Natural healer - prickly pear. Beneficial properties of its extract, use for diseases and weight loss. Prickly pear cactus: medicinal properties, history, side effects

There is a certain genus of cacti that have edible fruits. It is called prickly pear. Such plants grow in fairly wide areas - from Canada to South America. To understand how to eat cactus fruits, it is important to determine the purpose, since they can be consumed simply for pleasure or used as a natural medicine. In addition, prickly pear fruits are also suitable for external use.

Useful properties of cactus fruits

The fruits of the prickly pear cactus have interesting taste qualities. They contain strawberry and pear notes, and some varieties have a slight sourness, like kiwi. A special feature is the very juicy pulp. The outside of the prickly pear fruit is hard. It is covered with thin needles. The color can be light green, yellow, orange, red.

Prickly pear fruits quench thirst well and also have some therapeutic qualities. So, with their help you can cure a cold and reduce elevated temperature bodies. Astringent properties help stop bleeding and normalize intestinal function. Prickly pear also has a wound-healing effect.

You should not abuse the fruits. This is fraught with headaches, hives, constipation, nausea and even vomiting. In addition, in some cases, individual intolerance occurs, and prickly pear has to be abandoned altogether.

Ways to eat prickly pear fruit

Cactus fruits in cooking

Fruit preparation

Before eating cactus fruits, they must be prepared. First of all, all thorns should be removed. This needs to be done in two stages. In this case, you should definitely protect your hands with thick rubber gloves, and even better, hold the fruits with wide tweezers. First, rinse the prickly pear thoroughly under strong cold water. This way you will get rid of the smallest thorns. Larger thorns can be removed by wiping the fruit with a paper napkin folded several times.

Since fruits that are most often sold have already been cleared of thorns, all you have to do is rinse them thoroughly with running water.

Once you've ensured that the surface is free of thorns, you'll need to remove the tough, tough skin (although in some cases you'll want to leave it on). To do this, cut off the ends of the fruit. Then make a longitudinal cut. After this, carefully peel back and remove the skin.

Another option for eating cactus fruits is to simply cut them in half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. The product can be eaten with or without seeds.

Recipes with cactus

You can prepare many different dishes from prickly pear. Most often it is used as component element desserts. It can be included in a fruit salad, jam is made from it, jams, confitures, fruit drinks are made from it, and fried in a sweet gravy.

But cactus fruits can also be used in preparing hot meat dishes. They are used to make sweet and sour sauces and gravies.

You can also bake the fruits in the oven directly in the peel. In this case, it is removed immediately before use.

Cactus fruits: can be eaten or used as a folk medicine

Cold remedy

If you love cactus fruits, you can prepare a delicious medicine against cough, bronchitis, and sore throat. To do this you will need:

  1. Prickly pear fruits - 2 parts;
  2. Honey - 2 parts;
  3. Marshmallow root syrup - 1 part.

Grind the cactus thoroughly, mix with other ingredients and consume 1-2 teaspoons every 3 hours. You can drink it with warm milk or tea. This product can be stored in a cool place for about a week. It is good for both treating colds and preventing them.

Antipyretic decoction

If you have a fever, try cactus infusion. Add 3 parts cold water to 1 part fruit. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for another five minutes. Strain and after cooling for some time, drink half a glass 1-2 times a day.

Cactus juice against otitis

If you squeeze juice from fresh cactus fruits, they can replace ear drops against otitis media. Use it in the same way - place 2-3 drops in each ear.

However, remember that this kind of inflammation is quite serious. If not treated correctly, it can lead to hearing loss. Therefore, it is best before using any folk remedies consult an experienced doctor.

Wound healing compresses

With the help of prickly pear, you can quickly restore damaged tissue. To do this, it is enough to grind its fruits well, making a paste out of them. It should be applied to wounds or ulcers on the body, secured on top with a bandage. Change the compress at least 2 times a day.

Help with diarrhea

Fresh cactus fruits, their juice or decoction can help with intestinal upset. They have an astringent effect. To normalize stool and eliminate abdominal pain, it is best to use liquid natural medicine - 100 ml of freshly squeezed juice or a glass of decoction.

