What does the name Aliana mean? The meaning of the name Alina is interpretation. What does the name Alina mean, origin and meaning

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Alina, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

What does the name Alina mean?: noble (the name Alina is of French origin).

  • Alina's zodiac – Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Color Alina Alina - blue, crimson
  • Auspicious tree - eucalyptus
  • Alina's treasured plant is mint.
  • Patron of the name Alina - elephant, dolphin, swallow
  • Alina Alina's talisman stone – sapphire, tin

Characteristics of the name

Positive features: Alina easily understands the deeply hidden secrets of those around her. Alina cannot be fooled. Alina has an innate sense of tact, is diplomatic, skillfully uses her abilities, has an excellent memory and a great interest in life.

Negative features: She miraculously knows how to control herself, but in certain situations she can become aggressive. From an early age he gives parents trouble in raising him. Alina is simply impossible to manage.

Character of the name Alina: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Alina? Alina is an extrovert by nature. She easily adapts to various situations around her and to people. Simultaneously both objective and subjective. This duality of her character begins to manifest itself already in childhood. The girl Alina constantly feels the need to give of herself - to love someone, patronize someone, take care of someone. Parents should pay attention to this and surround her with care, then the girl will be affectionate and obedient. But in this desire to help and protect, she sometimes shows an iron will, so don’t let her get on your head.

Alina is too excitable, but this state of hers does not turn into nervousness. Alina manages to hide the fire of her passions under the apparent coldness. If the name Alina is up to something, then it is impossible to dissuade her, and in no case should you use force or try to suppress her aspirations. In this case, you need to use only the persuasiveness of the arguments. Sometimes it seems that Alina was born with a ready-made life plan. Everything around revolves at the pace set by her. This is one of those rare types for whom there are no barriers, and even insurmountable ones. But Alina needs faith in herself, otherwise she may break down and suffer defeat.

Faith is the main engine of her life: if she believes and loves, she can move mountains, but if she is disappointed, she turns everything into ruins. The parents of a girl named Alina are not an authority for her. If Alina deserves punishment, then don't be too lenient. Love and demandingness give good results. She herself is both strict and compliant. She is too harsh with individuals, but in general she is lenient.

Alina and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The meaning of the name Alina matches the patronymics: Yurievna, Yaroslavovna, Gennadievna, Grigorievna, Karlovna, Glebovna, Svyatoslavovna, Leonovna, Stepanovna.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Alina promise happiness in love? Alina is very sexy, but this only manifests itself in case of complete trust in her partner. Sex for her is all or nothing. Living with Alina is not easy, but she can give a lot to her lover. In friendship she is faithful, but despotic; on occasion she will use and exploit you. Arguing with her is dangerous - it will grind the enemy into powder. Alina is proud. There is no need to interfere with her building her life, she knows what she is doing.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession:“Autumn” Alina is practical, enterprising, and resourceful. Knows who to deal with. Can work as a translator, economist, accountant. The name Alina goes well with patronymics: Mikhailovna, Vladimirovna, Petrovna, Fedorovna, Naumovna, Sergeevna, Yakovlevna.

“Summer” Alina is eccentric, quick-tempered, but good-natured.

“Spring” Alina is a dreamer, an incorrigible romantic. Somewhat unbalanced and despotic. Can be a fashion model, flight attendant, artist. “3-year-old” Alina is smart, consistent in her actions, and decisive.

Health and energy

Health and talents: The meaning of the name Alina from a medical point of view. Since early childhood, Alina has suffered from severe bronchitis, especially the one who was born in the evening, after nineteen hours. She has a weak immune system, so parents need to see a pediatrician as soon as possible. Alina's scratches are not healing well. The doctor should tell you what to do to strengthen your immune system. The name Alina is very restless, too excitable, unbalanced. You should pay attention to this, because she often brings herself to nervous breakdowns.

If she was born in November, this Alina often has breakdowns, she is sick for several days and does not go to school, so her parents need to show her to a pediatric neurologist.

If Alina was born in December, then you should pay attention to her general physical condition. She is susceptible to scoliosis, an eye disease. This Alina needs long sleep and fresh air. She is too emotional, easily irritated, and demands unquestioning fulfillment of her desires. If mom doesn’t do them, Alina may not talk to her and gets offended.

At the age of two to four years, he may suffer from a lack of appetite. Don’t make a tragedy out of this and feed when Alina gets hungry. It is impossible to force feed Alina; her body clearly knows the norm that she needs for a normal existence.

The meaning of the name Alina depends on the time of birth. If she was born in the summer - Alina is outwardly calm, but she inherits her father’s character, and it is often difficult for her mother to understand her. For such Alina, the most important thing is to have a calm environment in the house, without nervousness and a surge of emotions on the part of adults. This scares Alina, makes her whiny and capricious.

