. Selection of speech and picture material in such a way that when performing one task it is possible to diagnose children using several speech parameters at once.

2. Changing the form of secondary diagnostics of children: instead of an individual long-term examination in the office, an examination in the form of a subgroup lesson. It will allow you to create natural speech situations so that children feel relaxed and free. Then the child’s answers will maximally reflect the state of his spontaneous speech, which cannot be achieved if he is alone with a speech therapist. The tasks offered during the examination make it possible to repeatedly return to certain lexical and grammatical forms, elements of sound analysis, synthesis, to more deeply and more accurately identify and study speech disorders that children have. In addition, a frontal examination allows you to objectively characterize the child’s personal qualities: performance, memory, attention, the ability to switch from one type of activity to another and work independently, the degree of logical and imaginative thinking.

A significant advantage of the subgroup form of examination is that it gives the speech therapist the opportunity to identify the zone of proximal development of each child, and therefore to more correctly staff subgroups of children for further classes.

3. Establishing, during the examination, the level of development of the child’s linguistic means (which will make it possible to find out whether the defect covers the main components of his speech system - the sound and lexico-grammatical structure of the language) and the severity of the identified violations.

The method of express assessment of the state of speech development of children admitted to the speech therapy group has been developed from 1999 to the present at the kindergarten No. 85 in Saransk. Its use makes it possible to effectively and efficiently diagnose speech disorders, meet the appropriate deadlines (from September 1 to 15), distribute children into subgroups and select the necessary corrective intervention method.

Express diagnostics includes two stages.

First stage.

A speech therapist gets acquainted with the conditions of raising a child, his physical and mental characteristics, starting from the prenatal period, in order to get an idea of ​​the reasons for the appearance of a particular speech defect. Such a large amount of information can be obtained by surveying parents. Questionnaires are distributed at the first parent meeting in September. They contain questions about how the pregnancy proceeded, how the birth went, what kind of pregnancy the child was from, what diseases he suffered from in early childhood, whether there were injuries, whether speech development was interrupted, whether it was observed by specialists, whether there is bilingualism in the family, Do close relatives (have) speech difficulties, which worries parents about the child’s speech at the present time?

Second phase.

3–4 people from the group are invited to examine children’s speech, conducted in the form of a subgroup lesson. Of great importance for conducting the examination are a relaxed atmosphere, an interesting and unusual presentation of material, encouraging children to engage in active speech activity and complete tasks willingly. The tables in the office are arranged in such a way that the children see each other, feel more relaxed, and can freely communicate with the speech therapist and with each other. The examination itself is carried out in the form of a lesson, which includes many games and play techniques in which all children are involved. Specially selected subject and subject pictures, board games, and toys are used as visual material. Vocabulary material should be varied; this will allow children to avoid repeating the same words, expressions and phrases and will most fully reveal the individual characteristics of speech development, their perseverance, performance, memory, attention, and ability to switch from one type of activity to another.

A change of tasks, a variety of proposed questions and types of work do not tire children, they maintain their interest, activity, and desire to speak throughout the lesson. The data obtained as a result of express diagnostics is entered into the speech and diagnostic cards of each child.

The use of express assessment allows, from the first days of children’s admission to the group, to diagnose the presence of one or another speech pathology and timely determine the fundamental directions of corrective intervention.

Topic: “Express – examination of middle group children
(4 – 5 years old) with speech development problems.”


  • Identification of children with disorders of sound pronunciation and lexico-grammatical underdevelopment.


  • Toy: Parrot Parrot
  • Colored chips (primary colors, except brown) - for each child;
  • cut-out pictures (for each child);
  • cards with geometric shapes (for each child);
  • game “Developmental material 4th extra” (for each child);
  • Game "Classification".
  • Subject pictures from the manual by T.B. Filicheva - “big - small”. “baby animals” (for each child).
  • Scene picture from Tkachenko’s manual “syllable structure of a word”
  • Inshakova's album for examining sound pronunciation



  • Knowing your first and last name;
  • Who did you come to kindergarten with?
  • Knowledge of family composition.

2) Study of visual perception:

  • Show colors (red, yellow, blue, green, white, black) (show - name)
  • Perception of shape (circle, square, oval, triangle).

3) Folding an object picture from parts of a cut picture

  • From 2 parts;
  • From 4 parts.


(basic operations of thinking: analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization).

