Laminate lock: different types of locks. Which laminate is better, choice of locks

Today, laminate has become the most popular floor covering. This state of affairs is due, among other things, to prostate montage. All work can be easily done with your own hands, without inviting specialists. This simplicity is due to the presence of special locks on each panel. Thanks to them, you can quickly lay a beautiful and practical floor.
Locks can be used in two designs. We will talk about the features of each in this article.

Which is better Lock or Click

Laminate manufacturers, when advertising their products, claim that their panels have the most modern locks, as well as composition and wear resistance. But, despite their assurances and the wide variety of models, there are only two types of locks:

  • Locke locks
  • Click locks

Their main difference- This is a method of joining panels. Locke locks were the first to appear. Over a long century of service, they have proven themselves to be very economical.
These locks look like a milled groove on one side of the panel and a tenon with a fixed comb on the other side. This entire structure is made using the milling method. To connect the panels to each other, you need to insert the tenon into the groove and hammer it in using a wooden mallet.

Helpful information! Impacts must be applied until the gaps completely disappear. If you don't have a mallet, you can use a regular hammer. You just need to wrap it with a rag. You need to be careful when working. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the joints between the panels.

Locke locks easy to install and quite reliable. But they have not solved the shortcomings either. With prolonged loading, the comb on the spikes wears out (the same thing happens if there are significant unevennesses in the floor. While walking on it, the comb wears out). As a result, gaps appear between the panels. Another disadvantage is the impossibility of dismantling. If one panel is damaged, it will be difficult to replace it. Since the locks are disposable, repairing the laminate is practically impossible. Click locks a more recent invention and it does not have the disadvantages of its older brother. Such structures are made in the same way, but have a different structure. On one side there is a spike made in the form of a flat hook. On the other side there is a platform that engages with the hook.
This type of laminate is even easier to install than using a lock-lock. There is no need to use a hammer or mallet to install it. It's done like thisnew panel is installed at an angle of 45 degrees close to the previous one. Then it is smoothly lowered until there is a characteristic click (this is where the lock got its name). At this time, the hook fits into the groove and the panels are firmly connected, almost like using laminate glue. This connection can withstand much greater loads than lock locks. In this case, no cracks appear. The problem with dismantling has also been eliminated. According to the manufacturers, click locks can easily withstand up to four disassemblies. Whatever lock is used, the connection needs additional protection from moisture penetration. Sealant is perfect for these purposes.

Helpful information! If you use click locks, then you should not be afraid that such a coating will not allow you to dismantle the panels. The sealant is easily removed from the interpanel space and does not interfere with “opening” the locks.

The latest developments in laminate flooring

Manufacturers are constantly improving their products. So today you can find laminate with wax impregnation of locks. After installation, the floor looks like a single monolith, the joints are practically invisible. Another advantage of this impregnation is protection against moisture penetration. There is no need to use sealant for such joints. Also today, panels with aluminum locks have begun to appear. The back side of this laminate is equipped with a metal lamella. Such locks can withstand loads of up to two centners per square meter.
This floor is very easy to assemble and disassemble. Moreover, manufacturers sometimes give a lifetime guarantee on joints; cracks will never appear in them. And you can disassemble laminate flooring with aluminum locks six times.

You can also find laminate with additional plastic locks at the ends. The assembly of such a floor is carried out in the usual way, the panels are connected at the sides. Then the ends are connected by simply pressing until they click. Laying such a laminate is almost three times faster. Important!

All innovations that have been introduced into the lock design recently are only modifications of the click lock. They improve the adhesion of the panels and protect them from the formation of cracks at the joints and moisture ingress. But still, this is a proven and long-used click-lock.

Today there is practically no laminate that is installed using glue. Modern panels are connected to each other using special fasteners, which are locks. This type of laminate assembly has certain advantages:

  • elements flooring easily connect to each other;
  • Laminate flooring can be easily disassembled completely or in any required area, and can be easily reassembled at a new or previous installation location.

Now on the market building materials Each manufacturer offers its floor products with locks of its own design, and claims that its design is the best and has unique advantages. You can consider in more detail how they differ and how they are similar. different types laminate locks.

Regardless of the manufacturer, locks are divided into two large groups, which differ in the principle of installation. The types of locks are:

  • Lock type latches;
  • collapsible Click type.

