How to harden tomato seeds before planting. Treatment of seeds with nutrients. How to Collect and Prepare Your Seeds

Get decent harvest tomatoes can only be grown by sowing high-quality seeds, for this reason their preparation is of great importance. To obtain strong and healthy seedlings, you can sow both seed purchased in the store and collected with your own hands from your own tomatoes.

But for anyone seed material You need to properly prepare tomato seeds for planting as seedlings.


Seed material should begin to be prepared for sowing at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring (depending on the early maturity of the variety). It is important that by the time the seedlings are planted permanent place, she grew up, became strong enough and could successfully resist diseases.

If you perform a few simple operations, you can significantly increase the number of tomatoes collected from the garden.

Seed sorting

This operation must be carried out to immediately remove empty, weak and low-quality seeds. For experienced gardeners There is no secret in this selection of tomato seed; first of all, you need to make a special solution. Pour a glass of warm water and add 1 tsp. regular salt. You need to stir the water until the salt is completely dissolved. After this, the planting material intended for sowing is dipped into the solution, and the solution is carefully mixed, after which everything is left for about 20 minutes. After this, all high-quality tomato grains will end up at the bottom, and low-quality and empty ones will float on the surface of the liquid. Grains floating on the surface should be thrown away, and those that have sunk to the bottom should be thoroughly washed under running water, and dry it by spreading it on a paper towel.

High-quality seed material quickly sinks to the bottom, because it contains a lot of nutrients, they weigh more, and cannot float on the surface like hollow ones. But sometimes, if the grains are very dry, good ones can float. For this reason, before throwing away floating tomato seeds, take a close look at them. If you find among them full-bodied, not damaged or spoiled, then they can be used, and they require preparation of tomato seeds for sowing for seedlings.

Germination test

The test is carried out by test germination of tomato seed. To do this, take a plate or wide plastic dish with low sides, place several layers of gauze in it, moisten it and evenly spread the seed over the entire surface, covering it with another layer of wet gauze on top.

In this case, they will constantly be in humid conditions and will not dry out. It is necessary to ensure that the gauze is constantly damp. But tomato seeds should not be allowed to be flooded with water; without access to air, they will begin to rot, mold will begin to develop on them, and they will die. At this time, you need to maintain the temperature within 22-25℃.

It’s great if you cover the dishes with tomatoes with film, making small holes necessary for ventilation. In this case you will create optimal microclimate to awaken the embryos, and the water will evaporate less and you will not have to check their condition often.

How to awaken seed material

To quickly peck tomatoes, this is done pre-sowing preparation tomato seeds for seedlings as soaking. This can be done in any container, but it is more convenient to use flat dishes. The seed material is laid out between layers of gauze or poured into a gauze bag. After that, water heated to 22-25℃ is poured into the dishes and placed in a warm place, so they are kept for 12-18 hours, no longer, otherwise they will begin to deteriorate. You can’t pour so much water that the seeds float in it, but they shouldn’t dry out either; you need to refresh the water every 5 hours. It is advisable to take them out of the water after a while and let the seed “breathe” some air.

If the temperature is low during soaking or the water is not changed after a while, the seeds will not germinate, but will simply die. When the seed swells well, it is time to sow it.

Treatment of seeds with bioactive compounds

To increase the yield of tomatoes, it is advisable to impregnate the seeds with nutritional and bioactive compounds; such preparation of tomatoes for sowing as seedlings will accelerate the development and growth of seedlings.

For soaking you need to use one of the following:

  1. Potato or aloe juice, it is diluted in water in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Potassium or sodium humate, for this purpose dilute ¼ tsp. The drug in 1 liter of water.
  3. A solution of wood ash, it is prepared by soaking 1 teaspoon of wood ash in 1 liter of water.
  4. Epic, Immunocytophyte or Virtan Micro, these formulations are prepared according to the instructions indicated on the package with the drug.

When the preparation for treating the seeds has been selected and the solution is ready, the planting material is poured into a gauze bag and soaked for 12 hours. Then the seeds are taken out of the solution and dried a little; there is no need to rinse them with water.


