What diseases can bubble baths help with and can they be prescribed to everyone? Pearl baths - benefits, indications and contraindications

Numerous physiotherapeutic procedures are used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. But not many of them, in addition to being useful, are also pleasant. Coniferous pearl baths are just such procedures; they have a wonderful aroma, which additionally has a psychological effect on patients.

ABOUT healing properties needles have been known for a long time. It contains essential oils that promote mucus separation and reduce allergy symptoms in the upper respiratory tract. Essential oils of pine needles have a strong antibacterial effect, which is used to treat many bacterial inflammations.

The needles contain a large number of vitamins, surpassing in their quantity almost all known fruits. It contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol, iron, selenium, zinc, many proteins and enzymes. Pine essential oils have no equal. Adding pine needles to a pearl bath gives it special healing properties.

There are no special features in taking pine pearl baths. The main thing is to adhere to certain features in preparing the bath. Coniferous concentrates used for baths contain essential oils, which tend to evaporate quickly. Granular formulations retain more useful substances, but they dissolve more slowly in water. Water for pine bath should be cooler than for a pearl bath, that is, 33-35 degrees. At this temperature, beneficial substances evaporate less and are well absorbed by the skin. After the bath there is no need to dry your body; it is better to wait a few minutes and let the water dry. Coniferous pearl baths are taken daily, one procedure lasts 15 minutes, the course of treatment requires 12-15 procedures. During the year, you can take three or four courses of treatment with pine-pearl baths.


Coniferous pearl baths have many indications. They are recommended for general health improvement, in the initial stages of arterial hypertension, pathology of the peripheral nervous system, and circulatory disorders in the distal extremities. This type of bath has a good healing effect for atherosclerosis, neurasthenia and neuroses, and vascular insufficiency. Pine-pearl baths have a rejuvenating and cleansing effect, they eliminate immunodeficiency and can be used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

The therapeutic effect of baths is due to the high concentration of vitamins E and C, known for their unique antioxidant properties. In combination with oxygen, they quickly penetrate the skin, speed up metabolism, and quickly improve skin condition. Then the effect of B vitamins and microelements manifests itself, improving the condition of blood vessels and blood composition. Pine-pearl baths cause vasodilation, restoring blood circulation, and stabilize the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.


Coniferous pearl baths are contraindicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by coronary insufficiency and cardiac arrhythmia, unstable blood pressure. This type baths are contraindicated for kidney pathologies, gynecological diseases, chronic inflammatory-dystrophic lesions of bones and joints. Essential oils are not recommended for stomach diseases.

You can also take pine pearl baths at home. This is a great way to relieve fatigue after a working day. After such a bath, insomnia will disappear, sleep will be calm and pleasant, and awakening will be easy, with a feeling of vivacity and a surge of energy.

Water has healing, renewing powers. In combination with air, its effect is enhanced and transformed into a massage procedure. What are bubble baths when it comes to mixing air and water? Such baths with piercing jets of air and flocks of mother-of-pearl bubbles are called pearl baths. The very bubbling bubbles look like beautiful pearls.

This water procedure is facilitated by a specially equipped bath. There is a grate at the bottom. Behind it there are tubes through which the compressor supplies air under pressure to the water. Hydromassage of the whole body occurs. Such a bath is not only a relaxing, anti-stress procedure, but also very useful.

Our ancestors knew what pearl baths were. They used this method of hydrotherapy to increase vitality and relaxation after hard work, as well as to relieve pain symptoms. The action of such a bath is based on a massage produced by air bubbles. Rising from below to the surface of the water, the airy peas gently glide over the body, providing a general massage to different areas.

Underwater massage has a powerful healing effect:

  • relaxation and relaxation occurs, sleep improves;
  • muscle tone is relieved and spasms are eliminated;
  • pain in the back and joints decreases;
  • blood flow to organs and tissues increases, which has a positive effect on their functioning;
  • the outflow of lymph is stabilized, swelling disappears, skin tone increases;
  • toxins and waste are more actively removed from the body;
  • blood pressure is normalized.

Despite the undeniably beneficial properties of such procedures, they are not recommended for everyone. There are a number of indications and contraindications for pearl baths. The procedures must be agreed upon with the doctor in advance.

Conditions for which massage baths are indicated:

  • Diseases of the joints and spine.
  • Nervous tension and constant stress.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Presence of cellulite, obesity.
  • Arterial hypertension of the 1st degree.
  • Insomnia.

