Smoothies with oatmeal for weight loss: recipes. Video recipe: Smoothie with oatmeal and banana Smoothie with banana and oatmeal

Smoothies with oatmeal are considered the most popular and are even recognized by nutritionists as one of the best options breakfast. The ideal balance of complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, the ability to use fruits and cope with the task of preparing a full-fledged vitamin cocktail in a couple of minutes - thanks to all these advantages they have won the hearts of many. But the benefits of oatmeal smoothies are not limited to benefits, because they are also one of the most delicious types of nutritional cocktails.

Benefits of Oat Smoothies

What makes oat smoothies an ideal breakfast option is, of course, their main nutritious ingredient – ​​oatmeal. It has long become a classic breakfast porridge not only here, but also in the West. And this did not happen by chance. Enveloping, satisfying, light oatmeal retains all its advantages in an oat smoothie - a thick cocktail of homogeneous or almost homogeneous consistency, in which dairy products, juices, tea, fruits and vegetables are added to your favorite porridge in various combinations.

This smoothie is a dietary product, can replace a full meal and is balanced in the content of microelements.

Most often, oatmeal smoothies are considered as one of the breakfast options, but they can also become an energy snack, a healthy dessert, and even dinner.

Oatmeal smoothies have a beneficial effect on digestion and normalize metabolism. This is a complete dish for a healthy diet that meets all the canons of a balanced diet. Most often, smoothies with oatmeal are included in weight loss programs aimed at normalizing weight. But they also have other advantages:

  • they cook quickly and can save time at breakfast without losing nutritional value;
  • Everyone likes such smoothies, even children - they are just a variation of the familiar breakfast with oatmeal, but in a simpler and more easily digestible form;
  • despite the apparent boringness, such smoothies can be very different in both consistency and taste;
  • they allow you to experiment with a boring breakfast and create hundreds of variations.

Oatmeal smoothies can be sweet and neutral, complex in composition and two or three components, with or without spices. Even in consistency, they are not so similar: some prefer a homogeneous smoothie, similar to a thick cocktail, others prefer a coarsely ground smoothie. And most often, the consistency and nature of the smoothie - gentle or rougher - depends solely on how you prepared the oatmeal.

Yulia Davidovich /

Different approach – same healthy oatmeal

Smoothies with oatmeal are not at all as simple as they might seem at first glance. Of course, the combinations of oatmeal with other foods, fruits and vegetables that could be called tasty can be counted on one hand. But the oatmeal itself had an unexpected surprise in store. The thing is that oatmeal for smoothies can either undergo or not undergo heat treatment at all, be used crushed, grated or whole. And this creates almost unlimited possibilities for creating oat smoothies.

Options for adding oatmeal to smoothies:

  1. Raw oatmeal. Of course, it makes more sense to call this option “dry”, but this name is quite suitable. With this approach cereals added to smoothies without any processing, not brewed. Under the influence of the liquid ingredient, they swell and become soggy. The main thing in such smoothies is fiber and consistency. It's coarse, fibrous, and more interesting than cooked oatmeal. Depending on whether raw oatmeal is ground or not, recipes are divided into three types:
    • smoothie with oatmeal ground into powder or flour;
    • smoothies with whole, unground oatmeal (use only instant oatmeal);
    • smoothie with lightly ground instant oats.
  2. Steamed oatmeal. With this option, any instant oatmeal or regular oatmeal is poured with a small amount of boiling water or boiling milk, left for a few minutes and added to the smoothie. The taste of such oatmeal is different from cooked porridge, the benefits are much greater, and the consistency becomes soft and more familiar.
  3. Cooked oatmeal. It is not worth subjecting oatmeal for smoothies to a long cooking test. If you are not using instant cereal, try to cook it for 2-3 minutes anyway (at most, no more than five). Pour oatmeal into boiling water or milk, and then cook over low heat. Smoothies based on this type are the most aromatic, the most tender, but also the least healthy. But it has the best effect on the digestive system, especially for gastritis and ulcers.

The difference between these options is not only in taste and consistency. After all, the method of preparing oatmeal directly affects how much time you have to spend on the smoothie. The fastest recipes are with raw flakes. You will have to spend up to 10 minutes preparing steamed smoothies, and a little more to prepare a vitamin cocktail with boiled oatmeal.