An effective way to prepare tomato seeds for sowing seedlings is bubbling; this is the enrichment of pre-prepared seed material with air. The method allows you to activate seed germination and accelerate the development of seedlings. To perform this procedure, you need to take plastic bottle, cut off its top part and prepare a compressor, which is used for aquariums.

The cut bottle is filled halfway with clean water, and a hose from the compressor is lowered into it. After the compressor is started, air will begin to flow into the water, seeds are poured into the bottle, which will begin to absorb water and oxygen during processing.

It is much more effective to use oxygen for processing instead of ordinary air; this has a much better effect on the seeds. In ordinary air, the amount of oxygen most often does not exceed 23%. During bubbling, you need to mix the seeds and add fresh water several times. Process proper preparation Tomato seeds for seedlings using this method should last approximately 12-18 hours. After finishing the processing, the seeds need to be dried a little.

Low temperature treatment

We cannot control the weather, and in the spring there can be frosts at any time, summers can be cold, so it is advisable to harden the seeds before sowing, which will increase the seedlings' resistance to low temperatures. Cold treatment of seeds additionally increases plant immunity and improves the resistance of tomatoes to diseases. Scientists claim that after such preparation of tomato seeds for planting as seedlings, the plants will bloom earlier, and the resulting yield increases up to 30-40%, the seed germination time is reduced to 7 days.

To carry out this treatment, the seeds are poured into a damp cloth bag and placed in the refrigerator (not the freezer) in a place where the temperature is maintained at 10 ℃. They need to be kept like this for 10-12 hours, after which the seeds are removed and heated at a temperature of 18-20 ℃. It is advisable to perform this operation 3 times. You can also harden swollen seeds.

Even when the seeds have keys, this operation can be performed. Cold treatment of seed material can be carried out before sowing into the soil. Hardening allows seedlings to be planted in a permanent place after the temperature stops falling below 10°C at night. This method of preparing tomato seeds for seedlings will allow you to get your first harvest earlier.

Warming up

This operation is best done if you have stored your seeds in a cold place. Warming up begins by raising the temperature to 20-25℃, so the seed is kept for 2-3 days. For the next 3 days, the temperature needs to be raised to 50℃, and after that, every day it is increased by 2-5℃, this is done until the temperature reaches 80℃, after which the seeds are considered warmed up.


Not only tomato seeds, but also the seed material of other plants must be disinfected to prevent seedlings from becoming infected with diseases. The bulk of seeding material contains germs of diseases, for example, they get there if there was contact with already infected seeds. For this reason, it is advisable to nip the possibility of developing an infection in the bud in advance.

To prepare tomato seeds for seedlings using disinfection, dissolve potassium permanganate at a concentration of 1%. Processing is continued for 20 minutes. Nowadays it is difficult to obtain, for this reason you can use hydrogen peroxide instead. A peroxide solution at a concentration of 2-3% must be heated to 45℃, and the seeds are kept in it for 8 minutes. After this, the tomato seed should be soaked in plain water and soaked for 24 hours.

How are hybrid seeds processed?

Hybrid varieties do not require treatment against pathogenic microorganisms and hardening of seed. They already have good disease resistance and increased immunity. But pre-sorting, soaking in nutrients, bubbling, germination testing is advisable to perform. They probably won’t do any harm; the concentration of nutrients for treating tomato seeds is the same as when preparing ordinary seeds.

Collecting and preparing your own seeds

Not everyone collects their own seeds, since it is now easy to purchase them, but there is a difference between purchased and your own seed:

  • theirs germinate very well;
  • yours are larger than purchased ones;
  • seedlings obtained from their own tomatoes are stronger and better resistant to disease;
  • It’s easier to get from your own good harvest, as they adapt to the conditions of your region.