Alina is learning her name well, but periodic illnesses hinder her. If Alina misses classes due to illness, it is difficult for her to catch up with the guys in studying the material.

“July” Alina is a little behind normal physical development, gets tired quickly, and does not like outdoor games. She often spends her time modeling, drawing, coloring, enjoys listening to fairy tales, and loves having books read to her.

There is often a turbulent situation in Alina’s family; parents often sort things out. The girl Alina is very sensitive, she should be protected from such scenes. This greatly affects her nervous system and her upbringing. The name Alina stops taking her parents' comments seriously and becomes uncontrollable. It would be nice to have a dog or cat in the house, just not a Siamese, so that Alina has the opportunity to take care of someone and divert her attention from the problems of adults.

In adulthood, Alina has a sore throat, so when she gets sick, she swallows a lot of pills, thereby destroying the gastric flora. This is where diseases of the gastrointestinal tract come from. The name Alina must take care of her health. She should take care of her stomach.

Alina's fate in history

What does the name Alina mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Alina Kabaeva (Russian rhythmic gymnast)
  2. Alina Sharigo (wife of the French artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir)
  3. Alina Moradei ((born 1928) Italian film actress)
  4. Alina Vitukhnovskaya (Russian poetess)
  5. Alina Grosu (Ukrainian pop singer; the only Ukrainian singer who has been working on the professional stage since the age of 4)
  6. Alina Alexandra Dumitru (Romanian judoka)
  7. Alina Fernandez (daughter of Fidel Castro)
  8. Alina Pogostkina (German violinist of Russian origin)
  9. Alina Yanowska (Polish actress, participant in the Warsaw Uprising)
  10. Alina (a character from the novel “Alina, Queen of Golconda” by J.-S. Bouflé, which served as the basis for the libretto of the opera of the same name by G. Donizetti)
  11. Alina Duval ((1824 - 1903) French theater actress)
  12. Andrea Alina Vergara (Argentine ice hockey player)
  13. Alina Gut (Polish politician)
  14. Alina Dunaevskaya (famous singer, as well as the author of her songs, dancer, actress and model. Actively participates in joint projects with other artists. In 2010 and 2011, she undertook a European tour together with singer Tarja Turunen.)

In the modern world, the name Alina is very popular. It translates as noble and feminine. Often found among famous people and popular stars. Gives the owner inner strength, willfulness and the ability to find a common language with any person. Alina is determined and will never leave the job she has started. When naming a child this name, parents must understand that the owner will achieve her intended goal at any cost.

The origin of the modern name Alina has several versions. Interpreters are convinced that there is no exact information about where it came from. In every nationality you can find mention of it:

  1. From Latin it is translated as alien and other.
  2. Residents of Scandinavia interpret it as feminine, noble, divine.
  3. The Slavs associate Alina with the color scarlet and with happiness and hope.
  4. In Scotland it is translated as honest, comes from the form Alistair.

Etymology of occurrence:

  1. Greek roots. Translated as bright and sunny. In Ancient Greece, this name was given to girls whose parents wanted them to grow up reasonable, willful and friendly.
  2. Ancient Germanic origin. Translated as swift, divine and immaculate.

The name appeared in Russia relatively recently. Gained popularity at the beginning of the 20th century. However, parents were in no hurry to name their daughters that way, since it is not in the church calendar, and at baptism the girl is usually given a different name.

Alina sounds sophisticated and feminine. However, the owner is distinguished by irritability, inflexibility and insolence. Capricious, does not like it when someone expresses an opinion that is radically different from her point of view.

Alina does not tolerate criticism. It's difficult to be friends with her because she can't stand people who do something better than her. Begins to find a person’s weaknesses and ridicule them in front of other people.

Alina can control herself during conflict situations, but only when it is beneficial for her. Therefore, not everyone will want to get involved with her and enter into an argument.

Parents often think for a long time about the name of their baby. This is explained not only by what it means, but also by how it is pronounced and sounds in different countries. After all, no one knows what if their daughter decides to move for permanent residence to another country.

It is important that the name is easily translated into other languages, since in life you may need to issue new foreign documents. There are no problems with the name Alina, since it can be easily translated into other languages, and besides, it is everywhere in tune with the Russian form:

  • English – Ellin;
  • Chinese – Alinna;
  • Spanish, German – Alina;
  • French – Aline.

In most countries it is written Alina, in some there is only a difference of a few letters.

By calling their baby a certain name, parents want her to be called affectionately in the future. Therefore, you need to know what diminutive forms exist:

In addition to endearments, the name has abbreviated forms. It is not always convenient to call a person in full form; sometimes it is easier to say a shortened name.

You can shorten the full form:

  • Lina;

What to call her is decided only by Alina, depending on her sympathy for the people who turn to her.

