about myself and how it all started. Introduction. about yourself and how it all started As far as I know, you have a medical education. Are you a licensed doctor?


About myself and how it all started

Hello, dear readers! I am glad to greet you from the pages of the book you are holding in your hands! My name is Sergei Olegovich Slobodchikov. Until a certain time, I worked as a doctor. For more than twenty-five years of medical practice, he studied about a dozen medical specialties. He started with neurosurgery, operated for ten years, and at the same time mastered manual therapy and acupuncture, worked as a neurologist and psychiatrist. And all these years I have been searching for methods of treatment that would be more effective and could reliably provide a person with good health. Working successively in one or another medical profession, I tried to find new ways of communicating with the patient and his illness.
In understanding the philosophy of health and illness, the books of Vladimir Levi, S.N. played a big role for many doctors, including me. Lazareva, M. Norbekova. All this time I searched, but did not find an answer to the question of what causes diseases. The answer was somewhere nearby, but constantly eluded understanding. A fateful moment in my life was a meeting with Valery Vladimirovich Sinelnikov. Truly, when the teacher is ready, students appear, and vice versa - an interested student attracts a teacher into his world. Before meeting Valery Vladimirovich, I had enough great experience communication with people, but even in my wildest dreams I could not imagine how much my own life would change, how many people I would interact with.
Simferopol is a small city. As they say, everyone knows each other, and the name Sinelnikov is heard by many. I was booked for an individual appointment with Dr. Sinelnikov by a patient we share with him - she was undergoing treatment with me for problems with the spine. Her enthusiastic reviews about new methods of communicating with the subconscious did not make much of an impression on me at first, so I was rather cool about the idea of ​​​​an individual appointment with the famous doctor, but she gave me a book with a title that is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent: “Love the disease my". I brought the book home and literally read it avidly. My wife, also a doctor, was quite skeptical about my new hobby, saying that it was just another crazy idea. But her attitude quickly changed, she also became interested in innovations. And currently both of us, me and my wife Larisa Nikolaevna, are senior teachers at the “School of Health and Joy”, founded by V.V. Sinelnikov.
But this happened much later, and then, after reading the book, I began using Dr. Sinelnikov’s method to teach my patients to solve their health problems on their own. And immediately appeared Feedback– in the form of those positive and significant changes that my patients began to notice.
But some doubts remained in my soul. No, it’s not about the effectiveness of the method, but about whether I myself will be able to correctly use the new knowledge for my work. The remaining doubts dissipated after I heard an interesting and instructive story told by another patient we had in common with Valery Vladimirovich.
Her name is Ekaterina, and this is what she told me about her life.
“I was twenty-five years old then,” says Ekaterina. – Family life it didn't work out. And that's putting it mildly. My husband, when drunk, turned into a natural monster, a sadist: he cursed, beat me, and raped me. And then one day, unable to bear such bullying any longer, I ran away from home with my five-year-old son in a torn nightgown. I'm from Siberia myself. There were no relatives in the city. I poked around neighbors and acquaintances, and gradually got back on my feet. She even opened a small business. But then my son fell ill. The problem was that he began to develop encopresis - not only nighttime, but also daytime fecal incontinence. I contacted him everywhere: there were both in Kyiv and Moscow, there were grandmothers and psychics. There was only no effect from their activities.
One day, a friend advised me to contact Valery Sinelnikov. At the reception he had a fairly short conversation. At first his question seemed strange to me, I also thought: “What does this have to do with it?”
– What did he ask?
– He asked about how I relate to men. As I remember now, I answered him very angrily: “How can you treat all these bastards?” Then he asked me: “Do you scold men and with what words?” At this point I couldn’t stand it and announced the entire list, but I was embarrassed and wondered if the doctor would take it personally, to which Valery Vladimirovich very calmly says to me: “Ekaterina, did you notice that, speaking about men, you repeatedly said the word "asshole"? Don’t you see a direct connection with your problem?” - "No. How is one connected to the other?!”
“The fact is,” said Sinelnikov, “that by scolding men in this way, you create the same model of behavior for your son. After all, he is now the dearest and closest man to you. Here he is, subtly feeling you on a subconscious level, and realized your thoughts in life. You need to change your attitude towards men in general, then your son’s illness will go away as unnecessary.” Valery Vladimirovich composed a short prayer for me, or affirmation, if you like, it is still with me now.
Catherine takes out a worn sheet of paper from her wallet, on which is handwritten: “Lord! Forgive me for having a negative attitude towards men! Teach me to love men!”
– What about your son? - I ask.
“The most amazing thing is that all the problems with my son ended in a matter of days, the boy stopped getting sick even from colds. Now, many years later, he and I remember that time with a smile. And then, believe me, it was no laughing matter.