It has been proven that a pearl bath session is equivalent to a manual massage lasting 1 hour!

  • During the period of exacerbation of the disease.
  • For hypertension stages II and III.
  • If there is a predisposition to high blood clotting and thrombophlebitis.
  • In the presence of fungal infections of the skin, pustular rashes.

Pregnant women and patients with varicose veins veins, with diabetes mellitus.

Rules for taking a bubble bath

To take a pearl bath, the water is heated to a temperature of 36 °C-37 °C. You need to lie in it on your back. The duration of the session ranges from 10 to 20 minutes. A full wellness course includes 12-15 procedures. It is important to understand that such hydrotherapy is not an independent method of getting rid of a particular disease. Pearl baths are considered additional methods used together with the main drug therapy.

Mineral pearl bath

There are mineral pearl baths. Instead of tap water mineral or thermal is used. These waters include healthy salts and microelements. The effect on the body is diverse. All conditions for accepting the procedure are no different from a regular session. Permission to bathe in a mineral pearl bath must be given by a doctor.

Coniferous pearl bath

This bath with the addition of pine needle extract is called pine-pearl. The session turns into an aromatherapy session. In addition to the calming effect, the procedure promotes wound healing, relieves inflammation, and also strengthens the immune system and reduces the body's allergic mood. The needles disinfect and enrich the water with useful substances.

The range of indications for pine pearl baths is expanding. They are recommended for people with diseases of viral etiology, bronchitis and pneumonia. And also for patients with gastrointestinal dysfunction. At the same time, you should not swim in aromatic water if you have been diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia or have vasomotor disorders.

Children in the bath

Underwater massage is also prescribed for children. For children, this is a way to strengthen the immune system, relieve nervous tension and muscle hypertonicity. Blood circulation is stimulated and metabolism is accelerated, which is important for overweight children. Bathing in a pine-pearl bath serves as a prevention of colds. These water procedures are prescribed to the child by a doctor, since they have the same contraindications as for adults.

Precious sessions at home

Hydrotherapy using pearl baths is offered by almost every sanatorium or resort. But, if it is not possible to visit health resorts regularly, then this pleasant procedure can be carried out at home. This requires special equipment. Not everyone can afford to buy a hot tub. But a massage mattress, which is placed at the bottom of the bathtub, is relatively inexpensive. Using a compressor and a hose, air is supplied to it under pressure. The water is filled with many bubbles that pleasantly massage the entire body.

Like any medical procedure, taking a bath at home must be agreed with your doctor. During the session, you need to monitor your condition; if you experience the slightest discomfort, you should get out of the water. After swimming, it is recommended to rest for an hour in a calm atmosphere.

A bubble bath is a way to combine business with pleasure. It will allow you to escape from pressing problems, relax, and at the same time increase your vitality. Doctors actively prescribe them to adults and children as an auxiliary therapy in the treatment of various diseases and pathological conditions.

A little about prices

For simple procedures, prices in Moscow range from 200 to 2500 rubles. The cheapest ones are offered by the Morozovskaya Children's City Clinical Hospital, DZM, tel. 495-959-88-00. The services of City Clinical Hospital No. 5 on Stromynka are also available from 230 rubles, tel. 499-268-09-51. Then prices go up. Make a choice and be healthy.

A pearl bath helps stabilize the outflow of lymph, accelerates the resorption of residual effects of inflammatory processes, saturates the skin with oxygen, promotes relaxation of the body and improves mood. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces excitability, restores nervous regulation of muscles, reduces pain, stimulates blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, effectively eliminates pain, relieves rheumatism, and relieves muscle tension. This procedure will be useful for patients exposed to frequent stress, diseases with dysfunctions of the nervous system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, hypertension (in the first stage), people leading a sedentary lifestyle, metabolic disorders, and sleep disorders. To increase the effectiveness of pearl baths, you can combine the procedure with a course of wraps (mud, algae, etc.), acupuncture.

After a pearl bath, be sure to apply a moisturizing lotion, cream or milk to your body to avoid drying out the skin.

The water temperature during the procedure is usually 35-36°C. The best effect of a bubble bath is achieved if the patient is in a bath, since in this case complete muscle relaxation is achieved. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. Within two hours after it is carried out, you should refrain from physical activity, during which time the patient’s condition should be monitored by a specialist. The total duration can be 2-4 weeks depending on the condition of the body. Procedures can be carried out daily or every other day. Sea salt and aromatic oil can be added to the bath.