Name days according to the Orthodox calendar

In Christianity there is no name Alina. When a baby is baptized, they suggest naming her Alevtina, Alla, Elena and Angelina. All Alinas are under the patronage of Alevtina of Caesarea.

  • autumn period – September 29;
  • summer months - June 14, June 16, July 2, August 4;
  • spring time - March 23, April 26, May 29.

If according to the church calendar Alina’s nickname was not Alevtina, then name days are celebrated in accordance with the Christian name she received.

For Alina, Sagittarius and Pisces are considered the best zodiac signs. Despite the fact that two elements suit the name, it is easy to explain:

  1. Water is characteristic of a calm person who makes reasonable decisions and is never influenced by other people's opinions. Likewise, the owner of the name will not listen to other people’s opinions or make a decision without thinking it through.
  2. Fire symbolizes passionate and emotional people. Alina is easily irritated and willful. Doesn't accept criticism.

Alina’s character combines two opposing traits, which explains the patronage of two different zodiac signs.

Mascot plants:

  • mint – calms in nervous situations;
  • violet - symbolizes prudence;
  • lavender – imparts inner beauty and charm;
  • Jasmine – imparts inaccessibility and strength of character.

Talisman stones:

  • beryl – protects from unfaithful friends;
  • sapphire – gives self-confidence.

Talismans protect the owner from problems and adversity, and alienate people with dishonest thoughts. Guides you to make smart decisions in any situation. They give you confidence.

In history, there are many owners of the name who achieved success, became famous and loved by the people.

In history, the name Alina is found among owners who have creative talent realized in life. Some achieved results in creativity, others in sports.

Alina's character

Alina sounds gentle and feminine, however, one character trait predominates in the girl - inflexibility. She won't do what other people tell her. Alina knows how to hide her negative sides behind a sweet smile and sociability. However, her audacity allows her to achieve leadership in any society.

Alina can only be convinced by arguments; violence is completely excluded. A girl can change her point of view only in one case, when she chooses the right tactics to win. Depends on others, because their opinion is important to her and greatly upsets her if it criticizes her personality. Alina easily makes various promises, but has difficulty keeping them. To be friends with such a person, you must completely accept her for who she is, since not everyone can tolerate her whims.


Alina's characterization shows that she has been a capricious and wayward child since infancy. Parents are not an authority. The girl with all her character tries to prove that she is a leader whose wishes must be fulfilled. Because of this, parents have a lot of trouble at different stages of upbringing.

From early childhood, the child is interested in foreign languages; he also likes to read a lot and do sculpting. The girl is interested in what is happening in the world around her. She is able to fantasize, then turn everything into reality by creating creative masterpieces. From a young age, Alina was accustomed to solving assigned tasks, even if this required a lot of effort.

As a teenager, Alinka becomes much more conflicted than in childhood. This manifests itself not only with family, but also with friends. The girl doesn’t know how to lie, she always tells the truth even when she should just remain silent. Alina does not tolerate injustice and always defends her point of view. Because of this, few people want to communicate with her.

However, already as a girl, Alina begins to develop such a trait as wisdom. If the situation is beneficial to her, then she will direct the decision in such a way as to obtain the maximum benefit. At the same time, the people around will not understand anything. Alina finds a common language only with those who are important and interesting to her. She may give in to such people when disagreements arise.

Adult woman

In adulthood, Alina is quite reserved and knows how to present herself to the people around her. He does not change his point of view in his decisions and has arguments to explain any situation. She easily adapts to any conditions and starts communicating with different people without any problems. Adult Alina perfectly knows how to restrain her emotions and not give free rein to her feelings.

The people around her are amazed at her perseverance and determination. The opinion arises that the girl has already created a plan for life in which she occupies a leading position. It is important for Alina to be respected in society. He is a good friend, knows how to keep secrets and give valuable advice. However, friendship with her

It’s difficult to start, she doesn’t immediately trust people.

Willfulness, ability to understand people and determination allow Alina to achieve success. It is thanks to these traits that the girl knows what she wants, sets clear goals, and gradually achieves them.

When he starts a new job, due to his character, he does not immediately establish relationships with the team. However, after a certain time, she communicates only with faithful colleagues who are unable to set her up in a difficult situation. Fulfills all instructions from management quickly and without comment, thanks to this he quickly climbs the career ladder.

Due to her character, Alina is surrounded by a small number of friends, however, they are loyal, will never betray and will come to the rescue in any problem. Alina always looks closely at a person for a long time, checks him, how he behaves under different circumstances.

Relationships with men

Charm and the ability to present oneself in society attracts men. They admire both the internal and external beauty of the owner of the name. They happily fulfill her whims and whims. However, not everyone can start a relationship with Alina, since the girl is too demanding and selective.

