Standard office desk height. The height depends on the work being performed. Minimum table size

And the human body. When sitting at a table, a person should be comfortable and his body position should be stable. At wrong choice height of the product, the user will spend an additional 25-40% of energy, and in the case of frequent use of such a design, problems may develop various diseases.

Determine what the distance from the table top to the seat should be. A person should sit at the table without tilting, without raising his shoulder. Ideally, your forearms should be placed comfortably on the tabletop.

If you are making a table for yourself or your loved ones, calculating it will not be difficult. To do this, use standard ergonomic indicators. The average height in our country is about 165 cm, - 156 cm; the height of a standard table is 75 cm. In this case, calculate the height of a homemade table for your height using the formula:

The height of a homemade table = your height * the height of a standard table / standard height;

For example, if a man is 175 cm tall, you will get the result: 175 * 75 / 165 = 79.5 cm.

If we are talking about a standard table, the anthropometric data are not known to you, choose a height such that the distance from the floor to the top edge of the tabletop is within 72-75 cm.

A desk for a schoolchild should have its own characteristics. For those under 12 years of age, tilt the table top by tilting it at an angle of 12-15 degrees. This is important because it is at this age that vision is formed. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the development of eye diseases, such as myopia.

In addition to the height of the table, the height of the chair is important for a comfortable position behind it. Choose a combination of table and chair in such a way as to ensure a comfortable positioning of the body that maintains correct posture. It is convenient to use a chair with adjustable height, in this case you can always adjust the parameters to a specific user.


  • standard table height

Work productivity depends not only on the competence of the employee or on the child’s desire to learn a lot of new things. In many ways, the quality and volume of work depends on how comfortable it is for a person to sit at a desk. Both adults and children should be comfortable and comfortable.


It is better to choose rectangular models. Today, models with curves or corner tables are quite relevant, but, unfortunately, they cannot always be well thought out, and a person has to adapt to them on his own, which can negatively affect health. For children, this can lead to poor posture, back and neck pain.

The size of the table will also play a big role. Pay attention to the countertop. It should be spacious, there should be enough space not only for papers, notebooks, books and other school supplies, but also to make it comfortable to work with, nothing getting in the way of your hands.

Tables vary in height and purpose. There are models for sitting on chairs, on the floor, and for standing work. The optimal height of the product depends on these indicators, as well as on the height and dimensions of the person. It is advisable for children to buy a table “for growth” so that they do not have to repeat the purchase every two to three years. An adjustable model is also available. The main problem in choosing a comfortable table for the whole family may be the difference in height. Height-adjustable chairs can solve the problem. But you need to take into account the fact that it is easier for people to adapt to a low table than to a too high one. Placement also matters: furniture is selected for the living room, kitchen and other rooms different heights. It is advisable to buy the most universal models so that they last as long as possible, regardless of the load and other nuances.

Selection rules

When buying a table, first of all you need to pay attention to the height indicator. There are a number of recommendations as to what this parameter should be. But there are no universal standards for all products; it all depends on their purpose. Before purchasing, you should consult with the seller regarding the height of the furniture and tell him your own parameters. If the table is designed to be used with chairs, then it should be comfortable to keep your elbows on the surface. You can find furniture with adjustable heights on sale. It is designed for children of primary school and preschool age. It is recommended to buy furniture that will provide a comfortable and correct posture. If the dining table is intended for the living room, then it is better to take taller models to make it more convenient to cross your legs. If you do not pay enough attention to the choice of height, health problems may arise:

  • rachiocampsis;
  • joint pain;
  • blurred vision.

Height depending on purpose

Tables can be coffee tables, massage tables, writing tables, kitchen tables, dining tables, and computer tables. Some are designed for a sitting position, while others are designed for standing. The dining table is selected depending on the height of the person and the height of the chairs. For a working kitchen table, a height of 87-97 cm will be comfortable for people with a height of 155-200 cm. This best option, if we take into account the difference in height characteristics, but if we take into account the average figure, then a table with a height of 84-85 cm will suit the widest category of people. A coffee table is ideally a few centimeters higher than the seats of sofas and armchairs. Written ones are made mainly inclined. They are more convenient to write on if we are talking about several hours of continuous work. Children of primary school age (7-11 years old) are recommended to buy just such tables.