How to eat cactus fruits - the seller can tell you about this when purchasing this product. It all depends on what effect you want to get. If you only strive for gastronomic pleasure, then begin your acquaintance with prickly pear by eating its fruits fresh. After this, you can experiment with preparing various dishes with its participation. If you need medical help, then use cactus fruits only for mild ailments. In cases of serious illness, it is better to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Indian prickly pear (fig)– an exotic plant, a representative of the Cactus family. Prickly pear is often grown as edible plant. The fruits are used for gastronomic purposes. Prickly pear can be found under the names: Indian fig, fig, prickly pear, tsabr. The plant is a covering of thorny stems with beautiful flowers(see photo). The prickly pear fruit is red in color; inside it consists of juicy pulp that tastes sweet.

Scientists consider Mexico to be the birthplace of the plant. It is widespread in the Mediterranean countries, Brazil, Chile, and Crimea. The plant received its name in honor of the city of Opus (Greece), where it grows everywhere. Opuntia fig is an upright shrub with flat, succulent stems and single flowers (see photo). On the stems of the plant there are glochidia - hooks that are clearly visible under a microscope.

Glochidia are practically invisible and more like fluff. But only at first glance they are so harmless: glochidia easily break off and cause unpleasant skin reactions.

The plant produces berry-shaped fruits, fleshy inside.

Indian prickly pear has been used by humans for a long time. Today the plant is used as fodder crop, as well as for the production of dye. In the 20th century, prickly pear came to Australia and soon spread throughout the continent. The succulent plant soon became a favorite delicacy for cows, who began to die en masse from its bristles that entered the intestines. Prickly pear became the main enemy of farmers, who destroyed it using various chemical compounds. In the end, the prickly pear was bred thanks to the spread of moths - cactus pests, they were sprayed throughout the territory from airplanes. And a monument was erected to the butterfly as a sign of gratitude.

Growing: planting and care

You can grow prickly pear fig at home. Plant the plant in nutritious soil for cacti; a mixture of 1 part turf, leaf, peat soil and sand is suitable. Planting is done in spring; the plant is watered for the first time after 5 days. Young prickly pears are replanted annually, and old ones - once every 2 years.

The plant prefers sunny places; many species tolerate direct sunlight. Caring for Indian prickly pear consists of regular watering and feeding. In spring and summer, the plant is watered moderately, but in autumn - rarely. Water it with acidified water: a few grains citric acid diluted in a liter of cool water. When watering, it is not recommended to wet the stem: this can lead to prickly pear disease. In winter, it is recommended to provide the plant with everything the necessary conditions, for example, the temperature should not be higher than 5-7 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher, the plant will be uncomfortable and will stretch out. Opuntia fig does not require spraying.

At home, the plant does not bear fruit and blooms rarely. If buds for flowering begin to form on the plant, the prickly pear should not be turned towards the sun, watered or fed more. Otherwise, it will drop its buds and will not bloom. The disadvantage of the plant is its rapid growth. Prickly pear quickly reaches impressive sizes, losing its decorative effect.

Collection and preparation

Prickly pear is collected at a specially designated time. The Aztecs called the plant's harvest season "pitahaya." In the Mediterranean region, the plant blooms in May-June and bears fruit in August-September. Prickly pear grown in this region produces very small fruits. In order to improve the quality of the fruit, the flowers are knocked down with sticks during flowering. So, after 2 months, the plant blooms for the second time, and in October-November, this time large and juicy fruits ripen. At good harvest You can collect up to 20 tons of products from one hectare.

The stems are harvested while they are young and should be the size of an average human palm. The skin on them should be shiny, no thicker than 1 cm. The harvest is harvested in protective suits so as not to injure the skin from the glochidia. The collected fruits are cleared of thorns using branches. Then they are packed in boxes with straw, the shelf life is 4-5 months.

Beneficial features

Beneficial features plants are due to its valuable chemical composition. Opuntia fig is rich in nutrients and vitamins. The plant was also used by the Aztecs, an Indian people inhabiting Mexico. They wrote that the prickly pear was an ugly tree on which figs grew. The Aztecs described the leaves of the plant as wide and large, very juicy. They considered the fig a very valuable fruit and used it for gastronomic purposes. Prickly pear leaves were also consumed, boiled or eaten raw.

Man uses almost all parts of the plant. Thus, the fruits and stems of prickly pear are used to produce food and cosmetic products. They have sweet, whitish flesh that is 14% sugar.

Prickly pear fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, which is so necessary for the human body.

Use in cooking

Prickly pear fruits have been used in cooking for a long time. To begin with, they are cleared of thorns, and then eaten fresh, and various dishes are prepared. They also make very tasty jam. In Mexico, the fruits are used in various dishes. In Malta, prickly pear is used to produce a very tasty liqueur, which is considered the national alcoholic drink. The juice of the plant is used to make syrup and molasses.