1) Game “4th odd”;


1) Generalization:

  • Vegetables fruits
  • Toys
  • Dishes
  • Clothes, shoes
  • Furniture

2) Predicative dictionary (verb dictionary):

  • What is the boy doing? (eating)
  • What is the girl doing? (sleeping)
  • What are the children doing? (play)
  • What is the bird doing? (flies)
  • What are the fish doing? (swim)
  • What do machines do? (are going)

3) Agreement of adjectives with singular nouns (name from pictures):

  • Red ball
  • Blue ball.
  • Yellow bucket

4) Use of prepositional - case constructions

(answer questions based on the pictures)

  • Where is the vase? (on the table)
  • Where are the fruits? In the basket)
  • Where does the butterfly fly? (above the flower)
  • Where did the mouse hide? (under the fungus)


1) The use of nouns with diminutive - affectionate suffixes (name from the pictures)

  • Jug - jug
  • Glass - glass
  • Star - asterisk
  • Flower - flower
  • Chair - high chair
  • Hat - cap

2) Formation of the plural of nouns

  • Castle – locks
  • Hats - hats
  • Reel - reels
  • Spider - spiders
  • Candy - candy
  • Horse - horses
  • Caterpillar - caterpillars
  • Chick - chicks

3) Formation of names of baby animals

  • The cat has a kitten
  • The fox has a little fox
  • The bear has
  • The goat has
  • The wolf has
  • In a dog -
  • The hedgehog has

4) Prepositional – case constructions.

Question: Where is it? Where is it?


(account and accounting operations)

  • Count the objects in each circle and name the final number;
  • Show a circle with the same number of objects.


1) Isolated words:

  • back
  • jar
  • candy wrapper
  • path

2) Name it yourself or repeat after an adult:

  • motorcyclist
  • cyclist
  • crossroads
  • truck
  • traffic light
  • bus stop


Speech therapist: — Petrusha the parrot came to visit us.

1) Listen carefully to what the talking parrot Parsley says, and repeat after him:

  • pa-ba
  • ta - yes - ta
  • ha-ka-ha
  • ma – me
  • us - neither - us
  • vi - you - vi
  • fluff – fur – moss
  • cat - whale - current
  • house - ladies - smoke
  • tank - bull - side


Words are selected based on the sounds: S, Z, C, S', Z', T', D', Sh, Zh, Shch, Ch, R, R', L, L', Y

L.: - Well done, children. You answered well. Parrot Parrot is very pleased with your answers.


  • Volkova G.A. Methods for examining speech disorders in children. St. Petersburg, 1993.
  • Filicheva T.B. , Cheveleva N.A. Speech therapy work in a special kindergarten. M.: Education, 1987.
  • Diagnosis of speech disorders in children and organization of speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution:
  • SPb.: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2000. - (RGPU named after A.I. Herzen).
  • Inshakova O.B. Album for a speech therapist. M.: VLADOS, 1998.

1) Nadorova Irina Aleksandrovna,

2) Kevbrina Lidia Ivanovna,
teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification categories,
MDOU "Kindergarten No. 85 combined type",

Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V.

Express examination of sound pronunciation in children

preschool and primary school age.

A manual for speech therapists. - M.: “Gnome-Press”, 2000., color insert.
The manual is intended for rapid mass examination of sound pronunciation in children of preschool and primary school age in order to identify those in need of speech therapy help.

So - so - so - the wasp drinks juice, The pussy is full - the bowl is empty.

Su - su - su - we see a wasp,

Sy - sy - sy - there is no wasp in the garden.
S" 1. S"-S-S"-S"-S"-S"

2. sya - syo - syu - si

as - ax - ax - ax

stya - styo - styu - stya

ast - ost - ust - ist




I wash my face



I'm afraid

sit down






4. Vasya is herding geese. Vasya walks barefoot.
5. Don't be afraid - it's a goose.

I'm afraid of him myself.
Fidget Vasenka Has a mustache,

Doesn't sit still. There is gray hair on my mustache.

Fidget Vasenka Vasenka's tail is arched

Everywhere with us. And a stain on the back.
Z 1. Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z

2 . for - zo - zu - zy

zda - zdo - zdu - zdy
3 . Plant, mosaic, mimosa, language, alphabet, banner.
4 . Zoya has a mimosa.