Kitchen table

The key parameter for choosing the ideal work surface height is height. If this figure is below one and a half meters, then the height of the tabletop is selected within 75-80 cm. Tables 5 cm higher, 80-85 cm from the ground, are suitable for people with a height of 150-160 cm. Most people are between 160 and 180 cm tall. Most manufacturers focus specifically on such anthropometric indicators and produce kitchen tables with a height of 85 to 92 cm. It will be convenient for both men and women to work on such a surface. For those who are taller than 180 but shorter than 195 cm, furniture with a tabletop at 95-100 cm is suitable. For tall people from 195-200 cm and above, the best solution would be to place a special order. Since family members have different heights, you need to calculate the average and buy a table that fits these parameters, but with an advantage in favor of the one who spends more time in the kitchen.

When choosing a work table for cooking, you may get the false impression that its height is ideal, so be sure to find out the exact height.

It can be placed:

  • in the kitchen;
  • in the living room;
  • on the summer terrace.

The height of this piece of furniture can be comfortable for everyone, since the difference in height when sitting is not so noticeable. In a sitting position, it is important that your knees are comfortable, your body rests, and your legs can be stretched at least a little. It is recommended to choose among tables with a height of about 70-75 cm. This figure is ideal for average height. There is a simple formula for determining the preferred size of a dining table: your own height in centimeters is multiplied by the standard height of the products (75), after which the result is divided by the height that manufacturers are guided by (165). For a person of average height (170), the final result will be 77.3 cm. In the process of selecting a dining table, priority is given to the smaller indicator for convenient use by people of shorter stature. Special seats are selected for small children.

There are separate parameters for children and adults. Furniture for an adult should be combined with his height and physique. For a child, it is better to purchase a table with adjustable height. The surface of these products is made inclined. First of all, this applies to children's tables. In the 20th century, experts developed standards, compliance with which is necessary to maintain the health of the spine. With a height of 175-183 cm, the ideal table height is 70-80 cm. A low table (up to 600 mm) is recommended for short people (150-160 cm). For tall people (190-200 cm), furniture with a height of 850 to 900 mm is suitable. The executive's desk should have drawers and maintain sufficient space underfoot. In addition, a sliding keyboard surface may be required. Standard height takes into account all these factors and is 75 cm. However, if a person’s height is higher than 190-195 centimeters, a special order will be required.

Modern people follow it a large number of time. If the table is too low, you will have to bend over, and if it is too high, you will overload your neck. It is recommended to select furniture based on the basic rules of maintaining healthy posture. Your back should be kept straight with a slight bend forward, and your shoulders should be straightened. The elbows must be left in the air, and the rest of the forearm, accordingly, on the surface. The ideal height for the tabletop is 5-7 cm below the solar plexus. Keep your feet correctly on the floor, in a level position, without lifting. The knees must be bent at an angle of 90°. You need to look at the screen from top to bottom. A properly configured computer desk ensures that all of these criteria are met. This prevents diseases of the musculoskeletal system and increases work comfort and efficiency. The standard height will suit the vast majority of people, and only very short or tall people will need to make a special order.

To pick up perfect option, you need to measure the height of the seats next to which this piece of furniture will be located. There are no clear rules regarding the ideal parameters of a coffee table. It is recommended to buy a table slightly higher than the seats, but some modern designers They do not agree with this and insist that it can only match their height or be lower. There are state standards with completely different criteria. According to them, the manufacturer is obliged to make the height such that the product can withstand the expected load. The famous architect Le Corbusier paid attention to such a factor as ease of use in a sitting position. Another technical rule recommends maintaining the ratio between the height and size of the tabletop: large area the surface corresponds to a low support and vice versa.

Recently, transforming coffee tables have become popular, the adjustable height of which leaves the buyer with several options for using them.

