Narrow corridor Brezhnevka. Selection of design for a small narrow hallway in Khrushchev, photos of ready-made solutions

For owners of apartments of similar layout, of course, it is no secret that corridor in Khrushchev It is distinguished by its particularly small dimensions, which simply make it unsuitable for standard solutions. However, owners of small-sized housing never give up, transforming all the rooms in their premises with maximum efficiency. So it’s quite possible to make a zone front door in such an apartment it is quite spacious visually with the help traditional techniques, which have been used for quite a long time and successfully.

Corridor design in Khrushchev

Tips to use for corridor design in Khrushchev, are common to all small rooms. However, it is the entrance area that is more problematic, since in terms of area it is still the smallest separate area in the apartment, second only to the storage room. Indeed, there is neither a window nor the possibility of moving the doors a little further, so all the main functions of the hallway need to be placed on a tiny spot. Designers suggest not using general style, which you will, for example, use throughout the rest of the apartment, and use here an individual design that will be indirectly, say, through interior doors, consistent with the design of the adjacent rooms.

What we have in the starting position of the Khrushchev layout: several square meters of dark space, low ceilings, interior doors that open into the corridor and all other delights that need to be worked on comprehensively. First, understand the constants and those things that you can change. For example, if you do not want to carry out redevelopment and re-equipment, you will not be able to move the walls or remove the doors from their hinges, and in especially difficult cases (if the housing is removable), you will not even be able to re-stick the wallpaper to your liking. So everyone must decide for themselves how many tools to visually increase space they can use.

Among the simplest is dismantling interior doors or changing the direction of their opening. Indeed, they are needed for convenience. big family, but when they open into a tiny corridor, this becomes not only a problem from a design point of view, but also a real safety hazard, because opening the door at the wrong time can easily cause injury. Therefore, experts advise using sliding door systems or screwing door hinges on the other side of the loot and rehang the canvas itself.

Additionally, consider using plasterboard wall trim. This method is used very widely today, since it allows you to skip the complex and time-consuming steps of standard finishing, such as putty, leveling, and so on. But using a framework metal profile, onto which sheets of drywall are sewn, you deliberately take away much-needed square centimeters from the space, which in total can reach up to 10% of the total area of ​​the room. Therefore, the standard recommendation would be to use only suspended ceiling, but do this, among other things, for the sake of the opportunity to place spot lighting in it.

Small corridor in Khrushchev

To small corridor in Khrushchev has become the real pride of the owners (after all, this is the first impression of any guest about your home), you should make it as light as possible. The technique that will allow you to do this most successfully is an abundance of all kinds of lighting sources.

In fact, too much light for hallway-corridor in Khrushchev It just can't be. We have already talked about the fact that this area is the darkest in the entire apartment and therefore needs artificial lighting. If you just hang ceiling lamp, this will not be enough, even though the ceilings in our case are quite low. Of course, there must be a lamp on the ceiling, but let there be more than one, let there be several of them, and also supplement them with lighting on the walls and in the mirror area, make sure that the cabinets are illuminated inside, and so on.

The height of the ceilings is always taken into account in the design, since this, coupled with the poor layout and tiny size of the rooms, is its main problem. Therefore, it is best not to consider options for lamps whose length is over 40 centimeters, since you will cling to them when bringing in bulky cargo, and tall guests of your home can even reach it with their heads. From the variety of wall sconces, it is better to choose modern, laconic options for hallways, corridor in Khrushchev, photo which you can see above. They differ from the others in that the light from them comes from two points at once - up and down, evenly illuminating the entire space around them.

Narrow corridor in Khrushchev

Cope with narrow corridor in Khrushchev Of course, all kinds of mirrors will help you. It is mirrors, and not glossy furniture facades, which are often recommended for a similar effect in the design of other rooms. After all, especially large quantity You cannot physically place facades and furniture in the hallway, and you need a lot of them to achieve at least some effect. That is why large mirrors become our main tool for visually expanding walls.

They perform not only a design task, but also the main useful function - they allow you to look at yourself from head to toe before leaving the house. Therefore, you should not buy short, small mirrors in intricate frames, as is often advised when recreating vintage and classic styles. Optimal choice there will be a rectangular mirror in a strict, monochromatic frame, which is placed with a slight offset opposite the front door or on the same wall with it (if the precepts of Feng Shui are important to you).

Very beautiful models of mirrors with shelves can now be found on sale. It combines a convenient place to store small items near the front door; here you can touch up your makeup a little before going out or put your keys with your phone. Don't forget to provide the mirror with a small lamp at the top or place several lamps along its contour.