Lock type locks

Laminate with a Lock-lock is considered a more affordable modification. It entered the market ahead of its competitor. This model performed well thanks to the drive-type lock. Its configuration is cut by a milling machine from the body of the main layer of the lamella, which is located in the middle part of the product made of HDF or MDF board. One side of the panel has a shaped “tenon”, the other has a matching “groove”. The groove is made in the form of a comb with fixation. During installation, the tenon is driven into the groove.

To hammer one element into another, use a wooden mallet or metal hammer with a plank stand. You can assemble laminate flooring with such a locking structure yourself, but it is better to trust an experienced professional.

Note! To prevent water from penetrating through the joints between products, it is advisable to treat all types of laminate locks with a sealant.

In addition to their advantages, Lock locks have a disadvantage. When moving on a laminate floor, a load is generated that acts on the joint, causing friction. Over time, the fixing part of the comb is subject to abrasion, which leads to a weakening of the contact between the connected panels. Cracks begin to appear at the lock locations, which will no longer be possible to eliminate.

Click locks

Laminate locks of this type were developed later, and they managed to avoid the disadvantages of their predecessor. Laminate flooring with Click locks can be installed even by an amateur who has carefully read the instructions. Assembly of elements occurs at an angle of 45º and ends with snapping. The big advantage of a particular design is the consistency of the quality of the locking connection during the installation process.

Click locks are guaranteed against the appearance of cracks at the joints of the panels. In fact, with a high-quality laminate, the joints should not be visible at all. If the flooring elements are connected correctly, the floor should look like one monolithic whole.

High-quality click locks are not subject to deformation loads for a long time and do not allow elements to diverge. The floor retains its appearance even under significant loads. When choosing a laminate class, you need to remember that the planned loads on the surface must correspond to those specified on the packaging.

These locks do not risk anything during repeated assembly and disassembly. And if such processes are allowed in the future, you only need to purchase laminate with Click locks. Large and well-known manufacturers of flooring provide a guarantee in case the floor has to be installed and dismantled up to 4 times.


I think everyone knows what laminate is. This material is very popular now. Excellent appearance and a very affordable price - these are the main factors that people take into account when choosing this flooring for their home or apartment. How to lay laminate- We’ll try to figure this out now.

As usual, we start with surface preparation. First, our subfloor needs to be examined for any irregularities. In general, manufacturers allow irregularities of up to 2 mm per meter of floor area. Those. You take a flat strip (level, usually) 1 meter long and apply it to the floor in different places and in different directions, determining the presence of depressions and bumps.

Changes in concrete floors are leveled using a thin screed made from self-leveling liquid mixtures. If you have uneven plank floors, it is advisable to put chipboard or plywood on them. Well suited for laying laminate flooring. It is important to understand here that the more uneven the base, the greater the likelihood of gaps appearing between the laminate panels. When walking on the floor in uneven areas, the panels bend relative to each other, and the locking joints gradually wear out. And the lower the quality of the laminate itself, the faster the cracks will appear.

The next step is to lay the underlayment. Its thickness is usually from 2 to 4 mm. There is no point in making the backing thicker; this will again lead to wear of the locks. The choice of substrates is now very diverse. The cheapest are those made from polyethylene foam (penofol, polyfom, isolon and many others).

Cork substrates are more environmentally friendly, but also more expensive. There are substrates made of extruded polystyrene foam, made in the form of rectangular sheets. One side is grooved. When laying it should be facing down.

In general, the choice is large, and moreover, it is constantly replenished. To be honest, I can’t advise you on what to choose. I never felt any noticeable difference. As usual, every manufacturer has the best product. I will only say that the service life of all of the above types of substrates is much higher than that of the laminate itself, so any of them is quite acceptable.

When laying laminate on concrete base, you need to additionally spread waterproofing under the substrate. This could be, for example, a simple polyethylene film 0.2 mm thick or any other waterproofing film.

Before laying, the laminate must lie in the room for at least 2 days so that it adapts to the temperature and humidity of the room. It is recommended to lay it along the direction of the sun's rays. When laid crosswise, the joints create small shadows and they become a little more noticeable, spoiling the integrity of the appearance.