To conduct a massage session, you must create comfortable conditions for the employee. The height of the table affects the force of impact and, accordingly, the quality of the service. The standard height indicator is in the range from 70 to 80 cm. It is designed for a massage therapist of average height - 170-180 cm. When choosing a table, you need to start from the average figure regarding physique and height, but if there are tall workers (from 185 cm), then it is recommended purchase models with adjustable height. Massage tables are relatively low - from 55 to 90 cm. The larger the adjustable range, the better. Variable height tables are based on electric or hydraulic system. The master will be able to adjust the parameters independently: the table should not be higher than the bottom point of the fist of the lowered hand, but also not lower than the fingertips of the palm.

Table for preschool children

  • children of primary preschool age (3-4 years);
  • middle group (4-5 years);
  • children of senior preschool age (5-7 years).

They usually play on the floor, but a small table will help prepare them for the learning environment in schools. Since children grow quickly, it is necessary to buy copies with an adjustable tabletop height. The table should have a slope and a small stand so that the child can draw and play with the tablet. The height of all children's tables is approximately between 37 and 60 centimeters. This “corridor” corresponds to a height of 80-140 cm. In most cases, parents buy tables for children of older preschool age, that is, 5-7 years old. The optimal location of the tabletop will be 48 cm from the floor, and the chair - 28 cm. It is important that the child develops correctly, otherwise the table will only cause harm. You need to try everything on yourself, because there are no special models for sale for preschoolers, but only for certain age limits.

Table for schoolchildren

Tables with tabletops at a level of 53-75 cm from the floor are suitable for schoolchildren. There are two types of tables: desks and more versatile furniture with additional sections. The first type has an inclined tabletop. Such furniture is intended for junior classes. It has an adjustable height. For some modifications, the inclination of the tabletop also changes. Universal ones are bought for children over 10-11 years old, but you can also find low models for 7 years of age. Some of them can also increase in height. There are many tables on sale with add-ons: sections, shelves and drawers. Transforming models with the function of “transforming” from a desk into a work table, as well as special orthopedic models, are sold. For teenagers aged 13-15 years, a table for an adult may be suitable. You should use a height-adjustable chair with it. However, your feet must touch the floor entirely.

Choosing a table and chair according to the child’s height

If your height is less than 80 centimeters, then you need to purchase products with table tops at 34 cm and seats at 17 cm from the floor. For children above 80 and below 90 cm, tables and chairs with a height of 38 and 20 cm, respectively, are selected. If the height is more than 90 cm, but less than a meter, then the ideal indicators would be 43 cm for a table and 24 cm for a chair. If the child is taller than a meter and shorter than 115 cm, then a 28 cm chair and a 48 cm table will suit him. If a child is 115-119 centimeters tall, he needs a tabletop at a level of 52-54 cm from the floor and a seat higher than 30 and lower than 32 cm. If he is 120-129 cm tall, he needs to purchase tables with a height of 52-54 cm and chairs with seats at a level 32-35 cm from the floor. If the height is between 130 and 139 cm, you need a table and chair with a height of 60-62 and 36-38 cm, respectively. Boys over 14 years old should buy a table with adult parameters - for a height of 165-177 cm.

Height-adjustable tables

They are also called mechanical. Such models help save money. They are intended for several purposes. Firstly, schoolchildren and preschool children can follow them for many years homework. In addition, “adult” tables will be adjustable depending on height and needs. Mechanical furniture may have X-shaped legs that allow for easy height adjustment. Some models are equipped with a telescopic mechanism: to change the height of the vertical supports, you need to hold the tabletop on both sides. It's less convenient option. There are also electronic and retractable mechanisms. Using any of these devices, you can not only adjust the height from the floor, but also change appearance or a set of functions, for example, turning a coffee table into a dining table. All products have a small minus - maximum load limited to 30-45 kilograms.
There are many more advantages. Among them:

  1. Practicality. They can be used in different rooms and for various purposes.
  2. Space saving due to the compactness of the product.
  3. Comfort and versatility. The table can be customized at your discretion.