Alina cannot stand men who do not earn money and also speak unflatteringly about women. It is unacceptable for her to support her companion. He believes that a man should understand his chosen one and fulfill her wishes without conflicts and disputes.

Compatibility and suitable male names

Alina has a wonderful relationship filled with mutual understanding, love and respect with Mikhail and Evgeniy. Yakov, Vladimir and Victor correspond to her temperament, however, a strong union will not work out. Everyone will prove their superiority, not wanting to give in to the chosen one.

Love and marriage

It will not be possible to quickly build a relationship with Alina. A girl first of all needs romantic dates, meetings and courtship. Alina spends a long time getting to know her companion, how he dresses, presents himself in society, and whether he knows how to earn money. Alina is quite sexy in appearance, but prudence and aesthetics prevail in her. Compatibility with a man according to zodiac signs plays an important role for a girl.

Alina does not allow the thought of marriage at an early age. It is important for her that she be independent from her parents. The husband of the owner of the name must meet all her requirements. Alina is devoted to her family and loves to do household chores.

If a man gives in and gives in to a girl, then she will be a leader. At the same time, she will lose respect for her man and will not take his opinion into account when making decisions.

Alina is a beautiful name that combines opposite character traits. Before naming the baby, parents must understand how the name Alina is translated and what fate awaits the child. The owner of the name does not tolerate criticism, but achieves

What does the name Alina mean:
The meaning of this name is noble, different or alien.

Origin of the name Alina:
According to one probable version, this is a French-German name, which means nobility; according to another version, this name still has Latin roots and at the same time means alien or different.

Character conveyed by the name Alina:

She is energetic, always cheerful, quite brave, sociable and even too persistent. This is how it is quite possible to briefly characterize Alina. In early childhood, her irrepressible energy and incredibly developed imagination can cause many mischievous misdeeds, and of course she often causes a lot of trouble to her parents. However, Alina is not too capricious; you should not expect unnecessary tears or complaints from her. This is a very capable girl, she grasps all possible information almost on the fly, but precisely because she is restless and restless, her academic success is not as great as it could be. And thanks to her extraordinary sociability, Alina has incredibly many friends among her peers.

Then, growing up, Alina’s character does not change too much, she is still sociable, and just as easily finds a common language with any person, and just with friends. She loves to tell all sorts of fictional stories and various fables. The talent of a storyteller is given to her by nature, and allows Alina to always be in the center of attention and quickly interest strangers. For women bearing this name, the attention and recognition of the people around them are extremely valuable. Alina, overcoming her egoism, can easily help a stranger, but the motive for such actions will again be an incredible thirst for public recognition. But Alina’s rather serious drawback is her lack of reliability, she can too easily forget about the promises she makes and, of course, does not always fulfill them.

Alina can show quite clearly a penchant for the humanities, but sometimes the owners of such a sonorous name have remarkable artistic and literary talent, and, in addition, excellent linguistic abilities.

But Alina’s family life can fall apart quite often, and even she, as a rule, gets married several times. She chooses her husband carefully and very meticulously; it will be important for her how a man dresses, how he behaves, or behaves in society. It must be said that children for Alina are the main object of her adoration; she always pampers them and indulges them in everything. Alina’s husband will never be bored with such a wife, because she is always mysterious and unpredictable, and sometimes, on the contrary, tender and affectionate, sometimes passionate, and sometimes completely cold and even distant. Jealousy is the main disadvantage in Alina’s character, while she is capable of causing scandals or hysterics over little things. Alina loves and is a great cook, but she can’t stand household chores at all, and therefore her house can often end up in a serious mess.

Until recently, in Russia it was rare to meet a representative of the fair sex with the name Alina, which was considered rare and exquisite. At the end of the last century it began to gain increasing popularity. Now Alina is a common name, but no less sophisticated.

Where did the name come from

The name Alina appeared in the Russian language relatively recently - at the beginning of the 18th century. It came to us from the ancient Germanic language and was used as a shortened form of Adelina (Adelina/Adeline), which translated means “noble”, “sublime”. According to another version, this name is of ancient Greek origin and means “solar”, “radiant”.

What is Alina's name?

The most commonly used shortened versions of the name Alina are:

  • Alka;
  • Lina.

Diminutive and affectionate forms are common:

  • Alinka;
  • Alinochka;
  • Alichka;
  • Alusya;
  • Alushka;
  • Alisha;
  • Alinushka.

Because of its euphony, the name Alina is used as a short form of Angelina, Alevtina, Alexandra, and also from the rare name Akilina (Akulina).

Abbreviated forms act as a shock absorber in life circumstances. They seem to help you adapt to your environment. The same can be said about nicknames.

Alina is a sunny, positive person

Name Alina in other languages ​​and transliteration

We can meet owners of the name Alina in different countries of the world. In Romano-Germanic and Slavic languages, Alina sounds almost the same. But some languages ​​have a wide variety of diminutive forms.