Additions for oatmeal in smoothies

Oatmeal smoothies don't just contain oatmeal. Their mandatory components also include:

  1. Dairy products. Most often, oat smoothies are prepared using milk, kefir, unsweetened yogurt or other fermented milk products. But cream or sour cream (even low fat content), ice cream, and sweet types of yogurt should not be used. For those options where you don't want dairy ingredients, use natural juice or green tea.
  2. Fruits or vegetables– a vitamin supplement that also enriches smoothies with fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. You can use either a single ingredient from this category or create a multi-component assortment of fruits and vegetables, which will turn the drink into a real one. vitamin bomb. But it is worth remembering that oatmeal is a simple product. And sometimes a minimum of additions allows you to achieve a much more appetizing result.

Oatmeal smoothies are most often made with banana, strawberry and apple. These three are the perfect addition to oatmeal in any dessert. And smoothies are no exception: classic – always the best choice for oat cocktails. The proven taste will be an excellent basic option for breakfast every day.

But the possibilities are not limited to traditional ingredients. Oatmeal smoothies can also be prepared with other fruits and berries, and even vegetables:

  • cherries;
  • kiwi;
  • blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries and other berries;
  • carrots.

The selection of ingredients has its own secrets:

  • try to mix sweet and unsweetened ingredients - a more diverse taste will ideally complement oatmeal;
  • do not be afraid to use sour fruits and berries - oatmeal compensates for all their shortcomings and reveals the taste in a new way;
  • fruit juices will only be beneficial, and in any recipe;
  • don’t be afraid to deviate from proportions and be guided by your taste.

The Best Oat Smoothie Recipes for the Blender

Banana smoothie with oatmeal


This smoothie is often called the main one oat recipes. And this is not surprising: banana is the most classic addition to your favorite breakfast cereal. Such a couple has many advantages. Easy to prepare, this smoothie is a truly filling breakfast that will give you energy throughout the first half of the day.

Ingredients: for 5 tbsp. oatmeal - 200 ml yogurt or kefir, 1 ripe banana.


  1. Peel the banana and cut into small pieces.
  2. Place yogurt, banana and oatmeal in a blender. If you don't like smoothies with dry oatmeal, pre-steam the oatmeal with boiling water and let it sit for a couple of minutes.
  3. In puree mode, beat the mixture for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Let the smoothie sit for 10 minutes, then whisk again.
  5. Pour the smoothie into a bowl or glass.

This smoothie is best made with the simplest base - milk. The rich flavor of the berries is great in milkshakes, and this feature can be applied to smoothies as well. Not only the oatmeal itself will add thickness to the drink, but also the banana added to balance the sour berries.

Ingredients: for 3 tbsp. oatmeal - 1 glass of milk, 100-150 g of a mixture of your favorite berries (fresh or frozen berry mix), half a ripe banana, honey to taste.


  1. Steam the oatmeal with a small amount of boiling water.
  2. Transfer the berry mixture to a blender.
  3. Cut half the banana into pieces and add to the berries.
  4. Puree the berries and banana together until smooth.
  5. Place the oatmeal in a blender and pour in the milk.
  6. Whisk the smoothie vigorously. If desired, add honey to it.

Light smoothie with oatmeal and yogurt

This smoothie is the most tender and delicate. You can’t call it anything other than weightless, but it’s only like that in consistency. After all, a yogurt-oatmeal smoothie, to which no fruit was added, surprises with its satiety. It’s easy to prepare, and you only need a minimal amount of ingredients.

Ingredients: for 3 tbsp. oatmeal - 1 glass of yogurt, 50 ml of milk, to taste - favorite nuts, flax seeds or spices (cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla).


  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Pour milk over oatmeal and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Carefully transfer the oatmeal into a blender and pour in the yogurt.
  4. Whisk the smoothie until foamy.
  5. Pour the smoothie into a glass and sprinkle with your favorite nuts or spices. If you like sweet smoothies, pour liquid honey into it in a thin stream, but mix as you drink it, not in a blender.

Smoothie with apple and oatmeal

This option is similar in aroma and taste to your favorite apple pies or classic winter desserts. Oatmeal and apple together turn a nutritious and highly nutritious smoothie into a luxurious dessert. But they “work” only in the company of kefir and with small, but such important addition– cinnamon.

Ingredients: for 2 tbsp. oatmeal - 1 medium apple, 1 glass of kefir, honey and sugar as desired, cinnamon to taste.


