The best immersion blender with dicing function. We choose a blender with dicing and you can’t go wrong! Detailed instructions for a smart purchase

When preparing some dishes, chopping vegetables into cubes can take quite a long time. If you like salads, okroshka, borscht, vegetable stews, or make preparations for the winter, think about buying a vegetable cutter. This device will do in a few minutes the work that would take an hour “in manual mode.”


And if previously only graters and food processors were sold (the former do not cut into cubes, and the latter are quite expensive), now manufacturers offer different units that can cope with this task.

Method 1. Manual vegetable cutters into cubes

This method can rightfully be put in first place. They are easy to clean, quickly assembled and disassembled, have sharp blades, are safe to use and at the same time cut beautifully and accurately. The most famous and advertised are Nicer Dicer and Nicer Dicer Plus. Graters take up little space and are inexpensive. Regular Nicer Dicer can be purchased for as little as $10-$15.

Photo: Nicer Dicer Plus

Moulinex produces manual vegetable cutters. Cost 25-30 dollars.

Photo: Moulinex K10301

Another popular manual vegetable cutter is Alligator (Sweden). People are satisfied with the quality, but the price of this device - 150-180 dollars - is very high.

Photo: Vegetable cutter Alligator-Lux

A manual vegetable cutter takes some getting used to. Do not immediately try the device on hard foods (for example, carrots or raw beets), onions. Try cutting a potato, cucumber or zucchini first. When you understand how best to put the product in the vegetable cutter and how hard to press, you can safely cut any vegetables into cubes. This item for the kitchen is actually very useful.

Method 2: Food processors and cubes

Food processors are multifunctional appliances. In addition to cutting vegetables, they can beat dough, use a blender, some models have the function of a meat grinder, juicer, etc.

Photo: Bosch MCM 5529

The disadvantage of food processors is that they require time to assemble the device - and after work, disassemble it, wash it and put it back in place. Sometimes it’s faster to do something with your hands than to pull out the unit. Another drawback is the high price.

Method 3. Meat grinders for dicing

The French brand Moulinex has released the first meat grinder with the ability to cut vegetables into cubes.

Photo: Meat grinder MOULINEX ME 4161

The ME415 model is a worthy competitor to Bosh combines! Its price is much lower (120-150 dollars). It will chop the meat much better than a blender in a food processor. However, combines are more functional. For example, they can knead dough or make a cocktail. This meat grinder has several more attachments - graters and shredders for vegetables. According to reviews, the device cuts raw vegetables into cubes perfectly, while boiled vegetables squash.

Method 4. Blenders that allow you to cut into cubes

There is an undisputed leader on the market! Philips HR 1659 and HR 1669 blenders are a new product that has managed to win the hearts of customers. With its help you can prepare puree, grate and chop vegetables, knead dough and make a cocktail.

Photo: Philips HR 1659

Thanks to the huge number of functions, it can rightfully be called a combine harvester. At the same time, it takes up very little space. It is easy to use, there are no parts with complicated fastenings. According to reviews, it is also easy to clean. Disadvantages: Lots of plastic parts that can break. There is only one grid for cubes in the set - additional ones must be purchased separately.
The cost of the device is 200-250 dollars.

Another dicing blender is produced by VITEK. The cost of the device is 130-150 dollars. It also cuts into cubes very well. The disadvantage is again the likelihood of a breakdown, this time of the gearbox.

Photo: VT-3401

Method 5. Electric vegetable cutters

Some manufacturers have tried to create similar units. However, they did not become popular. Firstly, they cannot be bought in a store; all sales were carried out through teleshopping or the Internet. Secondly, the price of such a device was slightly lower than the price of a Mulinex meat grinder. The devices turned out to be unprofitable and have not yet earned the trust of buyers. Perhaps such vegetable cutters will be improved in the future?

Photo: Electric shredder Culinario Jet

Method 6. Special attachments for household appliances

Kenwood chose an unusual path. They have made the MGX400 dicing attachment that fits this brand's meat grinders and food processors. It is purchased by housewives who have Kenwood units in their arsenal.

Photo: Meat grinder Kenwood MG517

As we can see, the market is only developing in this direction. However, the modern buyer already has plenty to choose from. What would you like best? Meat grinder, food processor, blender or special attachment? Maybe you'll choose a mechanical grater? Your choice should depend on your personal needs! The main thing is to use certain rules when operating devices:

First cut soft foods, such as cheese, eggs, and then hard ones.
- The meat can be slightly frozen. This will improve the cutting quality.
- Handle the grater very carefully! They are incredibly sharp and can cause deep cuts. Never give graters to children.