Table: what Alina sounds like in different languages

Language Name Diminutive forms
GermanAlina (Alina)Alinchen (Alinkhen), Lina (Lina), Line (Line, Lina),
Linchen (Linchen), Ina (Ina), Ini (Ini), Inchen (Inchen)
FrenchAline (Aline, Alina)Line (Lin)
ItalianAlina (Alina)Alinuccia (Alinuccia), Alinetta (Alinetta),
Lina (Lina), Linuccia (Linuccia), Linetta (Linetta)
SpanishAlina (Alina)Lina (Lina)
PortugueseAlina (Alina), Aline (Aline)Alininha (Alininha), Lina (Lina),
Line (Line, Line), Lininha (Lininha)
RomanianAlina (Alina)Alinuţa, Lina
CzechAlina (Alina)Alinka (Alinka), Ala (Ala), Alka (Alka),
Ali (Ali), Alča (Alcha), Lina (Lina)
PolishAlina (Alina)Alinka (Alinka), Ala (Alya), Alka (Alka),
UkrainianAlina (Alina)Alinka (Alinka), Alinochka (Alinochka),
Alinonka (Alinonka)
FinnishAliina (Aliina)Alli (Alli), Liina (Liina)
SwedishAlina (Alina), Aline (Aline)Lina (Lina)
Chinese阿琳娜 (Alinna)-

In Alina’s international passport, her name will be written Alina, in accordance with transliteration rules accepted in Russia.

What middle names are suitable?

Because of its euphony and brevity, the name Alina goes well with many common patronymics. You can often meet Alina Alexandrovna or Alina Vladimirovna, as well as Alina Vladislavovna and Alina Olegovna. We can say these are the most successful combinations. However, the name is also suitable for rarer patronymics. For example, Alina Arnoldovna sounds firm and at the same time elegant.

Almost any patronymic goes with the name Alina

What nickname do Alinas choose?

We often create a nickname for ourselves that is consistent with our name. The most suitable for Alina may be:

  • Lina;
  • Lynn;
  • Linie.

Patron Saint

The name Alina is not in the Orthodox church calendar; at baptism the girl is often called Alevtina. Her patron saint will be Alevtina of Caesarea. Alina, born in spring, celebrates Angel Day on March 23, April 26 and 29, or May 29. Summer Alina celebrates her name day on June 14 and 16, July 2 and 29, or August 4. Autumn Alina’s name day is September 29. When baptizing Alina, you can also choose the name Alla, Alexandra or Angelina.

Alevtina of Caesarea - patron saint of Alina

Name, character and fate

The works of Pierre Rouget, Boris Higir and other researchers provide convincing justification for the influence of a name on a person’s character and destiny.

In the history of mankind, there was probably no civilization that did not attach importance to names. Some tribes believe that a person communicates with the world of spirits through the name that others call him. It is connected with fate and is that thin but strong thread that connects the material world with the unmanifested world.

One of my acquaintances, who worked in the Arctic for more than fifteen years, told the following story. Their expedition did not return in time. You can fly by plane only before the cold weather sets in. Winter in these latitudes is harsh and long. I had to spend the winter in a small Eskimo village. Everything would be fine, but there was a married couple on their expedition, they were waiting for replenishment. The girl was born weak, barely breathing. If help is not provided, newborns die from asphyxia in the first day of life. They were separated from civilization by hundreds of miles of snow and permafrost. There is no breathing apparatus. What to do? It seemed that this world was ruled by despair. They called a shaman (or simply the oldest woman in the village). She came in and sat silently in the corner. Finally, the old woman spoke: “Name the girl Alina. Name it and give it fate, which means it will live.” The parents heard such a name for the first time, and the shaman explained: “That’s what we call the star. Wow, he's there. She always shines. The girl will be strong and will achieve everything on her own.” She probably wanted to console her. I didn't dare ask a question. And the former polar explorer, like that old shaman, was silent for a long time. Well, what about the girl? He laughed. Many years have passed since then. Alina (that’s what she was called) returned from her first expedition. Probably, that star gave her character, health, and destiny. A star named Alina.

The peoples of the Arctic call one of the stars Alina

The character of little Alina

Already at an early age Alina shows independence and perseverance. A mischievous, restless girl strives to do everything her own way. She does not always take into account the opinions of teachers and parents. Becoming an authority for her is not easy. Alina shows leadership tendencies early, she feels that her place is in the center, she does not like to adapt to others.

By nature, Alina is endowed with many talents, she has an excellent memory and pronounced creative abilities. An energetic and active girl easily makes new friends and often prefers to be friends with boys.

As a child, Alina was not always in perfect health. It is important to monitor the condition of the respiratory tract and avoid frequent hypothermia.