Collecting your own seeds is not difficult, you just need to perform a few operations:

  1. First you need to decide what type of tomato you want to preserve;
  2. After this, the strongest and most productive tomato bushes on the site are selected;
  3. It is necessary to extract seeds only from ripe tomato fruits. They are picked ripe and left in a bright and warm place; you can use a sunny windowsill for this;
  4. When the tomatoes become soft, it means they are fully ripe and the tomato seeds can be extracted. Basically, up to 14 days are enough for this;
  5. The tomato fruit is cut in half and the pulp containing the seeds is taken out with a simple teaspoon;
  6. After this, it is filled with a small amount of water (this makes it easier to separate the pulp from the seed);
  7. They need to be washed thoroughly, dried, scattered on a sheet of paper or newspaper, and then packaged in paper bags for storage. It is convenient to rinse the fruit pulp in a fine sieve. The seed bags contain the name of the variety and the time of collection.

Harvesting your own tomato seeds of the variety you like using this technology will not cause any difficulties, but it is important not to forget to do this work on time.

Storage of tomato seed

If you bought seeds in a store, then know that to increase their shelf life they are treated in a special solution. The active ingredient in this solution will slow down the development of seedlings in the future; to eliminate this deficiency, they need to be soaked in water.

Storage of seed material in suitable conditions allows you to maintain their germination for at least 3-5 years. It must be kept at a temperature of 22-25℃, while the humidity should be minimal, not exceed 70%. Storing in a damp room can lead to premature germination of the tomato seed and it will be lost.

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Gardeners love to grow tomatoes in their gardens, and often plant the seeds themselves. To obtain friendly and guaranteed shoots, the following measures are carried out: hardening, soaking, and germination of seeds.

How to prepare tomato seeds for planting

Preparing tomato seeds for planting helps not only speed up the emergence of seedlings, but also reduce the risk of plant diseases and increase productivity.

Most often, the following measures are used to prepare seeds for planting:

  • culling,
  • warming up,
  • disinfection,
  • soak,
  • hardening,
  • bubbling,
  • germination.

As a rule, not all, but 2–3 activities from this list are used.

Step-by-step preparation of tomato seeds for planting

Many gardeners use purchased tomato seeds that have already been processed various drugs, therefore, no manipulations are carried out with them before sowing. But if there are unprocessed seeds in the bag, then it is better to prepare for sowing according to all the rules.

Tomato seeds are treated with Thiram and are sown dry

Seed sorting

Each tomato seed has its own seed size. For example, cherry tomatoes have much smaller seeds than large-fruited salad tomatoes. Therefore, when sorting seeds, you need to choose the largest seeds among all that are in the bag. The larger and heavier the seed, the better, because it contains many nutrients for growth.

The most proven method for selecting healthy seeds is immersion in a saline solution. For this one teaspoon table salt dilute in a glass of warm water and pour seeds of one variety or hybrid into it. For 3 minutes, you need to periodically stir the seeds in the glass so that they get wet evenly, and then leave for another 15 minutes.

To determine the germination of seeds, they are immersed in a saline solution for 15 minutes.

Typically, full-bodied seeds sink to the bottom, while empty ones remain floating on the surface. But if there are a lot of them, don’t rush to throw them away - some producers dry out the seeds too much and they don’t sink to the bottom. Check each seed and choose the plumpest ones.

After this procedure, the tomato seeds should be rinsed well with water and either dried or further prepared for planting.

Warming up tomato seeds

Warming is used mainly for varietal (non-hybrid) tomatoes that were stored in cold rooms. Dry seeds are poured into fabric bags 1–1.5 months before planting and transferred to warm room, gradually increasing the temperature from 15 0 C to 80 0 C. If the seeds were kept warm all the time, then 2 days before planting you can put them on hot battery in a fabric bag.

Seeds in bags are hung or placed on radiators

Disinfection of tomato seeds

Many different bacteria and viruses live on the surface of the seed, which can infect the seedlings, so the seeds must be disinfected before sowing. The simplest and most common method is pickling in potassium permanganate. To do this, wet seeds, pre-soaked for several hours in clean water, are poured into a gauze bag and dipped for 10 minutes in a solution of saturated potassium permanganate. Pink colour. After the procedure, the seeds must be rinsed very well.