Chapter 1
Two types of pride.
The principle of the right choice

One day Khoja Nasreddin was returning home late in the evening. Walking past the cemetery, he heard the clatter of a horse in the distance. I decided that they were robbers and started running towards the cemetery. He ran at him, but tripped at a freshly dug grave and fell into it. And the riders were not robbers at all, but completely peaceful farmers. They saw the man running and decided he needed help. They rushed after him. They run up to the grave, and Khoja Nasreddin lies there and looks at them. They ask him: “Khoja, why are you lying here?” But Khoja already realized his mistake. To save face, he put on an air of importance and answered: “This is a very complex philosophical question. The only thing I can say is that you are here because of me, and I am here because of you!

Everything that we see, hear, feel, smell and eat is nothing more than various components of this information flow.

You can schematically imagine the relationship between the conscious and subconscious in the form of an iceberg. Above the surface of the water is the conscious mind. Everything else is located under water - this is the subconscious. Imagining this iceberg, one can understand the enormous importance of the subconscious in a person’s life.
Based on what a person turns his attention to, he builds an idea of ​​the surrounding World, his own model of the World, a map of the World, or his personal GLOBE OF THE UNIVERSE is created. The idea of ​​the globe was born from an anecdote about a Chukchi who, when he came to a stationery store, asked to sell him a globe of Chukotka. This is yet another association from a myriad of possible ones. Choose your favorite or come up with your own.
The subconscious contains information not only about us, but also about the entire world around us. Only access to this colossal information is denied to us for certain reasons: our head would be blown to the limits of the Universe if we tried to squeeze the entire VOLUME OF INFORMATION into it. This is how the subconscious protects us by limiting the information flow.
So, every day, hour, minute, second we accept and understand something about the World around us. We record some new information on our GLOBUS-PLANET, expanding our horizons.
This way we know the world, and thus the world around us influences our worldview.
There is, accordingly, reverse process: what a person thinks about, how he acts, that is, what his model of the World or the globe of the Universe looks like, he attracts such people into his life, and creates such situations for himself. If a person has aggression towards the world around him, then, like a tyrant, he will come across continuous victims. And vice versa, if a person’s aggression is directed at himself, then in life he will mainly encounter tyrants.
Elena from Germany raises her hand:
– Tell me, how can we determine who is the victim and who is the tyrant?
- Because of the pain! If you are experiencing pain - mental or physical - then you are a victim. If people around you suffer from pain, then you are a tyrant.
“It turns out,” Elena says with concern, “that I am both a victim and a tyrant rolled into one.”
- Absolutely right. In fact, everything in life is more interesting - there are no pure, refined tyrants or victims. We take one position, then another. It is not without reason that they say that the most terrible tyrant is a former slave. The same is true in relation to ourselves - when there is no suitable tyrant nearby, we begin to show aggression towards ourselves. The human subconscious seems to say: “You don’t love yourself, you scold yourself with the last words, you condemn, you have thoughts about not wanting to live - so you’ll get some kind of illness, a problematic situation. Pay attention to yourself, learn to love the whole world around you and yourself in this world!” And the subconscious does not skimp on invention, creating a wide variety of diseases and events. And then we wonder: “How can this be, I’m so white and fluffy, where do the sores come from, where do the problems come from?!”
As a doctor, I constantly have to deal with this; I will give a few examples from practice.

