Why don't we use this? Useful modes of modern ovens. What do the icons on the oven mean?

Ekaterina 10204

A modern electric oven is a universal multifunctional device that, thanks to a set of modes, allows you to cook a huge variety of dishes. This great choice for a good housewife! Heating is carried out using heating elements built inside the housing. The electric oven has several operating modes, and, depending on the choice of a particular mode, the corresponding heating elements are turned on.

The ability to change modes provides a significant advantage in cooking compared to old-style electric ovens. To prepare a particular dish, one or another mode is used. According to the functional properties of electric ovens there are static ( classic type) and multifunctional.

The first type provides four operating modes:

  • 1) when the first mode is turned on, the upper and lower heating elements work. Due to the fact that the air in the lower part of the oven is always colder than the air in the upper part, a higher power heating element is installed below. This mode is most optimal when preparing cookies, pastry products, biscuits, bread, delicate cakes, non-juicy pastries, stuffed vegetables, roasts, poultry and fish. For baking dishes in dishes with a low thermal conductivity (glass, earthenware), an additional A heating element that complements the “bottom-top” mode.
  • 2) the second operating mode involves turning on the lower heating elements and fans, which are located in the upper part of the oven and directed in different directions. This arrangement allows the rising hot air to be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the baked dish. As a rule, this mode is turned on when baking products from yeast dough, open pies.
  • 3) if it is necessary to fry an almost finished dish on top, a mode is used that involves turning on only the upper heating element of low power. Also, using this mode, you can prepare polenta, dumplings, noodle soup, casseroles, cakes, baked vegetables, puddings and many others.
  • 4) in the “grill” mode you can fry meat, cook hamburgers, toast, bake breaded vegetables. Multifunctional models can have up to 17 operating modes. In addition to the four classic ones, you can choose the “defrosting”, “steaming”, “microwave function” modes, as well as a combination of different modes.

Both models may have a spit with several speed settings. Thanks to this, you can fry a carcass of any size, from hazel grouse to chicken. Additional devices that deserve attention: telescopic guides, cabinet cooling fan, lighting, temperature probe and others.

At your service are models with easy-to-clean enamel and self-cleaning ovens. The latter apply different principles cleaning. This can be a coating of ceramic balls, catalytic enamel or pyrolytic cleaning.

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Bottom heating + top heating + fan

When the appliance operates in this mode, two heating elements and a fan located on the back wall of the oven are activated. Heat flows from them are distributed due to the rotation of a small turbine. This creates homogeneity of climatic conditions throughout the entire volume of the oven, contributing to a uniform effect on the products. The most optimal is the middle level of guides: it makes it possible to use all the main advantages of circulation. However, some manufacturers kitchen appliances They clarify that cooking on two levels at the same time is not excluded.

An important advantage of this type of heating is its high intensity associated with air movement. The products become golden brown on all sides, but the speed of cooking prevents them from drying out and preserves their internal juiciness. Also, with this mode, it is possible, and sometimes even necessary, to make the temperature in the oven lower than usual. This is why it is perfect for preparing large dishes that require even baking both inside and out.

From a technical point of view, the fan in in this case carries out forced convection (a type of heat transfer) due to the rotation of the blades mixing the air layers. This is why a fan can be called a convector, but this type of heating should not be confused with the electric oven mode of the same name.
If the oven has a fan, it will called multifunctional. Otherwise, it is static.

Prices in online stores:
Technocon RUB 17,870
Technocon RUB 15,137
etalon-bt.ru RUB 13,620

Designations on the oven in the form of icons or icons help the housewife to choose the appropriate mode of operation of the device for the occasion. Explanation of symbols must be present in the operating instructions.

Modern ovens delight their housewives with abundance. But understanding them can be not so easy, especially when you have to read not advertising brochures, but small icons on the control panel. The pictograms around rotary knobs, on buttons and even on touch screens are numerous and varied - so you won’t remember them all the first time, much less figure out what they mean. Of course, you should first read the instructions for yours, but sometimes even it may not contain the answer to this simple question.