But the most effective is the use of special drugs, such as Fitosporin, Fitolavin and Farmayod.

Fitosporin is a wonderful drug for the prevention of diseases not only when soaking seedlings, but also during the further growth of tomatoes

Fitosporin is available in the form of a powder or paste, so to soak the seeds, take 0.5 teaspoon of powder per 100 ml of water or 2 drops of a concentrated solution per 100 ml of water. In both cases, you need to soak the seeds for 2 hours.

Fitolavin and Farmayod, used together, fight viruses and bacteria very well. For 200 ml of water, take 1 ml of Farmayod and 0.5 ml of Fitolavin, soak the seeds for 40 minutes, then wash.

When working with Fitosporin, Fitolavin and Farmayod, be sure to take precautions: use gloves and non-food containers, do not smoke or eat food while working.

Video - errors when treating seeds with potassium permanganate

Soaking tomato seeds in growth stimulants

It has long been noted that soaked seeds give best harvest compared to those that were sown dry. It is best to use melt or rain water for soaking. The greatest increase in yield is shown by seeds treated with growth stimulants, which can be: homemade, and industrial.

Important! As in the case of dressing, dry seeds cannot be immediately placed in stimulants; they must be kept for 24 hours in ordinary melt water until they swell.

Table - preparations for soaking tomato seeds

A drug Cooking method Soaking time
HoneyDissolve 1 dessert spoon in 1 glass of water5–6 hours
AshPour 2 tablespoons of ash into 1 liter of water and leave for 2 days3–6 hours
AloeKeep the aloe leaves in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, then squeeze the juice out of them, dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio.24 hours
Gumistar2 caps per 1 liter of water24 hours
Orgavit horse10 grams per 1 liter of water, leave in a warm place for 12 hours0.5–1 hour
The Shining 2Dilute 1 teaspoon of the drug in 300 ml of water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar, leave for 24 hours0.2 – 1 hour
NV-1011 drop per 0.5 liter of water0.2–1 hour
Epin1–2 drops per 100 ml of water4–6 hours
Zircon10 drops per 1 liter of water6–8 hours

Hardening of tomato seeds

Hardening of tomato seeds helps to grow stronger and cold-resistant plants; in addition, the yield of such bushes increases by 30%. For hardening, swollen seeds are used. They are placed in the refrigerator and kept at a temperature of +2 0 C for 12 hours, then kept warm at 20 0 C for the next 12 hours. This is repeated 2-3 times and then planted.

Video - seed hardening

Germination of tomato seeds

Tomato seeds are germinated in order to be 100% sure of the viability of the seed. This speeds up the germination of plants and helps save space on the windowsill. You can germinate different ways: in hydrogel, germinator, on wet wipes, cotton pads, gauze. The principle of germination is to keep the seeds in a moist and warm environment: the air temperature should be about 25 0 C.

The simplest and modern method germination is the use of hydrogel:

You can drag the seeds into the planting container with pieces of hydrogel, which will accumulate moisture and, if necessary, release it to the plant during the dry period.

Bubbling seeds

Very effective method is bubbling the seeds. This device is made very simply from an ordinary can and an aquarium compressor.

Scheme of creating an apparatus for sparging seeds

Thanks to the constant circulation of air in the water where the seeds float, the seed is saturated with both moisture and oxygen. For tomatoes, 12-hour bubbling is sufficient.

How to speed up the germination of tomato seeds

To make tomato seeds germinate faster, first soak the seeds in rain or melt water (until the seed swells), and then place it in a growth stimulator from the table above. Just choose one of the drugs available to you that you like best.

After planting the seed, place the seedling box in a warm, dark place. At a soil temperature of +22 0 ... +25 0 C, seedlings appear on days 4–6, at a soil temperature of +18 0 ... +19 0 C on days 8–9.

If the seeds are processed by the manufacturer, then nothing additional needs to be done - they are sown dry, in pre-watered soil.