Zoya puts a mimosa in a vase.
5. Zoya is the bunny's mistress,

The bunny is sleeping in Zoya's basin.
For - for - for - Zoya has a goat, Bunny does not sleep,

zo - zo - zo - Zoya has an umbrella, Zoya is calling.

zu - zu - zu - Zoya herds the goat, Bunny has a goat

zu - zu - zu - the bunny and Zoya are grazing the goat, and won’t let you sleep.

for - for - for - a goat runs away from Zoya, Take the goat,

zo - zo - zo - Zoya is chasing the goat, Lock the goat -

zy - zy - zy - Zoya has goats for years, and my little bunny

PS - PS - PS - the bunny doesn't have a goat. He will fall asleep in the basin.

Z" 1. Z"-Z"-Z"-Z"-Z"-Z"

2 . zy - ze - zy - zi

I know - I know - I know - I know

life - life - life - life
3 . Zina, museum, raisins, nails, cloves.
4. In winter, Zina's nose gets cold.

Kuzya goes to the museum.
5. Ze-ze-ze - Kuzya rides a goat,

Zya - zya - zya - you can’t ride a goat!

In the green, green, green forest

I carry a green strawberry leaf,

Green music sounds somewhere,

Green grasshopper in green foliage

He sings a green song to me.
Ts 1. Ts-Ts-Ts-Ts-Ts

2. ats - ots - uts - yts

tsa - tso - tsu - tsy

tsma - tsmu - tsmo - tsmy

atsm - otsm - utsm - ytsm
3. singer chain egg

gypsy dance acacia

father sheep flower

fighter, smart girl, gem flower
4. A hare sits under an acacia bush.

Flowers are blooming in the steppe.

Hissing sounds Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch

Ш 1. Ш-Ш-Ш-Ш-Ш-Ш

2. sha - sho - shu - shi

ash - osh - ush - ysh

shko - shko - shku - shky

ashk - oshk - ushk - yshk


a cap



a gun









fur coat





Masha, eat millet porridge.

Pasha is sewing a hat.


Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake our cat.

Masha in the shower

washes neck and ears.
The cat is sewing a hat in the window,

A mouse in boots sweeps the hut.
The mouse whispers to the little mouse:

You keep making noise, making noise!

The little mouse whispers to the mouse:

I'll be quieter.
cuckoo cuckoo

Sews a new hood

Put on your hood, little cuckoo!

How funny you are in the hood!
F 1. F-F-F-F-F-F

2. zha - zhu - zhu - zhi

waiting - waiting - waiting - waiting
3. harvest pajamas

live dinner

leather wait

snake clothes
4. A beetle buzzes on a jasmine branch.

Zhenya lives on the sixth floor.
5. Rain, rain, no rain,

Rain, rain, wait.

Let me get home

To the gray-haired grandfather,

The beetle buzzes: “Zhu-zhu-zhu!

I live, I don’t worry.

I'm sitting on a branch

And I buzz, I buzz, I buzz!”
Ch 1. Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch

2. ach - och - uch - ich


chnya - chne - chnyu - chny

achn - very - uchn - ychn

4. Tanya is swinging on a swing.

The girl bakes cookies.
5. There goes the bull, swinging, Cha-cha-cha - there is a candle on the table,

He sighs as he walks: wow, wow, the sun is shining in the sky,

Oh, the board ends, choo-choo-choo - I'm knocking, knocking, knocking,

Now I'm going to fall! chi-chi-chi - we sat on the stove.
SCH1. Sh-sch-sch-sch-sch-sch

2. sch - sch - sch - sch

scha - schu - schu - cabbage soup
3. Thing, vegetable, shield, cheeks, tongs, things
4. The puppy squeaks in the gorge.

Children are looking for a puppy.

The puppy nibbles the brush.
5. I drag the pike, I drag it,

They pinch the brush in the corner.
Don't look for us, mom:

We pinch the sorrel for cabbage soup.

Sonoras R, R", L, L"

R1. R-R-R-R-R-R

2. ra - ro - ru - ry

ar - or - ur - yr

tra - tro - tru - tra

atr - neg - morning - ytr






















4. Tamara and I go as a couple,

Tamara and I are orderlies.
A mole snuck into our yard,

Digging the ground at the gate.