A man who came from the Carpathian region with an advanced tumor process in the lungs says:
– For several years now I have been proving to my friend that there is no point in living. Moreover, these thoughts appeared to me after I retired. By this time I was a financially secure person, my sons had married, my grandchildren had grown up. And life became uninteresting. And so I pick up paper and pen and literally describe step by step to my friend that there is no meaning in life.
My patient was very surprised when I pointed out to him the connection between his evidence and his illness.
– Doctor, is the cause of the illness really in my conversations with my friend?
- Well, of course. A friend is another “I”. Therefore, you proved to yourself the need to die, and the process in the lungs is because, not seeing the meaning in life, you did not allow yourself to breathe freely, so oncology arose.

On this occasion, I remember the seminar I conducted in Belarus, in Brest. After the seminar, as usual, people come for an individual reception. And what struck me most of all was the similarity of the situations of many people, and the reason for this was simply the complete sacrifice of Belarusians. Many people have feelings of guilt and resentment. As I understand it, it was precisely through this sacrifice that they attracted numerous tyrants and oppressors. Both Hitler and Napoleon began their campaigns against Russia from Belarus...

Valery Vladimirovich Sinelnikov, Sergey Olegovich Slobodchikov

Practical course by Dr. Sinelnikov. How to learn to love yourself


Hello, dear and respected reader!

You are holding an unusual book in your hands. This is the result of collective creativity. Creativity of like-minded people.

The idea of ​​writing this book belongs to the senior teacher of our School, Sergei Olegovich Slobodchikov. He painstakingly collected material for it over several years, recording the most interesting cases from the lives of our patients and seminar participants. His wife (and teacher at our School) Larisa Nikolaevna Slobodchikova actively helped him in this. We reviewed the manuscript together many times. From a huge amount of material, which would be enough for more than one book, all the best was left. The main goal of our joint work is to help people master a new model of consciousness, those techniques that are described in my previous books. And here is the result. You are holding it in your hands. Now it's up to you whether you put this book back on the shelf or start studying it. If you chose the second, then I wish you a pleasant reading and successful changes in your life. All the best and success!

Valery Sinelnikov


About myself and how it all started

Hello, dear readers! I am glad to greet you from the pages of the book you are holding in your hands! My name is Sergei Olegovich Slobodchikov. Until a certain time, I worked as a doctor. For more than twenty-five years of medical practice, he studied about a dozen medical specialties. He started with neurosurgery, operated for ten years, and at the same time mastered manual therapy and acupuncture, worked as a neurologist and psychiatrist. And all these years I have been searching for methods of treatment that would be more effective and could reliably provide a person with good health. Working successively in one or another medical profession, I tried to find new ways of communicating with the patient and his illness.

In understanding the philosophy of health and illness, the books of Vladimir Levi, S.N. played a big role for many doctors, including me. Lazareva, M. Norbekova. All this time I searched, but did not find an answer to the question of what causes diseases. The answer was somewhere nearby, but constantly eluded understanding. A fateful moment in my life was a meeting with Valery Vladimirovich Sinelnikov. Truly, when the teacher is ready, students appear, and vice versa - an interested student attracts a teacher into his world. Before meeting Valery Vladimirovich, I had quite a lot of experience communicating with people, but even in my wildest dreams I could not imagine how much my own life would change, how many people I would interact with.