How can you quickly and beautifully cut vegetables for salad, slice cheese or cucumbers, chop eggs and chocolate? Doing this manually will take a long time and the appearance of chopped vegetables and fruits will not always be as expected. Is there a way out? Of course have! In public catering establishments, special kitchen appliances have long been successfully used to help cut food efficiently, and are useful in non-industrial conditions vegetable cutter for home, who will become a real woman’s assistant in the kitchen.

Household vegetable cutters are easy to use and easy to maintain; just rinse with water and you’re in order! But no knife can cut slices of cheese, slices of tomatoes or cucumbers of equal thickness. No, a good knife will, of course, cope with this task, but it will take some skill to get the perfect result. But we are not professional chefs, are we? Therefore, let everyone do something in which he is a pro, and we will give our vegetables, fruits and cheeses to vegetable cutters - they are top level will cope with their task.

Manual vegetable cutters

Let's start with the simplest models, representing a round or square mesh made of wire or thick fishing line, which in the blink of an eye will cut eggs and potatoes into cubes, as well as any other soft vegetables for salad, for example, sausage. So tame vegetable cutter for home is equipped with a primitive device: you just need to press the vegetable onto the mesh and, if necessary, turn it clockwise - that’s all, neat cubes will immediately fall into the plate! There is only one drawback of a vegetable cutter for dicing - a rather limited list of products can be chopped using this device.

But a home vegetable cutter must be universal so that it can cut any product into neat slices or cubes. This could be a manual vegetable cutter, which includes a plastic tray for already chopped vegetables, and on top of it there are various attachments for cutting food into cubes, small and large strips, and cubes of various sizes. The convenience of this model also lies in the fact that the kit often includes a vegetable holder, which will allow you to cut them into small pieces without touching the onions or carrots.

Manual vegetable cutter with Nicer Dicer Plus attachments

Home vegetable cutter Multi Slicer

Among the manual models, one can also distinguish a mechanical vegetable cutter. It is a container with a handle, which is pressed to grind the products. One of the advantages of this model is the ability to regulate the size of pieces of cut products. To understand the principle of operation of the device, you need to know its structure - there is a spring in the handle (handle), and under it there are zigzag knives. The more times you press the handle, the more often the knife comes into contact with the food, therefore, the pieces become smaller. With the help of such a device, it is possible to chop not only onions, garlic and other vegetables, but also herbs, mushrooms, sausage, and nuts.

Mechanical vegetable cutter with Multi Grater attachments

Home mechanical vegetable cutter Salad Marker Set

Electric vegetable cutters

Manual models are good, but they will not save you from a culinary emergency before any celebration, when you have to frequently and quickly wield a knife. Then it will come to the rescue electric vegetable cutter for the home, which in a matter of minutes will produce neatly cut slices, cubes and straws. If you are making preparations for the winter, then you definitely cannot do without such a kitchen device. What other device can chop vegetables so quickly?

In principle, you can choose multifunctional model For example, a meat grinder with a vegetable cutter will work in a similar way. In fact, this is the same unit, it’s just that the attachments are changed for certain purposes: for a meat grinder - one, for a shredder - another. Such models can work continuously for about 15 minutes, but during this time they can cut a lot of products!

The functionality and speed of chopping is the same with a vegetable cutter. Famous brands even equip their combines with graters that are suitable for manual vegetable cutters with attachments (of the same company). Thus, you can not only save on components, but also make it easier to prepare culinary masterpieces - use a manual model to cut small quantities of food, and use a food processor for workpieces, which may also have a function.

Among electrical household appliances, it is perhaps also worth noting a blender with a vegetable cutter. According to the principle of operation, it is similar to a food processor; it also has a bowl for chopped products and various attachments for chopping.

How to choose a vegetable cutter for your home

We've sorted out the types of vegetable cutters, now let's move on to choosing them. Although, already at this stage it becomes clear which vegetable cutter to choose: for large volumes of chopping, choose electric models (including food processors, meat grinders and blenders), but if you don’t have to cook in large portions, then manual models are quite suitable.

It is difficult to say which vegetable cutter is better: some housewives prefer models that work continuously, and the chopped products “fly out” directly onto the plate, rather than accumulating in a plastic container. Other women prefer a vegetable cutter with a container into which neat slices and cubes fall.

Well, in conclusion, do not forget to pay attention to the manufacturer. It is clear that it is better to give preference to famous brands than unknown brands. Here, although you will have to overpay a little, the quality of the steel of the knives, as well as the high-quality plastic from which the body of the household appliance is made, will not change you for many years of service.

