The role of green plants in nature and human life. What role do plants play in nature and human life?

    You can answer in one sentence. If there were no plants on planet Earth, there would be no life on Earth. Plants play one of the most important roles in life. They recycle carbon dioxide into oxygen. Plants feed people and animals. They protect from the wind and form a fertile layer of soil.

    Plants are synthesizers-converters, creating from simple substances and solar energy substances are more complex.

    Plants also actively participate in the gas exchange of the planet, enriching the planet’s atmosphere with oxygen.

    The importance of plants in nature is difficult to underestimate. First of all, any plant produces oxygen and consumes carbon dioxide, that is, it forms the composition of the earth’s atmosphere. Plants are also food, a link in almost any food chain, absorbing minerals from the soil and processing them into organic matter. Plants with their roots are able to strengthen the soil and resist water erosion or the advance of sand. Plants preserve water balance soil, preventing water from going into the deep layers and drying out the soil at the surface. Plants even purify water. But of course they filter the air more - they trap harmful impurities. Numerous living creatures hide and live in plants, from the smallest to the largest. Plants also increase air humidity by constantly evaporating moisture taken from the soil.

    The role of plants in nature is the most important:

    1. Source of food - only plants are capable of synthesizing organic substances from inorganic substances and accumulating them in their own body. They are ALWAYS at the beginning of ANY food chain
    2. Source of oxygen on planet Earth
    3. Due to constant evaporation and absorption of moisture with dissolved in it minerals- participate in the cycle of water and substances
    4. Due to water evaporation, they participate in the formation of precipitation and climate
    5. They are home (habitat) for the vast majority of animal species
    6. Capable of restoring soil fertility
    7. Play a vital role in the process of succession and self-development of the ecosystem
  • Plants have many roles and they are all very important:

    1 Plants fill our air with oxygen through photosynthesis.

    2 Plants are food for animals, birds and insects.

    3 Plants can be used in medicine.

    4 Wood can be used to make houses and furniture.

    5 Some types of plants can be used to make clothes.

    The classic interpretation of the answer is the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen. To put it poetically, or rather literary, these are the lungs of our planet. With the help of plants, the Earth breathes. And now the answer is on a different plane. Man is an emotional being and plants evoke positive emotions. So, one might add, plants are needed for the soul.

    The role of plants in nature is invaluable. And indeed, without plants, our world would be completely different.

    Thanks to plants, our atmosphere is rich in oxygen, which is produced by green plants through the process of photosynthesis.

    As plants decompose, they form organic matter that is used to feed organisms. It also accumulates in the form of minerals (coal, peat,...).

    And finally, plants make our world beautiful, even if a person learns to synthesize oxygen and can live without plants, the world without them will be gloomy and gray.

    Plants are basic autotrophic organisms that convert sunlight into energy to create organic matter.

    The most developed representatives of this kingdom live on land: angiosperms, monocots, and the Asteraceae family.

    The sea is the abode lower plants, algae. It is algae that form the majority of the mass of plankton, and it is the main source of food for marine life and the main producer of oxygen on Earth (the Amazon forests have a much smaller mass of chlorophyll than algae).

    Plants absorb carbon dioxide, while releasing oxygen - thus, they make the air suitable for breathing by all living things.

    Plants are the basis of food resources for all living creatures on earth, including humans. People use them in a wide variety of industries: Food Industry, medicinal industry, etc.

    The green cover also protects the earth itself: for example, the roots various plants hold the soil, and thickets of plants are able to counteract the drying rays of the sun, creating the climate necessary in any particular place. They also protect the soil from weathering, destructive water flows, and sand filling of fertile soils.

    Plants contribute to the creation of minerals.

    This question was created for me, since I have been teaching plant physiology at a university for fifteen years now. The role of plants in the life of our planet, all living organisms, including animals and humans, cannot be overestimated. Life simply would not be possible without their participation.