The color of the walls is very important; you can design them completely different from the interiors of even adjacent rooms. You have probably already noticed that many examples corridor in Khrushchev, design, photo which you have already looked at in our article, differ snow-white interiors. And this is no coincidence, because it is this shade that allows you to get the greatest visual effect of expanding the space. Besides, white interior is simply at the peak of its popularity and has no intention of losing ground at the moment.

It is easy to work with even non-professional designers, since any other color can be combined with it quite successfully. The only limitation is that there must be one such companion color, and it should only shade the whiteness, and not overlap it. Good choice there will be black and graphite gray, yellow and burgundy can add a little warmth, and turquoise or soft pink will help create a fashionable look for the room.

If in your house the hallway is a problem area in terms of dirt, for example, there is no small vestibule in front of the entrance, there is a large dog that likes to shake itself out after rain, or a summer house with potato harvesting season, then the white color can become a problem, because it is quite easily soiled. And not everyone likes a room in this style; although it looks beautiful, not everyone will associate it with home comfort. Therefore, you can use other shades, but their saturation should be carefully adjusted. Light, natural, warm - they will allow you to find common points of contact with the rest of the rooms.

Corridor in Khrushchev - photo

Patterned wallpaper is not at all taboo for design correct design corridor in Khrushchev. Photo, which you see above, prove that with the help of small-sized accents, you can hide the small size of your hallway behind its beauty. After all, we always admire skillfully made things, even if they are small in size, so make your hallway original and memorable and no one will pay attention to the lack of usable space.

Before this we only talked about walls, ceilings and doors, but putting furniture in such a tiny space is very difficult task. Do it a great opportunity to relieve the entrance door area from outer clothing, but not all layouts have such a storage room or mezzanine. Therefore, owners invariably face the problem of lack of space where they can hang clothes and put shoes. Standard cabinet options are simply not suitable due to the small size of the room, so to corridor in a small Khrushchev building was able to perform its main functions, you will need to make custom built-in furniture. These can be wardrobes with sliding doors, or there may be systems of a more traditional type, but they all must fit into a certain place from floor to ceiling and from wall to wall. The facade of the cabinet should also not be left to chance - the doors are mirrored, and the shelves and drawers themselves are made of light material.

Repair of a corridor in Khrushchev

Sometimes it seems that, with all the other zones, the apartments were invented specifically for the owners of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings. It is this decision - a radical redevelopment - that seems to the owners to be almost the only way out of the current situation. And when renovation of a corridor in Khrushchev, you should seriously think about whether you want to resolve the issue radically and forever, whether the procedures for registering and approving such a plan frighten you. The only thing that should convince you of the correctness of such a decision is photographs of projects for such redevelopments.

It is quite possible to create the same beauty in your apartment, and you will forever forget about the dark hallway, narrow kitchen, in which it is difficult to turn around and other inconveniences, your reward will be a modern studio in which you can implement any progressive design idea.

The design features of hallways in Khrushchev-era buildings are based on the basic principles of the approach to reorganizing the small space of an apartment.

  1. The architectural plan of a small hallway requires that every centimeter of space be considered from a practical point of view. It is preferable to make furniture to order according to the project. It will cost more, but will allow you to effectively “fit” into the tightness of the quadrature. It’s a good idea to remember to use all vertical surfaces correctly, right up to the ceiling. Why not remember the practical possibilities of forgotten mezzanines? But with a new design based on advanced technological solutions.
  2. Redevelopment of a Khrushchev apartment in favor of a hallway, especially if it is 2.5 - 3 sq m, will help solve the issue of lack of space for placing the most necessary equipment in the corridor. Expensive, but effective! Taking into account that the walls of the bathrooms are not load-bearing structures, like many partitions in Khrushchev-era rooms, the task of redevelopment is quite feasible even for a wallet below the generally accepted standard of living with a desire to remodel the apartment. The most important thing here, if you follow the letter of the law, is to receive a positive response to the conversion of living space from the permitting authorities.
  3. The color scheme allows you to make the hallway both cozy and visually spacious.
  4. Thoughtful lighting helps the color scheme to reveal itself. A harmonious combination of natural and artificial light can create a miracle in cramped circumstances.
  5. A careful choice of building and finishing materials, although illusory, will bring the hallway in the Khrushchev-era building closer to the apartment design of the most modern house.
  6. Techniques for visual “expansion” of space should be used in large quantities and with maximum efficiency. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Techniques visual increase space using the example of a hallway in Khrushchev:

  • The color design of the walls is monochromatic, made in light colors Preferably: beige, peach, cream, pastel pink, pale yellow and green are all safe bets small hallway;
  • The pattern for the wallpaper is chosen to be small and unobtrusive;
  • preference is given to a white or light beige ceiling, a glossy surface, as opposed to a matte one;
  • the transverse wall is made lighter than the longitudinal vertical surfaces;
  • mirrored doors and doors, mirrors opposite each other, mirror inserts together with lighting and glossy surfaces of the ceiling and furniture expand the spatial framework;
  • illumination of niches (if they are present), lamps along long wall corridor, point light sources, upward lighting complement the airiness of a small hallway;
  • spot zoning of a narrow long hallway hallway in a Khrushchev building will create a feeling of additional space;
  • narrow vertical lines on the wallpaper, supposedly creating a three-dimensional effect, in conditions of limited ceiling height and space geometry are perceived as a kind of well, and horizontal lines with a high ceiling can steal the volume - these effects should be taken carefully in each specific case;
  • photo wallpaper, photo gallery, paintings will help to increase the space on only one wall surface and in combination with mirror reflection with a lighting solution: a design technique that is complex and requires careful study. The picture opposite the mirror is a small detail from a fan of ways to increase the possibilities of three-dimensional perception;
  • The idea of ​​a color scheme for the design of furniture in a small room is based on the same principle of light shades of the interior.

Just as a theater begins with a coat rack, an apartment begins with a hallway. Despite its small area, it plays an important role in organizing home space. Stored here outerwear and shoes, hats, bags, keys. It is here that guests are greeted and seen off, they look in the mirror before going out, and when returning, they change their shoes for soft slippers. Create Beautiful design the hallway in the Khrushchev is very easy, and as a result it will improve the mood of all household members every day!

How to enlarge the hallway in Khrushchev?

Layout small apartments in Soviet high-rise buildings it is not particularly spacious. Square meters there are distributed extremely economically, only to provide the minimum necessary for existence. At best, 3-4 sq.m. are allocated for the hallway in a Khrushchev-era building, so furniture and other things should be placed in it very carefully. Compensate for lack of free space, lack of natural light(windows) and raise the ceiling height a little with the help of proper design.

Increasing doorways

If you remove the doors leading from the corridor to the rooms, and widen the openings or make arches out of them, then the hallway will “get” daylight and better ventilation. The disadvantage of this solution may be the penetration of odors from the kitchen, as well as a decrease in the heat efficiency of the rooms. A compromise option is to replace the solid door leaf with impact-resistant glass, or even opaque glass.

Replacement of interior partitions

Having received permission for redevelopment, you can remove some of the interior partitions and install in their place a full-fledged wardrobe, a large closet or a modular set. Thin sliding doors covering the entire wall will also look stylish and impressive.


A mirror in the hallway is a must-have element, so why not make the most of its features? Fully mirror wall visually deepens the space, doubling it. In addition, you can admire your reflection in full height. An alternative to this is mirrored cabinet doors, a glossy reflective finish.

Photo wallpaper

High-quality photo wallpaper with panoramic images of landscapes, streets, realistic effect three-dimensionality, the play of light and shadows will make any hallway in Khrushchev much more interesting and wider. Preference should be given to paintings in light shades.

Vertical lines

Gypsum false columns, contrasting vertical patterns on wallpaper or decorative elements - the best way pull the room up so that the ceiling appears higher and the interior appears more refined.

Color solutions

Considering small size hallway in Khrushchev, the color for its design must be chosen with care. Neutral light and warm colors will look best, ideally one or two similar shades. It is advisable to avoid too bright, saturated colors, large eye-catching patterns and colorful elements.

White hallway in Khrushchev

The purity and freshness of white makes it indispensable for creating a sophisticated design for a small hallway in Scandinavian, classic or French styles. It will look especially good in combination with golden, beige, light gray, yellow and cool shades of wood.

Gray hallway in Khrushchev

Discreet and neutral gray - base color for urban interior. If you choose minimalism, loft or hi-tech to decorate your apartment, an entrance hall in asphalt or steel shades will fit perfectly into the overall concept.

Brown hallway in Khrushchev

The color of dark wood is considered a symbol of home comfort, solidity and adherence to tradition. The proximity to beige, golden or peach will help give the chocolate shade a lightness.