Prickly pear stems are harvested for gastronomic purposes. The size of the cladode should be 20 cm. Cladodes are modified shoots, which perform the functions of leaves. It is important to remember that the acidity of cell sap can change over the course of a day. So, shoots collected in the morning are very acidic, but shoots collected in the afternoon contain only 10-20% acid.

For us, the fruits of prickly pear are truly exotic, and, for example, in Cyprus they can be found in any supermarket. There, the fruits of this edible cactus are eaten as fruit. Near the fruits in the supermarket there is a special device so as not to pick them up with your hands.

Before use, prickly pear fruits must be prepared. The most difficult thing is to wash the product and clean it of glochidia.

The fruit is soaked in cool water and washed with gloves. Next, it is thoroughly wiped with a thick cloth in order to finally get rid of the needles. Some housewives offer another method: first, the fruit is frozen, and then the needles are shaken off or scorched under fire. The edible part of the prickly pear is hidden under the peel; it is removed with a knife. The pulp of prickly pear is very tasty: sweet, juicy and slightly sour. It perfectly quenches thirst, so it is eaten in hot weather. You can simply eat the pulp with a spoon, or you can prepare original dishes from it. So, it is stewed together with meat, made into marmalade, and added to desserts. The fruits can be used to prepare sweet and savory dishes.

Benefits of Indian prickly pear (fig) and treatment

The benefits of the plant have long been known to medicine. Opuntia fig is used for the production of soap and cosmetics. The shoots are effective for diarrhea and stomach pain. The stems are used to treat obesity.

Fig prickly pear contains only 41 kilocalories per 100 grams. The plant increases the breakdown of fats. When the plant enters the stomach, its fibers swell, which promotes rapid saturation.

Harm of Indian prickly pear (fig) and contraindications

The plant can cause harm to the body due to the presence of small bristles - glochidia; they easily break and penetrate the skin. The delicate skin of children is especially vulnerable, so it is not recommended to grow prickly pear as indoor flower if there are children in the house.

The ripening of prickly pear fruits begins in mid-July and ends in mid-August. Unripe fruits have green color. When ripe they turn dark red or purple and are pear-shaped fruits. The pulp of the ripe fruit is white, juicy and soft. There are small seeds inside, like grapes or pomegranates. The skin of the fruit is hard and covered with small spines.

Useful and healing properties

Prickly pear fruits are included in various dishes and drinks. Most often they are used for making desserts, fruit drinks, salads, jams, and marmalade. The juicy and watery pulp of the fruit helps to quickly quench thirst.

The fruits are also used in medicinal purposes thanks to a large number nutrients. IN folk medicine Various decoctions, tinctures, and preparations are made from them.

Important! The use of preparations from prickly pear fruits is possible only for mild ailments. For more serious illnesses, you should consult your doctor.

What properties do these fruits have?

Chemical composition and calorie content

The calorie content of prickly pear fruits is 41 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • proteins – 0.73 g;
  • fats – 0.51 g;
  • carbohydrates – 5.97 g;
  • dietary fiber – 3.6 g;
  • ash – 1.64 g;
  • water – 87.55 g.
  • provitamin A – 25 mcg;
  • vitamin A (VE) – 2 mcg;
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 14 mcg;
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 60 mcg;
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – 60 mcg;
  • vitamin B9 ( folic acid) – 6 mcg;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – 14 mg;
  • vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) – 0.46 mg.

Reference. Also, prickly pear fruits contain dyes, hormones, essential oils and such macro- and microelements as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium, copper, iron, zinc, selenium.

Indications for use

Prickly pear fruits help with diseases such as:

How to eat cactus berries?

Before eating the fruit, you need to remove the thorns from it and peel it. Recommendations for removing thorns from the fruit:

  1. Be sure to use rubber gloves.
  2. Hold the fruit with tongs.
  3. To remove small spines, rinse the fruit with cold water.
  4. To remove larger thorns, wipe the fruit with a napkin folded several times.

Or, put the fruit in the refrigerator, and after a couple of hours the thorns will fall off on their own.

To remove the peel from the fruit you need:

  1. Cut off the ends of the fruit.
  2. Make a longitudinal cut on the fruit itself.
  3. Gently pull back and remove the skin.

As it is? Peeled and ready-to-eat prickly pear fruits are eaten whole. Or cut the berry in half and eat the juicy pulp with a spoon. There are small seeds inside the fruit that can also be eaten.