    1) It was plants that contributed to the change in the composition of the atmosphere, saturating it with oxygen (21%), which is produced during the process of photosynthesis, and also reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide from 4% to 0.03%, which contributed to the development of the animal world.

    2) Second most important aspect- this is the creation of an ozone screen, which is possible only in the presence of oxygen. It protects all living things from UV radiation.

    3) Creation with the help of plants of huge, but not endless reserves of organic substances (peat, coal, etc.).

    4) Plants serve as food for many animals and humans; they are the most important link in the food chain.

    5) Medicinal raw materials are used in the pharmaceutical industry for the preparation of medicines.

    6) Wood is used to make furniture and build houses and much more.

    7) Some plants (flax, cotton, etc.) are used to make fabrics.

The importance of plants in nature and human life. As we know, all people and animals breathe oxygen and emit carbon dioxide. The amount of carbon dioxide in the air also increases from burning fuel. Plants, in turn, absorb carbon dioxide from the air in the light and release oxygen.

In addition, plants enrich the air with oxygen, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide. Due to the fact that oxygen is an essential component for the life of humans and animals, life on Earth would be impossible without green plants.

To enrich cities and villages with oxygen - avenues, boulevards, streets, etc. landscaping. People plant trees and shrubs, develop parks, boulevards, flower beds, and lawns. In general, in any city on the planet they try to plant as many plants as possible, which are so necessary to preserve the health of the population. Given that plants absorb carbon dioxide, they also release oxygen and some gaseous substances into the air, which trap dust and destroy microbes harmful to health.

Therefore, we must take care of protecting our plants, every leaf, and increase green spaces, or rather, do not forget to plant new plants, care for them, and protect them from damage.

The importance of plants in the formation of organic substances in them also plays an important role. Green plants create organic substances, and people and animals receive them ready-made from green plants for their nutrition. People grow cultivated plants in order to further harvest fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. and eat them and store them for the winter. And for farm animals, grains and silage are collected, which are also necessary for the life of animals, because they contain nutritious organic substances. Animals could not exist without green plants, since they feed on ready-made organic substances that are formed in them.

In large meadows you can also find a lot of useful organic matter, which is used as feed for livestock. To do this, cattle are driven out to pastures or grass is cut and hay is collected. But mowing must be done at the very beginning of the grass flowering, because at this time the plants contain the most succulent nutrients. If mowing is done during flowering or fruiting, the grass becomes coarser, and its nutritional quality is significantly reduced.

As a result, we can say that the importance of plants in nature and human life plays a very important role. Because green plants They provide people with food, raw materials for industry, and feed for farm animals.

As a child, I always asked a stupid question about why some animals exist if they are of no use. The diversity of plants also amazed and surprised me. But everything in nature is interconnected and there is a reason for everything, which I understood a little more at an older age.

The emergence of life on Earth

First we need to delve into the history of our planet. At a certain point in its development, namely three and a half billion years ago, life appeared on it. These were small microorganisms that later evolved and were divided into many species.

The first to appear were plants that existed first in water, then slowly began to conquer land. Then animals began to appear.

All living organisms represent a single whole, and on the planet they are created ideal conditions for their existence and interaction with nature and among themselves.

The role of plants and animals in the life of the planet

So why do plants and animals exist? First, let's look at plants. Here are some points that can be highlighted:

Without plants, the ozone layer in the atmosphere could not form, and therefore life on our planet would be impossible. In addition, many plants are a major element in the food chain of other species.

As for the role of animals, today I look at them through the prism of human activity. For example, a horse is used in agriculture. Poultry and cattle too. But if you look more globally, all animals are one of the elements of the food chain. If even one element falls out, the balance in nature is upset.

For example, insects have a lot of benefits, since many types of plants reproduce thanks to them. Herbivores eat plants, and carnivores eat herbivores. This is also a food chain, but thanks to this, the balance of living organisms on the planet is maintained.

Plants and animals are a single mechanism on our planet.

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