A ton of earth will enter the mouth,

If the mole opens his mouth.
R" 1. R"-R"-R"-R"-R"-R

2. rya - re - ryu - ri

ar - or - ur - yr

Quack - Cree - Cree - Cree

acre - okr - ukr - ykr


















4. Rita is cooking rice.

Borya is repairing the receiver.
5. My sister Marina's. Open the calendar:

Cheeks like tangerines, January begins.

And sister Marina herself In January, in January

A little more tangerine. There is a lot of snow in the yard.
Thirty-three cars in a row

They chatter and chatter.
L 1. L-L-L-L-L-L

2. al - ol - st - yl

la - lo - lu - ly


akl - okl - ukl - ykl







pencil case















4. Mila was washing the floor in the classroom.

Alla was eating an apple.


White snow,

- White hare,

White chalk,

White hare,

White hare

Where are you going

Also white

Did you run after the bast?

Here's a squirrel

White hare

Not white.


White squirrel

- I didn't run

Was not.

I was galloping.

L" 1. L"-L"-L"-L"-L"-L"

2. la - le - lyu - li

al - ol - ul - il

for - for - for - for

adl - odl - udl - idl
3. Lena Kalina moth coat shoe

linden knee dust palm pancakes

ice blizzard coal dolphin maple

people salute shawl bulldog beak
4. Lena has a green ribbon.

Luda waters tulips from a watering can.
5. A blizzard is blowing in the forest,

Spreads like white snow, "

And we put on felt boots -

We are not afraid of blizzards.

Phonemic hearing

1 . Distinguishing phrases, words, syllables by ear (using a noise signal: clapping, bell, rattle, etc.)
a) Goats are grazing in the meadow.

Sonya has long braids.

Roses bloomed in the flowerbed.

Early dew fell on the grass.
b) barge - beam

beam - stick

beam - bun
c) pa - ba ba - pa

shi - zhi zhi - shi

zy - sy sy - shi
2. Isolating sound by ear from a sound, syllabic series and a series of words

a) a a, o, y, s, a, i, a, s, y

b) p pa, ba, py, po, bu, ap, zbo

c) b bow, field, booth, Panama, banana, house

3. Distinguishing correctly and incorrectly pronounced words by a speech therapist

sledge, suba, hat, fur coat, shanki, sanka, sarik, etc.

Picture material (color insert)

Increasing the efficiency and quality of education for students in general education schools requires timely identification, prevention and elimination of oral and written speech deficiencies that some of them have.

The purpose of this technique is to identify the characteristics of the child’s oral and written speech, the nature of speech disorders, and give recommendations and a development prognosis.



Methodological development



Compiled by: speech therapist teacher

Bazhanova Marina Vitalievna

Explanatory note for the examination of the speech of children in grades 1–4

Increasing the efficiency and quality of education for students in general education schools requires timely identification, prevention and elimination of oral and written speech deficiencies that some of them have.

Target carrying out this technique is to identify the characteristics of the child’s oral and written speech, the nature of speech disorders, and give recommendations and a development prognosis.

During the examination process, it is necessary to maintain a positive attitude in contact with the child. Any comments or assessments from the speech therapist addressed not only to parents, but also to colleagues are strictly prohibited.

The examination of the level of speech development is carried out according to the following parameters:

  • state of the articulatory apparatus and sound pronunciation
  • state of vocabulary
  • state of grammatical structure of speech
  • state of coherent speech
  • formation of phonemic processes
  • formation of written speech.

The analysis of oral speech disorders should be considered from the standpoint of the systemic structure of speech activity and taking into account the principle of development

Establishing the level of formation of language means during the examination allows us to determine:

A) is the speech defect limited only to unformed pronunciation;

B) does it apply to the entire sound side of speech (sound pronunciation and phonemic processes);

C) whether the defect covers the main components of the speech system (sound aspect of speech and lexical-grammatical structure).

Comparing the nature of pronunciation defects with the level of development of phonemic processes, vocabulary, and grammatical structure makes it possible to clarify the role of pronunciation defects in the overall picture of oral speech disorders. Thus, if pronunciation deficiencies manifest themselves only in the form of distorted pronunciation of individual (or several) sounds, then in the overwhelming majority of cases this indicates an isolated phonetic defect. This means that by school age this child, for a number of reasons, has not had time to adapt his articulatory structure to the pronunciation of certain sounds in the phonetic system of the language of which he is a native speaker. The formation of phonemic processes is not delayed; on their basis, spontaneous prerequisites for mastering the analysis and synthesis of sound composition develop in a timely manner. Subsequently, the child freely masters writing and reading and fully assimilates the educational program as a whole.