Orange hallway in Khrushchev

Cheerful orange itself emits warmth and light, replacing the sun's rays, which were so lacking in the cramped Khrushchev-era hallways. This color gives a feeling of friendliness and affability, instantly lifting everyone's mood.

Yellow hallway in Khrushchev

Yellow is another radiant color, thanks to which even the smallest hallway will become lighter and more spacious. It can be combined with white, or you can choose softened tones: sand, golden or banana.

Red hallway in Khrushchev

In the hallways this bright color It is rare, but the more interesting the interior will look with its use. You can paint the walls in wine or berry tones, choose a scarlet wall (preferably glossy), a rug or doors. In any case, it will be a bold and unconventional move.

Decorating a small hallway in Khrushchev

When choosing materials for decorating a hallway, you should be guided primarily by practical considerations - how resistant they are to dirt, mechanical damage, humidity, and whether they are easy to clean. These criteria are especially relevant for families with small children and pets. As for aesthetic properties, it is advisable to give preference to light shades and shiny, reflective textures.


The flooring in the hallway is constantly checked for strength: dirty shoes, dust, heels and stilettos, detergents to a greater or lesser extent lead to its wear. In terms of durability, the following materials can be recommended:

Porcelain tiles- due to the special composition of raw materials and firing at a very high temperature, it is stronger than tiles. Due to the absence of glaze, this artificial stone There are no traces of hairpins left, it is not slippery. This elite option, but the high price is justified by the longest service life and impeccable quality;

Ceramic tile- a convenient and common material that is easy to wash, it is environmentally friendly and hygienic. To make the hallway design in a Khrushchev-era apartment look modern, you can choose dim patchwork tiles, white-beige or white-gray checkerboard of medium size, hexagonal tiles;

Self-leveling floor is a self-hardening polymer resin, which, due to its transparency, allows you to create very interesting effects(3D pictures, inclusions of small objects inside, imitation marble, etc.). The advantage of such a floor is the absence of joints and cracks, as well as complete waterproofness. But still, it is not advisable to walk on it in high heels - marks may remain;

Linoleuma budget option, which can be very easily replaced if necessary. A wide selection of colors will allow you to fit linoleum into any style.

To a lesser extent, natural parquet, laminate and carpet are used for the hallway. These coatings quickly become unusable, absorbing moisture and dirt.


The decoration of the walls in the hallway has a great influence on the decor as a whole, setting the mood and style. The simplest solution is to paint with any water-based paint. The lower part of the wall near the entrance can be protected from splashes by tiling it. But there are also more complex options.

Brickwork– naked Brick wall or its imitation have become a real trend in design since lofts came into fashion. For a small hallway in Khrushchev this is very good option, because it gives it a modern, informal look and visually expands the space.

Wallpaper- several rolls of this finishing material will allow you to change the look of the hallway beyond recognition. You can use leftover paper from room renovations, combining funny designs with strict geometry; buy luxury vinyl with silkscreen printing; choose textured glass wallpaper for painting or even cover the walls with old newspapers - the more creativity you show during the renovation, the more interesting the result will be.

Cork covering- in fact, these are the same wallpaper, only with crushed cork oak wood applied to them. The base can be fabric made of synthetic fibers (non-woven) or vinyl. The first allows moisture to pass through and allows the walls to breathe, while the second is resistant to water. Such decoration will create a cozy and warm atmosphere in the hallway in Khrushchev and will reduce noise.


Since the ceilings in Khrushchev are low, they have to be “raised” visually using artistic techniques. White color and a mirror surface will help achieve this goal. Two-level designs are also possible, which in combination with successful lighting will create the illusion of a “floating” ceiling.

When choosing a stretch film, preference should be given to a distinctly glossy or satin film. The first one is ideal for modern style, the second - for classics and Provence.

If the ceiling in the hallway is simply painted over plaster, glass fiber will help get rid of microcracks - it needs to be glued to the surface, and then paint in 1-2 layers.

Furniture and accessories for the hallway

The functionality of the hallway directly depends on the choice and arrangement of furniture. A hanger, a shelf for hats, a closed wardrobe, a shoe rack with an ottoman, a cabinet, a chest of drawers, an umbrella holder, and finally, a mirror - all these are the necessary attributes of a comfortable corridor. At first glance, everything listed simply won’t fit in 3-4 square meters, but why not use hidden reserves? Narrow built-in sets with a mezzanine above the door (entrance or interior) can serve well here. corner cabinets and hangers, sliding doors. If the hallway in a Khrushchev-era building is very small, then it wouldn’t hurt to move the dressing room a little further from the front door - for example, to occupy part of the living room.