We hope our article will help you in choosing the right kitchen device. In turn, we have no doubt that any vegetable cutter for the home is a great help for a woman in the kitchen. And you?

With the development of technology in modern world kitchen devices continue to delight housewives, cooks and cooks. By quickly cutting a large volume of food, cooking speeds up several times. A food processor with cutting into cubes, strips, and figured cutting is replaced by several separate devices at once. Appliances not only makes you happy and fills you with impressions of use, but also allows you to improve your life, simplify it and do something exciting and favorite, instead of spending hours in the kitchen. Modern food processors confidently replace a meat grinder, vegetable cutter, mixer, juicer and many other devices. The market offers a lot of options for the production of foreign and domestic equipment. Improved and improved models are released daily to create delicious and entertaining dishes.

Purpose of buying a food processor

Before going to the store and making a purchase, you need to decide for what purpose the device is intended to be used. A family that loves large feasts and often welcomes guests is recommended to purchase multifunctional large systems. In such devices more possibilities and the functionality of individual operations has been expanded. Singles or a family of 2 or 3 people will only need to purchase a device that allows them to quickly prepare breakfast or dinner. Today, manufacturers offer a wide variety on the market; prices and purposes of equipment differ from each other not only by brand, but also by the quality of operations, stability and low level sound signals during operation. The noise characteristics of the device must be taken into account when preparing food in the evening or at night. Particularly popular food processor with cutting into cubes, this is the type most often used in Russian cuisine.

Rules for choosing a food processor

All combines are divided into 3 main types depending on their functionality. Inexpensive devices perform no more than 5 functions, are compact and have low capacity. The middle class of kitchen units is designed for daily cooking; they are distinguished by their durable quality and variety of functionality. Productive professional harvesters are used in canteens or catering restaurants; they operate continuously and have increased power.

Food processor performance

A food processor for dicing works effectively if it has enough powerful engine and system speed. It is better to use food processors at low speeds for preparing dishes with a liquid consistency or for varieties vegetable purees. A high-power combine can handle slicing and shredding faster and better, and it can process a fairly large volume of product in a short period of time.


Today, the most productive dicing food processor has a power of 800-1000 watts. This indicator indicates that the device will quickly cope with any cooking task assigned to you in the kitchen. However, you should choose the right kitchen unit based on the ratio of the bowl volume. The larger the capacity of the container, the more products can be loaded at once, without waiting for the rest to be processed. Many consumers talk about the convenience and practicality of a high-power device. The most used function built into a food processor is dicing, consumer reviews repeatedly highlight this fact.

Kitchen unit control

The dicing food processor comes in mechanical and automatic control. Each type has additional benefits. Mechanical ones are more suitable for high-speed preparation of breakfast or lunch. Automatic control is extremely convenient when canning or preparing large amounts of food at once. In the machine, the user can also independently adjust the power of operation and the speed of rotation of the blades during crushing. Protecting the device from overheating also plays an important role.

Manufacturer overview and reviews

The Philips food processor has proven itself well and is liked by consumers; cutting into cubes is done perfectly evenly and without errors. The company has been on the market for a long time and fully justifies the cost of the product. wide range functionality and power of the device.

Model MCM 5529 is a fairly common food processor. Bosch dicing combines excellent quality and uniformity of all pieces. About 20 functional modes and delicate preparation of aesthetic dishes. The brand attaches to the product all the necessary world-class certificates, which indicates a long service life and excellent quality of the product.

Consumer demand for these brands exceeds all expectations. Special additional attachments and locks for stability make the operation of the device simple and comfortable.

Model MSM 5530 is a Bosch food processor; cutting into cubes is performed in a refined and strictly 0.8 by 0.8 mm size. The best decision For instant cooking salads, raw vegetables or fruits. In addition, the kit includes several attachments and graters that allow you to perform other operations.

Finally about food processors

Getting lost in the choice and variety of options offered by the market, you must remember that the best model will be the one that will be used for its intended purpose and quite often. Great functionality is a definite plus of the device. It is better to purchase a higher quality device once than to spend money on maintenance.

An impressive range of kitchen gadgets offers users a wide variety of options. A separate category is a food processor for cutting vegetables or fruits into cubes. The option is very useful, because it will save a lot of time on preparing various salads, preparations and even soups, and these dishes make up the majority of the population’s menu.

Cutting into cubes by hand is a long and painstaking process, and creating pieces of identical shape requires considerable skill and experience in owning kitchen knife. Manufacturers of home appliances have once again taken care not only of saving time, but also of the aesthetics of the daily or holiday table.