Desks usually have a standard height, taking into account the average height. Standing surfaces tend to be higher. But there are exceptions: the massage table can be adjusted and made quite low - about 55 cm from the floor. The height of the working kitchen surface and dining table is selected depending on the parameters of the shorter person. At the same time, desks, computer tables and desks are selected based on the needs of a tall person. Height-adjustable chairs compensate for the inconvenience. The standard height of office desks is 75 cm. This also applies to other furniture for use with chairs. But Special attention You need to pay attention to choosing a children's table. To work efficiently and quickly, your child needs a comfortable table with various accessories. Orthopedic chairs will help maintain posture.

Each person has his own height - some are tall, some are short. But computer desks in most cases have standard sizes and height 0.75 m.

The question is, where did this value come from? And everything comes from there – from statistical data. We calculated the average height and made it according to it, but what about people above or below average? Just choose the appropriate furniture for yourself, otherwise you shouldn’t expect anything good from the wrong dimensions. But in essence, if a person’s height varies within acceptable limits, then there will be nothing wrong with the fact that, for example, glass computer tables will be a couple of centimeters higher or lower than required. It's another matter when this discrepancy is significant.

What should be the height and dimensions of a computer desk?

There is a simple formula that can be used to calculate your ideal height. To do this: height is multiplied (cm) by the height of a standard table (cm) and divided by 175, and the result is the required value. For example, for a hero 190 cm tall, the table should be: 190*75/175=82 cm. Where can I get such a table?

For a short person, the problem can be solved by purchasing a height-adjustable office chair, but for a giant, this option is not suitable. In such serious cases, you need to order individually or purchase a finished product with an adjustable tabletop. This will be an ideal solution, because such a table will suit all family members of different heights, but especially children. After all, they tend to grow. Why don't you buy a new one every year?

The only table that does not need to be adjusted to your height is a glass coffee table. In this case, the main thing will be the price factor and the general appearance.

Why is it important to choose the right sizes?

If the height of this piece of furniture is calculated incorrectly, then you can say goodbye to normal vision and a straight spine. An incorrectly selected computer desk can also cause rapid fatigue. A low table forces you to bend over and slouch, and working behind tall furniture involves constantly lifting your head, and it is not made of iron, just like your neck.

A modern person spends too much of his time at such a table, and he should not feel any discomfort. Only correct selection furniture can prevent a decrease in performance and avoid health problems. And there are several ways to solve this problem, therefore, you can always choose the appropriate option. And don’t think that good and high-quality things cost a lot of money and you can’t afford them. It is not difficult to find inexpensive glass tables, you just need to look for them in the right place.

Computer desk not only hides massive computer parts (processor, subwoofer, etc.) and numerous wires, but at the same time provides enough space for disks, books and other small things.

There are enough tables for a computer in the store roads. Independent making a table will save a lot monetary funds and will not take much time.

Types of computer desks

Options designs There are a lot of computer desks. Straight and angular compact tables and entire ensembles, including, in addition to computer desk all kinds lockers, bedside tables, shelves.

There are several types special tables, intended for installation on them laptop, ultrabook, netbook.

Very relevant for small apartments Options for transforming computer desks too varied: table-stand, table-cabinet.

Yes, narrow closet does not take up much space, and if necessary turns into full-fledged computer desk and everything components computers are in their place, and you don’t have to remove them every time.

Computer desk- cabinet

Wall mounted computer tables for laptop(netbook, ultrabook)

Mobile computer tables for laptop(netbook, ultrabook)

What can you make a computer desk from?

Great option– computer made of wood. You can also use other traditional ones to create furniture materials:

  • laminated sheets
  • MDF;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • glass.

Note! A metal computer desk with a glass top is optimal solution for interior in high-tech style.

Calculating the size of a computer desk

It is more difficult to calculate dimensions for corner computer desk, so let’s consider this option first.