Designations often differ depending on what type of control is implemented in a particular model. Therefore, we will divide them into groups according to the same principle to make it easier to navigate.

Mechanical control panel

Conventional rotary knobs are most often found on inexpensive ovens with a small number of modes, as well as on gas models, since they also do not have rich functionality. The number of icons here is usually small and it will be easier to understand them. The easiest way to navigate is with the indicators of a timer or thermostat, around which the manufacturer has simply prescribed the heating temperature. You will have to get acquainted with other icons.

The most popular designations:

  • “Light” – turns on the lighting in the oven for visual control of food preparation.
  • “Snowflake” or “Snowflake with drops” – defrosting food.
  • A horizontal line at the top of the pictogram, at the bottom, or simultaneously in two parts of the square - respectively, heating by the upper, lower heating element, or both at once.
  • If the lines are dotted, this is a low-temperature or gentle cooking mode at +70..+120 °C.
  • The fan symbol indicates convection mode, that is, blowing hot air into the chamber. As a rule, it is supplemented by the position line of the working heating element.
  • The wavy line or teeth symbolize the grill. An additional horizontal stripe above the icon is the fast grilling mode, and the convection icon corresponds to the turbo grill program.
  • Double-sided horizontal arrow with a pair of arms – skewer.

When using convection in the oven, it is recommended to choose a heating temperature 20-40 °C lower than in the case of conventional modes.

Sometimes on the oven panels there are simple and recognizable symbols of modes for specific dishes, for example, for baking pizza, bread or confectionery. It’s easy to guess the purpose of the selected option, but its characteristics (cooking time and heating temperature) are best clarified in the instructions.


This control panel allows you to more accurately set and control the operating modes of the oven. That’s why we use our own icons here – in much larger quantities. And although different manufacturers may have their own set of icons, large and most popular brands like Siemens, Bosch, Electrolux and Hotpoint-Ariston preferred to simplify the task for their customers and adhere to approximately the same designation system.

  • A horizontal line with a wavy “stream of steam” rising above it (one or three) – maintaining the temperature of ready-made dishes at +60..+100 °C.
  • A pie shaped with three vertical wavy lines is the so-called Gratin mode, which allows you to create a brown baked crust on the surface of the food.
  • The same three waves, but on their own, or the “Sun” icon indicate the drying mode.

In addition, on the panels of multifunctional ovens you can find icons corresponding to such modes as: heating plates before serving, and starters (“Glass”), proofing yeast dough, sterilizing canned food.

Today, quite a few additional icons have appeared for various convection modes. The following symbols may appear next to the fan:

  • LTC – Slow cooking, which results in juicier, larger roasted cuts of meat.
  • Three drops – additional processing of products with hot steam.
  • “Leaflet” is the so-called eco mode with minimal energy consumption.

Electronic PU touch screen

LED symbols look attractive and intriguing on the screen of such a panel. And all because there can be an unlimited number of them, which is what manufacturers take advantage of, coming up with new designations for the cooking modes being introduced. In addition, the operating features of the sensor allow you to set additional options for individual programs, which are also displayed in the form of icons.

  • “Clock” or two vertical stripes with an arrow pointing to the right indicate that the cooking time can be set for the selected mode. If the arrow points to the left, it means you are required to set the end time for the oven.
  • “Bell” – a sound notification about the end of the program and the readiness of the dish.

General information.

Built-in electric ovens can be static And multifunctional.

At any electric oven available heaters- Heating elements, due to the heating of which food is cooked.

Bottom heater usually hidden under a metal sheet and not visible to the eye, but the upper heating element and grill are located under the ceiling of the oven, you can look at them and touch them with your hands. They are not hidden under a metal sheet, because infrared radiation does not pass through metal.

Top heaters- the thing is quite interesting. Firstly, there is a heating element that runs along the perimeter of the oven ceiling and is called the upper heating element. Secondly, it is a curved heating element located in the middle - a grill, which looks similar to the heating element of a kettle or automatic washing machine. At maximum temperature(usually 220-250°C) the grill becomes red hot. In this case, the surface of the dish located on the middle part of the grill, placed on the upper or middle level, is heated directly.