Preparing the land for planting tomato seeds

Get good seedlings from pre-treated seeds is only possible if you have also taken care of the soil. Nowadays, more and more gardeners make soil mixtures themselves, and do not trust purchased ready-made soils, even if they say “for tomatoes.”

In purchased peat-based soils, seedlings often die

The basis for the soil is healthy and weed-free garden soil. It is taken from beds where tomatoes did not grow, and even better - from under beds with legume green manure - they increase the yield of tomatoes by 40%. The second component of the soil mixture is compost prepared from unseeded plants. It gives the soil looseness, allows air to pass through well, and provides nutrition. Sometimes garden soil is replaced with forest soil collected at the edge of the forest.

When preparing soil for tomato seedlings, take garden or forest soil, compost, and mix it in a 1:1 ratio; if the soil seems heavy, add sand.

For the second year now, I have been making the soil myself for all my seedlings. To do this, I take 10 liters of any purchased peat soil, add 3.5–4 liters of soaked coconut briquettes, 1–1.5 liters of vermicompost, 1 liter of vermiculite and 0.5 cups of Siyanie 2, which contains beneficial soil bacteria. Usually the moisture content of the peat soil and coconut is sufficient, and I do not additionally moisten the soil. I mix everything thoroughly and pack it in a tight black bag, removing excess air. Within 3 weeks, the soil matures and becomes saturated with beneficial bacteria. Then I plant seedling seeds in it. The soil turns out to be very loose, nutritious, and the seedlings grow quickly.

The main components of soil for tomato seedlings: purchased peat soil, vermiculite, vermicompost, coconut

To get healthy and strong seedlings, and subsequently a rich harvest, you need to select high-grade seeds, disinfect them, saturate them with moisture and growth stimulants. Additionally, to increase resistance to adverse weather conditions, seeds are hardened. Well-prepared soil will not only prevent the loss of precious seedlings, but also promote the growth and good development of tomato seedlings.

One of the important stages in preparing for a future rich harvest is the stage of preparing tomato seeds for planting for growing seedlings. Experienced gardeners and summer residents begin to prepare seeds in February. They carry out various special measures that will subsequently have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of seedlings, and will also minimize the likelihood of infectious diseases. Each individual procedure brings its own advantages to increasing productivity.

The best seeds are visible to the naked eye. They differ in weight and size. Large seeds contain more useful substances, so they grow into better plants that are well adapted to life.

For convenience and speed of sorting, the seeds are dipped in a salty solution (a teaspoon of salt per 200 grams of water). Those seeds that settle to the bottom will be the first to be planted. They need to be washed with clean water and dried. And those that surfaced are either empty or very small. Of these small seeds, most of them are of low quality. But it’s worth looking for the best among them.

Warming up the seeds

This procedure does not apply to tomatoes. hybrid varieties. Warming, first of all, is necessary for those seeds that have been in cool storage conditions for a long time. To do this, the seeds are placed in a small cloth bag and placed on a hot radiator. Over the course of several days, the seeds are gradually heated to eighty degrees Celsius. It is advisable to carry out this event a month before the day of planting.


On the surface of some seeds there may be pathogenic microbes that will further harm the seedlings. Therefore, as a preventive measure, the seeds are disinfected. One way to treat seeds is to soak them in a one percent manganese solution for twenty minutes.

Treatment of seeds with nutrients

Shortly before planting, tomato seeds are soaked for twenty-four hours in any solution that is saturated nutrients. The drugs that our industry offers (for example, Epin), as well as time-tested ones, are also suitable folk remedies. Such nutrient solution, like aloe juice or potato juice, will do a good job for the future tomato harvest. After this treatment, it is not necessary to wash the seeds. You can immediately start drying them.


The number of seeds should be four or five times less than the amount of water for soaking. Seeds in a gauze bag are placed in water room temperature for all day. It is advisable to change the water every four hours. To saturate the seeds with oxygen, you will need to remove the bag of seeds from the water several times.