Simferopol is a small city. As they say, everyone knows each other, and the name Sinelnikov is heard by many. I was booked for an individual appointment with Dr. Sinelnikov by a patient we share with him - she was undergoing treatment with me for problems with the spine. Her enthusiastic reviews about new methods of communicating with the subconscious did not make much of an impression on me at first, so I was rather cool about the idea of ​​​​an individual appointment with the famous doctor, but she gave me a book with a title that is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent: “Love the disease my". I brought the book home and literally read it avidly. My wife, also a doctor, was quite skeptical about my new hobby, saying that it was just another crazy idea. But her attitude quickly changed, she also became interested in innovations. And currently both of us, me and my wife Larisa Nikolaevna, are senior teachers at the “School of Health and Joy”, founded by V.V. Sinelnikov.

But this happened much later, and then, after reading the book, I began using Dr. Sinelnikov’s method to teach my patients to solve their health problems on their own. And immediately feedback appeared - in the form of those positive and significant changes that my patients began to notice.

But some doubts remained in my soul. No, it’s not about the effectiveness of the method, but about whether I myself will be able to correctly use the new knowledge for my work. The remaining doubts dissipated after I heard an interesting and instructive story told by another patient we had in common with Valery Vladimirovich.

Her name is Ekaterina, and this is what she told me about her life.

“I was twenty-five years old then,” says Ekaterina. – Family life didn’t work out. And that's putting it mildly. My husband, when drunk, turned into a natural monster, a sadist: he cursed, beat me, and raped me. And then one day, unable to bear such bullying any longer, I ran away from home with my five-year-old son in a torn nightgown. I'm from Siberia myself. There were no relatives in the city. I poked around neighbors and acquaintances, and gradually got back on my feet. She even opened a small business. But then my son fell ill. The problem was that he began to develop encopresis - not only nighttime, but also daytime fecal incontinence. I contacted him everywhere: there were both in Kyiv and Moscow, there were grandmothers and psychics. There was only no effect from their activities.

One day, a friend advised me to contact Valery Sinelnikov. At the reception he had a fairly short conversation. At first his question seemed strange to me, I also thought: “What does this have to do with it?”

– What did he ask?

– He asked about how I relate to men. As I remember now, I answered him very angrily: “How can you treat all these bastards?” Then he asked me: “Do you scold men and with what words?” At this point I couldn’t stand it and announced the entire list, but I was embarrassed and wondered if the doctor would take it personally, to which Valery Vladimirovich very calmly says to me: “Ekaterina, did you notice that, speaking about men, you repeatedly said the word "asshole"? Don’t you see a direct connection with your problem?” - "No. How is one connected to the other?!”

“The fact is,” said Sinelnikov, “that by scolding men in this way, you create the same model of behavior for your son. After all, he is now the dearest and closest man to you. Here he is, subtly feeling you on a subconscious level, and realized your thoughts in life. You need to change your attitude towards men in general, then your son’s illness will go away as unnecessary.” Valery Vladimirovich composed a short prayer for me, or affirmation, if you like, it is still with me now.

Catherine takes out a worn sheet of paper from her wallet, on which is handwritten: “Lord! Forgive me for having a negative attitude towards men! Teach me to love men!”

– What about your son? - I ask.

“The most amazing thing is that all the problems with my son ended in a matter of days, the boy stopped getting sick even from colds. Now, many years later, he and I remember that time with a smile. And then, believe me, it was no laughing matter.

This story struck me so much that I had to rethink a lot in my medical and life experience. As a result, I realized that when engaged in professional activities, we doctors, as a rule, are dealing with a process that is already far advanced. It will be much more beneficial for a person to find the causes of his illness. And it’s not so much about looking for the causes of problems, but about teaching a person to cope with these problems on their own. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind official medicine. Everything that exists in medicine has the right to life. And it would be stupid to have soul-saving conversations with a person who has been hit by a car. It is urgent to save his life and restore his impaired health. And only then ask him questions: “How did you create this emergency situation for yourself? What did you need it for?