In general, there are two ways to install laminate:

  • adhesive;
  • castle

The adhesive installation method has one good advantage— the joints are reliably protected from moisture penetration. Due to this, the service life of the coating increases. But the installation process itself is more complex and time-consuming (compared to the locking process), and there are additional costs for glue. In rooms where a heated floor system is installed, it is not recommended to use this method.

Installation using the adhesive method involves applying a special water-repellent glue to the ends of the panels (sold together with the laminate). Under no circumstances should glue be used on water based(for example PVA). This will lead to swelling of the joints. The glue is applied to the groove of the panel along the entire length. The groove is then mated to the tenon of the previously laid panel. The connection is sealed with light blows of a hammer through a wooden block. Excess glue is wiped off with a damp cloth.

After laying 3 rows of panels, it is better to give the glue a couple of hours to dry. Then we lay the floor to the end. You can begin using the coating 10-12 hours after installation.

The adhesive installation method is now used less and less. There is practically no such laminate left on sale. It is being forced out of the market by interlocking panels. This is due to the ease of installation of the latter. Moreover, the interlocking laminate coating can even be disassembled without damaging the panels and, for example, moved to another room. Although, to be honest, I have never heard of anyone doing this.

Locks from all laminate manufacturers have their own characteristics and differences. But in general, they can all be divided into 2 groups: Click And Lock.

When laying laminate with locks like Lock one panel is driven into another using a hammer. Thanks to special combs, the tenon is securely fixed in the groove without the use of glue.

Locks type Click appeared later and are considered to be of higher quality and wear-resistant. They are mounted by inserting one panel into another at an angle (30-45º). Then it is pressed to the floor and the lock latches. On my own behalf, I would like to add that you still have to hammer the laminate flooring with a hammer, although the manufacturers do not write about this in the instructions.

The installation sequence for all types of laminate described above is almost the same. Laying begins from the left corner of the room. Before laying the 1st row, you need to measure the width of the room and calculate how wide the last row will be. Otherwise, it may turn out that you cover the entire room and at the end there will be a gap of 2-3 cm along the wall. You cannot close it with a plinth, and such a narrow strip of laminate will not hold well. The width should be at least 5 cm. To do this, the panels of the first row will need to be cut to length.

It is necessary to leave a gap between the laminate and the walls. thermal expansion. Usually it is made about 1 cm. The main thing is that it is then covered with a plinth.

So we assemble the first row of laminate from left to right. The rightmost panel basically always needs to be trimmed (don't forget the gaps). You can start the next row with the remaining piece, this way we get the necessary seam spacing. It is recommended that this distance be at least 30 cm.

Having completed the first row between the laminate and the walls, we insert wedges to ensure the necessary gap, while ensuring that the row is straight. True, I do it myself a little differently. When hammering the panels of subsequent rows with a hammer, the wedges often fly out, the straightness of the row is disrupted, and in general it is inconvenient. Therefore, I fix the first row with self-tapping screws and washers (if we are laying on a wooden floor) or dowel-nails with washers (if the floor is concrete). I screw them in the corners and at the joints of the panels of the first row. After finishing installing the laminate, I make sure to unscrew it.

When laying laminate using the adhesive method and with drive-in locks such as Lock Each subsequent panel is first joined along the long edge, then along the end.

When laying laminate with a lock type Click dial first whole line panels and then it is completely inserted into the previous one. If the room is large, it is inconvenient to do this alone; it is better to do it together.

When installing, it is convenient to use a special set of tools to tamp laminate panels. If this is not available, knock the laminate through a piece of panel (10-15 cm), inserting it into the groove with a tenon. When installing the rightmost panels of the row and the entire last row, you can press it away from the wall with a small nail puller, only carefully, through the pads, so as not to damage the walls and laminate.

After completing the installation, you need to install the skirting boards, and they can only be attached to the wall, and not to the floor.

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Laminate locks, varieties and their types and installation (disassembly) features. Click, Lock, 5G systems. Uniclic, T-Lock, LocTec locks


The first laminate was installed using only glue and screws. But as they say, the world is full of ideas. And at the end of the XX century. appeared to the world the new kind laying the laminate - in a floating way, all thanks to the locking connection. The use of HDF board instead of conventional MDF resulted in milling machines received a lock of the most complex shape and incredible precision. All laminate locks divided into 3 groups: Click, Lock and 5G. Of course, there are many more patented names. Each manufacturer has developed its own unique lock for laminate. Let's consider each of them separately.