Complete hallways, which are sold in furniture stores, look stylish, but sometimes their dimensions do not suit the room. It is better to make a custom wall so that it fills a free niche from floor to ceiling, and every centimeter of space is used effectively.

For shoes, it is necessary to provide cabinets with folding doors or pull-out shelves - it is better that they close tightly and do not accumulate dust. It is more convenient if shoes are stored at an angle rather than horizontally, since this way they take up less space.

As for accessories, in the hallway you simply need a key holder, an umbrella holder and Wall Clock. You can hang several paintings or favorite photos on the walls as decoration.


Because natural solar lighting There is almost no such thing in the hallway of a Khrushchev-era building; the question of artificial lighting arises. This function in modern interior perform energy-saving LED lamps. They consume little electricity, emit a pleasant light and do not heat up.

To distribute brightness evenly, spotlights are mounted on the ceiling, and sometimes in walls, niches, and the floor. Two-level structures are usually decorated with luminous ribbons (white or colored), which emphasize their volume.

Side lighting with sconce lamps always looks cozy and homely. It is best to place them on two sides of the mirror - this way your face will be well lit, shadows will not fall on it and the reflection will become more truthful.

If the style requires it (for example, classic or baroque), there can be a chandelier in the center of the hallway, the main thing is that it be as compact as possible. Additionally, you can arrange side lighting for paintings.

Hallway design in Khrushchev - photo

More interesting ideas and new design solutions on arranging a hallway in a Khrushchev building is presented in our photo gallery. Selection real interiors will be useful for anyone who plans to make a beautiful and modern renovation in the hallway. The photo shows examples of how certain finishing options may look in a real-life environment, different designs furniture, household items, color combinations. Enjoy watching!

The hallway is the main entrance to the apartment. It is this room that forms the first impression, influences your mood, and highlights your style as soon as you enter the apartment.
Your friends get their first impression of the apartment here. The hallways in Khrushchev apartments are very inconvenient, narrow corridors, with several doors, which are also inconveniently located.
At first glance, they do not imply any kind of hospitality at all. Arrangement of such small room, redecorating or decorating a small hallway will take a little time, effort and money, but it will complete or complement the image of your home.

Before you begin, you need to take into account all the shortcomings of this room in order to use them for good in the future. Even in a standard repairable one-room apartment the hallway in a Khrushchev building can become functional and cozy.
So, the important disadvantages of the hallway in Khrushchev are:

  • A small area of ​​3-4 square meters. m.
  • Inconvenient layout.
  • Long narrow corridor.

Tip: When selecting finishing materials, you need to remove from the list those that will take away “valuable” centimeters of space from you. For example, in a small hallway it is not advisable Wall panels, large plaster, stone.
But paint or wallpaper the best option for such a hallway.

Repair always starts from the ceiling. When choosing colors for the hallway, you need to take into account that the background can visually reduce or expand the space.
The most optimal option would be with a white smooth ceiling and light walls(milky, beige, yellow, blue).

Partitions, choice of material

Decorating a small hallway with your own hands is a difficult process if you don’t have experience. The difficulty lies in the extremely small thickness of the partitions.
Partitions are made here from:

  • foam concrete,
  • gypsum concrete,
  • tree.

Due to the differences in these materials, the specifics of their finishing are also different. Wooden walls easily deformed, it is very difficult to avoid the appearance of cracks, even after repair by a highly qualified worker.
Repairing a hallway in a Khrushchev building should begin with strengthening the walls at the edges metal corners. You can pick it up later.
You can use material to decorate the hallway walls, such as:

  • thick wallpaper,
  • cork wallpaper,
  • cork,
  • painting,
  • decorative plaster.

Advice. It is important that the finishing layer is less than 1-2 cm. When small sizes It is recommended to save every centimeter of space in the hallway.
Therefore, all types of sheathing that are installed on the sheathing are unsuitable.

Partitions made of gypsum concrete and foam concrete are easy to finish. After all, they hardly deform and are quite durable.
The main difficulty is to align them well. It is unlikely to work using the old proven method with beacons, and in this case, again, a lot of space will be taken up.
So you will have to struggle with leveling the walls using a starting multi-layer putty where deep differences are identified.