A different approach should be taken to diagnosing pronunciation deficiencies in cases where they manifest themselves primarily in the form of mixing and substitution of various oppositional sounds (according to acoustic and articulatory characteristics). Since this type of pronunciation disorder is an indicator of underdevelopment of phonemic processes, the level of their development must be identified in children. Such children slowly and with certain problems develop spontaneous prerequisites for the analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of a word, which seriously complicates learning to read and write, and then their native language as a whole.

The writing process is normally carried out on the basis of a sufficient level of formation of certain speech and non-speech functions: auditory differentiation of sounds, their correct pronunciation, linguistic analysis and synthesis, formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations. The lack of development of any of these functions can cause a disruption in the process of mastering writing, dysgraphia.

Dysgraphia (writing impairment) makes up a significant percentage of other speech disorders found among students in public schools. It is a serious obstacle to students’ mastery of literacy at the initial stages of education, and at later stages to mastering the grammar of their native language. During the examination, it is imperative to take into account not only what the child does not yet know, but also the capabilities available to him.

Some teachers consider dysgraphic errors to be ridiculous, caused by the personal qualities of students: inability to listen to the teacher’s explanation, inattention when writing, careless attitude to work, etc. In fact, such errors are based on more serious reasons: the immaturity of the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical aspects of speech. Thus, omissions of vowels and consonants - “trava”, “tawa” instead of grass; rearrangement of letters in a word - “tko” instead of who; “onko” instead of window; rearrangements and deletion of syllables - “kokrodil”, “krodil” instead of krokodil; the appearance of extra letters or syllables in a word - “tarawa” instead of grass, “mototsikil”, “mototsikil” instead of motorcycle; underwriting of letters or syllables in a word - “o” - instead of he, “krasny” instead of red, “mnogi” instead of many, etc. are caused by the immaturity of phonemic perception and the associated analysis and synthesis of words.

The immaturity of phonemic hearing leads to the fact that students do not distinguish phonemes of their native language. In writing, this is expressed in the form of mixing and replacing letters, for example: “ozhik” instead of hedgehog, “troupochka” instead of a tube, “korky” instead of bitter, “shishki” instead of drying, “saplya” instead of heron, “pyaynik” instead of teapot and etc., as well as the inability to correctly apply certain grammatical rules when writing. Thus, some students do not feel a stressed vowel and therefore find it difficult to identify an unstressed vowel and select a test word, and make mistakes in selecting a test word for deafening consonants. Even having chosen the correct test word, the child makes a mistake: “pillars” instead of pillars, “young girl” instead of skirt. Knowing the rules doesn't help them. There are many errors in writing prepositions, prefixes and conjunctions.

A delay in the development of the lexico-grammatical aspect of speech leads to agrammatism. In writing, this is expressed in the form of incorrect coordination and control of various parts of speech. Students do not know how to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case and nouns with numerals in number, for example: I don’t have red dresses, five porcini mushrooms; They incorrectly choose the case forms of nouns in verb + noun phrases, for example: let's go from the basket, go sledding. Children do not feel the intonation and semantic legitimacy of a sentence, therefore they cannot correctly indicate the boundary of a sentence in writing; as a result, they do not correctly use a period at the end of a sentence and write a capital letter at the beginning.

Poor vocabulary, the inability to express one’s thoughts in the form of a common sentence, and a lack of understanding of cause-and-effect relationships lead to the fact that students at later stages of education do not know how to write summaries and essays.

One of the main tasks of a speech therapist is to correctly determine the reasons underlying the writing disorder, since the methods and duration of correctional work depend on this.

All identified errors in the letter must be carefully analyzed.

It is also necessary to separate true dysgraphia from incorrect writing, caused by a number of reasons, but not due to speech underdevelopment. These reasons include the following: insufficient mastery of the Russian language school curriculum, pedagogical neglect, and the influence of bilingualism.

It is necessary to study errors in various types of written work: copying, dictation, creative work.

Until now, there is no common understanding at what age or at what stage of schooling, as well as at what degree of manifestation of the disorder, dysgraphia can be diagnosed in a child. Therefore, the separation of the concepts of “difficulties in mastering writing” and “dysgraphia” is understood as a persistent violation in a child of the process of implementing writing at the stage of schooling, when mastery of the “technique” of writing is considered complete, is more correct.