Laminate with lockLock, or as it is also called a hammer lock, which works on the tongue-and-groove principle. The groove is a kind of comb that can hold the tenon after it is driven in. The laminate is connected by hammering the boards at right angles (90 0 C) using a rubberized hammer or wooden mallet. Disadvantages: after laying laminate with lockLock it cannot be disassembled and, at the same time, not be damaged; moreover, it has been noticed that with such a connection of the laminate, cracks always form over time. Today this locking system is almost never used.

For the convenience and speed of laying laminate flooring with a lock, Lock was developed laminate with plastic lock. Plastic can be springy or hard. Laminate with a rigid plastic lock is difficult to install, but a springy plastic plate on the laminate lock can make the job much easier. But the geometry of the plate is not so ideal; for a good connection, it may be necessary to additionally tamp the laminate. Sawing the laminate in the area of ​​the plastic lock can lead to its breakage.

SystemClick- This is a method of connecting laminate lamellas at an angle of 45 degrees. This is the most common. Laying laminate flooring using system locksClick occurs in rows, very quickly and without much difficulty. The main advantage of the Click lock is the ability to disassemble and reassemble the floor covering. At the same time, this does not affect the quality of the connection in any way; the boards do not separate even under the heaviest loads. This system recites dozens of separate types of laminate locks.

In addition, there are Click systems with aluminum plates that ensure reliable fixation of the boards from below. Inconvenience laminate with metal lock begin during installation. The fact is that the plate must be placed under the board, while trying not to touch the substrate. The plate itself can cut you, so you need to work extremely carefully.

In order to simplify the assembly of the laminate, without compromising the quality and strength of the connection, the average person was offered system 5 laminate lockG. His distinguishing feature- laying laminate with 1 click. Namely: the short side of the lamella is latched simultaneously with the lock connection on the long side automatically. This became possible thanks to the presence of a “moving tongue” at the end of the laminate board lock. The slats seem to be fastened to each other with simple hand pressure. There are many options 5 laminate locksG. Each manufacturer has improved and patented its type of laminate lock. Below you can familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Types of laminate locks from different manufacturers

There are various types of laminate locks, which differ from each other in the design of the connecting elements. Leading laminate manufacturers not only independently developed laminate locks, but also patented them. Let's consider laminate locks leading world leaders.

1. Quick-Step Company, laminate with lockUniclic: original design of a snap-on tongue-and-groove system without the use of any tools. Quick-Step offers a lifetime warranty on its interlocking system: no gaps and no panel separation. Laminate Quick Step with lock Uniclic ensures a seamless floor, since the gap is practically invisible. Laying laminate with a lock Uniclic can be done in any direction, in two ways, since the lock is located on all four sides of the lamella. The first involves connecting boards at an angle of only 30 0 C. The second is a horizontal connection of lamellas. It is used when laying coverings in doorway. For such a case, a special pad is used. It should be noted that connecting the laminate with one blow is prohibited. Make small blows along the entire length of the edge in stages until you hear a characteristic click. Dismantling and re-installation can be carried out up to 4 times.

2. Pergo laminate uses the following laminate locks: ProLoc and SmartLock. ProLoc system used for laying laminate in large rooms and in places with intense loads. Its distinctive feature is a triple fastening system. Installation is quite quick and simple. This type of interlocking laminate is particularly moisture resistant, since all joints are additionally impregnated. For rooms with high humidity Pergo recommends the use of SafeSeal, an advanced sealant. When dismantling laminate lock It is almost impossible to damage, which is why the floor can be disassembled and reassembled several times.

SmartLock System- this is more simple laminate lock, the joints of which are also impregnated with moisture-resistant impregnation. The coating can withstand heavy loads, the installation itself is very quick and easy at any angle. The insert ridge itself is fixed in the groove by simply pressing the end of the laminate board. The floor does not deform because the laminate boards are firmly fixed to each other.

3. Next on our list is laminate lockEgger - Pro Click system. Thanks to the special geometry of the lamella, laying the laminate occurs on one side (see photo below), very easily, quickly and very reliably. In this case, it is possible to use STRIP EX and CLIC SEALER sealants. Laminate lock Pro Click provides high level stability of the coating, its strength at any surface tension. Egger laminate can be removed several times without losing the quality of the lock.