The combines have a bowl for grinding products, where special attachments are installed - gratings different sizes . The sharp edges cut the ingredients into strips, and the knife under the grill methodically rotates and chops the straw into cubes. All that is required from the user is to move evenly pusher the selected vegetable or fruit, and the technology does the rest, and in a matter of seconds.

A food processor with dicing is a choice for those who like to pamper themselves or their family with beautiful dishes not only holidays. The main mission of any kitchen appliance is to save both the time and effort of the user. Kitchen machines cope with this task perfectly.

Replacement attachments for cubes

If the standard equipment of the device does not include an attachment that cuts into cubes, this is not a death sentence; the gratings can be purchased separately. You need to select attachments in accordance with the type of attachment of the combine, otherwise they will not fit.

The cost of an additional attachment can be commensurate with half the cost of a new machine, but its advantage is its excellent workmanship and the ability to be installed on different devices.

Compatibility table

Overview of machines with dicing function

There are quite a few models of kitchen machines with a dicing attachment; to choose a truly optimal device, check out the small TOP list of the most successful food processors. Each device has both pros and cons, but all are united by excellent production quality and a competent combination of functions.

The well-known manufacturer Redmond opens a list of interesting processors with a dicing function. The RFP-3950 model attracts attention with its design in Hi-Tech style And compact dimensions. You can install a blender with a fixed blade or a grinding bowl on the base.

The equipment is impressive in its scope:

  • puree grater;
  • nozzle for cutting into cubes;
  • double-sided grater (large/small);
  • double-sided shredder (large/small);

Also included with the device is a user manual, a container for attachments, a brush for cleaning attachments, a pusher and a holder. In general, after purchasing the RFP-3950, you can immediately begin creating a culinary masterpiece.

Food processor Redmond RFP-3950

Technical indicators also inspire confidence: the device’s power is 1.9 kW, and there is a protection function against starting when the lid is open or the nozzle is installed incorrectly. The entire structure is securely held on the plane suction cup legs. To complete the picture, the RFP-3950 lacks a juicer and an attachment for French fries, but, nevertheless, the device does an excellent job of making purees, chopping, cutting vegetables and fruits into cubes or slices, quickly grinding cheese or mixing sauce.

  • disk attachment for cutting into cubes;
  • utility knife;
  • disk attachment for cutting large/small slices;
  • large/fine grater;
  • disc attachment for kneading dough;
  • disk attachment for French fries.

What's missing here is julienne disc or a medium grater (the result from the first and second attachments is almost the same). By the way, the previous version of the MCM 68885 does not have a French fries disk, but there is a julienne disk, and the difference in power is 50 W, by and large - both are quite good.

Food processor Bosch MCM 64085

As an add-on you can also purchase whole line knives or attachments, Bosch sells them through service centers.

The design is securely attached to any flat surface using suction cups; you can install a blender bowl or a chopper bowl on the base. With very modest dimensions, the power of the combine is 1.2 kW, which ensures high-quality and fast processing of even large volumes of products.

A solid, reliable and quiet unit that cuts vegetables or fruits not only into cubes, but also slices, straws. In addition, the food processor kneads the dough, beats it, and has a built-in knife and grater. There are 13 attachments in total, plus storage space for them.

Judging by the reviews, beating is not very easy for the machine, and the dumpling dough turns out to be too soft, however, the device cuts and grinds vegetables perfectly. The power of a food processor is 650 W - the minimum for such a functional device, 2 speeds and a pulse mode. In addition to the nozzles, the package contains three bowls with a volume of 4/2.4/1 liters, which conveniently stack one inside the other.

Here the user will not find either a blender or a juicer, and, despite the serious price tag, the combine is somewhat weak. Its key purpose is to cut everything into different types

, other functions go along the way. But the manufacturer inspires confidence; you can count on a long, unquestioned service life of the kitchen machine.

KitchenAid 5KFP1644 food processor Low power version

  • combine – multi-cutter with dicing function. The compact, almost toy-like household appliance is a bit like a meat grinder and has a set of 7 attachments, including:
  • French fries attachment;
  • nozzle for cutting into strips;
  • slicer attachment;

grater attachment

Changing equipment is made as simple and easy as possible, each is decorated in its own color. Storage will also not be difficult, all attachments stack on top of each other, the main thing is to provide them with a small storage compartment and keep them clean.

A power of 150 W is, of course, not enough, but it will be enough to cut food in moderate volumes. In addition, the device is equipped with overload protection, which is very appropriate for such a model.