Simferopol is a small city. As they say, everyone knows each other, and the name Sinelnikov is heard by many. I was booked for an individual appointment with Dr. Sinelnikov by a patient we share with him - she was undergoing treatment with me for problems with the spine. Her enthusiastic reviews about new methods of communicating with the subconscious did not make much of an impression on me at first, so I was rather cool about the idea of ​​​​an individual appointment with the famous doctor, but she gave me a book with a title that is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent: “Love the disease my". I brought the book home and literally read it avidly. My wife, also a doctor, was quite skeptical about my new hobby, saying that it was just another crazy idea. But her attitude quickly changed, she also became interested in innovations. And currently both of us, me and my wife Larisa Nikolaevna, are senior teachers at the “School of Health and Joy”, founded by V.V. Sinelnikov.

But this happened much later, and then, after reading the book, I began using Dr. Sinelnikov’s method to teach my patients to solve their health problems on their own. And immediately feedback appeared - in the form of those positive and significant changes that my patients began to notice.

But some doubts remained in my soul. No, it’s not about the effectiveness of the method, but about whether I myself will be able to correctly use the new knowledge for my work. The remaining doubts dissipated after I heard an interesting and instructive story told by another patient we had in common with Valery Vladimirovich.

Her name is Ekaterina, and this is what she told me about her life.

Then I was twenty-five years old,” says Ekaterina. - Family life didn’t work out. And that's putting it mildly. My husband, when drunk, turned into a natural monster, a sadist: he cursed, beat me, and raped me. And then one day, unable to bear such bullying any longer, I ran away from home with my five-year-old son in a torn nightgown. I'm from Siberia myself. There were no relatives in the city. I poked around neighbors and acquaintances, and gradually got back on my feet. She even opened a small business. But then my son fell ill. The problem was that he began to develop encopresis - not only nighttime, but also daytime fecal incontinence. I contacted him everywhere: there were both in Kyiv and Moscow, there were grandmothers and psychics. There was only no effect from their activities.

What did he ask?

He asked about how I relate to men. As I remember now, I answered him very angrily: “How can you treat all these bastards?” Then he asked me: “Do you scold men and with what words?” At this point I couldn’t stand it and announced the entire list, but I was embarrassed and wondered if the doctor would take it personally, to which Valery Vladimirovich very calmly says to me: “Ekaterina, did you notice that, speaking about men, you repeatedly said the word "asshole"? Don’t you see a direct connection with your problem?” - "No. How is one connected to the other?!”

“The fact is,” said Sinelnikov, “that by scolding men in this way, you create the same model of behavior for your son. After all, he is now the dearest and closest man to you. Here he is, subtly feeling you on a subconscious level, and realized your thoughts in life. You need to change your attitude towards men in general, then your son’s illness will go away as unnecessary.” Valery Vladimirovich composed a short prayer for me, or affirmation, if you like, it is still with me now.

Catherine takes out a worn sheet of paper from her wallet, on which is handwritten: “Lord! Forgive me for having a negative attitude towards men! Teach me to love men!”

What about your son? - I ask.

There are amazing people among us who seem to have grasped the secret of life. Everything is fine with them: they have an ideal family, a job they love, and plenty of money.

These include the famous psychotherapist, psychologist, homeopath, author of the books “ Love your illness“, “The Power of Intention“, “The mysterious power of words. Love Formula“, “Vaccination against” and others.

Many consider him a teacher, a spiritual mentor, and some even a wizard. Sinelnikov has his own philosophy of life, based on the long-standing traditions of his ancestors: he wakes up with the first rays of the Sun, eats according to Vedic rules, and wears a beard.

Valery Vladimirovich, what do you need to do to be happy?

Don’t be a victim or a tyrant, don’t take a consumerist approach to life. You cannot blame anyone for your sorrows; you yourself are responsible for everything that happens to your body, soul, spirit, relationships with friends, loved ones, colleagues, financial situation and even to the country in which you live.