4. Balterio laminate floors offer the following revolutionary interlocking systems: Click Xpress, DropXpress and PressXpress. By the way, Balterio laminate can be disassembled as many times as you like. Virtually no loss of quality of the locking connection.

- Click system Xpress- installation of the floor without gaps, creating a seamless coating. At the same time, the laminate can be easily disassembled and re-installed if necessary.

- DropXpress laminate lock- this is a castle U-shaped 5G systems. Laminate flooring is laid by connecting boards along the short side from top to bottom, and along the long side they fit together independently.

- Lock PressXpress from the 5G system. The laminate is connected by simply pressing. At the same time, the groove, which is located inside the panel, ensures reliable fixation and assembly without visible seams.

5. Megaloc Castle from the German brand Classen. Perhaps one of the strongest laminate locks on the end part of the lamella. An interesting technological solution made it possible to create a lock that is easy to install and extremely reliable. The connection occurs using a special tongue and groove (see the figure below).

Installation begins by connecting the boards along the length. But there is one difference. The installation of the next row is a little different: along the first row, the tenon of the board of the new row is applied at an angle, with its long side. To completely connect the ends, the board is lowered and pressed lightly until a characteristic click occurs, since Megalock laminate lock located on the end of the panel. Additional recommended processing of laminate locks ISOWAXX impregnation, which penetrates into the locking joint, fills it and reliably protects it from moisture. If necessary, the laminate can be easily dismantled and reassembled.

6. LocTec lock from the manufacturer Witex: connection strength, tensile strength up to 1100 Nm/lm, reliability and durability - these are the main advantages of the LocTec lock. Highlight from Witex - laminate impregnated with locks paraffin for better protection from moisture. The laminate boards are simply inserted into each other at an angle and click into place with a simple downward push. The floor can be used immediately after installation. If necessary, the floor can be disassembled and reassembled several times.

7. LockT-Lock- an exclusive development of the Tarkett company, is one of the best, adopted by many laminate manufacturers. Laminate with lock T-Lock Installed by simply clicking the laminate boards along the long side using a small angle. The floor is obtained without cracks or distortions. If necessary, Tarkett laminate can be dismantled and re-installed ( Tarkett laminate lock works 3-4 times).

Laminate with lock- this is real grace. Judge for yourself - no dirt, no dust, no need to wait for the glue to dry. Lay the laminate and enjoy the floor to your health. Another question, which laminate lock is better. Each manufacturer did their best, offering us not just quick and convenient assembly, but a reliable, durable and very beautiful floor. Choose a laminate depending on your requirements for it. If you have questions regarding the choice of laminate -. Most big choice collections and decors, long and short boards, an ideal solution for the kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom, for restaurants and cafes, hotels and shops. Laminate that meets all your expectations - BerryAlloc.

It seems that today it is impossible to surprise with flooring, and world markets are filled with a wide range of products that you can’t get enough of. That's just in the company Egger they don’t think so, and that’s why she proudly presented new collection laminated floors Flooring Classic 33 class with lamella thickness 8 mm.

That the coming year? IN 2015 year you can buy laminate already familiar decors, but many amazing discoveries await you in the world of laminate. Manufacturers are persistent in the fight for their customers, offering new line laminate- decors, beauty and style, texture, etc.. You don’t want to lag behind fashion trends? We decided to put fashionable laminate in the apartment and don’t know which one to choose 2015 laminate? Naturalness and cool shades are in fashion, Scandinavian style entered ours tightly daily life. However, let's start in order.

Laminate flooring, what is it? Not every person has a clearly formed idea of ​​this modern floor covering. Many people still imagine laminate flooring as a fragile, unreliable second-rate replacement for parquet. However, at this time this opinion cannot be called completely objective.

Laminate is the brainchild of high technology and rapidly flying progress. Modern flooring that has no restrictions on use. This material may become ideal option for finishing a children's room, a crowded airport or even a swimming pool.

Among flooring materials solid board has rightfully gained a reputation as a standard of solidity and respectability. This is due to the unique combination high wear resistance and durability with absolute environmental friendliness and mesmerizing beauty. Increasingly recently, manufacturers have begun to offer products equipped with a special docking system.