Contraindications to the procedure

Pearl baths are contraindicated in acute cardiovascular diseases, hypertension (in the second and third stages), any inflammatory, pustular or fungal skin diseases, individual intolerance, severe discomfort during the procedure.

Before undertaking a pearl bath course, you need to consult with a specialist.

Pearl baths should be taken with caution during

A significant place in balneology is occupied by such a procedure as pearl baths. It is based on the principle of hydromassage.

Pearl bath technology

This type of procedure does not occur in nature, so it is done using simple technology. For proper pearl baths, a special installation is required, which includes a motor, a compressor and a whole system of tubes with holes from which air comes out. These tubes are contained in a lattice made of wood and are placed at the bottom of the bathtub. Air passes under pressure from the compressor, which is dispersed through the holes in the tubes and the bath is filled with many bubbles. The degree of such water boiling can be easily adjusted. Thus, a mechanical effect on the skin is created, and the overall hydrostatic effect of water is reduced.

In addition, the second mechanism of action is that water, at a temperature of about 36 degrees, which is the most comfortable for the body, together with supplied cool air (from 15 to 20 degrees), creates a contrasting effect. Thus, there is a mixed effect of the technique called pearl bath, the indications for which are determined by the doctor.

As a result of such a balneological procedure, blood circulation in the skin improves and overall blood circulation increases, which affects the metabolism and functioning of internal organs, the process of eliminating toxins is accelerated, and pain sensitivity is reduced. In addition, oxygen supply to the skin increases, spasms and tension are relieved, and foci of inflammation are resolved.

It should be said that this procedure itself cannot be an alternative to the general treatment of diseases, but it is quite capable of being part of a set of measures to eliminate the disease, speed up the recovery process and prolong remissions in some types of chronic pathology.

This type of massage is aimed primarily at relaxation, and one session is equivalent in effectiveness, in this sense, to the result of classical manual manipulation. As a result of using a pearl bath, there is a gentle effect on nerve endings located throughout the body. After using this course, a person’s mood, general well-being and appearance improve.

Indications for use

In terms of their action and indications for use, pearl baths are similar to nitrogen baths. They are used for the following problems:

  • Various disorders of the nervous system of a functional nature.
  • General fatigue.
  • The initial stage of hypertension.
  • Insomnia.
  • Depression and increased anxiety.
  • Condition after long and severe illness.
  • Diseases of the spine and the entire musculoskeletal system.
  • Chronic joint diseases.
  • An additional technique for the treatment of reproductive dysfunction, both female and male.
  • Diseases associated with metabolic pathologies, obesity.
  • Skin diseases, except abscess and fungal infections.
  • Physical inactivity, due to the peculiarities of working conditions, or very active activity (for example, among athletes).
  • Cellulite.
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Hypothalamic syndrome.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Post-traumatic asthenic syndrome.
  • Neurasthenia.
  • Various disorders associated with menopause or difficult to tolerate premenstrual syndrome.

The result will be especially effective if you rest for an hour after the bath. To enhance the effect, you can apply cream or oil after the session. After finishing the lesson, you should limit physical activity for several hours.

The duration of this procedure is from 10 to 15 minutes, a bubble bath is prescribed daily or every other day. The course is according to indications (12–15 sessions). Hydromassage is carried out in cycles of 30 seconds and a pause. In this case, a certain part of the body is exposed during each cycle.

Maximum relaxation during a pearl bath can only be achieved while lying down. It is necessary to understand that the effectiveness of such procedures depends on the regularity and compliance with the rules of their implementation.


Like any type of treatment, a pearl bath can lead to more than just positive results. Sometimes its use can be harmful, and this applies to such cases if there are:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Tendency to vascular spasms.
  • Skin diseases associated with fungal or pustular infection.
  • Severe inflammatory processes of any origin.
  • Individual intolerance to baths.
  • All contraindications associated with hydrotherapy.
  • Uncomfortable sensations during the procedure.

For diabetes mellitus, oncopathology, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, pearl baths
have relative contraindications and are definitely not carried out in cases of extreme severity of these pathological conditions. During pregnancy, you should definitely discuss the advisability of them with your doctor.

At the moment, it is possible to conduct pearl baths at home. This is especially convenient for those people who have indications for such therapy, but do not have time for it, or have limited mobility. For this purpose, you can purchase such a bathtub, or, which is much more affordable, buy a special mat that can create a hydromassage effect in the most ordinary bathtub. But it should be noted that carrying out a full-fledged procedure is only possible with special equipment, which is available in hospitals and specialized salons. When people with serious illnesses take a bath, specialists monitor their condition, which is completely impossible at home.