Several layers are necessary, because with a layer thickness of 2-3 mm, shrinkage of the solution is already visible when it thickens, and it may crack. Another option would be to cover the walls. plasterboard sheets, or a complete change of partitions to drywall.
The last method will immediately solve another acute problem of Khrushchev:

  • wiring of electrical cables,
  • wires,
  • installation of switches and sockets.

If you need to drill sockets for a switch or socket, then you need to approach the issue very carefully. The thickness of the partitions is so small that you can easily make a through hole into the next room.
When using special attachments, you need to use stops on the drill to drill to a clearly defined depth.

Advice: Do not trench walls for wiring using impact drill or a hammer drill. It is best to use a grinder with circles on concrete.
Only in this way will it be possible to ensure protection of the thin partition.

Ceilings in the hallway

Ceilings, like walls, are usually not particularly smooth. Before you begin finishing, it is necessary that the finishing materials for the hallway walls and ceilings be combined with each other.
Sometimes differences in the ceiling reach up to 2 cm; in order to bring the ceiling covering to one level, you can install the usual form of suspended structure. In this case, the profile frame is fixed without a suspension system directly to the ceiling using special holders in the form of perforated strips.

Replacement of floor covering

The flooring should be given a little more attention, since it bears a lot of the load. It would be good to immediately prepare a project for decorating the hallway.
No wonder that flooring material wears out very quickly. The space in front of the front door should be made of a coating that is resistant to moisture and wear, for example, stone or ceramic tiles.
A floor covering without a clear boundary and smoothly transitioning into a room or kitchen creates a visual image of a larger hallway area. This effect can be achieved using a wavy or broken border.
If the design of the Khrushchev building allows, you can even cover the hallway with carpet, which should be elastic and durable; nylon is perfect. The base should only be fabric; under no circumstances should the carpet threads be glued together.

Advice. The pile should be extremely short, dense and rigid. This type of carpet will last you a long time and will be easy to clean.

If you are sure that the floor covering of your Khrushchev apartment has already become obsolete, then it needs to be changed. This can be done in several ways, which will certainly incur additional costs.

  • The simplest thing anyone can do, without any special financial costs, is to simply re-lay the floor. How to do this correctly, you can watch the video and read the simple instructions.
  • First, the baseboards are removed, then you need to lift the boards with an ax and be sure to remove the nails. At this stage, you need to pay attention to whether the logs are worn out, otherwise they will also have to be replaced.
    After this, the flooring of the cleaned boards is carried out, securing them with screws. If the floor is springy, it will be necessary to lay auxiliary joists between the previously laid ones.
  • A budget-friendly way to “replace” an old floor, the price of which is very low, involves laying plywood, thanks to which you can not only update the appearance of the floor covering, making it smoother, but also get rid of squeaks.

There are various projects for finishing hallways, but each project provides for a certain sequence of work with flooring:

  • Dismantling old skirting boards.
  • Testing the strength of the old floor, replacing weak boards.
  • Laying plywood sheets (sheet thickness at least 6 mm).
  • Attaching plywood to boards using countersunk screws. You need to ensure that the plywood fits tightly to the boards (to achieve this, you will need a huge number of fasteners).
  • Wetting the plywood with a water repellent using a roller.
  • Sealing seams between sheets of putty.
  • After completing all the steps described above, all that remains is to lay out the substrate on which the flooring you choose will be laid (laminate, carpet, linoleum).

Self-leveling flooring is a great option. And it looks very nice, you can see the photo.
To replace the flooring in a Khrushchev-era building, you can use modern construction technologies and lay a flat and smooth self-leveling floor. To do this, you need to remove the old wooden floor, reaching reinforced concrete slabs, which serve as the basis for flooring in Khrushchev-era buildings.

Then you will have to do the following procedure:

  • Clear the work area of ​​debris, dirt and dust.
  • Seal gaps and cracks in the slabs.
  • Prime the surface.
  • Dilute the previously purchased special mixture in quantities specified by the manufacturer.
  • Pour the finished mixture onto the floor, level it with a spatula, and then with a needle roller;
  • pour another portion of the mixture and level it too.
  • Wait until it dries completely and apply a sealer that will prevent dust from settling.

As you can see, it is possible to replace the old floor in Khrushchev-era buildings with your own hands, but it’s up to you to decide which method to choose.