The massive interlocking board is extremely easy to install, and almost anyone can handle its installation. No strength, no special skills or tools are needed here. The first experience of replacing a floor covering joint based on the tongue-and-groove principle with a click type lock dates back to 2002. The innovation of the engineers of the German company Parador did not receive the proper response at that time. This is understandable, because at the first stages the product turned out to be quite expensive. However, along with the improvement of technology, solid boards with a lock entered the series, and now it is one of the most popular materials on the flooring market.

The material intended for adhesive installation is much more affordable than locking ones, but cannot be reused after dismantling. They are also less repairable - one damaged lamella is quite difficult, and in many cases almost impossible, to replace. Most often, this damages adjacent coating elements. In addition, laying solid boards using this method with your own hands is quite difficult, and involving specialists in the installation naturally increases the cost of the future floor.

Advantages of a locking connection

  • The array is easier to install. In this case, no time is required for the glue to dry.
  • The locking connection provides a less noticeable, but more reliable connection between the panels.
  • The speed of laying the material increases several times.
  • This floor can be used directly after installation.
  • After joining, the boards form a solid spring plane. It is quite stable and does not creak when walking.
  • If necessary, the finished solid floor can be easily disassembled and re-laid in another room. When dismantling, you just need to lift the board from the side opposite the lock.

The massive locking board is equipped at the ends with special connecting grooves and ridges. The connection mechanisms are quite diverse, however, according to the type of fixation, they are all divided into locks of the “Lock” type and collapsible locks of the “Click” type.

Lock type locking system

Boards equipped with “Lock” type latches are considered a more economical option. This connection is usually considered more economical. The simplicity of the design and reliability of joining have ensured this coating option is quite popular among consumers. This connection option is also called driven-in, based on the characteristics of the floor assembly.

The essence of the latch lock is as follows: there is a groove on one covering board, and a tenon on the other. The last element of such a lock is equipped with a special ridge, which ensures its strong fixation inside the groove. The connection in this way, even without the use of glue, is inseparable. It is performed in a horizontal plane - simply hammer the tenons into the grooves with a wooden or rubber mallet.

In addition to the option of hammering the board into the previous one, you can simply lower the first one onto the second one when snapping the long side into place.

The cost of models with Lock latches is relatively small, but their installation requires a completely flat base. Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the negative impact on the strength of the connection of constant loads. In this case, the elements of the lock constantly perceive a certain friction, which eventually leads to the appearance of cracks in the locks.

It is not possible to repair a lock with a worn tenon and groove. Of course, manufacturers take this point into account and try different ways fight this deficiency.

Click type system

This connection is considered more durable, less prone to cracks and very convenient to install. These locks work as follows: the tongue of the bar is inserted at an angle of 45⁰ into the groove of the previous one and, pushing down and forward, press lightly. The lock latching is accompanied by a characteristic sound. To do this, there is no need for great physical effort or the use of special tools, which is undoubtedly a big plus.

When loaded, the locking system does not experience friction, but is subject to compression force, which, on the contrary, further increases the strength of the connection.

Click system locks are a step forward compared to Lock locks. Almost anyone without any professional skills can lay and disassemble such a floor, and this is done extremely easily and quickly.

It only takes a few hours to disassemble and reassemble the floor in another room.

By the way, disassembly/assembly of such floors can be performed several times during the service life of the board. The elements of these locks, unlike Lock systems, do not break during dismantling. The permissible height difference when laying with a Click-lock is up to 3mm/linear. m

A solid board with high-quality Click-type locks has the effect of a monolithic floor - of course, if it is laid correctly, taking into account the optimal direction of the panels.

The disadvantage of this array is considered to be its high price. However, you should not rush to give such an assessment of the material. First, you need to calculate how much it will cost to lay floors with a different joining system, because in addition to the board itself, you will also have to pay for glue, for the work of craftsmen, and more. No matter how, in the end, the prefabricated system turned out to be more profitable.

Many large manufacturers offer their own patented modifications of locking systems, thereby guaranteeing high quality product.

Recently appeared universal lock“UniClick” type locks like “Click” by turning, or like “Lock” by hammering. It is performed on all four edges of the planks, both end and long.