Corner table dimensions

Factors that influence the size of the table:

  • Tabletop width. The minimum tabletop width is 50 cm (500 mm). Optimal size– 60 cm (600 mm).
  • Section width(which are the table supports). Each table has a different section width. If this is a processor tray – 20–25 cm (200–250 mm). If the tray has drawers or a door – 45–60 cm (450–600 mm).
  • Corner depth(where the person is located). The minimum size is 50 cm (500 mm), optimal is 60 cm (600 mm).

Are common table dimensions are calculated based on the above sizes.
Lateral overlaps – 5 cm (50 mm).

Minimum table size

  • tabletop width – 50 cm;
  • corner depth – 50 cm;
  • section width – 20 cm and 45 cm;
  • 5 cm + 20 cm + 35.4 cm + 50 cm = 110.4 cm – length of one wing table;
  • 5 cm + 45 cm + 35.4 cm + 50 cm = 135.4 cm – length of the second wing.

Optimal table size

  • tabletop width – 60 cm;
  • corner depth – 60 cm;
  • section width – 25 cm and 50 cm;
  • 5 cm + 25 cm + 42.4 cm + 60 cm = 132.4 cm – length of one wing table;
  • 5 cm + 50 cm + 42.4 cm + 60 cm = 157.4 cm – length of the second wing.

Straight table dimensions

Dimensions direct computer desk calculated similarly. To do this you need to know the width tray(or trays), working width places(50–60 cm) and overlaps(5 cm on each side).

Minimum table size

  • with one tray:
    5 cm + 5 cm + 20 cm + 50 cm = 80 cm;
  • with two trays:
    5 cm + 5 cm + 20 cm + 45 cm + 50 cm = 125 cm.

Optimal table size

  • with one tray: 5 cm + 5 cm + 25 cm + 60 cm = 95 cm;
  • with two trays: 5 cm + 5 cm + 25 cm + 50 cm + 60 cm = 145 cm.

Height table varies from 70 to 76 cm.

Note! It is not recommended to make the table higher or lower than the required dimensions, as this will lead to incorrect body position when working at the computer, the development and aggravation of back and spine diseases.

Drawing of a computer desk with dimensions

Materials and tools

On one's own do computer desk is not difficult. To do this you need to stock up materials and tools that will be needed during the manufacturing process and assemblies.

In addition to the main material (chipboard, MDF) you will need:

  • glue PVA;
  • pair guides for a pull-out shelf (length – 30 cm);
  • screws or confirmations(furniture screws);
  • dowels for furniture – 4 or 6 pcs.

The following will also be required for the job: tools:

  • pencils square;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hexagon;
  • roulette;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill for confirmation.

Important! When cutting table parts from laminated chipboard, be especially careful when cutting out the rounded parts with a jigsaw to avoid chipping.

Straight computer desk

Let's consider making the most simple models.

Step 1. We cut and process wooden parts for the future table:

  • side racks 735 x 465 mm – 2 pcs.;
  • central stand 735 x 380 mm – 1 pc.;
  • back wall 1090 x 290 mm – 1 piece;
  • table top 1200 x 580 mm – 1 piece;
  • internal shelves 450 x 250 mm – 2 pcs.;
  • retractable shelf 830 x 380 mm – 1 pc.

Step 2. In the sidewall and central We make holes in the rack for confirmations: 4 for each shelf. Fastening bottom shelf.

Step 3. We fasten in the same way top shelf.

Step 4. Screw it on rear wall.

Step 5. Screw the second one sidewall with the help of two confirmations. From the front it will look like this:

Step 6. Marking a place for guides and start attaching them. When choosing or making retractable shelves, you should remember thickness guides (1 cm on each side).

Step 7 We attach the guides to shelf.

Step 8 Drill small holes in lateral racks (under the dowels of the tabletop). Similar holes drilled into the countertop. There is no need to drill all the way through the countertop, but the depth should be not less than 25 mm.

Step 9 Lubricating the dowels glue PVA, insert them into the ends frame table.

Step 10 Place the table top on top and insert the dowels into grooves.