Layout of the hallway in Khrushchev


  • If the hallway in Khrushchev is narrow and small, use furniture to a minimum and place it in one row. It is better to hang a mirror on the opposite wall. It will visually expand the corridor.
  • It is better to choose shallow furniture for the hallway (no more than 40 cm), without excessive protruding decor, sharp corners and handles. Ideally, it is recommended to install sliding doors on cabinet doors.
    Convenient in this sense are shoe boots with folding containers up to 17 cm deep.
  • A long corridor, located along all the rooms, does not necessarily have to have the style and appearance of a hallway throughout the entire area. Find a functional entry and clothing storage area in the hallway.
    The second “piece” of the corridor can become an extension of the living space, both in function and design.
  • In a small hallway of 1-2 square meters. m, there will not be enough space for cabinets. In such a room you can put hooks or a clothes hanger, or arrange shelves for shoes and hats.
    If space allows, it is better to hang clothes on hangers. This way it stores better and takes up much less space.
    Don't forget about ceiling shelves for seasonal storage and life-saving mezzanines.

Do you want to quickly and efficiently make repairs in a Khrushchev-era building, but don’t know where to start? Start with the hallway, especially since you have already explored the options for decorating the hallway.
Remember that renovating a hallway takes a little time, but it solves a lot of problems. Quite modest costs will allow you to determine whether a particular style will suit your apartment and check the work of the finishers in action.

   Floor: -    Walls: -    Ceiling: -    Wardrobe: -

4-01-2017, 19:11

The Soviet Union has long since fallen, but everyone’s “beloved” Khrushchev houses have safely survived all the political cataclysms and delight their owners with coziness and comfort as much as, of course, they are able to do so. However, the small size of the apartment should not serve as a limiting factor to your imagination. You can thoroughly think through its design and perhaps start with the hallway, especially since this room is a kind of face of your “home.” For inspiration, we offer you 35 real photos of the interior of a hallway in Khrushchev.

How to make the hallway in a Khrushchev building larger?

Perhaps the main problem with any hallway in a Khrushchev-era building is that it is, as a rule, small and narrow, so the design must be developed taking into account this far from joyful specificity. However, there is no need to bury all your great “projects” - you just need to use a few tricks from the arsenal of interior masters, and now a small hallway in a Khrushchev building seems not so small. What mysterious manipulations are we talking about? Nothing supernatural!

More mirrors and light

Perhaps one of the most known methods make the small and narrow hallway in the Khrushchev building larger. The light source can be lamps, lampshades that are in good harmony with the main lighting.

IN in this case A mirror completely transforms a room. You rarely see such a hallway interior in a modest Khrushchev-era building, but it’s still good that the owners are gradually getting rid of the design templates that constrain them.

Selection of the optimal shade

Pastel colors are the most advantageous. They help saturate the room with warmth - and at the same time visually make it wider.

In this photo, the owners clearly made a mistake in choosing the main color of their room. Already small, with such color scheme it looks even smaller. Still bright yellow not for small apartments.

We also safely recommend classic for decorating the interior of a hallway in Khrushchev. beige color. In the example in the photo we see how successfully it is played with bamboo motifs.

Glossy stretch ceiling

Want your ceilings to look taller? Use suspended ceiling with glossy fabric. Such a ceiling will advantageously reflect everything that is below, creating the illusion of a high and spacious room.

Photo wallpaper

In the interior of a small and narrow hallway in Khrushchev there is no place for bright wallpaper with large drawings, but photo wallpaper can help you in the good work of creating the illusion of a wider space.

Tricky floor finishing

It turns out that when laying ceramic tiles there are little tricks that craftsmen resort to to visual expansion cramped room. In particular, diagonal laying. Tiles laid in this way help a modest hallway look surprisingly immodest.

Another method from the resourceful designer’s arsenal. All you have to do is move the flooring installation outside the hallway itself - and visually it takes on a much more solid appearance. And it doesn’t even matter whether you have ceramic tiles, laminate or linoleum laid.

Selection of furniture

Even if you have successfully followed all the advice above and squeezed everything you can out of your small narrow hallway, you risk ruining everything with the wrong selection of furniture. Many owners do not take this issue seriously - and completely in vain. Let's get on specific examples let's sort it out typical mistakes and, most importantly, we will show you how to choose the right furniture, which elements should be discarded, and which, on the contrary, require a mandatory presence in your hallway.

Let's start with the negative. The owners of this small hallway seem to have done everything to make their room look even smaller than it is. Bravo, it worked! Good example, clearly demonstrating how not to place furniture in tight spaces.

The choice of sets with a single style is correct. Furniture decorated in this way looks like a single whole and does not attract too much attention.

