CSS min-width and max-width and flexible layout

Screen gigantomania has affected not only phones, but also desktop computers. A screen of 25 or even 29 inches will not surprise anyone.

Catalog of a large online store

And if there are no problems for the user, then when developing the site certain difficulties already arise. The site should look presentable, modern and at the same time be convenient and functional.

Therefore, when developing a structure, we want to:

— space was used wisely;

— when viewing the site on large screens, there was no huge empty space on the sides;

— the site did not lose ease of use on a small screen.

What are the options for creating a page for different monitors and resolutions (layout types)

Fixed layout

Simply put, we hard set the site's parameters and its width does not change, no matter what resolution the user has. This is the worst option, it is not recommended to use it at all, it is clearly a thing of the past.

Rubber layout without restrictions

Simplified it looks like this:

Those. The width of the site adjusts to the width of the browser. The browser is wider - the blocks below move sideways. The browser is narrower - the blocks are located one below the other.

The advantages of this layout:

  • Space is utilized to the maximum, with no gaping void to the left or right of content on a high-resolution widescreen screen.


  • On a large screen the site spreads out a lot. This is especially inconvenient for text.
  • From time to time there may be empty space between blocks.

Personal usercase: I have poor eyesight; if I don’t wear glasses, I have to sit with my face buried in the monitor. Believe me, even at 21 inches with a width resolution of 1600 pixels it is terribly inconvenient to perceive the site from a short distance. You have to turn your head from left to right to read a line of text.

In addition, if the screen width is small, the blocks will overlap each other if the minimum width is not specified. To avoid these problems, you can use the following method:

Rubber layout with specified minimum and maximum width

IN in this case within the limits you specify, the site can change the positioning of blocks, but it has certain limitations:

minimum - having reached this limit, the blocks do not “shrink”, but a scroll bar appears;

maximum - the content does not increase in width, but empty space is added on the sides, while the site content is placed in the center.


  • We are confident in how the content of our site looks at a certain resolution. Naturally, we try to make the most beautiful site for the most common resolutions in our topic.


  • If you choose a maximum that is too small for a large screen, you may have a problem with empty margins on the sides.

For example:

Adaptive layout

The most modern and used layout option. Not only are the content blocks positioned relative to each other depending on the resolution, but the content of the blocks (fonts, images, etc.) changes in size.

With adaptive layout, we can do whatever we want with the content, depending on the resolution. Another advantage of this layout is that it is well suited for mobile device screens, unlike the first two options.

If you choose adaptive layout, we recommend using the MobileFirst rule, i.e. First we work with low resolution and gradually move towards the big screen.


  • The most modern and correct type of layout.


  • Can be quite difficult to implement (in some cases). In any case, you need to understand which resolution is the priority for your site in order to correctly display the site at these resolutions.

All these techniques can be combined depending on the situation.

For example:

— adaptive design can complement the rubber layout, or
— the site is made on a rubber design, and a mobile adaptive version is made for mobile applications.

Everything is quite simple here:

— select a device (from phone to TV);
— choose the resolution (there are standard options, you can also specify the size in pixels yourself);
— specify the necessary settings - the site is displayed on your screen with the specified parameters.

The essence is the same as in the online service, only in this case the settings appear directly in the browser:


Before creating a new website or redesign you must:

— understand which resolutions are most popular among your target audience;

— determine the maximum and minimum dimensions of the site (in pixels);

— select the type of layout;

— after creation and implementation, test the site at different resolutions and make sure that it is displayed correctly and presentably in any resolution.

Of course, one logical question may arise: “What about in X years, when technology changes? What to do then?" The answer is simple: the site must constantly evolve, so creating a new design in a couple of years is quite normal. Naturally, when creating a new design, changing realities and trends should be taken into account.

When creating floating columns in CSS there are a few things to learn.

At first, the container (in your case .wrap) must also be cleaned for the floats. Here good question about Stackoverflow on "clearfix". "Clearfix-ing" ensures that the container's height is stretched to fit the longest floating column. Useful for performing "artificial columns".