To be in harmony with yourself and the world around you, you first need to take responsibility for everything that happens. Accept the position of the owner and begin to consciously change your thoughts, beliefs, behavior, attitude towards yourself and everything that surrounds you. Then you need to change your state of health, environment and, in principle, the world. But the essence is this: do not change the world, but change yourself, then everything around will change.

How can you change your health for the better? Many people recommend self-hypnosis - changing the attitude “I am not sick” to “I am healthy”...

It is not right. Of course, positive thinking is good, but it does not reflect the essence of my philosophy. If I am sick, then I must admit that I am really sick. Understand the cause of the disease, take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, emotions.

After all, my illness did not come from somewhere, I created it myself. If microbes appeared, it means that I attracted them, created the ground for their life in my body. And if I understand why I have this disease, I begin to change my thoughts, feelings, emotions and recover.

It turns out that wizards and philosophers also suffer from runny noses?

It's rare, but colds do happen sometimes. And I clearly know why this happens. One of the main causes of ARVI is overload at work. That's why The best way to recover - travel less, relax, be alone with yourself, put your thoughts in order. I usually get a cold once a year (which means I had a puncture somewhere) and lasts no longer than two days.

Do you go to doctors?

In general, I don’t go to them. I visit the dentist once a year. I have not yet learned how to heal a hole in a tooth using thoughts. Although this is quite real! I have seen people grow their third set of teeth. One 65-year-old woman used the power of her thoughts to make herself new white teeth. I also know a man who re-grew the phalanx of his finger.

As far as I know, you have a medical education. Are you a licensed doctor?

I graduated from the Crimean Medical University with a degree in general therapy. But in my 5th year I became seriously interested in homeopathy, and after finishing my internship I went to Russia, to Vladimir, and began to engage in private practice as a homeopathic doctor. Then he completed advanced training courses and became a psychotherapist. I have dreamed about this since 9th grade.

Then, I remember, my older brother brought Vladimir Levi’s book “The Art of Being Yourself,” and I began to practice everything that was written there, got seriously involved in auto-training, became interested in studying the biofield, and began collecting herbs. By the end of 9th grade, I firmly decided to become a psychotherapist. And the dream came true! But I never thought that I would write books.

To be honest, my father helped me write essays back in the 10th grade. So, when I decided to put the results of my psychotherapeutic work on paper, my parents and older brother dissuaded me. arguing that there are already so many similar publications on the shelves. But I nevertheless, he wrote the book “Love Your Illness”, published 1000 copies with his own money, which sold out in 3 months.

I had to re-publish it several more times. Now 6 books have been published, which I correct from time to time, introduce something new and re-release.

You write books, and conduct seminars, and open schools... Do you ever have time pressure, “stuck”?

No, it doesn’t happen, because I live according to the Sun. Our ancestors said: “Live according to Ra” (Ra is the sun god). In the morning, the mother wakes up the child: “Get up, it’s time,” and he replies: “No, it’s still early.” “Ra but” - there is no sun yet. In the summer, my family and I get up at 4-5 in the morning, in the winter - at 6. Waking up with the Sun and going to bed at sunset, a person is fueled by solar energy, receives a charge of vigor and optimism.

After water procedures- cold, cool or ice shower (depending on your mood). And a mandatory mood for the day. This can be called a prayer - I greet the sun, I wish happiness to people, to the whole world.

The next stage is charging. Sometimes it takes 15 minutes, sometimes an hour, but physical education (strength exercises) is required every day. Then vegetarian breakfast. For drinks, I prefer herbal teas, and I collect the herbs myself: in the mountains or on my estate.

Morning tea can be different - you select the composition according to your feelings and sensations. We have a lot of herbs in our cupboard - you take a pinch from different jars, and you get a delicious drink. But there are also favorite herbs - thyme, Crimean lemongrass, black currant leaf, St. John's wort, linden blossom.

It is believed that herbs are the basis of Vedic nutrition. What about fats, proteins, carbohydrates?