This procedure significantly affects the germination rate of tomato seeds and the early ripening of fruits. Seeds do not like excess moisture and drying out. Therefore, the germination process requires patience, attention and vigilance. Place a small piece of gauze or a piece of wide bandage on a shallow plate and wet it. Then the seeds are placed on it. Each seed should be a short distance from each other. The dishes should be kept in a room with a temperature of twenty to twenty-five degrees Celsius. Moderate seed moisture must be maintained until the first shoots appear.


Tomatoes are vegetable crop who loves sunlight and warmth very much. These two indicators are very important for the future harvest. But throughout summer season the weather can change sharply towards cold weather. In order for the plant to withstand such weather changes without them affecting its development and growth, it is necessary to harden it. Hardened seeds will guarantee healthy seedlings, early flowering and more bountiful harvest. Hardening occurs under the influence of temperature changes from zero degrees to twenty degrees Celsius.

First, the swollen seeds are left overnight in the refrigerator, and then kept in a warm room throughout the day. Such movements are repeated at least three times.

Bubbling seeds

This procedure is carried out using a compressor that produces oxygen. You can use an aquarium compressor. To normal glass jar you need to pour water at room temperature, immerse the seeds there and secure the end of the hose from the compressor in the jar. This device passes oxygen through water. During the procedure, the seeds move under the influence of air and water movement. The duration of this event is twelve hours. After this, the seeds must be thoroughly dried until they flow.

Each stage of preparing seeds for planting is of great importance and requires endurance and perseverance. We wish you success!

Preparing tomato seeds for planting as seedlings is a delicate and scrupulous matter. First of all, it makes it possible to prevent the development of many pathogenic microorganisms that infect the plant. It is important to know all the nuances of preparation. Improper preparation can simply destroy the sprout.

You can buy ready-made seeds, but it is not a fact that they will be of high quality. Better seeds prepared with your own hands. When all the procedures are taken into account and completed, the result of growing will definitely please you.

To collect seeds, it is necessary to select the most productive bushes. One or two, depending on how many seeds you need to get. They should be looked after carefully and regularly.

Selecting fruits at random, from any first bush you come across, is highly not recommended - the plant may turn out to be unproductive or diseased.

Fruits are selected that correspond to the description of the variety (shape, weight). When grown in greenhouse conditions Fruits are taken from 2 or 3 clusters, for ground ones - from the bottom. Later fruits will produce small offspring.

Main features of the collection:

  • fruits of brown ripeness are taken;
  • ripening occurs in a warm place;
  • Before collecting the seeds, wash the tomatoes;
  • cut the tomato and release the pulp into a small container (glass or plastic container);
  • the container with the pulp is covered with gauze and sent to a dark place for several days for fermentation (the completion of the process is indicated by the appearance of bubbles and film on the surface of the pulp, clarification of the juice, and seed sediment);
  • the fermented pulp is carefully drained, then water is added and drained again, repeating several times, so to speak, “washing the seeds”;
  • then there is a selection of full-bodied and empty seeds (0.5 tsp of table salt per 1 cup of water, stir until dissolved, add seeds to a glass with the solution, shake several times) - the empty ones will float up, you can safely throw them away;
  • full-bodied ones (settled at the bottom of the glass) are washed, placed on a cotton cloth so that all excess moisture. Then they spread it in a thin layer on paper and dry it for several days;
  • ready-made ones are stored only in paper bags and always in a dry place.

Fermentation (fermentation) – necessary process for seed germination. The shell contains substances that prevent their germination inside the fruit. And it is during the fermentation process that this protective shell is destroyed.

Seeds are good for 9 years. But the most optimal time– no more than 4.


Seed treatment involves preventing diseases in seedlings in the future.

Seed disinfection is carried out in the following ways.

  1. Using a 1% solution of potassium permanganate - seeds are immersed in it for half an hour (the shell of the grains will become Brown color), then rinse thoroughly with water.
  2. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution - solution temperature +40 degrees, seed material is immersed in it for 8 minutes, then thoroughly washed with water.
  3. Soda solution - 30g of soda per liter of water, the seed is kept in it for 3 hours, then thoroughly washed with water.

