Volcano experience. Volcano Eruption Experience: Another Interesting Use of Soda

The home volcano is not only similar in appearance, but also can erupt lava. Creating such a miracle develops the child’s creative abilities. In addition, this mini volcano is suitable for school projects. It will also serve as a visual aid in studying chemical reactions without the help of textbooks. You will find how to make a model of a volcano from various available materials in this article.

Paper volcano: materials

To build a fire mountain we will need:

  • sheets of newspapers, magazines;
  • a piece of cardboard or plywood;
  • double sided tape;
  • plastic bottle;
  • flour;
  • watercolor or gouache paints;
  • scissors;
  • tassels;
  • vinegar;
  • baking soda

Paper volcano: progress

1. We gather the children around us and begin creating the shape of a home Vesuvius. Plastic bottle Place it in the center of the cardboard and tape it to the base. Run strips of adhesive tape from the neck of the bottle to the cardboard diagonally, forming a cone.

2. Now old newspapers are used. We crumple them into balls and insert them between strips of tape to give volume and density to the foot of the mountain. The next step is to cover the cone with paper strips. We cut the newspaper into wide, long pieces and glue them, as shown in the picture.

3. Now we will compact the body of the volcano. To do this, prepare a sticky mixture of flour and water in a ratio of 1:2. While the parents are busy with the dough, the children cut strips of paper. We advise you to stock up on rags for wiping your hands while building the volcano model. We dip strips of newspaper into the finished paste and tightly glue the entire structure to the very mouth of the fiery mountain. The work is completed, we are waiting for the model to dry completely. If you want to speed up the drying process, then place your homemade volcano in the oven.

4. It's time to decorate the mighty mountain. Children will especially enjoy this moment. It will help you develop your creative abilities and get great pleasure from the results. Primary colors are brown, gray, green, red. We give the base and cardboard the color of the vegetation. In these same places you can draw a river. Paint the body of the fire-breathing handsome man in shades of brown and gray. Throw streams of lava along the hillocks and depressions.

5. The most interesting and exciting moment has come - a little magic and the volcano’s mouth will begin to erupt lava. Let's prepare a magical mixture. Pour into the neck of the bottle warm water, mixed with liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Add 2-3 tbsp there. soda Take a glass of vinegar, preferably tinted red with food coloring or gouache, and pour it into the bottle. The best option: half a bottle of water, 2-3 tbsp. soda and 150-200 ml of vinegar.

6. The sounds of hissing, seething can be heard from the home volcano and... after a couple of seconds, the mouth of the fiery mountain erupts with a fountain of lava! We watch what is happening for a couple of minutes and rejoice at the enthusiastic, children's screams.

DIY volcano made from dough

Continuing the topic of how to make a volcano with your own hands from improvised means, we offer a creation from dough.

Dough volcano: materials

To work you will need:

  • flour - 400 g;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • watercolor paints or food coloring;
  • glass cup or plastic bottle;
  • vinegar, baking soda;
  • a piece of thick cardboard or plywood.

Dough volcano: progress

1. Knead the mixture salty dough. Ready option It should be very dense, not stick to your hands, but easily take the desired shape.

2. Place a glass in the center of the base of the volcano and cover it with dough, forming a model of the mountain. For greater plausibility, create strands of a mountain range and a lake at the foot. “Plant” trees by sticking them into the dough artificial plants for aquarium. Leave the finished layout to dry. Due to the influence of the surrounding nature, drying takes a couple of days, so we put the volcano in the oven and lightly bake it.

3. It's time to draw. Armed with a brush, paints and a glass of water, we begin to revive the mountain. Make the top white with snow or red with lava, or maybe there are gold veins in its rock. Your volcano is your fantasy.

4. To make the fire-breathing vent start to “spit” lava, pour water and dishwashing detergent into a glass covered with dough. Add a couple of tablespoons of soda and pour vinegar over the entire mixture. After a couple of seconds, the lava will rise and begin to flow down the rock slopes.

Using the same analogy, a volcano is made from plasticine

To make it you will need:

  • cardboard sheet;
  • small, plastic bottle;
  • plasticine;
  • thin plywood or plastic;
  • soda, vinegar;
  • food coloring.

The skeleton of the mountain will be a cardboard cone, which is cut out taking into account the size of the bottle placed inside. Then this structure is covered with colored plasticine. The product is placed on plywood taking into account the protection of furniture from “lava” stains and aesthetic completeness. You can attach it to the base using plasticine or cement mortar.