The taste of prickly pear fruits is sweet and slightly sour. For some, the taste resembles the taste of strawberries, for others - pear, for others - kiwi. However, you should not eat the fruit too often. Excessive consumption may cause constipation, headaches, and vomiting. There is also a risk of individual intolerance.

Important! Pregnant women and children under 3 years of age should refrain from consuming this fruit to avoid possible negative consequences.

From the video you will learn how to eat prickly pear fruit:


Mexican salad (2 servings)


  • yellow bell pepper– 30 g;
  • red bell pepper – 30 g;
  • cherry tomatoes – 30 g;
  • canned corn – 20 g;
  • avocado pulp – 60 g;
  • red onion – ½ piece;
  • olives – 6-7 pcs;
  • prickly pear fruits – 70 g;
  • olive oil, black pepper, salt, cilantro - to taste.


  1. Cut cherry tomatoes and bell peppers into equal parts.
  2. Stir in olives and sliced ​​prickly pear fruits.
  3. Add corn, avocado pulp and red onion.
  4. Season the salad with olive oil and, if desired, salt, pepper and finely chopped cilantro.
  5. Add lime juice.



  • prickly pear fruits – 6 pcs;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar – 2 cups;
  • cinnamon – 0.5 tsp.


  1. Place the prickly pear fruits in cold water and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Clean the fruits.
  3. Mix it with cinnamon, lemon juice, sugar.
  4. Place on low heat.
  5. Cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

This jam can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 months.

Sorbet (6 servings)


  • prickly pear fruits – 6 pcs;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • egg white – 1 piece;
  • water – 50 g.


  1. Soak in cold water prickly pear fruits for 20 minutes.
  2. Remove thorns from the fruit.
  3. Cut the fruit pulp into slices.
  4. Grind the pulp immersion blender until pureed.
  5. Pour sugar into water, put on fire and stir until syrup is obtained.
  6. Mix the resulting syrup with the pulp puree.
  7. Beat the egg white with a drop of lemon juice in a blender until foamy.
  8. Carefully pour the pulp puree into the protein and stir until it reaches a liquid consistency.
  9. Pour the resulting mixture into molds and freeze.

Non-alcoholic cocktail “Pink Panther”


  • prickly pear fruits – 3 pcs;
  • blackberries – 200 g;
  • cherry – 200 g;
  • lemon juice – ¼ tsp.


  1. Peel the prickly pear fruits.
  2. Prepare the berries for the cocktail - remove the pits from the cherries and separate the stems from the blackberries.
  3. Grind prickly pear fruits and berries in a blender.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth.
  5. Add lemon juice and crushed ice in a blender.
  6. Pour the resulting cocktail into glasses.

It is better to start getting acquainted with prickly pear fruits by eating them fresh. These fruits can then be used as ingredients in various dishes. The main thing is to follow all recommendations for preparing fruits for use and not to overuse this fruit. Then it will bring not only pleasure, but also real benefits to the body.

As is known, fruits, stems and delicate flowers prickly pear - a plant belonging to the cactus family, is used in the complex treatment of obesity, hypertension and diabetes, stomach ulcers and gastritis, liver disease and constipation.

The flowers are beautiful, large, solitary, bisexual. They bloom from early April to September in bright red, orange or yellow.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves whether to use this plant or not to treat a disease.

But thanks to the consumption of prickly pear cactus components in food, effects such as normalization of blood sugar and cholesterol levels are achieved.

And the leaves of the plant, rich in calcium and potassium, can stimulate the production of insulin in the body.

For medicinal purposes, experts advise using the plant at the age of three years and older.

The flowers of this cactus already have medicinal properties. They are able to have an astringent and hemostatic effect. They are also recommended for the treatment of prostate hypertrophy (adenoma). Opuntia is effective means treatment of such functional disorders. For prevention, it is recommended for men aged 50 years and older.

In particular, flowers are the basis medicines, used for prostate adenoma, as well as for frequent or involuntary urination, non-specific inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis).

Prickly pear fruits

The fruits of prickly pear are quite large, fleshy, juicy, and taste sweet. They are prickly berries, shaped like a pear. Oddly enough, the fruits of the plant are considered a fruit, and the shoots are considered a vegetable. Both of them can be used for food.

Preparations based on prickly pear fruits eliminate the discomfort associated with short-term inflammation of the liver after drinking alcohol.