Essential for the diagnosis of dysgraphia is its differentiation from the perspective of the development of the defect, proposed by S.F. Ivanenko (1984). The author identified the following four groups of writing impairments, taking into account the age of the children, the stage of literacy learning, the severity of the impairments and the specifics of their manifestations

1. Difficulties in mastering writing.

Indicators: unclear knowledge of the letters of the alphabet; difficulties in translating sounds into letters and

On the contrary, when translating a printed grapheme into a written one; sound-letter difficulties

Analysis and synthesis; reading individual syllables with clearly acquired printed characters;

Writing from dictation of individual letters. Diagnosed in the first half of the first year

Years of study.

2. Disturbances in the formation of the writing process.

Indicators: mixing written and printed letters according to various characteristics;

Difficulties in retaining and reproducing semantic letter sequences; difficulties

When merging letters into syllables and merging syllables into a word; copying in writing

Printed text is already being implemented, but independent writing is at the stage

Formations. Typical mistakes in writing: writing words without vowels, merging

Several words or their splitting. Diagnosed in the second half of the year

First and early second year of study.


Indicators : persistent errors of the same or different types. Diagnosed in the second

Half a year of the second year of study.


Indicators : inability to apply school spelling rules in writing

According to the school curriculum for the corresponding period of study; a large number of

Spelling errors in written work. Diagnosed in the third year


The examination is carried out individually, in a traditional form, taking into account program requirements.

The duration of the diagnosis is 20 – 30 minutes. The survey data is entered into a conclusion form, to which samples of written work are attached.

Speech therapy examination of oral and written speech

younger schoolchildren.

(grades 1 – 4)

1.Anatomical structure of the articulatory apparatus.

Note the presence and nature of anomalies in the structure.

Lips (thick, thin, cleft, scars)

Teeth (sparse, crooked, small, outside the jaw arch, missing teeth).

Bite (prognathia, progenia, open lateral, open anterior)

Hard palate (high narrow, flat, cleft, short)

Tongue (massive, small, with shortened hyoid ligament)

Deviations in the structure of the articulatory apparatus are detected visually, i.e. a speech therapist examines parts of the articulatory apparatus outside and inside.

II. Speech motor skills.

Condition of facial muscles.


  • Raise your eyebrows (“surprise”)
  • Puff up your cheeks (“fat boy”)
  • Pull in your cheeks (“skinny”)

State of articulatory motility(performing movements by imitation)

Lips – “smile”, “tube”.

Tongue – wide, narrow, up – down, “pendulum”

Mark the following movement parameters:

Presence or absence of movements;

Tone (normal tension, lethargy, excessive tension).

Volume of movement (full, incomplete)

The ability to switch from one movement to another.

Movement substitutions

Additional and extra movements (syncenesis)

Presence of tremor, hypersalivation, deviations of the tip of the tongue.

Smoothness of non-speech and speech breathing, duration of speech exhalation.

Volume (normal, quiet, excessively loud)

Presence or absence of nasal tint

Gloss modulation (presence or absence of monotony)

IV. Features of the dynamic side of speech (in the presence of phrasal speech).

Tempo (normal, fast, slow)

Correct use of pauses.

Use of basic types of intonation (narrative, interrogative, incentive)

V. The state of sound pronunciation and syllabic structure of the word.

1. Determine the nature of the violation of the pronunciation of speech sounds: absence, replacement, confusion, deduction, articulation.

Examination technique:The child is asked to repeat words and phrases in response to the speech therapist.

An approximate list of words, phrases and sentences:

K – X: refrigerator, kitchen, hamster. Katya is in the kitchen.

L' – J: Ilya and Yulia are walking along the alley. Swans fly south. Julia waters the lily from a watering can.

S – W: Sasha has six pieces of glass. Sasha is walking along the highway. The driver stepped off the step.

The sun is on the window. Sasha dries the dryers.

Z – F: I'll spin, I deserve it, I'll tremble. Zoya has a yellow umbrella. Iron shovel. A useful animal.

S - S’ – H: Sonechka, net, part, bag, learning, spinning, swinging.

The mast swayed. Sonechka has sunflower seeds.