Vedic nutritional culture does not presuppose the correct combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but the presence of different tastes. The Western model is based on the fact that a person is a physical body, and according to the system of our ancestors, a person is not only a physical body, but also a subtle body that receives energy from the surrounding world, including from food. Therefore, food should be balanced with different tastes, because it, like a person, has a character.

There are foods with ignorant, passionate, kind disposition. For example, honey and milk have a beneficial character. But, according to some scientists, drinking milk is harmful. The fact is that they conducted the study during the day, and milk has lunar energy, so it is better to drink it either early in the morning or late in the evening, then it will bring health and strength.

Breakfast should be sweet - fruit, milk, cereal. But for lunch you can eat “heavier” foods - rice, grains, legumes, stewed vegetables, raw salads, bread and finally some sweets - dried fruit or a piece of cake. Food will be quickly digested if you sit down at the table exactly at noon - at this time solar energy the most active, it can be called “digestive fire”.

The evening menu should consist of stewed vegetables, nuts, dairy products. Best time for dinner - 18.00, there is no need to eat later. You need to go to bed no later than 22.00, because the solar energy of activity and action no longer works at this time, the time has come for lunar energy, which gives peace and tranquility. It is from 22.00 to midnight during sleep that the psyche is completely restored.

It is especially important for women to live according to the Moon, because they have a lunar nature (y - solar). If women accumulate “their” energy from 22.00 to 24.00, they can convey calm and tranquility to men. Unfortunately, in the city it is almost impossible to go to bed early.

Don't you like megacities?

Living in the city has its pros and cons, but often the cons completely outweigh all the pros. Even in the Vedas, 5 thousand years ago, a curse-prophecy was recorded that a time would come when people would live far from the place where they work.

And so it happened. People now live with a sleepy consciousness, they don’t want to notice or know anything. They destroy themselves with alcohol, following the proverb “you only live once.” But in fact, life is eternal.

Life is eternal?! Maybe you will say that reincarnation also exists?

Yes. The fact that we are born more than once is an obvious fact. Once upon a time, at the first Ecumenical Council (this event happened in 325 AD in the city of Nicaea, in Asia Minor. - Author) Christians gathered and abolished reincarnation. However, this does not mean that she is gone.

Let's say scientists get together and repeal the law universal gravity, but it will still act! Why is one person born with excellent health, while another is born sick? Because by the time he was born he had already arrived with some baggage and character.

My daughter was 1 year and six months old, and she was already showing character. Where? She only communicates with us. This means that she has her own character, which her soul brought with her. This also makes some sense. All thoughts and actions we commit do not pass without leaving a trace, but will certainly be reflected in the future. And not only in this life.

Valery Vladimirovich, tell us about your family. Is it true that first you came up with a wife for yourself, and then you met her?

Yes, I imagined the eyes, height, hair color of the woman with whom I wanted to connect my destiny, and I met her... two weeks later. Of course, we didn’t get married right away, but we’ve been together for 11 years. Lyudmila and I have three children - two daughters and a son, and I also have a son from my first marriage.

We live on an estate near Simferopol (it's almost within the city limits). We spend our evenings outside in the summer and in the gym in the winter. We try to live as active a life as possible. Sometimes we organize home concerts - my wife plays the piano and guitar, I play the harp (a record held between the lips).

We don't watch TV at all. Of course, he is in the house, but he is not a “one-eyed teacher” for us, as I call him. Sometimes we show our children good old films and cartoons. We read them fairy tales from my childhood - for example, Nosov's stories. Raising a child as a worthy person means raising yourself. If parents engage in self-development, their children grow up good people. It is possible to instill in children the correct images about the world around them only through their own lives.

You wear a beard and mustache. Is this important for you?

My main principle- live in harmony with nature. And nature arranges it in such a way that a man has hair growing on his face. In addition, a beard has a sacred meaning: a beard is the wealth of the Family. Every hair in the beard has a connection with the ancestors, so a person receives nourishment from his roots.