The fact is that Dr. Jeff Weese and his colleagues from New Orleans Tulane University noticed that the juice of the fruits of this medicinal plant helps relieve inflammation after injuries. As a result, they came up with the idea of ​​​​applying their discovery in the fight against the consequences of heavy libations.

Employees of the Malta Institute of Cellular Pharmacology studied the effects of an extract from the peel of cactus fruits. It turned out that the substances contained in the tissues of this plant help relieve people from stress and have a general strengthening effect.

Another property of prickly pear fruits is to increase the body’s protective functions and strengthen its immune system.

Prickly pear cactus helps a person fight the effects negative factors environment such as heat, dehydration, radiation.

How dangerous dehydration is can be read in the article "".

Properties of prickly pear

Due to its numerous medicinal properties, prickly pear has found use in both traditional and folk medicine. Almost all components of the cactus are used to prepare medicinal potions.

This plant is widely known for its ability to help the body lose weight. At the same time, unlike various diets, the body is provided with all the necessary nutrients.

As you know, extra pounds are harmful to joints and the entire body in general. Adipose tissue is rich in blood vessels. But the blood flow in it is slowed down. As a result, blood supply is lacking in vital organs - the brain, liver, kidneys, heart, pelvic organs.

Being a layer in the muscles, adipose tissue creates certain prerequisites for reducing the speed and volume of blood flow throughout the body. This leads to a deterioration in metabolism. As a result, congestion occurs in the blood and lymphatic vessels, resulting in the appearance of blood clots, myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke.

Concomitant diseases of decreased blood volume and speed, deterioration of metabolism will diabetes type 2, hypertension, ischemic disease, osteochondrosis and arthrosis of large joints.

Consumption of prickly pear fruits prevents the formation of fats, increasing the degree of their breakdown and excretion from the body. This happens thanks to one of the most valuable properties prickly pear - the ability to bind almost 30% of the fat entering the body.

prickly pear cactus

The prickly pear cactus adsorbs fat molecules, making it inaccessible to digestive enzymes.

At the same time, in the stomach there is a process of swelling of the plant fibers, increasing their volume. As a result, a person develops and maintains a feeling of satiety for a long period of time. Unlike being on a diet, he is in a good mood and his appetite gradually decreases.

The result of all this is a decrease in weight and indicators such as cholesterol and blood sugar. Constant drug therapy, which maintains the existence of an overweight person after 50 years, is gradually becoming unnecessary in principle.

But losing weight only by reducing the amount of food consumed is dangerous for a person’s physical and mental health. A simultaneous increase in physical activity is imperative.

For example, by walking, running, long fast swimming. As Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor recommends doing this.

Another property of prickly pear is the elimination of cellulite and swelling around joint tissues during. Plant cactus proteins help the body return fluid from tissues to lymphatic and blood vessels.

We bring to your attention a video about this amazing flower.

The slimy juice of prickly pear helps with liver diseases, and a decoction of the roots has diuretic properties.

The plant is a large cactus shrub with lush green stems and tasty fruits.

Useful functions and properties

All parts of the Opuntia plant have important properties.

In fruits and leaves plants contain glucose, protein, amino acids, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

cactus flowers rich in amino acids, and the stems contain starch, sugar, protein, ascorbic acid.

Prickly pear contains vegetable fats, so the plant is used for swelling and even cellulite.

Various Applications

The prickly pear plant is used in medicine, cosmetology, and industry.

This amazing cactus is used in its entirety: oil is squeezed out of the seeds, processed into flour, and the shoots are used as a medicinal product.

Glue, food coloring, and pectin are obtained from Opuntia.

Cactus is used as raw material for detergents, alcohol solutions, deodorant.

In countries with hot climates, a useful cactus is used as a hedge; the planted plant protects the soil from erosion.

Even cactus spines have found their use; they are used as amulets in magical actions.

Cactus meat contains up to 13 - 14% sugar, which is why some types of cactus are also called “Indian fig”.

The sweet, slightly whitish pulp of prickly pear is edible; some peoples grow plentiful cacti to use it in food.

In Mexico, cactus wood is used; amazing products and polished jewelry are made from the plant. The woody, dried stems are used to make household utensils. Even the roots of the plant were useful - they are used to make a strong rope.

The flowers of the plant are often used in tea compositions.

The amazing effect of prickly pear in cosmetology, products from the cactus perfectly nourish the skin and slow down aging. Thanks to its pleasant aroma, the oil can enhance any body care procedure.

Medicinal properties

All the properties of Opuntia as a medicinal agent have not yet been fully studied, but The cactus is successfully used in biological supplements and medicines.