Alina is a very talented girl with developed creative abilities

Character and profession of adult Alina

Growing up, Alina learns to master her remarkable character. She still remains brave, daring and purposeful, but learns to show restraint and compliance in communicating with others. By personality type, Alina is an extrovert. She remains as sociable as she was in childhood. Very contactable, she may nevertheless suffer from internal emotional constriction.

Alina is suitable for professions and activities related to travel, sports, and art. There should definitely be a place for creativity in her activities. Erudite and bright, she loves to surprise, delight, and attract attention. More often, Alina chooses the humanities and quickly achieves success. She has good abilities in literary activities, journalism, and foreign languages. Alina can become an excellent leader.

This girl is not suitable for a profession associated with routine, requiring perseverance and diplomatic abilities.

Adult Alina, as a rule, has no health problems. She has a strong immune system, she is tenacious, like a salamander.

Love and compatibility in marriage

Alina is unpredictable in love. Brilliant and attractive, she sometimes shows tenderness and compliance, sometimes coldness and arrogance. From a young age, Alina always has many fans, but gaining her favor is not easy. She is demanding of her partner and knows her worth.

Alina can get married several times. As a rule, marriages concluded in adulthood are successful. Alina can bring happiness to a partner with the name:

  • Alexander;
  • Artyom;
  • Eugene;
  • Maksim;
  • Nikita;
  • Sergey.

Relationships with men can be unsuccessful:

  • Andrey;
  • Anatoly;
  • Dmitry;
  • Igor.

Table: compatibility with male names

Male nameGrade
Alexander+ Despite the fact that at first the relationship is accompanied by difficulties, Alina and Alexander can create a strong family. It is important that both partners do not limit each other’s freedom.
Alexei+/- In this union, much is decided by the willingness of the partners to work on themselves. There is intense passion in the relationship, as well as a struggle for leadership. If partners do not learn to give in, their relationship is doomed.
Anatoly- This couple usually does not do without difficulties. Both partners are leaders. The struggle for primacy and unwillingness to make concessions can ruin relationships.
Andrey- Strong passion and emotion predominate, but there is no harmony.
Artyom+ Relations with Artyom are developing rapidly. Life is interesting and always filled with events. They live on the same wavelength. Marriage can be long and successful.
Vladimir+/- Partners attract each other. Their relationships give them unforgettable experiences, but rarely stand the test of life together.
Dmitriy- The beginning of a relationship may be happy, but both partners find it difficult to compromise. This can be a serious obstacle to creating a happy union.
Eugene+ The owners of these names have a lot in common. This couple has good sexual compatibility. Alina and Evgeniy can create a strong family if they overcome the contradictions that arise at the very beginning of the relationship.
Igor- There is love or hate in this relationship. Often both. Such an alliance rarely stands the test of strength.
Maksim+ Alina and Maxim have excellent compatibility. Their relationship starts out stormy, then becomes stable.
Nikita+ With Nikita, Alina can create a strong and happy union. They always have mutual understanding.
Nikolai+/- Compatibility in this couple is more suitable for love than for family life. The relationship can be vibrant, but both partners have strong personalities and do not like to give in.
Sergey+ Alina and Sergei can create a strong relationship. To do this, both need to strive for
balance and show respect for each other.

To build strong, harmonious relationships, Alina needs to learn to give in to her partner

Correspondences of the name Alina

According to the theory of the French researcher Pierre Rouget, each name carries a certain vibration. The individual letters of the name, merging together, create a melody. This melody resonates with the planet that is the patron of the name, with the elements and certain signs of the Zodiac. The same vibration frequency can be conveyed by color and its shades.

We have representatives with similar vibrational frequencies in the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. These are our patrons, protecting us and sending us harmonizing waves.

Table: what corresponds to the name Alina

The happiest years in Alina’s life will be: 12, 24, 36, 48, etc., these are all the years of her life that are multiples of twelve. The generous patron - the planet Jupiter - will take care of this.

Photo gallery: what resonates with Alina

Swallow - Alina's totem in the animal kingdom Lily corresponds to Alina in the plant world Aventurine - a stone for Alina

Who is this name suitable for? The name is patronized by Jupiter. A harmonious resonance will arise if Jupiter is also clearly pronounced in Alina’s horoscope. Many people know that this planet rules the zodiac signs of Sagittarius and Pisces. If Alina’s Sun is in these signs at birth, this in itself hints that there is a resonance. But that's not all. In the natal horoscope, i.e. the birth horoscope, there are significant points: firstly, Asc (ascendant) is a point on the ecliptic that rises at the moment of birth. Secondly, MC (midheaven) is the highest point on the horizon. So, Jupiter may be at these points or very close to them, and one or both of these important points may fall into the sign of Sagittarius or Pisces. This means that Alina will love her name and will feel that it is her faithful assistant.