You can also install dowels on the table surface shelves with drawers for small items, notebooks and disks.

Corner computer desk

Corner computer tables also come with add-ons and without add-ons.
Length wings:

  • minimum - 110/135 cm;
  • optimal - 132/157 cm;
  • maximum - 166/200 cm.

Step 1. We draw and cut everything out details future table. If for the manufacture of a table they are used not laminated materials, antiseptic.

Step 2. Cut it out table top. Assembling the side racks with shelves (confirmations). Right section (which is larger) can have retractable boxes or with one door.

If a section with drawers is being made, then internal side walls are pre-attached guides. Boxes are collected, which also fastened guides.

Step 3. With the help of confirmations it is collected corner table support.

Step 4. A rectangular frame with guides and a retractable shelf for keyboards.

Step 5. In the tabletop, lateral racks and corner support, holes are made for dowels(2 pieces on each side and 1 piece on each side of the corner support).

Step 6. Dowels, pre-lubricated PVA, are inserted into the side posts and corner support.

Step 7 Installed tabletop.

The sections at the back are closed with walls made of Fiberboard. We cover the finished table varnish or paint.

Computer desk decoration

If when making a table you use laminated wood sheets, then any special finishing not required. Only visible ones are processed ends details.

For this purpose, a special edging is used ribbon. It is made from different materials and there are different colors.

The edge gives the product a finished and aesthetic appearance, and also prevents the release of harmful substances from the chipboard formaldehyde. The tape is glued to the ends of the parts using iron.

How to make a computer desk with your own hands, see video:

Properly selected furniture provides users with comfort and health benefits. If we are talking about tables, then take it when choosing correct solution, you can focus on their purpose and accepted standards.

What desk height standards exist?

The recommended value is 75 cm. Based on GOST, manufacturers produce furniture with a height of 70 to 80 cm. Theoretically, such a spread should satisfy the requirements of all users, but this is not the case. Those whom nature has endowed with a height of 160 or 180 cm, for standard table they feel uncomfortable because it is either too high or, conversely, too low.

A separate category for which the standards do not apply are children. A dining table, a desk table or a computer table - they need a table before their physical development is complete. Consequently, parents have only 2 options left - adjust the length of the chair legs, or, which is preferable, take care of purchasing children's furniture.

How to choose the right table height

The calculation of the standard is based on the average statistical height of a person. When selecting furniture “for yourself”, it is also important to take this parameter into account, because the formula for a comfortable tabletop height is unchanged: height (cm) * coefficient. But the variable itself depends on its purpose.


This type of table means all working surface, which is not entirely correct, but is the most practical. After all, it would be much more difficult to care for a truly correct and convenient multi-level option.

The finished dish is the result of many preparatory processes, most of which are easier to do while standing. Accordingly, the height of the kitchen table should be such that the person behind it can work with relaxed shoulders and a straight back.

When choosing from ready-made kitchen surfaces, the optimal distance from the countertop to the floor can be easily determined visually: it should be at a level below the waist.

But what to do if members of the same family have a large difference in height? Under no circumstances should you determine the arithmetic mean, as is recommended by some “experts”. ATTENTION!

When choosing a kitchen table, you should focus on the person who cooks most often - it is this person who “most clearly” feels the consequences of a wrong choice.

If you need to determine the height of the kitchen table if it is made to order, you can use the formula: height * 0.51.

By rounding the result to the nearest whole, you will be able to obtain the optimal distance from the floor to the tabletop, taking into account individual characteristics.

But what to do if members of the same family have a large difference in height? Under no circumstances should you determine the arithmetic mean, as is recommended by some “experts”. Written

This version of furniture has slightly different tasks: you are supposed to work with it while sitting. While working, your forearms should remain relaxed, your back straight, and your shoulders in a natural position. A slight tilt of the head is acceptable, but the shin and thigh must be at a right angle, and the foot must be pressed firmly to the floor. When choosing such furniture, there can be no question of any averageness. You should focus on the tallest member of the household. And for the rest, individual chairs and footrests are simply added to the table set. Calculation formula

optimal height

desk: height*0.46.

