The role of green plants. What role do plants and animals play in the life of the Earth?

It is impossible to imagine the world around us without plants - our faithful and silent green friends. And if there is a person who claims that he can do without plants, then let him remember that every breath of air, every crumb of food is given to us by plants. But besides this, they help us feel the joy of communicating with nature, its charm and beauty. By caring for silent and beautiful plants, a person himself becomes cleaner and kinder.

What is the role of plants in nature and human life?

Green plants create conditions on Earth for the existence of all living organisms. They release oxygen, which is necessary for respiration, and serve as the main source of food for all animals. Even the most bloodthirsty predator depends on the plants that feed its prey.

By covering the Earth with a green carpet, plants protect and preserve it. Thickets of plants create their own climate, softer and more humid, because the foliage resists the drying effect of the sun's rays. Plant roots bind and hold the soil. Where the forest has been preserved, the surface of the Earth is not disfigured by ravines.

The importance of plants for humans is also invaluable. Food and medicine, fuel and fiber are obtained from plants. They provide material for building houses and making paper, making furniture and musical instruments.

From what has been said it is clear how important role plays green plant on our planet. All life on Earth depends on a green leaf, or rather, on a small grain of chlorophyll. The chlorophyll grain is the laboratory where, from simple inorganic substances - carbon dioxide and water - complex organic substances are created - starch and sugar. A green plant, using the energy of a sun ray, transfers this energy to all living things.

We can say that our food, as K. A. Timiryazev first established, is a canned food of the sun's rays. The sunbeam that fell on the chlorophyll grain went out, but did not disappear, and the energy contained in it passed into the new kind energy - it was deposited in the form of chemical energy starch. This ray of sunlight falling on the ground and caught by a green plant becomes the source of life on Earth. A green plant, absorbing the rays falling on it, transfers them in the form of chemical energy of starch or sugar to the surrounding living world, animals and humans.

From the above it becomes absolutely clear what a huge role the green world plays in life and economic activity person. The green plant is a source of nutrition for humans and the domestic animals they raise. Clothing, ropes, and ropes are made from plant fibers (flax, cotton, hemp, ramie, jute). Plants or their fossil remains - peat, coal, oil - are used for heating and lighting.

The plants that formed fossil fuels lived hundreds of millions of years ago. At that distant time, they absorbed the sun's rays, and now, hundreds of millions of years later, this “sun ray” extracted from the bowels of the earth burns in the furnaces of steam locomotives, ships and factories, benefiting humanity. Material from the site

The more fully the sun's rays are captured by a plant, the greater the benefit a person derives from it. Therefore, one of the main tasks Agriculture and is the full use of the work of the sun's rays, leading to a significant increase in the yield of our fields.

Everything that has been said about the role of plants leads us to the conclusion that meaning of the plant in human life and economic activity. This also leads to the great challenges facing science that studies the plant world - botany(derived its name from the Greek word botane , which means “sprout”, “plant”).

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The importance of plants for life on the Earth

It is impossible to imagine our world without plants, which are our true and silent green friends.
Green plants create conditions for life on the Earth. They secrete oxygen, which is necessary for breath, and they are the food for animals. Plants prevent accumulation of carbon dioxide redundancy in the atmosphere. Because of that the greenhouse effect decreases.
Plants protect and keep the Earth since they cover it with a green carpet. Plants form milder and wetter climate, because the leaves of plants resists to drying effect of sun rays. Roots of plants fasten and keep ground. At woodlands the Earth surface isn’t disfigured by ravines. Plants take active part in forming of soils, minerals. Plants assist in snow retention and air clearance from the dust and gases.
Even the most bloodthirsty predator depends on plants, which one is eaten by its victims.
Plants are important for everyone. Our food, medicines and clothes are made from plants. They give a material for building of houses and production of the paper, furniture and musical instruments. Besides, plants help us to feel the pleasure of communication with the nature, its charm and beauty. We become kinder looking after fine plants.


It's impossible to imagine the world without plants - our faithful and silent green friends.
Green plants create the conditions for life on Earth. They release oxygen, which is necessary for respiration, and serve as food for animals. Plants prevent the accumulation of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, thereby reducing the greenhouse effect.
By covering the Earth with a green carpet, plants protect and preserve it. Plants create a milder, wetter climate as foliage counteracts the drying effects of the sun's rays. Plant roots bind and hold the soil. Where the forest has been preserved, the surface of the Earth is not disfigured by ravines. Plants take an active part in the formation of soils and minerals. Plants help retain snow and clean the air of dust and gases.
Even the most bloodthirsty predator depends on the plants that feed its prey.
The importance of plants for each of us is invaluable. Food, medicine and fiber are obtained from plants. They provide material for building houses and producing paper, for making furniture and musical instruments. In addition, plants help us feel the joy of communicating with nature, its charm and beauty. Caring for the voiceless and beautiful plants the person himself becomes cleaner and kinder.

The entire life of mankind has always been inextricably linked with nature. Different nations depending on their social, cultural and historical conditions, they relate to plants in their own way. This attitude reflects their morals, customs, and preserves the traditions of various eras and formations.

For example, peoples inhabiting countries with harsh winters or sudden changes in seasons always strive to keep plants at home. So they try to keep some of the summer while enjoying the greenery during the harsh, cold winter. Indeed, the role of plants in the life of man and nature is very great. Let's talk about this in more detail:

The role of plants in the life of nature

It is very difficult to imagine that plants suddenly disappeared from nature. Yes, this is impossible. After all, the air we breathe and the food we eat are inextricably linked with plants. In addition, they give people the joy of communicating with nature and help them see its charm and beauty. Plants make us cleaner and kinder when we take care of them.