Ovens with two heating elements and a grill are called static. But such technology cannot be called modern. This is yesterday’s, or maybe the day before yesterday’s, level of comfort. Static ovens have been confidently replaced by appliances that are rightly called multifunctional or multifunctional.

What changed? The upper and lower heating elements remained in their places, but a small but fast fan appeared on the back wall of the oven, which circulates air throughout the entire interior of the oven, providing faster heating and even distribution of hot air. And in many models of MIDEA ovens there is also a ring heater located on the back wall, around this fan.

By simultaneously operating the bottom heater with a fan or two heating elements with a fan, the time required to prepare any dish is reduced. In addition, as mentioned above, the cooking temperature in this mode can be reduced by 20-30°C, which is recommended in some instructions.

The number of heating modes also depends on the number of heating elements. MIDEA ovens can have from 2 to 4 heaters. Accordingly, the number of heating modes varies from 3 to 8.

Interesting detail. Most manufacturers artificially increase the number of modes, including lighting mode. Thus, upon careful examination, in cabinets with declared 8 or 9 modes, in fact there are only 7 or 8 of them. After all, the function of lighting the inside of the oven cannot be called a heating mode. MIDEA does not resort to such a trick and honestly names exactly the number of heating rekhims.

Designations and brief description of heating modes.

Top heating.

The mode is selected for frying almost finished dishes on top, such as cakes, casseroles, browning breading, and also for cooking lightly fried vegetables on the grill.

Bottom heating

This mode is ideal for individual large dishes such as cake. Best result This is achieved by placing the dish in the center of the oven. Selecting this mode is recommended for long-term cooking.


This solution allows you to use the oven as a home grill. It is used for quick baking and frying of kebabs, bacon, chops, sausages and steaks, as well as bread toasts and fish.

Double grill.

In this mode, the two upper heaters are activated. High power allows you to significantly reduce cooking time, and also allows you to grill larger portions of meat.

Top and bottom heating.

Traditional heating method. It allows you to prepare cakes and other dishes according to many recipes. This setting allows you to bake a variety of foods, from bread and cakes to baked venison.


The formation of hot air by the heating element around the fan and its uniform distribution throughout the chamber. Firstly, in the hot air circulation mode, you can bake pies and pastries at the same time on several oven levels. Secondly, there is no need to preheat the oven for baking times longer than 20 minutes. Thirdly, this mode can be used for defrosting dishes and baking yeast dough. Fourthly, circulating hot air saves energy and time, and also helps keep the oven clean.

Double grill with fan.

The ideal way to roast large, juicy pieces of meat. Allows you to fry them evenly on the inside, and at the same time create a crispy crust on the outside. This method also allows you to cook delicious meat without having to turn it over.

Top and bottom heating with fan.

Thanks to more uniform heating, 30 - 40% energy savings are achieved. The dishes are lightly baked on the outside and well cooked on the inside. This mode is ideal for frying large pieces of meat at high temperatures.


Air circulation room temperature allows you to defrost frozen food faster without using heat. This is a gentle way to speed up the defrosting time for delicate foods, as well as fish and poultry.


Not a heating mode. Used for convenience when manually cleaning the oven.

On our website you can choose an oven with various parameters, according to your needs. Read the availability of modes in detailed description for each model in the Product Catalog on the Ovens tab.

If you have any questions or suggestions about MIDEA ovens, please ask them on our blog, on the page dedicated to Ovens. or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

In shops household appliances You can find a huge variety of ovens today. However, a modern oven sometimes has so many modes that many women have no idea how to use them. Therefore, in this article we decided to understand in more detail all the modes and understand how they affect cooking.

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Photo gallery: How to use the oven. Part 1

Don't forget to reheat

Many manufacturers recommend preheating the oven to desired temperature. This is right. But there are exceptions when the product can be placed in a cold oven. For example, fatty meat. In this case, a couple of minutes before the end of cooking, the oven can be turned off. The dish will be cooked due to the residual temperature. During cooking, the oven door should be opened as little as possible to maintain the desired temperature inside.