  1. Remove the core from the apple and cut it into small pieces. If you want to get a smooth smoothie, you can peel the apple, but this way you will lose valuable vitamins.
  2. Add a pinch of cinnamon to the apple.
  3. Add oatmeal and pour kefir over it.
  4. Use high speed until the smoothie is smooth.
  5. Infuse the drink for 5 minutes. Add additional cinnamon (if you need a more intense flavor) and honey before drinking the smoothie.

Oatmeal smoothie with kefir for weight loss

This combination is considered basic for weight loss. Kefir allows you to minimize the calorie content of a dish and activate metabolism, and oatmeal plays the role of the main source of fiber. To make such a cocktail truly special, it is worth adding bran to it as an additional source of valuable fiber.

Ingredients: for 3 tbsp. oatmeal – 150 ml low-fat kefir, 1 tsp. mixed or wheat bran. To taste – 2-3 tbsp. berries or chopped fruit, honey or maple syrup (keep in mind that these additives significantly increase the calorie content of the smoothie).


  1. Mix oatmeal with bran. Steam the mixture with boiling water and leave for 3 minutes.
  2. Transfer the oatmeal and bran to a blender, add fruit or berries if desired, and sweeten with honey.
  3. Pour in kefir and beat thoroughly.
  4. Let the smoothie sit for 5 minutes, then whisk again.

Smoothie with cottage cheese, milk and oatmeal

This smoothie is often called a sports option, because it contains an increased amount of protein and is more energetic. But its main advantage is its unique creamy consistency.

Ingredients: for 2 tbsp. oatmeal – 100 g cottage cheese, 1 banana, 100 ml milk, 1 tbsp. walnuts or mixed nuts, honey to taste.


  1. Grind oatmeal and nuts in a blender until powdered.
  2. Place chopped banana and cottage cheese in a blender.
  3. Start pureeing the mixture at low speed, gradually adding milk.
  4. When the smoothie reaches homogeneity, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then whisk again.
  5. Taste the smoothie and add honey if desired.

Smoothie with oatmeal and strawberries

A vitamin drink with a truly summer taste, which will immediately lift your spirits, can be prepared with the most delicate berry - strawberries. The bright aroma and unsurpassed taste of strawberries in combination with oatmeal will shine in a new way, and the harmonious taste will remind you more of your favorite milkshakes than healthy smoothies.

Ingredients: 1 cup unsweetened yogurt, 150 g strawberries, 3 tbsp. instant oatmeal, sugar and vanilla to taste.


  1. Grind oatmeal in a blender.
  2. Wash the strawberries, remove the stems and grind them in a blender with oatmeal.
  3. Add yogurt to the base and, if desired, sugar and vanilla.
  4. Puree the smoothie until smooth.
  5. Pour the smoothie into a glass and add an ice cube.
  6. Let the smoothie sit for no more than 10 minutes.

And one more similar recipe: . For this, oatmeal is pre-boiled, which allows you to get a very delicate consistency.

Tart Oatmeal Cranberry Smoothie

Tart cranberries add a new flavor and unexpected freshness to a traditional oatmeal smoothie. But don’t think that the acid will interfere: softened by other ingredients, it is practically not felt. But the slight tartness will pleasantly surprise you. This smoothie is considered one of the best cooling options and excellent option smoothies for weight loss.

Ingredients: for 2 tbsp. oatmeal – 100 g cranberries, 140 ml yogurt, 2 tsp. honey (or other amount to taste).


  1. Steam the oatmeal with boiling water and leave until it cools.
  2. Sort the cranberries, rinse and blend in a blender.
  3. Add yogurt to the berries and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add honey to the smoothie base to taste.
  5. Lastly, add oatmeal to the smoothie and whisk until smooth.

Smoothie with oatmeal and kiwi

Kiwi seeds and its rich green color will give the vitamin drink originality and even light tropical notes. This smoothie is perfect for those who are tired of traditional options, because everything else it is prepared without milk and other dairy products.

Ingredients: for 2 tbsp. oatmeal – 1 tsp. green tea without additives, 3 kiwis.


  1. Brew green tea by pouring 100 ml of hot, but not boiling water.
  2. Steam the oatmeal and leave it for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Peel the kiwi and cut into small pieces.
  4. Strain the tea.
  5. Place the oatmeal and kiwi into a blender.
  6. Pour tea over them and vigorously whisk the smoothie until smooth.