But what to do if members of the same family have a large difference in height? Under no circumstances should you determine the arithmetic mean, as is recommended by some “experts”. Computer

It is important to understand that this is a direct descendant of its written counterpart. The requirements for it are the same.

  • When typing on the keyboard, it is important to maintain correct posture and hand position. And the distance from the eyes to the monitor can be easily adjusted by moving it to the opposite edge of the tabletop.
  • For greater compactness while maintaining convenience for users, computer desks are often equipped with a retractable shelf for the keyboard and a stand for the monitor. In this case:
  • the shelf should be at an optimal height to maintain the natural position of the hands; optimal angle view without having to slouch or lean back.

The general recommendation for choosing the optimal height for all family members remains: the guideline is for the tallest. Fortunately, it is not difficult to purchase a footrest, and high-quality computer chair easy to adjust to user needs.


Not too much time is spent on such furniture, but this does not mean that any option will do. Behind dining table The whole family gathers, so everyone should be comfortable at the same time. A table that is too high or low will not allow you to sit comfortably and get maximum pleasure from culinary masterpieces. And all kinds of footrests and chairs with adjustable heights are simply inappropriate. But that doesn't mean that right choice

But what to do if members of the same family have a large difference in height? Under no circumstances should you determine the arithmetic mean, as is recommended by some “experts”. too difficult to do.

The calculated value is determined by the formula: height * 0.43. However, there is one clarification: in this case, you should focus on the average height of adult family members.
If dad, mom, grandparents “grew” to 175, 155, 180 and 160 cm, respectively, then you need to determine the average value:
(175+155+180+160)/4 = 167.5 cm.

And they already substitute it into the formula. And it doesn’t matter that the father has to stretch his legs slightly in order to sit comfortably at the table - this is permissible near the dining room.

How to choose the right desk for a child

  • It is desirable that the working surface of furniture for a schoolchild be inclined, and there are several reasons for this:
  • visibility improves, making reading easier;
  • teaches you to be in order, because little things scattered on the table tend to roll off if they are not placed in the places designated for them;

encourages you to take the only correct position, since slouching at such a table is uncomfortable. REFERENCE!

The height of the near edge is calculated using the same formula as for the “adult” version: height * 0.46. But the child grows quickly, so it is worth purchasing furniture with a small margin “for growth” or, preferably, with the ability to adjust the height and angle of the tabletop.

The latter option is somewhat more expensive than the unregulated ones. But it will cost less than 2-3 simple ones - and this is the minimum number of replacements for a children’s desktop, if you care about maintaining the posture of the younger generation.

Are other parameters important? Correctly selected height will not make it convenient to work behind a narrow desk

  • tabletop width is at least 60 cm for a child and 80 for adults (more is better);
  • depth - from 35 cm for a child, from 50 for an adult (the principle is the same);
  • legroom - to the depth of the tabletop and at least 50 cm in width.

Applied to various types furniture it looks like this:

  • for the kitchen table, the criteria for depth and width are taken;
  • for written and computer - all three parameters;
  • for lunch, the first pair of values ​​is doubled, resulting in the required minimum.

What's good about an adjustable desk?

The main advantage of such furniture is the ability to adapt to current needs, eliminating the need to purchase several different-sized models. Adjustable options are compact, which is especially useful in city apartments. The only negative is that they are not designed for heavy loads. Their limit is 45–50 kg.

encourages you to take the only correct position, since slouching at such a table is uncomfortable. The table can be equipped with mechanical or electronic transformation mechanisms. Often the manufacturer provides not only a change in height level, but also an increase in area.

Consequences of the wrong choice

The first item on the list of criteria is convenience. If the table does not meet this requirement, then full-time work at it is out of the question. Incorrect posture primarily interferes with normal blood circulation. Result: congestion, swelling, pain. And for a child whose body changes every minute, an incorrect position at a desk contributes to an increased risk of abnormal development of the muscular corset.