Two compelling advantages of the MW-1304 G are its affordable price and small dimensions.

Food processor Maxwell MW-1304 G

Russell Hobbs 22270-56 Enough interesting model

  • from a little-known manufacturer. The functionality of the combine is quite decent:
  • cutting into cubes;
  • slicing;
  • cutting into strips;

dough attachment. The power of the device is 800 W, three speeds plus pulse mode and a 2.3 liter bowl are good indicators. The combine is designed specifically for cutting, so there is no blender or meat grinder, but the performance is excellent: in just a few minutes the machine will cut vegetables and fill the container to the brim. For storage of replacement nozzles

A few years ago, in order to cut vegetables or anything else into cubes, you had to learn how to do it by hand. As a result, beautiful and neat pieces were not always obtained and only by experienced chefs.

At the moment there are many assistant devices, namely:

  • manual vegetable cutter - simple and inexpensive;
  • electric vegetable cutter - difficult to find and expensive;
  • bulky combines - large and expensive;
  • meat grinders with a special attachment are quite competitive;
  • a blender with a dicing function is a leader in this market segment.

Why is the latter so good? Why do most housewives prefer blenders? Let's try to understand this issue.

Essentially, a blender for cutting into cubes is the same ordinary device with an additional attachment included. It can grind, beat, stir, etc. It is due to its compactness and versatility, as well as its reasonable price, that it has remained a sales leader almost since its appearance on the market.

Both submersible and stationary models are available with the dicing function.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.

The best blenders with dicing function

As in any other segment, there are also leaders and losers, models and manufacturers. For example, the Bosch submersible with dicing function (model MSM671X1) occupies a leading position, as do many products of this brand.

Main characteristics:

  • power - 750 W;
  • 12 speeds;
  • there is a turbo mode;
  • metal immersion parts;
  • rubberized handle;
  • glass volume 0.6 l;
  • weight - 1.5 kg.

The set includes 7 attachments:

  • combine;
  • cutting into cubes;
  • chopper/mixer;
  • whisk for whipping;
  • grater;
  • double shredder.

The result is a very compact and convenient mini food processor.

The average price for such an assistant is 8,000 rubles.

Other brands are also good, for example, Philips HR 1669.

This blender also resembles a miniature food processor, but costs a little more - around 11,000 rubles.

As for the main characteristics, the following can be listed:

  • power 750 W;
  • 20 operating speeds;
  • smooth mode switch;
  • turbo mode;
  • rich equipment;
  • many attachments.

Indeed, a great helper that can prepare a salad in seconds!
Naturally, there are also more budget models in this market segment. Moreover, they are actually no worse, except that the set of functions is slightly inferior.

Budget models

It's half the price of its brother, but does the job just as well.


  • power 600 W;
  • there are 20 speeds;
  • liter measuring cup;
  • 5 nozzles.

The disadvantages of the model include the absence of a whisk. But if you are not very good with baking, then this blender is perfect. Easily handles soft foods at different speeds. To cut hard ingredients you will have to use high speeds. Overall, a good model for 5,000 rubles.

Another budget model from a famous brand. It works well, but there is no case for attachments.


  • power 600 W;
  • 15 operating speeds;
  • measuring cup 0.6 l;
  • metal immersion part;
  • 5 main attachments;
  • turbo mode;
  • pulse mode.

Such an assistant costs around 6,500 rubles. Copes with preparing soups, minced meat, cocktails and desserts.

A high-quality blender from a little-known manufacturer in our country. The assembly and quality of the material are excellent.

Main characteristics:

  • power 700 W;
  • metal immersion part;
  • 15 modes;
  • smooth speed control;
  • large measuring cup (1.2 l);
  • 5 nozzles;
  • turbo mode

The cost of this miracle of technology is on average about 4,000 rubles. Comfortable attachments, not very noisy during operation - this is how users characterize it. One of the disadvantages is the considerable weight of the device.

A model from an already well-known company. You will be pleased not only with the price - only from 3500 - but also with the appearance.

Main characteristics:

  • power 800 W;
  • 5 modes;
  • made of metal;
  • measuring cup 0.8 l;
  • turbo mode

But this particular blender can be cited as an example of the proverb “the miser pays twice.” The knives quickly become dull, it is inconvenient to clean the parts of the device, that is, instead of joy and saving time, you will get additional problems and work.


Still, you shouldn’t try to save money on technology. It’s better to pay a little more once and enjoy it.

Blenders with a dicing attachment are more expensive, but if you make salads very often, it will become an indispensable assistant in the kitchen.

Happy shopping and delicious quick salads!