Hair (they are also called cosmos from the word “space”) are antennas with the help of which a person communicates with certain forces of the universe. And women are generally not recommended to cut their hair. Sometimes they say: “Cut your hair.” The word “cut off” comes from the name of the goddess Karna, who gave a person a destiny in accordance with his thoughts, deeds, and intentions.

And when a woman had her hair cut, it was believed that it was the goddess Karna who was punishing her for unseemly actions and deeds. Many women do not understand this and cut their hair short, paying tribute to fashion. They don't hear the voice of nature. But nature talks to us, warns us of danger, rewards us for choosing the right path, and punishes us for serious offenses. It's important to hear it.

Dear blog readers, if you have read or interacted with Valery Sinelnikov, please leave comments or reviews below. This will be very useful for someone!

Sinelnikov Valery Vladimirovich- general practitioner, homeopath, psychotherapist, writer, author of several discoveries in the field of medical psychology. Founder of the "School of Health and Joy" charity foundation and the "Az Buki Vedi" secondary school. His books are popular not only in Russia. They have been published in twenty languages ​​and are in constant demand among readers in different countries world for several years. The total circulation of his books is more than 13 million copies.

Valery Sinelnikov was born on November 21, 1966 Far East in the Ussuri taiga in the family of an officer of the strategic missile forces. Mom is a teacher at school. He graduated from the secondary physics and mathematics school of Simferopol with a gold medal, and from the Crimean Medical University with honors. Immediately after the internship, he completed training in Russia in homeopathy and psychotherapy.

His first book, “Love Your Illness,” was published in 1999 and was the result scientific work, which he started while still a medical student.

Conducts training seminars in different countries of the world. Writes new books. Married, four children. Lives in Crimea in Simferopol.

Currently, Valery Vladimirovich Sinelnikov does not provide individual consultations. At the “School of Health and Joy”, receptions using his method are conducted by excellent specialists: doctors and psychologists who have a license and permission from the author of the method. You can get advice from them.

Published books:

  • "Love your illness" (1999).
  • "The Power of Intention" (2001).
  • "Vaccination against stress or psychoenergetic aikido" (2003).
  • "The path to wealth or where the treasures are buried" (2004).
  • "Practical course of Dr. Sinelnikov" (2005).
  • "Doctor Sinelnikov: secrets of the subconscious" (2005).
  • "Homeopathy of Doctor Sinelnikov" + disc (2006).
  • "The mysterious power of words. The formula of love. How words affect our lives" (2007).
  • "Textbook of the Master of Life. 160 lessons by Valery Sinelnikov" (2008).
  • "Healing Thoughts" with illustrations by the author (2007).
  • "Formula of Life. How to gain Personal Power" (2009).
  • "Doctor Sinelnikov. Life lessons."
  • Dr. Sinelnikov recommends: “Nutrition in Goodness” (2009).
  • "Prayer of Transfiguration" (2011).
  • "Getting rid of pride" (2011).
  • "Find your true path" (2011).
  • "The Great Power of Life" (2012).
  • "The end of the world or the end of darkness" (2012).
  • "Recipe for Fate" (2013).
  • "The legacy of our ancestors. Finding the power of the family" (2013).
  • "In search of sources of personal strength. Men's conversation" (2013)
  • "Creating a new reality" (2013).
  • "Keepers of Ancient Knowledge. The Secret of the Darrung Correspondence" (2014).
  • "Diary for working on yourself" (2014).
  • "Transformation of negative emotions. Life without fear" (2015).
  • "Health mandalas. Anahata. Heart center. Healing of the cardiovascular and respiratory system" (2016).
  • "Health mandalas. Muladhara. Root center. Healing the body and spine. Finding ideal weight" (2016).

Copied from the site "Self-knowledge.ru"