Second need to know how many columns you want to make? 2 columns? 3 columns?

Exist different ways skin cat. You can make 2 columns and then split one of those columns into two columns. Or you can place 3 containers of blocks and float each one a percentage of the total width. That is. for 3 column layouts you theoretically want each one to be 33.33% wide (depending on how you want the gutters or margins).

Third, you are talking about "flexible layout". Well, responsive layout can't work with pixel width since pixels are static values. That is. If you say the width is 200px, it is always 200px, no matter how big or small your container or window is.

What you need to do is use percentages. Of course, to make a proper flex layout, you want to have a base size. So you need to have a fixed design, which you will say is your "optimal design" (I should use this term loosely, since a true flexible and responsive design should look good for the most part).

So let's say your design has the main content area.wrap set to be 1000px. You want to have a 2 column layout using the golden ratio. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio

Basically, you want one column to be 618px and the other to be 1000px - 618px = 382px.

For CSS you want to set them to percentages. To get the percentage you take the parent width and divide it by the required width.

618px/1000px =.618 * 100 (for percentages) = 61.8%

382px/1000px =.382 * 100 (for percentages) = 38.2%

Left ( float: left; width: 61.8% ) .right ( float: right; width: 38.2% )

Joseph Silber is right, you don't need to float the right column, but it may not cause other unexpected problems with how the window model acts and wraps around the floated left element, especially if it's shorter than the other one.

You can apply a margin to offset one column to another column width, but I find that's just messy, and there may still be issues with poor CSS implementations in browsers (as far as I can tell, I don't support IE6 anymore, it's over- is still used by our visitors to maintain it).

Also note that you encounter rounding errors when handling %. Some browsers will round down or up when they hit ".5%". This can cause your floating columns to wrap because it becomes 1px larger than the container element. So to be on the safe side, you'll want to shave the width a bit to give you a 1-2px buffer for packing.

A common approach is to provide a "blank" gutter or margin between the left and right columns, such as 10px. And 10px in our design:

10px/1000px = 0.01 * 100 (for percentages) = 1%

Now you can take 0.5% from each column or take 1% from one column. I'll just do it later.

Left ( float: left; width: 60.8% /* removed 1% to give a gutter between columns */ ) .right ( float: right; width: 38.2% )

Now it gives you good zone security and you avoid rounding errors.

Also, now that we're working in %, the layout will be fluid. Your 2 columns will resize your browser until you reach the min/max pixel value.

Also, don't forget "clearfix"

Of course, there are many other considerations that need to be taken into account when working with fluid/flexible meshes.

One thing you can do is not recreate the wheel, but use a CSS framework like Yahoo! or Blueprint. I believe they have these features built in and have been thoroughly tested.

The only real downside to this book is that it didn't cover the shortcomings of responsive design and how, despite the "cool" factor, many major web designers and developers choose to use separate mobile/desktop site design.

Which is slightly off topic since the original question was only about fluid design and not target media size.

Hope this helps!

A corridor in an apartment or house is needed at a minimum in order to move between residential and utility rooms. If it is spacious enough, you can also place some furniture here. What should be the minimum corridor width according to building codes and practical considerations?

According to clause 4.3.4 SP 1.13130.2009:
“The clear height of horizontal sections of evacuation routes must be at least 2 m, the width of horizontal sections of evacuation routes and ramps must be at least:
0.7 m - for passages to single workstations;
1.0 m - in all other cases.
In any case, the evacuation routes must be of such a width that, taking into account their geometry, a stretcher with a person lying on it can be carried along them without hindrance.

Factors influencing the width of the corridor

The width of the corridor in the apartment is specified in the recommendations of SNiPi SP. For IZHSet these requirements are not strict, but it is still better to comply with them for reasons of convenience and safety:

  • if the house has swing doors, opening them should not lead to difficulties when moving along the corridor;
  • too much narrow corridor it is impossible to move assembled furniture and other large items;
  • According to fire safety standards, the layout of the house must be optimal in case of emergency evacuation;
  • space is necessary for complete ventilation of the premises.