Oatmeal carrot smoothie

This option certainly cannot be called standard. The unusual combination of carrots and oatmeal may seem too sugary, but it is skillfully compensated for by green tea and orange juice. A small piece of avocado will add thickness and special creaminess to this surprisingly balanced drink.

Ingredients: for 2 tbsp. oatmeal - 50 ml of brewed green tea, 2 large juicy carrots, 50 ml of orange juice and 1 tbsp. avocado pulp.


  1. Brew strong green tea.
  2. Measure out the amount of tea required for the smoothie and steam the oatmeal with it. Let the cereal sit for 5 minutes.
  3. Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a fine grater.
  4. Place the carrots in a blender and puree with the orange juice until as smooth as possible.
  5. Add oatmeal with tea, avocado pulp to the mixture and beat the smoothie until smooth.

Cherry smoothie with oatmeal

Of all the additions, cherries do the best job of masking oatmeal in a smoothie. And this healthy breakfast option will appeal to those who don’t really like oatmeal.

Ingredients: for 2 tbsp. oatmeal - 100 g cherries, 50 ml milk, 100 ml yogurt, honey to taste, cinnamon.


  1. Boil the milk and pour it over the oatmeal.
  2. Rinse the cherries, pit them and place them in a blender.
  3. Pour yogurt into the cherries and place the oatmeal in a blender.
  4. Whip the smoothie until smooth, then add honey to taste.
  5. Serve this smoothie with a pinch of cinnamon on top.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing such a smoothie. The main thing is to choose good combination, which will suit your taste.

We all know from childhood that oatmeal for breakfast is the best choice for those who want to be healthy and slim. This product has many useful substances and a significant amount of fiber, due to which satiety remains for a long time after eating it. At the same time, oatmeal is not contraindicated even for those who have carbohydrate metabolism disorders, in particular people suffering from diabetes mellitus. For this reason, making it into a dish for breakfast or lunch would be a good idea. One of the most delicious and healthy dishes is a smoothie with oatmeal. Thanks to the inclusion of fresh fruits and juices, it is healthier than regular porridge, and satiates no worse, as it has a thick consistency. You can make this cocktail not only for breakfast, but throughout the day, replacing snacks with it.

Cooking features

There are many recipes for smoothies with oatmeal, but in order for this cocktail to be not only tasty, but also healthy, you need to know a few points and take them into account when preparing the drink.

To prepare a smoothie with oatmeal, you need to take fresh or frozen fruits, since canned and baked fruits lose some of their nutrients.

  • Smoothies often contain fruit juices to make the smoothie a little less thick. Preference should be given to freshly squeezed ones, as they are as healthy as possible. Store-bought juice has been heat-treated, sugar and sometimes other substances have been added to it; for this reason, its benefits to the body are questionable.
  • You should not choose smoothie recipes that contain ice cream, cream, or sour cream. Such cocktails are very tasty, but they threaten to put on excess weight.
  • When making a smoothie with oatmeal, you will almost certainly be faced with the question of whether you need to prepare it in any way. Instant oatmeal is usually steamed or soaked in water, milk, kefir or juice for 10–20 minutes. Keep this in mind when determining the time needed to prepare your oatmeal smoothie. It is not enough to soak regular oatmeal; it must be ground with a coffee grinder until it becomes flour. In this case, the smoothie will have a very delicate consistency, but will still be slightly less healthy than one made from whole flakes.

Whether a smoothie can be stored in the refrigerator depends on the ingredients included in it. But even if it can be stored for 24 hours, it will be healthier if it is freshly prepared. For this reason, you shouldn’t prepare smoothies for future use, especially since you can make them in a matter of minutes.

Smoothie with oatmeal, banana and milk

  • oat flakes “Hercules” – 40 g;
  • banana – 150 g;
  • milk – 120 ml;
  • regular or fruit yogurt – 120 ml;
  • honey – 5 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the milk and pour it over the oatmeal, leave for 10 minutes.
  • Peel the banana and cut it into medium sized pieces.
  • If your honey is candied, melt it until liquid.
  • Place oatmeal in a blender bowl, fill it with yogurt, place bananas on top, add honey and cinnamon.
  • Whisk the ingredients until they form a homogeneous mass.