When the model is completely ready to erupt, fill half the bottle with water and liquid soap. Pour soda into the crater of the volcano and fill it with red-tinted vinegar. Streams of lava will begin to erupt from the depths of the mountain.

You can even make a home volcano out of sand and soil by simply forming a slide and placing a test tube with a reactive mixture there. Whatever option you choose, children always watch what is happening enthusiastically and ask to repeat it. So stock up on baking soda and vinegar right away. When the experiment is completed, the homemade volcano can be washed with a damp sponge and left until next use.

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How to conduct a fun chemistry lesson in the kitchen and make it safe and interesting for your child? Let's try to conduct a real chemical experiment - a volcano in an ordinary dinner plate. For this experiment you will need the following materials and reagents:

A piece of plasticine (from which we will make the volcano itself);


Acetic acid;

Baking soda;

Dishwashing liquid;


The components listed above can easily be found in every home or in the hardware department of a nearby store. They are quite safe, but, like any other, they will also require compliance with safety regulations.

Description of work:

  1. From plasticine we make the base of the volcano and a cone with a hole. We connect them, carefully sealing the edges. We get a plasticine model of a volcano with slopes. The internal size of our structure should have a circle with a diameter of about 100 - 200 mm. Before installing the model on a plate or tray, we check our volcano for leaks: fill it with water and see if it lets it through. If everything is in order, we install the volcano model in the plate.
  2. Now let's move on to the next part - preparing the lava. We pour into our plasticine volcano model one tablespoon of baking soda, dishwashing liquid in the same volume and a dye that will color the future eruption in a color corresponding to real lava. To achieve maximum similarity, you can use children's paints for drawing and even regular beetroot juice. This chemical experience should be recreated in nature in the eyes of a child.
  3. To trigger an eruption, you need to pour a quarter of a cup of vinegar into the crater. During the combination of soda and acetic acid leads to the formation of which is an unstable compound and immediately disintegrates into water and carbon dioxide. It is this foaming process that will give our eruption the appearance of a real volcano with lava flows along the slopes. Chemical experience finished.

Demonstration of an active volcano at school

In addition to the type of demonstration of a safe eruption described above, there are many more ways to get a volcano on the table. But it is better to carry out these experiments in specially prepared rooms - school chemical laboratories. The Böttger volcano is the most well-known to everyone from school. To carry it out, you need ammonium dichromate, which is poured into a mound and a depression is made at the top. A piece of cotton wool soaked in alcohol is placed in the crater and set on fire. During the reaction, nitrogen, water and water are formed. The reaction that occurs is very similar to the eruption of an active volcano.

For memorization, as well as for the development of erudition in children, it is good to associate such a chemical experiment with some of the most famous examples of an eruption in the history of human civilization, for example, with the explosion of Vesuvius in Italy, especially since it can be wonderfully and usefully illustrated with a reproduction of the great paintings by Karl Bryullov “The Last Day of Pompeii” (1827-1833).

A story about the rather rare and useful profession of a volcanologist will also be of interest to children. These specialists constantly observe extinct and currently active volcanoes and make assumptions regarding the possible time and strength of their future eruptions.

How can a child talk about what a volcano is in an accessible and interesting way? You can, of course, arm yourself with books with cross-sectional pictures of a volcano and try to explain in words how magma is thrown out. Or you can make a volcano yourself at home. You will not only satisfy the curiosity of the young researcher, but also awaken interest in various sciences: geography, chemistry and geology.

Making a volcano at home is very easy. Simple products you can find at home and simple cleaning products can create beautiful effects. It is recommended to conduct similar experiments with children six or seven years old: at this age they will be better able to understand the essence of the action taking place. Although such a spectacular spectacle will be interesting for both children and adults.

Purpose of the experiment- to form in children a basic understanding of natural phenomenon“volcano”, clearly show the interaction of alkali with acid (neutralization reaction).


  • explain how volcanoes work and what danger they pose;
  • tell what an acid-base environment is;
  • arouse the child's interest in research;
  • develop self-learning skills;
  • tell children about the existence of an acid-base environment.

Materials and tools:

  • flask or bottle;
  • cardboard for making a “mountain”;
  • plasticine to give the volcano its shape;
  • water;
  • soda;
  • lemon acid;
  • orange or red food coloring or gouache;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • container for mixing ingredients and spoon;
  • stapler;
  • Plastic container;
  • small figures (different types of animals, trees, stones).