Let's consider what the size of the corridor and other rooms should be in accordance with SNiP.

Building regulations

The basic standards of housing construction are presented in 01/31/2003 SNiP and their updated version 54.13330.2011 SP (Multi-apartment residential buildings). The minimum dimensions of all premises are indicated there:

  • minimum living room area – 14 m2 for studio apartment, 16 square meters if there are more rooms;
  • minimum kitchen area in big apartment– 10 m2, in a one-room apartment 5 are allowed;
  • single bedroom size – 8 m2, double – 10;
  • on attic floor the kitchen and bedroom can be 7 m2 each, if common room– 16 meters (minimum).

SNiP31-01 also stipulates the minimum area of ​​an apartment V residential building of urban and rural type of municipal development, depending on the number of rooms:

Width of utility rooms:

  • kitchen – minimum 170 cm;
  • hallway – 140;
  • corridor - 85 cm with a length of no more than 1.5 meters. If longer – 120 cm;
  • bathroom – 80.

This indicator increases if there is a disabled person in the family:

  • kitchen – 220 cm;
  • hallway – 160 (space for a wheelchair should be provided here);
  • corridor – 115;
  • combined bathroom – 220 by 220 cm;
  • separate toilet with sink – 160 by 220.

The minimum ceiling height in apartments of municipal buildings varies depending on the climate zone and ranges from 2.5 to 2.7 meters, and in corridors and utility rooms- no less than 210 centimeters.

Optimal corridor sizes and ways to save space

For individual construction, SNiP standards are not mandatory, but when designing a house they must be taken into account so as not to make serious mistakes. When calculating the optimal size of the premises, you proceed from your own needs. In particular, the corridor can be expanded if you plan to install furniture in it:

  • for a wardrobe – up to 140 cm;
  • for a shelf with books – up to 120.

When planning you should also consider:

  • ceiling height;
  • presence/absence of windows, their number;
  • number of doors opening into the corridor;
  • the presence of wall niches, closets, mezzanines.

In order to save space, it makes sense to install compact furniture in the corridor, and extraneous furniture household equipment minimize. In the corridor combined with the hallway, you will need:

  • wardrobe or coat rack;
  • Stand for footwear;
  • mirror;
  • ottoman;
  • umbrella stand.

You can save space by combining these items:

  • hang a mirror on the closet door;
  • combine a shoe rack with an ottoman seat, etc.

IN small houses and apartments, the corridor is usually common to all rooms. Doors from the rooms, kitchen, and bathroom open into it. To save space, it makes sense to replace swing doors with sliding or folding ones. You can use glass door structures: this will improve natural light and add an element of chic to the interior. Instead of classic wardrobes with hinged doors, it is also better to use a compartment. A small hallway should not be cluttered with a closet at all, unless you plan to have a built-in one. It is better to limit yourself to an open hanger with a shoe stand and a shelf for hats.

If there is a wall niche in the corridor, the cabinet can be placed in it. You can also place mezzanines in it.

Ways to visually enlarge rooms

Entrance hall with adjacent corridor - business card your house. It is important that the guest who enters does not feel as if he is in a cage. If the actual dimensions of this area tend to zero, you should use visual effects to visually increase the space. There are several common techniques for this:

  • reasonable placement of furniture and household items. When everything you need is within reach and there is nothing superfluous, a person feels comfortable and is no longer so annoyed by cramped spaces;
  • lighting. It is not practical to hang a bulky chandelier in the middle, unless your hallway is a ballroom-sized hall. The central large chandelier clutters up the space and does not perform its immediate function well. It is better to use local lighting in the most important areas: near the wardrobe, near the mirror, near the doors to the rooms;
  • mirrors and reflective surfaces (mirror panels on the ceiling, polished furniture doors). They visually enlarge the space and improve lighting.