Heating modes in ovens for cooking

Each oven has different heating settings. Let's look at them in more detail:

- Mode 1: bottom + top heating. This mode is present in all ovens. It may also be called classical, traditional or static heating. Bottom and top heating are turned on simultaneously, while the bottom rises hot stream, from above - cool goes down. The cooking process is slow, and the heat is not always distributed evenly. But for cooking some dishes this mode is completely suitable. For example, for savory baked goods, muffins, cakes, bread, cookies, biscuits, stuffed vegetables, fish, lasagna, roasts, poultry, pork ribs and lean beef.

- Mode 2: bottom heating + top heating + fan. The operating principle of this mode is a little similar to the previous one. However, due to the fan installed on the back wall, the flow of hot air is distributed evenly throughout the oven. If you are planning to cook a dish using this heating mode, keep in mind that the food will quickly brown in a short time. Thanks to this, you can maintain the juiciness of the dish and get a crispy crust. The cooking process is reduced by approximately 30%.

This mode is suitable for dishes that require even cooking on the outside and inside, such as cakes, roasts, casseroles, roasts and pork knuckles.

On a note. Ovens with a fan are called multifunctional, and without it - statistical.

- Mode 3: lower intensive heating + upper heating. This is another variation of the classic mode. But the lower heating element is more powerful. Therefore, it is recommended to cook in this mode when you need to quickly fry a dish from top to bottom. In addition, it is great for forms that do not conduct heat well: aluminum cookware, glass, and so on.

- Mode 4: bottom heating Bottom heating is present in every oven, but depending on the complexity of the model, it plays a different role and has different power levels. It is recommended to be used for drying pies with wet filling. Low heat is also chosen for long-term baking.

This mode has its drawbacks: it takes more time to prepare the dish and the housewife must control the baking process (move the baking sheet higher or lower, unroll it).

- Mode 5: bottom heating + fan. The principle of operation of this mode is almost the same as that of low heating. However, due to the fan, the cooking process proceeds more quickly. The heat from below rises to the ceiling, and at this moment the air currents created by the fan lift it and spread it throughout the oven. Chefs recommend using this mode when you need to quickly finish baking or bake an open pie. This mode is also convenient for baking low-rising pastries made from yeast dough. Advantages of this mode: the baked goods are evenly toasted on all sides and at the same time juicy on the inside.

Note: in order not to disturb the circulation of heated air over the dish, it is recommended to use low pans when baking in this mode.

- Mode 6: top heating This mode is convenient because the heating is not too intense. It is suitable for frying almost finished dishes on top (for example, casseroles, browning breadings, cakes), as well as for grilling lightly fried vegetables. Top heating is good for cooking julienne, as well as those dishes that need a golden brown crust on top.

- Mode 7: top heating + fan. This is an “accelerated version” of the previous mode of cooking. Thanks to this mode, you can achieve a light golden crust on the surface of the dish with uniform internal heating. Therefore, you should choose this mode for dishes that are baked in molds: vegetable soufflés, casseroles, lasagna and meat.

- Mode 8: ring heater + fan. The spiral heater is located on the back wall of the oven, and there is also a fan inside it. Thanks to this, the air is distributed horizontally and quickly fills the entire chamber. The horizontal movement of hot air flows allows you to cook several dishes at once, which are installed on 2-3 levels of the oven. But at the same time, the temperature for all dishes should be the same. The advantage is that even when preparing different dishes, their aromas and tastes will not mix. This is because drier air inside the oven and the removal of humidity prevents this from happening.

This mode combines efficiency and high speed. This is very convenient on the eve of various holidays, when you need to prepare many dishes in a short time. This heating is very gentle and does not cause the food to burn on either side. The operation of a ring heater with a fan is excellent for drying herbs, fruits, mushrooms, puff pastry, sterilizing home-canned food and all dishes that should be juicy inside and well-baked.

Note: in this mode you should set the cooking time a little less, as the dish cooks faster.