Types of bubble baths

In order to enhance the therapeutic and cosmetic effect of a pearl bath, some essential oils or extracts are sometimes added. The most popular among these mixed types of baths are:

It is recommended to do them before bedtime; the water temperature during the session should be slightly lower than for pearl ones - about 33-35 degrees, to prevent the evaporation of essential oils. The body must be clean before taking a pine-pearl bath, and after the procedure it should not be wiped dry. This will help prolong the effect due to additional absorption of nutrients.

There are also contraindications when using this type of procedure. This is intolerance to the components in the bath, general contraindications for water procedures, severe vasomotor disturbances, hyperexcitability, severe vegetative-vascular dystonia.

  • Minerally pearl . To carry out such procedures, mineral mixtures are added to the water with a bubble bath installation. This enhances the results in the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with musculoskeletal functions, as well as in the initial stages of hypertension. With addition sea ​​salt such a bath will help saturate the body with missing minerals, and air bubbles increase the degree of their penetration into the skin
  • Doctor Lapushanskaya V.V.

Baths are a method of physiotherapy used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. They are prepared on the basis of mineral and fresh water, with the addition of various plant extracts and essential oils. Using a certain temperature of water helps to obtain the desired effect and enhance the therapeutic effect. The use of not only general, but also local baths allows you to influence a specific organ or part of the body, while avoiding unnecessary influence on other anatomical areas.

Baths with mineral waters(balneotherapy) have become widely used in spa treatment. This method of physiotherapy is also used in beauty salons for skin care and rejuvenation. Unlike other methods of physiotherapy, baths are pleasant and useful procedure, which can be easily used at home.

Types of bubble baths and their beneficial properties

Baths are a method of hydrotherapy that has a healing effect on the patient’s body using water. To carry them out, special hydromassage baths(jacuzzi), pearl and vortex. Pearl baths are very popular in medical institutions and SPA salons. To get the best effect and more benefits, various components are added to the water (essential oils, turpentine, bischofite, sea salt, etc.).

A pearl bath is a type of hydromassage; its properties are based on the combined effect of air and water on the human body.

They are used for it special devices, they have small holes through which high pressure air escapes, forming bubbles resembling pearls. The most popular types of bubble baths:

  • pearl conifers with extracts added to water coniferous plants;
  • mineral pearl baths using sea salt, brine and minerals.

Pearl-pine baths have a mass beneficial properties. When immersed in water, a change occurs heat flow and heat exchange due to activation of the nervous system. Bath application cold water increases heat production and metabolic processes in muscles and liver. Warm water reduces the pain threshold of the skin, reduces heart rate, increases breathing and oxygen supply to tissues. Blood clotting and hemoglobin content also increase, and the number of eosinophils and T-lymphocytes decreases.

Pearl baths, due to the massage effect, improve blood circulation and microcirculation, improve vascular tone, which leads to normalization blood pressure. Having an effect on the skin, the procedure reduces the amount of active substances, reduces pain and tactile sensitivity. As a result of the ongoing processes, blood flow and lymphatic drainage in the internal organs increases, and the production of pituitary and adrenal hormones increases.

During a course of baths, the body's resistance to hypothermia and infections increases, inflammatory processes decrease due to the acceleration of blood circulation and metabolism. Baths have a sedative effect and relieve spasms of skeletal muscles.

Coniferous extract has a sedative, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Its action is based on a direct effect on skin receptors, which stimulates the protective function of the skin and accelerates wound healing. It improves microcirculation in tissues and oxygen delivery to the site of inflammation, promotes the removal of waste and toxins. The dilation of blood vessels leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Penetrating into the respiratory tract, the extract has an antimicrobial effect and reduces inflammation, and has a calming and relaxing effect on the central nervous system.