Meaning of individual letters

Letters, like notes, merge together to create the melody of a name. And this melody accompanies us all our lives. The first letter carries the strongest energy message:

  • A - strength, authority, beginning. Owners of names starting with the letter A are born leaders who strive for spiritual development, while simultaneously valuing emotional and physical comfort;
  • L - ingenuity, artistry. Associated with artistic abilities, gives a subtle understanding of beauty, at the same time clear and clear logic;
  • And - peacefulness, impressionability. Gives an internal desire for harmony, and also gives external practicality;
  • N - sharp mind, criticality. Associated with great inner strength and the desire for physical and mental health.

Alina, born in winter, has a sharp mind and great ambitions, which help her achieve success in life

What will Alina be like if she was born in different seasons?

The girl Alina, born in the spring, is endowed with a rich imagination. She has the most pronounced artistic and artistic inclinations. This is a romantic nature, she will remain like this for the rest of her life.

Summer Alina is good-natured, kind and very sociable, but she can be quick-tempered and a little selfish.

Alina, born in the autumn months, has an optimistic character. She is characterized by practicality, extraordinary ingenuity and enterprise.

Winter Alina is determined and ambitious. Sometimes he can be arrogant and does not tolerate criticism. She is distinguished by her sharp mind and inherent responsibility.

Alina and her Zodiac sign

Of course, Alinas, born under different zodiac signs, will differ in character and destiny. However, representatives of all signs of the Zodiac are united by the “sunshine” that their name gives them.

Table: influence of the Zodiac sign

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAlina, born under the sign of Aries, is an independent and straightforward woman. She values ​​freedom and loves adventure; she can do a lot. Alina-Aries is endowed with a strong character and obstinate disposition. Her relationships with the opposite sex do not always go smoothly; many men feel uncomfortable around her. But she is looking for her strong knight.
TaurusCharming and gentle Alina-Taurus nevertheless has a strong character, she is characterized by practicality and pragmatism, she values ​​material wealth and spiritual comfort. This is a sensual, graceful nature. In men, she values ​​stability above all. She needs a reliable life partner.
TwinsAlina-Gemini is inquisitive, sociable and unpredictable. She is always on the move, she has many different hobbies and interests. Does not tolerate boredom and monotony either in work or in relationships. She needs a partner who shares her hobbies.
CancerAlina, born under the sign of Cancer, has a feminine, charming and mysterious nature. She has a vulnerable soul. Next to her there should be an attentive and sensitive man who will protect her from all the hardships of the outside world. Alina-Cancer gives the main place in her life to family.
a lionAlina-Lev is a brilliant and charismatic woman, convinced of her exclusivity. She likes to delight others with her beauty and femininity. She is generous and kind by nature, but can sometimes be bossy and arrogant. She needs a partner who can maintain her regal image in the eyes of others.
VirgoAlina, born under the sign of Virgo, is hardworking and conscientious. She has a sharp, inquisitive mind and developed intuition, which allows her to find innovative solutions to complex issues. Alina-Virgo is prone to introspection and pragmatism. She clearly knows what she expects from her partner.
ScalesElegant and feminine Alina-Libra radiates harmony. In her opinion, life should always give pleasure and joy. She is loved and appreciated by those around her. Quite often it is difficult for her to make decisions on her own. Alina-Libra needs a strong, self-confident partner.
ScorpionAlina, born under the sign of Scorpio, has an independent, sometimes tough character. It may seem to others that there are no halftones for her. At the same time, this is an emotional and sensitive nature. Due to the contradictory nature of her character, it is not easy for Alina-Scorpio to find her ideal partner. And the ideal one for her will be the one to whom she will obey.
SagittariusAlina, born under the sign of Sagittarius, is an optimist and favorite of Luck. Her belief in the best is contagious to those around her; it is easy for her to find a common language with everyone. She is straightforward and ready to defend justice; selfishness is alien to her. There should be a man next to her who shares her ideals.
CapricornAlina-Capricorn is hardworking and reserved, she is not alien to ambition. Those around her value her for her sharp mind and reliability; she is not inclined to make rash decisions. Behind the external coldness lies a sensitive, responsive, slightly shy nature. To be happy, she needs a serious and devoted partner.
AquariusAlina-Aquarius is a sociable, intelligent and purposeful woman. She is attracted to everything new, unusual, non-standard. She is an innovator by nature, cliches are alien to her, her gaze is directed to the future. At the same time, she is characterized by excessive emotionality. She prefers freedom-loving and extravagant partners.
FishAlina, born under the sign of Pisces, is a refined nature, prone to empathy. Sometimes she is melancholic and secretive. She is dreamy and tends to idealize people, including her partner. To be happy, Alina needs a congenial partner who can subtly feel and empathize.