The cactus acts as an antibiotic, antiseptic, has an astringent and wound healing agent.

  1. Anti-inflammatory agent.
  2. Effective especially for skin lesions. The plant has bactericidal properties.

  3. Diuretic effect and decongestant.
  4. The cactus is used in the treatment of cystitis and adenoma.

    Edible cactus flowers are the first remedy in strengthening the bladder muscles in older people.

    For a diuretic effect, take a cactus tincture: crushed leaves are steamed with boiling water, after which they are infused for a week. The resulting tincture is taken by diluting with water: 2 teaspoons per 50 ml of water.

    Plant proteins in cactus help fight swelling. Prickly pear relieves the feeling of heaviness in the legs and relieves aching legs.

    For example, using a prickly pear compress can help relieve swelling. A compress is prepared from cactus pulp, applying it to areas of swelling.

  5. Upper respiratory tract disease.
  6. Prickly pear is also used for bronchitis, asthma, and cough. For these purposes, you will need to prepare a tincture from the cactus. You can prepare the remedy at home; for this purpose, the thorns are removed, and the pulp of the plant is crushed, mixed with red wine and honey.

    For half a kilo of cactus mass, ingredients are taken in equal quantities. The tincture is kept in closed jar for almost 20 days, the resulting remedy is taken 1 tablespoon before meals 3 times a day.

  7. Hemostatic and wound healing agent.
  8. For better healing of wounds, apply a peeled cactus leaf to them.

  9. Natural antibiotic and radiation protection.
  10. The plant is able to absorb, preventing radiation from spreading.

  11. Remedy for diabetes.
  12. Prickly pear can regulate blood sugar. Usually, for this purpose, about 30 grams of cactus leaves are eaten before meals. Scientists have proven that this reduces cholesterol in the blood. The leaves of the plant help the body produce natural insulin in the blood.

  13. Treatment of diarrhea.
  14. Cactus shoots are used for abdominal pain, the cactus effectively copes with dysentery, and the plant is used as a fixative.

    Cactus for medicinal purposes should be used with caution, as an allergic reaction is possible.

  15. First remedy in the treatment of obesity.
  16. The plant is the first remedy for weight loss; even doctors advise eating 100 grams of crushed prickly pear leaves daily.

    The effect of satiation after eating cactus is interesting: plant fibers of the cactus swell in the stomach, deceiving the feeling of hunger. The man will torture mineral elements, vitamins and a feeling of fullness, but calories do not increase.

An extract from cactus flowers was used by the Indians to treat the heart, and the roots were used as a healing agent for fractures.

Doctors today even use prickly pear to treat cancer.

Not long ago it was discovered that cacti reduce intoxication during hangover syndrome.

Medicines that strengthen the immune system and have a positive effect on the nervous system contain the Opuntia cactus.

Use of cactus in cooking, recipes

Dried and boiled cactus shoots were used by the Aztecs, delicious fruits plants are a delicacy in many countries even today.

Jams, syrups, and marmalade made from fruit juice are rich in taste.

The pulp of the cactus is excellent for marshmallows, and the juice is used as a raw material for wine.

Cactus fruits are especially popular; they are used even unripe as a seasoning for meat dishes.

In Mexico, the cake-shaped stems of prickly pear are fried and baked in the ashes, making an excellent substitute for zucchini.

In cooking in different countries The cactus is used in many ways, the cactus is eaten fried, baked and raw.

  1. Baked fruits. Large cactus “berries” are peeled from thorns and baked in the oven until browned. The dish is consumed after cooling.
  2. Cactus soup. Add chopped prickly pear to the prepared broth with vegetables and legumes.
  3. cactus in lemon juice . Peeled fruits are poured with lime juice. It makes an excellent dessert.


Edible prickly pear cactus oil is considered one of the rarest and most expensive, it is obtained by cold pressing from the seeds of the plant or from its fruits.

The oil from the fruits of the yellow-green plant contains an impressive amount of vitamin E. The presence of fatty acids and beneficial elements gives a pronounced cosmetic effect after cosmetic procedures with the oil.

Oil from Opuntia flowers is used in aromatherapy, while oil from the seeds effectively fights dandruff and is most often used in hair care.

The possibilities of the “medicinal thorn” are varied, judging by its successful use in various spheres of human activity.

Prickly pear used in industry, the plant is an effective remedy for a number of diseases; the use of the cactus is not limited even to cooking.