Read more about color scheme. Well known rule: bright hues visually increase the volume of the room, dark and too bright ones reduce it. Besides:

  • Too colorful patterns on the walls narrow the space;
  • sharp color contrasts are undesirable;
  • a vertically oriented ornament increases the height of the ceilings, a horizontal one “spreads apart” the walls.

For lighting you can use (depending on the interior design):

  • spotlights or fluorescent lamps - for decoration in one of the modern styles;
  • for classics, baroque, empire, etc. – wall lamps, stylized to match the chosen era;
  • if the ceiling is suspended, lighting can be placed above it. One of the most beautiful design solutions– ceiling with starry sky effect.

How to distinguish between corridor and hallway zones

Color, texture and lighting are used to divide the space into zones. You can separate the hallway from the corridor in several ways or their combinations:

  • different shades of wall cladding;
  • local lighting;
  • you can raise the hallway relative to the corridor - make a low podium;
  • install an open shelving with books or indoor flowers, made of chipboard or plasterboard, at the border of the zones;
  • make a decorative arch from plasterboard;
  • install a sliding partition;
  • install ceiling cornice and hang thread or bamboo curtains on it;
  • use different floor coverings. People enter the hallway wearing street shoes; porcelain tiles or linoleum are appropriate here. In the corridor you can lay the same covering as in the living rooms - parquet, carpet, laminate. A dividing plinth is laid at the border of the zones.


These recommendations are intended mainly for owners of small private houses and small apartments. In large houses, the corridors are spacious; you can place anything in them, from a collection of landmarks to a miniature winter garden.

But even in this case, the space should not be overly cluttered, since the corridor is necessary for free passage. Especially in the event of an emergency (for example, a fire).

A salary equivalent to the subsistence level is not enough to live on

The government will establish a new minimum wage starting January 1, 2019. The minimum wage will be 11,280 rubles, that is, it will reach the subsistence level of the working population. The last time the minimum payment was increased in May - to 11,163 rubles per month. Now they decided to add as much as 1.048%. The increase in the minimum wage will affect 3.7 million workers, including 2.2 million people from the public sector. The state will spend 5 billion rubles on increasing the minimum wage. Although it is unlikely that recipients will notice and appreciate this concern in the form of an increase in salaries by a hundred and a kopecks, the official level of poverty will decrease. The MK expert explained why the minimum wage is raised by only 1%, which is even significantly lower than inflation.

In 2018, the minimum wage has undergone major changes. Before the presidential elections, the authorities decided to equate this indicator to the subsistence level. Before this, the poorest part of the working-age population received wages below the income level set by the state itself as the minimum for living - 9,489 rubles, with a subsistence minimum of 11,060 rubles. Then the increase looked “impressive” - plus as much as 6.4%. It affected 3 million people, of which 1.6 million were employees of state and municipal institutions. The state spent 20 billion rubles on the measure.

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, who is responsible for social affairs in the government, noted that the minimum wage will be increased by 2.9% in 2020 and by 2% in 2021.

As follows from Russian legislation, the minimum wage is a state-established minimum size wages below which the employer has no right to pay. Important clarification: this figure does not take into account the deduction of income tax. It is assigned separately for children, pensioners and able-bodied citizens. For each region, the minimum wage is different depending on the regional allowances, but it cannot be less than the federal one, which is appointed by the government. Most of all - in northern regions, Moscow and St. Petersburg. The minimum wage is calculated on the basis of the subsistence level, which, in turn, is based on the cost of the consumer basket.

“The minimum wage is not indexed to the level of inflation, because it is calculated from the cost of the consumer basket, the goods from which become more expensive or cheaper not according to inflation. How fair this is is a question for the current legislation. Bringing the minimum wage to the subsistence level has been discussed for 20 years, but only this year the authorities finally made such a decision, and thank you for that,” Sergei Smirnov, Doctor of Economics from the Higher School of Economics, commented on the upcoming changes.