Progress of the experiment

1. Let's make a volcano.

First you need to find a suitable container. You can use either a flask or a small juice or yogurt bottle. To give the bottle the appearance of a mountain, we make a blank from cardboard. Cut out a circle and make one cut along the radius. Fold the circle into a cone and secure it firmly with a stapler. Cut off the top of the cone.

We insert our container inside the figure - we get the frame of a volcano. Using plasticine, you need to give the volcano a shape: coat the cardboard with plasticine, make a “crater”, masking the neck of the container.

We place the volcano blank in a plastic container (or in a basin). We create an environment using different types animals (dinosaurs, animals), trees, stones. We pour stones at the foot of the volcano, arrange trees, arrange animals.

2. Prepare 2 lava solutions

First solution: fill the container with 2/3 of water, add food coloring (or gouache), a few drops of dishwashing detergent (so that there is a lot of foam) and 5 tablespoons of soda.

Second solution: dilute citric acid (recommended ratio - 5 tablespoons to 1.5 cups of water).

3. Let's start the eruption

Mix the mixture thoroughly in the volcano container. Slowly pour the solution into the mouth citric acid.

Watch the magic happen: a dormant volcano awakens and turns into a fire-breathing mountain!

Experience result

Fiery red foam erupts from the crater of the volcano.

Volcanic eruption (no dye)

Scientific explanation

The volcano erupts as a result of the interaction of two substances - soda and citric acid. In chemistry, this process is called a neutralization reaction. Acid and alkali (soda) neutralize each other, releasing carbon dioxide. CO₂ foams the mixture poured into the crater and causes the mass to overflow over the edges of the crater. Dish soap makes the lava bubble more. We recommend conducting another experiment with a volcano, but this time with glowing lava.

Olga Happy Category: 6 comments

Chemical experiment volcano at home

Hello, dear readers! It's no secret that all children love the mysterious, beautiful and magical. Probably, your children also like everything fabulous and interesting? Wouldn't you like to play the role of a wizard for your baby? Surprise him with unusual phenomena, make a lasting impression?

I bring to your attention the experiments at home that we conduct with children. Today I will tell you about the Vulcan experience for children- this is an amazing, mesmerizing spectacle, children watch the volcanic eruption with interest, I recommend trying it. Your baby will definitely appreciate it!

In addition to this experiment, the kids and I conducted several more: an experiment with milk (you can watch) and an experiment with water (see), which I think your child will also appreciate!

  1. Cardboard
  2. Plasticine
  3. Jar (I took it from baby puree)
  4. Plate or tray
  5. Stapler
  6. Scissors
  7. Dishwashing liquid 1 tbsp.
  8. Soda 1 tbsp.
  9. Acetic acid
  10. Thinned paint

Making preparations for the Vulcan experiment

Experience at home Vulcan

Now I will tell you in detail how to do the volcano experience. By the way, during the experiment, the children took an active part - they covered a paper cone with plasticine, poured soda into a jar, poured detergent, colored the water with paints, after which the resulting colored solution was poured into a jar. The only thing I did myself was to cut out a cone, fasten it with a stapler and pour vinegar into the mouth of the volcano, after which the eruption began. So, let's proceed directly to the experiment.

enrich children's consciousness with new content that contributes to the accumulation of ideas about the world around them;

expand children’s understanding of objects and phenomena of inanimate nature;

develop activity, initiative and independence in cognitive activity.



Experimental activity “Volcanic eruption”


Cognitive development:

enrich children’s consciousness with new content that contributes to the accumulation of ideas about the world around them;

expand children’s understanding of objects and phenomena of inanimate nature;

develop activity, initiative and independence in cognitive activity.

Speech development:

expand the vocabulary based on the rich ideas about the world that children are developing, and activate them in independent statements;

activate vocabulary in speech practice: lava, volcano, volcanologists, ash, dormant volcano, active volcano, extinct volcano, etc.

Social and communicative development:

cultivate interest and desire for creative knowledge of the world around us

create a condition within the lesson for children’s independent cognitive activity.

support the child’s desire to actively engage in interactions with peers and adults;

form equal, friendly relationships between peers;

Physical development:

Strengthen children's health.

Problem question: What is a volcano?

Hypotheses: 1. A volcano is a fire-breathing mountain.

2. A volcano is an ordinary mountain.


pictures of volcanoes;


video film;


lemon acid;

dry red paint;

washing liquid;



glasses of water;


clarity: pictures of natural phenomena,

preliminary work: acquaintance with natural phenomena.