Give preference to furniture with very little depth. This way, you won't have to regularly meet her with your hips or push your shoulders.

Hanging hangers help save space. They can accommodate a lot of small items and accessories.

True, in this case, the owners still overdid it and provoked the sloppy effect of a poorly maintained room. Fortunately, some little things - a mirror on the front door - made it possible to mitigate the unpleasant effects.

Classic combination of furniture in the hallway. Let's note the harmony of color that suggests itself to the eye.

In dispute painted modern furniture with a wooden texture, owners often prefer the latter. They say it domesticates the room. Can you agree with this definition?

Chic, shine, beauty - this is not about Khrushchev's parishioners. But compactness, practicality and home comfort- just. In the following example of the interior of a hallway in a Khrushchev-era building, we see an impeccable demonstration of how a captivating homely atmosphere literally captivates all guests from the very threshold.

Be wary of overly large furniture in your small hallways. Especially massive and uncomfortable cabinets. The photo shows a room in which there is catastrophically little air. Tell me, is it possible to feel at home while staying in such an uncomfortable apartment?

If there’s anything out of place in this photo, it’s probably the owner’s face, which was randomly included in the frame.

Upholster the wall with boards, paint it well, attach hooks and, as a final touch, a bench. Here you go great idea which will help refresh the interior of your hallway. And it doesn’t matter that you have a noticeable shortage of square meters - our offer, on the contrary, will help you save them.

Above we mentioned the serious role mirrors play in visually expanding the cramped Khrushchev hallway. Why not kill two birds with one stone and place the mirror on a narrow cabinet?

If there is a corner in the hallway, then use it to your advantage. Try placing, for example, a small wardrobe there. Or an ordinary closet - whatever suits your heart's desire.

If you got a Khrushchev apartment with a narrow and featureless hallway, you shouldn’t kill your design talent. Experiment!

An interesting detail of the interior is the placement of photo frames on the walls with photographs of loved ones or some moments from the past. It creates a surprisingly warm feeling of comfort - and even the modest size of the hallway can no longer interfere with the feeling of spiritual comfort spreading somewhere inside.

And if you add a clock to them, then this can be passed off as a kind of metaphor for time quickly leaving us.

The stone texture is an attractive and solid thing, but in the case of a small and narrow Khrushchev-era hallway, it must be used very carefully. The owners of this apartment were able to harmoniously fit the stone into the interior of their hallway, framing the door passage with it.

The same can be said about brickwork. Best to use decorative plaster with such a texture white or ivory.

Another example of the interior of a hallway in a Khrushchev-era building, where the painstaking work of a talented designer is visible to the naked eye.

Sometimes even such a seemingly insignificant detail as an inscription can help establish close contact with the room right from the start. Above we talked about the serious role of additional lighting in creating a pleasant atmosphere in a small hallway. The photo shows a typical example of such a wall lamp.

And wallpaper with a newspaper texture can sometimes come in handy. In this case, they save the hallway in the Khrushchev-era building from the dominance of dark colors.

There is no need to be afraid of redevelopment in your hallway. A decorated arch in this case helps to visually make the room larger. The stone texture welcomes guests to this apartment with a welcoming beige color scheme.

If your furniture is not the most modest in size, considerably contrasting with the size of the hallway walls, make good use of the corners. Be careful with color: dark furniture needs additional lighting.

The interior of a small hallway requires increased attention. There are too many little things to take into account. The designer who worked on this project did a flawless job. It's nice to look at such perfection! And you?

Sometimes the owners of small-format Khrushchev-era apartments resort to some tricks. One of them is shown in the example below. We are talking about an office equipped in the hallway. Stupidity, you say? Ingenuity, we will respond in response. In the end, the problem of lack of free space is solved not without a certain amount of elegance, and a mirrored wardrobe is designed to help “fog” our consciousness a little and instill in it the illusion of sufficient square meters.

If you want to create something monolithic and memorable from a tiny hallway in a Khrushchev-era building, you can always turn to stone. Decorative or natural - it doesn’t matter. The truth is that the stone texture greatly enhances the room, giving the interior a more solid and expensive look.

Conclusion: If you live in a Khrushchev-era building and are unhappy with your small hallway, there is a reason to high-quality repairs and think through the interior of the hallway in such a way as to mitigate all its shortcomings and emphasize its advantages. Are you saying there are no advantages? Well, that means you have to create them - and for this the above real photos hallways in Khrushchev with interesting design They will come in handy as a generator of non-standard ideas.