Recipe for the occasion::

It is better to eat this smoothie with spoons, as it turns out quite thick. In addition, this method of drinking a cocktail will allow you to quickly experience the feeling of fullness. The dish prepared according to the given recipe is suitable for breakfast and will charge you with energy for several hours.

Smoothie with oatmeal and bran

  • low-fat kefir – 150 ml;
  • apple – 0.2 kg;
  • banana – 150 g;
  • honey or maple syrup – 5 ml;
  • oat flakes – 20 g;
  • wheat bran – 15 g;
  • boiled water – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the bran and mix it with oatmeal.
  • Pour boiling water over and leave for 5–10 minutes.
  • Wash and dry the apple, remove the peel from it with a vegetable peeler or a special fruit knife. Cut out the core. Cut the apple pulp into small slices or cubes.
  • Wash and peel the banana. Cut it into slices.
  • Place the fruit in a blender bowl, add kefir and blend.
  • When the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency, add soaked bran and oatmeal to it, and additionally pour in a spoonful of maple syrup or liquid honey. If necessary, this ingredient can be replaced with another syrup that is available in the house, for example healthy rosehip syrup.
  • Whisk all ingredients together for 30 seconds.

This smoothie will help you lose weight, as it cleanses the body well and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be eaten throughout the day, replacing any meal.

Smoothie with oatmeal and cottage cheese

  • cottage cheese – 0.2 kg;
  • oatmeal – 30 g;
  • bananas – 0.5 kg;
  • nuts (or nut cocktail) – 50 g;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • honey – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Pour oatmeal and nuts into a coffee grinder and grind them to a powder.
  • Peel the bananas and cut into pieces.
  • Combine cottage cheese with bananas, add milk and beat using a submersible blender.
  • Add honey and nut-oat mixture, shake the resulting cocktail with them.

A smoothie with cottage cheese and oatmeal is a real protein shake. It should be included in the diet of athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. It is also very useful for children and pregnant women.

Smoothie with oatmeal, cucumber and herbs

  • avocado – 1 pc.;
  • instant oat flakes – 20 g;
  • mint – 20 g;
  • cilantro – 2 g;
  • cucumber – 150 g;
  • garlic – 0.5 cloves;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the cucumber and cut into pieces.
  • Place the cucumber in a blender bowl along with half the garlic clove. Grind until puree.
  • Mix cucumber puree with oatmeal and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Wash the lemon and cut in half. Squeeze the juice out of half the fruit.
  • Wash the avocado, remove the pit, and cut the pulp into cubes.
  • Finely chop the cilantro and mint.
  • In a mixing bowl, combine the greens, cucumber-oat mixture, avocado pieces and lemon juice. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Whisk.

This smoothie will appeal to those who don’t like sweets too much. It refreshes well and energizes for a long time. They can complement breakfast or lunch. It is no less good as a snack.

Oatmeal smoothie with tangerines

  • “Extra” oat flakes – 20 g;
  • boiled water – 50 ml;
  • tangerines – 150 g;
  • banana – 150 g;
  • unsweetened yogurt - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Pour boiling water over oatmeal and leave for 10–20 minutes.
  • Remove the peel from the banana and cut the pulp into large cubes.
  • Peel the tangerines and divide into slices. If you want a smoothie with a soft consistency, remove the films from each slice. This work is troublesome, but the result is worth it.
  • Place tangerine slices and banana pieces in a blender bowl and top with oatmeal.
  • Pour unsweetened yogurt over the main ingredients and whisk everything together until smooth.

This sweet smoothie will be a great dessert, tasty, satisfying and healthy at the same time. In addition, such a delicacy does not threaten your figure.

Smoothie with oatmeal and strawberries

  • fresh or frozen strawberries – 100 g;
  • banana – 150 g;
  • kefir – 0.25 l;
  • instant oat flakes – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Pour half a glass of kefir over the oatmeal, stir and let it soak.
  • Sort the strawberries, wash and dry. Frozen berries do not need preliminary preparation, but the cocktail with them will be more sour than with fresh ones.
  • Peel the banana and cut into slices.
  • Place the oat mixture in a blender bowl, add strawberries and bananas, and fill everything with the remaining kefir.
  • Whisk until smooth.