Indications and contraindications for the use of pearl-pine baths

This type of physiotherapy leads to good results when used in complex treatment. Indications for use are:

  • Diseases of the nervous system: inflammation of the nerve, neuralgia, radiculopathy, neurosis, history of traumatic brain injury, paralysis, cerebral palsy, cerebral atherosclerosis, neurocirculatory dystonia, nervous tics in children and adults.
  • Respiratory diseases: chronic pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: arterial hypertension of 1-2 degrees, obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease.
  • Pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract: chronic gastritis, enterocolitis, chronic cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system: urolithiasis disease, impotence, chronic prostatitis, chronic diseases of the female genital organs.
  • Metabolic disorders: obesity 1-3 degrees, gout.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthrosis, arthritis of various etiologies, spinal diseases, deforming osteoarthritis, myositis, ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Diseases of the psycho-emotional sphere: stress, fatigue, insomnia.
  • Skin diseases: neurodermatitis, acne simplex, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, eczema.

Contraindications to the use of pearl-pine baths:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: ischemic disease heart, angina pectoris of 3-4 functional class, hypotension.
  • Acute conditions in psychiatry and neurology: hysteria, epilepsy.
  • Chronic glomerulonephritis.
  • Liver diseases: chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system: thyrotoxicosis, diabetes.
  • Skin diseases: mycoses, weeping dermatitis.
  • Inflammatory diseases in the acute stage.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Individual intolerance pine extract.
  • Pregnancy (in case of shared baths).

Method of conducting pearl-pine baths

Baths are carried out in medical institutions, beauty salons and at home. Before use, consultation with a physiotherapist is necessary to determine the course of treatment. To create pearl baths, you need special apparatus or devices. A container with a volume of 200-250 liters is filled with fresh water at a temperature of 35-37ºC and 50-70 g of pine extract is added, then the water is thoroughly mixed.

The patient is immersed in the bath to the level of the middle of the chest; the water should not cover the heart area. The device or necessary device for creating pearl bubbles is turned on. The duration of the procedure is 12-15 minutes, with a frequency of once every two or three days. There are 15-20 baths per course of treatment. After the session, you need to wrap yourself in a sheet and rest for 20-30 minutes. The bath course can be repeated after 2-3 months.

Pearl-pine baths are also used in the treatment of childhood diseases.

Recommended age 6 months and older. The procedure must be carried out in medical institutions, under the supervision of a doctor. To do this, use a container with water at 35-36ºC, volume 100-200 liters, add 20 ml of pine extract, or 2/3 of a pine tablet. The child is immersed in the bath up to the waist; for convenience, you can use a special bathing chair or hold the baby yourself.

The procedure lasts 10 minutes, sessions are carried out every other day. The course of treatment is 10-15 baths. The last feeding should take place an hour before taking a bath. After the procedure, you can eat no earlier than an hour later. At the end of the bath, the child must be rinsed with clean water. Before using pine extract or other essential oils for your baby, you need to make sure that he is not allergic to them.

To prepare pearl-pine baths at home, you can use liquid balm, tablets or briquettes with essential oils. According to the instructions, in the bath with warm water 36-37ºС, with a volume of about 200 liters, add 2 tablets or a briquette with pine needles and mix thoroughly. At the pharmacy you can purchase a collection of coniferous plants for taking a bath.

Patients notice the effect of using the bath immediately. Heaviness in the lower extremities and pain in the joints are reduced, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, the feeling of fatigue goes away, sleep is normalized, and the discharge of sputum from the lungs and nasal cavity improves. Like other physiotherapeutic methods, baths have a number of side effects: decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, dizziness, allergic reactions such as urticaria.

Devices for creating pearl-pine baths

To create pearl-coniferous baths, special devices and devices are used. They can be used in medical institutions, sanatoriums, beauty salons and at home. There are stationary devices for bubble massage (jacuzzi). They are suitable for patients of different heights, have an anatomical shape, are easy to use and have various massage modes. The bathtubs are strong and durable in use thanks to the reinforced body and acrylic coating.

Portable devices are convenient to use at home and are compact, unlike stationary devices. They are a grille or mat that is placed at the bottom of the bathtub and connected to the central air duct. The massage effect is created by air or gas bubbles coming out of the tube. The tube can have from 2000 to 5000 holes.

There are such installations as “Pearl”, it generates up to 4 million bubbles per minute, the diameter of which is 5 mm. Ozonomatic hydromassage bubble bath units saturate the bath with ozonated air bubbles. Ozonomatic has eight air flow modes, thanks to which you can choose the desired massage intensity. The Medisana water massage mat is simple and easy to use, has 3 massage intensity modes for maximum effect.

Hydrotherapy can significantly improve the quality of treatment and prevention of various diseases. Application herbal remedies enhances their effect and can lead to long-term remission. The safety of the procedure allows the baths to be used for patients of all age groups.