T’ – Ch: teacher, bird, first aid kit, leaking, silent, screaming.

H – C: student, teacher, swinging, turns out, chicken, hospital, ends.

Ch – Sh: thicket, cleaner, brush, watchmaker, student, bored, cheeks.

S – C: spoke, tit, ladder, stage, sugar bowl, caterpillar.

Ш – С: laughing, mustache, tail, sowing.

L – R: Lara, piano, ballerina, talkative, juggler, won, marmalade, mirror, folding bed.

R - R’: Roma paints the frame with paint. Rita is cooking rice.

It is recorded how correctly the child pronounces sounds.

2. Examination of the syllabic structure of the word.

Examination technique: The child is asked to repeat the following words after the speech therapist:

bear apricots aquarium

door avenue demonstration

tram tablecloth intersection

camel swallow TV

sugar bowl brushwood traffic controller

VI. Vocabulary research.

Active Dictionary

Target : identifying the volume of the active vocabulary.

1. Subject dictionary.

A) Naming objects from pictures: “What is this?”;(pages 11 - 12)

Suggested material:

Cabbage, notebook, vegetables, pen, radish, book,ladle, saucer, glass, teapot, plate, pencil, ruler, bed, zucchini, plant.

Service, window sill, frame, window, elbow, glass, eyelashes, knee, eyebrows.

B) Say in one word:

Plane, bus, tram...

Raspberries, blueberries, cranberries...

Autumn winter spring Summer…

Artist, doctor, pilot...

C) Choose a suitable noun for these adjectives and verbs:

Dry... shining...

Narrow... writes...

Wet... send...

Joyful... crawling...

Straight... jumping...

Clever... bows...

2. Verb dictionary:

A) “Who does what?”

Door... postman...

Lightning... hairdresser...

Wind... seamstress...

Leaves... pilot...

Rain... cook...

Brook... artist...

B) “Who is screaming?”

Cat... chicken...

Cow... goose...

Dog... crow...

Horse... mosquito...

The level of vocabulary development is recorded.

3. “Say the opposite”

Exercise : Complete the sentences:

1 – 2 grade 3 – 4 grade

Plasticine is soft, but stone... Plasticine is soft, and stone...

The coal is black, and the snow... The pillow is soft, and the board...

Tanya draws well, and Zina... The porridge is boiled thick or...

The sofa is soft, and the bench... The forest can be dense or...

Volodya is polite, and Sasha... The strawberries are small, and the club

The findings note the child’s ability to select words with opposite meanings.

VII. The state of the grammatical structure of speech.

Target : study of the possibility of distinguishing meaning based on the grammatical meanings of words.

1. Word change.

a) the use of nouns in the nominative case singular and plural:

“One is a table, and if there are many, then we will say that they are tables.”

Suggested material:

Table - ...tables chair - ...chairs

Ear - ... ears tree - ... trees

Sleeve - ...sleeve window - ...window

Mouth - ...mouths forehead - ...foreheads

Eye - ...eyes lion - ...lions

Leaf - ...leaves stump - ...stumps

b) Use of the genitive plural form of nouns.

"Many things?"

House - ...houses kitten - ...kittens

Doll - ... dolls pine - ... pine

Beetle - ... beetle stump - ... stump

Tree - ...trees envelope - ...envelopes

Key - ...keys bucket - ...buckets

2. Word formation.

a) Formation of nouns with a diminutive - affectionate suffix.

"Say kindly"

Spoon - ...spoon apple tree - ...apple tree

Carpet - ...mat sheet - ...leaf

Bed - ...crib, crib sparrow - ...sparrow

Bucket - ...bucket, bucket blanket - ...blanket

b) ● Formation of relative adjectives from nouns.

“What is it made of?”

Down pillow – down pillow

A lump of snow -...

Plum juice -...

Carrot juice -...

Silk dress -…

Wool mittens -…

Formation of possessive adjectives from nouns. "Whose? Whose? Whose?"

Mom's bag - mom's bag

Grandma's jacket - ...grandmother's jacket

Cow's head - ...cow's head

Fox hole - ...fox hole

Hare's tail - ...hare's tail

Dog hair - ...dog hair

Cat whiskers - ...cat whiskers

Bird's beak - ...bird's beak

The findings differ in the presence and nature of agrammatisms.