A strawberry-banana smoothie with oatmeal leaves few people indifferent. You can serve it for dessert. It can also serve as an alternative to breakfast or a light dinner. This recipe is worth taking note of for those who have an appetite at night when it’s too late for dinner.

A smoothie with oatmeal turns out to be satisfying and relieves hunger for a long time. In addition, it is very healthy, so it would not hurt to include it in the diet of those who monitor their health.

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To prepare a smoothie, you need a blender, and you can use either a bowl or an immersion blender, it doesn’t matter. My favorite and signature recipe is a smoothie made from banana, kefir, oatmeal and honey. This drink is very good for the stomach and improves intestinal motility.

Kefir is a source of calcium necessary for bones, bananas contain potassium, which strengthens the heart and blood vessels, and prevents fluid retention in the body. Oatmeal contains B vitamins, and honey is a storehouse of microelements. Not a drink, but an elixir of health, agree.

In principle, this composition is already good both in taste and in general, but you can not stop there and further diversify and improve it. Let's make the basic foundation first. Let's put in a bowl in which we will grind with a blender pieces of peeled ripe banana (both slightly over-ripe and under-ripe will do) and oatmeal (any kind you have at home).

You can replace oat flakes with bran, oat flakes with bran, experiment! Add honey, pour kefir or, for example, liquid yogurt, and make a “zip”. The result was a delicious, thick, aromatic and sweet cocktail.

Now we divide it into two parts. In one, code-named “children's milkshake,” we will add raspberries. In summer we take fresh raspberries. And frozen in winter. Alternatively, you can try using raspberry jam, but then prepare the smoothie without honey, otherwise it will be too cloying.

That's it, you can call your child and treat him, and while he is enjoying himself, cook something unusual for yourself.

Smoothie with matcha tea, very interesting. Agree. This Japanese tonic drink is all the rage right now. Moreover, more often than not they don’t drink it, but make desserts, pastries, ice cream and cakes with it. We use it more usefully - pour a little into our smoothie. Tea will make the drink cheerful green color, interesting taste, aroma and tonic effect.

If you need a quick, healthy, filling snack that will give you energy, you don't have to stand at the stove. Even from simple oatmeal you can make not only porridge or pancakes, but also a very interesting cocktail.

Today we are making a smoothie with oatmeal and banana for breakfast. The result is a tasty, aromatic and very satisfying drink. A great start to the day and a good mood are guaranteed. Flax seeds and oatmeal help normalize digestion. Even children will like this smoothie and will become an excellent alternative store-bought milkshakes.

Smoothie with oatmeal and banana: step-by-step recipe


  • Milk – 300 ml;
  • Oat flakes – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Flax seeds – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Liquid honey – 1 tsp;
  • Fresh banana – 1 pc.;
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of the knife.

How to make an oatmeal smoothie with banana and milk for breakfast

Choose the fat content of milk at your discretion, but with a higher percentage it tastes better. The flakes should not require cooking, and the banana should be slightly overripe.

Pour milk into a mixing bowl and add oatmeal.

Add flax seeds.

Stir and leave for a couple of minutes to swell.

Lay out the banana, break or cut it into arbitrary pieces.

Add cinnamon and honey. If desired, you can skip the sweetener or use a pinch of sugar.

Break through everything immersion blender within a minute.

Pour the oatmeal and banana smoothie into glasses and garnish as desired.

Nutritious and delicious, this oatmeal banana smoothie is a great breakfast or snack option that you can whip up. Made from three basic ingredients: bananas, milk and oatmeal, the smoothie is thick, flavorful and creamy in taste. The basic composition of the drink, for variety, can be supplemented with seasonal berries, fruits, nuts, seeds, fresh herbs, as well as cocoa to obtain a “chocolate” version of the drink. This hearty and tasty smoothie option will not cause any trouble in preparation, will pleasantly diversify the daily menu and will be an excellent alternative to oatmeal for breakfast. Try it!

To make a banana-oat smoothie, you will need the ingredients listed.

Place the bananas, cut into large pieces, into a blender bowl. Pour in the milk and whisk for 30-40 seconds until smooth.

Add oatmeal and beat for 1 more minute.

Add ground cinnamon. Taste the drink and, if necessary, add a little honey to taste for more sweetness. Beat for another 30-40 seconds.

Pour the drink into glasses, add a few ice cubes if desired and serve.

Smoothie with oatmeal and banana is ready.