- Mode 9: ring heater + fan + bottom heating. This cooking mode uses intense and even heat. But unlike the previous mode, only the middle level of the oven is used here. It can be used to cook French fries, semi-finished products, strudel, and pizza. The dish will be well cooked: the filling will remain juicy and the dough will be browned. In addition to pizza, you can cook cheesecakes, buns, pies with glaze and fruit pies, cheesecakes, baked potatoes.

In addition to cooking, this mode can be used to heat, defrost and keep food hot.

- Mode 10: ring heating + fan + bottom + top heating. This function is very rare and only in expensive models. Many may have a question: why so many functions at the same time? Everything is very simple. Firstly, it allows you to reach the desired temperature in a short time. Secondly, the food is also cooked much faster. This function is needed for technical dishes that require the formation of a golden brown crust and deep baking. Sometimes the heaters are used only halfway, and sometimes to the maximum.

Today, in household appliances stores, there is a sufficient variety of ovens. For those who have decided to change their oven to a new model, it is useful to know the basic oven modes for cooking. But as practice suggests, housewives who already have new appliances do not use some oven operating modes for the simple reason of ignorance of their mode of operation.

Basic modes

The basic cooking modes in an oven differ little in different models from different manufacturers.

Basic brass modes Bosch cabinet, as well as Electrolux, Hansa, Gorenje can be included in a separate list, since oven heating modes can have additional functions, which depends on the model and, of course, increases the cost of the equipment:

  1. top/bottom heat, the temperature of different models can vary from 40 to 290 degrees. Heat comes from above and below and is used for cooking pies, casseroles, and lean meat (at medium level). This mode is also called statistical;
  2. bottom heat with a temperature of 40 to 290 degrees, convenient for canning, frying or baking dishes;
  3. hot air mode (convection). With this mode, baking is possible on a maximum of three levels, if the size of the oven allows (experts recommend using two levels). Due to the fact that in this mode the fan turns on, it distributes the heat evenly throughout the oven, the cooking process is reduced by no less than 25%, this mode is used quite effectively if the dish is almost ready, but the hostess wants a “brown” crust. Ovens with convection are called multifunctional. The fan is used in two modes - for general heating and for lower heating element;
  4. basically, almost everything modern models, have in their arsenal such oven heating modes as grill. It happens:
  • small (for cooking thin foods, such as toast, in the central part);

  • large (for cooking large quantity thin pieces located throughout the grill, also for making hot sandwiches);
  • turbo grill (it is used for frying large pieces of meat or whole poultry on one of the levels; in addition, it is suitable for forming a crispy crust during baking or frying).

Additional modes

The oven mode switch is always located on the front panel, so when preparing dishes, the main thing is to know everything symbols so that cooking in the oven brings you only pleasure. On the mode switches of the Electrolux, Ariston, Gorenye ovens, in addition to the main modes, there are also additional ones (for more expensive models):

  • “Pizza” mode, baking on the same level with a crispy crust. If you need to prepare meals deep frozen(pizza, French fries or strudel), there is no need to defrost them first. The heat will be from 35 to 250 degrees from the heating element located in the rear wall;

  • “Defrosting” at a temperature of 35-65 degrees occurs with the help of a fan that distributes warm air throughout the product;
  • Some models, for example, from Bosch, have such a mode - “keep hot” from 65 to 95 degrees;
  • Tangential cooling, which is designed to cool the oven;
  • "3D - cooking" is a mode latest technologies, with it, the dish during cooking is enveloped in three-dimensional steam, which allows not only to bake it efficiently, but also to preserve all the beneficial properties.

Special Extras

In addition to the various modes with which food is prepared in ovens, there is a timer on the front panel. No one will argue that this is the one important points cooking. After all, following cooking recipes, the cooking temperature and time must be noted. You yourself set the mode in which this or that dish will be cooked, but if you have nowhere to set the time, this can lead to a burnt dinner. But, fortunately, all modern ovens are equipped with a timer, which, after the set time has expired, gives a specific signal.

I would also like to say about such an addition as backlighting. IN different models it works differently. In some, for example, to turn it on you need to press a button or turn a knob and your backlight will stay on as long as you want. In other models, it turns on automatically along with the selected mode and remains on as long as cooking occurs.