3. Understanding of logical-grammatical structures.

Answer the questions:

  • Masha is older than Yulia, which of the girls is younger?
  • Olya is lighter than Katya, which of the girls is darker?
  • The dishes were washed by mother's daughter. Who washed the dishes?
  • The boy is saved by the girl. Who saved whom?
  • Mom is wearing her daughter's sweater. Who's left without a sweater?
  • The guys went into the forest as soon as the rain stopped. Were they in the forest before or after the rain?

The accessibility of understanding such constructions is analyzed.

VIII. State of coherent speech.

It is proposed to compose a story based on a series of pictures united by a single plot.

Target: identifying the possibilities of compiling a coherent story from a series of pictures united by a single plot, and establishing connections between the events reflected in these pictures.

Examination technique: In front of the child, plot pictures are laid out mixed together, they are asked to look at them, put them in order and make up a story.

Equipment: a series of pictures with a sequential development of the plot.

1st grade – “Morning of a girl” (p. 14) 2nd grade – “Fire"; (page 16)

3rd - 4th grades – “Snowman”, “Corn”;(pp. 15-16)

In the conclusions, note the understanding of a complex line, the coherence and meaningfulness of composing a story, the possibility of choosing a name for a given plot, the presence and nature of agrammatisms, the level of development of coherent speech.

IX. State of phonemic processes(phonemic hearing, analysis, synthesis).

1. Phonemic hearing.

Target: testing auditory perception and the ability to reproduce syllable series in a given sequence.

Examination technique: The child is asked to repeat the following syllable series:



Sa - sha - for - zha

Sa-za-tsa - for

The completion of the task is recorded in accordance with the instructions.

2. Language analysis, synthesis;(p.13)

Target : checking the level of development of phonemic hearing and the ability to perform sound analysis of a word.

a) phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Name the word based on the first sounds of the pictures

ship, window, hare, orange: [k] + [a] + [z] + [a]

snowman, bus, scissors, whale, needle: [ s ] + [ a ] ​​+ [ n ] + [ k ] + [ and ].

  • Name the last sound in the words:

poppy, pencil, finger

  • Name the 2nd sound in words:

stork, house, hand.

B) syllable analysis, synthesis.

  • Determine the number of syllables in words:

elephant, wall, hammer.

C) analysis of the composition of the proposal

  • Determine the number, sequence and place of words in a sentence.

Autumn has come.

It often rains in autumn.

An old man came out of the forest with a large basket.

The child’s ability to perform language analysis and synthesis is recorded.

X. Study of the writing process.

Written work in workbooks and test books is analyzed.

If necessary, to clarify violations, a letter is given under dictation (auditory dictation).

2nd grade _ “Walk”.

Here is a big forest. There is a river behind the forest. There are many flowers near the river. A butterfly landed on a flower. Zoya catches her with a net. Zhenya is looking for mushrooms. Sasha and Yasha found a hedgehog. Grisha caught a pike.

3rd grade “Autumn”.

Autumn came. A cold wind began to blow. It rains more often. There are large puddles on the porch. The flowers in the flowerbed have wilted. Leaves are falling from the trees. The water in the river darkened. Zoya and Sasha go into the forest. There they look for mushrooms.

4th grade “Autumn”.

Gray and cold autumn. It rains more often. The wind howls sadly in the field. Sensitive silence in the autumn forest. The leaves that fell to the ground faded. Only sometimes you can find a small flag on a bare branch. This is the last leaf. Gloomy clouds are floating above the ground. It's about to snow.

In the conclusions we note the nature of the writing process, i.e. whether the child can immediately write down a word phonetically correctly or pronounces it, whether he makes corrections (crosses out, rereads and corrects again) or whether he cannot and does not try to find errors at all.

We pay special attention to specific errors:

  1. specific phonetic substitutions (insufficient differentiation of sounds belonging to the same or different groups that differ in subtle acoustic-articulatory features).
  2. violation of the syllabic structure of a word (omission of individual letters and entire syllables, rearrangement of letters or syllables, separate spelling of parts of one word and continuous spelling of words).
  3. grammatical errors (omission or incorrect use of prepositions, function words, case endings, incorrect word agreement, errors in management).
  4. graphic (optical). These are replacements of letters based on graphic similarity.

Based on the results of the examination, a speech therapy report is issued, which analyzes the state of the child’s oral and written speech at this stage of development, and provides recommendations for the correction and development of the child’s speech.



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