Plants are essential for human life, as they produce oxygen necessary for breathing; domestic and wild animals feed on them. Even predators depend on them, since their prey is usually herbivores.
Herbs, trees, and shrubs cover the ground with a dense living carpet, protecting it from drying out. In tree thickets a softer, humid microclimate is created, since the foliage prevents the hot rays of the sun from drying out the earth. Their roots hold and hold the soil together.

An extremely important function of green plants is photosynthesis. This process is extremely important for the existence of all life on this planet. Thanks to photosynthesis, plants have the ability to create organic substances from carbon dioxide and water, which are necessary for plant foods - vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, etc. Plants are also used as raw materials for industry, construction, and medicine.

The formation of the gas composition of the atmosphere is also directly dependent on plant life. Thanks to photosynthesis, plants release approximately 510 tons of essential oxygen into the atmosphere per year. They increase soil fertility thanks to humus. With their roots they suck out part of minerals from the soil, after which they are given to animals as feed. Plants play a huge role in the life of nature, influencing climate formation, water sources, animal life, as well as other components of the biosphere.

Plants inhabited our planet long before humans appeared on it. Since then, they have lived on a variety of land areas, sometimes poorly adapted for life. They grow in the tundra, forests, steppes, and deserts. They inhabit lakes, rivers, seas and oceans. Plants can be found even on bare rocks and shifting sands.

Those of them that reproduce and settle on the soil without human intervention are called wild. Currently, there are approximately 500 thousand different species of wild plants on the globe.

What role do plants play in people's lives?

The world's population is growing steadily. A large number of people require more and more new spaces to live. Therefore, more and more cities are being built, and there are fewer and fewer forests. City dwellers are forced to live surrounded by concrete, glass and iron, and they have to breathe polluted air. Under these conditions, the need for living plants increases sharply. They are placed at home and decorate the interior of offices and enterprises. Thus, the illusion of the presence of a piece of nature in the room is created.

Homemade green or flowering plants They delight the eye with the perfection of their forms and the beauty of their blooms. They purify the air at home, creating a pleasant, calm, cozy atmosphere. All this has an extremely beneficial effect on the emotional atmosphere, calms the nerves, helps fight stress, and improves mood.

The role of plants in other areas of human life is enormous. In addition to their aesthetic properties, they have a sanitary and hygienic function. It is known that green spaces absorb harmful substances and dust from the atmosphere, they cleanse rooms of carbon dioxide, moisturize and ionize the air. They suppress, destroy a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, as they secrete special substances - phytoncides, which increase the bactericidal energy of the air.

It is thanks to these substances that the air acquires bactericidal properties, and therefore has special purity and freshness. Everyone knows that fresh air has a beneficial effect on human health, and even helps to cure many diseases.

It is impossible not to note such an important role of plants in human life as their practical use. For many centuries, humans have been using a variety of fruits, leaves, roots, flowers and roots in their diet. Many herbs are used as healthy, aromatic seasonings.

Without plants, the development of medical science is impossible. They are needed for the production of fabrics and tanning leather. From their parts, fibers are obtained that are used to make clothing. They make cotton wool and extract rubber. And we can talk endlessly about the most important role of wood. It is used to build houses and is needed to make household items, furniture, etc.

The important role of plants in nature and human life can be listed for a very long time. But in conclusion, it is enough to say only one thing - the existence of nature itself, as well as the life of humanity, would be impossible without plants that provide shelter, food, and oxygen.

Botany introduces us to useful and harmful plants, their external and internal structure, patterns of development. Botanical knowledge contributes to better human use of plants.

The plant receives from environment gases, salts, water - everything from which it builds its body; the plant and the environment form a single whole. Distinctive feature green plants, colored by the pigment chlorophyll, is their property of converting inorganic substances into organic substances necessary for life. During the day, green plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen. This gas exchange and capture of light rays occur through the extensive leaf surface, and the extraction of water and mineral salts from the soil occurs through a highly branched root system.

The role of green plants in nature primarily lies in the fact that in the process of life they accumulate huge reserves of valuable organic (carbonaceous) matter, clean the air from carbon dioxide and enrich it with oxygen. Organic substances are used by all living beings for nutrition, and air oxygen is used for breathing.

The importance of plants cultivated in agriculture is especially great. Man thanks green plants from the most common substances in nature (water, carbon dioxide and salts), using solar energy, it extracts valuable organic substances: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc. These plant substances are processed with the help of animals into even more valuable products: meat, lard , butter, milk, eggs, wool, knives, that is, everything that is necessary for human life.

Plants provide food for humans and also construction material, raw materials for industry (resin, oil, rubber, gutta-percha, tannins, alcohol, etc.). In addition, a variety of medicines are extracted from plants. Hence it is clear why people have been interested in plants since ancient times, collected them, studied them and cultivated them.

It must be emphasized that even substances such as coal and oil originated from plants that inhabited the earth in ancient times. The energy of the sun's rays, once captured by these plants, is released and used by humans during the combustion process. Also, peat, used for fuel and fertilizer, comes from plants that grew in swamps.

However, not all plants are green. Fungi, bacteria and some higher plants They are deprived of chlorophyll and therefore are unable to produce organic food for themselves from inorganic substances. Such non-green plants (saprophytes), often invisible to the naked eye, settle in abundance on dead organic matter remaining after the death of plants and animals, use it for their nutrition, destroy, mineralize and thus bring it into a state available for use by green plants. This is the positive role of non-green - chlorophyll-free plants.