The ready-made biological preparation “Fitolavin” is popular among gardeners - it is used according to the instructions. Fights against blackleg, wilting and bacteriosis of seedlings.

Rejection of low-quality seeds

When buying tomato seeds in packages, you should carefully consider the manufacturer, packaging date and expiration date. It is not a fact that the package will contain the same variety as indicated there. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare seed material yourself.

However, if you do buy them, you should carefully examine them before planting, otherwise the seedlings may not sprout at all, or will be weak and painful.

Not suitable for growing - thin, dark, broken, cracked grains.

Large and thick seeds are suitable.

The most in a simple way is considered a water test - pour the seeds into warm water, empty and dry ones will begin to float, suitable grains will settle.

Unusual processing methods

Heat treatment seeds are an excellent way to combat harmful microbes. Improves sowing quality and yield. Dry grains are heated for 48 hours (2 days) at a temperature of +30 degrees, then 72 hours (3 days) at +50 degrees.

A simple way to warm up is on the lampshade of table lamps at +60 degrees for 3 hours.

Selection using an ebonite stick (any object that can become electrified, for example, a plastic comb)! Tomato seeds are laid out in a thin layer on a flat surface. The prepared item is rubbed with woolen cloth and held over the seeds. Empty ones will begin to attract. For accuracy, the procedure is carried out several times.


Hardening off seed is an excellent way to prepare future seedlings for possible temperature changes.

Hardening procedure No1:

  • seeds are placed in a wet towel;
  • stay in a towel for 12 hours at a temperature of 20 degrees;
  • then the towel is placed in a cold place for 7 hours.

The procedure is repeated for 3 days.

Hardening procedure No2:

  • the seed material is laid out in a spacious container;
  • put in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 degrees for 12 hours;
  • then the container is transferred to a warm place with a temperature of 15-20 degrees for 12 hours.

Carry out 3 times.


Proper storage - important stage in the procedure of growing tomato seedlings. If the seeds are in negative conditions for them, then the yield will be corresponding.

Storage conditions:

  • Before sending for storage, tomato grains need to be thoroughly dried;
  • the seeds must “breathe” - storage in a paper or fabric bag is suitable for this;
  • the storage place must be dry;
  • optimal temperature from +10 to +15 degrees (decrease and increase temperature regime negatively affects the seed).

Long-term storage at room temperature is available. There should not be high humidity.

Soaking and germination before sowing

For soaking planting material gauze bags are used in which tomato seeds are placed. These bags are immersed in water for 12 hours or a day. The water should be at room temperature. Melt water has the most beneficial effect on them. Every 4 hours, the seeds are taken out to let them breathe, and while they breathe, the water is changed.

Germination is the last step in preparing grains for planting as seedlings. To do this, take a gauze cloth into which the seeds are laid out. For convenience, gauze with seed material is placed on a flat dish, tray and sent to a warm place. Periodically, the gauze should be moistened, but not too much. The appearance of a small bore is a signal to sow into the soil.


Sprouted grains are planted in the soil. The soil for planting requires preparation, consisting of the following steps:

  1. The soil must be doused with boiling water for disinfection.
  2. Then the soil must be thoroughly loosened.
  3. Seeds are planted to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm.
  4. The soil should be warm.
  5. The soil must be sufficiently moist.

Before planting seeds for seedlings, the soil needs to be fertilized; black soil, humus, wood ash and peat. You can use one or combine them.

The procedure for growing seedlings in a large single container:

  1. The distance between seeds should be at least 2.5 cm.
  2. After planting, the container is covered with polyethylene or glass.
  3. Water regularly.
  4. Ventilate, open the film (glass) so that the soil can breathe.
  5. The film (glass) is removed when more than half of the seeds have germinated (optimally 90%).

Seedling care:

  • regular watering of seedlings using a watering can;
  • the place should be sunny, bright, without drafts;
  • so that all seedlings have enough light, the container must be periodically rearranged and rotated;
  • Every 14 days it is recommended to fertilize the soil with mineral or organic substances.

The time and date of planting tomato seedlings in open ground depends on climatic conditions.