Photo gallery: famous women named Alina

Alina Dumitru - Romanian judoka Alina Orlova - singer Alina Pokrovskaya - Russian actress Alina Vitukhnovskaya - Russian poet Alina Grosu - Ukrainian singer Pogostkina Alina - German violinist Kabaeva Alina - Russian gymnast

Alina in poetry

The appeal to Alina sounds poetic in A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Confession,” dedicated to Alina the inspiration (Alexandra Osipova):

Alina! have pity on me.

I don't dare demand love.

Perhaps for my sins,

My angel, I'm not worth love!

But pretend! This look

Everything can be expressed so wonderfully!

Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me!..

I'm happy to be deceived myself!

A. S. Pushkin
Collection of poems

No matter how much researchers - psychologists, scientists, esotericists - strive to penetrate into the essence and substantiate the relationship between name, character and fate, this question still does not lose its depth. It contains the key to a certain door leading to a world of great opportunities and self-realization. Each name radiates a certain aura of mystery; behind it there is always something unknown.

Forms of the name Alina

Common name options: Alinka, Ala

Name Alina in different languages

  • Name Alina in English: Aline (Aline)
  • Name Alina in Chinese: 阿琳娜 (Alinna)
  • Name Alina in Japanese: アリナ(Arina)
  • Name Alina in Spanish: Alina (Alina)
  • Name Alina in German: Aline (Aline), Alina (Alina)
  • Name Alina in Polish: Alina (Alina)
  • Name Alina in Ukrainian: Alina

Origin of the name Alina

There are two versions of the origin of this name.

The first says that Alina came from language. According to the second version, the name comes from the language. For now, both versions have the right to exist, since it is not known for certain which of them is correct.

Alina's character

She miraculously knows how to control herself, but in certain situations she can become aggressive. From an early age he gives parents trouble in raising him. It is simply impossible to lead her. Alina is an extrovert by nature. She easily adapts to various situations around her and to people. Simultaneously both objective and subjective. This duality of her character begins to manifest itself already in childhood. The girl constantly feels the need to give of herself - to love someone, look after someone, take care of someone. Parents should pay attention to this and surround her with care, then the girl will be affectionate and obedient. But in this desire to help and protect, she sometimes shows an iron will, so don’t let her get on your head.

Alina is too excitable, but this state of hers does not turn into nervousness. She manages to hide the fire of her passions under apparent coldness. If she has something in mind, then it is impossible to dissuade her, and in no case should you use force or try to suppress her aspirations. In this case, you need to use only the persuasiveness of the arguments. Sometimes it seems that she was born with a ready-made life plan. Everything around revolves at the pace set by her. This is one of those rare types for whom there are no barriers, and even insurmountable ones. But Alina needs faith in herself, otherwise she may break down and suffer defeat.

Easily understands the deeply hidden secrets of others. It is impossible to carry it out. She has an innate sense of tact, is diplomatic, skillfully uses her abilities, has an excellent memory and a great interest in life. Faith is the main engine of her life: if she believes and loves, she can move mountains, but if she is disappointed, she turns everything into ruins. Parents are not an authority for her. If Alina deserves punishment, then don't be too lenient. Love and demandingness give good results. She herself is both strict and compliant. She is too harsh with individuals, but in general she is lenient.

Positive traits of the names Alina

Nature rewards Alina with a huge amount of talents. She does well at school and shows abilities in learning languages, creativity, and sports. Alina easily adapts to almost any life circumstances. At the same time, he often shows determination and an iron will. A woman named Alina has high intelligence. Her subtle diplomatic skills allow her to easily turn any situation in her favor. She has an excellent memory and a great interest in the world around her. She gets along with people easily and loves to be the center of attention.
Alina knows how to present herself, always takes care of her appearance, skillfully manages her wardrobe, follows the latest fashion trends, and has good taste.

She has no equal in the household. She skillfully and happily does household chores, is hospitable, and loves to show off her culinary abilities. However, peace in her house is established only if she is the only mistress in the house. Alina does not tolerate competition in the household, as she considers herself to be the first in everything.

Women with this name are kind and gentle towards animals and prefer to have dogs of medium-sized breeds: Pekingese, lapdog, etc.

Negative traits of the name Alina

From an early age, girls named Alina begin to show the duality of their character. For all her sociability, she strives to command literally everyone, to occupy exclusively leading positions in everything. On this basis, conflicts often arise with teachers, parents and peers. As a child, Alina is difficult to educate, as she reacts too sharply to attempts at influence from adults. She does not tolerate any comments, she is often impudent, ready to enter into conflict. Parents, even with age, rarely become an authority for the bearers of this name. Alina's pride often prevents her from making real and sincere friendships. They are often too critical, evaluating actions with all severity and intransigence.

Incompatibility of the name Alina