Progress of the study

Hello guys. I'm glad to meet you. My name is…

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds,

Let's enjoy smiling faces,

Let's say good morning to our friends. ...

Good morning, let's say to the guests...

My children love to observe natural phenomena. What natural phenomena do you like to observe? … (Pictures)

My children have prepared a riddle for you. What natural phenomenon can we observe in spring, summer, and autumn? …….)

If the children find it difficult, the teacher uses a riddle

Let me help you. Guess the riddle:

The field, forest and meadow are wet,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know this is -.


But we won't talk about rain. About what? About such a mysterious, enigmatic, amazing and formidable natural phenomenon as a “volcanic eruption.”

Listen to an interesting legend.

“There lived a god named Vulcan and he liked blacksmithing - standing at an anvil, hitting iron with a heavy hammer, fanning the fire in the forge. He built himself a blacksmith inside a tall mountain. And the mountain stood right in the middle of the sea. When the volcano hammered, the mountain trembled from top to bottom, and the roar and roar echoed far around. From the hole at the top of the mountain, hot stones, fire and ash flew with a deafening roar.

Since then, people began to call all fire-breathing mountains “volcanoes.” “The volcano is working,” people said with fear, and went to live away from this place.

Nowadays, to prevent disaster from happening, scientists specifically monitor volcanoes. They record their observations using a video camera.

I invite you to the cinema. Gesture. Come on in. Take a seat. ...

The viewing is accompanied by explanations from the teacher.

2 fragment: - Lava is melted stones. It flows down the slope and flows out very, very far from the volcano. Along the way, it burns grass and trees, destroys everything living and inanimate, turning it into ashes. When lava flows far from the volcano, it hardens and turns into stones.

Fragment 3: See what a volcanic eruption looks like at night. Like a fiery river of lava flows.

How does a volcanic eruption begin? (First appears... smoke)

How does lava spread?)

What remains after a volcanic eruption? ... (frozen stones, burnt trees) ...

We observed an active volcano. And there are also dormant and extinct ones.

Which volcano do you think is called dormant? ... A sleeper is a volcano that looks like an ordinary mountain, but can explode with fiery lava at any moment.

I tried to make a model of a sleeping volcano. Exhibits

It seems? … How? ... (shape, there is a hole on top). The volcano is cone-shaped.

Top part with funnel. This is a volcano crater.

The crater of the volcano is a huge bowl with steep slopes, and at the bottom there is a reddish-orange mouth - this is a vent, a hole that goes deep into the ground.

It's interesting to watch a volcano erupt. It's safer to do this in a movie theater. You can also make a model of a volcano and watch the lava erupt, bringing the volcano to life.

Before conducting an experiment to revive a volcano, I would like to check whether you know how to be attentive, careful, and not make prohibited movements.

The game is called "Forbidden Moves". Rule: it is forbidden to make such movements... Be careful, I will also show prohibited movements.

Everyone tried to be attentive. This means that during the experiment you will work carefully and carefully, following the instructions.

Look, on the tables there are models of volcanoes and equipment that will help us awaken them.

In order not to harm ourselves and others, we will work according to the scheme, observing the rules of safe behavior.

We must work carefully:

do not put anything in your mouth - symbol

carefully pour powder - symbol

carefully pour water - symbol

do not touch lava - symbol

use napkin symbol

To awaken a volcano, you need to:

put 1 spoon of red magic powder - symbol

pipette 5 drops of yellow liquid - symbol

add water no more than 4 spoons - symbol

The eruption begins after water is added, but not immediately. You need to check how many spoons of water to add to make the lava flow.

We take jobs. Each has its own volcano model, measuring spoon and pipette. The experiment diagram, red powder, yellow liquid, water and the diagram lie in the center for two. It will be necessary to come to an agreement so as not to interfere with another’s careful conduct of the experiment.

So what do we need to check? ... We need to check how many spoons of water to add to make the lava flow.

Children conduct an experiment. The teacher advises and monitors compliance with the rules of safe behavior.

What beautiful, wonderful, unusual volcanoes you brought to life.

After what order of spoons did lava begin to appear? ...

Who had lava pour out very quickly? ...

When did the lava flow faster, after three or four spoons? ... So, in order to observe longer, it is better to add three tablespoons of water.

So, today we talked about a volcanic eruption. Did you like it? ...Can you tell the other children in the group about this? ... I think you will succeed. And for this I give you an album with photographs of the volcano, a diagram of the experiment, composition for the experiment and a model of the volcano.